Friendly Neighborhood Fixer |
Hoi! There you are, chummer. Was wondering where you'd gotten off to. I'd hate to see you disappear so soon. Although maybe disappearing isn't such a bad idea. Given the circumstances.
But that's not what you're here for, is it? No, you're looking for something a little more interesting than just going off the grid. You're looking to go under it. You aren't content to keep going through the routine of life with all the other wageslaves out there. The daily grind, working your fingers to the bone and kissing your boss's ass just to get one step ahead. And even then, you're still so far beneath the real big shots that it barely seems worth laughing. Am I right, omae?
Of course I am. The whole thing's a pile of drek. And that's why you came to see me.
Slot and run though, right? We're both busy, so I'll get to the point. You've got some smarts, some skills. I've heard of your work, not too shabby. Between you and me, I think you might have a shot. But if you wanna run the shadows more than a week before having your head show up on somebody's desk, you'll need more than that. I can hook you up with people I know--not personally, you understand, but through business--and you do the jobs. I take my cut, you take yours, the Johnson walks away with whatever they want, everybody wins. Sounds like a milk run, right? Wrong. But don't worry, chummer--that's what you've got me for.
So get out of here, I got another potential client showing up in, oh, three minutes. Line's short, looks like I'll be able to get another cup of soykaf before they get here. You good to go? Wiz. Here's my number, my work number, so you'll know who I am when I call. Yeah, I call you, never the other way, got it? Otherwise we get who-knows-who on both our heads, and we don't need that.
Alright, I'll see you out in the sprawl, chummer. Oh, and remember: Watch your back. Shoot straight. Conserve ammo. And never, ever, make a deal with a dragon.
Greetings, chummers. For right now this is a private recruitment for some friends, but depending on how things go, it might open up for a couple other people to join if folks are interested. For now, though, I'd like those of you I've invited to post here and move to Discussion to talk more.