![]() [Cross-posted from Only War campaign] Team, Sorry for my prolonged absence. Have had severe logistical difficulties with work and family. No major crises or anything but it has just been too dang hard to carve out time for the PbP. Plus my wife asked me to back off on the computer time. If it comes down to the wife or the computer, well, the wife is going to win. Suffice it to say I'm working on the re-boot for the campaign. I will advance matters a little and provide a recap for each character. I'm still not sure when posting will resume... I don't want to make any false promises but try checking back in a week or so. Also if you want out of the game or don't even want to bother posting again, no hard feelings. I will miss Mark but I completely respect his decision. Bal, thanks for reaching out to me. I'm doing fine it's just been too hard to get back into posting and when I do I feel overwhelmed because I want to do too much rather than too little. Then I shut down and procrastinate. Arg! Sincerely,
![]() [Cross-posted from Only War campaign] Team, Sorry for my prolonged absence. Have had severe logistical difficulties with work and family. No major crises or anything but it has just been too dang hard to carve out time for the PbP. Plus my wife asked me to back off on the computer time. If it comes down to the wife or the computer, well, the wife is going to win. Suffice it to say I'm working on the re-boot for the campaign. I will advance matters a little and provide a recap for each character. I'm still not sure when posting will resume... I don't want to make any false promises but try checking back in a week or so. Also if you want out of the game or don't even want to bother posting again, no hard feelings. I will miss Mark but I completely respect his decision. Bal, thanks for reaching out to me. I'm doing fine it's just been too hard to get back into posting and when I do I feel overwhelmed because I want to do too much rather than too little. Then I shut down and procrastinate. Arg! Sincerely,
![]() Team, Sorry for my prolonged absence. Have had severe logistical difficulties with work and family. No major crises or anything but it has just been too dang hard to carve out time for the PbP. Plus my wife asked me to back off on the computer time. If it comes down to the wife or the computer, well, the wife is going to win. Suffice it to say I'm working on the re-boot for the campaign. I will advance matters a little and provide a recap for each character. I'm still not sure when posting will resume... I don't want to make any false promises but try checking back in a week or so. Also if you want out of the game or don't even want to bother posting again, no hard feelings. I will miss Mark but I completely respect his decision. Bal, thanks for reaching out to me. I'm doing fine it's just been too hard to get back into posting and when I do I feel overwhelmed because I want to do too much rather than too little. Then I shut down and procrastinate. Arg! Sincerely,
![]() Mark, Yes, to all three of your questions/points: Feel free to spend the xp on advances at any time.
![]() Team, Sorry for the considerable delays (again!). Arg, it's not what I want. My posting time is limited and I get paralyzed somewhat by wanting to make longer, more descriptive posts but then I don't have the time and then I end up doing nothing. Apologies. The current scene for each team will be brief and then you'll be moving towards your encampment. There should be some considerable role-playing opportunities at that point. In the meantime I am granting everyone 300 xp for the initial combat against the shoota boyz. I am granting Mark a bonus 50 points for keeping his ammo tally "on screen" as it were. The bookkeeping for combats is somewhat overwhelming and if each player is willing to track their own weapon that would be of huge assistance. I'll give Cat an extra 50 xp as well for knowing when his ammo drum ran dry but ask that he also track the ammo in his posts or in a spoiler in the future. For example, Mark posted at the end of his action: 31/40 shots left in clip 1, weapon on recharge for 2 rounds Any player doing likewise will receive the 50 bonus xp in the future. I'd like to revisit the split regiment as Mark suggested. We could split the regiment between native Oremites (Sarge, Dol, Doc, Scope, Dot, for example) and off-worlders that have been sent to Oremor for punishment or assignment (De'Lark and Drususon come to mind). Another factor to consider would be to adopt one of the regimental drawbacks to earn some extra point for regiment creation. You could then perhaps upgrade standard weapons from the rather weak lasguns. Or spend them in any other way you see fit. Depending on the outcome of the Dark Heresy campaign, perhaps the unit could take "Lost Home World" and earn a hatred against heretics or chaos. Or the "Mistrusted" drawback seems very fitting. Heck, take both! Also if anyone is dissatisfied with their current character and would like to change, I am open to discussion. I would allow you to carry over your xp from your first character. Once we move to the Supply Depot this transition would be easy. A couple of other changes will be in the works. Unless Deiros comes back to the game, Anselm will appear only occasionally as an NPC (mainly when the squad needs motorized transport). Also I think the commissar is somewhat problematic and will be reassigned from the squad, only making a cameo from time to time, however. Ellipsis, let me know your thinking on this. I really prefer to have as few NPCs in the immediate team as possible. As always, everyone, thanks for your continued participation and patience. ![]()
![]() Team, Bal raised an interesting question with me. What, if anything, can the Oremor guardsmen share regarding their homeworld? Rook, I especially want your input. Since the Only War campaign is taking place well after whatever cataclysm will befall Oremor, I don't know how the players (and me as GM) should handle it. Since some are blight survivors has the Inquisition put any sort of clamps on the Oremor IG? And as a GM side-note might this explain why they've been sent to a Death World? (heh, heh, heh...) Anyways maybe the Swamp Rats can share with vague generalities regarding Oremor but leave the system's ultimate fate as a taboo, undiscussed subject. Input wanted! Thanks! Eradico ![]()
![]() I'm sure some of you have seen THIS already. From reading some of the discussion on the forums, seems reactions are mixed. ![]()
![]() Rook, this was of interest for Brother Emeric. The quoted Only War FAQs below answers some questions I think we both had. We should probably apply it to the Deathwatch campaign. The most immediate effect is that Emeric would currently have a melee penalty with his servo-arm since he's not trained in Mechadendrite Use (Weapon). ========================================================= Question: Does a character add his Strength Bonus to Damage
Answer: Yes. Mechadendrites that can be used as melee
Question: How does a character gain the appropriate
Answer: Via the purchase of the Mechadendrite Use (Weapon)
![]() Rookseye wrote:
I leafed through the book at my local game-store. Don't have the cash right now but from my cursory glance it looks great. Thanks for doing the leg-work on this, Rook and Mark. ![]()
![]() With the 27 left over we could honor Cat's request to take Aquila Lander twice. If others want to spend the points differently I can drop my mult-tool to make points available. The main reason as I see it to take the multi-tool is in case there's a need to make some sort of repairs on equipment/weaponry. Granted it's not that likely but nice to have just in case. ![]()
![]() Oooh! Emeric likes having an orbital strike cruiser! :) Rook, if the kill-team took vox transmission net, would that make Emeric's request for a vox-caster (10 pts.) redundant? Emeric cancels his requisition for a multi-key (15 pts.) and instead request orbital surveillance to interface with his internal auger array. Deiros may still want a multi-key but in all likelihood Ellipsis is right and the item will prove superflous. ![]()
![]() Ellipsis, yeah like I already said it's doubtful there will be a need for mulit-key or combi-tool in a low-tech environment. The combi-tool should be standard issue as the tech-marine's swiss-army knife, Emeric feels naked without it. :) Revised req list: Godwyn bolter w/fire selector/3 krak/3 frag, 0 pts Kraken round clip, 15
54 points total ![]()
![]() Björn Ensam-Vargr wrote: I'm having trouble getting time at home for looking through my physical DW book... could someone recommend 30 pts or so of grenades? Can update tonight when I get home but krak and frag grenades only cost points when the req request is "excessive" (not defined in rulebook). Other specialty grenades have costs and sometimes renown requirements. Like I said, will try to update tonight. ![]()
![]() Emeric's Requisition Request: Godwyn bolter (is this standard?) 5
Combi-Tool 15
OK, I'm being the greedy, gadget-happy tech-marine again with 71 points total. If I need to shave that down, leave the cluster mines and multi-key. Notes: Emeric is wearing a Black Templar Ornamental Tabard (+2 to Fellowship tests). Although Brother Lyriel took a chrono through requisition (only 1 point, I know), space marine armor has an internal chronometer (p. 172). Might we want to take an Elucidator (p. 175) in case communication with Aurumites (or potential semi-intelligent saurian enemies) may prove difficult? ![]()
![]() Rookseye wrote: What is unbelievable though is the sheer number of jams/natural 100's being rolled in OW and DH of late, it's almost comical at this point. Rook,maybe the next DH campaign can be the acolyte's investigating corruption within the Department Munitorum. Seems like lots of shoddy craftsmanship! lol ![]()
![]() Edwin Drususon wrote:
The ork dives beneath the stormtrooper's hellfire rounds. The building's walls are rapidly becoming dilapidated from the guardsmen's combined fire. Underneath Shuttle Spina a vehicle ramp has lowered and the first of the unit's armored conveyance has appeared: a Chimera Transport. The machine rolls from beneath the shuttle and moves to overtake the infantry troops now engaging orks to the northwest. . Into the Fray -- Round 16 Each square=2 meters
Initiative Order
Ork Status:
Ork #1: dead Ork #2: dead Ork #3: dead Ork #4: 12 wounds, pinned Ork #5: -6 wounds, -10 to WS and BS from head gash, blood loss, fatigued x3, movement rate 1/4, -10 to agility, suffering from fire damage (see below) Ork #6: dead Ork #7: 0 wounds, pinned Ork #8: -3 wounds, prone Squad Status:
14/14 wounds Scope 14/14 wounds Doc 7/11 wounds Sarge 2/14 wounds Dol 7/12 wounds Vex 14/14 wounds Drususon 17/17 wounds Lark 3/13 wounds . The ork before Tartare and De'Lark falls back to its knees. The las-round delivered by the sniper has created a small glowing crater in the xeno's chest which ignites the beast's flak jacket and skin. Rolling special fire damage, bypasses armor, 1d10 ⇒ 2, minimum damage moves to crit -7, stunned for 2d10 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5 rounds. For all intents and purposes, ork #5 is finally out of action. The ork attempts to roll over but it simply slowly cooks from an irradiated wash of fire. Bones snap, its belly bursts, and boiling intestines gush forth. Incredulously the greenskin still breathes but will not last much longer. Operator Tartare drops to a knee and fires on the structure immediately to the east. The round looks like it strikes true but the entrenched ork avoids harm. Aiming at ork #4, BS 35 + 1/2 aim 10 + standard 10 + short 10 + comrade 05 = 70, 1d100 ⇒ 42, damage 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4, even substituting DoS for damage delivers no hits due to armor, TB, and cover. Scope is up. ![]()
![]() Everyone, It's been a few weeks but here's a partial summary of my con experience in order that I played them--I was late to the Black Crusade game and lost my spot. :( Only War! -- Played an Elysian Drop Troop demolitions expert. The standard firearm was a shotgun which really wrecked some havoc. The fighting was inside structures so most of the fighting was up close and personal. Would have been interesting to see how combat w/short-range shotguns would have changed outdoors. They seemed way more effective than lasrifles, that's for sure. I really liked the feel of the guardsman squad and I thought the various roles--medic, weapons specialist, tech priest--really meshed well. In addition to the shotgun, I had a grenade launcher which I used to lay down smoke and also launched a krak grenade into the open cargo door of an enemy shuttle and immolated the crew... that was fun! I think this was my favorite adventure of the weekend. Had that right balance of danger and ability to dish out damage. Deathwatch -- Played a "Bone Collector" sniper home-brewed by the GM. The GM was an art major in college and had some immaculately painted minis. The kill-team had to secure and clear out a xeno research station. Lots of mayhem and carnage. This one was the least fun because A. A few of the players kept making jokes trying to out-nerd each other with their 40K fluff knowledge (that got old REALLY quickly) and B. The kill-team was never in any real danger. The couple of big baddies the GM had planned were dispensed with pretty quickly. We used Deathwatch RAW and I was reminded a little of our team's showdown on Tantalus--kind of anti-climactic. The GM only threw one horde at us too so I think he underestimated how much firepower a five man team can dish out. Rook, I'm actually looking forward to using the nerfed rules from Black Crusade in our DW game. Rogue Trader -- I played the explorator so I was right at home as the tech guy. :) This was fun... first time I played RT and I liked the "away team" feel of the adventure. The group did a great job of utilizing their various talents. No ship combat which would have been interesting to me but would have slowed the game down considerably. Some thoughts/observations: 1. I'm really thankful for the crew that I play with here on the Paizo boards with DW, DH, and OW. The quality of play, collegiality, and general friendliness is outstanding. Thanks so much everyone. 2. I play WFRP, 3rd ed. face to face about twice a month. The game is lethal (in a year I've lost three characters and another was retired). The sense of mortality is palpable and definitely influences decisions. Sort of the opposite of the DW encounter I played. I love the DW fluff and love playing a totally bad-ass superhuman space marine. I love my character, Brother Emeric, but I would actually be OK if he were to fall in play. I don't have a death wish for him but I'd rather cross the fine line of danger than not come close to it. Hope this makes sense. And Rook, please understand in no way is this meant to be a criticism of you or your game. As a side-note Rook, how would you handle PC death? Do replacement characters come in at rank 1 or do you allow players to replace at the same xp level as their lost character? In Only War I think I will do the latter. 3. Once the initial ork combat ends I'm looking forward to facilitating some character development by Squad Mire. There are already some developing personalities and there are some story lines I will pursue. I had fun as "Boomer" the demo guy in my game. That's it. Thanks for reading if you made it this far! Sincerely,