FA 1 Halls of the High King 5E (Inactive)

Game Master Trailjava

Pary Int rolls
Pary Int rolls
Vairs [dice]1d20 + 3 [/dice]
Lynore [dice] 1d20 + 3 [/dice]
Rolan [dice] 1d20 + 3 [/dice]
Roman [dice] 1d20 + 1 [/dice]
Feather Wind [dice]1d20+2+[/dice]

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LOL...no problem...I just thought it was funny we both came up with the same name..

LOL...yeah that was pretty funny. I have a few questions posted to the GM. What is the setting? Is there any other gold available beyond starting because we are second level?

I see that we are in Forgotten Realms. I have added a history, and I am ready to go when given the word. Thanks

Rolen you can show up on the ship as the party starts to make it way looking Helso.

I will allow max gold for you to purchase what you need.

Great...all good, thanks for having me.

We currently have a need of some replace PC's for our game. The group is now composed of a Cleric and Wizard so we are need of martial PCs. The current level of the group is 3. So if you join up all you have to do is roll up a level 3 PC. You can either roll 1d6 4 times dropping your lowest die or you can use the variant on page 13 of the PHB or from the free pdf. No evil alignment, All races from the PHB are can be used. You may purchase 1 uncommon magic item and I need to approve it. Your hp will be the average after 1st level plus your CON modifier. Also Feats can be used for Human PCs.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I might be interested.

drop the lowest: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 6, 6) = 14, 13
drop the lowest: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 2, 3) = 15, 13
drop the lowest: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 2, 2) = 9, 7
drop the lowest: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 5, 2) = 14, 13
drop the lowest: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 3, 2) = 11, 10
drop the lowest: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 5, 6) = 20, 17

Wow, only a single even number. How can I resist making a human and adding +1 to all stats. Hell, if I'm starting at level 3 with a Fighter I could potentially add +2 to a Stat right now.

Well, I'm definitely making a Human Fighter. So I take basic starting equipment and an uncommon item?

If it's cool, I'd like a +1 longsword for my uncommon item. I'm going to roll some special features but feel free to veto any of them.

Who created it?: 1d20 ⇒ 10

Elemental Air. The item is half the normal weight and feels hollow.

What is a detail from its history?: 1d8 ⇒ 8

Symbol of Power. This item was once used as part of royal regalia or as a badge of high office. Its former owner or that person's descendants might desire it, or someone might mistakenly assume its new owner is the item's legitimate inheritor.

What minor property does it have?: 1d20 ⇒ 6

Guardian. The item whispers warnings to its bearer, granting a +2 bonus to initiative if the bearer isn't incapacitated.

What quirk does it have?: 1d12 ⇒ 1

Blissful. While in possession of the item, the bearer feels fortunate and optimistic about what the future holds. Butterflies and other harmless creatures might frolic in the item's presence.

Hmm, interesting. The +2 to initiative might be a bit much though. Like I said, feel free to veto any of these.

Wicked it looks good

That is really cool...wish I had thought to run my wand through those charts...is it too late DM?

Okay, the character is a Human Noble Fighter (Eldritch Knight). He'll fight with a longsword in one hand and a wand (arcane focus) in the other. I took the Find Familiar spell, so he'll have either a celestial owl or hawk. I'm still deciding that. Might need to coin-flip it.

The crunch is done, I just need to format it into text and build a profile. I'll try to have that available tomorrow afternoon.

I read the gameplay thread, so I'm all caught up. How would my character be introduced? Dramatic rescue? :)

You can travel with Darafane my gnome green knight. We met at Neverwinter and was hired by Blackstaff to aid another party. We arrived shortly after they did and have been tracking them. Does that work for PC?

Good enough for me.

Oh, can I dot the thread?

Here's my character build.

I jumped in too. I just need to bring Rolen to third level.

Roman go ahead and post on the campaign tab

Rolan here is my guidance for leveling. You may purchase 1 uncommon magic item and I need to approve it. Your hp will be the average after 1st level plus your CON modifier.


full up?

Feather your welcome to join us!

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