
Valai Blackrune's page

228 posts. Alias of Aebliss.

Full Name

Valai Blackrune




Wizard 3; Init +1 (+1 Dex.); Senses Low-light vision; Perception +3; AC 15 (+1 Dex., +4 armour); hp 20; Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4








Nethys, Sivanah


Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Sylvan, Thassilonian, Undercommon, Varisian

Strength 12
Dexterity 13
Constitution 12
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 12
Charisma 10

About Valai Blackrune

N female Elf

Init +1 (+1 Dex.); Senses Low-light vision; Perception +3

11 (+1 Dex.)


Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4

Speed 30 ft.

+2 Cold iron dagger, 1d4, 19-20/x2, 20 ft. P/S
+3 Masterwork silver longsword, 1d8+1, 19-20/x2, P

+2 Light crossbow, 1d8, 19-20/x2, 80 ft. P

12, Dex 13, Con12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 10

Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD +13


Craft wondrous item
Scribe Scroll


Appraise +11 (1 rank, +4 Int., +3 class skill, +1 trait bonus, +2 shard)
Knowledge (arcana) +12 (3 ranks, +4 Int., +3 class skill, +2 shard)
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +10 (1 rank, +4 Int., +3 class skill, +2 shard)
Knowledge (engineering) +11 (2 ranks, +4 Int., +3 class skill, +2 shard)
Knowledge (history) +10 (1 rank, +4 Int., +3 class skill, +2 shard)
Knowledge (nature) +10 (1 rank, +4 Int., +3 class skill, +2 shard)
Knowledge (planes) +10 (1 rank, +4 Int., +3 class skill, +2 shard)
Linguistics +12 (3 ranks, +4 Int., +3 class skill, +2 shard)
Perception +5 (+1 Wis., +2 Keen Senses, +2 shard)
Profession (scribe) +8 (2 ranks, +1 Wis., +3 class skill, +2 shard)
Sense motive +10 (2 ranks, +1 Wis., +3 class skill, +1 trait bonus, +2 shard)
Spellcraft +12 (3 ranks, +4 Int., +3 class skill, +2 shard)
Spellcraft to identify magic items +13 (2 ranks, +4 Int., +3 class skill, +2 racial, +2 shard)


Ruin Raider: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Appraise checks. Additionally, you gain a +4 bonus on Perception checks made to distinguish statue-like creatures (like caryatid columns and gargoyles) from actual sculptures.

Suspicious: You discovered at an early age that someone you trusted, perhaps an older sibling or a parent, had lied to you, and lied often, about something you had taken for granted, leaving you quick to question the claims of others. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks, and Sense Motive is always a class skill for you.



Spells/day: 4 / 3 / 2

Spells prepared:
0 - Acid splash, Detect Magic, Ghost sound, Prestidigitation
1 - Burning hands x2, X

0 - All
1 - Alarm, Burning Hands, Enlarge person, Grease, Mage Armor, Magic missile, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield, Silent Image
2 - Knock, Summon monster II


Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Sylvan, Thassilonian, Undercommon, Varisian


Arcane Bond: Longsword.

Arcane School: Universalist.


Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.

Elven Magic: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition, elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft skill checks made to identify the properties of magic items.

Hand of the Apprentice (Su): You cause your melee weapon to fly from your grasp and strike a foe before instantly returning to you. As a standard action, you can make a single attack using a melee weapon at a range of 30 feet. This attack is treated as a ranged attack with a thrown weapon, except that you add your Intelligence modifier on the attack roll instead of your Dexterity modifier (damage still relies on Strength). This ability cannot be used to perform a combat maneuver. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

Keen Senses: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.

Low-Light Vision: Elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.

Weapon Familiarity: Elves are proficient with longbows (including composite longbows), longswords, rapiers, and shortbows (including composite shortbows), and treat any weapon with the word "elven" in its name as a martial weapon.



Valai is petite and slender, presents a fine example of the classical Elven beauty, and meticulous about her appearance. She arranges her curly auburn hair so it flatters her neck and shoulders. She tends to keep her eyelids lowered, the better to surprise people with her pale amber eyes when she opens them wide. Her skin used to be pale from long hours spent inside, studying old books, but it is starting to show a light golden tan due to her new lifestyle. While she fosters the aspect of a porcelain doll, she is much tougher than she appears -- a fact she carefully hides from those she does not trust.
Valai is downright fussy about her clothing, preferring robes of either white with red embroidery on the hems, or black with silver embroidery. If her possessions or her own person are damaged or dirtied, this tends to negatively affect her mood until she has the time to set things to rights.


The elders would say her temper was at fault, once she was gone from Kyonin. It was a terrible failing in one so young, they would whisper behind their hands. Give her a century or two, and she was sure to come back and properly ask for forgiveness.

Valai was born as one of several daughters in her parents' noble estate. From birth, she was groomed to be the perfect little Elfmaid. Her parents lavished teachers and money on her education, and encouraged her to be perfect in every way. Naturally, because her parents encouraged her to seek perfection, Valai assumed that it was hers to seize -- if she worked hard enough at it.

And so she worked hard; she worked very hard. Weapon drills on the practice court until her bones creaked; hours of study in musty libraries until her brain groaned; countless exercizes in arcane magic; boring lectures on history both within and outside the Elven Kingdom until she feared her head would burst; languages, appreciation of fine arts, she did her best to master everything her noble parents suggested... and then something confusing, no, something baffling happened. Her noble parents started trying to hold her back.

"You mustn't become too mannish," her noble mother said, and took away her sword tutor.
"You mustn't focus too much on magic," her noble father said, and took away her magic tutor.

Valai tried to understand it. Her parents had encouraged her to be the perfect Elf, yet now they took away her tutors and insisted she focus on different, more ladylike areas of study. She concluded, with some hesitation, that this must be a test. They had set a barrier up in front of her, and now it was up to Valai to vault over it! So she persevered in her studies, now all on her own and without the guidance and encouragement of her teachers. She persevered, and she was well-pleased with her progress. Perfection was still within her grasp! Yes, she persevered.

Until that day.
The day that changed everything.

Her noble parents called her into the relic chamber, and there, with the paintings of all their noble ancestors gazing down at them, berated Valai for ignoring their orders and endangering her prospects. Bewildered, Valai asked what prospects these were, and her parents said that of course, she had to think of her prospects for marriage. Was this not what they had been preparing her for? She was to be beautiful and well-groomed, intelligent without being so intellectual that she would threaten her husband's ego, fit but not so strong that she would outshine her husband, knowledgeable in many subjects so she could hold a discussion at parties hosted by her husband, but not so knowledgeable that she would... and so on and so forth.

"But what of my striving for perfection?!" Valai exclaimed, furious.
Her parents were scornful; the thought that a silly little girl like her could achieve anything close to perfection was ludicrous. Her duty was to be married to bring her family prosperity, have many children and conform. Tomorrow, they told her, she would take up cooking and embroidery training. They had spoken, and she would obey.

Except when the servants came to wake Valai the next morning, they found a bed unslept in and a one-word note on her pillow. Written there in beautiful Elven calligraphy was the word: 'Never.'

Valai travelled from Kyonin all the way to Varisia. She seethes with resentment, ambition and pride; she believes she can do anything she puts her mind to, anything at all, and she will gain great prestige one way or another. Unriddling the secrets of ancient Thassilon seems like as good a place as any to start...



2 gp
9 sp

Cold iron dagger
Crossbow bolt (10)
Ioun torch
Light crossbow
Masterwork silver longsword (bond item)
Potion of cure light wounds x 2
Rations (4 days)
Rope (silk, 50 ft.)
Scroll of Feather fall
Spell component pouch

Shard of Pride:

You may now cast major image as a spell-like ability once per day.
+2 insight bonus on saves v. illusion spells
+2 bonus on all skill checks