GM AbyssDancer |

Arrow shots are exchanged; Iradyiel lets fly a wildly inaccurate shot at the nearest lizardfolk scout, who replies with an equally inaccurate shot at Pious. The orb zzzappps the scout for another glancing hit with its freezing ray – colourful lizardfolk cussing continues, and the scout turns and jobs backwards 30’and to one side, seeking to escape his hidden assailant and keep a distance away from the advancing party. As he does so a second scout doubletimes up level with him. The last two scouts are further behind; 250’ away, but closing that steadily.
Rather faster, loping forward in a sinuously fluid run across the open ground, the lizard and its rider bear down on the group. A long red-coloured ribbon-thin flag flutters from the lance of the rider as he hunkers down low between the shoulders of his mount. As the beast’s muscular shoulders pump up and down, its solid wedge-shaped head remains rock steady, staring at the party. You estimate that at this speed, it’ll be level with Pious in about 10 seconds.
Round 2
Pious Aza and Iradyiel move forward 30’; CT and Francis move forward 60’. Vedic and his orb each stayed still. Everyone bar Pious is inside the 130’ range of Vedic’s Message spell: Pious is 5’ beyond. The advancing lizardfolk all double moved forward, bar scout 1 who fired then retreated 30’, and the lizard who ‘ran’.
CT: you have no knowledge of this type of lizard. You are aware that lizardfolk tribes often incorporate several lizard subspecies plus larger domesticated lizards, trained for different tasks. But this particular monster is new to you.
Pious, your are 80’ from the nearest scout so just out of charge range, if you were considering that.
The map is up to date. The party is up for round 3 !
Scout1 = 6

Iradyiel Madras |
Please move Iradyiel to 'M18" I'm assuming the southern most lizard will move in the general direction of 'Pious.' If the southern lizard instead moves drastically north, Iradyiel will angle slightly north as well.
'Master Thumper has the right of it, I hope Aza will be ok.' Watching as Chest Thumper and Francis sprint forward, Iradiel decides to follows suit. Beginning to hustle forward, he runs toward Pious and the Lizards, drawing his knobkerrie club as he moves.
So two move actions: 60 ft. drawing his club as he moves.
Also, since we are in combat rounds, did the rider of the lizard use any rounds to move back to the lizard and remount? He had dismounted and was on the ground, seemingly following the others or at least out of sight, the last time you described him :-)
The giant lizard sniffs the air, then settles into the long grass and its rider dismounts. The scouts sink onto all fours into the grasses and disappear from sight. You’re not clear whether they are advancing towards you, towards the tree, or both…

Aza Barrett |

Aza breathes deeply as she continues to move forward, keeping low to the grass and still trying to make herself less of a target. It was scary, this open field, and she wondered just how charging soldiers did it - clashing into battle, running down hills, when you could see the enemy and their... She shook her head and kept pressing forward, trying to get within range of one of them, pulling the negative thoughts from her head with a set of arcane words and directing them towards one of the scouts.
Aza moves forward to K24, where she should just be within range to hit the scout in H1 with Doom - DC15 Will.

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The battle is already going just the way Chest Thumper did not want it to. The Papaya Knights had proven (repeatedly) that they were not very effective in ranged combat. It would have been better if they had been able to ambush the archers at close range and with the assistance of the halflings, but given their capacity to hide, they probably were never going to be able to actually draw them in.
Time for the next best thing - try to get the archers to grips, or, failing that, take down the lizard thing and its rider. Perhaps the archers would flee if they saw their leader fall.
Both of them are double moving. Chest Thumper normally has 20' so he'll come up next to Pious (until Pious' turn when he moves) and Francis will be just behind Array. Same rows for them but column 13 and 9, I believe.

Vedic |

Cursing quietly, heard by everyone within the Message link, Vedic moved forward out of his hiding place.
"Why the hell can't humans ever be patient. He was in no danger. The ambush was ready to be sprung, but nooooo, the guy with the sword had to run straight out towards them and wave his sword..."
Double move forward, at 1/2 speed so I don't risk hurting myself, so 30 feet toward the party.

Vedic |

Sensing Vedic's frustration, and knowing the kinds of things that usually happened when Vedic got frustrated, the little orb backed up.
Moving back behind Pious.

GM AbyssDancer |

Cursing quietly, heard by everyone within the Message link, Vedic moved forward out of his hiding place.
"Why the hell can't humans ever be patient. He was in no danger. The ambush was ready to be sprung, but nooooo, the guy with the sword had to run straight out towards them and wave his sword..."
Double move forward, at 1/2 speed so I don't risk hurting myself, so 30 feet toward the party.
Double move at full speed (ie 60') is safe; it's running at 4x move which is riskier (see scouts 2 & 4, below). Tell me if you would prefer to move 60' instead.

GM AbyssDancer |

Iradyiel: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
ChestThumper: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Francis: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Vedic: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Pious: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Lizard: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Scouts: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (8) + 0 = 8
Scout1 Will save: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (8) + 0 = 8
Scout2 Dex save: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (5) + 0 = 51d4 ⇒ 1
Scout4 Dex save: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (5) + 0 = 51d4 ⇒ 1
Scout1 shoots Iradyiel: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (20) - 2 = 181d6 ⇒ 5
Scout2 shoots Francis: 1d20 + 0 - 2 ⇒ (4) + 0 - 2 = 21d6 ⇒ 1

GM AbyssDancer |

Right, before we start, read this or you’ll get confused. I’ve updated the map for all posts, then shifted everyone on the map 6 spaces to the right. This is because Vedic moved up 30’, and the two nearest scouts retreated away 30’. It’s all relative.
Elaborate ambushes and carefully synchronised action, it appeared, were not something the Papaya Knights were likely to become famous for. Or not Pious, at least.
As the party advanced up the field, buffing as they got closer, most of their lizardfolk foes exhibited a comedy of errors. The two nearest scouts fired arrows at Francis and Iradyiel before gradually retreating towards their allies. One arrow fell 30’ short of its target, perhaps put off by Aza’s successful ‘Doom’ enchantment; the other failed to even leave the bowstring, such was the haste and incompetence of its owner. The two further scouts were themselves in such a hurry to aid their fellows that they sprinted headlong forward, to simultaneously faceplant into the ground on encountering a concealed log at their feet. Only the lizard and its rider, ignorant of the farcical efforts of those behind them, pushed forward with competence, covering the ground at pace and with murder in mind.
Round 3:
- *Lizard/rider: Running towards you like a freight train…now only 50’ from column 1.
*Aza: Move, casts ‘Doom’.
*CT: Double move forward, grumbling as he goes
*Francis: Double move forward, gnashing those magic fangs excitedly
*Scout1: Fires at Iradyiel, retreats 30’ (P1)
*Scout2 and 4: Run, fails, falls prone after 30’. 170’ from column 1.
*Scout3: Fires at Francis, retreats 30’ (H1, shaken)
*Iradyiel: hustles forward, pulls out his club anticipating rage-style melee action
*Pious: move, buffing
*Vedic + Orb: Cautious move forward for the elf, cautious move back for the orb.
Iradyiel: the rider was standing next to the lizard throughout, with one foot in the stirrups waiting to see if his scouts flushed anyone out of hiding...On a separate note, are you holding the bow and club in one hand each, or did you drop the bow?
Aza: I don’t believe you have yet cast ‘Bless’ – it would have been wasted by now if you’d cast it when you said earlier. Do you agree?
Vedic: I don’t have you down as having ‘Mage Armour’ up on yourself, just on the orb. Right?
Round 4 is up! go! go! go!
Scout1: 6
Scout2: 0
Scout3: Shaken 3 mins
Scout4: 0
Lizard: 0
Rider: 0

Vedic |

I'd prefer to move 60. Thanks.
Mage Armor on myself was the first thing I did when we saw the halflings climb the tree.
I'm not sure how long it has been since then.

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Despite the less than optimal situation they are in, Chest Thumper feels a primal surge of excitement as he, his brother and his companions rush toward a contest of skill and strength with these lizard folk. Perhaps because he will not be taking the brunt of it, he is especially looking forward to seeing how Francis does when testing himself against the enormous lizard.
But that is still several seconds away. At the moment, he just needs to try to keep up as best he can. He's certain that Francis is not going to come out of the exchange unharmed and he needs to be there to heal his brother's wounds. Not to mention the fact that he couldn't hit a boulder from this range with the dart he's carrying.
Francis continues his measured hustle forward. His scaly target can keep him at range for a time, but, at this race, he'll get to him, eventually. Besides, he can see past the one with the bow and knows that the big lizard isn't going to run from him. He releases a challenging hoot and series of grunts as he goes along.
"Master Pious, Master Iradyiel, don't let him go alone! He only thinks he can beat them all by himself," Chest Thumper urges his companions.
Double moves again. Chest Thumper to I15 and Francis to G7.

Iradyiel Madras |
...On a separate note, are you holding the bow and club in one hand each, or did you drop the bow?
He has not dropped the bow yet. I wanted to keep it with him as long as possible, that way he won't have far to go back to get it.
'Their retreating? So I wonder who will spring a trap for who...' Club in one hand, bow in the other, Iradiel continues running toward the now retreating Lizards. Calling back to his friend. "Don't worry Master Thumper, I won't let Francis attack them by himself. However it looks like catching them may be the issue."
double move to '12M'

Aza Barrett |

Agreed - I was holding it to the last minute, but that "last minute" never really came.
Aza pushes forward, a hint of a smile playing across her face as the curse seems to land on the lizard - she moves forward, this time letting more holy energies emanate from her magic. A gentle breeze pushes forth from her, rippling through the grass and blessing her allies.
Move forward 30 feet and now cast bless. Should hit everyone but Vedic. Sorry, Vedic :(

GM AbyssDancer |

Apologies - I've goofed. Tactically, the lizard outranks you all in terms of initiative order, so I'll ought to have posted his round 4 move here, in advance of your actions. It matters, because it brings him into striking range of several of you.
Only a handful of seconds before contact would be made with the lizard, the large reptile banks off to the south, curving round in an arc seeking to bypass the party's advancing front line. It's wolfish loping run carries it smoothly over the ground, and at a closer range you are able to get a better look at it.
Behind the wedge-shaped head a large crimson it sports a large loose flap of scaly hide, presumably protection for its exposed throat. Leather straps secured about the neck support a military-style saddle festooned with feathers, coloured strips and other tokens. Crouched low over the saddle sits a small lizardfolk rider wearing a pair of tight goggles and carrying a wicked-looking barbed spear - he watches the party intently, waiting to strike the moment a target comes close.
I have reflected the lizard's turn on the map, but none of your moves in case you want to redo them (feel free to) given the proximity of the big beast. For the record, he did a 'run' action (120' move), but given his size doesn't have to worry about the uneven ground like everyone else.

Vedic |

Yeah, that changes things. I'd like to move forward 30 feet (with a slight downward diagonal) and cast Stone Call (which has a spell range of 130 feet). If my math is right, that should put the spell area just in front of Pious' current position, and hit all the lizards (it has an 80 foot wide area of effect)
Each creature and object hit takes 2d6 damage (no save) and the area becomes Difficult Terrain for 3 rounds.
If my math is off and I have to choose to miss one of them, I'll choose to miss the northern scout.

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My actions don't change, just the direction. Chest Thumper and Francis will still both double move and still toward the giant lizard and its rider, said giant lizard and rider are just in a different spot. So, instead of straight ahead, they'll move diagonal down and to the left.

GM AbyssDancer |

rider ride check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
rider readied action: 1d3 ⇒ 11d20 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 + 1 = 221d8 ⇒ 2
lizard opp attack: 1d3 ⇒ 21d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 152d6 + 5 ⇒ (6, 6) + 5 = 17
lizard Will save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
rider crit confirm: 1d20 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 + 1 = 61d8 ⇒ 1
scout 1 @ Pious: 1d20 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (13) + 1 - 2 = 121d6 ⇒ 1
scout 3 @ Pious: 1d20 + 1 - 2 - 2 ⇒ (6) + 1 - 2 - 2 = 31d6 ⇒ 6
Vedic stone fall vs Sc1: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 5) = 9
Vedic stone fall vs Liz: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 2) = 7
Vedic stone fall vs Rider: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5
Vedic stone fall vs Pious: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 1) = 4
rider ride check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

GM AbyssDancer |

The lizard’s best efforts to evade the combined threat of Iradyiel, Pious and Francis comes to naught as they intercept his curving path. As they close the ground the rider attempts to drive his spear through the half elf, but only catches him a glancing blow as the spearhead grazes his left-hand side (2 HP damage). At the same time the sinuous neck of the lizard lashes out at Pious, but just as two rows of serrated fangs are closing on his face, the beast flinches away, deterred by Pious’ divine protection. The two nearest scouts launch arrows at Pious, but might as well have hurled them by hand for all the skill they demonstrate. The two furthest scouts pick themselves up from the ground where they had fallen, sheepishly look about to check no-one saw, and continue to move forward (+30’, now 140’ from column 1).
It is as this happens that unannounced, a sudden cacophony of noise erupts like an avalanche immediately to the west. An eighty foot column of dirt, gravel and rock descends upon the meadow, pummelling the earth with a terrible violence, catching one of the scouts, the rider and the lizard plus Pious. The southern scout disappears under a hail of debris it does not get up from; the rider is noticeably heavily bloodied as well. The entire area is now littered with rocky debris ( black circle equals rough terrain).
Undeterred the lizard continues its trajectory past the party, rushing headlong into their rear. It passes a shocked Chest Thumper in a heartbeat, and bears down on Aza, caught in open ground out of cover and isolated from the party’s fighters, with lethal intent…
Round 4:
*Lizard/rider: Peeled round to the south. Rider barely grazed Iradyiel.
*Aza: Move, casts ‘Bless’.
*CT: Double move forward
*Francis: Double move forward to intercept the lizard
*Scout1: Fires at Pious, crushed by rocks
*Scout2 and 4: Stand up from prone, sheepishly look about to check no-one saw, move forward 30’. 140’ from column 1.
*Scout3: Fires at Pious, holds his ground (H1, shaken)
*Iradyiel: Double move forward to intercept the lizard, gets speared
*Pious: Double move forward to intercept the lizard
*Vedic + Orb: Brings down the heavens upon the enemy!
Round 5 is up!
*Lizard/rider: Pulls away from melee to the south before curving round and rushing towards Aza
Iradyiel, Pious and Francis have each one opportunity attack against either the lizard or its ride as it runs past. This is of course in addition to your round 5 actions
Pious I’m afraid you got caught by the area effect spell from Vedic as you moved up next to Francis. Unfortunately Vedic called the area affected, and you entered it. Sanctuary doesn’t help you here either, although it did you a favour vs the lizard bite...
: Bear in mind the lizard is large, so has 10’ reach. The rider is carrying a spear so does not.
Scout1: DEAD
Scout2: 0
Scout3: Shaken 3 mins
Scout4: 0
Lizard: 9; will not attack Pious for 2 rounds
Rider: 7

Vedic |

Vedic winced and put hand to his face, half in shame and half in embarrassment. He really thought he'd timed that right. And he'd tried to warn him first. He was just too far away and now Vedic was having to hustle to reposition himself.
Good strategy is the art of contingency. Adapt your plans. his old instructor's words came to him. His eyes narrowed and he waited for his next move.
I'm waiting for everyone else to act before I do anything. I don't want that to happen again.

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Francis is obviously eager to test his might against the big lizard. Imagine his disappointment then, when it brushes past him when their trajectories cross. He is so surprised that he almost misses his chance to slash the creature as it blows by him. Almost...
Claw AoO plus Magic Fang: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 4 + 1 = 24
Slashing plus Magic Fang: 1d6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 2 + 1 = 5
Then, he charges after the lizard, still eager to truly face it in battle.
Agility check to not fall on his face: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
As he streaks past Chest Thumper, the half-orc slaps him on the shoulder, imparting a bit of further Guidance into him.
Claw Attack plus Magic Fang plus Guidance plus Charge: 1d20 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 4 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 21
Slashing plus Magic Fang: 1d6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 2 + 1 = 7

Aza Barrett |

The explosion of activity caught Aza off guard - certainly an interesting spell that her mind attempted to define - and made her hesitate for a moment, and then suddenly the beast was upon her, and she was staring down this hulking beast - she takes a step back, heart pounding in her ears, and struggles to recall the spell, clutching her cloak tighter to herself as she tries to remember the words without opening herself up to attack.
Cast Defensively, DC17: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
"Pl-please," she says softly, raising a wavering finger up to the beast, "يركض." And then the spell fires off, an invisible wave of necromantic energy attempting to turn the lizard, and Aza breathes heavily, hoping that the effect is strong enough to effect this thing.
Aza casts Cause Fear on the big lizard.

'Pious' Janus Shepherd |

There is a audibly hiss as Pious' protection evaporates and he swings wildly at the beast as it charges past.
AoO: 1d20 + 10 - 1 ⇒ (4) + 10 - 1 = 13
Damage: 1d8 + 6 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 6 + 3 = 17
As the beast heads off once more pious is on its heels.
"God is justice, stand for you judgment spawn"
AoO then Double move to stay with the beast

Iradyiel Madras |
dr 1 = - 1hp
Dropping the bow as he is struck by the rider. "Ugh, Is that the best you can do?" His arm bleeding from the scratch from the spear, Seamus begins to rage, Striking at the giant lizard as it runs past.
As he turns to chase after the lizard and rider, there is a huge rumble and an avalanche of stone. Realizing Pious is hit he continues after the Lizard. Calling to Chest Thuper. "I hope Master Pious is ok, but we need to keep that beast from getting to Az...aaaaaaaaaa!" and face plants on the uneven and concealed ground.
AC 14, attack of opportunity : MW Club, two handed, rage, PA RA, AC -3
AOO: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17 for damage: 1d10 + 9 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 9 + 3 = 19
attempted Charge, acro: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Not sure where he tripped, place him someplace between his present location and the lizard, thanks :-)

Vedic |

Vedic watched the lizard's tactics and smiled. It was using traditional light cavelry maneuvors to harry the flanks of an enemy force and keep their infantry scrambling.
He had a feeling he was going to be it's next target, or at the very least that it wasn't going to stick around and face the whole mob of angry warriors.
Vedic waited.
Readied Action to cast Create Pit as soon as the lizard moves far enough that it isn't adjacent to any of the party.
Create Pit: DC 17 Reflex save or fall into a 30 foot pit (taking falling damage)

GM AbyssDancer |

The lizard and his rider pulls away from the advancing warriors, rearing and leaping up and off first to the south and then round back again. As they do so Francis manages to strike home with a claw against the creature’s flank, drawing blood. Pious misses with his arcing longsword; Iradyiel makes contact with his club but the blow is a glancing one and it shears off the creature’s scaly hide.
The lizard accelerates away, descending upon Aza in a flash. As it arrives the rider leans out of his saddle and attempts clumsily to impale her with his spear; Aza ducks to one side dodging him with a speed she never knew she had, and hurls a spell at the beast. To absolutely no effect - the beast appears to resist the enchantment without any effort. Those knife-toothed jaws open in anticipation…
Then snap shut as the lizard discovers it has significantly less tolerance to an ape fist grasping it by the tail yanking it backwards onto its haunches, whilst the other magically–enchanted fist shreds upward scattering scarlet scales behind it. The beast roars with rage, rearing, trying but failing to slap Francis away with meaty sideswipes from its tail. On the other side from Francis, ‘Array’ fires a searing bolt of cold at the lizard, missing as it rears up from the ape’s strike.
Fifteen feet behind, Chest Thumper gets an uncomfortable reminder of the party’s difficulties with being sniped at Fort Breakthrough – a sharp feeling of déjà vu, but also of arrow-in-the-shoulder. 3 HP damage. Behind him, Iradyiel and Pious scramble to keep up, only for the half elf to fall just before reaching the lizard. Behind the nearest scout, his two compatriots continue their advance (now 80’away from the edge).
Weakened by the mob of attackers to its rear the lizard continues its run through the party’s rear ranks, charging towards Vedic at the rear. With an extra burst of speed charging the fleshy flaps at the side of its throat burst outward in a shocking burst of colour, and to Vedic on the receiving end of this, it seems as though the beast almost doubles in size - an extremely intimidating sight. Nonetheless Vedic keeps his cool fires his prepared spell – a large pit, conjured from thin air suddenly materialises at the lizard’s feet.
In a fluid leap, the monster vaults clear over the pit, lands with a feline grace on the other side, and continues its charge. It barrels into the elven mage, all jaws and claws, yet the mage’s arcane armour holds out – its teeth scrabble against his protective charm and fail to penetrate.
The rider however is not so lucky. At the commencement of the leap across the pit he parts company with his mount, and performs a screaming parabolic descent into the pit, to end in a wet thump at the bottom.
Round 5:
*Lizard/rider: Pulls away from melee to the south before curving round and rushing towards Aza. Rider fails to spear Aza.
*Aza: 5’ step away, casts ‘Fear’ without effect.
*CT: Guideance
*Francis: Charge + fist action
*Scout2 and 4: Move up
*Scout3: Moves, fires at CT – a success at last! (G7, shaken)
*Iradyiel: Double move forward to intercept the lizard, pratfalls just short of melee.
*Pious: Double move up to intercept again
*Vedic + Array: Prepared ‘Create Pit’ and zzzap!
Round 6 is up!
*Lizard/rider: Charges Vedic; leaps; loses its rider; bite attack.
Pious Francis and Aza each have each one opportunity attack against the lizard as it runs past. This is of course in addition to your round 6 actions.
Vedic, please make a DC13 WILL save vs the intimidation effect of the lizard’s charge, or be shaken for 1d6 rounds.
You’re up. Actions, reactions? Remember the 5’ boundary of the pit is sloped so tell me exactly where you move to – ending adjacent to the pit means a DC 15 REF save or fall in.
check: 2d20 + 1 ⇒ (12, 2) + 1 = 152d8 + 1 ⇒ (8, 2) + 1 = 11
ride check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
REF save: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 211d20 + 0 ⇒ (7) + 0 = 73d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 4) = 113d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 4) = 6
rider attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 221d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
bite attack: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 122d6 + 5 ⇒ (3, 2) + 5 = 10
Scout1: DEAD
Scout2: 0
Scout3: Shaken 3 mins
Scout4: 0
Lizard: 21; will not attack Pious for 1 round
Rider: DEAD

Vedic |

Will vs fear: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
Concentration DC 19: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Vedic was unflappable. He'd suffered worse tests of his focus when he was still an apprentice. The beast shook him, but he rode it out, trusting his arcane shielding to protect his body. The creature was right where he wanted it and his allies were clear of his collateral.
A miniature storm cloud gathered in his hand and he threw it into the lizard's mouth. There was a snap, like something shattering and the tinkling sound of the heavy layer of moisture in the air supercooling into freezing shards and bitter gusts of air.
Rime Burning Hands, Admixtured to Cold damage, augmented with a point of Arcane Pool for +1 DC.
Sending my cone AOE south-east so that even if the party moves they won't be caught. I'm basically hitting the front half of the lizard (based on the orientation of the picture).
Cold Damage, energy boost: 5d4 + 2 ⇒ (4, 4, 1, 3, 4) + 2 = 18
DC 18 Reflex save for 1/2. If it takes any damage at all it is Entangled for 1 round.

Little Glowy Ball Of Light |

This action happens simultaneously with Vedic's
Sensing it's master's plight, Array zipped back through the underbrush and snapped itself back into place on Vedic's amulet, firing a small bolt of cold through Vedic's much more powerful burst.
Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Cold Damage, energy boost: 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 No save, but no rime effect either

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"Graagh!" Chest Thumper growls, a noise that sounds much more like it should have come out of his brother's mouth than his own as the arrow sticks in him.
He turns his attention back to the archers, now that the lizard has lost its rider and proven that it is more interested in eating spell casters than fighting more physically proficient foes.
They are still, frustratingly far away. He moves toward the nearest one and flings the dart he's been holding at it, though he has little hope of actually hitting at the range.
Move action to go 20' closer. Throwing at 3 range increments.
Dart minus Range Penalty: 1d20 + 3 - 6 ⇒ (6) + 3 - 6 = 3
Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Francis takes a swipe as the lizard flees.
Claw plus Magic Fang: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 4 + 1 = 22
Slashing plus Magic Fang: 1d6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 2 + 1 = 9
He sees frost explode in its face as it charges at Vedic and realizes that his own claws and teeth are going to do little compared to that. Better to shred the two legged lizards with the pointy sticks.
He runs toward the nearest one.
Dex Check to avoid tripping: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

Aza Barrett |

Aza, shaken by the idea that she had just dodged something that could have easily killed her had that spear struck true, can barely even react as the lizard dashes past her, onto Vedic - she shakes and trembles, unable to take the opening to attack upon the lizard's exit. "Y-yes..." she mumbles in response to Iradyiel, looking to the half-elf with a little bit of shame in her eyes - the beast was just too strong to be affected by her spells. Was she not even important enough to be a target for the oversized iguana?
Shaking her head to clear it of foolish thoughts, she reaffirms herself as she steps into a more advantageous position to strike back against the assault. Even if it had lost its rider, the thing was clearly a major threat. "I'm fine," she says, more confidently - "We have to get that thing off of Vedic!" The air crackles around her, and as the electricity builds in her belly, she can feel the hair on her arms stand on end. Then, she releases it, breathing a line of crackling lighting across the grass, scorching the ground and trying to strike the lizard, with a sharp report of thunder echoing out shortly after.
Thundershock!: 3d4 ⇒ (2, 3, 4) = 9
Aza 5-foot-steps to J26 and uses her lightning breath revelation to catch the lizard without clipping Vedic (J27-J32) - DC15 Reflex for half damage.

'Pious' Janus Shepherd |

Pious strikes out again at the reticent beast.
AoO: 1d20 + 10 - 1 ⇒ (4) + 10 - 1 = 13
Damage: 1d8 + 6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 6 + 3 = 12
But once more it evades him. Frustrated, he glances after the archers, worried that the fort debacle was repeating itself. Seeing that the others had this covered he returned his attention to helping Francis with the beast.
Double move to again close with the beast

GM AbyssDancer |

As the lizard streaks past Francis and Pious they lash out, trying to stay its headlong charge at Vedic. Pious misses but Francis stores a second solid hit. Despite this the beast ignores the pain and in an almost uninterrupted leap vaults clear over Vedic’s conjured pit, lands with a feline grace on the other side, and continues its charge. It barrels into the elven mage, all jaws and claws, yet the mage’s arcane armour holds out – its teeth scrabble against his protective charm and fail to penetrate.
Aza looses a terrifying exhalation of electrical energy at the lizard’s flanks, which scores and chars the beast’s hide, although with a less direct hit than she had hoped. The terrific speed of the lizard also denies Vedic the killing blow he had hoped for – he unleashes his arcane energy in a withering crackling spray, which blackens the grasses nearby and creates a temporary burst of fog around him as the moist jungle air condenses its humidity in an instant. Yet as the fog clears the lizard emerges, blistered and badly damaged, encrusted with a rime of frost, but still fighting.
Without its rider to direct the huge lizard in battle, and with an accumulation of wounds sapping its strength, the giant lizard resorts to a more direct style of attack. With tooth and tail it lashes out at the mage. Perhaps the entangling magical rime encasing its body slows its cold-blooded reactions, for the beast’s giant jaws fail to find purchase on the frantically dodging mage. Its tail however does not miss; in a vicious sweeping blow it catches the elf a stunning blow from behind, almost knocking him to the floor 9 damage. Vedic is nursing at least two cracked ribs, and whilst not bleeding, as gravely injured, and standing in mortal danger against the enormous animal attacking him.
Elsewhere on the battlefield Pious and Iradyiel run to the mage’s aid, and Francis and Chest Thumper advance on the lizardfolk archers to the party’s rear. Francis’ sprint brings him into contact with the closest scout; in alarm, it drops its bow and attempts to club the ape with its terbutje. With perfect timing it brings the club round in a powerful strike – only for it to bounce harmlessly off Francis’ magically-enhanced hide, shattering several of its obsidian spikes in a shower of stone fragments. For the already shaken scout, this is too much: it drops its guard, its weapon and its bowels, and turns and flees. Francis has an AoO
All this just in time for the two remaining scouts to arrive, breathless and panting, on the battlefield.
Round 6:
*Lizard/rider: Charges Vedic; leaps; loses its rider; bite attack.
*Aza: lightning breath.
*CT: dart throw
*Francis: AOO success + runs at nearest archer
*Scout2 and 4: Move up
*Scout3: Drops his bow and lashes out at Francis (G7, shaken)
*Iradyiel: Stand & move up
*Pious: Failed AOO, double move up again
*Vedic + Array: colossal burst of cold energy plus a successful ‘zzzap! From Array
Round 7 is up!
*Lizard/rider: Bite & tail attacks on Vedic
Aza I moved you to J25 rather than (as you posted) J26. Your lighning breath was still in range, and it saved you standing adjacent to Vedic’ pit and having to make a REF save to avoid falling in. Hope this is OK…
Pious your speed is listed as 30’ but with scale mail I think it should be 30’. Am I right? I have moved you up based on a 20’ double move.
Vedic I moved Array 30’ towards you (single move plus attack), so he’s not quite back with you just yet.
I have moved up the map again, to accommodate the arriving scouts.
Scout1: DEAD
Scout2: 0
Scout3: Shaken 3 mins; running
Scout4: 0
Lizard: 45
Rider: DEAD

Iradyiel Madras |
please move Iradyiel to 'K38' he will take a 30 ft move to avoid getting withing 5 ft of the pit.
'I'm glad she's safe, but she's right we need to help the elf.' Nodding his head in aggreement with Aza, "Yes Ma'am." Iradyiel moves quickly around the pit and moves to the large creatures flank, attacking the knee of the rear leg. "If it can't walk, it can't chase us!"
30 ft move, Flank, attack: MW Club, two handed, rage, PA RA, AC -3
attack: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 10 + 2 = 17 for damage: 1d10 + 9 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 9 + 3 = 14

![]() |

Francis is both pleased and annoyed by the scaly 2 legs' reaction. He is pleased that the creature recognizes his own power and dominance. He is annoyed that it won't stand to fight so that he can vent his ire on it.
The annoyance comes through in a parting slash as the creature flees.
Claw plus Magic Fang: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 4 + 1 = 16
But there are more of the things that have not been smart enough to run yet. He decides to run, instead, rushing toward the next closest one.
Dex Check(Francis): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
He does not get far before a hidden root sends him sprawling. That only makes him madder, and he roars his frustration. But at least he'll be a harder target to hit if the archers choose to shoot at him.
Chest Thumper is too far away to do anything worthwhile. Even his dart won't reach them at this range. Despite what happened to his brother, he tries to run at the archers, too, knowing they have to get within range to deal with them.
Dex Check(Chest Thumper): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
He runs past his brother as he lays on the ground, taking a moment to point and laugh at him before rushing on.
He gets to K6. Francis falls wherever you say he should.

Aza Barrett |

Ah, was not aware that was how the pit worked - definitely on board with that, thanks.
"N-n-not good," Aza stutters as she tries to figure a way to assist - "V-very not good..." She moves forward, pulling one of her wands from her cloak, skirting the pit and muttering something beneath her breath - the lizard is intimidating, but even if Iradyiel's powerful strike takes it down, Vedic could be done for by a single lucky arrow from the scouts! The tip of the wand glows with white, healing light as she pokes Vedic with it, sending restorative energy into him.
Moving to H37 - should keep out of AOO and pit range, and using my wand of CMW on Vedic.
Cure Moderate Wounds: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (2, 4) + 3 = 9

'Pious' Janus Shepherd |

Slowed by his armour (Good spot GM) Pious struggles to keep up with the beast but as it pauses to work on Vedic he lunges at its flank, as he does so the glow surrounding him flows to his right hand side, then onto his arm finally concentrating on his sword bearing arm.
swift to switch judgement to Justice (+1 to hit)
Power Attack: 1d20 + 9 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 9 - 1 + 1 = 26
Damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

GM AbyssDancer |

As Vedic falls back from the fury of the huge lizard creature, his life’s blood is leaving him from a large gash in his side. With one clawed foot pinning the wizard’s leg to the ground, the beast is forced to wheel round to face the arrival of Pious and Iradyiel. It rears, once again flashing its scarlet frilled skin around its neck in a terrifying display. Unseen, Aza rushes up to Vedic’s side with wand in hand and administers timely restorative healing – a warm yellow glow spreading over his wounds restoring him to full vitality. Meanwhile the clash of weapons on scales echo across the meadow; Iradyiel and Pious working together like hammer and anvil to back their foe away from the two casters. Suddenly it’s over – an overhead blow from the half elf forces the lizard to half turn and take the blow in its armoured spines, but this gives an opening to Pious. He steps in and runs his sparking blade smoothly through the rear of the front left kneecap, bursting out through the front of the knee, and then swings it back to cleanly sever the front right leg above the knee.
In a squeal of pain the beast collapses forward, shrilly screaming in anger and distress. It bleeds from an accumulation of wounds and is now permanently immobilised from its severed limbs; it still able to thrash about but with caution it could be quite simply dispatched. It’s almost shocking how rapid is the transition from devastating predator to mortally wounded invalid.
Across the meadow the remaining lizardfolk scouts turn and sprint for the treeline, running as though the hurricane itself were on their heels. None see Francis trip in their pursuit, well none bar Chest Thumper, and in a few minutes the meadow is still once more. The summoned stone fall and pit evaporate from view; the wind continues to buffet the party with warm penetrating rain, and the struggles of the lizard begin to become more subdued. The party regather. Some distance off, two halflings drop from the Baobab tree, and cautiously begin to approach.
You are out of initiative and out of combat. Well done – another battle fought and won. Please recover your breath and post reactions to the fleeing lizardfolk / disabled lizard / regathering party.

Iradyiel Madras |
Releasing the rage, Iradyiel steps away from the giant beast's death throws. Lifting his knobkerrie club in salute toward Pious, "Well struck, Master Shepard, well struck."
Approaching Aza, he nods toward Vedic "Good Job thinking of healing the Elf, will he be ok?"
Waiving toward Chest Thumper and Francis, he sees the Halflings drop out of the tree. He then waves both arms towards them and calls out, "Woza uhlanganyele nathi! Kukhona inyama eningi lapha wonke umuntu!"
'This skin will also be of great use.' He then returns the club to his belt and drawing his Kunai, begins to skin the large beast.
skin: Survival: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Vedic |

Vedic had his hands on his thighs, bent slightly at the waist and taking large breaths in slow, controlled lungfulls, forcing his heart rate down and shedding the pain of the attack as the healing spread over him.
"Thank you." he said.
Then he stood up and looked at Pious. There was anger in his eyes, but he did not give it voice. Instead he calmed himself and spoke carefully. "I know we haven't ever done this before, and none of us died, so I'm willing to dismiss this all as a learning experience."
"The key is learning, however. We have to discuss what went wrong there so we can avoid repeating those mistakes in the future. You charging so far ahead spoiled the ambush we had planned and spread us out so far that your supporting casters were both endangered by the superior speed and maneuverability of our enemy."
He scanned the other frontline combatants. "And because Pious went out alone, the rest of you followed. Aza and I were forced to follow you so we would be in range to support you properly, which left us both exposed, out in the open, and undefended. Which the lizard rider took full advantage of. You all ran forward to meet it only to have to scramble back in the direction you had come from. A single lizardman cavelry had all of us running around chasing each other like fools."
"I will not berate any of you further. I'm sure you are all aware how close Aza and I just came to death because of your poor tactical choices. All I want to know is what you plan to do differently in the future."

'Pious' Janus Shepherd |

It's immobilised but not yet dead, though given a few hours it'll bleed out. Are you coup de grace'ing the beast? If so pls describe.
On it!
Pious almost hears the slight relaxation in tension as the lizards retreat. He steps up to the beast as Iradyiel approaches and plunges his sword into the back of its neck, just behind the skull, hoping to end it's pain.
Coup: 2d8 + 18 + 1d8 ⇒ (5, 1) + 18 + (4) = 28(Last d8 is sonic)
As the tip of the sword breaks the creatures scaly hide the sound of a lightening strike resounds around the clearing. A faint tendril of smoke drifts from the wound.
"Give thanks for those who have bled for your supper. Look not to others for reason or succour. These are my ways and my teachings. So it is said."