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Nah, too much trouble, I'll just roll with it.
Exiel does the following in order:
1. Close the door.
2. Move 5ft south, or 25ft south if he has a move action still
3. Cast Silent image behind the door, creating images of 4 stone elementals directly behind the door.
Also, he calls out to Ralph:
Another one, and it's bigger, coming towards us out the door. Get ready!
Ralph, go for the 10ft square just North of you. We'll start our plan from there. Better yet, if you can, move back, then ready an action to cast it just as the beastie steps out.
Yeah, let's do this.

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Exiel closes the door, [Move] and moves 25 feet south [Move].
AC 101d20: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13
13+: 1d4 + 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (4) + (5) + 6 = 15
The door shudders and shakes, splinters flying everywhere as the poor dilapidated apurtinance explods into nothingness. In front of you stands a seven foot tall white haired yeti with a short spear strapped to his back. He is clearly atleast twice as potent as the previous incarnation with glowing red eyes and clearly enraged. White foam drizzles from the beasts mouth only to freeze almost instantly and fall to the ground, shattering.
Ralph: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Corwin: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Begin Round 1
ORDER: Corwin and Gunslinger minion, Ralph, Exiel, Shang Xu.

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Akinra, can you update the map please? =)
I ask everyone to delay till after me.
Assuming the Yeti is now in the square to the west of the door, Ralph will cast grease on the Yeti such that the Yeti is in the North-East of the 4 affected squares, then move such that he is 30ft from the Yeti. Exiel will move to 15ft away and ready an action to burn, whilst Ash and Cor will move to the edge of their range increments and ready actions to shoot it as soon as it attempts the acrobatics check to move (which will force another 3 acrobatics checks for it, per the rules for using the Acrobatics skill - if it fails any of those checks, it falls again, prone).
Can we have the Yeti roll his save? It's DC 18.

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Exiel moves 25' south before the creature acts.
Ralph: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Corwin: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Ash: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Exiel: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
As everyone attempts to move and react to the beast, they freeze in fear, except Exiel.
Everyone has saved or been effected, no more paralysis!
Exiel, you are up.

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Ok, with the confusion caused by the moving map cleared up in discussion, if Ralph passed his reroll, he will cast grease on the yeti, having the yeti on the North-Eastern corner of the 10ft greased square.

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will (Cor): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Will (Ash): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Ash remains Paralyzed, no one else is effected.
Reflex: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Ash trembles in fear as a stone elemental rises from the ground five feet south of the Yeti. Having barged through the door, the yeti finds himself on unsafe ground, slips, and falls!
Corwin, then Yeti.

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Sorry if I wasn't clear, Akinra. I was only going to use an illusion of an earth elemental if the Yeti did not fall, or if Ralph was paralysed. Since it DID fall, Exiel will walk to 15ft south of the yeti, and ready an action to blast it with fire the moment it gets up and tries to move using acrobatics.
burning hands: 4d4 + 4 ⇒ (4, 3, 2, 1) + 4 = 14
If he's following our plan, Corwin will do the same, except he does not need to stand as close by, and will be firing his bow.
1. make an acrobatics check to move on the grease, and is flat-footed whilst doing so;
2. for each instance of damage taken whilst making the acrobatics check, it needs to make a new check against the same DC or fall (hence the readied actions)
So the yeti now needs to take a move action to stand, then a move action and an acrobatics check to move. When it does, Exiel burns him, forcing another acrobatics check. If Corwin hits its flat-footed AC, the yeti needs to make a third acrobatics check. The results of failing the check to move are as follows:
First check (DC10): If failed, make a new reflex save (DC18) or fall. If failed the check by 5 or more, it falls without a save.
All other checks (DC10, one for each time it takes damage): If failed, it falls.
Ralph and I worked on this one a little, hope it works to get us through!

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It's been awhile since Corwin responded. This is why letting PBPs drag out for too long is a bad idea...
In the interest of moving forward, Akinra, do you want to let Exiel second Corwin?
That said, good to see the plan is coming together.

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It has only been 12 hours, and that was over night :(
I move 30 feet away from the yeti, ready an action to shoot the moment it moves.
If triggered
attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

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At the end of Round 1; Realizing the grease is too much for him, the yeti begins to move, though not in the fashion you expected! Using the beasts climb speed, the creature moves up and across the wall, and to the far side of the grease puddle, stopping directly in front of Ash and Exiel, the closest enemies!
30' Climb speed 5' up, 15' across, 5' down.

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Also, the moment he stood up and tried to climb, he should have had to make an acrobatics check. You only don't make an acrobatics check if you don't move. He could have slipped and fell before even getting to climb the wall.

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I am via phone today due to work. Iirc, you do not have to stand. One can crawl. If I am mistaken, feel free to link and I will check.

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Interesting take, i'm not completely sure how to handle this if i was the DM...
Crawling in normal terrain is a 5ft move, however, this is considered difficult terrain. for 1/2 movement speed?
The closest i can come up with is: you are not allowed a 5ft step in difficult terrain... Of course the action is different.
crawling out of a greased square is still movement, even though grease does specify "walking", if you are too literal one could ray "running", "jumping" would allow you to get out of the area without a check, which doesn't seem to be the case.
Also keep in mind that this thing is seriously powerful and will likely one shot anything that it looks at funny. rules slightly in our favor would be helpful! :)

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Crawling: You can crawl 5 feet as a move action. Crawling incurs attacks of opportunity from any attackers who threaten you at any point of your crawl. A crawling character is considered prone and must take a move action to stand up, provoking an attack of opportunity.
Even if it did crawl, it would only have moved 5ft, and would still be prone. And I don't think you can 'crawl-climb'. Whether realistic or not, the rules simply do not accommodate such movement.
A grease spell covers a solid surface with a layer of slippery grease. Any creature in the area when the spell is cast must make a successful Reflex save or fall. A creature can walk within or through the area of grease at half normal speed with a DC 10 Acrobatics check. Failure means it can't move that round (and must then make a Reflex save or fall), while failure by 5 or more means it falls (see the Acrobatics skill for details). Creatures that do not move on their turn do not need to make this check and are not considered flat-footed.
Similarly, the grease spell does not accommodate that you can use a climb speed to ignore it, or that crawling can negate the need for an acrobatics check.
Moreover, to get his claws into the wall to climb, the yeti would have needed firm footing (ever try to throw a punch on an ice-skating rink? Even that will throw you off-balance).
Way I see it, if it crawls, it still needs to make a acrobatics check first, and even then another move action to stand (again, think trying to crawl on the floor vs trying to crawl on an ice-skating rink).
If it climbs, it still needs to make an acrobatics check, and needs to stand first.
AND either way, he would have triggered the readied actions to attack it.

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Ok, He Crawls
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
He is O.k.
Exiel Burns him
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
He is O.k.
Corwin shoots him.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
He is O.k.
"Me no like little burning man!.
He Stands.
You can use Acrobatics to move on narrow surfaces and uneven ground without falling. A successful check allows you to move at half speed across such surfaces—only one check is needed per round. See Core Rule Book. Not at all certain where you are getting one per hit from, but for the sake of expedience. . .
So, the Yeti is directly in front of Exiel and Ash, and it looks very upset at the man using fire.

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Ok, with the confusion caused by the moving map cleared up in discussion, if Ralph passed his reroll, he will cast grease on the yeti, having the yeti on the North-Eastern corner of the 10ft greased square.
Emphasis mine.
(Sorry to be pedantic, but we're seriously worried that if this stuffs up, one of us at least is going to die. We only have 2 grease spells with which to keep it away from us, and we need to make each one count.)
If the yeti was in the North-Eastern Corner of the grease, he could only crawl to another square in the grease, or crawl North(or NW) out of the grease.Either way, he should not be that close to me right now. He should also have made a reflex save vs my burning hands, unless you want to have him voluntarily fail. ;)
Also, Exiel should have been in the square where the Yeti is now, 15ft away from where the Yeti should have been, so that he could burn the yeti.
Ralph's afk for a few hours, but will probably need the new position confirmed so he can decide where to place his last grease spell.

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In summary:
1. Exiel should be NE of where is now is.
2. Yeti should have been 15ft North of where he is now, then moved 5ft depending on which direction he crawled in.
3. Yeti needs to make a reflex save vs fire.
The location of the other 3 don't matter as much.
And did it seriously just speak? O_O

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In summary:
1. Exiel should be NE of where is now is.
2. Yeti should have been 15ft North of where he is now, then moved 5ft depending on which direction he crawled in.
3. Yeti needs to make a reflex save vs fire.The location of the other 3 don't matter as much.
And did it seriously just speak? O_O
1. I am sorry, I thought you were keeping 15' between you and the yeti so when they yeti ENTERED range, you would fire him up.
2. He crawled straight south until he lands in front of someone or exits grease, then he stands.3. Ref: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
The beasts lovely white hair is reduced in length by half turns a dull brown as the fire engulfs the beast.
Yes, it speaks in Alko, I meant to spoiler that.

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Cool, thanks for editing that, Akinra, will try to make things as clear as possible from here on.
Texting Ralph now to see if he can post.
LOL his reply was "You know the plan. I'm with (girlfriend's name). Post for me."
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Ok then.
1. Exiel 5ft steps SW, readies an action to burn the yeti if it tries to move from its current square. Note that grease is difficult terrain and you can't 5ft step over difficult terrain.
Burning Hands: 4d4 + 4 ⇒ (4, 1, 3, 2) + 4 = 14
2. Ralph moves NW 15ft (3 squares), casts grease in the 10ft square directly south of the existing grease square. (Yeti should now be in the NE-most square of the new grease area).
3. Yeti needs to make reflex save vs grease first (DC18), then if it tries to move out of that square, needs to make a reflex save vs burning hands (DC16) and then make an acrobatics check (DC10) to avoid falling.
4, Ash will move 10ft south, ready an action to shoot the yeti if it tries to move from its current square.
attack roll: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
damage: 1d8 ⇒ 6
5. If Ash hit the yeti whilst it tries to move (same for Cor if he follows the plan to do the same thing Ash is doing) the yeti also needs to make a DC10 acrobatics check to avoid falling.
6. I hope we survive.

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The door to f6? did we search that yet? Is it open?
5ft step south east, use a move action to open the door if I can, else yell for Ralph to open the door once he casts grease. open the door Ralph! 5ft step southeast, standard action grease, move action door, reason being we can attempt to duck back behind the door if needed... prevent a charge, hopefully make the yeti move twice rather then attack.
Use my standard action to ready another bow shot at the yeti when it tries to move.
attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Exiel, I know you are controlling three people at the moment, heh. Don't forget about the dex penalty. But hitting a touch AC denied dex of thirteen seems trivial anyway :)
You also said Ralph move northwest? There is a wall northwest? Even if not... Closer to the yeti? See my plan on how to move Ralph?
Also does ash really not have point blank shot for an extra +1 damage / hit? Requirement for the rest of the ranged feats...

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Huh. I didn't think that was a wall. Hmm...if it is, Ralph can just stay put. It's not too important where he moves at this point. Most important at the moment is my positioning, since I'm the one most likely to get attacked at this point (yeti now hates me).

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It can be important if he opens the door, giving an escape route with withdraw and/or shoot and move actions.
If you do manage to stand after a hit, will be due to your cold resistance :)
Might be nice to have someplace to go!

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No door that I can see. I also thought that red thing was a wall of some sort, so no idea that Exiel is thinking. Everything else is according to plan though. I'm happy to stay where I am. Like Exiel says, my position is not so important. And yes, Ash's build needs some work, IMO.
We should stop posting in this thread so we don't confuse Akinra.
Akinra, FYI the important posts are Exiel's long post and Corwin's post right after. They are the ones with the dice rolls. You can pretty much ignore the other posts.

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Hmm...you mean he does not act this turn and so does not trigger our readied actions? Even so, he still needs to save vs my grease spell, and Exiel and Ash still moved.
Could you update the map with Exiel and Ash's moves and the new grease patch, and have the yeti make a reflex save vs grease(DC18)?

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Reflex: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
The Yeti is on the ground, still waiting.

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Still need you to update the map, Akinra.
Ok then, round 3, Ralph will call out:
If he's waiting, I don't want to know what he's waiting for! Everyone open fire!
acid dart attack roll: 1d20 ⇒ 18
damage: 1d6 ⇒ 4
He then moves 10ft south.
Ash also fires his pistol before moving 10ft south.
pistol: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
damage: 1d8 ⇒ 3

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Exiel looks at the yeti on the ground and simply says burn.
burning hands: 4d4 + 4 ⇒ (3, 4, 1, 1) + 4 = 13 (Save DC16 for half)
Then moves 15ft south.

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Subtract four from your ranged attack rolls due to shooting at a prone target.
Corwin, knowing he has a better chance to hit if it stands up... still holds a shot in case the yeti tries move. Trusting in his companions to finish off the yeti if it stays put
If triggered:
attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
subtract 4 from my shot if the trigger that causes the action is still the yeti being prone.

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As the mage begins to cast his spell, the yeti attempts to regain his feet.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2, and falls flat on his face. The blink of an eye later, flames wash over his body, stripping hat little life the beast had left.

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Ralph looks to his companions with great satisfaction.
Gentlemen, a job well done indeed!
Ralph (and I assume the group) will carry on to search rooms F2, F3 and finally F4. We will take the time to take 20 on the searches if possible.

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The only thing left of interest is a strange map on the floor of the central area. Cerwin seems to recall having to have been asked to find such a thing.
Please post PFS #s
Cerwin, I will continue with your check(s) tomorrow morning.

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Take the original map if i can, else take 20 coping the map. (int+2 for 22 total?)
If i am required to make a check
int check?: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Am i allowed to craft untrained for a day job? Crafting can be done untrained. if so
craft: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14

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A careful search of the yeti's nest reveals a simple necklace of braided hair. It is easily overlooked in the sticks and filth that make up the nest, but your keen eyes pick it out without much difficulty.
The remains of four wooden training dummies stand in the northeast corner of this wide courtyard, while a few scraggly plants struggle to grow in the southeast corner. A cracked mosaic lies half-buried beneath years of dirt in the training ground’s center.
The half-buried mosaic located in the main room of the monastery is in fact a stylized map of the mountains surrounding the monastery. A successful DC 20 Knowledge (geography) check allows a PC to match elements on the mosaic to real-world landmarks such as the Two Brothers and the Path of Many Shrines.
This fifteen-foot-by-thirty-foot room seems to have escaped the destruction found throughout the rest of the monastery. A statue, leaning against the northern wall, appears out of place among the rest of the room’s contents—clay pots, ruined sacks, and aged tools. The statue, made of finely carved stone with jade inlays, depicts a man with a serene face, standing in a meditative stance.
The statue is all that remains of Jiang Dan, the Iroran monk whose quest for self-perfection led to his self petrification. Unlike normal petrification, Jiang Dan is not completely inert and mindless; instead, he still has limited awareness of his surroundings and a fully functioning mind. Jiang Dan, rather than succumbing to madness, took the opportunity to reflect and meditate on the events that led to his petrification. Over the years, he was able to develop a basic form of tactile telepathy, which allows him to communicate with others through touch. When the yetis invaded the monastery, he had at first tried to communicate with them, but this did nothing but frighten the primitive creatures. Jiang Dan played a pivotal role in the chain of events that led to the monastery’s abandonment.
“I am Jiang Dan, a simple servant of the Master of Masters.”
“I foolishly asked for wisdom. In response, I was given time to find that wisdom for myself.”
"You cannot free me. My freedom is my own to achieve.”
“No, I do not know how to activate the braid. Only the master of the monastery would know how the Braid of a Hundred Masters functions. The last master, Li Yao, left the monastery and the braid here many, many years ago.”
“A petulant student believed he knew better than his master. The student proclaimed that the master unfairly gained power from the Braid of a Hundred Masters, cheapening the path to self-perfection. He challenged the master to remove the braid and compete against him without its power. The master did so and, in the process, defeated the student. Once the master had proven himself to the student, the master left the braid at the student’s feet, then turned away, leaving the monastery, never to return. The master took one student with him that day, the young disciple, Ying Pei, while the remaining students squabbled and fought over the braid. None could call upon the power of the braid and so they left the monastery, one by one, once again seeking their true paths to perfection. Eventually, only the petulant student and the braid remained. Here he stayed, until the day he died, contemplating the significance behind his master’s actions. Perhaps, through searching for the master and his last disciple, you may uncover the answer to the Braid of a Hundred Masters.”
Traveling back down the mountain is a simple matter, as the slope works in the your favor and all threats along the way were cleared on the ascent. Venture-Captain Amara Li personally thanks the you for the recovery of the Braid of a Thousand Masters. If the PCs also discovered the means of activating the braid from Jiang Dan, the Lantern Lodge venture-captain immediately begins organizing a search for the last master and the young student that followed him.