Bjelich Dalibor |

Bjelich lies on the ground, his life spilling from his body; the once vibrant world grows darker. The sounds of battle around him are like echoes, but they still ring in his ears.
Does the cleric remain on this plane or begin his journey to face Erastil's judgement...: 1d20 + 0 - 2 ⇒ (7) + 0 - 2 = 5
AC not important at this time | Stability check failed, HP -3/24 | Bjelich is doing his part to rid those who remain of bad rolls :) | Bless +1 moral Att. bonus 2min remain |

Danna Laverton |

Danna determined to avenge then attack on her companion and I guess Bjelich and Grigor too;) steps over the still bodies of Striker and Bjelich and jabs again at the staglord.
attack: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 4 + 1 = 161d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
At her latest miss she spares a quick glance to determine the straightness of her spear.
MA to AF13 and attack
Current stats
HP 23/23
HP -3/19

DM oKOyA |

Round 31 cont.
Just as Kyras moves up, Mikmek sees his opportunity to strike but misses. Kyras is luckier (even though you didn't add flanking to your to hit) and drives his sword into the Staglord's thigh. Even wounded again, the nimble man is able to dodge Danna's strike.
The bandit's response to Kyras' strike is swift and merciless as he hacks at the half-elf with two swings of his sword...
I can't spoiler these anymore... it is too much. :(
attack #1: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
attack #2: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
confirm attack #1: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
...sending the magus down to join the others (28 damage) and shifting once again. (5' step to AF 15) The Staglord looks menacingly at the Danna and Mikmek before offering, Throw down your weapons and I will let you live. Nodding his head about the field of battle and the multitude of bodies he adds, It seems I have a few openings in my army. New lieutenants even...
Round 32
Init Order:
Bjelich 15
Danna/Striker 14 ---> Is up!
Grigor/Gladius 12
Mikmek 12
Kyras 12
Staglord 11
Nakpik 9
---> MAP Round 32 <--- (Start)

Bjelich Dalibor |

The dull thud of Kyras' body falling to the ground is all but muffled. The sound snaps Bjelich's mind back from the brink. No longer feeling himself slipping deeper into the void of the thereafter the cleric begins to cling to the pain emanating from all of his wounds. This focus has stopped him from fading. Perhaps Erastil is not done with this cleric...
Erastil's Scales of Judgement tip...: 1d20 + 0 - 3 ⇒ (15) + 0 - 3 = 12

Danna Laverton |

After the prisoners are secured and the group takes a moment to take stock of their situation Danna turns to Akiros to ask about Than.
With the Staglord's father! How long has Than been down there? Are they being fed? Is there anyone else down there? How extensive an area is it down there. How powerful is this man?
Basically Danna would like the full story and to get Than out as soon as possible if it is safe to do so. Danna would also like to know how Akiros came to be here but understands that maybe Bjelich should be the one to sensitively broach that subject.
I would also like to do something about that owlbear you have captured back there. We have no desire to have a creature like that locked up here.
What does Danna know about owlbears? Are they evil or just a natural creature?
And Grigor and I will look at those horses over there and see if there is anything we can do for them.
Danna also tends to Striker.

Kyras Lylaras-Orlovsky |

After the prisoners are secured and while Danna interogates Akiros, Kyras turns to Finwick. You accounted yourself very well. I believe that you would be welcome to travel with us in the future should you so desire?
Bjelich can you ensure everyone is ok? Then can you and Mikmek secure the gates. I would hate for there to be more bandits in the area that return to the fort while we are unprepared. Maybe ask Mikmek if he can keep watch in the towers while we discuss our next move.
Kyras then turns to the matter of Akiros. Listening to Danna's questions Kyras listens to Akiros's answers. Assuming that Than has been down there a while and that Akiros knows little of the under fort area.Danna I am as anxious to rescue Than as are you. However, he has been down there for some time already and I am not sure we are in any shape to go down there today. Maybe we should wait til the morning and we can strike down below to rescue Than. This assumes that Akiros does not present information that there is an immediate threat to Than. If there is Kyras will determindly move down below with all that will accompany him and Danna
knowledge arcana owlbear: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20 I assume this is enough to know the basic info about an owl bear
Owlbears are notoriously aggressive Danna. I am not sure how we will be able to release it without endangering oursleves? As well, they are just as dangerous as the boars, centipedes, and other aggressive creatures we have been thinning from the land for safety. Although I do not cherish the idea of killing a caged animal, would it not be safer? It is not a natural beast but one born of magical experimentation. What do you propose?
Once Danna and Grigor finish tending to the horses Kyras asks them to join the others for a discussion about the captured bandits out of earshot. Grigor I assume you wish to have a trial for these bandits? If so then let us dispense with formality and save time and perform the trial right now. If they show they are un-repentent of their actions then execution will be swift. If they are willing to seek forgiveness then I propose banishing them from these lands never to return on pain of death. How say the rest of you? That includes you Finwick :)
After the discussion Kyras will work to stack the dead bodies outside the walls of the fort for the time being until more permanent measures (funeral pyre) can be arranged. If asked why..There are already dead things around here lets not chance these ones waking while we sleep.
After the others finish questioning Akiros, Kyras will approach him with Bjelich in tow. Kyras will look the man in the eye taking a measure of reaction to what he says next. Akiros, I have here your sword which you have given up to me. I accepted it in faith and have seen the measure of your repentance to your past actions. I have offered it back to you and you have refused, saying your GOD would not accept you back. I cannot say whether that is true or not. However, your actions today are the actions of a good man. One who has tasted wrong, and seized the opportunity to turn away from it. That to me is the mark of a man who wants to be good. Kyras hands the sword hilt first to Bjelich. I entrust your sword to one of your faith hopefully with his help you can walk the path you once walked before. Kyras starts to turn away then looks back over his shoulder at Akiros. Remember, it is the man who walks the darkest of paths who can most fully appreciate the dawning of the light. With that Kyras walks away.
Kyras will spend the the remaining hours examining the items found to see if he can deduce the magic held within.

Bjelich Dalibor |

I am sure some of you out there may be asking, "Wasn't this party all but dead just a minute ago? What happened with Danna's last attack?"
Put simply, there was a live session and much was accomplished. The most important of which was the inclusion of a new player, Finwik. I'm sure I will pay for this later, but here is a brief flashback...
Lord oKOyA looked down on his players in dismay. Swallowing his anger, he waves his hand, thus ripping apart the very fabric of the realm he'd carefully created. The party is at once transported to a rolling plain in a parallel dimension - just as perfect as the last but mere days behind.
Barely a days journey from the Staglord's fortress, the party resumed its mission when a lone figure riding a pony appears over the next hill. Finwik, a charismatic gnome, is scouting the stolen lands for his uncle who is not far behind. It is not long after our introductions are made that we hear a commotion where Finwik's uncle is supposed to be. Rushing his aid we see a young troll and its pets attacking! Grigor takes up his lance and charges in without hesitation; landing a solid blow to the troll. Danna follows using her mastery of fire to burn the troll into submission, allowing Finwik to finish it. We do the same with the trolls pets; slashing and burning. One of the beasts managed to sink its teeth into Grigor's leg though, dragging the cavalier from his horse. Quickly finding his footing, Grigor draws his sword to dispatch the smoldering hound. Alas, its burning saliva wrecked havoc as it made its way through the cavalier's blood. But Grigor's constitution proved to be strong and he was able to make a full recovery as we escorted the gnomes back to Oleg's. It is then that Finwik boldly chooses to join our party in order to continue his exploration of the stolen lands.
Refreshed, we set off for the Staglord's. However, it is not long before we are ambushed by an alipes grandidieri! Springing into action, we take turns hitting it over and over. Then Grigor lines up to charge at the beast, ramming his lance deep into the creature's segmented body. But before the vile insect is smote, its venomous mandibles grab hold of the cavalier. Once more his constitution is put to the test - once more Grigor prevails!
At last we approach the Staglord's domain. Using the same ploy as before, we gain entrance and it isn't long before we position ourselves. Dovan falls first, a victim of Finwik's stealthy blade and Kyras quick sword. As the battle warms up, more of the Staglord's men follow Dovan's fate. But then the Staglord himself appears. Putting himself in harms way, Grigor bravely takes several hits from the villian's bow. As the cavalier struggles with mortal wounds, we manage to rally Akiros to our cause. The battle heats up as the rest of the Staglord's men close ranks, surrounding us! We fight hard and focusing our efforts on the Staglord proves fruitful. With little time to spare we finally bring the wicked bandit to justice. Upon the death of the Staglord, the rest of his men abandon the fight.
Akiros surrenders himself for judgement and reveals the whereabouts of Than. He has been locked away below the fort itself. The young boy has been forced to endure unthinkable hardships at the hands of non other than the Staglord's father!
Some items have been withheld to keep the flashback short. Baises may have crept through, but are unintentional.
And now back to the adventure!

Bjelich Dalibor |

Bjelich tends to Grigor's wounds. Calling upon Erastil's power, the cleric heals the cavalier's punctured chest, allowing him to once more walk freely. Moving on to Finwik and Kyras' wounds does not take long. With Erastil's grace, both are able to go about their duties unhindered.
Bjelich then uses the horses to bring the wagon inside. Finding space in the fort is not easy, but then the cleric is a skilled handler. With Mikmek's assistance, parallel parking the wagon next to the barrels stacked up by the wall provides the cleric with some pride, even if his companions don't seem to think it special. And in the way - completely blocking access to the west side of the lower wall :P
Giving the two kobolds some provisions, Bjelich directs Mikmek and Nakpik (Is he still with us?) to the towers as look out. He instructs them to leave the gate open for now so that Kyras can dispose of the bodies. Once the magus is done, Bjelich helps the kobolds close the gate and secures its locking mechanisms.
As Kyas examines the items retrieved off of Kif and the other bandits, Bjelich takes a moment to thank Akiros, Thank you for taking a step back towards the light Akiros. Although you do not see it as such, I am certain that this is a sign you are ready to return to the faith you swore to protect. I give you my word paladin, Bjelich says this with deliberate emphasis, that when you are ready, I will aid you on your path towards atonement and see you restored to your rightful place.
Bjelich will wait for the complete list of items before making any requests.

DM oKOyA |

Can I get the current date and up-to-date XP amount please?
Nice job with the posts guys... I am trying to get one up myself but this week has been surprisingly busy.
On a good news note, there has been a cancellation and I am seeing the surgeon tomorrow am about the knee. Hope this translates into an earlier surgery date as well. *fingers crossed*

Finwik Narthropple |

Finwik turns to Kyras and says Well that wasn't so bad, was it?. He then glances to Grigor, still grimacing from his near-fatal wounds, and then remarks I mean, some of us had it a bit worse than others...but overall that went well.
In response to Kyras' question, Finwik replies I would be happy to accompany your party further, provided the perils are not too perilous and the bounty is bountiful!
He then turns to Bjelich, tending the wounded and says with a wink That was sure a neat trick you pulled with Akiros there. You certainly have a strong connection with Erastil.
Finwik looks around, seeing Bjelich tend to Grigor’s wounds and Akiros being questioned by Kyras and Danna. He addresses the group Well it looks like you have everything in control here. I think I’m going to go see if there’s anything worth looting.
He draws his thievery kit from his backpack with a flourish and whistles as he departs toward the Staglord’s chambers.
Good luck with the surgeon appointment, hope it goes well!

Bjelich Dalibor |

Sorry! Forgot about your kitten. While I didn't directly say, I am certain Bjelich had to peel off a couple healing bursts. oKOyA, if you like I could roll the numbers and mark off how many bursts were used, but as we are finished with combat until at least the next day, I am assuming it is not of the utmost importance to keep track :/ Unless otherwise directed by a higher power, please feel free to heal up the cat.
Forgot to add a couple items :0
As Kyras is dragging the bodies out of the fort, Bjelich reminds him that we need the Staglord's body for the spirit at the bridge.
(I forget the guys name, but he's guarding the bridge until the Staglord is killed or something like that)
Once the gate is down and everyone has been seen too, Bjelich approaches Akiros once again with a concern, I neglected to ask, where is the entrance to the underbelly of this place? Is it locked? Once Bjelich learns of the entrance's location he will seek Finwik's assistance and do what he can to ensure it stays closed until the party is ready to proceed down.

Danna Laverton |

Just checked the quest log. We need to throw the body in the river. I'm pretty sure it was anywhere in the (correct) river and he would know but it doesn't say specifically, just going by memory. Also need to take Falgrim Sneed back to Kestin.

Grigor |

I thought that I would get a chance to finish up this post last evening, but ran out of time again. This post is a bit functional rather than in-character. It has also become huge; there is a lot going on. Sorry for the lengthy delay.
Grigor looks around and asks urgently about the situation as he is revived, and after reassurance thanks Bjelich for his assistance, and then makes sure that the prisoners are very well secured rather than help Danna with the various horses, begging her pardon.
At least for now, he binds each conscious bandit by the hands/arms and feet/legs, soliciting help and suggestions from Finwik if he is nearby at any point (explaining stoically and without elaboration that the party has had a hard time with prisoners). Grigor even looks like he's about to consider handling Akiros like all the rest until a sharp look and throat clearing from Bjelich entirely deters him. He looks for two areas that can be temporarily purposed for holding live prisoners: one for bound, conscious bandits, and a second for unconscious, lightly restrained casualties. Preferred qualities of these spaces: walled, not easy to climb, has ceiling, has only one entrance, the inside can easily be viewed from outside, near to each other, has a barred gate for a door, is not over top of the trapdoor down, otherwise empty or empty-able. Unfortunately what appears to be the optimal spot is currently occupied by an owlbear; Grigor will therefore push this issue but I won't have time to work it out in-character in this post. (Grigor is largely disinterested and baffled about the ultimate fate of the owlbear. If there were peasants, he wouldn't want it rampaging through them.) In this process, he will take a quick tour of all of the aboveground parts of the fort.
Grigor certainly lets anyone who is uncertain of this know that he definitely intends to try the prisoners at the earliest convenience. I'll role-play this with Kyras in a later post, if I get the time. In general, he makes sure that at least one party member is watching at least the conscious prisoners at all times.
During all of this Grigor deals with booty and bandit equipment only as necessary to disarm, bind, and secure the prisoners, leaving all goods in a pile safely far from the live bandits, or for other more interested party members to get at immediately. He makes sure to leave the prisoners with nothing other than minimal clothing. The bandits that are very certainly dead he leaves for Kyras to carry outside the fort, nodding appreciatively at the thought, and helping Kyras with the task if he is done with the prisoners. He agrees that Falgrim Sneed is to be returned to Oleg's (but grumbles a bit quietly to old party members about Kesten) and proposes that the Staglord's corpse be taken back to the old bridge before being thrown into the river.
After the item analysis by Kyras, Grigor takes a special interest in the magic longsword, spending some time moving through what look to be extremely formalized dueling stances with it, and perhaps obscurely whispering something at times. After a bit of this he finds a place where the group can all hear him, brandishes the new weapon, and indicates to the others I would like to keep this as my mainstay. He then silently awaits a response to his implicit request, his eye on the prisoner quarters again.
When Bjelich suggests that he keep the potion of lesser restoration, Grigor asks about its properties, and then says It is best, tactically, if a member of our party who cannot bring this effect through their own powers keeps such an item, and immediately afterwards it is as though he has never had any concern with the matter, independently of what Bjelich says or does. Grigor does ask if he can keep (if I read this right) one of the two potions of cure moderate wounds.
As long as no one dissuades him (due to its unknown nature), Grigor also tries out the Staglord's bow, testing its draw, and climbing to the top of the northwest tower with a quiver and his other two (!) bows from the cart, inviting Mikmek, Bjelich, and Kyras along for the view if they are interested and not busy. He sends a couple of arrows flying from each bow far out along the entrance path. He could switch back to this bow, but given the time it takes him to de-shield it's probably a better fit for Kyras or Bjelich.
I had forgotten that natural armor bonuses stack with "armor" armor bonuses; that means that the amulet is very useful for anyone in the party. I don't know who should end up with it; Grigor would be happy with it. I don't understand the details around Kyras' sword, so I don't know the benefits of him taking the +1 rapier as a magic/backup weapon.
Huh, there's still lots more to deal with, but that's what I can do for now.

DM oKOyA |

Date: Moonday the 26th of Erastus, 4711 (Monday the 26th of July, 4711)
Time: Approx 8:00pm
Location: Greenbelt, Staglord's Fort (Hex: G5)
Current Weather: clear, 14° C, Wind 11km
Map: n/a
Treasure: potion of CMW (4), potion of lesser restoration, toys (45 gp), silver Stag Lord amulet (2) (20 gp each), +1 rapier, turquoise earrings (130 gp), +1 comp longbow (+2 str), +1 leather armor (Stag Lord's), +1 longsword, amulet of natural armor +1, Stag's Helm, +1 leather (size small), +1 short sword (size small), potion of feather fall, potion of expeditious retreat, universal solvent, polished azurite crystal (9 gp), a carnelian (80 gp), a piece of hematite (13 gp), a shard of obsidian (14 gp), a red garnet (100 gp), a pewter belt buckle depicting a pair of entwined succubi (30 gp), and a silver charm bracelet (60 gp). Three unlocked crates in the storage area hold 10 longbows, 260 arrows, 5 short swords, 5 spears, four 50-foot lengths of hemp rope, a set of chisels, 2 hammers, 3 tins of iron nails, and 4 suits of leather armor. Coins: 2 pp, 169 gp
XP total: 7347
Quests: Falgrim Sneeg, Fang Berries, Than, Nettle's Demand
After securing the three prisoners, removing the numerous dead, tending to the horses, securing the fort (Mikmek and Nakpik manning the towers) and thoroughly ransacking the above ground portions of the fortress, the group's attentions turned to Akiros. Wanting to know more about Than and his whereabouts, you hammer him with numerous questions. He does his best to answer...
Than has been down there for a couple of days. He made the mistake of spilling some of the Stag Lord's alcohol and was sent down as punishment. There is plenty of supplies stored down there so I doubt being fed is one of his problems. Nobody likes to go down there. There are a number of rooms. The Stag Lord's father used to be a powerful druid... but he is quite elderly now. Not that that means he isn't to be... feared. You will find the entrance under the stairs in the store room.
Akiros looks over at the owlbear and shrugs his shoulders. The Stag Lord ordered it captured rather than killed when it happened upon one of our patrols. I'm not sure what he intended to do with it... save from treating it like a pet of some sort. It surely doesn't like being caged up, that much I am sure about.
Owlbears are magical beasts, likely the result of magical experimentation. They are usually animal like in their temperament. (ie true neutral)
Akiros listens to Kyras and Bjelich, but refuses his blade again, vowing, I will not take it up until I have been tried and found worthy, both by man and by Erastil.
Over to you! You have a number of conversations to resolve amongst yourselves. You are also welcome to interact more with any of the living bandits or Akiros. :)
You can also assume any actions that you posted above have happened... even if I have not directly addressed them in this summary/response.

Danna Laverton |

Is it just the two of them down there then? Danna asks Akiros. Have you heard from Kressle at all?
She thinks a moment, hating to wait when Than is so close. Why don't we at least just open the door and call to Than, maybe he will come out. Otherwise, unless Akiros has some other information that he thinks we should know before going in, or if he thinks someone else knows something, I suggest just two or three of us go in to retrieve him. The staglord wasn't afraid to go in alone. She again speaks to Akiros directly, Were there any special precautions anyone took before going down?
Danna is unsure what to do with the owlbear. didn't we let the thylacine that was trapped in the pit go? As for the owlbear, perhaps I can speak with it tomorrow and tell it we mean it no harm, if it is uncooperative....
can she use speak with animals on a magical animal?

DM oKOyA |

It is just the two of them yes.
Kressle was here, but left last night. Snuck out after dark. She already wasn't in the Stag Lord's favour after losing the Thorn River Camp to you. She also had a heated argument with him about Than's punishment.
Nobody wanted to go down there... ever. The old man was our resident healer, but guys would hide wounds rather than go down for treatment.
I will allow speak with animals to work with the Owlbear as it is of animal intelligence.

Bjelich Dalibor |

Bjelich nods emphatically to Akiros' refusal to take his sword. Then this shall remain with me until you are once again worthy. Bjelich retains Akiros' sword at his side.
He spends the rest of the evening in quiet contemplation. There are several things on his mind which he needs to find answers to...
Knowledge Religion: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
And I have not forgotten about the zombie factory outside the fort. Is there some way for Bjelich to find the source? Does he know of a spell to sanctify the area? Consecrate? Hallow?
Knowledge Religion: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
During dinner, Bjelich suggests the party take turns at the watch, just in case...Bjelich offers to take the second to last watch and retires early.
(Bjelich has added Akiros'+1 longsword, the potion of lesser restoration and one potion of cure moderate wounds to his inventory)

DM oKOyA |

During dinner, Bjelich suggests the party take turns at the watch, just in case...Bjelich offers to take the second to last watch and retires early.
I think you are presuming too much here. Danna has expressed interest in going after Than right away...
And yes to atonement... you are not sure about the other I am afraid. Hallow may be of some benefit you think.

Bjelich Dalibor |

Arrrgh, we were supposedly done for the day.... :(
Recounting healing actions... everyone should try to remember/retake their damage and then apply the following for healing:
Converting 2nd Level Spell to Heal Grigor :b..: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (7, 4) + 3 = 14
Converting 1st Level Spell to the HP junkie, Grigor: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Energy Burst to Heal Party: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 3) = 6
Total HP healed to Grigor is 27; total for group is 6. As many present bandito's excluded, healing was conducted after bodies were removed and care was taken to heal away from living bound bandits.
7347 XP is the character total we should each, or is that what we've earned in these last few encounters? I'm going with the former unless told otherwise.
Bjelich sighs. The thought of going underground to find Than is conflicting. Unsure if the party is prepared to confront an unknown enemy, but also not wanting to leave Than any longer than needed, the cleric looks to Kyras, hoping the magus will offer his insight.
As the party awaits their leader's guidance, Bjelich petitions Akiros, What experience have you had with the Staglord's estranged father?
Maybe this was asked before, but does the crazy man living under the stairs have a name? If not then Bjelich will ask Akiros.

Danna Laverton |

Danna rolls her eyes at Kyras. He is already trapped. I still have some spells left. Finwik, could you possibly sneak in after us so we are more than we seem? Stay hidden unless things go bad. Danna casts light on one of her short spears and goes to the door. Akiros could you please call to Than, if one of us does it the Staglord's father will realize something is up immediately and may hold him hostage.
I'm hoping we can avoid actually going in for now...

DM oKOyA |

Arrrgh, we were supposedly done for the day.... :(
Only according to you...
And as I said in OOC you should be tracking all resources all the time or do you presume to know what will happen overnight?
You do remember we are using the strain HP rules now right?
A quick look at XP progression should make the answer obvious. :P
What experience? Akiros responds quizzically. I have never heard his name uttered...
Danna lifts the lid to the trap door and is assailed by a wretched smell. Damp, rot and the smell of death hangs in the fetid air emanating from the yawning hole in the ground. Danna motions for Akiros. He approaches the stairs and comments, Calling out will likely prove fruitless.... but as you wish.
Akiros calls for Than down in the darkness... but no response is returned.

Danna Laverton |

Danna casts light instead on an old scrap of leather (or something like it that she can find lying around. Something unlikely to be used as a weapon), and throws it down the hole. She then motions Kyras to make his way down and follows behind. Striker jumps down after her (or climbs if the drop is too far.)

Bjelich Dalibor |

Bjelich turns to Grigor, One of us should remain up here. The cleric takes a moment to shift through some of the miscellaneous items he is carrying and readies his shield.
I trust you will be able to manage this lot, Bjelich smiles mockingly at the cavalier, then turns and follows the others to the trap door. After the fumes from below assaults his senses, Bjelich coughs then reaches for his wooden symbol. Focusing his will, Bjelich speaks Erastil's ancient language. A divine charge of static energy fills the air, briefly illuminating the party's auras.
Ready when you are...
Once Bjelich is down with the rest...
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Cleric 1, paladin 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, DF Range 50 ft.
Area The caster and all allies within a 50-ft. burst, centered on the caster
Duration 1 min./level Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Bless fills your allies with courage. Each ally gains a +1 morale
bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects.
AC 19 | HP 24/24 | Bless activated, T-minus 3 min..

DM oKOyA |

Danna watches as the lit object bounces down the stairs, lighting up the gloomy hole. It comes to rest on the earthen floor of the lower level. The wooden stairs creak slightly as you begin your descent...
Akiros raises an eyebrow at Bjelich's mocking of Grigor, looking to the cavalier for his response.
Will wait for Grigor to respond before proceeding.
You don't get to make those rolls Bjelich...

Finwik Narthropple |

Finwik looks over the party, beaten and worn from the fight with the staglord and says I don't know much about this Than person but I'm sure he's a great guy. I just don't think we'll be doing him any favours if we rush down and die. Should we perhaps take some time to let our mage and cleric rest?
After making his case he moves over to join Bjelich and Danna. He bows to Danna with a flourish and says If this is our course, I would be delighted to assist. I will be right here. Right here behind you... His look then turns serious as he tightens his belt and smooths his mithril to prevent it from clinking.
Stealth: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (5) + 14 = 19

Grigor |

Hearing something, Grigor rounds the corner from the crumbled keep's central chamber into the storeroom just in time to catch Bjelich say I trust you will be able to manage this lot, and chant out a protective incantation. Startling in surprise, he sees the rest of the party over the yawning trapdoor at the end of the room, looking like they are about to descend.
What madness is this! he bellows. About to enter the dungeon? Fresh from a fight, with prisoners at our back, and a spellcaster of unknown power awaiting? You were just going to go in without my support? I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but it is common to design dungeons to have extensive size and to pack them with all manner of perils. You're descending into a mound below an old fort of unknown provenance, built for who-knows-what purpose, which is surrounded with sullied earth that emits a stream of fresh corpses by some unknown evil power. He's sputtering now. For Than? He's been down there a couple of days. I mean the boy as well as you do, but the odds of him coming to additional harm in another few hours are not high.
Grigor can perhaps be convinced to poke around into an initial hallway and a first room, but he'll pointedly depart, maybe trying to drag Danna out of there with him, before he starts a second in an obvious sequence. A possible resolution for the party is to convince everyone to agree that today we will just do a quick scouting mission to verify that we can't get Than trivially and to see if we can learn what to prepare for.

Bjelich Dalibor |

I agree, a quick trivial search is ideal. But when the child card is played, there is no arguing with the fair Danna. Bjelich cast Bless before heading into the dungeon to instill a sense of urgency...the faster we do this, the better!

Kyras Lylaras-Orlovsky |

Kyras looks over his shoulder at Grigor. The risk has been discussed and Danna is going regardless. I will not see her harmed due to my inaction and she will not change her mind. Stay here, if we do not return before dark seal the door and do what must be done.
With that said Kyras descends into the cavern sword at the ready.

Bjelich Dalibor |

Discussing going down is pretty much over. Kyras, Danna, Bjelich and Finwik are descending into the dungeon for a brief search for Than. Grigor is remaining topside to watch the bound up prisoners. Finwik is going in last in stealth mode, the rest of us are heading in for a direct rescue.

Grigor |

Grigor sighs a little, and leans in to Bjelich before he makes his way to the stairs, saying If you get back and for some reason the trapdoor is closed fast, knock like this: and uses his right hand to rap against his wooden shield twice, then twice, then three times, then once. Leaning in closer to Bjelich, he continues ..and try to get Danna to come back up before you get too deep. I've got a bad feeling about this...
He then turns to Akiros, saying It looks like we'll have a few tasks on our hands for the next little while. We'll need to watch from the towers, watch the prisoners, and listen for trouble at this trapdoor, all at the same time. Where are those kobolds? And I'm going to guess you don't speak Draconic? He looks like he's about to leave to get the kobolds, but then reconsiders and waits around at the trapdoor for the first few minutes. After this, Grigor rounds up Mikmek and Nakpik, trying to pantomime a request that they watch from the northwest and northeast towers. He asks Akiros to watch at the trapdoor, keeping it open and listening for trouble. If all this goes according to plan, he watches the three prisoners, leaving occasionally at random times to confer with Mikmek on the towers, or to check in on Akiros and the trapdoor, or sometimes looking like he's leaving but then suddenly turning back to the prisoners and testing their bonds.
Can I have a reminder of who the prisoners are (as far as Grigor knows)? And I'd like to work out where they are in the fort -- probably the central chamber, right near the owlbear cage. Also, presuming there's a bit of time, Grigor will gather the most suitable chairs from the central table, and rope from the storeroom, and doubly-tie the prisoners into place in a slightly spaced row of chairs. Then in spurts, during his watch, he will arrange the table into a crude writing-desk in front of the prisoners and start constructing an even cruder gallows behind them, perhaps by repositioning and repurposing the Staglord's bed and trunks.

Bjelich Dalibor |

Both Kobolds have been happily posted in the watch towers above since Bjelich finished healing everyone and the bodies were removed. Gates are secured, wagon and horses looked after, bandits bond and gagged... there is little to be done.

DM oKOyA |

The four party members descend the stairs. Loud squeaks and groans herald their descent. After a turn in the stairs they reach the cellar proper. This room feels miserably damp, and greasy swaths of mold cake the carved stone walls and floor. The ceiling fifteen feet overhead is thick with cobwebs. Three archways in the walls open into other rooms, all of which are filled with mounds of crates, furs, sacks, weapons, and other obviously stolen loot.
From your position at the bottom of the stairs your light source bathes most of the cellar in at least dim lighting, but you still see no sign of Than or the cellar's other reported inhabitant.
Before you have even finished completely surveying the room, a voice, soundly sickly and old, and coming from no obvious source calls out, Wh-what is-s th-this? Wh-who are y-you? H-how did you get p-past those ab-above?
----- Meanwhile up above -----
Grigor stands listening at the trapdoor...
Mikmek and Napkik are already in the towers. The prisoners are bound in the central room. The prisoners are the three men from the towers. Falgrim Sneeg (an older Varisian with graying hair and an unruly beard), Ayles Megesen (a soft-spoken man with a calm demeanor) and Jex (a slim ugly man).

Bjelich Dalibor |

Remembering the bandit's fear of this man, Bjelich summons up his best bandit scowl to utter back a nervous reply, The umm, clearing his throat, The Staglord ordered us ta come down and fetch the boy! He's to be ransomed!
The cleric remains in the corner (F2) and signals to Danna, silently pointing to the northern part of the cellar, trying to get her to look down that room. Doyaknow where he's at?
AC 19 | HP 24/24 | Bluff check +3 | Bless activated, +1 Att +1 save vs. scary things: approx. 2 min 30sec remain
(Hope that is a reasonable estimate. If so I will continue to count down the time as if in combat. )

Danna Laverton |

Danna is surprised by Bjelich's gambit as she assumes they could have heard some sounds of fighting from above, but plays along and tries to peer down the way. 5' step to D4. Seeing that it appears to be empty and end a few feet farther down she doesn't venture any farther that way. Unless the things in that room are bigger and could be hiding someone.

DM oKOyA |

The voice responds, this time clearer and angry sounding, Don't bother with your lies whelp of Erastil! I have been in this fort for as long as anyone here! You think I can't see you?
As Danna inches forward to get a better look, the voice warns, Don't take another step lass or suffer my wrath!
You are looking for the boy are you? the voice mocks.