GM Captain Trips |
At this point I'm not sure which of you has the harrow deck, so I'm going to adlib that part a little.
Nodding to Silvio, the woman replies, "There is much foulness in the air, hanging like a smothering blanket on the spirits of those in Korvosa. Strange days have turned even stranger, and the queen's actions trouble me greatly."
Smiling across the table at the paladin, the ghostly image says, "The gods work in strange and mysterious ways. It would seem that my work is not yet complete, and the Boneyard is not yet ready to accept me into the beyond."
Spreading her hands out before her, Zellara calls to her ancient harrow deck, which lifts itself from Silvio's pocket and floats across the room to settle on the table in front of her. Removing the cards she picks out a single card - The Paladin, placing it on the table, and then fans them out in front of her, spread across the surface of the table in an arc. Concentrating for a moment she holds her hands over the cards, feeling their energy and aura. One by one, she pulls four cards away from the arc to rest in front of her. Once there, she settles the cards into the shape of a cross, with The Paladin in the center of the cross.
Turning the first card, she reveals The Tangled Briar. "Your past, as we know, has been challenging, and you've overcome much to make it this far. Some have been lost along the way, but you've made it through adversity to stand here today. This is your past." the image of the woman says calmly. Revealing the second card, The Sickness, she says "Something terrible is at work, deep within the city. It spreads to all corners of Korvosa, sinking into the bones of those who dwell here. This can also mean madness, which may be at play as well. This is the present." Turning the final card, Zellara reveals the The Rashshasa, "Things are not what they seem. What you know is false, and the future will prove to be misleading. Beware what you think you know. This is your future."
Pulling the cards into the deck, she places them back on the table and looks at each of you in turn. "I do not know what the future holds for each of you, but it looks grim indeed. Be strong, stand firm in your beliefs, and help our city. It is in dire need of heroes such as yourselves. I will be watching..." she says, as she slowly fades from view, leaving only the harrow deck on the table.
At this point we are ready to push forward when you are.
Each of you gains 1 hero point.
Silvio Errico |
Silvio addresses Zellara as she fades away. "Thank you mistress Zellara, for your guidance and for sheltering Trinia in your home. Please continue to watch over us and this city."
Silvio takes the Harrow deck and hands it to Staryth. "Well, the Paladin was at the center of the cross, so I think you should keep it. I wonder what all the rest of it means? The sickness - it's hard to get clearer than that. Some sort of illness has been spreading. Maybe it's rooted in a deep evil. As for the Rakshasa - what is it that we could be deceived about? The queen? Blackjack?"
Krojun-Speaks-With-Thunder |
Krojun sucks in a breath when the ghostly varisian woman appears to deliver her portent. He remains silent as she arrays the cards to guide them once more.
”The Sickness might be more literal. The plague that the girl was afflicted with – perhaps it’s more tied to the danger than we understood. I believe it that might be worth looking into.”
I’m otherwise at a loss to where the plot wants us to head.
GM Captain Trips |
For the sake of keeping things moving, and finally getting our fourth player involved, I'm going to push the scene forward. If you have anything you want to add prior to the meeting with Vencarlo Orisini, please feel free to retcon it.
The small group makes their way through the city streets after leaving the fortune teller's home, their ward disguised as best as possible in some of the woman's more heavy clothing, heading towards their meeting with Orisini. The academy is located at 16 Hillcrest Street, near the center of Old Korvosa. A sign hanging from the front door reads, “Classes Cancelled Today.” A few moments after the you arrive, a serious-looking Vencarlo appears and ushers you inside. The swordsman thanks you for responding to his cryptic note and leads you down a hall and into a study, the windows of which are tightly shuttered and curtained. He explains in hushed tones that he has an important task for you, one that becomes obvious when Vencarlo calls another guest into the room, the look-alike Trinia Sabor, who quickly has a seat. He then asks you to be seated. He remains standing as he says, "You were all at the Queen’s debacle, so I don’t doubt you recognize this charming young woman." he states as he motions to the other Trinia, seated in the chair at the far end of the room. "I had only just reached my home the night of Her Majesty’s morbid gala when that rogue Blackjack and this startled woman arrived at my doorstep. The people’s hero and I have had some dealings in the past, but still, it’s been some years since I’ve seen the scoundrel. He was quick with his words, and soon swooped off, doubtlessly to right some other festering wrong, but not before entrusting this woman into my protection and care."
"Although I don’t know Blackjack’s motives or politics, I trust his judgment and have seen much right done by his blade. He told me that this woman was a scapegoat for another, and was to be executed in her place." With that he gives a bow to the real Trina, who up until this point has been standing very quietly to the back of the group. "He says the girl is innocent of the crime she’s been accused of, and informed me that the real Miss Sabor was also innocent and in hiding, and I’m more disposed to trust a hero of the city than the tantrums of some bloody-minded harlot playing at queen. He somehow knew you had secreted the real Trinia away, and that you had her safe for the time being." He takes a glass from the table and drains it, clearing his throat. “The matter is simple: Korvosa is no longer safe for Miss Sabor or the woman put in a position to take her place at the chopping block. I’ve arranged for friends in Harse, a couple of well respected ranchers, to take in our beautiful renegade and her twin until this whole ‘assassination’ foolishness blows over. Its the first leg of the journey where we find our problem, though. Both the Korvosan Guard and the Sable Company have been searching for the young lady tirelessly, they’ve stopped by here three times so far, and each time I’ve only just barely been able to turn them away without inviting a search. My most reliable contacts have gone to ground in light of the recent uprisings, and Her Highness’s considerable bounty for Trinia’s capture makes the use of new agents inadvisable. Thus, after some time to let her trail cool, I turned to you resourceful lot." The man calls out and another enters the room, this time a man, wearing normal looking garb and a cloak, with several scroll cases and a satchel at his belt. "This is an acquaintance of mine, Lucius, and I feel he might be of some assistance in this small task I'd ask of you. From what Cressida tells me, he could sell sand to a Kelishite, and his talents may come in handy on the road."
He pauses for a moment before asking, "So gentlemen, care to escort a couple of ladies home?”
Staryth |
Staryth listened intently to the ghost's card reading. The glimpse of the paladin card made him quite somber, but it was the mention of sickness and madness that most concerned him.
Pulling the cards into the deck, she places them back on the table and looks at each of you in turn. "I do not know what the future holds for each of you, but it looks grim indeed. Be strong, stand firm in your beliefs, and help our city. It is in dire need of heroes such as yourselves. I will be watching..." she says, as she slowly fades from view, leaving only the harrow deck on the table.
"Be well, madame, and thank you," Staryth says as she fades.
Silvio takes the Harrow deck and hands it to Staryth. "Well, the Paladin was at the center of the cross, so I think you should keep it. I wonder what all the rest of it means? The sickness - it's hard to get clearer than that. Some sort of illness has been spreading. Maybe it's rooted in a deep evil. As for the Rakshasa - what is it that we could be deceived about? The queen? Blackjack?
"I believe the phrase is 'no pressure'," Staryth gives a weak and worried smile.
”The Sickness might be more literal. The plague that the girl was afflicted with – perhaps it’s more tied to the danger than we understood. I believe it that might be worth looking into.”
"If madness and illness are intertwined ...then it maybe there is an evil pushing it, goddess help us, promoting it. That would change everything. Plagues spread in certain ways, but naturally, in horrible but more predictable ways. If someone wishes to use it as a weapon somehow, that changes everything."
In the study
The view of the other Trina surprises him.
He pauses for a moment before asking, "So gentlemen, care to escort a couple of ladies home?”
"First..." He looks to the other twin, "I am glad you were saved. What should we call you?"
Silvio Errico |
Silvio has his suspicions that Vencarlo is concealing something when it comes to Blackjack. Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Regardless, he attends to the matter at hand. "M'lady," says Silvio to the Trinia look-alike, "perhaps you shouldn't even tell us your name. Better to choose a new name to conceal your identity. The same goes for you, Trinia. Perhaps you can claim to be sisters from Harse."
He then greets the strange man who entered. "Lucius, a pleasure to meet you. If Marshal Kroft sent you, then we have more allies than we realized. Still, I was hoping there was a foolproof plan for escaping. The streets are swarming with men, and the gates are all well guarded."
Krojun-Speaks-With-Thunder |
Meeting Trinia's would-be stand in, Krojun smiles and bows. "It pleases me to see such a beauty spared the queen's misplaced wrath", he says in a bass rumble.
"We would happy to see these two to safety in Harse. I trust the place is far enough and small enough that they won't be recognized?"
when the newcomer is introduced Krojun bows again but with a degree less charm. "So Cressida sends a trickster to join our number. No doubt your talents will be a great boon in this game of faces we've become tangled in."
Lucius Cassius |
From what Cressida tells me, he could sell sand to a Kelishite
"Technically I sold him the hourglass. The sand inside was free. I wouldn't call myself a trickster. Just a people person. I mean with a moneymaker like this, it's easy. I'd personally be glad to take these ladies home with me, but that's probably not what you meant." Lucius says flashing a smile.
GM Captain Trips |
At Staryth's question, Orisini raises a finger and says, "Unfortunately, some magic has been worked on the lass, and she is unable to speak. At this time I have no idea of how long this condition will plague her, but it appears it was the doing of the queen or one of her lackeys. She also seems to have trouble with even the simplest of tasks, so my coin is on some sort of enchantment to lower her, faculties." he finishes, tapping the temple of his head as an indicator. Noddding to the Shoanti man he adds, "I believe it is far enough from the reach of the queen for safety, and it would be unthinkable for her guards to look in that great of a distance for Miss Sabor."
"I have horses ready for the two lovely ladies, and proper disguises that should help conceal their true identities." After a few minutes of discussion and the introduction of Lucius to the other members of the party, Orisini says, "I feel a subtle egress from the city would work best and draw the least attention. With the recent events near North Bridge, might I suggest a slow walk through the city down to High Bridge and then up to Dwarfwalk Road, mingling with the afternoon’s merchants leaving the city. As long as you can avoid any close scrutiny you should be able to pass as normal travelers and leave the city without notice."
Silvio Errico |
What time of day is it now? Do we leave now, or wait a day?
"While I sure hope I'm wrong, we should assume it won't be as simple as just walking out of here. I'll go scout the gate ahead, to see what kind of search the guards are performing. If there's trouble, I bet Lucius here could prepare a diversion."
Lucius Cassius |
"Prepare? Please. I'll just do what I'm good at.. Being smooth." Lucius says with a wink at the ladies.
Staryth |
"Enspelled?" Staryth approaches the poor woman, and takes a moment to detect evil upon her, "Forgive me, do you think they could track her by that same spell??"
While he doesn't look at Lucius while he's concentrating on the girl, he does speak, "And forgive me, sir. I didn't mean to ignore you. I'm Staryth, thank you for your aid."
Detect Evil
Silvio Errico |
Silvio peeks outside the shuttered windows at the remaining daylight. "It's late afternoon already, but we might just be able to make it out. Ladies, lets try out some new fashions, shall we?"
GM Captain Trips |
Working together, the party works on the disguises of the two lovely women. In no time they have both of them looking like a pair of unremarkable commoners, likely in town for a bit of shopping. Thanking the group for their aid, the fencer watches as the six depart, making their way south from the Academy towards the series of bridges that separate Old Korvosa from North Point. Several times they pass guards on patrol, but no one gives them as much as a second glance.
As they pass through North Point they come to the Grand Square, mixing in even further with the merchants and shoppers as they make their way east, towards the North Bridge and out of the city. Strangely, the crowds seem less today, and the traffic much lighter than usual. Passing the grand Bank of Abadar the group sees a massive line of commoners stretching from the street beyond to the very steps of the giant cathedral. People raise their hands in protest as they are turned away from the temple doors. All is not well with the church it would seem.
Concentrating on the task at hand, the party continues east and begins crossing the long North Bridge. Guards posted every fifty paces or so give the crowd a wary eye as they scan for signs of the sought after fugitives. Just as you are nearing the end of the bridge, a pair of guards steps forward, each holding a well-made halberd in hand. "Hold! By order of her majesty the Queen, state your business today in the city and your destination."
Lucius Cassius |
"Just on a routine shopping trip sirs, buying some groceries and knick knacks. Now that it's over, we're just on our way out of the city. Now if you please."
Bluff: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17
Silvio Errico |
Silvio is a little worried about Lucius's approach. You forgot to mention our destination! He didn't want the guards to hold it against them.
"Yes, sir, we're headed back to . . ." he sees if he can recall the name of an appropriate town that's in the right direction, but is NOT Harse. Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19.
He sure hopes the name he comes up with is good. Bluff: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
Staryth |
Staryth looks positively pained at the sight of the line at the grand bank. It is not his religion, but he suspects it has something to do with how many they will and can treat. Is the plague growing? And I leave the city just when a hospitalar is most needed? Goddess, I hope I'm doing the right thing in helping these two while risking so many others.
When time comes to bluff, he wisely keeps his mouth shut.
GM Captain Trips |
Looking over the group, the guard backs up a step and nods, "On your way then, keep moving." and returns to his post with his partner. Barely a second glance is given in your direction as you continue across the bridge, finally making your way to the other side and the exit from the city. You travel down the road for a short while as the sun sets, and once the last rays of light pass across the horizon Trinia turns to you, a smile on her face. "We made it! I was worried there for a moment, but you managed to get us out of there." She wheels her horse around and faces the party, taking the reins of the second horse in her hand as she does so. "We will be able to make our way from here. We have a contact to meet and a place to stay for the evening. I want to thank each of you again for everything you've done for me, and for believing in me when you had no reason to."
As she turns to face the road again she calls out over her shoulder, "Hopefully I will be able to repay the favor one day." and she leads the horses into a gallop, disappearing into the night.
Posted the full scene to help keep things moving, but feel free to comment or question before her departure as you'd like.
Where are you all planning to go from here?
Silvio Errico |
"'Tis an honor to serve you. Stay safe, m'lady. When justice comes to the true killer of the king, we'll be glad to see you return."
Silvio watches Trinia and her look-alike ride off into the sunset. He then turns to the group.
"So, shall we head back into town? Let's find another gate that might serve our purposes. There's still trouble in town - not the least of which is the disease which we've encountered. What about you, Cassius? I know Cressida sent you to help us, but now you've seen us through. Are we to go our separate ways, then?"
Lucius Cassius |
"Dinner then, when this is all over." Lucius smirks as the pair of blondes ride off.
"Yea, I mean you guys don't need my help anymore right?" He shrugs.
Krojun-Speaks-With-Thunder |
With the girls on their way and safe, Krojun turns back toward the city.
"We could use a man with your kinds of talents”, the big man says when Lucius starts to make his exit. ”And Kroft thought your worthy to help us with getting the girls out of the city. Perhaps you could stick around a bit longer. I’ve found during my time in the city that sometimes a silver tongue is more effective than a blade for getting things done in Korvosoa.”
GM Captain Trips |
@Staryth - Mostly shrines at best. The main temples reside within the city limits, mostly for protection. Churches typically mean wealth, and wealth attracts unsavory types.
Going to assume that for now the party is traveling with Lucius (yay), and heading back into town. I'm not sure where you all typically stay, but for the sake of my sanity I will operate under the impression that you find an inn for the night.
Looking to avoid attention in crossing back across North Bridge, the party elects to travel south along the coast and enter the city from the East Shore gates. Once there, its no trouble finding a respectable inn to lie low for the night, before making their way back into the city proper across High Bridge.
The night passes without event and the group has breakfast at the inn before setting out. As they make their way into the city one thing is obvious, something is definitely wrong with the general population. Normally busy streets are almost vacant, and there is a certain amount of tension in the air. Hacking and coughing can occasionally be heard erupting from someone passing by as the party makes their way across High Bridge, towards the Gold Markets.
Several options for you all at this time. If you need a push, let me know.
Silvio Errico |
"This is strange. Nobody is on the streets!". Silvio hails the nearest person he finds passing by. "What's going on today? Why is everyone off the streets?"
-Posted with Wayfinder
GM Captain Trips |
Grabbing the nearest person, Silvo looks to question the citizen. The woman looks up at him, sweat beading on her forehead and several sores showing along her scalp, "Sorry sir, most have gone to the healers. Problem is, they's turning away those who cannot pay. I've heard those that aren't sick are keeping to themselves, staying inside." The woman erupts into a fit of coughing before continuing, "This place isn't safe. I hear some are packing up and planning to leave."
Krojun-Speaks-With-Thunder |
Krojun nods in agreement with Lucius’s assessment. ”You’re only one man. The whole city suffers in the grip of this sickness. There’s no way you can treat them all but you can help in another way.”
”Something is spreading this disease. Being near the afflicted isn’t enough otherwise we would all be sick by now. We have to track it to its source or the city will never recover.”
”Let’s start at the Bank of Abadar. Spirits willing, our contact there might have some useful information.”
Silvio Errico |
"That explains the line in front of the temple of Abadar. We should go see our priest friend and see if he has learned anything."
-Posted with Wayfinder
GM Captain Trips |
Moving on to said temple!
The party makes its way through the streets of Korvosa, heading from the far southern end of the city towards the north, where the temple of Abadar stands. All during their trek through the city they see the obvious plight of its citizens, many who appear to be avoiding contact with others and some who move about listlessly, slowly making their way to their destination as they cough and wheeze.
Towering over the surrounding buildings, the Grand Vault of Abadar offers a vision of divine luxuriance amid a sea of mortal troubles. Radiant, as its grey-veined white marble reflects the midday sun, there’s little question that this place is the house of a god. Yet, for a deity of law, the steep stairs and ramps leading up to the temple’s great bronze doors offer a strangely discordant scene. Dozens of citizens—mostly of the working class, although the silks of a few merchants show through the crowd—throng the entry, scarcely being held back by a group of gold-armored Abadarian clerics. All seem intent on gaining entry to the temple, but the clerics turn away nearly all comers. The clerics’ reasoning becomes clear as one desperate believer is turned away, his pitiful countenance mottled with violent red sores.
As you arrive, you witness the temple guards turning away all comers who show signs of illness. Others who have less urgent business in the temple fight through the disease-ridden crowd and undergo the guards’ brief questioning as to their purpose, twin gauntlets few healthy visitors dare to run. While the crowd remains relatively orderly in its pleading, the temple’s protectors and a few Korvosan Guards gathered nearby eye the situation with unease.
Silvio Errico |
"This is a bad situation. Come on, let's see if we can get in this temple." Silvio leads the way through the crowd to approach the guards.
GM Captain Trips |
Sorry for the delay this morning. I was away from the office and unable to post!
Krojun begins to make his way through the unwashed masses surrounding the group, clearing a path for those behind him as he carefully pushes his way past the gathered commoners. Most move out of the way of the massive man willingly, not wanting to get between the Shoanti and whatever is goal is. Suddenly, as the party is moving forward, a hand grabs on to Staryth's arm, pulling and exclaiming, "Please sir, my wife is sick! Please help her! Your divine powers are needed here!" The mob suddenly becomes aware of the presence of the paladin, his symbol of Shelyn proudly displayed, and they begin to gather around him, arms and hands brushing against him, tugging and pulling. In a matter of seconds he is almost completely engulfed and surrounded, cut off from the group and slowly drowning in a massive press of bodies crying out for healing.
Staryth |
In a lower tone, he says to his allies, "The rest of you go forward, they are drawn on me and this is your chance. I a while."
Then he raises his voice for the crowd, "They are needed," He doesn't deny it, even as he finds himself swarmed and swamped,"But I am an imperfect vessel, limited in how much divine power I can contain, and while I wish it were otherwise, I am not powerful enough to simply cure your loved ones. In that, I am as helpless as you However with the aid of other clergy and healers, we might get closer to finding a true cure for you and your loved ones. Please, let me through, let me talk to these clerics, and who knows, knowledge may succeed where magic enough cannot be found." Staryth says gently.
"I will not lie to you, for you see for yourselves a dire truth. Plague is among us, but we must not let our fear and despair control us. Collect your courage, gather your faith, and hold on with resolve. Panic and madness will only spread what you hope to vanquish. I beg of you, let me pass so I can try, unworthy though I am to seek it, to find a miracle to save our city," The paladin says, "And as I walk, I will touch each of you upon the brow and pray that the goddess aid you. I am no cleric, I have no spell that wipes away the plague, but I will pray with you. I will pray for you. And I ask that you pray for my friends, and all good priests who seek now to restore you. Have courage, have faith, and hold onto hope."
to the first person with him, he puts a hand on the fellow's shoulder, "Shelyn be with you in these trying times, may health be restored to you and your family, and may the cure be found." If allowed, he moves down the line, touching another's shoulder after that, "Love, Hope and Health to you and your family, maybe it all be so soon."
Another squalid man with pustiles who know one wants to touch finds the paladin putting a hand on his chest over his heart, "May we find the cure so you might be spared. The goddess loves you and your anguish is her own."
And he will make his way towards the temple if they'll let him.
Diplomacy1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
If I could pop a hero point for a bonus to calming the crowd down, that'd be nice. I can't see Staryth not feeling for each and everyone of the poor scared bastards
Lucius Cassius |
"It was nice meeting you Staryth. Your sacrifice will be remembered." Lucius says before continuing on to the temple.