Dark Ages Vampire - Bloodlines

Game Master Dennis Harry

Bloodlines is a continuation of the now defunct table top Dark Ages Vampire game wherein the PC's have created lineal descendants throughout the ages.

Attendees seeking a seat or have a seat in the Inner Circle:

Assamite - Lord Bajazet al Nasir.

Brujah – Lady Meridie de Chancie, Lord Criatas, “Dark”Selena, Robin Leeland.

Cappadocian – Lord Benne.

Gangrel – Milov Petrankov.

Lasombra - Prince Narses the Archbishop of Nod

Malkavian – Antione le Fanu, Lutz von Hohenzollern.

Nosferatu – Cristo Petradon, Simon.

Salubri – Brian Stack.

Setites – Sadir.

Toreador – Rafael de Corazon, Francois Villon, Helene la Jouste.

Tremere - Radek, Mistress Fanchon.

Tzimisce – Myca Vykos.

Ventrue – Alyssa Gilbert, Lady Jadviga Almanov, Lanzo von Saschen, Prince Alexander.

Remember - only those listed get votes. Of course influencing their Childer can go a long way to getting a vote.

Social Combat:

Let me first thank Sir Dunstan and his excellent Game of Thrones campaign as the inspiration for this rules tweak. A shout out to Vitaliano who also does an excellent job as a player in that campaign.

Game of Thrones has a Social Combat system that, while not translatable directly, I used as inspiration for this campaign.

This is a proposed rules set and I am more than happy to hear feedback from Players before I implement it in full.

Roleplaying is still required to get your point across. However, I think a mechanical system could be beneficial for this scenario, a scenario quite unlike anything I have ever done in a Vampire game before.

Making My Case

To convince a “voter” to side with your Sire, you may roll the following set of Attributes and Abilities:

1. Against someone who is clearly NOT in your favor --- Manipulation+Subterfuge+Politics
2. Against someone who is NEUTRAL – Charisma+Expression+Politics

The difficulty of all rolls is that Cainites Willpower. You will need to score as many successes as they have Willpower to win the contest. Once you engage the voter, you will only have three rounds to make your case and can only attempt do so one time per night.

If you have Presence – Awe or Enrancement, you may attempt to use these powers in conjunction with the above roll. Each success utilizing that Discipline gives you one more success on your total roll.

Beware, failing in using Presence in Elysium can lead to Sanctions by Thomas Brexiano.

Also beware, Cainites may try to turn this system around on you…

But What if Someone Else Tries This on a Voter I just Brought to my Side?

Amount of successes is a key factor here, you will want to score as many success as you can to ensure that a rival does not try to take that vote from you!

Certain NPC’s already believe that others are in their favor and would never change their votes. Those will be the toughest cookies to break.

Note this system cannot be used on:

Your In-Clan rivals, no amount of sweet talking or bribes will change their minds they all want this position badly.

Prince Narses, he simply will not entertain such discourse. Of course, this does not mean you cannot try to get into the ears of one of his Childer to have them speak with him…

Discerning My Quarry’s Intent

How can I tell if someone is for or against me despite what they are saying?

Make a Perception+Empathy+Politics roll.

The difficulty is 10, less that Cainites Humanity score. Those closer to the Beast are much harder to read. For every Century over 300 years that Cainite has lived, the DC will be increased by 1, topping out at 10, as these Cainites have well and truly mastered this game to have existed for so long in the first place.

Once you engage the voter, you will only have three rounds to ferret out their intent and can only attempt do so one time per night. You will need to score as many successes as they have Willpower to ascertain their intent.

If you have Auspex – Read the Soul or Invade the Mind, you may attempt to use these powers in conjunction with the above roll. Each success utilizing that Discipline gives you one more success on your total roll.

How else can I make my case?

The use of Presence, while frowned upon, is much less cause for censure than using Dominate. Dominate does not work on a Cainite whose blood is closer to Caine than your own. If you seek to use Dominate to convince a voter (or perhaps one of the Childer?) to vote for your Sire, it would be best used elsewhere in the city.

Boons – the boon system of quid pro quo can also be used to gain votes. You will need to offer something of course that that voter does not have or cannot get from another candidate.

Eliminate my rivals. This one is obvious though failure to do so without detection may subject YOU to the Final Death!

6,151 to 6,200 of 11,989 << first < prev | 119 | 120 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | next > last >>

Shadow's Status
Sir Dunstan Füller wrote:
I did succeed the last test with a 9 and 10 to notice something yet I still do not know what

Open spoilers in my initial post last night listed Perception+Empathy 2 successes. Tis in there, though it may not be entirely clear WHAT you saw...

By Khadaji, you meant Khadijah? And to be fair, to Alessandro... I did state waiting for a proper pause. No intention of being rude or interrupting.

intelligence + politics: 3d10 + 1d10 ⇒ (2, 9, 9) + (10) = 30

Alessandro walks side by side with Alyssa to the Ventrue table, they are a united front. Casually, yet strategically he places himself between her and the most powerful threat, even if that means sitting beside an elder.

He is professional and cordial.

Perception+Empathy: 4d10 ⇒ (6, 10, 1, 3) = 20
Intelligence+Politics: 3d10 ⇒ (5, 1, 9) = 15

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Players (1) Ranerius Bernerius, (2) Sir Dunstan Füller, (3) Cantor, (4) Vitaliano da Riva, (5) Alessandro Khadaji, (6) Lorenzo Cappelli, (7) Andrew the Hardy, (8) Michele Querini, (9) Giovanni Dal’este, and (10) Xing Shi.

Non-Players Several Dozen Assembled Cainites.

Gio waits until Xing is done before nodding at Bajazet and stepping forward. He gives Prince Narses a low, practiced bow; that and his expensive clothes show he is no stranger to high society. "Giovanni dal'Este of Venice, Prince, childe of Bajazet of Clan Assamite. I am honored to be allowed this opportunity to present myself to you and this court."

He's not really trying to do anything but be very polite and cultured to make a good impression; I'll go ahead and roll Etiquette to see how well he does.
Cha+Etiquette: 7d10 ⇒ (7, 4, 7, 8, 9, 9, 5) = 49 Not bad. :)

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 26/40 | Willpower: 6/8

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Players. (1) Ranerius Bernerius, (2) Sir Dunstan Füller, (3) Cantor, (4) Vitaliano da Riva, (5) Alessandro Khadaji, (6) Lorenzo Cappelli, (7) Andrew the Hardy, (8) Michele Querini, (9) Giovanni Dal’este, and (10) Xing Shi.

Non-Players. Several Dozen Assembled Cainites.

Intelligence (Analytical) + Politics for Bajazet: 4d10 + 0 ⇒ (2, 6, 6, 8) + 0 = 22 -3 sucesses

Intelligence (Analytical) + Politics for Brian/Narses: 4d10 + 0 ⇒ (5, 1, 4, 5) + 0 = 15 - Botch!

Lorenzo otherwise quietly takes a seat at the Cappadocian table.

Are any other Cappadocians present at the table?

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Players. (1) Ranerius Bernerius, (2) Sir Dunstan Füller, (3) Cantor, (4) Vitaliano da Riva, (5) Alessandro Khadaji, (6) Lorenzo Cappelli, (7) Andrew the Hardy, (8) Michele Querini, (9) Giovanni Dal’este, and (10) Xing Shi.

Non-players Various assorted

Perception + Empathy
6d10 ⇒ (9, 7, 7, 6, 3, 9) = 41

4d10 ⇒ (6, 8, 6, 10) = 30

Andrew is surprised to hear Prince Narses proclaim that everyone in attendance chose to violate the third tradition. Prince Narses did not mention this at the first meeting so Andrew suspected it was to cement the Prince's power while placing those in attendance upon equal footing, though why choose to differentiate between classes of clans.

As Brian moves forward Andrew seats himself at the table behind the strange symbol...The three eyes make sense to him just as the trinity does, but other parts will have to be thought about some more at a later time.

Shadow's Status

Yes Lorenzo you are alone as well at the Cappadocian table. Sorry I was fading a bit last night as I was finishing the last post.

Shadow's Status

One more item I failed to specify, Durga Syn sits at the Malkavian table beside Vasatanesa.

Male Italian (Toreador)

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Players. (1) Ranerius Bernerius, (2) Sir Dunstan Füller, (3) Cantor, (4) Vitaliano da Riva, (5) Alessandro Khadaji, (6) Lorenzo Cappelli, (7) Andrew the Hardy, (8) Michele Querini, (9) Giovanni Dal’este, and (10) Xing Shi.

Non-Players. Several Dozen Assembled Cainites.

One by one, they are presented, and Ranerius tries to mark their styles and methods. While it might surprise the Cainites, he has been in situations where a mispoken word or step could endanger him before. Venice is the very soul of civilization in many ways, but even in this gem of the meditarianian, there are those with power, and those who are helpless before them, and the latter had best learn how to step else their first move forward lead them to harm.

He noticed Bazjet's motions and mention of the 'old man', and that Giovanni, the fellow vampire he rather enjoyed conversing with is his childe.

All make an Intelligence+Politics roll DC 6 to interpret the meaning of Bajazet’s gesture.

4d10 ⇒ (7, 5, 9, 8) = 29

Gio waits until Xing is done before nodding at Bajazet and stepping forward. He gives Prince Narses a low, practiced bow; that and his expensive clothes show he is no stranger to high society. "Giovanni dal'Este of Venice, Prince, childe of Bajazet of Clan Assamite. I am honored to be allowed this opportunity to present myself to you and this court."

An assamite? Amazing. My sire mentions them as hired killers... I suppose there's an artistry to any endeavor, but I hope the toll such a life... well, unlife, takes does not jade the young man too much if that is indeed his path.

Francois goes next, ”Francois Villon of Paris, Childe of Helen of Troy, Childe of Arikel of the Clan of the Rose. With me is my Childe Ranerius Bernerius . Here but not present is also my other Childe Violetta. We thank you for your hospitality Prince Narses and we look forward to working closely with you as part of the Council of the Camarilla”.

As it is his turn, as he is introduced, Ranerius bows, "It is a great honor to meet the power of Venice, lord prince." And indeed, he may indeed be Venice's power incarnate, the unseen hand I never knew existed before. It is he who I must fear above all I think and yes, my sire is right, he who we must most impress. and steps back when his sire does.

Rafael steps forward giving a sweeping bow ”Rafael de Corazon, Childe of Castilli y Castillo, Childe of Arikel. With me is one Childe, Bassanio Strozzi the Florentine. I believe you will clearly see that I am the best choice to lead Clan Toreador into this new age”.

Ranerius muses And this is where I might be tempted to check my garments, to diminish his import, but that's too risky a game at this stage, and besides, better to judge the Prince's reaction to both my sire and his rival. Who does he favor at this time I wonder?

If a roll will help determine that, Perception plus Empathy?
6d10 ⇒ (7, 3, 8, 7, 2, 8) = 35

Brian Stack calls from his position in the back, ”Brian of Clan Salubri and his Childe Andrew the Lord of Moray are present and ready to advise you and your Camarilla Prince”.
All make an Intelligence+Politics roll DC 6 to ascertain the reaction to this unorthodox approach to making an announcement.

4d10 ⇒ (8, 2, 10, 1) = 21

Lady Maridie strides forward, ”Meridie de Chancie of Clan Brujah representative of the Court of Guillame and Lady of the Courts of Love with me is my Childe the Crusader Sir Dunstan Fuller. I am the future of the Clan and the correct choice for Inner Circle amongst this august panel”.

When Sir Fuller, another cainite he had the pleasure of speaking with is introduced, Ranerius wonders if the odd altercation he had earlier will bias things in one way or another against him. I believe the Sire said the Brujah were known for their passions. Perhaps they know how to take advantage of the label. One who is told he is fiery is often allowed more temper than others. Our expectations are often more at work against us than a help I think and a sly fellow can use the expecations of others to his advantage.

Then the Prince makes his delcaration that might chill even the blood of a vampire...

All of you with few exceptions have Embraced a new Childe, here in my very Domain in violation of the Third Tradition. By right, I may slay you all where you stand along with these wayward Childer. It is the mercy of Caine that I demonstrate this night that stays my hand. No doubt all will partake in communion later this evening that I may absolve you of this great sin...

Ranerius has little choice but to incline his head at this comment And there it is, a reminder he rules here, and not a subtle one. No, the subtlety is turning a lack of a violent act into a kindess, something we should not only be glad of, but grateful for, and all under the veil of decorum. Incredible.

And yet... as he sees Rafael huff and curse, the new Toreador almost has to fight a smile And someone was not prepared to have his ear tugged like a school boy. His reaction may count against him.. I think. The air here is thick with ego.

He waits till his own sire is seated at the crowded Toreador table, and then takes one near him

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309


Finn Garrety wrote:
It would indeed be interesting to know what and how are the connection formed between the dodge / the pope and the prince wouldn't it? Following the money trail can indeed provide somes direction as to who is in bed with who he ask

Vykos shrugs, "The Pope and the Doge have few connections, as I understand it they are fast becoming mortal enemies.

Yes, knowing how the Prince is connected to the Doge would be interesting indeed. Perhaps by day you can investigate this? As a mortal still insinuating that you can assist the Prince in this wil gramt you access no others may get".

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court

Narses turns to Alejandro, "Is she one of yours?"

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court

Alejandro stands and approaches Xing smiling, "The truth shall reveal itself to me..."

He slowly reaches for your wrist Xing and brings it to his mouth. Ever so slowly his fangs lower until they have fully descended. He pierces your wrist, painlessly and drinks of you. Lose 1 BP.

He closes his eyes, then opens them again and smiles at you. He turns back to Narses, "Indeed Sire, she is one of mine. Come my dear".

Taking Xing by the hand he leads her to the table of the Lasombra.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court

Lord Bajazet's Gesture:
This gesture is clearly an insult but a subtle one intended for Narses alone. The Prince does not react one way or another to it.

Brian's Unorthodox Announcement:
Narses eyes narrow ever so slightly at the breach of Etiquette. He is hard to read but it seems he is less than pleased with Brian at the moment.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Assamite Table

Bajazet accompanies Giovanni to the Assamite table, "I shall claim my place on the dais when the Tzimisce arrive. Well done Childe. Once business of the evening is conducted, approach this Alessandro Khadaji, I should like to know more about him".

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Brujah Table

Dunstan you sit with Meridie at the table, this is as close as you have ever come to either Selena or to Criatas. Selena's clothing seems worn her hair has flecks of blood in it, she is the epitome of a witch the Inquisition would burn at the stake. Criatas seems almost statue like in his lack of humanity, almost alien.

Approaching the table and sitting is the Brujah Lord Jurgen named Christol.

Selena turns to her, "Ah my dear how good of you to sit with your own kind".

Christol smiles, forced but smiles, "Of course, my first loyalty is to the blood of course".

Criatas' head turns to Christol, "Indeed, proven on a nightly basis by your service to a Ventrue Lord of the Night". He addresses Meridie, "You may claim to be loyal to your Sire but why would he send you here? You have given in to the false flatteries and pretentions of the Toreador Courts. Foreswearing knowledge and traditions of our Clan for theirs, gaining you friends amongst their kind. I would see this city burn before I saw one such as you represent us all".

Meridie turns back to Criatas, "I have great respect for you Elder but I can only hope you have brought a significant amount of kindling for it is I who shall sit on that dais before this Conclave is through..."

Dunstan thinks his words carefully before speaking Lady Criatas" he bows slightly in her honor "I'm not as knowledgeable in matter of the nightly courts, but what it's the point of making allies within your own, if you would stand alone against many?" moving his arm slowly as if pointing at all present "Someone has to be a diplomat to represent our interest in other clans, much like in the mortal world other courts" shrugging his shoulders "One knight has your ideas, he took his men and died a futile useless death, only making it harder for the rest of us, we had to negotiate from disadvantage, so I think it could be similar here, why battle so many ourselves if we can have allies that can fill in the gaps in our defense and offense? Thinking like that will not see you seated in the inner circle, without allies to support you within and without."

Looking at Christol and bowing slightly "I wish you well in your endeavor as long as it is for the good of the Clan lord Christol"

"Having said that, I apologize if I have broke any etiquette I'm unaware off, I felt like it was necessary to say that, and that we must act united before them"

Max Blood Pool/Current = 20/10

Xing follows Alejandro, her grand sire, to the table to take a seat. She watches him carefully unsure if he was lying or not.

perception+empathy: 3d10 ⇒ (7, 8, 8) = 23

She smiles at him and the rest of the Losombra trying to be as polite as she can never meeting any of them before and nods to each before taking her seat.

Shadow's Status

Dunstan, Criatas is a man and Christol a woman for future reference ;-)

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Assamite Table

Gio glances over at the Ventrue table, much more crowded than their own. <"Khadaji? Of course I will do as you say, sire, but why? He does not seem to be of the most interest to the other elders here tonight.">

<> = spoken in Turkish

Move along, there is nothing to see here.

Ow... my bad, do noted I apologize for the mistake

Shadow's Status
Sir Dunstan Füller wrote:
Ow... my bad, do noted I apologize for the mistake

No, I am just assuming you would have called him Lord and her Lady! :-) More of a for your reference comment.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Cappadocian Table

Lorenzo as you sit alone at the table you hear the sound of Lord Benne's voice in your mind, "Reach out with your perceptions, do you sense any spirits in the area?"

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Gangrel Table

Cantor you sit alone at the table of the Gangrel.

As you look up at the dais you see your Sire scanning the room with an obvious look of displeasure on his face, it seems who he expected to see has not arrived.

The crowd around you speaks in soft tones to members of their own clans gathered at the other tables though many of the newest Cainites, much like you, sit alone.

It seems the crowd is waiting in anticipation for the final Clan representative to arrive.

Make an Intelligence+Politics roll to try and guess who that may be.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Lasombra Table

Xing, you are led to the table, which is quite crowded indeed, there is standing room only. Upon your approach, one of the Cainites stands and offers you his seat, his name was Guadlupe Rezaran. He smiles, "Be welcome Childe".

Alejandro sits down next to you, "Tell me Childe of Erwin's well being. I was not aware he survived the purge from when I was deposed from my Princeship. Glad am I to hear he yet exists".

As he asks you the question you hear the one named Leopold speaking to the one named Brexiano, "I waste my time here Brexiano. Does Narses really need such a show of strength from us? No doubt as I sit here, Hardestadt weakens my holdings so recently won in the Holy Roman Empire".

Brexiano responds, "Worry not, your presence here will ensure that the toehold you have remains firm.I think you will appreciate Narses bold idea" Brexiano chuckles but elaborates no further.

The others present speak in softer whispers some scrutinize you quite carefully awaiting your reply to your "Grandsire".

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Malkavian Table

Vasatanesa responds in Chinese, "I thank you for your kind words Vitaliano. I am impressed with your mastery over the languages of the East. Perhaps I can teach you my own tongue. We are alone in speaking this language except for perhaps the woman named Xing so our conversation is quite private. Tell me, do you have a clear grasp of what the intentions of this Lasombra Prince are?"

Durga Syn chuckles in Chinese she states, "I could answer that one easily enough dear..." Vasatanesa blushes at Durga's response.

Note that Vasatanesa is of Indian descent.

Before she can finish, the Brujah named Ecaterina the Wise approaches the table without ever having approached her own Clan yet and addresses Durga Syn, "Greetings wise one, as the night wears on could we speak in private?"

Meanwhile, Lutz and Antoine debate who has stronger merits to lead the Clan at this collective. Though the debate makes little headway as Lutz simply claims to have all of the attributes that Antoine possesses...

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Salubri Table

Andrew, you cannot help but notice that any spirits you had seen wandering around the outside of this building are absent from the interior, not a single one to be seen.

As you look towards the dais you see Narses stand and approach Brian in his own seat. They speak in soft tones making few gestures, Brian's face which you see from this angle is passive.

Make a Perception+Empathy check DC 7.

Clan Malkavian Blood Pool 19/30

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Malkavian Table

Vitaliano smiled and bowed his head at the two "I will have to ask forgiveness on this one, I am young to the night and this is my first meeting him. I would assume power if I were to guess. As for my ability with the languages of the East...well, it is quite useful for a doctor to study all manners of medicine. Hmm...I would be intrigued to learn another, it is never a bad idea to learn as much as possible." he said smiling still.

He looked to Durga Syn "Forgive me, I have not heard of your clan before and the Prince seems rather harsh towards you, not allowing you to feed...Could you tell me more about yourself?" he asked before getting close enough to whisper "I could provide an alternative so you do not starve but also do not break the rule if you like." he offered already trying to find himself a way to earn a favor.

He slipped his seat up between the two and smiled enjoying the symmetry and the company. There were few overtly learned in multiple languages in this day who weren't traders.

Max Blood Pool/Current = 20/10

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Lasombra Table

Xing thanks Guadlupe and takes her seat next to Alejandro.
"My Sire is well, unfortunately he had other business to attend to and sent me here in his place. I have never seen such a large gathering like this. she looks around taking in everyone.

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Salubri Table

The lack of spirits within the chamber tells Andrew that spirits are known to and possibly utilized by some in this chamber possibly as spies, but maybe other things as well. Andrew makes a mental note to check for the absence of spirits in other places as well. His reason said they would not be in a house of God, but that he should confirm and test and take nothing for granted in the new world and take every advantage of the clues around him.

He makes a mental note to notice the boundary that marks the return of the spirits and see if he can locate the demarcation of the spirit void.

Watching Narses speaking with Brian, Andrew wondered if the permission to Sire was limited to a one permission or if he was sent to the Lord would Brian automatically be granted authority to sire another.

Andrew almost asked, wanting to know with some certainty how the traditions worked in full measure, but something about the interaction between Brian and Narses made him hesitate.....

Perception+Empathy check DC 7.
6d10 ⇒ (9, 2, 10, 2, 7, 8) = 38

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 26/40 | Willpower: 6/8

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Cappadocian Table

Lorenzo silently observes the scene, following his sire's command.

Peering Across the Shroud - Perception (Discerning) + Awareness, Diff 5: 4d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (7, 3, 1, 6) + (8, 4, 5) = 34 3 successes

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Setite Table

Michele you sit down across from the Clan mate named Khay'tall.

He has an easy smile and hypnotic eyes, "So you are the next in line eh? I have a bit of history with your Grandsire but much more with your Sire but I do not suppose he told you any of it now hmmm?"

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Toreador Table

Ranerius you are unable to read whether the Prince favors your Sire or Rafael but then again this Helene la Jouste it seems has also petitioned to be on the Council that the Prince is assembling.

As the seats fill in, your Sire and Rafael sit as far apart as they can get which somehow forces you and Bassanio to sit next to one another.

Helene and her Childe Victor sit across from you with the last Toreador present, Alda, sitting next to Helene.

Helene looks to both Francois and Rafael, "Children. Now is not the time for petty games of intrigue. You are both too young to play such politics with the luminaries assembled in this room. Your presence here where others have failed to show is a credit to you both. As I rise to power I will find some way through this organization to reward you both I see the future of our Clan in you but I am the present..."

Bassanio replies, "Is this decision to be decided amongst us at this table now? If so, perhaps the only party here without a vested interest should make the choice", he motions to Alda.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Ventrue Table

Don't worry Alessandro, nothing was done incorrectly.

Alessandro, the Ventrue table is the second most crowded table next to the Lasombra one.

It is unclear which Elder is the greatest threat as you sit down so you decide to sit next to the one named Lanzo who is Childeless as is the one named Alexander.

As the members of your Clan are seated Lady Jadviga begins the verbal parrying, "All who have assembled here are a power unto themselves or are a representative of one. What makes the most sense is for one of us who is most familiar with Narses to take the lead. The rest may form a separate council to advise the one who holds this position and assist in their decision making. I have the greatest amount of experience with Narses among you all. I am certainly willing and able to serve the greater good for our Clan".

Lord Jurgen laughs, "What a Noble sacrifice my dear. I am sure that you who have the weakest claim besides mine should be the one picked by your betters".

Lanzo shakes his head, "My Lord is the ONLY choice. The rest of you are either weak or failures. Hardestadt is dynamic in a way most of your masters have not been in centuries and the rest of you will not be for centuries to come".

The boy Alexander shakes his head. You see in his eyes a fierceness you have never encountered before. He raises his hand and you feel a wave of raw power wash over you. You cannot take your eyes away from him, within your eyesight you see the rest of your Clansmen having the same difficulty. It is as if there is no one and nothing else in the room as important or as powerful as he is.

"Stop wasting your breath. None of you are even fit to sit beside me much less lead me"

He relinquishes the power and you feel yourself gasp despite trying to hold your composure.

Before anyone can respond Thomas Brexiano appears out of the shadows next to Alexander, "Prince Alexander, you will abide by the Laws of Elysium and refrain from using your powers. Is that understood? I believe the Prince made this quite clear".

Alexander stares back at Thomas, "I was simply making a point which I believe my fellow Clanmates now understand quite clearly.

I shall refrain from such activities in the future. Know that if you speak to me disrespectfully again all the shadows in your dark underworld will not be able to stitch you back together again".

Thomas does not respond and simply sinks into the shadows again.

Male Italian (Toreador)

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Toreador Table

Helene looks to both Francois and Rafael, "Children. Now is not the time for petty games of intrigue. You are both too young to play such politics with the luminaries assembled in this room. Your presence here where others have failed to show is a credit to you both. As I rise to power I will find some way through this organization to reward you both I see the future of our Clan in you but I am the present..."

Ranerius raises slim brow at Helene refers to Francois and Rafael as children. Mockery, is she truly so much older than they? or both?

It is Bassanio who speaks first though


Bassanio replies, "Is this decision to be decided amongst us at this table now? If so, perhaps the only party here without a vested interest should make the choice", he motions to Alda.

"Perhaps that is a point if it is the case, but while I have seen others introduced, I hope I've not been rude for not introducing myself to others of my clan?" He inquires and moves on, "A pleasure, Lady La Jouste, Lady Alda, and, greetings to you as well, Victor. Ranerius Bernerius, a name I know you have heard as it was spoken to the Prince, but it seems uncivilized not to offer it up again to ones I am now honored to share a common blood with." He inclines his head to the ladies, but merely gives a nod of equals to Victor.

Does he know anything about Alda and why she wouldn't have a vested interest? If he doesn't...

"And Lady Alda, I see you came as one pulled from her muse," He says respectfully about her current appearance, "Am I to understand you place art's pursuit above politics?" His tone openly indicates he approves if it is so.

It is partially a delaying tactic. He wishes to know his fellow Toreador better, and see if his sire approves of Helene or Alda before he grants his own small weight of opinion for or against them. He doubts very much Francois wishes to surrender the Toreador chair to anyone, and he can't say he blames his sire his ambitions, but still, there is strength in civility, and it will be hard enough to unite the various clans if the Toreador cannot even put aside their own rivalries for the best.

Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Don't worry Alessandro, nothing was done incorrectly.

I was responding to Giovanni's "doesn't seem interesting" comment. Making oneself uninteresting is an important skill. Another form of Quietus or, the Jedi mind trick.

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Ventrue Table

Alessandro feels not in the mood to be crushed between titans. Fledgling indeed. But, as Alexander speaks and the young merchant prince is compelled to look at the ancient, so many generations more powerful than himself...

...he cannot but wonder at what it would feel like to be that powerful. Is it even possible for one such as himself to transcend to such a state? Power-hunger is not a familiar emotion to Alessandro. Strange, perhaps it was an effect of Alexander's use of Presence. Madness.

Alexander is right.

But, Perhaps Narses wishes fresh perspective and does not wish to surround himself with familiarity. Nor, might he wish to surround himself with those obviously more powerful and have a threat so near.

Alessandro pauses.

I am a fledgling, but would offer a suggestion. Give him what he wants, legitimacy in face and in the Inner Circle. An individual powerful, but not overly so. Middle ground.

Also, were we to set aside our own differences and find a mutually beneficial agenda or path... The individual is merely a voice of us all. For the benefit of all Kindred, for the betterment of Venture.

Another pause.

It strikes me that this... situation has reached a tipping point, where their will be unity or civil war. And, wars can be won or lost... But, they are hardly ever civil.

Forgive my trespass, if I've over stepped.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Brujah Table

Criatas considers your words Duntan, "Your point has merit Fledgling but here in this room full of snakes, blood thieves, and shadow masters there are few to no allies to be had.

This is a power play, I have come to represent the Clan as I have more experience then any others of our blood currently walking this planet in such matters.

Will your Sire recognize a feint by the Toreador where I would not? I doubt it, I have spent more time in the ground torpid than she has spent in this existence. Only the experience of the millenia will aid us here. That is why I would rather this gathering burn then one of you take my place on it".

Selena simply laughs, "You would know about things burning down no? After all was it not a Toreador, and the Sire of the fop who calls himself Francois, that razed your paradise?"

Criatas' eyes narrow in rage but before he can retort Christol interjects, "I do not do what I do for the good of the Clan. I do what I of because I believe that Lord Jurgen is a great politician and a fair leader. He has after all undermined his own Sire's repeated attempts to have him assassinated. Being a thorn in the side of Hardestadt I suppose is reward enough to the Clan".

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Lasombra Table

From what you can see Xing, he is telling the truth.

"You and I shall need to speak more this night then including why he felt it necessary that you be here in his stead. I believe that this Conclave may the best chance t reclaim my city from the heretics of the East and of course, I would wish Erwin back in the fold".

Fadris points up at the entrance, "Look, late arrivals. One I recognize, Kratos of our blood. The other I do not..."

Tell me if I need to refresh your recollection on the name Kratos...

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Assamite Table

In Turkish, "You are quite right. He is not an Infidel though and I am curious to see if he could be a natural ally for that reason".

With that Bajazet heads up to take his seat on the dais.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Malkavian Table

Durga replies to Ecaterina, "I would and I will dear, escort an old woman home this night and we shall talk".

Ecaterina curtsies, "It shall be done". She begins to head back to the Brujah table.

Vasatanesa nods, In Chinese "Yes, men barely take a step unless it is one that leads to some way to gain more power. This is different, such a confederacy has never been assembled before. It is almost as if...

Durga Syn interrupts as she muses,In Chinese "Yes, the Tremere have done a great deal to wipe away our name here in the West. I shall tell you more about me as you accompany Ecaterina, Vasatanesa and I back to my quarters, strength in numbers you know. We can discuss sustenance as well, a generous offer Childe".

Antoine turns as a few newcomers head through the door, "Ah trouble..."

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Salubri Table

This is a deception! The body language of Brian mimics that which he used before the human Inquisitors. The question is who is he trying to fool in the room and regarding what?

You can test the demarcation once you are able to exit the building.

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Setite Table

"Your name or deeds did not cross his lips. It seems we have time and if you are willing then yes.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Cappadocian Table

Your sight reveals only a roiling Maelstrom. On occasion you hear what sounds like death throes. Other than that the area seems a raging torrent of air and water. Based on your observation, you would deduce that the secret Chambers of Narses that Ambrogino protected is somehow linked to this building.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Toreador Table

Lady Alda smiles, "Indeed, art is the only thing that should matter to any of you. Whosoever enters this Inner Circle should use their position to advance culture and not their own agenda, that is the Toreador that I would vote for, should I have a vote. And Ranerius, please call me the Artisan, it is how I am known i most circles"

Helene acts in mock outrage, "Artisan, you wound me! My own Court amongst the Courts of Love produce the greatest of poetics in the Kingdom of France. Of course my influence would be wielded to protect the life blood of our Clan. I simply point out that I am older than the res of you at this table combined. Traditionally, a Elder such as I would be the proper choice to lead".

Raphael chimes in, "Some Traditions must be done away with while others long forgotten returned. As I understand it, your Court is also the one which hosts the greatest amounts of Bloodfeasts, many of which break the Silence of Blood..."

Before Helene can respond two figures stride through the door and by your table. Neither of which you have seen before.

Francois' thoughts leak into your head perhaps as a result of the stress of the moment, I told that damn fool to stay home now he is going to get himself killed..." The one he is referring to is dressed like a woodsman...

Male Italian (Toreador)

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Toreador Table


Lady Alda smiles, "Indeed, art is the only thing that should matter to any of you. Whosoever enters this Inner Circle should use their position to advance culture and not their own agenda, that is the Toreador that I would vote for, should I have a vote. And Ranerius, please call me the Artisan, it is how I am known i most circles"

"The Artisan it is," He inclines his head but also smiles, not in mirth, but delight, "If you seek to bring beauty and culture in this world, then my own hopes echo your own."


Helene acts in mock outrage, "Artisan, you wound me! My own Court amongst the Courts of Love produce the greatest of poetics in the Kingdom of France. Of course my influence would be wielded to protect the life blood of our Clan. I simply point out that I am older than the rest of you at this table combined. Traditionally, a Elder such as I would be the proper choice to lead".

Raphael chimes in, "Some Traditions must be done away with while others long forgotten returned. As I understand it, your Court is also the one which hosts the greatest amounts of Bloodfeasts, many of which break the Silence of Blood..."

Before Helene can respond two figures stride through the door and by your table. Neither of which you have seen before.

Ranerius was taking in the ebb and flo of oneupmanship, when the two came in like slightly discordant notes in what was otherwise a melodious if not harmonious moment.


Francois' thoughts leak into your head perhaps as a result of the stress of the moment, I told that damn fool to stay home now he is going to get himself killed..." The one he is referring to is dressed like a woodsman...

Ranerius feels the thought leak in, and instantly he finds himself pushing his gift of Auspex. I hope this man is not a mortal, he will no doubt die for being too close to a group of predators and their secrets

Soulsight, perception + Empathy 6d10 ⇒ (6, 3, 10, 3, 8, 2) = 32

Clan Malkavian Blood Pool 19/30

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Malkavian Table

Vitaliano smiles and bows his head "I may have done many things wrong in my life, but I refuse to let someone go hungry. Especially when I have resources that go around such narrow wording. I'm sure you'll find a way to pay me back sometime...yes?" he said with a smile in Chinese until he hears his sire's words.

He narrows his eyes a bit to see what it was that his sire had noticed all the while carefully moving closer to Lutz till he could whisper in the man's ear. "Why would you want to be under the prince's close eye. No...no...no, if you were there that would mean he would have you under his spell, able to manipulate you, able to change who you are. You wouldn't want that, I see it in your eyes. You need freedom, freedom to be you or whoever you want to be...and that cannot happen if you become the Malkavian head. Then you'd just be that alone...and what fun is that yes?" he said trying to help convince with a little lie or two and playing to what he believed was the man's madness.

Manipulation+Subterfuge+Willpower: 3d10 + 2d10 + 1 ⇒ (6, 8, 8) + (7, 10) + 1 = 40

Story Teller Shadow:

Michael stares at the beings before him turning from face looking for he whom he was blood bound to. Seeing that his murderer is not present he stares at Radek.

"fadhi, I was working for him. I would make deliveries for him. I was also keeping an eye on a party of vampire hunters Sergei and Katriana Volkov and his band of capable men. I didnt think he would try and end my life"
michael shakes his head. Thoughts still fuzzy in light of all that is transpiring.
"I thought he was going to change his mind last minute and correct his wrong but I was useless to him after all. I was so compelled to follow him, i gave up much for him and wanted to do more. That hold does not seem so...." Michael stands

"Your have saved me sire how may i serve you tonight"

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Michael Santo

Radek nods, "So, he was tracking the Hunter's through you eh? Interesting but not surprising, Fahdi was always one to take risks. Tell me then, what are these hunters up to now? That is the first thing you can do for me my Childe."

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Setite Table

"Your Sire and I last saw each other at the event that triggered the tumultuous events of the past century, it is fitting that we see each other again on the eve of the cessation of hostilities. Or is it that they have just begun". Khay'tall gives you a wicked grin.

"Lo the many centuries had gone by since I went east so there I journeyed again. Things there have changed. Many more of our kind dwell there though there are still many regions where none of our kind exist. This time, I discovered why..."

Khay'tall is distracted as two Kindred stride through the hall. Each man is clearly here on their own as they appraise each other as if for the first time.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Ventrue Table

Alexander smiles as you begin t speak, as you continue his smile fades until finally his frown is so deep and his eyes burn so bright with rage that it takes all of the courage you can muster to continue speaking.

"I am not sure which of the ridiculous statements I should bother to address. For the good of the Ventrue, you truly are a Fledgling. Were you in my Domain and spoke to me in such a manner I would rip your arms off for your folly".

Alyssa speaks up, "We are not in your Domain Alexander..."

Alexander shifts his gaze to her, "What I would do to you would be worse, his sins are your Sins so say our Traditions woman. There is no middle ground in the Long Night. We continue to exist or we cease to exist, we have no life and are sustained by death, our existence negates the possibility of a middle ground".

Lanzo speaks up, "Prince Alexander, the Fledgling may be speaking out of turn but his words ring true. We are in a different age. The ancient ways no longer exist. We must adapt or as you say cease to exist".

Lady Jadviga emboldened by the verbal assault on Alexander strikes next, "Powerful though you may be, you are no longer a Prince of anything. You are a servant, a powerful one but no more. The rest of us represent factions where you represent only your own self interest as is evidenced by your reaction to Signore Khadaji's thoughts. This is not intended to be a club for the exclusive but a vessel for serving the greater interests of the Clan itself".

Alezander laughs, "At least the Fledging has an excuse for being so naive, what excuse do the rest of you have?"

His eyes turn away fro the table as two figures reach the area of the room where introductions were made Alexander remarks, "Oh that one has courage..."

Alyssa stands up shocked at the appearance of one of the men.

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