Dead Suns AP by GM Cellion (Inactive)

Game Master GM Cellion

Maps on Google Slides
Handouts on Google Slides
Loot Table

=== Initiative ===

=== Perception ===
[dice=Arc Perception]d20+17[/dice]
[dice=Isu Perception]d20+10[/dice]
[dice=Spec Perception]d20+13[/dice]
[dice=Ted Perception]d20+2[/dice]
[dice=Jelico Perception]d20+19[/dice]

4,951 to 5,000 of 6,943 << first < prev | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | next > last >>

Male Human Mystic 12 | 76/76 HP, 97/97 SP, 9/9 RP | Init +3 |Perception +25 | EAC 22, KAC 23 | F +7, R +8, W +12 | Spells/Day Left: oo/6/5/2/3/0/0

Jellico follows Isu into the room and takes a look around as well.

Perception: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (20) + 18 = 38

He notices the panel in the back of the room. "Look at this. I think it might help." He presses the panel.

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

Next to Jelico, seams form on the wall in the shape of a doorway. The wall recesses and slides over to the right into the rest of the wall. Ahead you see a massive, open room with what appear to be bookcases rising up to a height of 15 feet. Rather than books on those shelves however, you see thousands of slim black and ceramic plates. Each seems to be similar to the kish datapad equivalent that you found at the ancient kish "museum".

Far to the north, you see a balcony about 15ft up.

Perception DC 22; Noticing something:
You hear the rustling of what might be cloth or leather from the room up ahead. It's likely occupied by multiple creatures.
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22


Male Human Mystic 12 | 76/76 HP, 97/97 SP, 9/9 RP | Init +3 |Perception +25 | EAC 22, KAC 23 | F +7, R +8, W +12 | Spells/Day Left: oo/6/5/2/3/0/0

"This could keep someone busy for a while." Jellico says as he looks around the room.
perception: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (8) + 18 = 26

Suddenly, he stops and holds up his hand. "Quiet!" he whispers to the others. "There's someone, or a bunch of someone's, in that room up there." He motions to the room up ahead.


Male Half-Elf Solarian 19 | SP 169/169 HP 139/139 RP 11/11 | EAC 35(37) KAC 36(38); DR 5/- Resist Fire 15 | F +15; R +15; W +14 | Speed 25 ft. | Init +6 | Perc +28
Isu Greelax Zyte wrote:
\He doesn't see anything of great importance. Instead he takes a seat at the head chair to look under the table. As he does so he says... "Look at this one, Arcalinte Soter! This one is chairman of the board! Now sit down and remind this one why we even came to this place because all this one knows is that the killing of monsters has been successful so far."

Arcalinte sighs at Isu's joke, and stands up.

"According to the information we recovered from Eox, a cell of the Devourer cult we're fighting came here looking for information on the Stellar Degenerator. They deceived the kish into letting them into this place, The Foundry, got what they were looking for (and evidently left behind a digital trap for pursuers like us), and then attacked the kish and fled. That's caused the local kish to break into a small civil war. Xavra blamed Tzayl's trust of outsiders as the reason they fell victim to the cult's deception, and their chieftain is essentially letting them fight it out. We're hoping to find the information the cult was looking for here, and confront Xavra to reunite the kish. I hope that's concise enough?"

He nods at Jelico's warning.

"And I suspect that confrontation will begin sooner than we think."

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

Now that you're aware of what lies ahead, I'll hold off to let you guys decide how you want to enter.


Droid Outlaw Mechanic 12 | SP 108/108 HP 76/76 RP 11/11 | EAC 28 KAC 30; | F +11; R +16; W +6 | Init +8 | Perc +16 | Conqueror (white star-class): +16 (3d12+12 E&F)

"I have not yet had time to complete installation of this x-ray device," Spectre laments. "It would prove helpful," he says.

perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26

Ted grenades sound like the best entry.


Male Human Technomancer 12 Dataphiles | SP 84 HP 64 RP 10/11 | EAC 28 KAC 29 CMAC 37 CMD 29 CMB +9 | Kinetic DR 5/- | F+6 R+10 W+11 | Init+6 | Perc+3 | 1st 1/6 2nd 0/6 3rd 0/5 4th 0/4 Cache 0/1

Ted grins, "Spec, you're finally making sense." He tosses a grenade from hand to hand.


Male Half-Elf Solarian 19 | SP 169/169 HP 139/139 RP 11/11 | EAC 35(37) KAC 36(38); DR 5/- Resist Fire 15 | F +15; R +15; W +14 | Speed 25 ft. | Init +6 | Perc +28

"Let's get ready, then," Arcalinte says. He takes position and has his sword in a ready stance.


Gender: Kasatha Solider 11 /Mystic 1 | SP:130/130 | HP:91/91 | RP 4/13 | EAC 26 KAC 33 | Kinetic DR11/- |White Forcefield: 15 temp, 4 fast healing| F +11 R +7 W +10 | Init +8 | Perc +18| Speed: 40| Race: Spells 3/3 | Healing Touch 2/2 | Artillery Laser Charges: 40/40 Classes/Levels: attack rolls:
[dice=Xavra]d20+17; 4d8+19[/dice] [dice=artillery laser]d20+16; 3d8+12+2d4[/dice]

"It is possible the final confrontation is just ahead of us."

Isu casts reflecting armor on himself, a small defensive buff.

He is the first to walk forward into the room with the creatures. There is not point in going quietly... he couldn't even if he tried.

"THIS ONE SAYS HELLO! And Arcalinte Soter would like to talk before you try to kill us. Arcalinte?"

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

Isu leads the way into the room, squeezing in past the massive shelves. Shelves holding a staggering array of datapads line the walls and stand freely around this room (all 15ft high). A small desk sits in front of a shuttered window adjacent to the room’s only entrance. A balcony holding even more shelves stretches across the eastern, western, and northern walls (at a height of 15ft). To the north, floor to ceiling windows between the bookshelves glow gold and pink in the afternoon light of Nejeor Six.

All around the room stand armored kish, two on the ground level wielding axes, two up on the balcony bearing bows. A final kish, this one wearing a suit of armor made of ancient kish artifacts that glows orange and silver, points a pistol down toward Isu. (Check out Handouts for cool art)

He calls down "I knew the ancestors would send further demons to test us. And you've come. Cloud walkers, defilers, slayers of good, noble kish. You have even corrupted the minds of those followers of the false god Talavet, clouded their eyes against your true nature. But I see clearly. When I send you back to the ancestors, you can tell them Xavra knows and he stands strong. I will always stand strong!" The rest of you have a chance to step in, so feel free to place yourselves inside the room as desired. The first move to attack or close the distance further causes initiative to be rolled. As does Xavra finishing talking.


Arcalinte: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Isu: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Spectre: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Ted: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Jelico: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Enemy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Once you've positioned yourselves and completed any banter... you all won initiative, so you'll all be going first! Nice!

|||| INIT ||||
Jelico (3 dmg)
Spec (11 dmg)

Blue kish warrior
Red kish warrior
Green kish scout
Yellow kish scout


Male Human Mystic 12 | 76/76 HP, 97/97 SP, 9/9 RP | Init +3 |Perception +25 | EAC 22, KAC 23 | F +7, R +8, W +12 | Spells/Day Left: oo/6/5/2/3/0/0

Jellico look to Arc, "I think our attempts at reason will fall on deaf ears. It sounds like they've already got their minds made up about us."

Once the battle starts...
Jellico gathers his will and focuses on himself and the group of heroes around him in the doorway. He allows the power of Desna to flow through him and casts Haste on everyone.


Gender: Kasatha Solider 11 /Mystic 1 | SP:130/130 | HP:91/91 | RP 4/13 | EAC 26 KAC 33 | Kinetic DR11/- |White Forcefield: 15 temp, 4 fast healing| F +11 R +7 W +10 | Init +8 | Perc +18| Speed: 40| Race: Spells 3/3 | Healing Touch 2/2 | Artillery Laser Charges: 40/40 Classes/Levels: attack rolls:
[dice=Xavra]d20+17; 4d8+19[/dice] [dice=artillery laser]d20+16; 3d8+12+2d4[/dice]

Isu is ready to go, but he pauses briefly, knowing that Arc would want a chance to say something.

I don't see stairs or a ladder up to the balcony. is there one?


Droid Outlaw Mechanic 12 | SP 108/108 HP 76/76 RP 11/11 | EAC 28 KAC 30; | F +11; R +16; W +6 | Init +8 | Perc +16 | Conqueror (white star-class): +16 (3d12+12 E&F)

Seeing more enemies, Spectre activates his deflector shields. 12 temp hp

"Please proceed with the battle. Time is money."

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

No stairs or ladders up to the balcony, but the shelves themselves look potentially climbable (DC15 Athletics) if you have the free hands for it.


Gender: Kasatha Solider 11 /Mystic 1 | SP:130/130 | HP:91/91 | RP 4/13 | EAC 26 KAC 33 | Kinetic DR11/- |White Forcefield: 15 temp, 4 fast healing| F +11 R +7 W +10 | Init +8 | Perc +18| Speed: 40| Race: Spells 3/3 | Healing Touch 2/2 | Artillery Laser Charges: 40/40 Classes/Levels: attack rolls:
[dice=Xavra]d20+17; 4d8+19[/dice] [dice=artillery laser]d20+16; 3d8+12+2d4[/dice]

Isu has to squeeze in between shelves to get (purple) bad guy on the bottom floor.

[looks like I'll be squeezing most of this battle.basically entangled, so You move at half speed, you cannot run or charge, and you take a –2 penalty to your AC, attack rolls, Reflex saving throws, initiative checks, and Dexterity-based skill and ability checks. Power armor, in general, sucks, is my opinion as the game is not built to allow it. The maps are tiny to save publishing space and dollars and don't allow for the options that the game has build into it.]

paramagetic hammer: 1d20 + 12 - 2 ⇒ (11) + 12 - 2 = 213d6 + 14 ⇒ (1, 5, 4) + 14 = 24

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

(I'm with you on that one Isu. A custom campaign built with power armor in mind could be fun though. If you'd like to retrain out of power armor after this, I'm happy to allow it, especially if you're not having fun)


Male Half-Elf Solarian 19 | SP 169/169 HP 139/139 RP 11/11 | EAC 35(37) KAC 36(38); DR 5/- Resist Fire 15 | F +15; R +15; W +14 | Speed 25 ft. | Init +6 | Perc +28

As they're greeted by Xavra, Arcalinte steps forward, his armor aglow. He raises his sword defensively and speaks.

Vulgar Kishaleen:
"We cannot bring back those kish whose loyalty cost them their lives, nor the ones who were cruelly slain by the treacherous ones who came before us, and for that, we are truly sorry, Huntmaster. But know this: the cloudwalkers you speak of are our enemies too. We are here to pursue them, so we may bring them to justice for the crimes they committed against you and many others. We need not battle one another, bringing more death to the kish. But if battle is what your heart is set on, then let us settle it honorably."

"I see you are attuned to the light and gravity of the stars as I am. We are the same. Let us then duel: I against you, Starfinder against Huntmaster, Solarian against Solarian. If I fall to you, I only ask that you allow my friends to leave in peace, and should I win, we will grant the same courtesy to your followers. What say you, Xavra? Will you stand strong as your people's champion?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22

I expect that Xavra will say no, regardless of my diplomacy roll, but I couldn't waste a chance to try for a cool Duel of the Fates moment, since I couldn't have one with Panelliar back on Castrovel!

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

Xavra's face pinches in the kish equivalent of a scowl. Responding in Vulgar Kishaleen, Xavra spits "You speak as if your cloudwalker rivalries make any difference to us. The ancestors know that you have sown death behind you and you will sow nothing but death ahead. You and those you say you oppose are the same." However, the offer of a duel seems to strike some chord within the Huntmaster. "Another sly ploy, but it matters not. Come, if you wish to die by my hand. When you fall, if your fellow cloudwalkers wish to return to their metal cloud and leave forever, we will not pursue."

(Feel free to revise your actions if Arc takes up this offer. Or don't revise them. Arc, if you do go with this plan, you can take your time climbing up to Xavra's balcony.)

|||| INIT ||||
Jelico (3 dmg)

Spec (11 dmg)
Blue kish warrior
Red kish warrior
Green kish scout
Yellow kish scout


Male Human Technomancer 12 Dataphiles | SP 84 HP 64 RP 10/11 | EAC 28 KAC 29 CMAC 37 CMD 29 CMB +9 | Kinetic DR 5/- | F+6 R+10 W+11 | Init+6 | Perc+3 | 1st 1/6 2nd 0/6 3rd 0/5 4th 0/4 Cache 0/1

Ted grabs a battery from his pockets but, on hearing Xavra's response, holds on turning it in to a bomb. "Uh, Arc?"


Gender: Kasatha Solider 11 /Mystic 1 | SP:130/130 | HP:91/91 | RP 4/13 | EAC 26 KAC 33 | Kinetic DR11/- |White Forcefield: 15 temp, 4 fast healing| F +11 R +7 W +10 | Init +8 | Perc +18| Speed: 40| Race: Spells 3/3 | Healing Touch 2/2 | Artillery Laser Charges: 40/40 Classes/Levels: attack rolls:
[dice=Xavra]d20+17; 4d8+19[/dice] [dice=artillery laser]d20+16; 3d8+12+2d4[/dice]

"Don't be dumb, Arcalinte Soter. There shall be no duel; she will crush you. We take her on together."

Duels don't work; so don't go and die on us and then we all die

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

Per the Discussion thread, looks like at least Isu's plan is to go ahead with the action he previously posted. I'll keep Spec and Jelico's round 1 actions, so all I need are actions from Arc and Ted.


Male Half-Elf Solarian 19 | SP 169/169 HP 139/139 RP 11/11 | EAC 35(37) KAC 36(38); DR 5/- Resist Fire 15 | F +15; R +15; W +14 | Speed 25 ft. | Init +6 | Perc +28

Arcalinte sighs as he goes over and begins climbing towards Xavra.

Athletics: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21

Vulgar Kishaleen:
"I am sorry, Xavra. It appears our comrades are of like mind: they will defend the people they care about no matter the cost. We may have more in common than you believe. Why continue to fight each other when we could combine our power and turn it against those who wish to destroy the very stars, including Istamak's own? We have the same enemy, and we can aid you in exacting justice upon them!"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (16) + 14 = 30

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

Alright, lets get this show on the road. :)
Jelico and Ted, I've moved you slightly so that you would have had line of sight to your intended targets and/or threats.

GM Screen:
1d20 + 22 ⇒ (12) + 22 = 34 4d8 + 15 ⇒ (2, 5, 6, 6) + 15 = 34
1d20 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 15 = 19 1d10 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16
1d20 + 15 ⇒ (5) + 15 = 20 1d10 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16
1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Jelico's invocation fills you all with sudden speed. Spec sets up his personal barrier and Ted charges a grenade with magical energy (I assumed you went with this action since we're starting combat). While Arc begins climbing, Xavra begins shaking with some violent emotion "DEFEND!? THEY PREPARE TO SLAY ME AND MY KIN! I WILL NO LONGER ENTERTAIN YOUR LIES CLOUDWALKER!"

On the ground floor, Isu easily closes the distance with his enhanced speed and delivers the blue kish a crushing blow. While the kish doesn't fall, they buckle under the weight and power of his attack.

Up on the balcony, Xavra's armor turns pitch-black, its surfaces suddenly seemingly a portal into the deep reaches of space. They draw a thin curved blade whose edge seems to bend light around it. With a quick step toward Arc, Xavra delivers a diagonal slice straight into his torso. The ancient kish blade cuts through his armor like it were made of gelatin, but Arc is able to back away just enough that he doesn't immediately get bisected. (Still is dealt 29 damage after DR)

On the ground level, the blue kish warrior attempts to defend themselves against the massive armored threat. They swing their huge axe upward, but do little more than scratch the paint on Isu's armor. The red kish warrior rushes over to the secret door that Jelico, Ted and Spec are still in front of. Blocking the doorway, they deliver an overhand chop with their axe at Jelico. Luckily, Jelico's quick reflexes let him sidestep the swing.

The yellow and green kish adjust their positions and fire their bows upon the intruders. Arrows rebound off Isu and Arc without injuring them.

(Isu, thanks to your 10ft reach, you've got your pick of AoOs vs. yellow or red)

|||| INIT ||||
Jelico (3 dmg)
Arc (29 dmg)
Spec (12 thp, 11 dmg)

Blue kish warrior (24 dmg)
Red kish warrior
Green kish scout
Yellow kish scout

Buffs: Haste


Gender: Kasatha Solider 11 /Mystic 1 | SP:130/130 | HP:91/91 | RP 4/13 | EAC 26 KAC 33 | Kinetic DR11/- |White Forcefield: 15 temp, 4 fast healing| F +11 R +7 W +10 | Init +8 | Perc +18| Speed: 40| Race: Spells 3/3 | Healing Touch 2/2 | Artillery Laser Charges: 40/40 Classes/Levels: attack rolls:
[dice=Xavra]d20+17; 4d8+19[/dice] [dice=artillery laser]d20+16; 3d8+12+2d4[/dice]

unfortunately, while I am large, I have normal reach. no AoO?


He swings first for blue and then red. It turns into an embarrassing display of ineptitude

paramagetic hammer: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 133d6 + 14 ⇒ (6, 1, 5) + 14 = 26

paramagetic hammer: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 213d6 + 14 ⇒ (1, 5, 1) + 14 = 21

spinning cleave allows me to do that when they aren't next to each other


Droid Outlaw Mechanic 12 | SP 108/108 HP 76/76 RP 11/11 | EAC 28 KAC 30; | F +11; R +16; W +6 | Init +8 | Perc +16 | Conqueror (white star-class): +16 (3d12+12 E&F)

Spectre moves to get into line of sight of the leader and snaps off a shot at it.

"I am satisfied the dialogue has concluded."

Streetsweeper Rifle (thunderstrike-class, sonic, ignore concealment) (weapon focus): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (5) + 13 = 181d10 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

Isu: Wow, I think all this time I've assumed your large form gave you reach. Yes, there's no AoOs then. Also, since the shelves are 15ft high, red has total cover from you.
@Spec: You don't have line of sight from that location. You guys opened the secret door (in white) but didn't interact with the shuttered heavy security door at all, so both the shutter and the door are still closed. (That's the brown looking one)


Droid Outlaw Mechanic 12 | SP 108/108 HP 76/76 RP 11/11 | EAC 28 KAC 30; | F +11; R +16; W +6 | Init +8 | Perc +16 | Conqueror (white star-class): +16 (3d12+12 E&F)
GM Cellion wrote:

@Spec: You don't have line of sight from that location. You guys opened the secret door (in white) but didn't interact with the shuttered heavy security door at all, so both the shutter and the door are still closed. (That's the brown looking one)

Thanks for clarifying. I've adjusted my movement. If I still can't target the BBEG, I'll target the one in the way.


Male Human Technomancer 12 Dataphiles | SP 84 HP 64 RP 10/11 | EAC 28 KAC 29 CMAC 37 CMD 29 CMB +9 | Kinetic DR 5/- | F+6 R+10 W+11 | Init+6 | Perc+3 | 1st 1/6 2nd 0/6 3rd 0/5 4th 0/4 Cache 0/1

The Kish appearing in the doorway blocks Ted's entry. He grimaces in frustration. His top spins rapidly around his head and swoops down and hits him in the temple. Ted disppears! and reappears up on the balcony.
flash teleport

Ted rubs his bruised forehead, grabs his top, and stuffs it in to a battery. Purple magical energy shimmers as the top stretches the battery to the breaking point. He throws the battery to explode on the Kish.

Bottom left would get all three lower Kish with a 20' blast radius?

explosive damage (fire): 9d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 6, 6, 1, 4, 6, 2, 3) = 35
Reflex for half: DC 18

Explosive Blast:

School evocation (fire)
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area 20-ft.-radius burst
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes

You magically transform a used battery into a powerful explosive device, propelling it in a straight Line to a grid intersection within range, at which point it detonates, dealing 9d6 fire damage to all creatures and objects in the area. If you send the battery through a narrow opening, you must make a ranged attack (usually against an Armor Class of 10 for a narrow opening or an Armor Class of 15 for an extremely narrow opening) to avoid hitting the side and detonating it prematurely.

Flash Teleport:

Flash Teleport (Sp)
As a move action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to teleport up to 30 feet. You must have line of sight to your destination. This movement doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.


Male Half-Elf Solarian 19 | SP 169/169 HP 139/139 RP 11/11 | EAC 35(37) KAC 36(38); DR 5/- Resist Fire 15 | F +15; R +15; W +14 | Speed 25 ft. | Init +6 | Perc +28

Arcalinte grunts in anger as Xavra draws first blood.

Vulgar Kishaleen:
"And *I* will no longer entertain your xenophobic paranoia! If violence is the only way to get through to you, so be it!"

He retaliates with a series of driving swings, hoping to force Xavra onto the defensive.

Full Attack 1: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 222d8 + 13 ⇒ (2, 1) + 13 = 16
Full Attack 2: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 152d8 + 13 ⇒ (3, 5) + 13 = 21

Photon: 1

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

Jelico, looks like you moved on the map but maybe your post got gobbled by the forum? Feel free to post your action for this round in addition to next round in your next post.

GM Screen:
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
1d20 + 22 - 3 ⇒ (15) + 22 - 3 = 34 4d8 + 15 ⇒ (6, 8, 7, 5) + 15 = 41
1d20 + 22 - 3 ⇒ (3) + 22 - 3 = 22 4d8 + 15 ⇒ (8, 5, 2, 5) + 15 = 35
1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29 1d10 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20
1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27 1d10 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21
1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Isu spins his hammer around but finds the nearby shelves hampering his swing. The blue kish ducks as the hammer impacts a shelf, sending kish data panels scattering across the floor. Spec attempts a shot against Xavra (From that position Xavra has cover, but not total cover, thanks to the 15ft high shelves), but his sonic pulse crashes against the top of a shelf.

Ted swiftly teleports into position (super cool!) and his follow up explosion engulfs the kish to the western part of the room. (Not sure how you could position it to avoid Isu while hitting all three of the others. I've assumed you place on the grey X I added to the map, at 15ft up from the floor. That hits yellow and blue while just barely missing Isu) Both fail to protect themselves from the flames and end up badly charred. Unfortunately, neither of them fall.

Arc's swings come in fast, but Xavra overwhelms with strength and speed, blowing each of his swings back with sheer force. The kish huntmaster retaliates in kind, slicing through Arc's guard with a devastating overhand chop (Dealing 36 dmg after DR). Arc dodges the following horizontal swipe by a hair.

The blue warrior kish manages an accurate last ditch slash against Isu, but the simple nature of their weapon leaves the strike mostly ineffective (Only 8 dmg after DR). The red warrior closes in to Spec, striking their axe against the droid's protective energy field. (Dealing 16 dmg)

Green fires an arrow down at Isu but strikes a nearby shelf instead. Yellow switches targets to the technomancer suddenly in their midst. After missing a shot with their bow, they drop it and draw a gleaming dagger instead.

|||| INIT ||||
Jelico (3 dmg) (+standard action from last round)
Arc (65 dmg)
Isu (8 dmg)
Spec (15 dmg)

Blue kish warrior (59 dmg)
Red kish warrior
Green kish scout
Yellow kish scout (35 dmg)

Buffs: Haste


Male Human Mystic 12 | 76/76 HP, 97/97 SP, 9/9 RP | Init +3 |Perception +25 | EAC 22, KAC 23 | F +7, R +8, W +12 | Spells/Day Left: oo/6/5/2/3/0/0

Yeah, it looks like my post got grabbed. I took a guarded step and cast Mind Thrust on Red.

2nd Level Mind Thrust (DC 16): 4d10 ⇒ (6, 3, 4, 10) = 23

Now, he draws his pistols and moves out of the room, but still in sight of Red. He shoot his Laser Pistol back into the room at the kish.

Corona Laser Pistol hit: 1d20 + 5 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 5 + 3 + 1 = 20
Corona Laser Pistol damage: 2d4 + 3 ⇒ (2, 1) + 3 = 6


Gender: Kasatha Solider 11 /Mystic 1 | SP:130/130 | HP:91/91 | RP 4/13 | EAC 26 KAC 33 | Kinetic DR11/- |White Forcefield: 15 temp, 4 fast healing| F +11 R +7 W +10 | Init +8 | Perc +18| Speed: 40| Race: Spells 3/3 | Healing Touch 2/2 | Artillery Laser Charges: 40/40 Classes/Levels: attack rolls:
[dice=Xavra]d20+17; 4d8+19[/dice] [dice=artillery laser]d20+16; 3d8+12+2d4[/dice]


she doing more than the rest of them put together

Isu tries to finish up the (blue) one next to him, but succeed or fail, he then starts climbing to get up to the balcony.

paramagetic hammer: 1d20 + 12 - 4 ⇒ (11) + 12 - 4 = 193d6 + 14 ⇒ (3, 6, 6) + 14 = 29

paramagetic hammer: 1d20 + 12 - 4 ⇒ (10) + 12 - 4 = 183d6 + 14 ⇒ (2, 4, 5) + 14 = 25

Because he is hasted, Isu can climb after attacking and he climbs fast.

athletics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17 i hope that works, with a speed of 60 now, i should be able to climb up, by Ted to avoid an AoO, and then walk to get next to Xavra? that's the plan

i know i said to ignore the others, but maybe blue is almost dead? can someone finish it off?


Male Human Technomancer 12 Dataphiles | SP 84 HP 64 RP 10/11 | EAC 28 KAC 29 CMAC 37 CMD 29 CMB +9 | Kinetic DR 5/- | F+6 R+10 W+11 | Init+6 | Perc+3 | 1st 1/6 2nd 0/6 3rd 0/5 4th 0/4 Cache 0/1

Ted slams his top in to his pistol causing it to spark and bulge with magical energy and fires at Xavra.

Empowered Weapon: 3rd level

Laser Pistol, Corona: 1d20 + 10 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 10 + 3 = 22
damage (fire): 2d4 + 4 + 3d6 ⇒ (4, 1) + 4 + (3, 2, 2) = 16
mystic strike makes it a magic weapon; +3 to hit and +3d6 damage from Empowered Weapon


Male Half-Elf Solarian 19 | SP 169/169 HP 139/139 RP 11/11 | EAC 35(37) KAC 36(38); DR 5/- Resist Fire 15 | F +15; R +15; W +14 | Speed 25 ft. | Init +6 | Perc +28

Isu, GM Cellion said Xavra's a "they."

Arcalinte sheathes his blade in plasma again and continues fighting.

Plasma Sheath! (Fire/Holy): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 282d8 + 13 + 3 ⇒ (6, 3) + 13 + 3 = 25

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

@Jelico: As I explained to Spec, the brown door is closed and shuttered and doesn't provide line of sight into or out of the small room right now. I've moved you so you'd have line of sight to red.
Botting Spec:
With Jelico drawing the axe-wielding kish's attention, Spec sends a pair of shots directly into red.
Streetsweeper Rifle (thunderstrike-class, sonic, ignore concealment) (weapon focus): 1d20 + 13 - 4 ⇒ (11) + 13 - 4 = 20 Damage: 1d10 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Streetsweeper Rifle (thunderstrike-class, sonic, ignore concealment) (weapon focus): 1d20 + 13 - 4 ⇒ (6) + 13 - 4 = 15 Damage: 1d10 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

GM Screen:
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32 1d10 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16 1d10 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14
1d20 + 22 ⇒ (12) + 22 = 34 4d8 + 15 ⇒ (6, 1, 8, 1) + 15 = 31
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33 1d10 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31 1d10 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16
1d20 + 17 ⇒ (15) + 17 = 32 3d8 ⇒ (2, 5, 6) = 13
1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28 1d4 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
1d20 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Jelico's psychic surge smashes through red's weak mental defenses and leaves the kish turning in bewilderment and pain. As he tries to run past, the red kish takes a swipe with their axe. The swing finds a weak point in Jelico's armor and strikes with surprising strength (16 damage). Jelico follows with a direct hit with his laser pistol.

One of Spec's two sonic blasts connects with red. The kish warrior ducks under the second.

In the cramped quarters, neither of Isu's two swings can quite meet its mark. His electrified attacks are slowed enough by grazing the nearby shelves that the blue kish has just enough time to sidestep and duck. The blue kish attempts a parting swing as Isu begins climbing, but falls far short of locating a weak point. Isu's able to ascend without any further difficulty and closes the distance with Xavra.

As Ted fires, Xavra twirls with blinding speed and angles their blade to deflect the laser bolt. The empowered laser scores a glowing mark on the ceiling. This gives Arc an opening to slash in with his fire-wreathed sword. The blade connects... but the fire is simply swallowed by Xavra's gleaming armor. Thankfully, Sarenrae's blessing infuses some of those flames, and their holy nature allows some of the flame to burn Xavra regardless. (Holy damage goes through, fire doesn't)

Xavra sweeps to the north to get out of the flank and delivers another lightning fast slash through Arc's armor and through his ribcage. (26 dmg after DR) The kish Huntmaster says nothing, but their gaze has a degree of disappointment in it.

The blue and red kish warriors close with Jelico and Spec respectively, delivering inspired battlecries as they chop down with their axes. Both land their attacks (Dealing 13 and 11 damage respectively).

The yellow kish scout leaps up, jumps off the wall and shouts out a battlecry that sounds eerily similar to the roar of an eohi. In the moment that Ted's distracted by the sound, they dash in and strike. They deftly stab their archaic blade into Ted's left armpit, slicing deep (Dealing 18 damage, thanks to the trick attack, Ted's flatfooted until the yellow kish's next turn) The green kish fires an arrow at Arc but only bounces it off the solarian's armor.

The blue kish warrior looks to be running on pure adrenaline and it seems even the slightest of attacks might be enough to finish them off.

|||| INIT ||||
Jelico (32 dmg)
Arc (91 dmg)
Ted (18 dmg)
Isu (8 dmg)
Spec (26 dmg)

Xavra (13 dmg)
Blue kish warrior (59 dmg)
Red kish warrior (40 dmg)
Green kish scout
Yellow kish scout (35 dmg)

Buffs: Haste


Droid Outlaw Mechanic 12 | SP 108/108 HP 76/76 RP 11/11 | EAC 28 KAC 30; | F +11; R +16; W +6 | Init +8 | Perc +16 | Conqueror (white star-class): +16 (3d12+12 E&F)

"My companions have left me alone to die," Spectre laments. Stepping back, he fires a pair of shots at the enemy targeting him.

Streetsweeper Rifle (thunderstrike-class, sonic, ignore concealment) (weapon focus): 1d20 + 13 - 4 ⇒ (18) + 13 - 4 = 271d10 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Streetsweeper Rifle (thunderstrike-class, sonic, ignore concealment) (weapon focus): 1d20 + 13 - 4 ⇒ (12) + 13 - 4 = 211d10 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

Also, did I miss a post where I lost my temporary hp from my shield? I didn't see an attack hit me to bypass that.


Male Half-Elf Solarian 19 | SP 169/169 HP 139/139 RP 11/11 | EAC 35(37) KAC 36(38); DR 5/- Resist Fire 15 | F +15; R +15; W +14 | Speed 25 ft. | Init +6 | Perc +28

Arcalinte, realizing Xavra is just on the cusp of slaying him, shifts his focus from stellar flame to gravity, rising into the air and retreating towards Jellico, alighting gently on the floor flanking his assailant.

Using defy gravity to make a move action to reach where I'm at on the map now.

He then takes a swing at the kish, figuring Sarenrae's holy plasma will dispatch them more quickly.

Attack+Plasma Sheath: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (20) + 13 = 332d8 + 13 + 3 ⇒ (2, 5) + 13 + 3 = 23

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

Spec, you lost your temp HP in this post when you took 16 damage from Red, 12 of which got absorbed by your temp HP.

GM Screen:
1d20 + 22 ⇒ (11) + 22 = 33 4d8 + 15 ⇒ (1, 6, 5, 5) + 15 = 32
Stepping back from the red warrior kish, Spec fires off two sonic blasts, the first tears apart the kish's armor and skin, the second crushes their chest. They fall. One down!

As Arc attempts to fly down to ground level, Xavra spins about and thrusts their sword into his back. The blade pierces through, plunging deep into Arc's chest. Before getting more than a few feet away he loses consciousness and tumbles to the floor below. (AoO deals you 27 dmg after DR, bringing you to 0 SP/HP)

|||| INIT ||||
Jelico (32 dmg)

Arc (0|0|5 , prone, dying)
Ted (18 dmg)
Isu (8 dmg)

Spec (26 dmg)
Xavra (13 dmg)
Blue kish warrior (59 dmg)
Green kish scout
Yellow kish scout (35 dmg)

Buffs: Haste


Male Half-Elf Solarian 19 | SP 169/169 HP 139/139 RP 11/11 | EAC 35(37) KAC 36(38); DR 5/- Resist Fire 15 | F +15; R +15; W +14 | Speed 25 ft. | Init +6 | Perc +28

Can I spend an RP to stabilize now, or do I have to wait for the next round?

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)
Arcalinte Soter wrote:
Can I spend an RP to stabilize now, or do I have to wait for the next round?

Just checked the rules, looks like you get to choose whether or not to spend your RP to stabilize at the end of your turn, so yes, you can do so this round.


Male Half-Elf Solarian 19 | SP 169/169 HP 139/139 RP 11/11 | EAC 35(37) KAC 36(38); DR 5/- Resist Fire 15 | F +15; R +15; W +14 | Speed 25 ft. | Init +6 | Perc +28

Thanks, GM! Gonna do that now.


Male Human Technomancer 12 Dataphiles | SP 84 HP 64 RP 10/11 | EAC 28 KAC 29 CMAC 37 CMD 29 CMB +9 | Kinetic DR 5/- | F+6 R+10 W+11 | Init+6 | Perc+3 | 1st 1/6 2nd 0/6 3rd 0/5 4th 0/4 Cache 0/1

Ted's top teleports him to a safer location, where he begins forming a grenade spell bomb. "Nice shot Spec! Do it again!"

Move+RP action to teleport, std action+RP to cast Inject Nanobots into an incendiary grenade I (5' blast radius); next round: std action to throw the grenade

Flash Teleport:

Flash Teleport (Sp)
As a move action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to teleport up to 30 feet. You must have line of sight to your destination. This movement doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.

Spell Grenade:

Spell Grenade (Sp)
You can spend 1 Resolve Point to store a spell with a range of touch in a grenade, allowing you to affect a target within the grenade’s blast radius with the spell. Casting a spell with spell grenade uses the spell’s standard casting time, and throwing the spell grenade is a standard action. You must throw the grenade before the end of your next turn, or the spell is wasted. You are considered proficient with the grenade for this attack. Choose a single target within the grenade’s blast radius; that target is affected by the spell as if you had successfully touched it. The grenade goes off as normal, with all of its usual effects within its blast radius. If you miss the targeted intersection with the grenade, you must choose a target within the grenade’s new blast radius. If there are no suitable targets within the grenade’s blast radius, the spell is wasted. Spells whose ranges are not touch don’t benefit from this magic hack.

Inject Nanobots:

School necromancy
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range touch
Targets one living creature or construct
Duration instantaneous and 1 round/level; see text
Saving Throw Fortitude partial and Will partial, see text; Spell Resistance yes

You concentrate key particles in your blood into tiny biological nanobots that you can inject into a foe with a touch, disrupting and damaging its natural processes. Make a melee attack against the target’s EAC; if you hit, the nanobots deal 4d8 damage and swarm through the target’s biological or mechanical systems, causing the creature to be confused, as per confusion, for 1 round per your caster level. If the target succeeds at a Fortitude save, it takes only half damage and negates the confusion effect. A confused target can attempt a Will saving throw at the beginning of its turn each round to end the confusion effect.

Casting this spell doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.


Gender: Kasatha Solider 11 /Mystic 1 | SP:130/130 | HP:91/91 | RP 4/13 | EAC 26 KAC 33 | Kinetic DR11/- |White Forcefield: 15 temp, 4 fast healing| F +11 R +7 W +10 | Init +8 | Perc +18| Speed: 40| Race: Spells 3/3 | Healing Touch 2/2 | Artillery Laser Charges: 40/40 Classes/Levels: attack rolls:
[dice=Xavra]d20+17; 4d8+19[/dice] [dice=artillery laser]d20+16; 3d8+12+2d4[/dice]

No... no... not again... This time this one will not be the only survivor. This one will go down fighting.

Isu swings at Xavra and being praying to Sarenrae for a critical hit.

paramagetic hammer: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 253d6 + 14 ⇒ (1, 2, 2) + 14 = 19

Then he steps back.


Male Human Mystic 12 | 76/76 HP, 97/97 SP, 9/9 RP | Init +3 |Perception +25 | EAC 22, KAC 23 | F +7, R +8, W +12 | Spells/Day Left: oo/6/5/2/3/0/0

"Arc!" Jellico yells as the other man falls to the ground and stays still. It seems like he's still breathing but the breaths are shallow.

He sees a smile cross the kish's face as they turn their attention now to Isu. What do I do now? That thing's going after Isu next. He takes a guarded step away from the blue kish currently in his face.

He kneels next to Arc. "You need to stay up this time." He lays his hands on Arc's arm and says a quick prayer to Desna. Almost immediately, he feels energy flow through him into his unconscious shipmate.

3rd Level Mystic Cure: 5d8 + 4 ⇒ (2, 5, 2, 6, 2) + 4 = 21

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

GM Screen:
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32 1d10 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17
1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
1d20 + 17 ⇒ (16) + 17 = 33 3d8 ⇒ (5, 6, 3) = 14
1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25 1d4 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Ted charges a grenade with deadly, magical nanobots. Isu's swing comes in toward Xavra, but the huntmaster brings up their guard and the two clash weapons! After a moment of uncertainty, Xavra manages to turn Isu's hammer aside and it crashes to the ground nearby. Jelico's healing magic settles into Arc's body and shocks the solarian awake.

Rather than engage directly with Isu, Xavra steps to the balcony and raises their blade. The other kish shout out in shared triumph at Arc's defeat.

The badly injured blue kish warrior rushes at Ted, slashing down with their axe. The blow lands, cutting shallowly into Ted's shoulder. (Deals 12 damage) The green kish steps to the south and fires an arrow at the technomancer as well. The shot ricochets off the shelf nearby and leaves Ted unharmed.

The yellow kish scout zigs and zags as they move in to engage Isu. His guard is thrown off for a moment and the kish goes for a strike to the jugular. Unfortunately for the kish, powered armors don't have jugulars to slice. (That'd be a miss)

Xavra's armor shimmers and distorts as the starscapes within it suddenly begins to spin and change. They point their blade to the west, toward Isu, and an almost invisible ripple surges through the entire western side of the space. It has no effect on any of the inanimate objects nearby, but...

Jelico Fort: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Isu Fort: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
Arc Fort: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Jelico and Arc see their perception slowing as everyone around suddenly seems to be moving faster. (The two of you lose the effects of haste) Xavra's armor turns from pitch black to a more normal coloration.

|||| INIT ||||
Jelico (32 dmg)
Arc (0|21|4 , prone)
Ted (30 dmg; incendiary charged with inject nanobots)
Isu (8 dmg)
Spec (26 dmg)

Xavra (13 dmg)
Blue kish warrior (59 dmg)
Green kish scout
Yellow kish scout (35 dmg)

Buffs: Haste (Except Jelico and Arc)


Gender: Kasatha Solider 11 /Mystic 1 | SP:130/130 | HP:91/91 | RP 4/13 | EAC 26 KAC 33 | Kinetic DR11/- |White Forcefield: 15 temp, 4 fast healing| F +11 R +7 W +10 | Init +8 | Perc +18| Speed: 40| Race: Spells 3/3 | Healing Touch 2/2 | Artillery Laser Charges: 40/40 Classes/Levels: attack rolls:
[dice=Xavra]d20+17; 4d8+19[/dice] [dice=artillery laser]d20+16; 3d8+12+2d4[/dice]

Still hasted, Isu puts his speed to good use. First, he takes a quick swing at the (yellow) kish, but then he strides over to 10 feet of Xavra. As he goes, he throws his hammer!

As soon as it hits the ground, Isu calls it and it is back in his hands. "PARAMAGNETIC!"

paramagetic hammer melee against yellow: 1d20 + 12 - 4 ⇒ (16) + 12 - 4 = 243d6 + 14 ⇒ (5, 1, 4) + 14 = 24

paramagetic hammer ranged against Xavra: 1d20 + 11 - 4 ⇒ (16) + 11 - 4 = 233d6 + 14 ⇒ (4, 2, 3) + 14 = 23

[hammer has called and throwing fusions; I just haven't used them much before]


Droid Outlaw Mechanic 12 | SP 108/108 HP 76/76 RP 11/11 | EAC 28 KAC 30; | F +11; R +16; W +6 | Init +8 | Perc +16 | Conqueror (white star-class): +16 (3d12+12 E&F)

Spectre adjusts his position to try to finish off the blue-clad warrior.

Streetsweeper Rifle (thunderstrike-class, sonic, ignore concealment) (weapon focus): 1d20 + 13 - 4 ⇒ (18) + 13 - 4 = 271d10 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Streetsweeper Rifle (thunderstrike-class, sonic, ignore concealment) (weapon focus): 1d20 + 13 - 4 ⇒ (18) + 13 - 4 = 271d10 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

If first shot happens to finish it off, second shot for the BBETHEY.


Male Human Technomancer 12 Dataphiles | SP 84 HP 64 RP 10/11 | EAC 28 KAC 29 CMAC 37 CMD 29 CMB +9 | Kinetic DR 5/- | F+6 R+10 W+11 | Init+6 | Perc+3 | 1st 1/6 2nd 0/6 3rd 0/5 4th 0/4 Cache 0/1

Ted throws his grenade at Xavra.

grenade throw attack: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27

incendiary I damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6
5' radius; Reflex DC 15 for 1/2 damage and avoiding burning condition (1d4 burn)

nanobot damage: 4d8 ⇒ (1, 1, 1, 5) = 8
HORRID DAMAGE ROLL!! Target becomes confused, though Fort save DC 17 for 1/2 damage and to negate confusion


You are on fire. As long as you have this condition, at the start of your turn each round before you take any actions (or attempt the Reflex saving throw described below), you take the listed amount of damage as fire damage (or 1d6 fire damage, if no amount is listed in the effect that causes burning). Fire damage from multiple sources that inflict the burning condition is cumulative.

At the end of each round you are burning, you can attempt a Reflex saving throw to remove this condition. The DC of this saving throw is equal to 10 + the amount of fire damage you took this round from the burning condition. If you succeed at this saving throw, you lose the burning condition. You can attempt a new saving throw each round you have this condition, and you receive a +2 bonus for each previous saving throw you’ve attempted in consecutive rounds.

You can also automatically end this condition by jumping into enough water to douse yourself. If you don’t have enough water on hand, you can spend a full action to roll on the ground or otherwise smother the fire to attempt a new saving throw with a +4 bonus (plus any bonuses from previously failed consecutive attempts) to end the condition.

Inject Nanobots:

School necromancy
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range touch
Targets one living creature or construct
Duration instantaneous and 1 round/level; see text
Saving Throw Fortitude partial and Will partial, see text; Spell Resistance yes

You concentrate key particles in your blood into tiny biological nanobots that you can inject into a foe with a touch, disrupting and damaging its natural processes. Make a melee attack against the target’s EAC; if you hit, the nanobots deal 4d8 damage and swarm through the target’s biological or mechanical systems, causing the creature to be confused, as per confusion, for 1 round per your caster level. If the target succeeds at a Fortitude save, it takes only half damage and negates the confusion effect. A confused target can attempt a Will saving throw at the beginning of its turn each round to end the confusion effect.

Casting this spell doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.


You are mentally befuddled and can’t act normally. You can’t tell the difference between ally and foe, and thus you treat all creatures as enemies, even your closest friends and family, if applicable. An ally who wishes to cast a beneficial Spell on you with a range of touch must succeed at an attack roll against your Energy Armor Class, since you cannot be considered a willing target. If you are attacked while you’re confused, you always attack the creature that last attacked you until that creature is dead or out of sight, unless it is otherwise impossible for you to attack it that round. While confused, you can’t make attacks of opportunity against any creature or thing that you aren’t already committed to attacking.

If you are not devoted to attacking a target, roll on the following table at the beginning of your turn each round to see what you do in that round.

d% Behavior
1–25 Act normally.
26–50 Do nothing but babble incoherently.
51–75 Deal 1d8 + Str modifier damage to self with item in hand.
76–100 Attack nearest creature.
If you can’t carry out the indicated action, you do nothing but babble incoherently. Attackers are not at any special advantage when attacking you.


Male Half-Elf Solarian 19 | SP 169/169 HP 139/139 RP 11/11 | EAC 35(37) KAC 36(38); DR 5/- Resist Fire 15 | F +15; R +15; W +14 | Speed 25 ft. | Init +6 | Perc +28

Arcalinte nods as he rises to his feet, taking out his pack and pulling out a serum, downing it quickly.

"Desna smiles, Jellico. Thank you."

MK 1 Serum of Healing: 1d8 ⇒ 5

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

Spec: moved you so you'd have line of sight.
Jelico: I'm skipping you, so feel free to take two turns.

GM Screen:
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31
1d20 + 17 ⇒ (16) + 17 = 33 3d8 ⇒ (2, 6, 3) = 11
1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21 1d4 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
1d20 + 22 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 22 + 2 = 43 4d8 + 17 ⇒ (2, 5, 3, 2) + 17 = 29
Isu's powerful hammer swing connects with yellow, driving them back but not quite knocking them out. His thrown hammer is blocked by the flat of Xavra's blade.

Spectre's two sonic pulses hit their respective targets. The first sends the blue kish warrior flying across the room until they strike a shelf and slump to the ground. The second is a direct hit on Xavra, leading the Huntmaster to eye the droid balefully. Ted's grenade explodes in a burst of napalm around Xavra, but the Huntmaster's armor completely shields them from the flames. The nanobots attempt to tear into their target, but manage only to deliver some surface wounds. (Xavra makes the Fort save)

The yellow kish moves back in erratically, but again doesn't manage to land an accurate enough strike on Isu to injure the kasatha. The green kish fires a shot from their bow down on Ted, successfully piercing a thinner section of his armor. Thankfully the archaic nature of the weapon means the injury is mild (2 damage)

Xavra closes with Isu, flanking with their ally. Their armor flickers, suddenly glowing with heat. Their blade flashes in and under Isu's guard, cutting a significant gash. (22 dmg after DR)

|||| INIT ||||
Jelico (32 dmg) x2
Arc (0|26|4)
Ted (32 dmg)
Isu (30 dmg)
Spec (26 dmg)

Xavra (30 dmg)
Green kish scout
Yellow kish scout (59 dmg)

Buffs: Haste (Except Jelico and Arc)

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