DM Fflash |

You can actually do spell research in the library if you wish to spend the time instead of the money on scrolls, fysa.
For time purposes, feel free to assume you looted the Hanging Manse before you left. Your window on that opportunity closes as soon as you go through the secret door into the laboratory

Relan* |

Awesome. And by looted do you mean we picked up what you described as we encountered it, or might you mean we go back and go through again?

DM Fflash |

Braelex finds a ton of information on alternative alchemy topics. (Anything in the Alchemy Manual is open to study here reference feats, item recipes or types of alchemy)
Posted the loot discoveries in Discussion.
After rest and research, the party lets the cantankerous librarian lead them to the secret door.
Post your memorized spells/formula
The maze of cluttered bookshelves has been cleared away from the wall in this deep storeroom far under the Spire’s ground floor. In its place, several wooden reading tables have been overturned and stacked to create a curved barricade surrounding a portion of the stone wall. A lighter patch shows where a tapestry once hung—now crumpled and forgotten on a nearby shelf—and a stone door, so perfectly made that it would be almost invisible when shut, hangs slightly ajar.
A full dozen librarians—old and strangely stunted humanoids of various races, all in red robes—sit on cushions and chairs around the barricade, keeping watch against anything that might come through the door. Several have wands or staves close at hand. No one makes any protests when Koifa explains the situation, nor does anyone try
to stop you from clambering over the barricade and passing through the door.
Vargun stops here, "This is it for me. I wish you luck and be sure to send word to the Augur Temple if you survive."
Koifa leads you down along stone hallway that is only 5 feet wide, and curves frequently as it leads steadily downward, at times turning into a staircase. The passage extends for hundreds of feet before finally reaching a stone door similar to the one in the spire, hanging open and leading into another area.
Koifa indicates the door hanging open, "Let me show you what this looks like when closed and show you how to note its lines." She does so and then bids you farewell, heading back up the stairs before pausing to remind you once again about the previous party
"Don't forget, find Hasari, Perotus, Luonim the Vast, and Silasni."
The Assistant
This chamber is bare save for a single ornate, high-backed wooden chair against the wall. In the room’s center, a headsized blob of condensed purple fluid slowly pulses and warps, like a drop of heavy oil suspended underwater. When you step through the doorway, a pleasant, female voice asks in time with the blob's pulsing,

Andel Gessaran |

Andel translates for the group. "The blob is asking us to state our query."
He rubs his chin and tries to determine what sort of creature the blob is. "What are you? What questions may we ask you?"
Knowledge, Arcana: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (17) + 13 = 30

DM Fflash |

The blob pulses with an alien silence and then transforms into an arcane symbol and the party is awash with a crippling draining sensation.
Everyone make a DC20 Fort Save or take 3d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 6) = 17 Strength damage.
EDIT: ooh, that's rough

Relan* |

Fort is my good save and I only have a 50% change of making this. I think we are already done here.
Fort: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
Yep. I am now strength 4 and cannot carry my gear At least its damage and not drain. We can continue in a few weeks. lol

Nalar Tavor |

Fort: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Fort Thyrl: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Hah, hosed on the first trap, at 0 STR
Nalar lets out a cry and falls on his face, all the strength gone from his limbs unable to even move. Thyrl hangs in the air, limbs dangling as it looks at the floor unable to lift it's head. With a frustrated growl it rotates on it's back to glare at Andel.

Braelex |

Fort save: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25 Hah!
Braelex flinches but withstands the powerful magic. She reflexively raises her crossbow, but stops short of aiming at the blob. "What are we dealing with here?"
Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (16) + 17 = 33 Anything?

DM Fflash |

Braelex recalls some ancient Thassilonian text about the Runelords using magical research assistants similar to this one to easily access information from a library that it had studied. They were also used as secretaries of sort. It appears this one has some sort of trap built in to prevent someone other than the Runelord that built it from plumbing its depths. Perhaps if she could study it for a moment, she might be able to discover a bypass or away to shut it down.
Andel Fort Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Vuloo Fort Save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Andel and Vuloo are crushed by the symbol as well.

Relan* |

Barely standing Relan drops and shrugs out of gear. I fear we must retreat Braelex. You must move the others back out of range of whatever that is. I hope the effect is temporary.

Relan* |

Concerned that the party is too weak to even retreat Relan takes a moment to shed his armor and retrieve a potion from his belt pouch. He then administer it to Vuloo, hoping to restore him enough to be able to help everyone else. I am going to need to replace this. states as he pours the restorative liquid down the hafling's throat.
Lesser Restoration: 1d4 ⇒ 1 I hope that is indeed enough.

Braelex |

"Runelord..." Braelex thinks for a moment, then studies the rune intently. "I am Sorshen," she declares, approaching the symbol slowly. "You will obey your creator." She looks for a way to control or deactivate the assistant.
Perception: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (5) + 17 = 22
Disable Device: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (11) + 26 = 37
Use Magic Device: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (12) + 14 = 26

Relan* |

It agrees you are Sorshen but wants to know why Karzoug did not give you the passphraze. And it does not like what you have done with your hair.

Braelex |

Braelex thinks for a second then nods and speaks to the assistant. "The reason I look different, cannot recall the pass phrase nor speak Thassilonian, is because this body is a clone I recently took possession of. Something... went wrong in the transfer process when my previous body died, and I lost much."

Relan* |

The entity wants me to translate. I can do that. It also suggested that you provide it a book written in Thassilonian and the common tongue so it can learn. Also it considers me your servant.
And what of the potion Relan administered. Did Vuloo wake?

Vuloo |

Vuloo will cast lessor restoration on himself:
str damage restored: 1d4 ⇒ 1
str damage restored: 1d4 ⇒ 4
He then begins restoring the others:
str damage restored: 1d4 ⇒ 2; Andel
str damage restored: 1d4 ⇒ 1
str damage restored: 1d4 ⇒ 3; Nalar
str damage restored: 1d4 ⇒ 1
str damage restored: 1d4 ⇒ 1; Relan
str damage restored: 1d4 ⇒ 4
He then begins dragging his gear out of the room. "We need to retreat and recover."

Braelex |

Oops, it looks like Relan and I posted over each other.
Braelex listens to Relan's translation and cannot suppress a smirk. "Yes, 'servant'. I believe we do have something we could use to teach the assistant. Nalar, Andel?" She snaps her fingers imperiously, eyebrow arched.

Relan* |

Vuloo, you might consider a regular 4th level restoration, at least for Relan. He is down a full 17 strength and that one spell restores it all.
Are you sure that teaching this thing is wise. It has already attacked us once 'mistress' Relan warns. He will continue to translate mostly accurate information with his own edits for what he thinks is efficiency.

Nalar Tavor |

Straining from the effort Nalar brings himself to his feet, shuffling towards a wall to brace himself for support.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (14) + 16 = 30
Sorry for the lack of updates, been moving house and had no time to update.

Andel Gessaran |

Andel wearily speaks to the guardian.

Andel Gessaran |

Andel translates for the others. "Perhaps Mistress Sorshen you would like the agent to assist us with research? It would be helpful to know more about what lies within the caverns below Kaer Maga and the denizens that inhabit them."

Braelex |

Braelex nods to Andel's suggestion. "Yes, whatever it can help me recall will aid my mission." She sighs in annoyance as Nalar and the assistant continue to chat in Thassilonian. "And can we get it to speak in the common tongue, even as distasteful as it is?"

Nalar Tavor |

Nalar seeing Braelex's annoyance bows to her. "My humblest appoliges your radiance." He grovels, playing the part of servant. "We need but merely provide the creature with a book written in both common and Thassilonian. If we return to the library it should be a simple enough manner to acquire one." Nalar shakily braces himself against the wall. "And maybe we could recover some of our strength at the same time."

DM Fflash |

Restoration has a material component cost of notable value so be sure to decrement that
The party wearily progresses back up the hall, helping the weaker ones walk. You pass back through the barricade less than 15 minutes from your last crossing to the surprise of the librarian/guards. Once they realize it is you, one quips.
"Giving up already, Ehud? Too much for you glorious Pathfinders? Gonna let that blood-drunk gnome and his team best you?"

Nalar Tavor |

"We encountered a fully functional thasslonian defense system cum research assistant and were drained in our successful attempt to pacify it. Now we are coming back to recover and bring it a syllabus for Thassalonian to Taldane conversion." Nalar bites back, leaning heavily on the librarian/guard. "Surely I don't need to explain why access to one of the runelord's personal research assistants would be worth the effort of returning here."

DM Fflash |

The other librarians shoot hard looks at the librarian who spoke up. To his credit the man winces and flushes red with chagrin as he nods and stammers out, Ah, no ... of course, we have an entire section of the library dedicated to translated Thasilonian texts. There has been a resurgence in interest since the discovery and subsequent destruction of the Runelord Karzoug up north a few years ago."
He offers Nalar an arm, "Would you like am escort ... or directions?"

Nalar Tavor |

Nalar gratefully takes the arm. "Please, if you could also consult with my colleague Vuloo if he needs anything to speed our recovery." He smiles at the assistant with a cunning light in his eyes. "And I don't suppose the recovery of such a valuable asset in anyway entitles us to a reward?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (16) + 16 = 32