About Noro KasNoro Kasuri:
Noro Kasuri Female Human Barbarian (Brutal Pugilist, Drunken Brute) 4 CG Medium humanoid (human) Init +2; Senses Perception +9 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +2 Dex) hp 61 (69)(4d12+20) Fort +8 (+10), Ref +3, Will +3 (+5) -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee dagger +9 (1d4+5/19-20) and . . unarmed strike +9 (1d3+6) . . unarmed strike (raging) +11 (1d6+8) . . unarmed strike (raging) +9/+9 (1d6+8/1d6+4) Special Attacks rage (13 rounds/day) -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 20, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 11 Base Atk +4; CMB +9 (+12 grapple); CMD 21 (23 vs. grapple) Feats Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Extra Rage Power Traits bullied, family ties, quain martial artist Skills
Languages Common, Varisian, Tien
character pic:
for info on Lou click here
Noro was your average girl save only one small flaw; she could not correctly say the “s” sound often sounding rather comical. This really would show when she was nervous or anxious. Lou would tease her about it and Noro would respond with a punch to the arm, or gut, or face if she got particularly angry. Noro and her brother, Lou, were complete opposites. Lou was always reserved and followed father’s strict regime of exercise and training; while Noro was more like her mother, wild and impulsive. Her father was constantly scolding her in an attempt to make her more disciplined, but this only drove her emotionally further from her father. She will always love her father and will never willing do anything to bring dishonor to his name; unfortunately she could never really understand how. Noro and Lou studied martial combat with their father since they were old enough to walk. He was adamant in teaching the children the old ways and to fight with honor. Lou managed to grasp much of these concepts, but Noro was another story. She didn't mind learning to fight and stand up for herself she just didn't have the discipline to know when to avoid a fight and not to attack out of emotion and anger. Noro would often accompany her mother into town especially to the market. She always enjoyed this time; it was time away from father’s lecturing and his pointless proverbs. Of course they seldom bought much being a family of limited income but the time together is what she really cared about. It was on one of these outings that things changed; some of the other children in Sandpoint began to tease her about her speech, she tried to ignore them but they would not stop. Noro became infuriated and leapt at one of the boys teasing her. With a swift right hook she broke his nose. This did not go over well with her parents. She could only imagine what her father would say. Noro’s Father was infuriated over the incident and was forced to pay restitution to the family to restore the family honor. Noro was emotionally crushed at the lecture she received from her father. She vowed that she would one day make her father proud and restore her honor in the family. Noro would work hard at her studies attempting to be calm and reserved like her brother. But at every turn there were the other kids tormenting her again, attempting to urge her on in the hope to see her get angry again. Luckily Lou would intervene on many occasions before it would get to far. Lou was always there for her until he found someone new. There was a new girl in his life, Amikeo from the Rusty Dragon. Noro has no idea how or where they met but Lou always had that lovesick puppy dog look whenever she was around. Of course Amikeo never seemed to even notice Lou, a fact that Noro would frequently point out. Perhaps, she was just a bit too old for him? Noro would follow her brother to the Rusty Dragon and spy on him as he would do anything he could to get her attention and fail every time. However once word got around that Lou was pre-occupied Noro was soon again the target of the hazing and bullying. Finally things got to the point where she decided to hell with the training and the “turn the other cheek” attitude. She tracked down her tormentors to the Sandpoint docks and there outside the Feedbag she challenged them. Of course the challenge sounded more like a cartoon than a real threat and it was answered with laughter. The boys decided it was time to teach this “not-so-tough” tomboy a lesson. After the first punch Noro flew into a rage finding inner strength she never knew she had. She managed to pummel two of the three boys nearly to unconsciousness the third ran off. When the fight was over she realized she had a crowd. She was approached by a man asking her if she wanted a job working for him. Noro, not really sure what to do looked around and there among the crowd was her father. Once she saw him he looked to her and there in front on everyone disowned her then he turned and walked away. Noro turned to the man and agreed to work for him. Soon she was fighting for money. Without realizing it she was work for the Sczarni. Noro found herself on more than one occasion in the local garrison jail. She turned to drink and drugs looking for meaning to her life. She finally hit rock bottom when she actually killed a thug on the docks when he commented on her lisp. Noro escaped jail with the help of the Sczarni but she wanted out, she wanted to turn her life around. Noro needed a way out; A Chance to reclaim her life and restore her family name. Until that day she will never call herself a Kasuri. Noro likes to drink, though I would not consider her an alcoholic (no more than a drunken master would be) and she also makes good use of the drug Barbarian Chew; the drug that she was fed when she was forced to fight for the Sczarni. Her only connection to her family is her brother Lou whom she can only see when she visits the Rusty Dragon. Lou has started working there as a cook in the hopes of gaining Amieko’s attention. Noro knows Ameiko but not a close friendship. Noro has even commented to her about her brother’s affection for her. The Rusty Dragon is just about the only places in town she feels welcome anymore.