DM oKOyA's Kingmaker

Game Master Lord oKOyA

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Round 3 summary/conclusion

Grigor, Danna and Finwik all failed to land a hit upon the still elusive Wisp.

Round 4

The Wisp faded from view and the group braced for another blast of electricity but nothing came... (yet)

Round 4

Init Order:
Ball of Light 25 *gone
Bjelich 12 <--- IS UP!
Grigor 11
Danna (prone) 11
Striker 11
Kyras 4
Finwik 3

MAP Round 4 Init 12

You are not sure where the Wisp has gone.

Female AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13; HP33 Human (Ulfen/?) Druid Level 5

Danna moves Striker directly in front of her hoping to protect herself while she stands.

Striker 5' step to E28. Hoping the wisp hasn't moved behind her she rises from prone. Striker readied action to attack.

Let's move as a group to the horses and try to get out of here!

The Most Reverend 5th Level Cleric of Erastil - AC:19 | T:13 FF:16 | HP 41/41 | Strain: 00 | F:+4 R:+4 W:+7 | Per:+8* Init:+3* | BAB +3 | Bow +9 | Morning Star +4
Bluff +2 | Diplomacy +6 | Fly +7 | Heal +7 | Knowledge: History +7, Local +3, Religion +7, Nature +7, Nobles +7 | Sense Motive +9 | SpellCraft +10

Kyras, you know of this creature, do we have a chance to outrun it?
Not wanting to risk provoking another surprise attack, Bjelich readies his morning star once again in preparation to attack the thing the moment it appears again.

Half-Elf Arcanist Lvl 5 (occultist)

Doubtful. It flies, sees in the dark and can move through the trees perfectly. We are slower, are not as agile and will need to put up a giant glowing target to see where we are going. Does that make you more comfortable? Regardless move towards the horses. Kyras growls his rapier ready to lash out at the wisp if it appears again.

1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 4 + 1 = 111d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Round 4 conclusion/summary

Bjelich questioned Kyras and readied his weapon to strike should the Wisp reappear.

Grigor also readied to strike. (DMNPC)

Striker moved closer to Danna and tensed ready to pounce. Danna stood up... (and still has a SA to spend) ...holding her spear at the ready. (DMNPC readied action)

Kyras replied that flight was likely improbable and readied himself to continue the fight.

Finwik held out his dagger, ready to defend himself and the others (in that order). ;) (DMNPC)

Round 5

The anticipated attack came from an unexpected direction, as a Wisp materialized in a flash of electricity aimed at Bjelich...
touch attack: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (2) + 16 = 18
damage: 2d8 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7 (strain)
...once again scorching the cleric!

I need Bjelich and Danna's readied attacks... before the Wisp fades from view (and possibly takes a 5' step). No one else is close enough to attack.

Round 5

Init Order:
Bjelich 26 (readied action triggered) *gone
Danna 26 (readied action triggered) *gone
Ball of Light 25 *gone
Grigor 11 <--- IS UP!
Striker 11
Kyras 4
Finwik 3

MAP Round 5 Init 26

The map shows the location of the Wisp when it makes its attack. After Danna and Bjelich resolve their readied actions the Wisp will be invisible and likely moved.

Female AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13; HP33 Human (Ulfen/?) Druid Level 5

Danna strikes out with her spear at the sight of the wisp.

short spear attack: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 4 + 1 = 181d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

But again falls short.

The Most Reverend 5th Level Cleric of Erastil - AC:19 | T:13 FF:16 | HP 41/41 | Strain: 00 | F:+4 R:+4 W:+7 | Per:+8* Init:+3* | BAB +3 | Bow +9 | Morning Star +4
Bluff +2 | Diplomacy +6 | Fly +7 | Heal +7 | Knowledge: History +7, Local +3, Religion +7, Nature +7, Nobles +7 | Sense Motive +9 | SpellCraft +10

Summoning his best morning star technique, the cleric swings hard at the hoovering target solidly connecting with the creature.

RAtt vs Crisp: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
RAtt vs Crisp: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Dmging Sugar Crisp: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 - Awesome...

But despite his efforts, Bjelich is unable to believe he actually connected with the creature, pulling his attack at the worst possible moment and resulting in only a scratch.

TAC 12 | HP 6/24 (18Strain) | Mispelling done purposely | Bless...wasted

Male Human L3 Cavalier (Dragon Order) Human L3 Cavalier

Grigor seems utterly unsurprised by the wisp's latest move. Horses won't help. Keep tight and form into a rectangle, with Kyras and Striker at one end, Finwik with me at the other, Danna and Bjelich in middle. Middle two do nothing except try to stay alive, it's picking on you.

Yes I know that you probably can't direct Striker that precisely. And obviously, unless you have a good belief that the wisp moved to a space that leaves you clear, or you're trying to draw out the AoO so that Bjelich can cast, don't use more than a 5' step to form up.

Grigor readies an action to attack the wisp if it materializes within reach, or a standard action Tactition of Swap Places otherwise. If this is permitted -- otherwise he just readies the attack.

readied attack, longsword +1, challenge: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 9 + 1 = 111d8 + 5 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 5 + 3 = 12

Is Photobucket down? I suddenly can't see the maps.

Striker, Kyras and Finwik are up.

Photobucket is working for me.

Female AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13; HP33 Human (Ulfen/?) Druid Level 5

Danna directs Striker to her north flank and Striker waits for the wisp to reappear to move in and strike.

MA to C28 and rock spell is over so no more difficult terrain.

Round 5 conclusion/summary

Bjelich landed a glancing blow upon the agile monster, much to his own surprise.

The Wisp easily dodged Danna's spear thrust.

Grigor tried to organize the party's defenses as he himself readied to strike once the Wisp revealed its' location.

Striker obeyed Danna's command and moved to the other side of her, waiting there to lash out should the Wisp become visible.

(DMNPC action) Kyras, remembering his lore of the Wisp, and that he has a wand of magic missile, drew the wand into his empty hand, readying himself to use it as he stepped closer to Bjelich. (5' step to E,28, RA to use wand)

(DMNPC action) Finwik stepped beside Grigor as requested, still holding his dagger ready to attack the Wisp should it materialize within reach. (5' step to E,29, RA attack w/dagger)

Round 6

Init Order:
Bjelich 26 <--- IS UP!
Danna 26 <--- IS UP!
Ball of Light 25
Grigor 11
Striker 11
Kyras 4
Finwik 3

MAP Round 6 Init 26

The Wisp is not visible currently.

Female AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13; HP33 Human (Ulfen/?) Druid Level 5

Danna and Striker wait for a sign of the wisp before striking.

The Most Reverend 5th Level Cleric of Erastil - AC:19 | T:13 FF:16 | HP 41/41 | Strain: 00 | F:+4 R:+4 W:+7 | Per:+8* Init:+3* | BAB +3 | Bow +9 | Morning Star +4
Bluff +2 | Diplomacy +6 | Fly +7 | Heal +7 | Knowledge: History +7, Local +3, Religion +7, Nature +7, Nobles +7 | Sense Motive +9 | SpellCraft +10

With the strain of 'battle' starting to take its toll on the cleric, Bjelich moves his morningstar to his shield hand*. Then, taking up the holy symbol, calls upon Erastil's divine might to give him the energy he needs to carry on.
Healing Burst: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 6) = 10 - Timing subject to DM ruling

AC 18* TAC 11 | MA Morning star to shield hand | SA Healing burst excluding Crisp 2 remaining

This begs the question, can Bjelich exclude a creature he knows is in the area, but can't see? If not, he will delay his burst until he can see the creature.

Do you still wish to delay (stand there) and channel? You will likely not survive, to channel, if you wait for it to attack first.

The Most Reverend 5th Level Cleric of Erastil - AC:19 | T:13 FF:16 | HP 41/41 | Strain: 00 | F:+4 R:+4 W:+7 | Per:+8* Init:+3* | BAB +3 | Bow +9 | Morning Star +4
Bluff +2 | Diplomacy +6 | Fly +7 | Heal +7 | Knowledge: History +7, Local +3, Religion +7, Nature +7, Nobles +7 | Sense Motive +9 | SpellCraft +10

Thnx. Of course the hope was to help Danna as well :(
Say, if I'm healing the Sugar Crisp does the CR go up? :)) When Danna falls over dead, I'll let her know she is free to thank the mysterious hooded figure :P

As Bjelich takes up his holy symbol of Erastil, it occurs to him that by summoning a burst of healing energy, he may inadvertently hinder the party's efforts in surviving this foe. Frustration wells in the cleric's eyes has he looks at the wounded Druid he can not yet help. This irritation bolsters his will. Speaking Erastil's ancient language a strong wave of healing energy surrounds the cleric.
CLW: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

AC 18* TAC 11 | MA Morning star to shield hand | Retcon SA: Saving Healing burst, switching to spell conversion | No more 1st level spells |

Casting a spell provokes an AoO. This to me is worse than channelling. :P

Sure you wish to do that?

The Most Reverend 5th Level Cleric of Erastil - AC:19 | T:13 FF:16 | HP 41/41 | Strain: 00 | F:+4 R:+4 W:+7 | Per:+8* Init:+3* | BAB +3 | Bow +9 | Morning Star +4
Bluff +2 | Diplomacy +6 | Fly +7 | Heal +7 | Knowledge: History +7, Local +3, Religion +7, Nature +7, Nobles +7 | Sense Motive +9 | SpellCraft +10

Checkmate. Dropping his weapon and running away in a random direction to heal doesn't sound any better - weaponless, probably still within range of its dreaded Touch Att, he is felled. Bursting doesn't provoke, but heals the creature. As alluded, he won't last long enough to RA the burst as once the creature appears ...crrrieck :(
Sounds like the odds are against Bjelich no matter what. Since everyone is ready to pounce, might as well provoke and let fate decide on the concentration check. With luck (stop the evil laughing) the others will hurt it enough to make it go away and shove a potion down his throat. Proceed as per above.

What concentration check? If you are reduced to the negatives by the AoO, your spell does not go off... automatically. Barring an unlikely miss on the AoO (needs to roll anything but a 1) even if you survive the blast, you will still need to make the concentration check or risk losing the spell. Your logic is flawed and your course of action is... unwise. :P

You have other, non-suicidal actions, that could be taken.

For the last time, are you sure this is what you want to do?

PS Please don't add HP (the 11 from your spell) to your total that you haven't received yet. Bjelich's total HP at the time of this decision is 6.

Half-Elf Arcanist Lvl 5 (occultist)

Damage roll for MM if needed.

MM: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

The Most Reverend 5th Level Cleric of Erastil - AC:19 | T:13 FF:16 | HP 41/41 | Strain: 00 | F:+4 R:+4 W:+7 | Per:+8* Init:+3* | BAB +3 | Bow +9 | Morning Star +4
Bluff +2 | Diplomacy +6 | Fly +7 | Heal +7 | Knowledge: History +7, Local +3, Religion +7, Nature +7, Nobles +7 | Sense Motive +9 | SpellCraft +10

*Shrugs* Ook, delay action ready to hit with Morningstar? Nope, still gonna buy the farm on that one. FRA, retreat to H27 or where ever the crisp is not.

The Most Reverend 5th Level Cleric of Erastil - AC:19 | T:13 FF:16 | HP 41/41 | Strain: 00 | F:+4 R:+4 W:+7 | Per:+8* Init:+3* | BAB +3 | Bow +9 | Morning Star +4
Bluff +2 | Diplomacy +6 | Fly +7 | Heal +7 | Knowledge: History +7, Local +3, Religion +7, Nature +7, Nobles +7 | Sense Motive +9 | SpellCraft +10

Apparently I'm holding things up, sorry.
Guessing the Wisp is near C26, MA 5ft to E27 healing burst for the wisp and if the others benefit that's ok.
Healing as per previous bursting post?? :))

Bjelich wrote:
Healing Burst: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 6) = 10

It was a good roll :/

Round 6

Danna once again waited for the Wisp to appear to strike.

Bjelich stepped away from where he last saw the Wisp and channeled positive energy, healing everything around him.

A moment later, yet another arc of electricity leapt for the embattled cleric...
touch attack: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (15) + 16 = 31
damage: 2d8 ⇒ (8, 1) = 9 (strain)
...jolting him just as he finished his prayer.

As the Wisp was now visible, Danna surged forward and attempted to lance it with her spear. (readied action triggered, need your attack roll)

Kyras fired a missile from his and, striking the Wisp.

Grigor and Finwik were too far to reach the Wisp, with one cursing and one giving a thankful sigh. Grigor noticed that this Wisp seemed different somehow, before realization dawned on him. This is a second Wisp! (Challenge no does not apply to this Wisp.)

(Striker has no movement available as he moved during his turn, so no readied attack. :P )

The Wisp then faded from view once more...

Round 6

Init Order:
Bjelich 26 *gone
Danna 26 *gone
Kyras 26 *gone
Ball of Light 25 *gone
Grigor 11 <--- IS UP!
Striker 11 <--- IS UP!
Finwik 3 <--- IS UP!

MAP Round 6 Init 11

The Wisp is not visible currently.

Female AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13; HP33 Human (Ulfen/?) Druid Level 5

Danna lashes out at the wisp.

shortspear attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 201d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

but again fails to hit the seemingly intangible creature.

Female AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13; HP33 Human (Ulfen/?) Druid Level 5

Danna keeps Striker by her side, waiting for the next attack.

readied action to attack it when visible.

Male Human L3 Cavalier (Dragon Order) Human L3 Cavalier

DM, I've lost track of where the wisp has been, and I can't see it in the posts. Could you please let me know where the wisp appeared (maybe map coordinates?) on rounds five and six? And did Grigor's readied action get turned successfully into a Swap Places in round five? Also, is it possible to have a readied action to attack, moving up 5' if necessary, but still moving the 5' closer even if that isn't close enough to attack? Is it possible to have a RA of attack if possible, MA full move otherwise? Just what conditionals can be stuffed into a RA? ;-) Thanks.

The Most Reverend 5th Level Cleric of Erastil - AC:19 | T:13 FF:16 | HP 41/41 | Strain: 00 | F:+4 R:+4 W:+7 | Per:+8* Init:+3* | BAB +3 | Bow +9 | Morning Star +4
Bluff +2 | Diplomacy +6 | Fly +7 | Heal +7 | Knowledge: History +7, Local +3, Religion +7, Nature +7, Nobles +7 | Sense Motive +9 | SpellCraft +10

That's confusing Grigor. Read this...READIED ACTIONS
Sounds like you want a RA to close the gap and attack when the wisp appears. I'm pretty sure you can do that as long as you don't make any movements prior.

Grigor wrote:
I've lost track of where the wisp has been, and I can't see it in the posts

It's invisible, you are not supposed to know :) You may go back to the previous images oKOyA uploaded, the wisp does appear briefly and will give you an idea. Also, you know there are two, right?

The Wisp was last seen attacking Bjelich from square D,26 this round.

Grigor's readied action did not trigger as the conditions were not met. Swap places was not possible as Danna was the only possible candidate and she moved away and attacked as well.

As per the rules in the link above, you could use a RA to say, "I move towards the Wisp when it appears, and if I can attack after doing so, I do." This would mean that when the Wisp appears, you will move towards it up to your MA speed (20' in Grigor's case). If it happens to be only a 5' step that you end up moving, you would also get your attack.

Finwik slides his fancy dagger into his sheath and draws a plain dagger, ready to stab out or throw it at the next wisp that appears.

No clue where it is so the plan is to stab it if I can 5-foot step to flank or throw the dagger if it's farther away.

Male Human L3 Cavalier (Dragon Order) Human L3 Cavalier

Breaking to some degree from his preceding suggestions, but eager to plunge metal into the elusive foes, Grigor takes a readied action to (as helpfully suggested above) move towards the Wisp when it appears, and if he can attack after doing so, attacking with his sword.

Note that no Swap Places Tactician effect is in place; no swapping can occur.

Potential move up to 20', potential readied attack: longsword +1: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 181d8 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Kyras forgot to roll for the wand's second MM...

1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 sorry :( (7 damage total)

Finwik, sheathing a weapon is a MA, as is drawing a weapon, leaving you no action to ready an attack. You can just draw your second dagger and then ready an attack. You can use one dagger if you are within melee range, or the other if you need to throw one at range. This also leaves you with one dagger in hand for potential AoO.

Round 6 conclusion

Striker, Grigor and Finwik remained poised to strike at the Wisp when it became visible. The last of those three drew a second dagger after realizing the benefits of being armed with two weapons instead of one. It also gave him some added measure of comfort, as well as having something to firmly grasp in each hand, kept them from shaking noticeably.

Round 7

Init Order:
Bjelich 26 <--- IS UP!
Danna 26 <--- IS UP!
Kyras 26 <--- IS UP!
Ball of Light 25
Grigor 11 *readied action
Striker 11 *readied action
Finwik 3 *readied action

MAP Round 7 Init 26

The Wisp is not visible currently.

Female AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13; HP33 Human (Ulfen/?) Druid Level 5

I'm confused. I have stated I am waiting for the wisp to appear to attack. Does that not mean I have a readied action, or do you just mean you want all the rolls now.

The Most Reverend 5th Level Cleric of Erastil - AC:19 | T:13 FF:16 | HP 41/41 | Strain: 00 | F:+4 R:+4 W:+7 | Per:+8* Init:+3* | BAB +3 | Bow +9 | Morning Star +4
Bluff +2 | Diplomacy +6 | Fly +7 | Heal +7 | Knowledge: History +7, Local +3, Religion +7, Nature +7, Nobles +7 | Sense Motive +9 | SpellCraft +10

Looking around him, it is difficult to gauge the health of his comrades. The cleric, thinking only his health is in immediate danger, begins to fear the worst - they are surrounded by at least two seemingly untouchable creatures and he is running out of options. Trying to evade the last seen wisp's attacks, Bjelich moves to his right, seeking shelter amongst the others. As he steps, he changes his weapon to his shield hand hoping to get to his pack before it is too late. There must be something in my pack that can come to my aid...

HP 7/24 (17 Strain) | AC 18* - MA Morning star moved to shield hand | TAC: Automatic | MA 5ft step to D28

Not wanting to overspend my actions, (I already have a bad credit rating) I'm just trying to get out of the line of fire to retrieve a potion. If I've miscalculated and still have an action left, then he will retrieve a healing potion.

Danna: That was last round, this is a new round. I will assume readied action to attack.

Bjelich: 5' step does not take a MA. Transfer weapon, MA. 5' step. MA to draw potion.

Kyras is up and then the Wisp.

Half-Elf Arcanist Lvl 5 (occultist)

Kyras holds his wand steady ready to activate at first wisp sight.

MM: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (3, 3) + 2 = 8

Round 7 conclusion

Once more, the now familiar flash of electricity surged out of the night sky, this time striking for Kyras...
touch attack: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (4) + 16 = 20
damage: 2d8 ⇒ (6, 2) = 8 (strain)
...jolting the magus, causing him to bite his own tongue.

At the Wisp's appearance, Kyras fired a retaliation blast from his wand (8 damage), while Danna moved in to stab at it with her spear (need your roll), with Striker staying by her side (10' move, no attack). At the same time, Finwik flung his newly drawn dagger (need your roll) at the thing and Grigor rushed to get close to it (10' move, no attack) before it faded once more from view...

Round 7

Init Order:
Bjelich 27 *gone
Danna 26 *gone (need roll)
Kyras 26 *gone
Grigor 26 *gone
Striker 26 *gone
Finwik 26 *gone (need roll)
Ball of Light 25 *gone

MAP Round 7 Init 25

The Wisp is visible for Danna and Finwik's attacks but will be invisible for the start of round 8.

Round 8

Init Order:
Bjelich 27 <--- IS UP!
Danna 26
Kyras 26
Grigor 26
Striker 26
Finwik 26
Ball of Light 25

The Most Reverend 5th Level Cleric of Erastil - AC:19 | T:13 FF:16 | HP 41/41 | Strain: 00 | F:+4 R:+4 W:+7 | Per:+8* Init:+3* | BAB +3 | Bow +9 | Morning Star +4
Bluff +2 | Diplomacy +6 | Fly +7 | Heal +7 | Knowledge: History +7, Local +3, Religion +7, Nature +7, Nobles +7 | Sense Motive +9 | SpellCraft +10

Relieved the creature did not come after him again, Bjelich pops the cork on his potion, brings the canister to his lips and downs its contents in one gulp. As the liquid moves down his throat, a feeling of ease flows over him, lifting some of the strain from his body. Dropping the empty vial, Bjelich takes up his morning star in his right hand and prays his comrades drive the thing away.

CMW: 2d8 + 1 ⇒ (6, 2) + 1 = 9

SA Drinks potionCURE MOD. WOUNDS | MA switch weapon to fighting hand | HP... | TAC Automatic |

Potions of CMW are CL 3 meaning they heal 2d8+3. You get 2 more HP from that potion. Go ahead and add them... no AoO from the Wisp interrupts your tasty beverage. ;)

Female AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13; HP33 Human (Ulfen/?) Druid Level 5

Danna again seizes the opportunity to strike at the wisp,

attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 191d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

but again misses the elusive foe.

Desperate to turn the tide of battle, Finwik calls upon the power of the Staglord's helm to lend strength to his arm.

To hit: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Damage: 1d3 + 1 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 1 + (1, 5) = 8

Male Human L3 Cavalier (Dragon Order) Human L3 Cavalier

Grigor says Kyras, drop back beside Bjelich. He pauses until just after Kyras can steady himself from the last discharge of the wand, and either moves 5' into the square E28 if Kyras has vacated it, or stays where he is otherwise, and readies to strike at the wisp when it appears again (moving 5', then, if he needs to and he can).

longsword +1: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 201d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

The Most Reverend 5th Level Cleric of Erastil - AC:19 | T:13 FF:16 | HP 41/41 | Strain: 00 | F:+4 R:+4 W:+7 | Per:+8* Init:+3* | BAB +3 | Bow +9 | Morning Star +4
Bluff +2 | Diplomacy +6 | Fly +7 | Heal +7 | Knowledge: History +7, Local +3, Religion +7, Nature +7, Nobles +7 | Sense Motive +9 | SpellCraft +10

A brief explanation after a live session...

Grigor's words seemed to have fallen on deaf ears. In reality everyone was preoccupied with finding the Wisp. This invisible creature was a very large thorn in the group's side and we very much wanted it gone. Thankfully the Lord answered our prayers, we had done enough damage to drive the creature away. Rather than spend the rest of the evening camped by the lakeside and risk another visitation, the Guardians packed up and headed inland. No one got much rest. Languished from the strains of battle and lack of sleep, the druid and cleric both suffered for this come morning; not all of our spells were afforded to us.

Pushing further south, we happened upon a small island village in the middle of a river fiord. Even from the shores, we could here the distinct cries of a child in pain. Suddenly, the opportunity to complete our mission was at hand. Approaching the gates, we were confronted by two lizard folk guards. With Bjelich acting as translator, Kyras negotiates with the guards, learning not only that the missing Tig was indeed inside, but also another child and a woman! Kyras learns not all the lizard folk inside agreed with their king's indulgence in torture - they would much rather eat, than play with their food. Kyras also learned of another being residing within, a Willo'Wisp no less! Erastil Help us! Promising to put a stop to their king's lunacy and drive off the Wisp, we gained entrance to the palisade and made our way to confront the king's elusively deadly ally. Grigor devises a plan involving a tanglefoot bag with light cast upon it. Bursting in on the Wisp, the cavalier rushes the Wisp, tagging it with the bag of goo. Now that our foe was visible to us, the party got to work as Danna escorted the child away from the Wisp and the brave Finwik stood watch outside.
Despite robbing the Wisp of its ability to vanish, it was not an easy fight. Only by sheer luck did we manage to cause it any harm, if at all. Kyras expended what few remaining charges were left in his wand of magic missile as Grigor stood toe to toe with the Wisp, nearly bringing the cavalier to knees! As the smell of electricty filled the hut, Bjelich summoned aid in the form of magnificent bow of force and did his best to tend to Grigor. Then, as with the wisps from the night before, the fighting stopped. The Wisp vanished and did not reappear, presumably deciding to flee - we may never know.
The battle was far from over though. As Grigor, Kyras and Bjelich struggled with the Wisp inside the hut, Danna busied herself outside the palisade; rescuing the other child from the river and the clutches of a lone lizard man guard. Finwik kept his eyes peeled and readied his crossbow - the king and his loyal bodyguards were sure to crash the party at any moment. As if on que, the bodyguards arrived. Finwik volleyed several shots over their heads - if this was done purposefully, or accidentally, he will not divulge. The lizard guards responded with javelins, but the brave gnome danced around all of the lizard folks shots. The fearsome bodyguards were just feet from the hut when Kyras burst forth from its wooden door, covering the guards in his patented hues. Two collapsed to the magus' enchantment, the remaining guard stood fast despite the Baron's stern warning. Fortunately for us, not all the lizard folk were set against us. The guards we'd previously persuaded had rallied half of the village to our cause and now approached with reinforcements.

For an all too brief moment, things were looking up for the Guardians. As Kyras' blade slay the bodyguard before him, the King arrived with two giant Cayman, setting their sights on our reinforcements. In a flash, the Cayman struck. The creature in the Cayman's mouth never stood a chance - splattering it like a balloon in its great maw. Seeing the danger heading our way, Kyras retrieves his remaining wand, transforming the very ground beneath the foul beasts into a formidable pit. Clawing at the ground violently, one of the Cayman fell trapped while the other advanced only to meet Kyras' waiting blade. Summoning his arcane powers, the Baron split the beast in two!
Perhaps the sight of the giant creatures was too much, or maybe it was a moment of inspiration. Whatever the case, at this point in the battle, Grigor, having just received the cleric's blessings, fled. With no explanation for the cavalier's rash decision to leave, Bjelich sheathed his morning star in exchange for his trusted bow. Side by side with the gnome, the cleric fired volley after volley at the King while Kyras bravely stood up to the tyrant. How the three managed to fend off both the King and his remaining Cayman, is hard to recall. Bloodied, his arcane strength waning, Kyras was preparing to step into the beyond when Grigor reappeared, mounted on his faithful steed! Charging between the huts, the cavalier lowered his lance forcing the King to delay piercing the magus' flesh one last time with his trident. Deftly stepping out of the way, Grigor's killing blow would have to wait though.
Using the cavalier's sudden reappearance to his advantage, Bjelich fills the air with Erastil's positive energy, allowing the three combatants to jockey for position and fight on.
Danna was next to reappear. Galloping behind Grigor, the druid sent her enchantments into the fray; at last the Guardians could focus their combined efforts. The remaining bodyguards were dispatched before they could cause anyone serious harm. The last Cayman, having thrashed Grigor to the ground, was layed down beside its brother. Finally, entangled by Bjelich's web of vegetation, the King stood before the Guardians. His trident dripping with blood, his huge frame was heroically slashed from three sides. Sensing the King's weakness, Finwik rushed the giant lizard, raising his dagger as he slid between the King's legs. Throughout the village, battle grounds fell silent. Covered in blood, the brave gnome emerged triumphant from underneath the tyrant king's limp form!

And this my friends is where we pick up the adventure. Spent, exhausted from the strains of battle, the Guardians now have to make their way back to the settlement for some much needed rest.

Half-Elf Arcanist Lvl 5 (occultist)

Kyras opens his eyes as the waves of Erastil's grace wash over him. Still breathing heavily from his wounds and the recent battle he Rises to his feet and surveys the scene around him. The blood still pooling from the corpses from the lizard chief and his alligator pets. The bodies of the other lizard people strewn throughout the encampment some dead some still clinging to life. Truly a massacre

A sigh of relief passes his lips when he sees the 2 boys being comforted by Danna. I wonder how deep their injuries will run. At least they have a chance to heal. He pauses when he sees Kressle also rising from where she was healed. His eyes flicker as if a combination of relief and anger wash over him at the same time. Shaking it off he turns to the situation at hand.

Looking towards Finwick still searching the lizard chief. Nice work there Finwick. You may act the scallywag but you have proven yourself a loyal friend today. He clasps his shoulder before moving on to the others.

Using Beleich as a traslator he confers with the still living Lizard people. Gonna just summarize as you told us what they were doing anyway Kyras thanks them for what they have done and realizes that it was hard for them to rebel. He tells them that they will always have allies in the guardians and if they ever need to reach us to contact Mikmek of the kobold tribe. With that he leaves them to tend their wounded and deal with do they bury their dead? their dead.

Bjelich thank you and Erastil again for your service. If this keeps up I may have to build a whole city dedicated to Erastil in thanks. With a smile Kyras starts to turn away when he again sees Kressle he turns back to Bjelich. I know you have been packing her gear with us. Bring it to me first then help the Lizards with their wounded. Taking the gear from Bjelich he heads towards Danna to see if this is truly Than and Tig and how they are doing.

After talking to her he finds Grigor. You had me worried there for a moment my friend. I should have never doubted your resolve in the face of the enemy. You arrived just in time! If not I think I would be part of the chiefs stew. Kyras gives him a hearty slap on the back.Thank you again my friend! But now we need to think about our current situation. I think we should stay here for tonight. I think we are far to depleted to risk the woods. At least here we have the barricade to keep us safe and the water to slow an enemies approach. We can return to town tomorrow. Can you find Finwick and help clean up the bodies so it is not such a grisly scene for the children to deal with? After that we can talk about a watch schedule. Good?

After speaking to Grigor Kyras turns to look for his last target of the day. Seeing Kressle off to one side he takes a steadying breath and strides towards her. Kressle. I told you the last time we met that it was the choices you make when faced with hardship that define your character. Then you promptly dropped me in a river after lying about a secret entrance to the fort. I won't ask why you did not let us help you I am sure you had your reasons. What none can deny that you risked your life to save Than and for that you have earned forgiveness in my eyes.Kyras pulls out her equipment and hands it to her. You are free to act and go as you please you can walk out the gate right now no one will stop you. However, I ask that you return with us to our base, and listen to what we can offer you. If you will return and see what we are trying to do and still wish to flee south like Than says then I will help you. I will supply you with a mount, provisions and equipment to go wherever you so desire. If you will join us then I can offer so much more. Think on it and if you wish to talk more you can find me in the center mound. With a nod Kyras turns and walks away to help the others clean up before nightfall.

Female AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13; HP33 Human (Ulfen/?) Druid Level 5

Are you sure you want to chance the wisp returning? What time of day is it? I think we are only a couple of hours into the day. Danna would like to try to leave here ASAP. How many hours ride are we from the capital? It is late summer so the days are long and light wouldn't be an issue. Can we push the horses?

Female AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13; HP33 Human (Ulfen/?) Druid Level 5

The minute Kyras mentions camping here Danna cuts in, The children are extremely traumatized. You are suggesting holding them in their prison for another day and night. Not to mention the fact that the wisps are very close and that last one seemed likely to hold a grudge. It will be ready for a fight just as soon as we are and could bring some of its comrades. We have nothing left. I think we should leave immediately.
I mean immediately as in within ten minutes of the fight ending and the healing burst. We will be going back the way we came and although there may be unknown dangers the ones right here are very bad. At least it is more likely that anything else we encountered would be hurt by mundane attacks. Just to make things perfectly clear Danna does not want to stay here!

The Most Reverend 5th Level Cleric of Erastil - AC:19 | T:13 FF:16 | HP 41/41 | Strain: 00 | F:+4 R:+4 W:+7 | Per:+8* Init:+3* | BAB +3 | Bow +9 | Morning Star +4
Bluff +2 | Diplomacy +6 | Fly +7 | Heal +7 | Knowledge: History +7, Local +3, Religion +7, Nature +7, Nobles +7 | Sense Motive +9 | SpellCraft +10

As the clean up gets under way, Bjelich helps out where he can with anything that might be needed. Other than the kobolds, he has never interacted with lizard folk before. Curious to know their culture, if any, the cleric makes small talk with those around him. Bjelich also takes this time to survey the group of lizard folk. Who will lead them now I wonder? I don't think it will be long before one of the stronger or more intelligent ones asserts himself - perhaps one of the guards we'd talked to? If he gets a chance, the cleric talks about farming with some of the lizard folk. Growing their own supply of meat, such as chickens or other live stock would be beneficial.
Just trying to be a good Erastilian - working to improve the community where ever he goes! :)

We have just saved the lizard folk from their tyrannical King and driven off a creature that could have easily tormented them for what it wanted had they not captured Kressle and the children. I don't think the lizard folk will have changed their attitudes towards us that quickly. I agree though, Tig and Than won't feel at ease here. Provided there is still ample daylight, we should probably leave, they know we are willing to be friendly in the future.

Half-Elf Arcanist Lvl 5 (occultist)

Kyras understands listens to Danna's concerns. Light or no light if we run into anything we hardly have the resources to battle let alone bringing three extra people with us. We have too few horses for all of us so we cannot just race back on horseback as several of us will be riding double. I doubt the wisp will return. Those creatures are powerful but tend to be creatures of opportunity. They also do not die of natural causes. Bringing one so close to death is likely to keep it away for more then a couple of days. We have fortifications, ample sight lines to see an enemy approaching and somewhere relatively safe to sleep. I share your concern for the children but keeping them here under our protection one more night will be better then getting ambushed on the road unrested and unprepared for a fight. As well, I might point out that you were willing to leave them with the lizards while we went to get help. We have to camp at least once before we will make it back. We can camp here or in the wilds. If we are lucky we might make it to Bedlam's before nightfall. I trust your wood skills if you still want to go we can.

Half-Elf Arcanist Lvl 5 (occultist)

Kyras is just concerned as he is completely spent. Picture someone who is walking on his last legs. Between the fight and the arcane spell usage he is completely drained. But if we want to dash we can.

Female AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13; HP33 Human (Ulfen/?) Druid Level 5

I understand, but we won't be seeing our foe, it's invisible. We have no defences against it. If it is almost evening then it might make sense, i'm waiting to see the timeof day. The children can ride with anyone and not make much of a difference to wait. Maybe Kressle can ride with Finwik if she comes with us ;) If we had more than one pack animal though then Kressle can ride it. Does anyone else have an opinion?

I will try and post a big update later tonight... but for the sake of your discussion, it is around noon time wise. Also, your new XP total is 11407, so go ahead and level up in the meantime while you wait for me to post. :)

Female AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13; HP33 Human (Ulfen/?) Druid Level 5

How many hours of riding is it back to the fort approx 12?

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