e-terah earthenchild |

WHEE! Gatherine "Taboofox" Deepheavy dwarven gunslinger reporting! I have access to the Adventurers Armory and Dwarves of Golarion and have read Skull Serpent's player guide. My two traits are Stowaway for +1 bonuses to Stealth and Survival checks for food and Grounded for +2 trait bonus on balance related Acrobatic checks and + 1 on Reflex saving throws.

DM Bloodgargler |

yes to Serpent's skull... when you are composing or editing your post .. at the bottom left it says "post as" you can select the appropriate alias there. Or you can hit "my account" at the very top of the page, click sign in, and on that page you can select alias. (the same page where you create aliases)

Tol Cherthand |

The sooner I can find that blasted girl and get me and my horse off this boat, the better...
So far, a gunslinger, an oracle, a cavalier. There was mention of a rogue in the other thread? So we may have at least one core class...

Mugambi |

About character creation:
I was thinking in going with dual cursed life oracle to get the misfortune revelation. But since it makes my friends and enemies reroll their dice I am not sure how we could do it on a pbp. It will probably lead to a lot of back tracking during the game, maybe you (the DM) could do the rerolls?
Or would you rather me not picking up the archetype at all?
Also would an life Oracle who has the channel revelation be allowed to pick up the feat Versatile Channeler (from UM)? The feat text is a little obscure about who can grab it.
I was also considering going for turn undead eventually. Would it be alright if I asked you if its worth it? I have no idea if there is undeads in this AP, if their is no one its a complete waste.
I am going to be out of town for the weekend, going on a trip today. While doing so I will check the players guide to this AP, Monday I will finish character build, i may go to Rage Prophet later on.

mozartdminor |

Alright, so Gunslinger, Cav, Oracle, Rogue?, Magus? and me it seems. I was thinking about either a ranger or fighter but it seems we're distinctly magic light. I'll go on and put together my Ranger (preferred), and something arcane-y to use instead if our party balance seems off.
As far as pbp goes, my only question would be: do we have any particular posting rate (2/week, 1/day, etc) or are we just going to aim for as often as possible and hope no one falls behind?

DM Bloodgargler |

@ Merck - Usually do bold for dialogue, blue for short out of character, regular font for action description ... and some people do regular font with quotes for inner thoughts.
here is an example, a post from Dirk Squarejaw:
Dirk Squarejaw runs after the fleeing pugwampi archmage "You won't get away from me, villain!"
can I tell if he is going for help?

Tol Cherthand |

It would be nice to have at least one character who is already familiar with the jungle; ranger, witch, druid, barbarian, etc. Or just about any class with the right background and build, really.
The setting sort of begs for an archaeologist too, but I know two people already professed interest in a rogue, and there's a lot of overlap there.
Just some ideas.

mozartdminor |

Alright, here's where I am. As I said above, my preference is for the ranger but I'm throwing together bits of a wizard too just in case the party needs magic badly enough.
Name: Averin Grey
Race: Half Elf
Gender: Male
CG Level 1 Guide (ranger)
Str 18 (+4)
Dex 14 (+2)
Con 14 (+2)
Int 10 (+0)
Wis 12 (+1)
Cha 8 (-1)
~ Boarded in Cheliax: +2 KS[Geography], +200gp starting wealth
~ Reactionary: +2 initiative
(1st Level) Power Attack
(Half-Elf) Skiil Focus (Perception)
Class Abilities:
Wild Empathy
Ranger's Focus
Racial Abilities:
Low Light Vision
Elf Blood
Elven Immunities: +2 raical saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects
Keen Senses: +2 Racial bonus to Perception checks
Languages: Common, Elven
Handle Animal 3 = 1 Rank + 3 Trained - 1 Cha
KS (Geography) 6 = 1 Rank + 3 Trained + 2 Trait
KS (Nature) 4 = 1 Rank + 3 Trained
Perception 10 = 1 Rank + 3 Trained + 1 Wis + 2 Half Elf + 3 Skill Focus
Stealth 2 = 1 Rank + 3 Trained + 2 Dex - 4 ACP
Survival 5 = 1 Rank + 3 Trained + 1 Wisdom
--2d6, 19-20/x2, 8 lbs
--1d8, x3, 3 lbs
----x20 arrows, 3 lbs
--AC +6, max dex +3, armor check -4, speed 20ft, 30 lbs
Backpack, 2 lbs
Bedroll, 5 lbs
Flint and Steel
Rope, hemp, 10 lbs
Waterskin, 4 lbs
Explorer's outfit
18gp 9sp
65 lbs/ 100 lbs (light encumberance)
Hit Points: 12 = 10 (HD) + 2 Con + 1 Favored Class
Armor Class 18 = 10 + 2 (dex) + 6 (breastplate)
BAB +1
Melee +5
Range +3
Initiative +3
Save Throw:
F: +4
R: +4
W: +1
Alternatively, I'm still fleshing this one out.
Name: Reginold Adlebert
Race: Gnome
Gender: Male
CG Level 1 Wizard
Str 10 (+0)
Dex 14 (+2)
Con 14 (+2)
Int 17 (+3)
Wis 10 (+0)
Cha 10 (+0)
~ Naturally Gifted (gnome)
~ Mwangi Scholar
(1st Level) Improved Initiative
Class Abilities:
Arcane Bond, Failiar (Raven)
Arcane School (Universalist)
Racial Abilities:
Low Light Vision
Defensive Training
Gnome Magic
Illusion Resistance
Keen Senses
Weapon Familiarity
Languages: Common, Gnome, and Sylvan, ..., ..., ..., ...
KS (Arcana) 7
KS (Nature) 7
Linguistics 7
Perception 3
Spellcraft 7
Light Crossbow
--x20 Arrows
Water Skin
Flint and Tinder
Spell Components Pouch
Hit Points: 9
Armor Class 12 = 10 + 2 (dex)
BAB +0
Melee +0
Range +2
Initiative +2
Save Throw:
F: +2
R: +2
W: +2

Gandal |

Gunslinger,oracle,cavalier,ranger ......we are lacking arcane magic and a backup melee.
I'll try and build a jungle oriented magus or a druid as second choice (and surely better in this AP)
If someone else has better suggestions feel free to post them.
I live on the italian east coast, GMT+1 and usually i can post one or two times day in the morning or late evening.

Averin Grey |
How many feats can I have? Those I qualify for?I know she starts out with her da's 'borrowed' dragon pistol and bullets and a gunsmith kit...how should I go about this?
You get to select one feat at each odd level, you get any feats that your class gives you (none for dwarves, I don't think), and any time your class allows it (for example, level 4 of gunsmith). You must meet the prereqs for these, unless specifically told otherwise.
I really have no experience with gunslingers, but this guide might be helpful to you with nailing down details?
Guide to Grand Gunslinger Greatness
Gunslinger,oracle,cavalier,ranger ......we are lacking arcane magic and a backup melee.
I'll try and build a jungle oriented magus or a druid as second choice (and surely better in this AP)
If someone else has better suggestions feel free to post them.
I live on the italian east coast, GMT+1 and usually i can post one or two times day in the morning or late evening.
I'm aiming for a switch hitter early but I'm planning on taking the two-handed combat style so if things work out I'll be in melee a decent amount. Not sure if Tol and I will be enough to fully cover melee, but I thought I should mention it in case it influences your build.

Tol Cherthand |

Finished up equipment and mount. Waiting to see what the final lineup is before I choose my teamwork feat.
All players get one feat at first level. That can be any feat you qualify for. Some races and classes give bonus feats at level 1, but neither dwarf or gunslinger do, so that's it for now.
All characters get one additional feat at each odd-numbered level (3, 5, 7, 9, etc.). Those will also be any feats that you qualify for.
Gunslingers also get a bonus feat at levels divisible by 4 (4, 8, 12, 16, 20). Those need to be feats that say they are Combat or Grit feats.
For the free equipment... Just add it to your sheet as equipment, and don't count it against your starting gold.
@Gandal: Jungle-oriented magus sounds intriguing. Do you have any crunch ideas to make a magus more jungle-oriented, or just backstory?

DM Bloodgargler |

@Gatherine in addition to what is listed under 1st level gunslinger you get one feat of your choice (all 1st level characters get one). I don't want to influence you too much but I think you will regret choosing something other than rapid reload or point blank range. (point blank range is a prerequisite for precise shot, a feat that allows you to fire at foes engaged in melee without incurring a -4 to hit.)

Gatherine 'Taboofox' Deepheavy |

Name: Gatherine "Taboofox" Deepheavy
Race: Dwarf
Gender: Female
NG Level 1 Gunslinger
Str 11 (+0)
Dex 16 (+0)
Con 12 (+2)
Int 10 (+0)
Wis 15 (+0)
Cha 10 (-2)
~ Stowaway: +1 bonus on Stealth checks and Survival checks to find food
~ Grounded (dwarf):+2 bounus on balance-realted Acrobatic checks and +1 bonus on Reflex saves
(1st Level) Gunsmithing
Racial Abilities:
Defensive Training
Weapon Familiarity
Languages: Common, Dwarven
Knowledge (engineering)
Sleight of Hand
Pistol with 30 bullets
Water Skin
gunsmith’s kit
hemp rope(50 ft.)
paper cartridges (5)
powder horn with 10 doses of black powder
war razor
armored kilt

Gatherine 'Taboofox' Deepheavy |

Hmmm. Apparently dwarves are not a good choice for gunslingers. i'll just try to make it work. She might be slow and steady but she can jump out of the way, has a nice chunk of hp, and can move at a set speed ignoring encumbrance.Screw it.I'm sticking with her.
I'll probably have to take into account the jungle's humidity vs my gunpowder getting wet...There are also types of bullets i might want to spend my gold on i saw in Ultimate Combat if possible, at one of the ports prior to reaching Sargava, if DM allows.
My starting wpn is a battered dragon pistol called the 'Sneezing Dragon' due to it being a bit...worn.It is 3lbs, 1 bullet capacity,special is 1d4 scatter, bludgeoning and piercing dmg,and 1d6 melee 20ft range, x4 critical,misfire is a roll of 1 or 2. i think it counts as being able to be easily concealed on her person.And she can fire while prone.

Gordon the Whale |

Oh, Gunsmithing is also a bonus feat; it doesn't count as the one for 1st level.
Also, the modifier you write to the right of your ability scores is not the racial modifier (which adds to the score) is is the ability modifier, which is derived from the scores:
1 -> -5
2 -> -4
3 -> -4
4 -> -3
5 -> -3
6 -> -2
7 -> -2
8 -> -1
9 -> -1
10 -> 0
11 -> 0
12 -> +1
13 -> +1
14 -> +2
15 -> +2
16 -> +3
17 -> +3
18 -> +4
19 -> +4
20 -> +5
So your abilities, with modifiers, should be:
Str 11 (+0)
Dex 16 (+3)
Con 14 (+2)
Int 10 (+0)
Wis 17 (+3)
Cha 8 (-1)
I hope you feel a little better about that?

DM Bloodgargler |

@ gatherine - take one rank of craft (alchemy) skill for making your own special ammo.
Crafting Ammunition: You can craft bullets, pellets, and black powder for a cost in raw materials equal to 10% of the price. If you have at least 1 rank in Craft (alchemy), you can craft alchemical cartridges for a cost in raw materials equal to half the price of the cartridge. At your GM's discretion, you can craft metal cartridges for a cost in raw materials equal to half the cost of the cartridge. Crafting bullets, black powder, or cartridges takes 1 day of work for every 1,000 gp of ammunition (minimum 1 day).
----quoted from PRD gunsmithing feat

DM Bloodgargler |

gunslinger gets four ranks of skill points to spend every level. (+int bonus ie 12 int would give +1 skill rank to spend per level .. so +0 for you with 10 int)
if gunslinger is your "favored class" you also can get either +1 skill point or +1 hit point every time you take a level in gunslinger.
Any skill listed as a class skill will get a +3 on skill checks as long as you have spent at least 1 point on that skill.
edit: and you can never have more ranks in any single skill than your character level. (rank as opposed to total skill check number including class bonus, ability score bonus etc...)

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@gatherine: Dwarfs are not a bad choice for gunslingers. WIS is your second most important stat, CON is always good and CHA is going to be a dump stat anyway unless you pick up mysterious stranger archetype. Check out the Pistolier archetype (not sure about the spelling), from Ultimate Combat, looks good for your concept. PS: Archetypes are kits that you put on your base class, they trade some of your class abilities for new ones and help you to customise your character. Every class have a few archetypes for it.
@Averin Grey: I am aiming my life oracle towards rage prophet so eventually I will be in the melee with you guys. For the first few lvls I will just not be very good at it and will remain in the back.
@DM Bloodgargler: on my last post under the Ariobius alias i had some questions that you didnt answer. Do you think there is a way we can make that misfortune revelatiom work on a pbp or should i scrap the archetpe? How about the versatile channeler feat?

DM Bloodgargler |

oops Merck, somehow totally missed your post asking about dual-cursed and channel questions.. the wording in versatile chaneller makes you unable to take it. Dual-cursed scares me, that's two never-improving curses for an ability that I'm not sure how will work. Its basically a hex... maybe replace with another hex?
edit:you know it really wouldn't bother me if we just went with dual-cursed as is, and any time before the end of the round you can force a reroll. That's better than the listed "before results of roll are known" but I think it is more balanced considering the costs.

Gatherine 'Taboofox' Deepheavy |

Oh MY. Gunslinger archetype Pistolero it IS.Especially after discovery of a spell for future use here
; )

Averin Grey |
I hope Averin will have survival for all of us. I notice he also has very nice perception, but as I say, you can never have too much. I certainly won't be any help!
Let's hope +5 will suffice. I was torn between putting my Skill Focus feat in Survival or Perception, but I settled on perception hoping it would pay the best dividends down the line.

Gandal |

Finished up equipment and mount. Waiting to see what the final lineup is before I choose my teamwork feat.
** spoiler omitted **
@Gandal: Jungle-oriented magus sounds intriguing. Do you have any crunch ideas to make a magus more jungle-oriented, or just backstory?
I was thiking a human magus, so to have that extra feat to make the magus more jungle type;there are also the traits.I have the SS player guide, so will have something soon.

Gandal |

As for trait and background, my PC is going to be a human girl explorer/sailor whose life has always been on ships since her birth.
She is going to be a magus with the Jenivere Crew and Armor Expert traits.The Jenivere Crew trait will give her Survival as a class skill, adding the extra feat for the race she should be a good nature/jungle oriented magus.
I'm still leaving an open slot as a second choice in case the party needs something else.

Averin Grey |
Finished reading through the campaign. I'll be ready on my end pretty soon.
@Gandal .. sounds good
there was one more I invited that hasn't shown yet.. If we don't hear from J2 by the end of the weekend I can put a call out for whatever role you all feel the group is lacking.
gfvelastegui posted in the other thread looking for a spot right after you moved us here. I don't know if there is any way to contact him though (is there a pm system on these boards that I'm not seeing?). Otherwise sounds good - I'm looking forward to this.

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Finish reading thr players book. I was think in been part of the ship's crew. Like the ship s doctor, but i sm not too keen on the campaign trait, do you mind if i dont pick it up?
Going to make some adjustments to my character, working on his backstory.
Also the dual cursed oracle have two curses but one of them does improve as you lvl.

Run, Just Run |
I read it a while ago, me and some friends started but it ended in ruins with a complete party wipe because of the players, I was playing CN like CE and I had a LE allie who played like a CE character, we all died partialy his fault partialy mine, I rember the backstory