Emerald Sky

Game Master Asmodeus

This is the home of the Emerald Sky homebrew play-by-post campaign.

Battle Map

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Male Monk 9 | 65/71 hp | Ki Pool 8/9 | AC 28, T21, F24 | Saves F8, R9, W12 | Init +6 | CMD 28 | Per +14



Always. Be. Pushing.

Ok. Any idea where Kevin has been?

Female Human Air Wizard 9 | 65/65 hp | AC 17, T13, F14 | Saves F+7, R+8, W+8 I +7 Per +9 11 temp hp

Working and shovelling.

Sick, forced to work overtime, family obligations, still hung over from St Paddys. Take yer pick, they all kept me from responding during the Darkmoon Vale thing.

Also, as I mentioned, the screen didn't disply the fact there were updates until I actually added one myself. Sort of like you had to kick it once to have it recognize you. Try email the addy of the campaign again maybe?

Always. Be. Pushing.
Amelia Darkarch wrote:
Working and shovelling.


Always. Be. Pushing.
Dig Dug wrote:

Sick, forced to work overtime, family obligations, still hung over from St Paddys. Take yer pick, they all kept me from responding during the Darkmoon Vale thing.

Also, as I mentioned, the screen didn't disply the fact there were updates until I actually added one myself. Sort of like you had to kick it once to have it recognize you. Try email the addy of the campaign again maybe?

I find I have to refresh often and then I see there have been updates.

GM_Arrule wrote:
Dig Dug wrote:

Sick, forced to work overtime, family obligations, still hung over from St Paddys. Take yer pick, they all kept me from responding during the Darkmoon Vale thing.

Also, as I mentioned, the screen didn't disply the fact there were updates until I actually added one myself. Sort of like you had to kick it once to have it recognize you. Try email the addy of the campaign again maybe?

I find I have to refresh often and then I see there have been updates.

That didn't work for me until I made my first post in this forum.

Always. Be. Pushing.
Dig Dug wrote:
GM_Arrule wrote:
Dig Dug wrote:

Sick, forced to work overtime, family obligations, still hung over from St Paddys. Take yer pick, they all kept me from responding during the Darkmoon Vale thing.

Also, as I mentioned, the screen didn't disply the fact there were updates until I actually added one myself. Sort of like you had to kick it once to have it recognize you. Try email the addy of the campaign again maybe?

I find I have to refresh often and then I see there have been updates.
That didn't work for me until I made my first post in this forum.

I like Nyx. Greek goddess of darkness and someone even Zeus was scared of.

Female Human Oracle | 69 hp | AC 23 (T13, F20) | CMD: 19 | F+7 R+8 W+7 | Init +4 | Per -1
GM_Arrule wrote:
Dig Dug wrote:
GM_Arrule wrote:
Dig Dug wrote:

Sick, forced to work overtime, family obligations, still hung over from St Paddys. Take yer pick, they all kept me from responding during the Darkmoon Vale thing.

Also, as I mentioned, the screen didn't disply the fact there were updates until I actually added one myself. Sort of like you had to kick it once to have it recognize you. Try email the addy of the campaign again maybe?

I find I have to refresh often and then I see there have been updates.
That didn't work for me until I made my first post in this forum.
I like Nyx. Greek goddess of darkness and someone even Zeus was scared of.

Also, the lead vocalist for Fleetwood Mac. 'Course she spelled it differently...

Always. Be. Pushing.
Evelyn Nyx wrote:
GM_Arrule wrote:
Dig Dug wrote:
GM_Arrule wrote:
Dig Dug wrote:

Sick, forced to work overtime, family obligations, still hung over from St Paddys. Take yer pick, they all kept me from responding during the Darkmoon Vale thing.

Also, as I mentioned, the screen didn't disply the fact there were updates until I actually added one myself. Sort of like you had to kick it once to have it recognize you. Try email the addy of the campaign again maybe?

I find I have to refresh often and then I see there have been updates.
That didn't work for me until I made my first post in this forum.
I like Nyx. Greek goddess of darkness and someone even Zeus was scared of.
Also, the lead vocalist for Fleetwood Mac. 'Course she spelled it differently...

And then of course, your name would be Rhiannon.

Always. Be. Pushing.

Our first combat. A good dry run to shake the cobwebs off and see what you are capable of.

mmmm.......I love turtles.

I notice if i go to my home page the tactical map is there. Which is a fluke because I never go to my own page. cool.

Always. Be. Pushing.

Yeah. I'm trying out a few web tools to get maps done. I won't do it for every combat I'm sure, but I had time tonight with the kids and wife in bed.

Is your full character sheet on the site like some of the others. I had to back guess your con mod based on your fort save and monk level.

I emailed it out. You should have gotten it about a half hour ago? ish? Con is 12

Wasn't able to move things on the map like last time though.

Always. Be. Pushing.

Ok. I went with +1 so I was correct.

Male Monk 9 | 65/71 hp | Ki Pool 8/9 | AC 28, T21, F24 | Saves F8, R9, W12 | Init +6 | CMD 28 | Per +14

Maitreya leaned over to Brand at the campfire one night after several hours of peaceful contemplation and asked, "Are you not thinking what I'm not thinking?"

beware, I have many many of these

Always. Be. Pushing.

I take it you are at pun with the universe.

Half-Dryad Monk 9 | 75/75 Hp | AC 26 (30 AOO), T 23, F 20 | Saves F+9, R+13, W+10 Ini-+10 percp-+13

Brands eyes slowly opened. He looked upward briefly then locked eyes with the monk.
"To whom do you speak? For neither of us exist."

Always. Be. Pushing.

Anyone talk to D today? He hasn't chimed in.

I'm back...

Always. Be. Pushing.

Brand and Maitreya might as well post their round 2 actions.

Male Monk 9 | 65/71 hp | Ki Pool 8/9 | AC 28, T21, F24 | Saves F8, R9, W12 | Init +6 | CMD 28 | Per +14
GM_Arrule wrote:
Brand and Maitreya might as well post their round 2 actions.

Round 3

Always. Be. Pushing.

Right you are. Round 3.

Brand Orson wrote:

Brand round 3 ini 30

The foul slime of the turtles gullet covered the boy from head to toe.

You are a gross big ole creature you know that?

Full attack!
[dice=Flurry of Blows Atttack] 1d20+15+2
[dice=Unarmed Attack Damage] 2d6+3+1d6
[dice=Flurry of Blows Atttack] 1d20+15+2
[dice=Unarmed Attack Damage] 2d6+3+1d6
[dice=Flurry of Blows Atttack] 1d20+10+2
[dice=Unarmed Attack Damage] 2d6+3+1d6
[dice=Flurry of Blows Atttack] 1d20+10+2
[dice=Unarmed Attack Damage] 2d6+3+1d6

#3 is a crit! [dice=Unarmed Attack Damage] 2d6+3+1d6

Just to be a turd, did you ask if the creature was immune to the acid damage? And you doubled the acid damage for your crit too...

Always. Be. Pushing.

A good point and a detail I missed. Thanks for keeping a watch on that. It had no bearing on the battle but it's a good remionder to Jesse such things do not stack.

Clever players who add up the damages I note for creatures can figure out things like resistances, weaknesses, and DR if they pay attention.

Does Evelyn have any healing she can bestow prior to sleeping?

Of course...

Who needs what?

Wait... after review, it would seem we left Talon drowning face down in the swamp?

Always. Be. Pushing.
Dig Dug wrote:

Of course...

Who needs what?

Talon and Brand. 67 damage and 18 damage I believe.

throw it in gameplay with your rp and rolls

I picked up Talon. That was covered in game.

Always. Be. Pushing.
Shutterwasp wrote:
I picked up Talon. That was covered in game.

He notices punctuation but misses sentences. :)

Also, to be precise. He was lifted from the water and put in the boat, and we sorta glossed over getting him into the shelter. But it was implied. lol

Always. Be. Pushing.
Shutterwasp wrote:
Also, to be precise. He was lifted from the water and put in the boat, and we sorta glossed over getting him into the shelter. But it was implied. lol

Amelia's post flat out says exactly how he got there.

ahhh post crossover from convos!! im sure we can assume i talked him befor he left lol?

GM_Arrule wrote:
Shutterwasp wrote:
I picked up Talon. That was covered in game.
He notices punctuation but misses sentences. :)

In my defence, there was 26 updates to get through when I got home...

Always. Be. Pushing.

Fair. This thing chugs along.

Female Human Air Wizard 9 | 65/65 hp | AC 17, T13, F14 | Saves F+7, R+8, W+8 I +7 Per +9 11 temp hp

Question: could the ground here be considered "Swampy ground"?

Always. Be. Pushing.
Amelia Darkarch wrote:
Question: could the ground here be considered "Swampy ground"?

Yes. You are right on the edge of mudwater swamp.

Half-Dryad Monk 9 | 75/75 Hp | AC 26 (30 AOO), T 23, F 20 | Saves F+9, R+13, W+10 Ini-+10 percp-+13

oh im just sitting around. wanting to playyyyyyyyy. comon round 1 recap!!!

Always. Be. Pushing.
Brand Orson wrote:
oh im just sitting around. wanting to playyyyyyyyy. comon round 1 recap!!!

LOL. A few questions have to be answered before that happens.

Half-Dryad Monk 9 | 75/75 Hp | AC 26 (30 AOO), T 23, F 20 | Saves F+9, R+13, W+10 Ini-+10 percp-+13

i personally love my idea lol...i think some called shot feats are required for the future. look em up in pathfinder, they have set rules that differ from 3.5 as far as i know. pretty boss.

Always. Be. Pushing.

I put the map up. I'll alter the range if Rich chimes in.

4:30 and no update on the in-person game......you guys braving the weather?

Always. Be. Pushing.
Shutterwasp wrote:
4:30 and no update on the in-person game......you guys braving the weather?

I am. We'll see how bad it is.

Ok, I'll start walking over in a few minutes

Always. Be. Pushing.

So, basically, since D can't access the website at work, he should assume it's always his turn. :)

For Evelyn, please give me rounds 2 and 3 with spoilers if things change to keep things from bottlenecking on your turn. I will always ask for two rounds of actions for this purpose to keep things flowing.

As it is, we're stuck until whenever D gets home and checks in to complete round 2 and give his round 3.

Half-Dryad Monk 9 | 75/75 Hp | AC 26 (30 AOO), T 23, F 20 | Saves F+9, R+13, W+10 Ini-+10 percp-+13

bless will be quite useful methinks...that will be alot of attacks from everyone that go up lol

Always. Be. Pushing.

I have put an action post template up on the campaign tab if it might be useful to people.

GM_Arrule wrote:
I have put an action post template up on the campaign tab if it might be useful to people.

nice. Thanks

Half-Dryad Monk 9 | 75/75 Hp | AC 26 (30 AOO), T 23, F 20 | Saves F+9, R+13, W+10 Ini-+10 percp-+13

did you miss me in round 4? seems like it.

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