DM Beckett's The Hydra Fang Incident PFS 00-02 (Inactive)

Game Master Beckett




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Silver Crusade

Male Dwarf 5 images; Bard lvl12 (still to level up from 11); AC 20 (22 w/cats grace; 23 haste); HP 80/80; Fort +8; Ref +9; Will +9; SM +21; Perc +15; init +4; Music left 25/31; reroll @+4 1/1; loremaster 1/1; IGF 1/1;

I would be very keen. I've been thinking about making a brawler type for a while, but pretty happy to work with most concepts.

Sovereign Court

Male Half Orc Skulking Slayer Scout 2
Stat Block:
HP 17/17 | AC: 19/ T: 14 /FF: 15 | F: +2/R: +7/W: +1 | CMB +4 | CMD +17 | Speed 30 | Int. +7 | Perc. +4 (+6 locate traps, hidden objects, identify potion)| SM +4 | 60' Darkvision

I would be interested...

Grand Lodge

AC21, FF19, T15 HP26/26 Bite+6 1d3-4(attach) F: +2, R: +4, W: +3
53/53 HP, AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 17, CMD: 20, F: +9, R: +9, W: +10, Init +4, Pereption +10, CN Male Aasmar Druid 7, Spear/Club: +8, 1d8+4/1d6+4, x2)
AC26 ,FF21, T15 DR 5 Evil HP53/53 Talonsx2+8 1d8+4/8, Bite+8 1d6+4/8, Claw +8 1d4+4/8 F: +9, R: +8, W: +3

I would be very interested and have a fighter type I have been working on

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

Aasimar (Angelkin) bloodrager 5 |HP: 48/48 |AC: 19 |FF: 12 |T: 17 |CMB: +9 |CMD: 21 | F: +7 | R: +4 | W: +2 |Init: +4 |Perc: +6 |Sense Motive: +0

I'm interested.

I can play whatever... and often do. ;)

Grand Lodge

Male Tiefling (+2Dex, +2Int, -2Cha) (73)/(73) HP, AC: (21) T: (14) FF: (20), CMD: 21, F: +12, R: +6, W: +6 Bloodrage: 17/20, Spells (1st): 1/1 Init +5, Pereption +6, CG Male Tiefling Bloodrager(Rageshaper)5/ Dragon Disciple 2, Bite +12, (1d6+8, x2) (Raging)Claws +14, (1d8+8, x2)

So I'm having an issue can't get the map to pull up so I can't move my guy, and don't really know if there is room for me to attack so I apologize for not posting much. I don't know what the issue is on my end...any thoughts?

-Posted with Wayfinder

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||

Not sure. I'll see if I can reset the map shortly. Currently, you are right next to 2 baddies, so can attack.

Also, if you can, they put out a PFS PbP survey, in hopes of improving the game. If you have a little time please head over to HERE and check it out.

Silver Crusade

Aasimar (Angelkin) bloodrager 5 |HP: 48/48 |AC: 19 |FF: 12 |T: 17 |CMB: +9 |CMD: 21 | F: +7 | R: +4 | W: +2 |Init: +4 |Perc: +6 |Sense Motive: +0

Sorry, about being bad about posting. Tomorrow is the Nashville Maker Faire and I'm one of the crew on it and one of its exhibitors. I should be back on Sunday with bells on... maybe literally if the mood hits.

Sovereign Court

Male Half Orc Skulking Slayer Scout 2
Stat Block:
HP 17/17 | AC: 19/ T: 14 /FF: 15 | F: +2/R: +7/W: +1 | CMB +4 | CMD +17 | Speed 30 | Int. +7 | Perc. +4 (+6 locate traps, hidden objects, identify potion)| SM +4 | 60' Darkvision

Happy Weekend all,

Unfortunately I will be unable to logon to a network until late Sunday. GM's please control me if needed for this time.

Good luck

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||

No worries. I've had a pretty tough week too, so have been able to post a lot less than I'd like, or to add a little bit extra to the encounters. I didn't even get home from work until about 8pm last night.

Gotta finish prepping for a game today, and then I'll update again.

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||

They have finally begun to give us some updates to the issues since Gencon. If you are interested, HERE is the link.

In brief, you automatically switch to the new faction if your old faction went away, but everyone gets 1 free faction change per character, and it looks like you get some time to decide.

Warpriests can have a full rebuild, switch Feats, add Archtypes, etc. . .

Other classes, not so much, (but unclear on the Archtypes).

Shamans, if you built a summoning Shamman type (the class lost all summon spells), can swap out feats and gear.

Still can not report new factions. . .

Very unclear answer about Technology (which requires a special Feat to interact with from the new Technology Guide that rewrites the basic game rules, which is on the PRD, but is not itself part of the Core Assumption, basically extremely bad form).

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||

With how poorly the dice roller is, I'm not sure you could defeat them (though that's only due to the dice roller). I was going to call for a Sense Motive check, but decided against it, because OOC it might imply that they are lying, which is not really the case. They really have no control on "returning to their graves afterwards". So thy agree to it, but you also know that that's not really an ability they have like a ghost does. I was going to hold off until combat for a Know Religion check to give weaknesses, (IF it got to that point).

Another thing to keep in mind, their recent transformation unto undead Ghasts has given them the ability to free themselves, and if you do not hurry up, you can see that they will break free and attack everything in order to get their vengeance, their primary goal. It would be much easier to kill them now. I'm just saying this in the sense that this is something your characters can see. They are able to free themselves, with some work, and they do look like they are loosing patience. If you help to free them, you are pretty sure they will not attack you, (or at least until afterwards if their cursed nature kicks in), but if you do not, they will get free and most likely attack anything living on sight, (including you). From a rules-morality stand point, choosing to release or kill them is not going to affect your alignment.

One last head's up, no matter what, what's coming up is going to be a sort of in game "timed event", triggered when something happens. This is basically the finale.

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||

The above deck now counts as difficult terrain from the combination of the spreading fire and the combats going on above. Beginning in round 2, the below deck will as well, both from the fire and the flooding.

You are free to split up a bit, some people going to the captain's room, some going for a row boat, and some searching below deck, but you are not sure just how much you can trust the Ghasts to not attack you, especially now that they have tasted blood, and if they do, the pirates to not attack you (or try to se you as a human shield) if they notice that the undead do not attack you.

Can I have everyone first say what Round they are acting in, give me a Perception check each round (a Standard Action unless you want to double move or not actively search that round), and finally what they are attempting that round. Also, can I have everyone that goes above deck give me an unmodified d20 check each round, too.

I'm trying to make this scene a bit interesting. So it's not really going to be in an initiative order, as much as everyone gets a full rounds worth of actions each round, and you do not know how many rounds you have, though I'll try to give some hints as to how bad it's getting as we go.

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||

Finally, one other thing. It's getting very close to the end. Can I have everyone recheck the info I had you give at the start. If no change, please just post no change. If you have bought or want to buy anything "after the scenario", let me know and I will add it to the Chronicle Sheet.

You are looking at 747 - 1,038 GP depending on your level, and depending on your rolls and posting speed, probably looking at being finished tomorrow or the day after.

I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do after this, as the next Game Day is scheduled to begin Nov 1st. In the past, it's been limited to running 2 games (at a time) per GM. I do plan on running. Not sure what exactly yet as we have not gotten any word on the guidelines. I'm hoping for a special. Possibly trying for the Emerald Spire game as part of the Game Day.

So, and again this is just an interest check at this point, and if you want to continue, what would you prefer?

1.) Wait until the Game Day and go from there.
2.) Try for another game, and then maybe do another game as part of the Game Day.
3.) Scenario, possibly a new one.
4.) Emerald Spire as Game Day, but likely one 1 or 2 levels.
5.) Other?

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||

Horef, can I have your name or a nickname to place into the "player Name" section of the Chronicle Sheet.

Savage, what type of Dragonhide did you want? I'm guessing green due to the dinosaur flavor. It give you a discount on the affiliated Energy Resistance of the dragon, (so green is Acid, Red is Fire, etc).

Sovereign Court

Male Half Orc Skulking Slayer Scout 2
Stat Block:
HP 17/17 | AC: 19/ T: 14 /FF: 15 | F: +2/R: +7/W: +1 | CMB +4 | CMD +17 | Speed 30 | Int. +7 | Perc. +4 (+6 locate traps, hidden objects, identify potion)| SM +4 | 60' Darkvision

Shawn is player name.

no changes.

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||

That works.

Silver Crusade

Aasimar (Angelkin) bloodrager 5 |HP: 48/48 |AC: 19 |FF: 12 |T: 17 |CMB: +9 |CMD: 21 | F: +7 | R: +4 | W: +2 |Init: +4 |Perc: +6 |Sense Motive: +0

PFS# 20255-6

The original one I put was mistyped.

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||

Already taken care of. :)

Grand Lodge

Male Tiefling (+2Dex, +2Int, -2Cha) (73)/(73) HP, AC: (21) T: (14) FF: (20), CMD: 21, F: +12, R: +6, W: +6 Bloodrage: 17/20, Spells (1st): 1/1 Init +5, Pereption +6, CG Male Tiefling Bloodrager(Rageshaper)5/ Dragon Disciple 2, Bite +12, (1d6+8, x2) (Raging)Claws +14, (1d8+8, x2)

No change

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

Male Dwarf 5 images; Bard lvl12 (still to level up from 11); AC 20 (22 w/cats grace; 23 haste); HP 80/80; Fort +8; Ref +9; Will +9; SM +21; Perc +15; init +4; Music left 25/31; reroll @+4 1/1; loremaster 1/1; IGF 1/1;

no change.

I'll go add the perception check and d20 to the main thread.

As for follow-up - and assuming survival...

I'm pretty ease. It would be nice to get a gameday game in for Rhuul - but two would be pushing it even if one started on day one in November.

What is Emerald Spire? A full module? They take quite a bit of time don't they?

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||

Emerald Spire, and again, I don't have any inside knowledge this time, so I want to wait until we sort of get word on how Game Day 3 will work, so just interest checking at this time and looking for feedback, is a "superdungeon". It has 13ish levels, with each level of the dungeon giving you a Chronicle Sheet worth 3XP and 4PP.

Silver Crusade

Male Dwarf 5 images; Bard lvl12 (still to level up from 11); AC 20 (22 w/cats grace; 23 haste); HP 80/80; Fort +8; Ref +9; Will +9; SM +21; Perc +15; init +4; Music left 25/31; reroll @+4 1/1; loremaster 1/1; IGF 1/1;

Wow, nice. Sounds a bit long for the gameday, but just doing one level may be doable.

Reading somewhere it indicated only GMing two events at a time, so doing the module may cramp your style elsewhere in the gameday front?

Silver Crusade

Male Dwarf 5 images; Bard lvl12 (still to level up from 11); AC 20 (22 w/cats grace; 23 haste); HP 80/80; Fort +8; Ref +9; Will +9; SM +21; Perc +15; init +4; Music left 25/31; reroll @+4 1/1; loremaster 1/1; IGF 1/1;

BTW I'm heading off travelling for a week, so posting may be erratic from this weekend.

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||

A few people haven't posted in a bit or as frequently as they normally do. Just busy or kind of loosing interest?

We can go ahead and end this a bit early, sort of wrap up style.

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||

DM Says: DING!

A player needed to have their character open for a game today, so I had to nudge things along to the end. I've reported the game, and Chronicle Sheets are going up now.

HERE is the link.

Savage, need to know what color your Dragonhide is, but otherwise, everyone should be good. Let me know if there's any issues. Also we will talk about what's next soon, if people are interested.

Sovereign Court

Male Half Orc Skulking Slayer Scout 2
Stat Block:
HP 17/17 | AC: 19/ T: 14 /FF: 15 | F: +2/R: +7/W: +1 | CMB +4 | CMD +17 | Speed 30 | Int. +7 | Perc. +4 (+6 locate traps, hidden objects, identify potion)| SM +4 | 60' Darkvision

Great game, thanks!

Silver Crusade

Male Dwarf 5 images; Bard lvl12 (still to level up from 11); AC 20 (22 w/cats grace; 23 haste); HP 80/80; Fort +8; Ref +9; Will +9; SM +21; Perc +15; init +4; Music left 25/31; reroll @+4 1/1; loremaster 1/1; IGF 1/1;

Thanks for the quick wrap up!

I (that is Rhuul) would certainly be keen on another venture. For starters for ten, I'm still keen to work through more early scenarios.

00-03 and 00-04 are both for 1-5th...

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||

I could do a quick Murder on the Silken Caravan run, and probably be done by the Game Day.

Silver Crusade

Aasimar (Angelkin) bloodrager 5 |HP: 48/48 |AC: 19 |FF: 12 |T: 17 |CMB: +9 |CMD: 21 | F: +7 | R: +4 | W: +2 |Init: +4 |Perc: +6 |Sense Motive: +0

I love the fact that the chaps are on my sheet. Thanks!

Also, I'm 1 XP from Level 4, so I can follow along on whatever.

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||

I'd hoped you'd like that.


Despite all the joke, I love the personality and flavor.

Silver Crusade

Male Dwarf 5 images; Bard lvl12 (still to level up from 11); AC 20 (22 w/cats grace; 23 haste); HP 80/80; Fort +8; Ref +9; Will +9; SM +21; Perc +15; init +4; Music left 25/31; reroll @+4 1/1; loremaster 1/1; IGF 1/1;

That would be fantastic. Thanks for catering to my ongoing season0 whims!

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||

I've opened up a "recruitment" thread for Murder on the Silken Caravan.

HERE is the link. So far, it's closed to others so all of you have first dibs.

Grand Lodge

AC21, FF19, T15 HP26/26 Bite+6 1d3-4(attach) F: +2, R: +4, W: +3
53/53 HP, AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 17, CMD: 20, F: +9, R: +9, W: +10, Init +4, Pereption +10, CN Male Aasmar Druid 7, Spear/Club: +8, 1d8+4/1d6+4, x2)
AC26 ,FF21, T15 DR 5 Evil HP53/53 Talonsx2+8 1d8+4/8, Bite+8 1d6+4/8, Claw +8 1d4+4/8 F: +9, R: +8, W: +3

You should do frozen fingers instead

-Posted with Wayfinder

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||

anyone want frozen fingers of midnight instead

Silver Crusade

Aasimar (Angelkin) bloodrager 5 |HP: 48/48 |AC: 19 |FF: 12 |T: 17 |CMB: +9 |CMD: 21 | F: +7 | R: +4 | W: +2 |Init: +4 |Perc: +6 |Sense Motive: +0

Pretty sure I don't have that one.

Grand Lodge

Male Tiefling (+2Dex, +2Int, -2Cha) (73)/(73) HP, AC: (21) T: (14) FF: (20), CMD: 21, F: +12, R: +6, W: +6 Bloodrage: 17/20, Spells (1st): 1/1 Init +5, Pereption +6, CG Male Tiefling Bloodrager(Rageshaper)5/ Dragon Disciple 2, Bite +12, (1d6+8, x2) (Raging)Claws +14, (1d8+8, x2)

I'm down haven't played that one either.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

Male Dwarf 5 images; Bard lvl12 (still to level up from 11); AC 20 (22 w/cats grace; 23 haste); HP 80/80; Fort +8; Ref +9; Will +9; SM +21; Perc +15; init +4; Music left 25/31; reroll @+4 1/1; loremaster 1/1; IGF 1/1;

Rhuul is happy to do either.

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||

Ok, the new game is up. I haven't heard if Horef is in, and I sent out an invite to someone else.

HERE is the new game.

Sovereign Court

Male Half Orc Skulking Slayer Scout 2
Stat Block:
HP 17/17 | AC: 19/ T: 14 /FF: 15 | F: +2/R: +7/W: +1 | CMB +4 | CMD +17 | Speed 30 | Int. +7 | Perc. +4 (+6 locate traps, hidden objects, identify potion)| SM +4 | 60' Darkvision

Sorry busy... I am out this time around. Enjoy all!

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||

I'm going to be shutting this one down soon, just kind of waiting on Savage and Vrothum, I believe in the other one. But one thing I would like is to hear your views. Both on the Scenario itself, and also one how I ran it. Both good and bad. Not going to hurt my feelings, but it most certainly can help to make me better at doing things.

Maybe ideas on maps, or just things you did or did not like.

One issue I did see is I guess, (and honestly I'm still not clear on it) was the Sahuagin fight I guess was supposed to be on a rowboat, and they attempt to flip the boat from under you. As an early scenario, they tend to leave a lot very vague, which normally I like. Give me a lot more freedom to personalize things sometimes. However, sometimes that also means that it doesn't actually include a map or other pertinent information.

I would also like to hear various things thoughts on the actual scenario before I review it, and incorporate those things in.

Sovereign Court

Male Half Orc Skulking Slayer Scout 2
Stat Block:
HP 17/17 | AC: 19/ T: 14 /FF: 15 | F: +2/R: +7/W: +1 | CMB +4 | CMD +17 | Speed 30 | Int. +7 | Perc. +4 (+6 locate traps, hidden objects, identify potion)| SM +4 | 60' Darkvision

I thought it flowed well and the interactions were well done. There is nothing specific that I would recommend to change. Great Run!

Grand Lodge

Male Tiefling (+2Dex, +2Int, -2Cha) (73)/(73) HP, AC: (21) T: (14) FF: (20), CMD: 21, F: +12, R: +6, W: +6 Bloodrage: 17/20, Spells (1st): 1/1 Init +5, Pereption +6, CG Male Tiefling Bloodrager(Rageshaper)5/ Dragon Disciple 2, Bite +12, (1d6+8, x2) (Raging)Claws +14, (1d8+8, x2)

Not sure what you u still need from me I enjoyed the scenario thought you did well, only complaint you can't really fix so all in all great game can't wait for the next one.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

Male Dwarf 5 images; Bard lvl12 (still to level up from 11); AC 20 (22 w/cats grace; 23 haste); HP 80/80; Fort +8; Ref +9; Will +9; SM +21; Perc +15; init +4; Music left 25/31; reroll @+4 1/1; loremaster 1/1; IGF 1/1;

I thought the run went well, it was pretty quick. Maybe because we are so good at what we do!

I was a bit confused at the start - we were in the place where the wizard ambushed us, and then started being in some kind of a chase scene. I'm not sure who we were chasing. I got the feel of urgency, but not quite sure about why. I'm guessing in retrospect we were following a crew member or the captain back to the hydra, but it wasn't that clear at the time.

Likewise the encounter under the docks with the guards, not sure if that was supposed to be a combat that we managed to buy our way out of, or how that was supposed to go.

I liked the mad rush on the boat at the end, it felt very chaotic.

Grand Lodge

Male Tiefling (+2Dex, +2Int, -2Cha) (73)/(73) HP, AC: (21) T: (14) FF: (20), CMD: 21, F: +12, R: +6, W: +6 Bloodrage: 17/20, Spells (1st): 1/1 Init +5, Pereption +6, CG Male Tiefling Bloodrager(Rageshaper)5/ Dragon Disciple 2, Bite +12, (1d6+8, x2) (Raging)Claws +14, (1d8+8, x2)

Also I'm selling MW Falchion & (3str) Composite longbow, and armor buying MW warhammer, MW handaxe , armor spikes, and cold weather gear.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

Male Dwarf 5 images; Bard lvl12 (still to level up from 11); AC 20 (22 w/cats grace; 23 haste); HP 80/80; Fort +8; Ref +9; Will +9; SM +21; Perc +15; init +4; Music left 25/31; reroll @+4 1/1; loremaster 1/1; IGF 1/1;

IF we are heading north, Rhuul will pick up cold weather gear as well. Anything else you think we should stock up on ? I guess that depends a bit on party mix.

(that sounds like something you should eat...)

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