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Pentos! Qadira!
EF's inquisitor here! Just in case we don't have enough competing religions, a die-hard Sarenite is coming along.
For those of you who have not played with Yushua yet: it's harder to pull off via PbP but Yushua is deeply ashamed of being a dhampir so he keeps everything but his eyes covered so that he looks human. I'll have my standard in-character healing explanation later.

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Actually just realized that Baz moved to lvl 5 with To Have's chronicle. I applied a Gameday chronicle to him, but since those haven't been reported it didn't show up in his sessions.
Anyway, I never downloaded the chronicle for To Have's, can I get the link again, please?

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Enjoy my super-long introduction. Copy-pasted most of your contract over, Burglar. Burgling the Burglar. I should have gone through it a little more carefully to make sure it made sense after changing a few minor things to make it less Amira-specific but I was losing momentum by the time I got that far. I think everyone gets the concept. DON'T HEAL ME! You'll hurt me if you try!

GM Burglar |

Getting more specific paperwork and alterations of the document from Amira isn't difficult, pending ones distaste for the Abadaran systems. Though Contract 22357 is literally only referring to her and anyone under her command, so that section might need snipped off.
That said, its 11:00 and I should be sleeping to get up for work in 6 hours (not that I ever get good sleep). Just blame Toshi for not removing the unneeded parts. Friggin' interns.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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That said, its 11:00 and I should be sleeping to get up for work in 6 hours (not that I ever get good sleep). Just blame Toshi for not removing the unneeded parts. Friggin' interns.
Yep, 10:00 for me now but that's what I meant by losing momentum. I'll write up a new one of these days and keep them on hand with everyone's PFS number as the contract number.

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Thanks Burglar. I did end up purchasing a +1 Gold-plated Scimitar, flames etched on the blade. I think I would like to cough up the 50 gp for a Contiual Flame from Luisila, if she's willing. Got to come up with a name. Sarenrae's Razor????

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Yushua already called "Redemption" for his blade. What about:
Holy Fire?
Golden Fire?
Cleansing Fire?
Sarenrae's Wrath?
Sarenrae's Flame?
The Dread of the Dawnflower?
I'm sure there are better ones out there. I think Baz and Yushua will make quite the pair.

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Also: two scimitar-wielding Sarenites in Taldor of all places!

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I think I would like to cough up the 50 gp for a Contiual Flame from Luisila, if she's willing.
Of course! But we'll have had down time between adventures, right?
Surely, I can cast it for you for free. Just like a Lesser Restoration or healing spell, yeah?
Just don't tell High Priestess Dyrianna of House Avenstar that I gave you something for nothing.
EDIT: Oh, I see. Of course I'll cast it for you, Baz.

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There are spell components worth 50 gp, I think that's what he meant. He buys the components and you cast it for him.

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Got to come up with a name. Sarenrae's Razor????
Frodo’s blade was called Sting right? What about calling yours Savored Sting? What?
OK, it’s tough for Tieflings and Dhampir’s on the surface, right? And here we have twin-scimitar wielders. You’ve got no choice but to call the blade Drizzt, yeah?
Jeez, tough crowd!
More seriously now. Did you ever play/hear of the Classic 1E Module White Plume Mountain. There was a “blackblade” in there called Blackrazor. Maybe Goldrazor??

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"The simplest solution is to shove this in its guts." Cool!
Goldrazor sounds like a Bond villain.

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"Gooooolld - razor! He's the man with the golden blade..."
I need to think of something creative for Desmond's falchion. Yeah, I know he's already got a greatsword, but I'm thinking of moving to using the falchion primarily. Make it keen and get the Improved Critical feat or whatever it is. Long day today and I'm too lazy to look it up.
So, yeah. You get Desmond for one more adventure.
And, I just finished Game of Thrones (the book). Holy crap. I'm so mad that I haven't read it before. Not sure if I want to go right in to the next one, or take a breather with Joe Hill's NOS4A2.
And I realize that I'm late to the party, but that youtube video of Tyrion slapping Joffrey for 10 minutes set to Zeppelin's "Achilles' Last Stand" is hilarious.

GM Burglar |

I've seen three "Redemption"s now, so a fourth would clearly be cliché. And for Continual Flame, this scenario takes place in Taldor, starts in Absalom, and was written before the Tapestry. You'll have PLENTY of time to cast something without losing any spells for the adventure.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Named my falchion 'Dingo'. Couldn't think of anything else. Also, Desmond's sheet is updated.

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Dingo is awesome.
Yeah, Redemption is kinda cliche but I actually didn't give it that name (and I had never heard it from anyone else until after I had gone with it). After Yushua offered someone a chance at redemption they refused and Yushua promptly killed them. Someone else made the in-character comment of something like, "So that's what you call Redemption?" He turned to them and said, "My foes always meet Redemption one way or another."
Trotter refers to his pistol as "Pea Shooter" after he had a misfire during the first combat and the inquisitor made fun of his 'pea shooter'. The next combat Trotter rolled a critical and took the bad guy out in one shot. He just turned to the inquisitor and said, "Pea Shooter, indeed!" *blows smoke from barrel*

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Continuing on the GoT topic, you can go at your own pace. Martin is at a book-per-6-years at this point so it will not be too hard for you to catch up. You only really have to worry about people spoiling things for you.

GM Burglar |

Yeah, Desmond doesn't like Aram Zey.
Then I've done my job.
Named Weapons
Now that I think about it, I don't think I have a single named weapon character. I mean, I've got some weird weapons on one character (+1 Cold-Iron Statue of Ragathiel with Continual Flame to Hurl via Rage Powers at Runelords,) but nobody that named their blades.

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It stems from one of the earlier scenarios I played in RL. I don't remember what happened, but I got kind of pissed at the GM - and he was playing as Aram Zey. I was playing with Desmond, obviously. Linnea doesn't care one way or the other about him and I don't think my other characters really care either. But ever since that first time, Desmond just cannot stand him.
It's fun. Although, I hope Des hasn't gone too far with the mother comment.

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You're supposed to hate Aram Zey, he's an ass. If you hate him, the GM has done a good job.

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I need to read up on the different personalities in the Society. I think there's stuff in the Field Guide, isn't there?

GM Burglar |

Now, Seeker of Secrets (the predecessor to the Field Guide and Grandfather to the Society Primer) has stuff about a LOT of VC's, but take the suggestion with a grain of salt. A lot of it is outdated and unused, and much of it is unknown to DMs who just give personalities to VCs* (that are sometimes better than the actual material.)
On that note, I still love that book (despite the fact it houses one of the few items I would deem "overpowered" (I'm looking at you, Clear Spindle Ioun Stone)) and it's useless cast, like Sir Laribold Croome and Kaigon the Miscreant.
*Which is totally legitimate, BTW. I did it with Mr. Heidmarch, but really only because I segued Fortress of the Nail into the one Echoes of Everwar in Thistledown, and I have Mr. Heidmarch speak with a Sean Connery accent and "Gnomish Town of Thisledown" is really fun to say in a heavy Scottish accent. I play him as a Sean Connery/Bill Clinton mash-up, and his marriage is largely because he enjoys the thrills of the games a cutthroat spymaster woman like Sheila** can play.
**ASTERISK-CEPTION! That said, in one book: Shiela is a Sorceress. In another (later) AP installment, she's a Fighter/Monk. What?!?

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He's the young-ish guy with the black hair and the one eye that looks freakishly big (at least the way he's drawn) right?

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Duh-doy. I didn't even notice the link to his picture.
Totally not apropos of anything else: I'm so excited Community is back on.

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I picked up Seeker of Secrets for the Ioun stones, but the VC artwork and map of the Grand Lodge is pretty good.
“Let’s have multiple/variant versions of those magic items that look like dice but orbit your head! YES Paizo, you understand!!”
The Dingo.
Strailyun: “Bewdy, ripper, bonza, bottler, Cobba!”
And yes, there are people that use those terms pretty frequently. Probably not all in the same sentence, though.
EDIT: Yeah, Nah (another Strailyunism) I meant the Grand Lodge campus grounds, not NOT Heidmarch Manor, both of which I think are in that book.

GM Burglar |

That map (unless there's two in there) is actually intended to be the Heidmarch's house (and future lodge), but is actually the Magnimar Zoo. In my table games where he gave briefings, I made sure that he called his manor a zoo and the joking intent on buying cages at least once, under the idea of all these Pathfinders now living there all of the sudden.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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I'm so used to watching things online the day after because I don't have cable down at school that I totally forgot my parents do have cable and I could have been watching it live tonight. My dad came and found me 10 minutes into the episode to tell me it was on but at that point I figured I'd wait til tomorrow to watch the whole thing from the beginning via the interwebs.

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Yeah, we only have cable because it's part of our rental space. It starts in an hour from now on the West Coast.

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Ok, I am around, but I thought that Des and I had signed up on Endless' sheet for another game/ Does that preclude us from doing this one first? I do not know when he will be ready. Also, what is the level of this one? I have Jake at 3rd level if he will do if Varg is not an option. Thoughts, Des?

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Yeah, I pulled out of Endless' high-level rotation to do this one. This is a 5-9. I do want to put Des up into those games, but I also wanted to get one more game with these characters and players.
Sorry to have abandoned you, but you're welcome here of course.

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Sweet! I should've alerted you when I popped up over here.

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You guys can stay signed up on my high-tier sheet. Just note that your character is 'currently in game'. I don't think any of the games are about to fill up too soon and I'm waiting for a few others to end first anyways before I start any new ones.

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I generally liked the old faction mission fluff/bonding with other faction members stuff too. Also …
A solid low! But did they get rid of the "Add 1 to the party size for APL" thing?
The way I read the passage in the Guide to PFS play, yes they did.

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Tier Math Chk 9k: 5 + 5 + 6 + 6 + 5 + 9 = 36 36/7=5.142857142857143. .
Will we have a 7th person? We are still low tier, but should be right at 6.0 for APL if divide by 6 PCs.