DM Sinvel's A Pound of Flesh in Freeport!

Game Master Sinvel Menter

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Male Human Ranger (Urban) 4

Silas puts away his weapons for now, and listens with Karsielle at the door.

Perception:1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28

Suny is able to determine that the north and east walls are probably the outside walls of the building. From the east wall, she thinks she can hear the sounds of a romantic liaison. The kitchen is clearly to the south and the only wall that has a door. There are no windows.

Peering out of the door, Silas sees several chefs working madly over a large smoking hearth, chopping and dicing greens, boiling water, and roasting various meats on the coals. Nearby, a frantic woman rapidly plates exotic dishes and piles them upon a long unfinished wooden table. Bustling tension fills the kitchen as the waitstaff scrambles to pile food onto serving carts and cram oversized silver trays with drinks and appetizers.

There are a total of about 15 staff in the kitchen at any time although the scene is very dynamic with people rushing in and out.

F Exotic Elf TBA

Suny looks to her friends for ideas/comments/thoughts....

"Well...there be nothin' seemin' ta' stop us jus' walkin' out, hey?"

Female elf Cleric/4 HP: 27/27

"Either Torch goes first under disguise to talk our way out, or I can use some of my attributes to encourage the servants to let us leave without being accosted?" says Karsielle as she adjusts her robe, it's front parts offering teasing glimpses of soft rounded naked skin and cleavage.

F Exotic Elf TBA

Suny stands near the door, though she does glance up at the ceiling briefly, in case their quarry continued 'Up'.

Perception:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

(it's the only place left we haven't checked. :P)

As she awaits the development of people revealing themselves to the kitchen hands outside.

Yahtzee! On'a dice roll! (^_^)

Suny, it definitely looks like there is a second floor to the building you're in, but you don't see any sign of a trap door or other entrance.

Just let me know if you're going to proceed with the Bloody Flag disguise plan, Karsielle flasher/cleavage plan or something else and we'll get appropriate rolls underway.

F Exotic Elf TBA

We can all-a-ways d both? Cleavage on tha' arm of Flag? (^_~!) Suny be ready ta' skip on out'a here.

Male Human Ranger (Urban) 4

I mean, plus we have a naked elf.

No one would notice that

F Exotic Elf TBA

Nup, am a totally ordinary, copper-dime a dozen, type nekkid Elf. (^_^)

Male Half-elf Bard(Street Preformer):4

"I might have a plan, if I disguised myself as one of the chefs then move near the stove and set off a couple of my smoke pellets then we all slip out unnoticed. What do you think?"

Sorry for the last response had a busy weekend.

Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

No problem BF
"That sounds like a great plan Bloody Flag. We probably also need to figure out a way to get Suny disguised or at least some clothes on her. Even once we slip out of here, she's going to stick out."

F Exotic Elf TBA

Suny looks down at herself, then at every one else.

"Oh yeah..." She replies, realizing she's nekkid and no one else is. She looks/rummages through the things in the store-room space the party finds themselves in, looking for any item of clothing to throw over herself....

"This normally in't a bother back home..." She mutters quietly to herself...

Perception:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

"Tha' smoke thing sounds like a naffy thing ta' do." She smiles at Flag. "I be ready momentarily!" She reassures her companions.
(Assuming there is something in here to drape over a nekkid Elf :P )

Male Half-elf Bard(Street Preformer):4

Bloody hands his cloak to Suny, "Here you go my dear, alright I'll blend in with the kitchen the smoke will start after a crash of pot and pans."

Disguise:1d20 + 20 ⇒ (3) + 20 = 23

"Chef" looks to the group, "You all ready?"

Looking through a few crates only reveals various foodstuff and cooking ingredients. (Basically anything you would typically find in a large pantry) Fortunately, Bloody Flag's cloak looks like it might keep Suny from being completely obvious for now.

Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

Mishael nods her readiness to "chef."

F Exotic Elf TBA

Suny nods, wrapping the cloak about her shoulders.

Female elf Cleric/4 HP: 27/27

Karsielle smiles at Flag, touching him on the shoulder as he leaves she whispers, "Calistra grant you a lucky disguise."

Touch of Luck for Flag

Touch of Luck:

Luck Bit of Luck (Sp): You can touch a willing creature as a standard action, giving it a bit of luck. For the next round, any time the target rolls a d20, he may roll twice and take the more favorable result.

Male Half-elf Bard(Street Preformer):4

Lucky Disguise roll:1d20 + 20 ⇒ (6) + 20 = 26

"Chef" winks at Karsielle, "Tell your goddess thanks for me." "Chef" moves to the door to peek in the kitchen and studies them getting into character.

Perception:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
Perform(acting):1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27 to get in character

He moves in the kitchen not making eye contact with any of the others and slips two smoke pellets into his hand as he approaches the stove. "Chef" will quietly cast ghost sounds of pots crashing on the opposite end. With the distraction he will hit smash the pellets on the stove, and yells "FIRE! FIRE!". "Chef" will back away and casts another ghost sounds of panicking voices.

Sleight of hand:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
Bluff:1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18
Just went ahead with my whole plan to save time, if anything interrupts let me know.

F Exotic Elf TBA

Nope, sounds and seems good. Ready to scamper away into the smoke/mists...

Female elf Cleric/4 HP: 27/27

Its worth waiting for BF, when he does his thing!! .. I like it... and will scamper in a more refined and ladylike fashion.

Male Half-elf Bard(Street Preformer):4

Did it work?

F Exotic Elf TBA

O'course I reckon it did. Ye're 'Flag' o'course!

I be ready fer a scamperin'. (^_^)

Male Half-elf Bard(Street Preformer):4

*bows* Thank you! Thank you! *bows*

F Exotic Elf TBA

Scamper, scamper?

Wishing every one all'a very bestest!

Female elf Cleric/4 HP: 27/27

bing, bong Karsielle calling....

F Exotic Elf TBA

Links arms with Karsielle and Mishael, ready for them to link arms with Flag and Silas and scamper off into the night/day. (^_^)

Wishing every one all the very best

Bloody Flag slips out of the pantry into the chaos of the kitchen. While there must be nearly two dozen chefs and wait staff present, none seem to notice his disguise. At least a dozen heads turn when the sound of pots crashing echoes through the kitchen, but things really go mad when he smashes the smoke pellets and yells. In mere seconds, shouting erupts all over the kitchen. Some people run out, while others rush toward the source of the smoke.

There are two exits from the kitchen. One is a set of double doors to the west and those seem to be where most people that are running are going. There is another to the south. You can also see a window in the west wall looking out on a garden.

F Exotic Elf TBA

Suny begins to move towards the door to the South. Or, failing that, following the rest of her companions in which every direction they pick.

In the craziness that has ensued in the kitchen, Suny is able to move it over to the door without anyone the wiser, even with only Bloody Flag's cloak covering her.

F Exotic Elf TBA

*Scamper scamper, scamper,* (^_^)

She's a quick one that Suny...

Male Half-elf Bard(Street Preformer):4

Bloody slips into the frenzy of the other cooks and makes his way to the southern door as he makes it out he gives a slight bow as he walks away keeping an eye out for his friends.

Cries of "Where's the fire?!?" begin to intermingle with the cries of fright and urgency.

F Exotic Elf TBA

Suny opens the Southern door and peeks beyond. (No good running through a door that dosn't lead outside now, is there?)

Suny peers in the door. Crammed into these quarters are a number of cots, small bedside chests covered with personal items, and several wardrobes and garment racks filled with various servant's attire.

F Exotic Elf TBA

Suny spins to her companions, "Nup, not tha' way out!" She says quickly, even as she turns towards the only other door, though she pauses,

"Who want's ta' try jumpin' out tha' window?" She asks thoughtfully. "T'is jus' an' idea..."

F Exotic Elf TBA

So...we's goin' out in style..? (^_~)

Not looking too good Suny. I'll keep checking in though.

F Exotic Elf TBA

Well, here's to hopin' everything be going as swell as can be fer their Real Life things. *Hugz*

Male Half-elf Bard(Street Preformer):4

"Nothing I like more then a daring exit, but wait where's the rest of the group."
As he waits for the group he spies for any combustables he could use spark on.

Perception:1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

F Exotic Elf TBA

Suny moves closer and snuggles up to Karsielle amidst all the confusion.

"Well..this ruckus wunt last fer-ever. We needs a way out soon..." She points out.

Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

Mishael whispers, "What if we borrow a page from Flag's book and disguise ourselves as servants? There's enough of them here, I doubt they'd notice us."

F Exotic Elf TBA

"Where we gon'a get tha' duds?" Suny whispers back...still quite eager to try and simply make a break for it in the confusion before calmer heads prevail.

Time ta' run away now...

Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

Mishael nods to the door Suny just opened...
...several wardrobes and garment racks filled with various servant's attire.

F Exotic Elf TBA

Suny mutters something under her breath even as she quickly skips over to the indicated room, quickly dropping the cloak from her shoulders and ruffling through the clothing on offer.

Perception:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

Suny is simply looking for something that can be out on quick and does the job of 'looking' servant like.

Wishing every one all the very best!

Male Half-elf Bard(Street Preformer):4

Bloody stands sentry at the door as the girls, trying to look panicked in the chaos.

Perception:1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
Perform(Acting]1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22

Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

Mishael joins Suny in the room, quickly shrugging a dress similar to those she saw some of the serving women wearing. She looks at her boots in dismay and kicks them off to slip into a more suitable pair of shoes.

F Exotic Elf TBA

Suny gives a final pat down of the maid's outfit she's thrown on, scampers over the where Flag is waiting and gets ready to run along with the rest of the staff.

Female elf Cleric/4 HP: 27/27

Karsielle joins in the redressing exercise, finding a long black stern and sturdy dress to cover her current gear. She adds lace as appropriate to make her look like a cross between a servant and a child's governess.

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