DM Orannis |

DM Orannis wrote:Tiktik the Tinkerer wrote:If said hypothetical gnome went Green Dragon Desciple, and thus began manifesting draconic heritage with no outside influence, I imagine Tiktik would be positively apoplectic. ;)DM Orannis wrote:Feth wrote:Pass that scrub brush over here...ScegfOd wrote:
or helped insert the dragon into said family tree hehehe*scrubs out brain*
Yeah, there are going to be a whole lot of "accidents" happening to this poor gnome while I'm around.
Nothing personal, dude, it's just... no, actually, scratch that, this is VERY personal.
He does that and we're gonna have us a dead gnome! I WILL NOT have some filthy fey scrapling making a mockery of my family tree! Look at him! He doesn't even have any scales!
And now, all I can picture is Tiktik being the Vegeta to the gnome's Goku.
I am... more than a little in love with this idea.

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The system is fundamentally designed to cap out with +5 bonuses. Except at like 19th and 20th level using legendary gifts, there is no way to ever have an item with an effective +6 or higher, enhancement.
In a game going to 7th level, everyone will get:
+1 resistance at 3rd
a +1 weapon and armor at 4th level
+1 deflection at 5th
+2 mental at 6th
+2 physical at 7th
And that's it.
That's fine, everyone just needs to understand that from the start.
Strictly speaking, if one found a keen, or flaming, or bane, or holy weapon, one would be advised to simply wield it for what it is, and NOT attune your +1 to it. Rather keep the +1 on a different weapon, since attuning would overwrite your +1 needlessly.

Tiktik the Tinkerer |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I would've said hi sooner if I thought that I'd become so popular so quickly...
Also, I originally was going to just have a straight bard, but now being a bard/DD is starting to sound like fun... I'll give it some thought XD
"...I swear to Apsu, I'm gonna eat his entire race."

DM Orannis |

The system is fundamentally designed to cap out with +5 bonuses. Except at like 19th and 20th level using legendary gifts, there is no way to ever have an item with an effective +6 or higher, enhancement.
In a game going to 7th level, everyone will get:
+1 resistance at 3rd
a +1 weapon and armor at 4th level
+1 deflection at 5th
+2 mental at 6th
+2 physical at 7thAnd that's it.
That's fine, everyone just needs to understand that from the start.
Strictly speaking, if one found a keen, or flaming, or bane, or holy weapon, one would be advised to simply wield it for what it is, and NOT attune your +1 to it. Rather keep the +1 on a different weapon, since attuning would overwrite your +1 needlessly.
This does concern me, though perhaps not as much.
Do you think it would be better if we made the "bonus overwrite" fractional? Specifically half, rounded down.
For instance:
A +1 equivalent ability overwrites 0 of your Attunement bonus.
A +2 equivalent ability overwrites +1 of your Attunement bonus.
A +3 equivalent ability overwrites +1 of your Attunement bonus.
And so on, and so forth?
I'd really like everyone's input on this.

ScegfOd |

That's not bad.
I haven't really ever tried planning on having a large supply of powerful magic weapons or even just one rather overly strong one, so could you explain the goal(s) of our possible house rule?
For example, would restricting the number of useful weapon specials available be OK?
We might also consider making it so that a weapon's special functions if the innate bonus is high enough and doesn't if said bonus doesn't meet the requirements of the special

Posh Stemtimple |

That's not bad.
I haven't really ever tried planning on having a large supply of powerful magic weapons or even just one rather overly strong one, so could you explain the goal(s) of our possible house rule?
For example, would restricting the number of useful weapon specials available be OK?
We might also consider making it so that a weapon's special functions if the innate bonus is high enough and doesn't if said bonus doesn't meet the requirements of the special
Our "innate" bonus as you call it will never be greater than +1.

DM Orannis |

So one could have a +1 flaming, or +1 bane weapon, but if you were to want holy or flaming burst then the +1 goes away.
Does a weapon that is just holy count as defeating DR/Magic when the creature is non evil?
I would rule no, as I feel it is a complication that makes things interesting without adding an insurmountable amount of difficulty. I am willing to hear other opinions on this.

DM Orannis |

Tiktik the Tinkerer wrote:I like that bonus overwrite idea. I'm still a tad confused on attunement, but I think I get the general gist.For purposes of this game, it's just that beyond 4th level everyone has a +1 weapon and +1 armor or shield. Changeable once per day which item it is.
Right. Primary impact from all of this will be felt if we move beyond the module.
Now it is important to note, that since the Power Six gear is being taken care of for you, I will be replacing such items in the module with items of similar value for the same slot. Thus encouraging use of magical gear that often gets sidelined.
Additionally! To avoid depreciation of weapon/armor treasure since the enhancement bonus on such items will essentially not count, I will be tweaking that gear as well. For instance: a humdrum old +1 Breastplate in the book may become a Light Fortifaction Breastplate, or perhaps made of some special material. A rinky-dink +1 Light Mace would instead be a Shocking Light Mace.
Essentially, we are trading a small amount of outright cumulative power for greater diversity of gear. That's how I see it, anyways.

Koh the Kobold |

I've... been doing some thinking, and I kinda think that it might be more fun to play a kobold monk (mostly because he keeps creeping back into my mind), largely focusing on combat maneuvers and elemental strikes. Perhaps he's not the most effective character... but he's certainly much less likely to kill the party's gnome.
Also, he's utterly adorable. So, I think I will switch out Tiktik for Koh the Kobold, and save him for some other campaign.

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I feel like automatic bonus progression is excellent, and I heartily agree with rewriting of paizo adventures.
I really can't decide on one character concept. I was starting to settle on an aasimar Hungry Ghost Monk who worships Sarenrae, but I'm sort of giving up on it Because we've already got a monk and a Kensai Magus. I might just do it anyway, but it feels like so much overlap to me right now.
I'm now thinking back to one of the first original characters I had ever played with. It was my friend's first character but I really liked the concept. Essentially its a Halfling with a scar he got from a black Dragon's acid breath and he's sort of got a vendetta against Dragons. He was originally a rogue, but I'm thinking gunslinger. Maybe ranger.
Or I could go back to the monk idea and go with a musclebound Brawler type. Or spice it up with a master of Many styles with the Beastmorph Alchemist. Use of Dragon style and feral combat training makes this guy a real monster in melee.
Or do something more supporty and play a cleric? but I kind of feel like a party bard has that side of things covered.
Maybe a rogue? I was looking at grippli just because of the whole feel of it, but that could fit the bill for a Gunslinger as well.
I've also just been dying to run a Ragechemist/Barbarian just for the sheer hilarity of having 30+ Str.
Aghhh someone help me! My brain is overflowing with ideas!
Do we have any more setting primer by the way? Is there anything we can do to help with world building?

DM Orannis |

I feel like automatic bonus progression is excellent, and I heartily agree with rewriting of paizo adventures.
I really can't decide on one character concept. I was starting to settle on an aasimar Hungry Ghost Monk who worships Sarenrae, but I'm sort of giving up on it Because we've already got a monk and a Kensai Magus. I might just do it anyway, but it feels like so much overlap to me right now.
I'm now thinking back to one of the first original characters I had ever played with. It was my friend's first character but I really liked the concept. Essentially its a Halfling with a scar he got from a black Dragon's acid breath and he's sort of got a vendetta against Dragons. He was originally a rogue, but I'm thinking gunslinger. Maybe ranger.
Or I could go back to the monk idea and go with a musclebound Brawler type. Or spice it up with a master of Many styles with the Beastmorph Alchemist. Use of Dragon style and feral combat training makes this guy a real monster in melee.
Or do something more supporty and play a cleric? but I kind of feel like a party bard has that side of things covered.
Maybe a rogue? I was looking at grippli just because of the whole feel of it, but that could fit the bill for a Gunslinger as well.
I've also just been dying to run a Ragechemist/Barbarian just for the sheer hilarity of having 30+ Str.
Aghhh someone help me! My brain is overflowing with ideas!
Do we have any more setting primer by the way? Is there anything we can do to help with world building?
I am heavily in favor of all things Grippli! (Love those lil' buddies)
Especially a Rogue, but they can make pretty awesome Gunslingers too!

DM Orannis |

I say pick something that makes you happy. I'm having an internal debate over my Magus. I have a game that just started but it looks like our GM is MIA. If it goes in the can I'd like to move that character over here. She's a summoner
Either works! I confess I was getting a bit attached to the Magus, and Estoc in particular is a pretty cool weapon. But also I've never run a game for an Unchained Summoner and want to see them in action. :D

CaptainFord |

...I may have actually lied again about my last concept... mainly because I just remembered the Snare Setter which is kind of absolutely amazing, especially for a kobold. After all, the best fight for a kobold is one they don't have to participate in!
We probably would benefit from a little sneak, wouldn't we? Someone who is good at getting into where they shouldn't be... ARGH! I have way too many cool concepts I want to use!

DM Orannis |

...I may have actually lied again about my last concept... mainly because I just remembered the Snare Setter which is kind of absolutely amazing, especially for a kobold. After all, the best fight for a kobold is one they don't have to participate in!
We probably would benefit from a little sneak, wouldn't we? Someone who is good at getting into where they shouldn't be... ARGH! I have way too many cool concepts I want to use!
Nothing wrong with having a lot of options on the table! We've got around three weeks or so before this should be getting started, so you've got time to throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks!

CaptainFord |

Good, because I have a few concepts...
I actually had another idea for a kobold paladin using the chosen one archetype and having an ioun wyrd as his familiar. Problem is, thematically, he'd be more lawful neutral than lawful good. His partner is trying to help him figure that part out - he's only managed to keep him engaged so far because he's made of gemstones, and he likes shiny things.
What exactly do we have so far? Probably a gnome bard, a magus of some sort and... another gnome? Not sure of the class... also, I swear to god, if I'm a kobold with a group of gnomes, this is gonna go south really fast.
...we may need a healer. Possibly a cleric... hrm...

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Nah its K, we've got a bard. CLW wands all the way man.
Also I'm thinking about being an Ifrit gunslinger. I'm just in it for the imagery so I can go in guns blazing literally. Defensively, the build would be lacking in will saves but that's pretty much its major weakness. As a Mysterious Stranger, she'd be entirely concerned with dishing damage in a fight. I'm like, half concerned with the charisma focus overlap, but only half. I might just end up going with a more standard gunslinger build but we'll see.
Hopin' to get me enough gold to get a pair of pepperboxes by 5th level.
I'm also thinking about an inquisitor with the black powder inquisition instead.

Posh Stemtimple |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I think I'm going to go with the cleric, because I want to be the healer.
Not because I like to heal, but because I like the idea of deciding whether gnomes will die today or not. >:3
In a similar fashion, at 2nd level, using Foolhardy Rush, I look forward to being able to decide which side of our formation I intend to defend from the bad guys.

Alzhar the Fledgling |

Alzhar the Fledgling wrote:In a similar fashion, at 2nd level, using Foolhardy Rush, I look forward to being able to decide which side of our formation I intend to defend from the bad guys.I think I'm going to go with the cleric, because I want to be the healer.
Not because I like to heal, but because I like the idea of deciding whether gnomes will die today or not. >:3
A fitting name. I will have my side defended the best - with me not in danger!

Posh Stemtimple |

Posh Stemtimple wrote:A fitting name. I will have my side defended the best - with me not in danger!Alzhar the Fledgling wrote:In a similar fashion, at 2nd level, using Foolhardy Rush, I look forward to being able to decide which side of our formation I intend to defend from the bad guys.I think I'm going to go with the cleric, because I want to be the healer.
Not because I like to heal, but because I like the idea of deciding whether gnomes will die today or not. >:3
What's your plan to ensure that?

DM Orannis |

Heyo folks! Just popping in real quick to let you know I'm still here. Radio silence is due to this week being the Normandy Beach of retail comics shipping, so I am swamped.
Also, I will say that while I enjoy some party tension, we're going to stop short of any outright PVP. Hard rule. It's pretty much the opposite of the reason I play the game.
And let's try not to let anyone actually die due to withholding healing?

Posh Stemtimple |

Heyo folks! Just popping in real quick to let you know I'm still here. Radio silence is due to this week being the Normandy Beach of retail comics shipping, so I am swamped.
Also, I will say that while I enjoy some party tension, we're going to stop short of any outright PVP. Hard rule. It's pretty much the opposite of the reason I play the game.
And let's try not to let anyone actually die due to withholding healing?
"Don't look at me, the kobold is racist!" Posh points at the kobold. "All kobolds are racist. It's just how they are. Everyone knows it."

Alzhar the Fledgling |

Heyo folks! Just popping in real quick to let you know I'm still here. Radio silence is due to this week being the Normandy Beach of retail comics shipping, so I am swamped.
Also, I will say that while I enjoy some party tension, we're going to stop short of any outright PVP. Hard rule. It's pretty much the opposite of the reason I play the game.
And let's try not to let anyone actually die due to withholding healing?
Please, if the gnomes die, who will I have to play with? No no no, I want to see a gnome fight a dragon. That will make my day.

Feth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I can see it now, my magus as the babysitter..
"Put that down, we don't want to break it-"
"Now, let's not fight over it. Sharing is-"
"Guys, please...we don't have to fight..."

DM Orannis |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I can see it now, my magus as the babysitter..
"Put that down, we don't want to break it-"
"Now, let's not fight over it. Sharing is-"
"Guys, please...we don't have to fight..."
I can only hope! :D
My benchmark for absurd campaigns is pretty high. Way back in a 2nd ED game I ran (I am old, remember?) there was a Halfling Thief PC who, through terminal bad decision making and utter lack of impulse control ended up a sentient undead skeleton with 18 Charisma and a small duchy to rule.

DM Orannis |

I can see it now, my magus as the babysitter..
"Put that down, we don't want to break it-"
"Now, let's not fight over it. Sharing is-"
"Guys, please...we don't have to fight..."
Also, if Kubular plays another small race I am going to flat-out die of laughter.
(Remember, you can choose to be a small planetouched [Aasimar, Oread, et. all])