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Flavor-wise, I would guess Des started hitting the bottle after dying and being brought back, then having his AC swallowed and bringing him back might have put him over the edge. Drink helps keep the nightmares away. A tad bit cliche, I know...

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It's ok, we'll bring him back into the light.

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Baz, I hadn't even thought of that! I guess it is cliché, but I guess it's cliché for a reason.
Wow, my browser automatically puts the accent on the 'e' in cliché. Neat.

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@Varg. You can count me among the jock/gamer crowd as well. The jock part got shelved pretty hard after a knee injury though. Also born and raised in Pittsburgh. Huge Penguins fan, kind of fell out of football though after Tomlin took over. I am not liking the direction he took the team.

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Luisila thinks back to to the time Desmond went missing for a spell during a bodyguard mission in Tian Xia.
I had to check to make sure what you were talking about. There was also the time that Desmond disappeared with Dora D Asplora - nothing illicit happened, but apparently the whole rest of the party thought something did. :-)

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HAHAHA, I totally forgot about that. That was one of the greatest things ever. One of my favorite Shan moments.

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So Des's life is turning into the stereotypical bad country-western song.
Omrax picks up a guitar and tries to emulate one of Luisila's songs...may need some help
"♪♫♪♫Our caravan wheel was busted...
Then rain made my sword all rusted...
Got accused of making out with a halflin...
Watched my poor dog got swallowed by a dragonkin...
All since I got brutally killed by a ghost...
Hey Varg I was just thinkin...don't you think it's time for another toast?" ♪♫♪♫

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Oh, thank-you for reminding me, Des! I wrote this a while ago and forgot all about it.
Can you guys tell I like the musical Oklahoma! I read something that said there’s about 300 amateur and professional shows of it put on every year in the US alone. So that’s an average of almost one performance every night! Somewhere …
Pitt Burglar Productions with apologies to Rodgers & Hammerstein proudly present the musical … INNNNNdiana!
Starring Desmond as the Cowman and Dora as the Farmer …
♪♫ Oh, the Dora and the Desmond are just friends.
Oh, the Dora and the Desmond are just friends.
One of them likes to kill for lewtz.
The other likes to ride her Boots.
But I am quite sure, they are just frieeeends! ♪♫
♪♫ Society folk should stick together
Pathfinder folk should all be pals!
Dora dance with Sahrek’s master,
Desmond dance with Boots’s gal. ♪♫

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So, one of my wife's birthday presents to me is to let me play in the local PFS game on Saturday - well, then she's having a girls night that night, so it's more of a trade-off. We're doing "Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread." - Which is an awesome name for a scenario.
Since all my characters are in PbPs, I'm going to play a pre-gen. I've played the Merisiel, Amiri and Harsk. I'm thinking of trying out Seoni or Kyra.
The description doesn't mention any faction stories - if there's anyone here that's played it - are factions not a factor for this scenario?

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I don't remember any faction elements. Those are both pretty good pregens. The samurai can be fun too.

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He comes with a mount, right? That could be cool. Decisions, decisions.

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Happy birthday, Des.
I’ve only played the 4th level Kyra pre-gen. She was solid but nothing flashy. Healer/support type role as you’d expect. She came with a fully charged CLW wand, which the other party members appreciated and soon drained.

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The big day is the 31st (tomorrow in the states, but I guess it's already the 31st in Australia). Gonna be a dorky night of having friends over and playing Munchkin.
Then a bigger party on Sunday while we watch the Bowl that is Super.

GM Burglar |

Honestly, depending on how you guys handle this; we might wrap and I can expedite chronicles. I'll stay awake when I get home if I see any big push.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Wrap today?

GM Burglar |

Wrap up this scenario. Needless to say, depending on what you do here, we may be near the end. But the opposite is just as likely.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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☤ Proposed Resource Management ☤
Goal: Have everyone fit for the final fight.
☤ Exit the South Gate after Blackfist at 6am. Assumed first fatigue point happens 6 hours later, at noon. 6 hours have elapsed
Around this time, Luisila does the following for the party members:
Omrax – receives prepared Lesser Restoration
Luisila - receives prepared Lesser Restoration
Baz - receives ScrollEdition Lesser Restoration
Cleaver - receives ScrollEdition Lesser Restoration
Desmond - receives ScrollEdition Lesser Restoration
Yushua - receives ScrollEdition Lesser Restoration
Chelsea – FATIGUED :(
☤ 24 hours later, at noon on the second day after leaving the Disaren village, we have reached the “auction settlement” and the next “Fatigue Point.” 30 hours have elapsed
☤ Luisila has had another re-fresh spells point and prays for Lesser Restoration for all of her second level spells.
Around this time, Luisila does the following for the party members:
Chelsea – receives 2x prepared Lesser Restoration AND is now fine!
Omrax – receives prepared Lesser Restoration
Luisila - receives prepared Lesser Restoration
Baz – takes a dose of Allnight
Cleaver - takes a dose of Allnight
Desmond - takes a dose of Allnight
Yushua - takes a dose of Allnight
Conclusion: For the next 8 hours at least, we are ALL fine!
I have used all my second level spell slots except my Domain spell.
As always, feel free to disagree/propose an alternative course of action. Goes without saying, this is also subject to GM approval.

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Sounds good to me!

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Hey bud! You still being wined and dined? /Totally not jealous

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Agreed. Thanks for figuring all that out, Luisila.

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Hey bud! You still being wined and dined? /Totally not jealous
That's next weekend :)
Next Wednesday I'm heading back to LaPorte just to split up the drive and then Thursday night starts the Wisconsin grad school extravaganza, extending through Saturday. If I hear back from them quick enough I'm going to cancel my Ohio State wining and dining though. Wisconsin's program is so much better.

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Hey everyone! I'm about to head on the road within the hour! I should be able to watch the game via my phone but I'm not sure if I'll have much free time to update except perhaps right before I go to bed. I will be back to my regular posting late Saturday night or Sunday morning. If you need to bot me in the next couple days Yushua's attacks are all worked out in his profile (in dice format for easy copy-pasting) and feel free to use bane if he knows what we are fighting. Thanks!

GM Burglar |

Today is my live S&S game, so there should be little activity on my end until tomorrow. I'll be sure to never crit, too, as per standard tactics, do ho ho.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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It's a known law of the universe that as soon as you get keen or Improved Critical (especially with an 18-20 weapon), you will immediately cease to roll anything above a 14.

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*Plugging my ears with my fingers* "La la la. Desmond's going to prove that rule wrong with Dingo! La la la..."

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Hmm … I’ve been giving some thought to the whole keen property versus the Improved Critical feat for my crit-focussed falchion fighter.
keen is nice for a +1 falchion/dingo/scimitar/elven curve blade/nodachi, and I could probably afford it by 5th level at the latest.
BUT the Improved Critical feat would apply to every falchion she wields and the synergy with an Oil of Bless Weapon to auto-confirm crits seems very good.
The big drawback with the feat is you have to wait until 8th level to get it – which would be two-thirds of the way through her Pathfinder career.
Any thoughts on keen versus Improved Critical? Neb, if you’re out there, I’d be interested in your views as well.

GM Burglar |

If you can spare the feat, Improved Critical is far better. The most simple example is "There's no feat that'll get you come step closer to breaking a new DR type AND doing more damage (via straight bonus) or even do HALF of '2d6 divine energy damage and breaking all DR/good versus any real enemy in PFS'." Only before you have that BAB requirement should Keen ever really be considered, IMO.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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See, I was planning on putting Keen onto Dingo, but just because I can't really afford the feat with Desmond. If I were a fighter, yeah I'd take the feat over spending the money for the bonus.
If only the BAB requirement was 7 instead of 8...then I'd finagle it.

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BUT the Improved Critical feat would apply to every falchion she wields and the synergy with an Oil of Bless Weapon to auto-confirm crits seems very good.
I don't think oil of bless weapon auto confirms anything that has an expanded crit range, whether via keen or improved critical.
Ok, back to interviews and wining and dining.

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The enemy does have to be evil though.
Please have a glass of unwooded chardonnay for me, Endless!
School transmutation; Level paladin 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range touch
Target weapon touched
Duration 1 min./level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
This transmutation makes a weapon strike true against evil foes. The weapon is treated as having a +1 enhancement bonus for the purpose of bypassing the DR of evil creatures or striking evil incorporeal creatures (though the spell doesn't grant an actual enhancement bonus). The weapon also becomes good-aligned, which means it can bypass the DR of certain creatures. (This effect overrides and suppresses any other alignment the weapon might have.) Individual arrows or bolts can be transmuted, but affected projectile weapons (such as bows) don't confer the benefit to the projectiles they shoot.
In addition, all critical hit rolls against evil foes are automatically successful, so every threat is a critical hit. This last effect does not apply to any weapon that already has a magical effect related to critical hits, such as a keen weapon or a vorpal sword.

GM Burglar |

It would work with Improved Critical (since its not a magic effect) but would not automatically crit with a keen weapon. +1 to Imp Crit pro column.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Endless, did you know your GM avatar has evolved?
So does that means the Charles Darwin one (I always assumed it was Chuck) is extinct?

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I always thought it was Walter Huston's character from Treasure of the Sierra Madre.

EndlessForms |

I can't believe it took so long for me to realize there was a dinosaur pic. Interviews/wining and dining went well but I am exhausted. Should hear back this week but I think the interviews were more of a formality so I'm feeling pretty confident about my chances. They've got one of the top genetics programs in the country and Madison is a great town so I'm excited to hear back and make it official. Made it back to LaPorte today, then finishing the drive to Bloomington tomorrow morning. I got caught in a snowstorm around Chicago today. Luckily I've got a truck. Phew, I need some sleep though.

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Get some sleep. I'm glad all the schmoozing and boozing went well and you have a good feeling about things.

GM Burglar |

I play Jade Regent with a TWF Wakizashi user. Plenty of 15-20 crits there, but I would consider buying an atonement or just repenting harder, just in case your weird race actually IS offending the sun goddess, do ho ho.
Additionally, These Season 1 goons. 18 health doesn't seem like it should be enough for a 5-6 enemy in this low of quantities.

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These Season 1 goons. 18 health doesn't seem like it should be enough for a 5-6 enemy in this low of quantities.
I dunno. Personally I’m totally OK with it …
Tektite, ‘gratz on Star #3! Is that 60 tables? What’s the break-down on pbp to f2f?

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So that's 50ish pbp tables in what, about 14 months or so?
That's an average of nearly one a week. Stellar!

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I feel honored to have been a part of your #60, Baz.

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I feel honored to have been part of #5,12,13,16,19,33,36,42 and 60. :-)