GM Choon |

Sandpoint. The pleasant little town that was the favorite last stop for several traders before Riddleport. Through small and lonely on the lost coast, Sandpoint rarely suffered any of the hardships faced by the smaller settlements in other areas. It was young, by most standards. Not even a half-century had passed since its founding, but it had gathered a reputation as the place to get class.
That seemed to change one night five years ago.
The wife of one of the nobles in town was found dead, her body smashed on the rocky shore at he bottom of the cliff their home overlooked. A murderer went mad and slew twenty-five of the town's people, including the previous sheriff, before he was found to be a simple woodcarver named Stoot. The final blow was the conflagration that claimed the resident priest, his daughter, and the church before it was put out. The Late Unpleasantness it was called. As one of the more gruff residents said, it was a polite way of saying the town may have been cursed.
That was five years ago, during a long, cold, and gloomy winter. Today was the day of the Swallowtail Festival. Brilliant streamers create a riotous canopy of color above and the smells of cooks preparing treats and meals for today that fill the air. Children play, parents laugh, couples embrace, and guests are greeted like old friends that live only a few minutes down the street. Even Sheriff Hemlock seems ready to let a smile lighten his face.
This was not just any Swallowtail Festival either. It is not everyday that a new cathedral to not one, but six of the gods was dedicated, and dignitaries came from Magnimar, Korvosa, and even Absolom if the rumors about a Pathfinder attending were true. Representatives of the faiths of Abadar, Desna, Erastil, Gozreh, Sarenrae, Shelyn, and a few others mill about the market square. The inns are packed and tents crowd anywhere there's room. Passionate dances and powerful music awe the crowds as playful hints earn the ire of wife and husband alike. The air is cool, though it lacks the crispness of the coming autumn. The sun is bright overhead, and the sky is a deep, brilliant blue unmarred by clouds nor rain.
The Swallowtail Festival begins promptly, as scheduled, on the Autumnal Equinox. The square before the church quickly becomes crowded as locals and travelers arrive, and several merchant tents featuring food, clothes, local crafts, and souvenirs are there to meet them.

Satinder Coric |

Waking up in the bed of the inn from the previous night, Satinder starts to slowly roll himself out of the bed, letting his legs hang over the side. Stretching his arms with a yawn, he stands up, stretching the rest of his body. Getting himself dressed, he leaves the room and walks down the stairs into the opening of The Rusty Dragon, hoping to find a spot to sit. Finally sitting down, he gets the attention of a bar maid, ordering himself something to eat. Finishing his meal, he returns up to his room, grabbing some of his gear, he gets himself ready to head out. 'So the Swallowtail Festival... It seems like I haven't been here in what feels like a long time. I suppose I'll just bring the small sword. There shouldn't be any trouble, but it never hurts to be prepared. Who knows, maybe I can find some of the local guard, see if they need some help. After all, I did come up here to do just that...' he thinks to himself, finally leaving the inn to explore the festivities.

Liliana Tesseran |

Sitting in her lavishly decorated room, Liliana sits there, lost in her thoughts of silence. Preparing herself for the day, she finally decides to get up and dress herself, going through her choices of wardrobe. Finally making a decision, she puts on one of her usual outfits of a black cuirass with it's yellow markings and her black skirt, and works on making herself presentable. 'Oh joys, the Swallowtail Festival. Always a good time of year, even if the tribute is not exactly towards my Favored Sting. Maybe this time I may actually convince that priest to actually put a shrine to her in that temple. I know I am certainly not the only one here who follows The Book of Joy in this town, despite how hush hush some of these locals like to act. They like to act innocent, but I know where their desires lie. Oh well I suppose. Who knows, maybe this year's festivities will actually prove fruitful, unlike the the last few years.' Grabbing her whips and wrapping them around her waist as a belt and her shield on the way out of her door, she walks down to the ground of the Pixie's Kitten. Noticing some of the other girls, already with some patrons, she mutters to herself and walks out the door as she places her shield on her back.

Theodric de Luera |

Finally peeling himself out of the bed, Theodric finds his pants on the floor, slowly putting them on as he feels the creaks in his body from the night before take their hold. Looking over his shoulder, seeing the girl passed out in the bed he just left, simply shrugs his shoulders. 'Oh well I guess. At least it was a fun night, I'll say that for sure.' Picking up his pace as grabs the rest of his things, he grabs the rest of his gear. Looking at the floor, he notices a blouse laying on it and picks it up, gently tossing it to the girl on the bed. "Hey, uh, Kay... Val... uh, yeah. You may wanna wake up, I'm walking out the door. I'll see you later maybe? I'll be at the festival if you want to find me." Not even bothering to look if she woke up, he walks out of the door, and heads to the room across the hall. Playing with the handle, he finally opens it up, walking straight in. Not even paying attention, he opens his mouth. "Hey, Mela, you about ready? I'm ready to get my grub on, last night wore me out a little..."

Melathiel Aeraloth |

Gently waking up, Melathiel lays for a moment before getting up. Getting herself dressed, she sits back on the bed, pulling out her spell book. Cracking it open, she begins to slowly read each page, her mouth moving silently as she looks over all she has written, taking in each word and note. Taking a quick break, she glances over to the window. "I have to say, this is quite a nice day for a festival. I have heard word of this occasion for some time now. Perhaps this one will be just as joyful as some of the others I've been to in my life." Looking back at her book, she sighs a little. "Hopefully, one day, I won't have to..." Catching herself mid sentence, she stops and looks up. "Damn that Theodric! His short words and combined phrases are starting to rub off on my speech! Some times I wonder why I continue to let that little boy follow me..." Picking up her book once more, she continues to study the pages once again. However, she gets caught unaware as the man burst into the room. "MR. DE LUERA! How many times must I tell you? You cannot just barge into my room! I do deserve my privacy I will have you know..." Closing her book and packing it into her bag, picking it up, she slings it over her shoulder. "And yes Mr. de Luera, I would be inclined to believe your late night rendezvous with that girl would leave you famished. You do remember her name, I would hope. We can certainly attest that you cannot properly say mine."

Theodric de Luera |

"Seriously Ms Ae-ra-loth pronouncing her name with slight mocking pauses it's not like you have anything that I haven't seen before. Although I certainly wouldn't mind if you wanted to open up a little..." he chuckles as he helps her pick up some of her belongings. [b]"And I remember her name. It was, uh... Tes... Bri..."[/me]

Melathiel Aeraloth |

Melathiel glares at him. "Her name is Alyssa. I have not a single idea of how you get by in life at times. Now come, let us go enjoy today. Providing the fact, of course, that you do not make a disgusting display of yourself." she retorts to him, pushing her bi-focals up on her face and walks out the door.

Nakayama Hiriko |

Walking down the path, Nakayama approaches the mirror into Sandpoint. Looking over the hill, she looks down on to the town, noticing the crowd of people of what seems to be the town square. She looks back down in the mirror, readjusting the cloth hood on her head as she takes some time to read the phrase on the side, still learning the language that she isn't used to. Staying quiet, she silently thinks to herself. 'See myself as they see myself? An odd phrase. I wonder how they would see me then. I suppose I can see what this gathering is about, but I do not think I will be here long.' She readjusts the pack on her back and continues to walk forward, making her way into the town.

GM Choon |

A festive mood permeates the town and especially in the square in front of the new cathedral. It seems like every vendor, fruit cart, peddler, and pick pocket in the region was here today. The air is filled with delicious smells and music floats from every corner as traveling musicians duel for tips.
What do you do before the opening at sunset?

Satinder Coric |

Walking through the town, Satinder makes his way through the town as he explores the sights and sounds. It had certainly been some time since he had been to this festival, at least not since a few years after his youngest sister had been born. Thinking to himself of what he wanted to do, it almost seemed as if there was so much to do that he wouldn't be able to do it all. He thought about trying to find an archery contest, maybe something that he could test his skills with blades, or maybe just find something that he could have a good laugh with. The food choices as well, oh the food he could stuff himself silly with. It was only just a matter deciding what he would have first. Walking around the different vendors and taking a gander, he started to become lost in the event. One that he hadn't experienced since being a young child, until something shook him out of nostalgia. Looking over his shoulder trying to figure out what hit him, he realized it was actually him that ran into the woman. "Oh, I am so sorry miss. Please forgive me, I didn't see you there..."

Nakayama Hiriko |

Walking into the town, Hiriko begins to notice all of the different goings and happenings of her surroundings. Seeing all of the different colors, so bright and festive, she looks down at her kikko. "I have let myself become too covered in filth. I need to wash this off, it feels like such a vile disgrace. It is unbecoming of myself. Perhaps I shall do this later tonight, after the festival and I can find an inn to stay in." Slowly taking her time, she looks at the vendors, noticing the different styles which were so very different than that of her homeland. She began to wonder if she'd find something here in this land that could remind her of home, something that she could tie herself to, even if for just a moment. Maybe one of these days she figured, maybe one day she'd be able to find something. Stopping for just a moment, she closed her eyes and gathered her thoughts. Sighing briefly, she lifted her head back up and opened her eyes, but before she could move back forward, she was already being stopped in her tracks. Taken aback for just the moment, she looked at what hit her. This thin, towering blonde haired man, who felt like wasn't much older than she was, if he was indeed. Hearing his words, she put on a smile and looked back up at him with a raised brow. "If one ask forgiveness, perhaps one should watch before asking?"

Satinder Coric |

Looking at the smaller woman, he felt like she was so tiny. "No wonder I hit the poor girl, she's so much smaller than me. I could've even tripped over her, which would have..." Hearing her speak though he could instantly tell that she wasn't from Varisia, maybe not even side of the world. Hell, he could even figure that maybe she came from the same place that the Longiku family had originally came from. "Umm... Yes, you're right. I should have been paying attention. It's just that I haven't been here since I was a child. It's easy to get lost in something like this, at least for me that is. Forgive me for asking, but you aren't from around here, am I right?" Trying his best to give a warm smile without looking embarrassed, he looked down at the fairer skinned woman who's black hair seemed to be a tangled, but folded up mess. "I wonder if she's a warrior back where she came from, that doesn't seem like regular armor. At least not for me, but that blade..."

Nakayama Hiriko |

Hiriko continues to look up at the skinny, but towering giant in front of her as he speaks. "I do relate to feeling of this. Childhood does feel as if long ago. I will forgive you for both requests. Correct, you are that I do not belong of here. It is all new to me, things I see here I do not see back home." She takes a moment to look over the man, and see if he looks as if he maybe someone to be wary of. Seeing the expression on his face, she feels that he maybe someone that she could walk with, even if only for today. "You know of this place? Has much changed since you were a child? Perhaps you walk this town with me? I know little of your culture, I would like to learn. Your repayment for your lack of awareness, yes?"

Satinder Coric |

Feeling a little bit of shock, Satinder pauses for a moment before responding. "Uh, yes. I've been here a few times in my life. I know some of the people here, but I'm not close with them. I mainly know them through my brother and my sister. They do more up here on a more regular basis than myself. So really, this is my first time up here on my own. But I wouldn't mind having you at my side." He immediately catches himself in what he said, feeling a little embarrassed and awkward, quickly trying to catch his words. "I mean walking with you, I would be fine, having you walk with me, I mean show you around the town. Hopefully I can be more aware this time, I don't want to let you get run over by accident like I almost did. So yes, let's take a walk. I'll show you around for hitting you by accident." he says, finishing with a light chuckle. "I'm Satinder, by the way. Satinder Coric. It's nice to meet you, miss..."

Nakayama Hiriko |

Chuckling a little bit at the man's apparent shyness, Hiriko motions her hand forward. "Worry not Satinder-san. I am only a woman. Do not feel need to be so shy. Nakayama Hiriko is honorable woman. Now, please, lead me through this town?"

Theodric de Luera |

Stretching his arms out behind his head, Theodric struts through the town, feeling the effects of the night prior wear off as nothing but a smile is left on his face. Looking around, he begins to take in the sight of the festival, noticing the different musicians play, a mix of crowded noises and the music creating an interesting atmosphere. Bringing his arms back down, resting a hand on his side, he keeps wandering eyes, taking everything in. "Aight then Ms. Aeraloth, where are we off to? Take in the smell of the food, drool over it's deliciousness, and enjoy every bit? Or maybe pick up some trinkets to make yourself look oh so fancy? Maybe even live a little on the crazy side and find some strapping young lad to share a dance or two with, eh?" he chuckles, gently nudging her with his elbow. "Who knows, you two may have something in common... Like books. Oh soooo exciting, that's certainly a great date idea..." he says with a slight groan of repressiveness.

Melathiel Aeraloth |

Walking along the man with a sarcastically minded tongue, Melathiel rolls her eyes at his comments. She casually ignores them as she herself takes in the sights and sounds of the Swallowtail Festival. She had been to and seen many festivals in her lifetime, so it was no shock to her that this one was no different from any other. However, it did have it's little differences that helped make it more unique than others. The smells of the different foods did seem give off an interesting mix in themselves, as if each scent tried to combat it's own flavor against those that opposed it. "Honestly Mr. de Luera, I have more pressing desires that I crave, unlike the desires that you so willing show off to any woman who seems to have a level of self worth that matches yours. I would rather spend my nights over an exciting tome than sleaze myself around the town like some of your partners. Besides, if it were not for the tomes of the past, how could we ever move forward? Especially in the favor of the arcane arts?"

Theodric de Luera |

Immediately lowering his shoulders, Theodric sighs once he hears her mention the term 'arcane'. Tilting his head back and dropping his arms down, he groans lazily. "Yeah yeah yeah, the arcane arts are something fascinating and mystical, such a mystery are the arcane arts that a devotion to their ways is something to desire. Seriously Mela, I can't even keep track of how many times you've told me that line. It's almost like you spend every morning rehearsing that scroll just so you can read it off to whoever questions your love for your fancy spells. I honestly don't know how you do it."

Melathiel Aeraloth |

Reacting instantly to his tone, Melathiel slaps the front of his stomach with the back of her hand. "Honestly Mr. de Luera, I have not the slightest idea of where you get such disdain from the arcane. I realize that not everyone has such a desire that I myself have, but it is almost as if you have an entirely different view on the subject. Maybe if you were to take a break from swinging that over sized blade so harshly, then maybe you could possibly begin to see the possibility that the arcane arts could assist you in. You may actually be shocked."

Theodric de Luera |

Weakly chuckling, Theodric shakes his head. "Yeah, sure. Magic could probably help me out. Maybe. But it's not my deal. My deal is that I swing my sword. Besides, wasn't that the agreement? I follow you and swing my 'over sized' blade at anything that threatens your path? I get your devotion, I really do. It's great that you have a passion, but you should really try not to be so pushy about it. And if maybe you took a break, then you could see that there's more to life than just magic. I don't know why you distance yourself so much from living a life. Yeah, sure, you're a lot older than I am, but there's still plenty more for you to see, I'm sure of it." Looking around, trying to get his focus else where for the time being, his eyes wander from vendor to vendor, sight to sight. Smiling, his tone seems to shift almost immediately. "Besides, there's no harshness about my blade. It's size and weight have it's own unique approach. It's an artwork in itself. A work of art with such a grace that is quite certainly one to be admired..."

Melathiel Aeraloth |

Hearing the sudden shift of his tone, Melathiel just hangs her head, her and coming up as her fingers wrap around to her temples. Sighing aloud, she just only mutters to herself, knowing the exact reason for his shift in tone. "Why is it that he just can not control himself? It is almost as if every time we do not partake in a contract, he just has to acquire another conquest of some defenseless girl?"

Liliana Tesseran |

Leaving the Kitten, Liliana begins to walk more towards the center of town, taking herself away from the docks. Noticing some of the men at the docks look at her with noticeable grins of intent and a few calls towards her, she just flashes them a coy smile and walks away, giving a slight wave of her fingers as she puts the men behind her. Keeping a smile on her face, her inner thoughts prove quite the opposite. "I can not seriously understand how Ms. Kaye can tolerate some of our younger girls do business with some of those rats. We are women of taste and talent, not some bunch of whores who dive at the first bastard who walks through the door. I can not wait until I have enough to properly have a place to properly worship and respect my goddess..." Making her way up the streets, she occasionally stops and has a short and brief conversation with some of the vendors, still making sure that she can keep an engaging conversation with each one she speaks with. While she knows that don't respect or have a liking for her, she does take comfort that there are those who still accept her. Taking a seat for a moment, she leans herself back slightly, crossing her legs as she readjusts her skirt from the shift caused by her movements. Looking back up, she notices that she's earned someone's attention, watching the man approach her.

Theodric de Luera |

Making his way to the brunette beauty that caught his eye, Theodric walks up to her with a high chest and a sly smile across his face. "Excuse me miss, may I take a seat next to you? I wouldn't want to interrupt the day with the lucky man who has the pleasure of calling you his." he says sitting down, keeping contact with her eyes. "Man, I've only been in town for two days now. Where the in the abyss has this gorgeous woman been? Worse yet, how have I noticed her before?"

Liliana Tesseran |

Smiling at the man sitting down next to her, she moves her shoulder forward a bit, turning her head while her hands move to her knees. Looking back at him, she listens to his line, knowing that she's heard much better, especially with the off putting comment about belonging to someone. "I suppose that you could have a seat next to me. After all, it is not like there is a lucky man that I can call my own who be sitting at my side. If there were, would you not think my beauty and talents could keep him away from me for long?" she says, looking over the man as she displays interest in him, despite her intent to gauge him. "Beaten armor, a full pack at his side, and quite the over compensating blade. Not exactly the best kept hair, and hands as rough looking as wood. Even if I were to be interested in business with him, I doubt he would have the coin to even provide me a decent meal. At least the clients I do take on can provide me with a decent meal before conducting business..."

Theodric de Luera |

Theodric chuckles warmly, his gaze fixed on her eyes, despite noticing how her eyes shift up and down, obviously looking him over. "My apologies then. Although I fail to see how a woman of your beauty wouldn't bring any man to his knees, I can appreciate that what ever talents you possess would demand a man worthy enough to receive them. I must admit though, you have me curious as to what those talents would entail..." he says coyly, shifting himself to prop himself on hand while leaning forward a slight bit to show his attentiveness towards her, trying to show interest into the words she says, trying to find out what lies behind them.

Liliana Tesseran |

Resisting the urge to groan at his words, Liliana continues to entertain the man's obvious intentions. Taking a quick notice of her surroundings, she keeps a hand on her knee, her other hand reaching over to his free hand as she gently places hers on it. "I must say good sir, you flatter me with such kind words. I have done no such thing to deserve such admiration nor such intent interest of my talents. I will have you know that I am a woman of many talents..." she says, smiling with an innocent smile, looking back into his gaze. "As flattering as you are, I would not dare disturb you from the woman who calls you her own..." she says, gently biting her lip while shifting her eyes upwards, looking towards the elven woman approaching.

Melathiel Aeraloth |

Approaching Theodric and the woman he sits next to, Melathiel notices the placement of the woman's hand on his. Sighing in displeasure, she speaks up. "I am terribly sorry to disturb the two of you, but if I could inquire with Mr. de Luera about a few prior engagements we had discussed. Would you mind introducing your new friend to me however Mr. de Luera? I would hate to be even more rude in this instance." She stands there waiting, trying not to come off as impatient, despite her obvious disdain for the situation.

Theodric de Luera |

Being caught off guard by Melathiel's approach, he quickly turns towards her, his hand on his thigh, feeling the woman's hand stay in contact with his. Quickly looking between the two women, he clears his throat. "Umm, yes. I'm sorry, where are my manners. May I introduce to you Ms. Melathiel Aeraloth, student of the arcane arts. Her and I share a mutual business arrangement, although I seem to have forgotten about some parts of our discussion from earlier. Would you please excuse me for a moment Ms..." he asks with some feeling of uneasiness.

Liliana Tesseran |

Liliana looks up to the elven woman with a sweet smile before responding. "Liliana. It is a pleasure to meet you Ms. Aeraloth. I had not the slightest clue you were a business man Mr. de Luera. You must tell me what line of work you and Ms. Aeraloth conduct together." Leaning in towards his ear opposite of the elf, she pulls his hand to the inside of her thigh under the slit of her skirt, feeling his fingers glide against her skin as she brings them up to the dagger she has strapped to her thigh. "Do not get me wrong, I am sure you can do quite fine with women of lower standards. I, however am not one of those such women, as I possess talents that would bring your knees to my will anytime I desired. Your knees however shall not bend to my will nor my desire, as you should feel flattered I even entertained your excruciatingly painful attempt to obtain me as some harlot. What bothers me the most is that you attempt to obtain me as some harlot right in front of the woman in your life, business or romantic. I do hope that the 'warm touch of my soft flesh' reminds you of this the next time you do try to claim some harlot as your next conquest..." she finishes whispering to him, pulling back with the same sweet smile she had moments ago. Releasing his hand, she stands up and gently bows towards the other woman. "Perhaps that may be a conversation for another time however. I don't want to keep Mr. de Luera away from you Ms. Aeraloth if you two have business to discuss. I understand the complexities that entails." she finishes saying as she gently waves, turning around to walk away letting a face of disgust take over her face for a moment as she once again resumes the sly smile that danced across her lips earlier.

Melathiel Aeraloth |

Raising a brow at the woman as she walks off, Melathiel replies back in kind. "I appreciate the gesture Ms. Liliana. I certainly do hope that you enjoy the rest of this festival!" Turning her attention back towards Theodric, she notices his face turn a little more pale than it usually is. Raising her brow yet once again at the man, she waits til the other woman is a bit further away. "I must say, Ms. Liliana is most certainly one of the more, classier, women you have ever attempted to pursue. A better sight to see than the usual girls I see you lust after. I quite assuredly have to admit that. Hopefully her gracefulness and beauty did not leave you feeling out of mind?"

Theodric de Luera |

Swallowing the amount of saliva that had built up in his mouth, Theodric's eyes remained wide as he felt some color leave his face. "What kind of woman does she think she is? Lead me on in such a way only to insult me? And what kind of sadist keeps a dagger strapped to her friggin thigh? That woman is absolute out of her damned head!" Coming to just slightly as he hears Melathiel speaking, he just slowly nods his head as he gets up. "Uh... Yeah... Her, uh, beauty has me slightly, umm... Distracted, yeah..."

Melathiel Aeraloth |

Curiosity starting to become her, Melathiel just brushes the thought off her mind and puts it past her. "Oh well just keep yourself together. I am sure that you will see her once again, and then you can be captivated all over once more. Now, let us enjoy the festival. That is what you wanted to do, am I correct? Live life as you put so put it?"

GM Choon |

In the square, the cadence of chants and the melodies of hymns ring out as the sun climbs higher. A stage is ready for some of the town's more respected citizens to speak.
For those interested in the games, they involve a check, a save, or an attack. Winning nets nothing but bragging rights for the day, However, the food is free and the drinks plentiful, with juices, ales, wines, whiskeys, and other liquors in abundance.
A gnome with violet hair sits on a a seat above a tank of water. His skin is green and he cackles madly while giving a commentary of the attempts. Hitting a small target ten feet away will dunk the goblin, if you hit it hard enough.
Roll a ranged touch attack against the target (AC 10) followed by a damage roll (1d2). If you roll a nat 1, roll a d4:
1-hits the gnome for nonlethal damage equal to the damage roll
2-The ball is high, low or short, your choice.
3-the ball sails harmlessly off to the side.
4-The ball slips out of your hand as you go to throw it.
On your damage roll, a one fails to trigger the dunk. A 2 is a success!
A black kite whizzes through the air as a couple of Tien children pilot it. A muscled man, Daverien Hosk, eggs the comers on, spinning a yarn of how he almost had the beast.
Roll a ranged attack versus the Kite (AC 17). A miss gives you a hardy laugh and a better luck next time from the stable owner. A hit gets you a clap on the back and a chorus of cheers.
A row of delicious looking pies, and a tent filled with some very sick looking people stand behind Jargie Quinn, owner of the Hagfish. He calls for those with cast-iron stomachs and steely nerves to brave this challenge.
To win, all you have to do is eat more pies than the previous winner. That, however, is harder than it seems. The pies look delicious, but they were made with water from Nora's Tank in the hagfish. The slimy, putrid liquid makes eating one pie difficult, requiring a Fort Save for each one (DC 15+1 per previous pie eaten) The current score to beat is 3 pies.
The Two Knights brewery is sampling some of their finer brews, but for those that love their ale, there's the drinking contest shortly before noon.
There are a stack of mugs on a table, and several eager men from just out of boyhood to well beyond plain-old-fartdom. The winner is the one who drinks the most. Last one standing wins a few bottles of fine whiskey, and one helluva hang-over. Each drink after three requires a Fort save (DC 12+1 per drink over three.[Your fourth one has a DC of 12, the fifth 13, and so on.]) The current leader is belching off the effects of his ninth mug
A log floats in the river with a group of lumberjacks, mill-workers, and farm-hands gathered around, the log is soaking wet. Two men roll it, trying to get the other to fall into the river.
Give me an Acrobatics check. A Nat 1 lands you in the river. Your opponents have Acrobatics modifiers of +6
[spoiler=Hide and Seek!]
A charming group of children run throughout the square, playing hide and seek. After a while, some of them manage to get you in on the shenanigans.
Roll a d2, 1 means you're hiding, 2 means you're seeking. There can't be more than one seeker, so if someone's seeking, you're hiding. Those hiding need to provide a stealth check, those seeking need to provide a perception or survival check.

GM Choon |

Only a sliver of morning is left when thunder echoes through the square. Father Zantus waits form the murmur of conversation to die down before speaking. After a short introduction, Mayor Deverin gives a warm welcome to those in attendance. After her brief speech, Sheriff Hemlock calls for a moment of silence for those lost to the Chopper, and the last priest and his daughter who perished in the fire that claimed the previous church. Cyrdak Drokkus livens things up with a few jokes and well-wishes before Father Zantus once again takes the stage.
"Long ago, Desna fell to Golarion and was nursed back to health by a blind girl. In return for the great service she did the Starsong, she was turned into an immortal butterfly and made one of her heralds. It is on this day we celebrate that event, and so, as Desna freed the blind girl from her bonds, so do we too free these."
A covered wagon that had been rolled into the square earlier is uncovered, releasing a riot of color and fluttering wings as thousands of swallowtail butterflies mill about in a complex dance. Children watched in awe before chasing them in hopes of getting just on to light on their fingers and hands. The smell of food and the rumble of bellies signals the noon hour and many people line up for the meals that the local taverns provide. The longest by far is the one in front of Ameiko's stall, as her curried salmon seems to be a town favorite.

Satinder Coric |

Walking through the streets of the town, taking everything in, Satinder tries his best to help his new found friend navigate the place and learn a little bit of the area. "So, what is it that brings you out here Ms Hiriko? Where did you come from?"

Nakayama Hiriko |

Following the tall man leading her around, Hiriko chuckles at his question. "You speak wrong Coric-san. Your names very different than mine. In Minkai, clan name is first. Nakayama is my clan, my family. Hiriko is what those close call me. Please, call me Nakayama-san. Do not be offended. My story is too long for one day. Today is a festival, no? Let us be festive!" she says in response.

Satinder Coric |

Walking forward, Satinder forms a slightly confused look on his face, then quickly disregards it. "I'm quite sorry if I offended you with that Nakayama-san. That certainly wasn't my intention. And yes, let us go be festive!"

Melathiel Aeraloth |

Walking further along, Melathiel continues on with her compatriot through the town. "You know, I have been to a fair amount of festivals in my life time, but I must say. This one does seem to have its own unique flair to it. I actually do like it, truth be told."

Theodric de Luera |

Chuckling, Theodric responds back to her, getting the thought of a dagger in his groin out of his head. "Yeah, this one certainly seems different than a few others we've seen. Though I have to say, there's really not a whole lot that is different. I mean, you remember that last one we found ourselves in? Oh man, now that was a festival..."

Melathiel Aeraloth |

Quickly forming a look of shock upon her face, Melathiel turns towards Theodric. "Are you serious? You mean to say that... that... grotesque display of... I most certainly do not know how that 'festival' differentiated itself from the common mass amount of carnal desires. Walking out of my room to find you on the floor of the tavern below wearing absolutely nothing but the hair of that woman whose face was still on your stomach... That is certainly a sight I most definitely wish to never see once again." she retorts with a tone of disgust and disdain.

Theodric de Luera |

Laughing hard, Theodric tries to retain his composure, looking back on the experience. "I wasn't completely in the bare, I did have my boots on still. Although I can't remember why they were the only things on me, I did have them on..." he finishes up, trying to catch his breath from the amount of laughter. "Come on, let's go get a bite to eat and something to drink. It's free today, remember?"

GM Choon |

A sharp retort, like the crack of distant thunder, slices through the excited crowd as the sun's setting rays paint the western sky. A stray dog that has crawled under a n earby wagon to sleep starts awake, and the buzz of two dozen conversations quickly hushes as all heads turn toward the central podium, where a beaming Father Zantus has taken the stage. He clears his throat, takes a breath to speak, and suddenly a woman's scream slices through the air. A few moments later, another scream rises, then another. Beyond them, a sudden surge of strange new voices rises high-pitched, tittering shrieks that sound not quite human. The crowd parts and something low to the ground races by, giggling with disturbing glee as the stray dog gives a pained yelp and then collapses with a gurgle, its throat cut open from ear to ear. As blood pools around its head, the raucous sound of a strange song begins, chanted from shrill, scratchy voices. The crowd quickly parts, getting out of the way a shape racing low to the ground. A dog under a nearby wagon growls, then yelps before falling over and lying dead in a slowly cooling pool of blood.
Goblins chew and Goblins bite
Goblins cut and Goblins fight
Stab the dog and cut the horse
Goblins eat and take by force!
Goblins race and goblins jump
Goblins slash and goblins bump
Burn the skin and mash the head
Goblins here and you be dead!
Chase the baby, catch the pup
Bonk the head to shut it up
Bones be cracked and flesh be stewed
We be Goblins! You be food!
You see the unmistakable shape of a goblin racing along the ground.
Before anyone can get a real good look at what just happened. Goblins burst from the shadows!
Welcome to your first Init! I'll place the map up at the top of the page when its ready.
goblin init: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Nakayama Hiriko |

Initiative: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (20) + 0 = 20