DM Voice's Envoy of Geb - An Undead Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Mark Sweetman

The Shadow Claw has sent you forth as a vanguard of Geb to seek a book that may hold the key to where Nex has been hiding all these years...

Current Characters

Cayden Cailean
The Exchange Edgar Lamoureux

Male Human Bard 1/Barbarian 1
(1,365 posts)
Sovereign Court Luke_Parry

(11,198 posts)
Darius Finch
Cezar Razvan

Male Human Wizard 1

played by Doctor Hopeless (89 posts)
Daemon Son-of-none

Male Human(Lich) Cleric 3, Wizard 3, Mystic Theurge 4

played by Dementia Walker (442 posts)
Third Eye
Gabriel Helminth

'Male' Crawling Claw (Human) Rogue 10

played by Luke_Parry (258 posts)
Cold Rider
Gathroc The Betrayer

Male Fell Tiefling Fighter/Monk/Magus 12(tristalt)

played by Monkeygod (334 posts)
Jeggare Noble
Grigore Veaceslav VI

Male Vampire (Previously Human) Magus 10

played by Doctor Hopeless (65 posts)
Verik Vancaskerkin
Icarus Ras'Drexel

Male Human Factotum Lvl 4; Hp15/28, Perception4 Int2, Fort2 Ref5 Will4, AC16 T12 F13,

played by Dementia Walker (434 posts)
Ignác Takács

Male Human Graveknight Armiger 10

played by Edgar Lamoureux (319 posts)
Crystal Figurine
Tiny Coffee Golem

What it says on the tin; Caffiene addict 20

played by wesF (9,867 posts)
Vesta Shadowbane

Female Human (ghost) Shadow Sorcerer 10

played by wesF (712 posts)

Current NPCs

DM - Voice of the Voiceless

Minor Crab-beast

played by Mark Sweetman (9,775 posts)

Previous Characters


Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster
(7,231 posts)
Euridicea, The Hollow Maiden

played by Draconas (26 posts)
Attic Whisperer

played by Kyle Smith 700 (69 posts)