Valai Blackrune |

"These two are minor healing potions," Valai says, putting the vials in question aside. "This one will grant invisibility -- briefly, and attacking anyone after imbibing it will dispel the effect."
The Elfmaid frowns prettily as she considers the others. "Whoever is best at stealth should have this, I suppose."

Dimral Windstrider |

Dimral shrugs:"that could be useful, but I don't need it for now. Let's keep it safe, we'll figure out who to give it to later. As for the matter of the warlock... bringing the corpse to the guard shouldn't be a problem. He was a wanted man, leaving him here will just give someone else the opportunity to collect the bounty"

Valai Blackrune |

"I have no desire to be seen as some avenging vigilante," Valai says. "It would interfere with our investigation by drawing vengeful attention from the dead man's compatriots. Let's have a majority decision. I vote we leave the corpse for the vermin, or at least for later pick-up by proper guardsmen."

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Im okay either way. I figured since the head of the guard likes me (Diplomacy), I can go talk the them with half the party while the other half waits with the body. Sound good? Or I can just run down there and bring some guards back, off screen. Id honestly just like to get the game rolling.

GM Dak |

Looks like a majority to leave the body then
Germain volunteers to get the guard while the rest of you wait. He comes back a short time later with the Kasadei and a couple other guards. She examines the scene and orders the other guards to remove the body.
She pulls out a coin pouch with 100 gold and sits it on one of the tables "Well done. Personally, I would have prefered him alive to see him thrown behind bars, but I suppose this will do."

Dimral Windstrider |

"We tried. He wasn't amenable. He cast some blasted spell and put 3 of us out of commission. We had very little choice in the matter after that" Dimral explains.
"Whether or not he was a slaver is a moot point now. This trail has dried up. I suppose the only option left is to go to Underbridge and search for these Tower Girls" judging from his tone the gigantic man isn't happy with having so few options.

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"Indeed. He attacked us when we where not expecting it, and we had no choice. But, on the bright side, whatever threat he posed is now ended, and if it would help the local guard to save face, we are not adverse to you claiming credit for that."

GM Dak |

After finishing up with Kasadei Dimral leads the way to your only further lead, following Kasadei's instructions for finding the warehouse in Underbridge. Coming to the building you find a partially collapsed warehouse on the shoreline, in a particularly filthy stretch where tidal currents often cause the filth and refuse of the city to collect in stinking clots along the shore. Although a good portion of the warehouse is collapsed you do find, on the side of the building, a doorway with no doors leading into the warehouse

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Could we get a small refresher on what we where looking for here? Also, no need for spoilers. :)
"I sense no darkness." Stepping a bit further in, but not too far from the party (unless they want to try stealth in which case Ill go a bit further).

GM Dak |

Heading insde to get a better look you find the building has a relatively large open area within, but one corner has a sort of crude shelter made from rowboats and timbers leaning against the warehouse’s frame. The entrance to this hovel consists of a pair of skiffs leaning against each other to create a triangular “arch” from which a moldering remnant of a ship’s sail hangs like a curtain. Sitting next to the entrance is an old sea chest with a broken lid. A sign leans against the front of the chest—“LEEV A GIFT AND WATE OUTSID.” A dented tin platter sits on the ground before the sign.

GM Dak |

After leaving the offering and stepping back to wait a few moments eventually a wretched man, more skin and bone than meat comes out. His flesh is clammy and gray in places, one of his eyes is clouded over with a white film, and his clothing is caked with filth. His breathing is raspy and gurgling and smells of bad meat — he’s plagued by a wet, hacking cough. He looks at the offering in the plate snatches it up and pockets it. Nodding with approval he sits on top of the broken chest "What yew want Fenster ta’do?"

GM Dak |

Fenster picks up on your obvious desire to get information about Natalya "I be needin' some better coin fer such 'portant info." He flashes a toothy grin and shifts his weight so he can kick the plater toward you.
While he waits for you to increase your donation he adds, obviously bragging "Ya know Fenster is the Tower Girls landlord!"
Looking around you see no obvious signs of anyone else having been here for awhile. He continues " I know the Girls been missin' for awhile, but they'll be back... they always come back ta ol' Fenster!" with that he gives Valai the creepiest wink you have ever seen. After a moment he shrugs "There was some trouble I s'pect with one of their members, this Natalya ya mentioned. S'pose that may be why they haven't come back."

Valai Blackrune |

"We are going to need some more information before you see more money," Valai says, her arms crossed. "We're not paying for a pig in a sack; we want to at least know there's pork in there before we hand out the jink."

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"So they have a hit of a, uh, soft spot for you, Mr. Fenster. We think our friend, Nat, is in trouble as well, and we are just trying to help her out. But we need to find her first. And, Im sure that if your girls knew you tried to help us to help her, well Im thinking that might lead to a very special sort of night for you as a reward. . ."
Stopping for a moment, trying to give the man a moment to let the possibilities take root and blossom, "But, if Nat and your girls have been taken, prisoners of whoever is behind the kidnappings for instance, well Im not sure they would be happy if you didnt help save them. I know I wouldnt be. Do you know anything about that? These kidnappings." all the while feeling a bit dirty for having to resort to talk like this.

GM Dak |

Fenster just look at the offering plate at during Valai's protest not seeming to want to budge on getting paid up front. At the mention of the disappearances he puffs up his chest while proudly claiming "Fesnter is good at makin' people disappear if the price is right! I can even make the likes of you disappear if I were paid enough!" he starts chuckiling to himself which quickly breaks out into a series of alarmingly wet coughs finishing with him spitting a solid chunk of plhegm on the ground.

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"I'm sure you can, friend, but why would you want to. We are not your enemies, right? And I don't think you kidnapped anyone, though I'm certain you are very, very good at it. I mean, why would you unless someone paid you a lot, and who is going to do that when they can just hire some drunken idiot in the nearest tavern. Who could afford a professional like you?"

GM Dak |

Fenster deflates a bit and nods "Ya, yer right. It wasn't ol' Fenster but I wish it was! I 'ave seen the one doin' it though. It is the blue dwarfies and I seen them skulkin' about the alleys of the waterfront now and then, though I don't know where they come from or go to and I ain't seen them in the past several days."

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"Blue dwarves? Are we talking paint here? Nevermind. What about Natalya? Can you help us to locate and save her?"
I think I know what they are, and it would make perfect sense, with what we know, but I doubt my character would know, and honestly, I'm not sure if they are a big secret in Golarion like the Drow or not.

Valai Blackrune |

Valai snaps her fingers and mutters a word. Immediately, Fenster's plate starts to fill up with what looks very much like gold dust...!
"Will that suffice?" she asks acidly.
One order of Prestidigitation, to create what is basically gold-coloured dust. If that doesn't work, I'll pay up. ;)

GM Dak |

Will: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (10) - 3 = 7
Fenster eyes the gold dust greedily and takes the platter, putting it inside his hovel. Coming back out he nods "I seen her lurkin' 'bout in a nearby buildin' and she ain't hangin' with the other Girls no more. Fact, she seemed to be doin' her best to stay unobserved"
Fenster grins and continues "Nuthin' in th' Shadow gits by me good peeper!" as he taps the sallow cheek under his non-clouded eye.

GM Dak |

Fenster shrugs to the second question "'Ts not like I sit around wathin' the place all the time."
"As ta the builin'. Head out on the main street 'ere an' go down three blocks. Take a right towards the cliffs and yull find it up agains' the cliff face." Fesnter uses hand gestures that really only confuse his description further, but you feel confident you can locate the building from his directions.

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"Thank you. You know. A man like you could make a lot of money selling information to the Society. If your interested, we could maybe put in a word for you. If we find our friend that is."

Judah Locke |

Judah hadn't been feeling well ever since his short slumber. If you don't let yourself sleep for long enough eventually you kind of stop feeling sleepy. Give yourself a taste of it though, and its all your body wants.
He was having trouble keeping his eyes open now. He had a headache and his neck and back hurt too. He was glad the others had a handle on talking to people because he could barely remember what they were supposed to be doing.
Sorry about the absence folks. Looks like you guys have a great handle on things. Nicely done so far.

GM Dak |

You follow Fensters direction and eventually find the building he described. It appears to be an old, run down boarding house. Its clapboard sides are dark with mildew and marred by scorch marks. In places fire has gutted portions of the roof's moss-covered tile shingles, but the building appears to be structurally intact which is more than can be said by a number of other buildings in Underbridge. The building stands near the stark wall of the Seacleft, and scree from several decades of minor rockfalls has piled up along its southern face. The building’s windows are heavily boarded over to the point you can't even see inside. There are two doors, one on the south and another on the east of the building that you can see.
Map update coming soon. Please place yourself in a marching order of sort on the current map within the red outlined area. The building you are approaching will be to the NE (further away but where the current tavern is on the map)

Dimral Windstrider |

Dimral doesn't utter a single word while the rest of the group interrogates the strange man. He just stays behind them, an intimidating presence ready to unleash itself at minimal provocation
Sorry for not posting much, work has been quite a mess these days

Judah Locke |

Basically I'm staying about 30' in front of the party, being stealthy. When I posted that the map didn't seemed to be updated so I wasn't sure of the exact situation. Suffice to say, I'm out in front trying to be quiet.

GM Dak |

Alright placed you where I thought on the map.
???: 1d20 ⇒ 8
???: 1d20 ⇒ 11
As you all approach the building two men rush out of the western door way.
Yelling the one in the lead says "Hey yous! Get out of here. This ain't no place for you!" The other one rounding the corner seeing Dimral and Germain at the door draws his weapon before also yelling "You're not s'ppose ta be in there!"