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![Deep Crow](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/B4_Deep_Crow_highres_rev.jpg)
The fourth and final part of the Heretic's Wake Tournament summary posts focuses upon the structure and game-play (rules-wise) for conducting this high stakes card game.
As always, any suggestions are welcome.
Heretic's Wake in Gameplay:
Playing a Hand:
- Each hand of the Heretic's Wake Tournament will be conducted as a separate 'round' of gameplay, with each player character and NPC having a 'turn' in each round.
- Each round of cards is essentially a Challenging [+0] Gambling skill test which can then be modified (for good or ill) by other skill tests and other potential actions by the participants in the tournament. These skills will be enumerated below for ease of reference.
- The quality of you or your opponents hand is represented by the degrees of success or failure of your Gambling skill test. This is referred to below as strength of hand. The complication comes in with the fact you probably will not know exactly how many degrees of success each of your opponents have prior to the reveal (barring successful skill tests to deduce any 'tells' [see below]).
- Your initial hand, if poor, can be modified by the 'Draw' as outlined above. This is represented by making a second Challenging [+0] Gambling skill test. You have one of two options when making this roll:
[1] On a successful skill test you may increase your previously accumulated degrees of success by one degree. With a failure of the test reducing your current degrees of success by one. This simulates playing conservatively.
[2] Alternately, you may take the results of your second Gambling skill test in lieu of your first roll, for better or worse. This is playing more recklessly, but if you start with a terrible hand, it can potentially salvage a round.
- Each player has a stack of the nine-sided chips used by the Gran Pallazzar casino representing the equivalent of one million Throne Gelt (a staggering sum, the acolytes are both bankrolled through the Inquisition by way of funds released by Wardja's patron, Inquisitor Herod). Essentially, since there are no limits to the amount that can wagered in the tournament, a player or NPC can conceivably be bankrupted and eliminated from the game from a single hand. We will use an abstraction to represent your stack of chips and each post by me will summarize everyone's "Stack" number. This will fluctuate turn to turn by what is lost/won during each hand. Players will be privy to the Stack number of each player involved. The Stack number for each player begins at 100, representing one million Throne Gelt.
- Betting each round will proceed according to the rules outlined in the previous post, with the 'first player' having the exclusive option of raising the stakes during the first round of wagering. Raising following this initial round occurs after the 'Draw' and each succeeding player in turn may either call or call and raise the stakes themselves.
- Betting can be any fraction of your Stack that you deem appropriate, similar to Terran poker. Sometimes it will pay to wager big, and sometimes it pays to bid small and coax more of your opponents chips into the ante before revealing a good hand. Going 'All-In' is of course an option, but the consequences of losing that hand means elimination.
Skill Tests and Modifiers
The following skill tests can be made during each round to further modify the degrees of success for your Gambling skill test or gain other advantages in the tournament. This list is not all-inclusive, and creative uses of others skills, or these same skills for others purposes are of course viable with proper justification.
Remember, NPC's can potentially employ the same methods or techniques, so you may called on to make some skill tests in response to mitigate or negate such attempts.
- Awareness: The Awareness skill can be used in the tournament in two ways. The first is as part of an opposed test, for example, to detect someone else cheating. The second is to gauge the strength an opponent's hand, with the NPC making an opposed test, using Deceive or another situationally appropriate skill to maintain their bluff.
- Blather: A Blather skill test can be attempted as either part of an opposed test when someone is trying to determine if you are bluffing (rather than Deceive) or as a means to extricate yourself from being discovered as a cheat on a failed Sleight of Hand test (basically as a last chance to avoid being turned out of the tournament as a cheat).
- Charm: Charm can be used to gauge the strength of an opponent's hand by effectively disarming their 'poker-face' through polite, flattering, or otherwise obsequious conversation. If your degrees of success exceed your opponent's opposed Deceive skill test, you can call their bluff.
- Common Lore (Underworld): A successful use of this skill in conjunction with another skill will add an automatic +1 degree of success for tests used against either Jeremiah Blitz or Trizo.
- Common Lore (Adeptus Arbites): A successful use of this skill in conjunction with another skill will add an automatic +1 degree of success for tests used against Intelligencer Leprade.
- Deceive: Perhaps one of the most useful skills in Heretic's Wake, Deceive is used to bluff, as well as an option to oppose someone determining if you are bluffing.
- Evaluate: A successful use of the Evaluate skill during the ante/bidding rounds will add one degree of success to any other skill attempt to determine the strength of an opponent's hand.
- Gamble: This skill is the single most important skill a character has at his disposal in the tournament. It governs the basic round to round performance of the PC in game terms.
- Inquiry: The Inquiry skill can be used in a similar capacity to the Charm skill, whereby the player converses with his opponents to detect a tell. This can be used to determine relative strengths of an opponents hand, and is opposed by Deceive.
- Intimidate: Sometimes you have the best hand and you just want the world to know it. This is where Intimidate comes in. A player using this skill basically tries to cow the opposition with bluster about the strength of their cards. If your Gambling skill resulted in positive degrees of success, you can use Intimidate (opposed by your opponents Awareness or Scrutiny) to force opponents to fold. This can be attempted on a number of opponents remaining in the hand equal to your degrees of success. A successful opposed Awareness or Scrutiny test by an opponent allows them to realize your hand is legit, and not a bluff.
- Logic: Another useful skill to determine the strength of an opponent's hand, via counting of cards or other salient observations during gameplay. A successful Logic skill test adds one degree of success to any interaction skill test used to guess strength of hand.
- Psyniscience: Once during the course of the game, Uriah may use Psyniscience to read the surface thoughts of the opponents to reveal the strength of their hands. This ability is limited by the fact that in order to do so, he must content with the witch's interference. This ability can be used to read the thoughts of Rico/The Changeling as well, but failure brings dire consequences.
- Scrutiny: For the tournament, Awareness and Scrutiny are largely interchangeable, as you are just as likely to be able to determine an opponent's strength of hand by noting physical mannerisms (Awareness) as you are by psychological observations (Scrutiny). It is opposed by Deceive.
- Security: With the technical resources at the acolytes disposal, once during the course of the tournament, a surreptitious Security test can be made to determine the strength of hand of everyone remaining at the table. This simulates Dunkan and Gereos using picters, vox-bugs, and monitoring of the tournaments live-feeds to, in effect, cheat. Because it requires positioning of your assets, it is limited to one use, otherwise it would fuel suspicion and possible ejection from the tournament.
- Sleight of Hand: Cheating is expressly forbidden in the Tournament of Cassilda, but that does not mean you can't try. A successful Sleight of Hand skill test will add its degrees of success to your Gambling skill test for that round. However, if you are discovered cheating, you are immediately ejected from the tournament and likely will find yourself in very hot water given the natures of your fellow contestants. Savalos may attempt this skill using the cards he has collected during the course of his investigation on Oremor once during the course of the tournament without making a skill test to gain an identical outcome. This is possible due to the fact that the cards being introduced/removed are identical in design and shape. Other uses of this skill would be marking cards, or palming them at opportune times.
- Trade (Soothsayer): Sometimes the patterns of the cards as they fall suggest a greater power at work. A successful Trade (Soothsayer) skill test allows a player to read the flow of the game through the motifs and mystical power of the cards themselves. A successful test allows a player to add one degree of success to either a Gambling skill test, or one degree of success to an opposed test to determine strength of hand.
Again, this list is by no means comprehensive, and can, and likely will be expanded over the course of the Tournament as things play out.
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![Deep Crow](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/B4_Deep_Crow_highres_rev.jpg)
Thanks, Eradico.
Not really. I felt that the underbelly of the Calixis Sector (and in this case, their largely hypocritical ruling elite) would play something comparable to a variation of no-limit poker. As Heretic's Wake is not fully fleshed out beyond the Inquisitor's Handbook, I took some artistic license with the specifics.
Let me know if anything looks confusing or unclear in the rules above, once we have played the initial round it should make the more confusing points a little clearer.
Updates will be coming for both games tonight, was sidetracked by a busy evening yesterday.
Kaltos, not sure if you missed the last post from the page turn, but I'm waiting on the specifics of your transmissions to the team as well.
Eradico Pravus |
One last item for consideration. How about Assistance as outlined on p. 185? I can imagine a scenario where Wardja might push a bet or fold early if it might help Savalos. Should we say that this might be a possibility depending on how it is role-played or do you want to say it's not really possible to do this without being seen as collusion by others at the table or what?
Note that one of the limits on Assistance is, "The assisting character must be adjacent to the character taking the Test." Not sure if that rule should really be a limit in something like a card game but it's interesting that you sat Sav and Wardja together (and Leprade and Trizo for that matter).
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![Deep Crow](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/B4_Deep_Crow_highres_rev.jpg)
Eradico, I have no problems with you and Bal using Assistance during the course of the tournament, as it is entirely possible for two players (particularly conspiring players with microbeads and Inquisitorial know-how of communicating via gestures and cipher) to influence a game in this manner.
As you said though, there is always the chance that such behavior is noted by others at the table as collusive if it is not subtle.
As far as being adjacent, there is no need for you to be exactly side by side to perform this particular type of Assistance. Being at the table together with adequate eye-lines and within conversational distance is enough. You'd both be able to pull this off even if the seating arrangements weren't so convenient.
Eradico Pravus |
Rook, just to clarify...
1. Can we attempt to use skill modifiers for our *initial* gambling roll? For example may I attempt to use Awareness at the table as the cards are dealt? Or do we wait until later to use Awareness or Scrutiny and the like?
2. Can only a single skill be used to modify a gambling roll? Or could I use two different skills like Inquiry *and* Intimidate?
Thanks for the feedback on Assistance, btw.
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![Deep Crow](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/B4_Deep_Crow_highres_rev.jpg)
Rook, just to clarify...
1. Can we attempt to use skill modifiers for our *initial* gambling roll? For example may I attempt to use Awareness at the table as the cards are dealt? Or do we wait until later to use Awareness or Scrutiny and the like?
Yes, you have it right. Those skills or effects that modify the Gambling skill test can be used to modify even the initial roll. However, keep in mind, as listed above, many of the skill tests only modify the opposed tests to determine opponent's strength of hand and not the Gambling skill test to establish your own strength of hand for the round. These skill tests are usually Awareness or Scrutiny, and arguably will be as or more important than your initial Gambling skill test.
For example, Sav could use the Trade (Soothsayer) skill to help modify his successes on the Gambling skill test for the round, gaining a degree of success with a success on the Trade (Soothsayer) skill test. While you could use Inquiry to converse with another player to guess at their strength of hand but also use a successful test of Common Lore (Adeptus Arbites) to gain one extra degree of success to your Inquiry roll's results in the opposed check if used against Leprade.
2. Can only a single skill be used to modify a gambling roll? Or could I use two different skills like Inquiry *and* Intimidate?
You can use as many skills as you wish, I will only limit it by the logic of the given circumstances, if necessary. Use whatever advantages you may have, in other words.
I think you have the gist of it, once we play through a round I think you will have a clearer understanding of how the tournament will progress.
Thanks for the feedback on Assistance, btw.
No problem at all, Eradico, that's what I'm here for.
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![Deep Crow](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/B4_Deep_Crow_highres_rev.jpg)
Cross posted from IC.
This is for ease of reference, if anyone has questions still, feel free to ask in OOC and I'll be happy to answer.
Heretic's Wake, Round Summary, Quick and Dirty Version:
- [1] Cards are dealt and first Gambling test is made by all players.
- [2] 'First Player' either calls or raises. Other players call, or fold.
- [3] Once the initial bet is complete, players can then return cards to the Draw, and either re-roll the initial Gambling test, accepting the second result for the remainder of the round or roll a Gambling test and receive +1 degree of success for a success, or a -1 to their accumulated degrees of success for a failure on this check. The former is aggressive play, the latter represents playing conservatively. This result, whatever it may be, is their final Gambling result for the round. The third and final option is to retain your initial Gambling test and not draw anything at all.
- [4] Once the Draw is complete, the 'First Player' is given the option of raising again, with each following player given the option to call, fold, or call and raise again.
- [5] Skill tests to resolve 'strength of hand' can be used throughout the round, but make the most sense to do following the Draw, or here in the open bidding stage, to best gauge where everyone stands with their final hand.
- [6] The hands are compared, a winner for the round is determined, and the pot is claimed.
- [7] The next round begins as with "1" above.
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![Deep Crow](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/B4_Deep_Crow_highres_rev.jpg)
Bal, sorry to not mention this sooner, but I got your write-up, and it was excellent as usual. Posting it here for the others to check out:
Scriptorum Chronicle.
Eradico Pravus |
Cross-posted on Oremor and Jericho discussion pages:
Hey guys, I've made several posts on the Only War thread. I know it's a lot to trudge through but when you have time give it a look. Also it's a couple of weeks overdue but I'm finally getting around to character approval. Thanks again for your patience. I'm getting pretty juiced for this to actually begin.
Eradico Pravus |
OK, everybody, the Only War! IC Thread is up. Once I get comrade orders from everyone and the pdf pages updated, we will begin!
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![Darl Quethos](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/DarlQuethos_finish.jpg)
I would like to apologize to you for disappearing for the most part of the week. Circumstances beyond my control have left me no choice. My home city of Marikina in the Philippines was flooded for the most part since August 7, 2012 until today August 10, 2012. Water rose to as high as 20 meters. Power was cut to prevent electricity related fatalities, hence, the lack of posts.
For many of us here, this is the second time since 2009 that our homes have been flooded. We are still lucky since we are still here to celebrate our survival.
Now that power is constant, expect my posting to return to normal.
Eradico Pravus |
(Cross-posted to Oremor and Jericho campaigns)
Hey everyone, I want you to know that I've been keeping Rook up late helping me with fluff and upkeep on the Only War! wiki. Hopefully after a few more days I'll be out of his hair and he'll be free to manage his campaigns--Not baby-sit me with mine! ;)
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![Deep Crow](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/B4_Deep_Crow_highres_rev.jpg)
Cross-posted from Sons of Jericho OOC
Sorry about my recent absence from posting, some family issues outside of my control have been preoccupying me of late (no worries though, nothing earth-shattering) and we recently had an addition to the household with my son's new puppy who is pretty much monopolizing everyone's attention. Posting should be normalizing over the next week or so, so thanks for being patient!
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![Deep Crow](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/B4_Deep_Crow_highres_rev.jpg)
Well guys, today marks three years since the Oremor Affliction campaign began, and for all of you, whether you have been here from the very beginning or joined along the way, let me give you my heartfelt appreciation for making this such a great game for me to GM.
As a special award for this milestone, everyone will be gaining a permanent Fate Point and a 300 XP bonus.
As the story enters the final act, I hope that you've all enjoyed the ride thus far as much as I have!
Balfic-graa |
Again sorry for the slow posting. Paizo has been making it a bear to try and find the links to the games.
Figure I will spend my 300xp on skills that were over looked by Sav earlier. Secret Tongue: Gutter, and Basic Weapon Training: Flamer. Silly to have a hand flamer and not know how to use it...
Hope to see everyone in game soon. Like to see how everything plays out in our Casino Royale match.
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![Deep Crow](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/B4_Deep_Crow_highres_rev.jpg)
I'm not ending the game.
I felt that should start things off, so there is no misunderstanding with what is to follow.
First of all, I'd just like to apologize to everyone about my absence of late, I feel guilty for not posting something sooner, but I had every intention that the hiatus would be a much shorter one.
Truth is, I may have been ignoring the warning signs that I was getting a little burnt out GM'ing for a while now, and once I realized what was happening, I had planned on taking a few days off and returning again fairly quickly, but life has a habit of interfering with the best laid plans, and the time between my posts just kept getting larger.
The creative juices just weren't flowing for me of late, and I didn't want to 'post just to post', as I kind of hold myself to a high standard with this hobby, and felt you guys deserved better. I suppose I should give myself a pat on the back, three years in one PbP game is a pretty good accomplishment, as is juggling another game at the same time for a year plus, but all I can think of is that I'm letting everyone down.
I've reached out to both Bal and Eradico to get their take on things, and have to thank them for their support and advice, both have been tremendous.
So, rather than ruin something that we have all spent a long time building and working at, I'm going to take a hiatus, a sabbatical if you will, from both games, to recharge my batteries. My intention is to begin both games anew just after Christmas to finish what we started way back in October of 2009. I think we all have a personal stake of sorts in where the story is going, so I hope you will all be patient with me, and stay along for the ride, I promise it won't disappoint.
On the other hand, I totally understand if anyone wants to leave the game due to this interruption. There definitely won't be any hard feelings on my end, as this is my decision, and I understand that not everyone wants to wait around for a game, free time is a valuable thing for most of us in the PbP world. I just ask that you give me the head's up before we start again, either through email (Paizo messager, or rookseye at yahoo dot com) or in OOC here.
I consider you all friends, and am constantly amazed and delighted by the enjoyment that your individual interactions with these shared stories have brought me over the past few years, taking them in directions I never would have foreseen at the outset; making them your own, a collaborative imaginative experience that can't be topped in my humble opinion by any other form of entertainment. Thanks for making everything that has come to pass thus far in the Oremor Affliction and the Sons of Jericho cooler than my wildest hopes at the outset.
I will probably be posting something intermittently in both IC and OOC for both games during the hiatus to keep the threads alive, so there will be some activity, but I plan to keep things largely quiet in the meantime. If anyone would like to discuss either game in OOC too, I'll be checking those posts pretty regularly, so feel free to update your characters and spend the most recent experience awards granted. You'll be seeing me in Eradico's Only War campaign as well, as Sarge, so I won't be totally off the grid.
Thanks in advance for understanding guys, I'm looking forward to beginning fresh in a couple of months and returning to the campaigns, I hope you'll all be there with me!
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![Deep Crow](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/B4_Deep_Crow_highres_rev.jpg)
OK, everything should be back in full swing for both campaigns this week, my thanks to everyone for being so patient, and especially for the timely bumps from Eradico and Balfic. I kept meaning to do it myself, but by the time I remembered you guys had saved me the trouble, much appreciated!
The break from the action helped tremendously for me (GM burnout is no fun), and I am eager to get both campaigns back on track and continue the story-lines we've invested so much time and effort in crafting.
My assumption is that everyone is returning, but I ask that you please check in with a post below so that I know your intentions with regard to continuing with the campaign and GM/NPC as required to keep things moving.
Glad to be back in the grim, dark future of the 41st millennium!
Lorm Dragonheart |
I spent the 300 xp + the 50 I hadn't spent. For 250 xp, I am raising my per to an intrmediate advance, and for 100 xp, I will raise logic to trained. I also noticed you didn't raise my fate points to 6 on the wiki. When you get a chance, I'd appreciate it.
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![Deep Crow](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/B4_Deep_Crow_highres_rev.jpg)
Will do, Lorm. Thanks for posting the advances.
When everyone else gets the opportunity, please post your advances as well.
Sorry about the false start with the Oremor Affliction last week. I spent my free time re-reading some of the more recent posts and doing some side-work for a coming encounter. I will post in IC tomorrow to get things moving again.
Unless I hear differently from Rad, Ryuk will be GM/NPC'ed for now.
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![Deep Crow](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/B4_Deep_Crow_highres_rev.jpg)
Very close, Lorm.
I updated both Savalos and Uriah's sheets on the wiki, and they are now up for viewing.
Eradico and Catman please let me know here what you intend to spend your 300 XP on so that I can update your sheets as well (even if you intend to save it).
Ellipsis, Vincent had 200 XP saved, so he has a total of 500 XP to spend if he so chooses.