DM Barcas - Star Wars - Agents of the Empire (Inactive)

Game Master Isaac Duplechain

The loyal Kensae, founded by Emperor Anakin Skywalker, attempt to fight a Rebel Alliance intent on shattering the hard-won peace.

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We will begin when everyone checks in at the OOC Thread.

Valuable background information can be found at the Recruitment Thread

"Welcome, Imperial Agents," says the DM. "Emperor Skywalker notices and appreciates your service."

Intro Crawl


Civil war again consumes the galaxy.
The Rebellion's fleet has gathered
near Tatooine, preparing to go on the
offensive against the Empire.

The Emperor has sent the Imperial
Navy to head the Rebels off.
During the initial skirmish, agents of
the Empire intercepted a message
about the plans for a secret weapon.

The Crown Prince Luke Skywalker
races to board the starship that
received the message, hoping to save
countless lives by stealing the plans
before the Rebels can unleash their
ultimate weapon...

"The day was chaotic enough without people trying to kill us," says Luke Skywalker, Crown Prince of the Galactic Empire. "We didn't have a lot of time to mobilize and prepare, but Thrawn seems to have made the best of it. We had enough to worry about without Tarkin moving people around. He's probably just trying to make some petty point about how he isn't someone who can be given orders." Skywalker is fairly calm despite the fact that he is piloting a boarding corsair with 11 people crammed in the back as he spins it and wheels around, trying to avoid the laser cannons of half a dozen capital ships. The vessel is headed towards the Tantive IV, a small Rebel ship on the periphery of the battle. You really aren't sure why, but the way Prince Luke came running into the docking bay of the Chimaera and ordered the deck crew to scramble a boarding vessel, it certainly seems important.

The other 11 people in the ship had been waiting in the docking bay to load into boarding corsairs for the inevitable boarding and counter-boarding that Grand Admiral Thrawn was so tactically enamored with. With their temporary assignments to the Chimaera from Tarkin's fleet, it was really the only task they could be given by Gilead Pellaeon, Thrawn's Executive Officer. They were lined up for the next corsair when Skywalker came streaking in, giving orders and commands to soldiers twice his age like it wasn't unusual. Their group consisted of a group of 4 Kensae and a squad of 7 stormtroopers, the standard boarding party since the Rebels had begun using Mandalorians in their counter-boarding tactics. The Kensae were Sho Larn (Kel Dor male), Loreck Durgen (human male), Raal (Chiss male), and Pukol DeWry (Cerean male). The stormtrooper squad consisted of Sergeant Edala Garo (human female), Call Krassus (human male), Urirawa (Wookiee male), Torm Manchu (human male), Ang Odok (Zabrak male), and Koyi Doneeta (Twi'lek female). The group as a whole did not know each other, being from different ships, although some of them did. The entire group of stormtroopers had managed to stay together during the transfer from the Allecto. DeWry was Raal's trainer and master. Sho Larn and Loreck Durgen expressed surprise at seeing each other as if they knew one another.

You can look out the front pilot window and see the battle raging above Tattooine. Two dozen Imperial Star Destroyers are in formation, blasting away at the Rebel fleet. The Rebels outnumber the forces of the Empire, but they are disorganized and on the defensive. Hundreds of smaller ships and fighters swoop and blast at each other, trying to eliminate the mobile defenses of the larger ships in order to safely attack. The laser cannons make no noise in the vacuum of space, but you know that if one were to hit you, your military career would end quite suddenly. The ship rocks violently as you make another spin to avoid a blast when Skywalker says, “Three minutes and we are there. Here's your briefing, made quick by necessity. About 10 minutes ago, we decrypted a file transfer made to that ship. It's the plans for a massive battlestation the Rebels are about to unveil. They call it 'Freedom Station,' as if that is going to win the propoganda battle over a moon-sized space station that can destroy a planet. We need those schematics so we can find a way to eliminate it before it is used. We are going to breach from the back of the ship, near the engines, so that a quick ion pulse can take out their hyperdrive long enough for us to get in and get out." He types a few quick buttons and a hologram of the ship schematics appear. "The main computers are in the very front of the ship, so we will have to fight our way in. We don't know what kind of troops they have inside, so be prepared for anything."

Skywalker is quiet for a moment as he focuses on a particularly jarring manuever, coming in low around a TIE squadron. It is quiet in the ship as everyone focuses on the task at hand. All of a sudden, the Prince speaks up again. "Since we'll be risking our lives together, I think introductions are in order. I'm Luke Skywalker. What are your names?"

Perception DC 10:
You can see that Skywalker's lightsaber is the same one the Emperor used to defeat Palpatine in the now-famous Duel on Coruscant. It was given to Luke as a present when he graduated from the Kensae Academy at 16.

For the hologram, please see the Sketchup file linked in the Recruitment thread.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

peception roll:

1d20 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1
With Urirawa's perception, he has to roll to get a DC 10.

hmm...nope, definitely nothing to see here.

Urirawa hears the Crown prince's command and looks to the left and right.

'The wind sings strange songs this day. I feel that I have fallen from the sky and am now amongst the nightdwellers that gnaw far below. I should answer but never before the officers and sergeant have had their turn at the fire.'

'Should I even be standing? The Crown prince is the son of the great Liberator and the great Uniter of the broken clans. By birth he is a chieftain. By deeds, he is already a legend. Maybe, if I stoop a bit, I won't stand out so much among the other battle companions.'

Urirawa attempts to slouch down in the knees and neck to appear closer in height to the rest of the stormtroopers; so, he won't be as easily seen amongst the other troopers and Kensae.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

"Sir, Pvt Krassus, designated Thunder, sir. Honored to serve, sir."

Krassus stands tall and ready. He looks almost joyful as the small ship flies through the explosions all around. 'Finally. Seeing action and commanded by a Skywalker. My uncles are going to be very proud of me this day!'

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1
Call Krassus wrote:

Perception: 1d20+5

"Sir, Pvt Krassus, designated Thunder, sir. Honored to serve, sir."

Krassus stands tall and ready. He looks almost joyful as the small ship flies through the explosions all around. 'Finally. Seeing action and commanded by a Skywalker. My uncles are going to be very proud of me this day!'

Urirawa gives Krassus an elbow to the side for speaking before those who have first right to the fire.

Male Human Jedi 1

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

"Kensae Ensign Loreck Durgen sir," Loreck answers with pride, "it's an honour to serve under you. I hope we can do the Empire proud today." Loreck is a slim young man with neatly cut blonde hair and sharp feature with a piercing gaze, he restrained, but eager to join the battle.


1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Looking around the shuttle Raal's attention focuses on the trooper who spoke out of line, 'Has he no honor?' he thinks, feeling a pang of anger at the lack of discipline in the grunt. Wait...' realization dawns on him that he knows this one, they had met at a cantina near the boarder, he had saved Raal the indignation of teaching a lesson to three drunk humans. He was owed small favor this one.
Raal settles back and waits for his turn to introduce himself to the Crown Prince.

Skywalker glances back at the group and smiles broadly, a rare contrast to his stoic father. "I hope I'm not making you nervous. I'm not really big on protocol and formalities, unlike my sister. I appreciate the respect, but you can call me Luke. There's no need to queue up to introduce yourself."

The feeling on tension in the corsair drops a little bit, although it is difficult to forget that you are flying through dozens of enemy starfighters. Pukol DeWry answers Luke in the deep, melodic voice of the Cereans. "Well, Luke, I am Pukol DeWry, servant of the Empire. This is my charge, Thrak'el Raal'orn. It is a great honor to join you in battle."

Sergeant Garo, a blonde human female who appears more suited for a modeling job than heavy combat, "gently" chides her troops. She is a bit more subdued than her usual hard-charging, foul-mouthed self. "You heard the Prince. Muster up your names, Stormies! I'm Sergeant Edala Garo, sir, and these are my men, although rarely do they live up to that name." Despite her seemingly harsh words, it is clear that she is devoted to and proud of her squad. "Call, we are having words when we get back to the Allecto for speaking out of turn."

For Krassus and Urirawa:
Krassus and Sergeant Garo have an on-again, off-again romantic relationship despite her being your superior officer. The two of you do your best to keep from becoming public knowledge, although it is an open secret on the ship.

In rapid succession, the squad pipes up. "Torm Manchu," says one of them. He appears a little too young and out of place in the stormtrooper armor. Red hair and freckles earned him the call sign of "Ginger Kid". The next one pipes up, a Zabrak male with beige skin and oversized horns. (He claims that Zabrak women love it, seeing it as a sign of virility. It's what got him the call sign "Horny Devil".) "I am Ang Odok. Proud to serve." Right after that, the Twi'lek female with light blue skin adds in, "I'm Koyi Doneeta, sir. I would do anything for the Empire... Anything.". She idly twirls one of her lekku in her free hand, staring at the prince with an uncomfortable intensity.

Luke glances back again and looks at Urirawa, Raal, Sho Larn, and Dak Calgar, waiting for them to speak.

The edit window is closed for the first post, but I forgot to mention Dak Calgar (human male), a last-minute tactical support addition to the squad of stormtroopers. (Eagle-eyed readers will see 7 troopers mentioned but only 6 listed.)

Male Human Scout/Soldier 1/1 (2)

"Dak Calgar," Dak introduces himself, his Corellian accent fairly noticeable. He then adds to the rest of the group, in a tone that suggests he's had to say this far too many times already, "And before anyone says anything about my accent, I'm an Imperial citizen first. If I meet any old friends from home on this ship, rest assured that I'll shoot them just as quickly. They chose their side. And with that out of the way, it's a pleasure to meet you all. Nice seeing you again by the way, Master DeWry."

DeWry smiles at Dak politely with a look on his face that suggests he isn't sure where they've met before.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Since Sergeant Garo and the rest of the squad had introduced themselves, Urirawa straightened up and said, "rrytt hyy arr uull vir a a"

Basic Translation Shyriiwook:

'I am Urirawa the Deep Hunter. May the Anakkona never nest in your roots.'

Urirawa looked around and wondered where the Imperial Kensae must be. Surely the Crown Prince was not allowed to run around in a battlefield without his oathsworn. A chieftain without oathsworn was soon prey to the Sayormi.

A bit flustered with the dismissal of formalities Raal's mouth opens and closes a few times as he looks from his master to the crown prince. "Umm.. err.. Ensign Thrak'el Raal'orn sir.. umm.. Raal, Luke. I'm Raal. It's an honor sir." he fianlly manages, looking a bit deflated.

Luke grins at Urirawa. "I've never heard that expression, although it certainly is evocative. Why do they call you the Longest Hunter?" His Shyriiwook seems a little rusty.

You all see a Rebel X-Wing zoom towards you, lasers blasting away. Luke spins the ship in a tight downward trajectory to avoid the attack, then follows it up with a near 90-degree turn. The gravity generators take a moment to compensate as 6 Gs worth of pressure weigh you all down.

1d20 ⇒ 3 vs Fortitude Defense to be sickened by the maneuver, taking 1 negative step on the Condition Track for 1 minute. (You are still about 2 minutes away from the objective.)

Perception check:
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

"Crown Prince, let me first say that it is truly an honor to attend you on this glorious day. I heed your call and promise to serve the Empire well." offers Sho, beaming with pride. "I am Ensign Sho Larn, Master Luke, initiate of the Kensae."

Sho moves up and nudges Loreck, nodding to his classmate and sharing equally in eagerness to begin.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1
DM Barcas wrote:
Luke grins at Urirawa. "I've never heard that expression, although it certainly is evocative. Why do they call you the Longest Hunter?" His Shyriiwook seems a little rusty.

Urirawa again elbows Cal before he can make any comment on the length of wookiee spears.

Urirawa replies to the Crown prince saying, "rrytt hyy arr ururu ary ihyrtt kooryttyyk arra".

Basic translation Shyriiwook:

'I am a Deep Hunter since I follow the Rryatt Trail to the Shadowlands where the meat is sweet and the predators hunger.'

"Thirty seconds to engagement," says Luke. You can see the target straight ahead through the pilot window. It is long and thin for its class, about 150 meters long and only 25 meters across. You see Luke's eyes flutter for a moment as he calls on the Force. He reaches over and hits a red button on the right side of the cockpit. The blue arc of an ion blast flies from the corsair and scores a direct hit on the hyperdrive engine of the Tantive IV. "It's a localized ion blast. It won't be able to jump until far too late."

Luke slides the corsair into place next to the engines of the ship. You hear a dull whine as the corsair forms a magnetic lock onto the hull, then the sharp scrapes of metal on metal as the automated breaching system tears an entry hole and seals it from vacuum. You know that it must be loud and obvious on the inside, so every second that passes is another second for the boarding defense squads to prepare. It takes thirty seconds before the countdown clock appears above the exit. It counts down from 15 as the final seals are put into place.

"May the Force be yours," says Luke, reciting the first lesson learned in the Kensae Academy. {b]"We have to move hard and fast. Take a point and hold it from the counter-boarding teams that will surely come in behind our position, then move to the next point. We will probably have to fight our way there and back. We move as a group. Let's move."[/b] The timer completes the countdown with a hiss of hydraulics as the door opens. You can see inside the Tantive IV. You notice two things immediately: first, it is immaculately white on the inside; second, there are 8 Rebel troopers with their guns trained on the entry point. Action Shot

Urirawa 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
Sho Larn 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Raal 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Dak Calgar 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Loreck Durgen 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
Call Krassus 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20


Luke Skywalker 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13
Rebel Scum 1-41d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Rebel Scum 5-81d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
NPC Stormtroopers 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
Pukol DeWry1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

The stormtrooper squad and the Rebel troopers immediately open fire on each other, with the stormtroopers having the slightest of edges on the waiting Rebels. Blaster fire erupts in a deafening barrage.

Sergeant Garo shoots the closest one with her heavy blaster rifle, hoping to provide a hole for the Kensae to move in. 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25 She hits him square in the chest, the blaster bolt going clean through. 3d10 ⇒ (5, 8, 8) = 21 You smell ozone and burned flesh as he falls backwards, dead before he hits the ground. Ang Odok brings his blaster rifle up for a quick aim and blasts away at one of the further-away Rebels. 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 He flinches at the last moment and the shot goes high. Torm Manchu and Koyi Doneeta both fire at one of the Rebels taking cover behind a bulkhead. 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 & 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6. Ginger Kid's grunts as his gun jams, causing him to take a moment to clear it. Koyi's shot strikes the bulkhead as the Rebel tries desperately to merge with the corridor wall.

Three of the rebels return fire at the stormtroopers. The first aims his blaster pistol at Torm, momentarily distracted by his jammed weapon. 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18 The blaster fire catches him in the left eye. 3d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 4) = 11. The young man falls to the ground, clutching the smoking hole where his eye was and quickly slipping into unconsciousness. One Rebel wildly fires at the group in the general direction of Sergeant Garo. 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15 The shot hits her armor, but she seems fairly unbothered by it. The Rebel who Horny Devil took a shot at returns fire at him. 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17 The blasterfire misses him by a hair, striking the interior of the boarding corsair behind him.

Dak is next, then Krassus.

Krassus moves quickly into the breach, thumbing his weapon to Autofire as he does. He scans the enemy and picks a target cluster to fire upon. He breathes in and on the exhale, squeezes the trigger.

I will fire at the largest cluster of scum still standing.

Autofire: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Damage: 3d10 + 2 ⇒ (4, 3, 1) + 2 = 10

Feeling his weapon whine with an internal error, he takes a moment to whack it sharply. Unfortunately it's well known fact that Blas-tech Mx-95 Heavy Blaster Rifles have a disturbing tendency to jam at the energy conversion manifold. Stormtroopers almost HAVE to become trained in basic mechanics just to keep them operating.

Male Human Scout/Soldier 1/1 (2)

Dak quickly fires a shot off at one of the rebels, aiming for the centre mass, since most species tend to have some vital organs in that area.

Single shot at one of the rebels still standing.

Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Damage: 3d8 ⇒ (8, 7, 8) = 23

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Round 1 Plan A and Plan B Initiative 13

Plan A:

Holding the Vibro Ax in two hands Urirawa will use his move action to move along the right wall (where the first rebel was shot) up to his max of 6 spaces. He'll finish his move leaving himself at least 2 spaces of distance to travel on his charge action. He will then use his standard action to charge into melee with the rebels at the end of the corridor. Ideally, Urirawa wants to end the charge adjacent to at least two rebels so that if he kills one there is still one left to give him a -5 protection bonus from others shooting into melee.

Urirawa will accept a single attack of opportunity from the rebel standing in the open on the left if that rebel is still on its feet. Urirawa's Reflex AC will go from 18 to 16 for the charge. People out of melee with Urirawa will have a -5 to shooting penalty for him being next to someone in melee (hopefully). Charge will give +2 to the attack.

Attacking the charged Rebel with Vibro-Ax 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Damage with Vibro-Ax wielded 2H2d10 + 10 ⇒ (6, 4) + 10 = 20

Plan B:

If there are no targets that Urirawa can reach with a move action followed by a charge action then Urirawa will choose to go with two move actions to get to the end of the corridor. Urirawa will choose to fight defensively taking no attack action. This will add +5 to his AC raising it to AC 23 and he'll get a -5 from people firing into melee.

The plan is to get up next the rebels and take up real estate so any shots going past Urirawa to fire at the stormtroopers behind him have a -2 concealment modifier. Rebels have to choose between shooting at the higher AC dodging Urirawa or the lower AC but harder to see troopers.

Urirawa gripped his Vibro-Ax tight in his hands. One day he would win the honour of carrying a Ryyk blade into combat. For now it was his Vibro-Ax that thrummed a dull vibration in his palms.

He waited, knowing his moment would come.

His was an important duty on the line. It wasn't the job of commander. It didn't get the attention of media like a sniper or a Kensae.

He wasn't even a point man on a breach team.

He was just the guy.

The guy that the team depended upon to move in and put pressure on the edges of the pocket.

He was the guy that made the opening that the commander could exploit.

He was the guy that allowed the snipers and Kensae to focus on what they did best.

He was the guy that cracked the line for the point man to go through.

It wasn't a fun job. In combat it was down right deadly.

That didn't bother Urirawa. He was a wookiee.

Wookiees didn't fight for glory. They fought because they were good at it.

That was something the rebels were going to learn.

The 4 Rebels along the back wall fire at the breach. The first one shouts in an Alderaanian accent, "Down with the Empire!" as he leans over a corner to fire his pistol at Loreck. 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16 The shot hits the Kensae in the shoulder 3d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 2) = 8, causing him to grunt in sudden pain. Another Rebel fires at Sergeant Garo, hoping to take her down before her expert aim can take any more of them out. 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14 she takes another shot in the armor, but is uterrly unfazed. She doesn't even blink. A third Rebel takes aim at Sho Larn, who is momentarily distracted by the fallen Ginger Kid directly in front of him. 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5. The shot, which goes wild and hits the ceiling above the Kel Dor, quickly gets his attention back on the Rebels. The fourth Rebel soldier fires at Koyi, 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14, but it misses her. The blaster shot flies between Krassus and Urirawa before htting the back of the corsair, leaving a smoking scorch mark.

Okay, everybody finishes the round. I see Urirawa already went.

Also, this was all done on my phone while at an extra job.

Urirawa rushes forward headlong into battle with the exuberance only a Wookiee can bring. He shouts something, perhaps a battle cry or maybe just a guttural, primal expression of battle rage. He pushes past the other stormtroopers on his way to the back row of Rebels, recklessly moving past one to get revenge on the other who had just gunned down his teammate. The Rebel quakes in fear as a brown-and-white figure of nightmare barrels down on him. The moment of triumph from shooting Ginger Kid was replaced by terror, pain, and finally death as the Wookiee swung his vibroaxe in an upward arc. The axe caught him in the stomach, taking him off his feet and flying backwards until crashing into a wall, stone dead. The remaining troopers start to scatter in fear from the giant Wookiee stormtrooper in their midst.

Double RP experience for Urirawa for a great post! Also went a bit early, but as they say, let the Wookiee win. I have a little map that I am using in addition to Sketchup, which I ought to post. You don't provoke, but you are standing next to the first one to fire on Sergeant Garo.

Male Human Jedi 1

Deflect Check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

"Yes sir," Loreck answers quietly, before going to silent to focus on the task at hand. In truth the strict procedure and hierarchy of rank is comforting to the Kensae, and he feels a little lost besides Luke's relaxed method of command, but he banishes the uncertainty by concentrating on the imminent contact with the rebels.

Moving forwards into breaching position as the corsair's boarding systems dig loudly into the hull of the revel frigate, Loreck stands ready flush against the bulkhead besides the breaching portal, lightsaber in hand ready for combat. Watching as the stormtroopers line up like fish in a barrel behind the door, the man closes his eyes in focus momentarily.

Cannon fodder... the front ranks are going to slaughter. Every citizen of the empire is precious, this shouldn't be necessary.

The noise of battle washes over him as the airlock opens with a rush, and a few moments after the stormtroopers file through, Loreck steps into the corridor after them. Quickly raising his lightsaber to deflect blaster fire, but not fast enough to avoid a bolt that clips his shoulder causing him to wince at the pain of the burn.

Charging forwards in to the fray with a cry, Loreck calls upon the force to aid him, pouring all of his power and passion into the blow.

"For the Empire!"

Attack Roll: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 5 + 1 = 13
Battlestrike: 1d20 + 6 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 6 + (5) = 152d8 + 4 + 1d6 ⇒ (3, 3) + 4 + (5) = 15
One force point spent, five remaining.

The force guiding the silver light of his blade in his Emperor's name, Loreck sinks his blade deep into one of the rebel scum, felling him where he stands.

Swift action: Activate Born Leader, granting every ally a +1 to hit while they remain in line of sight for the remeinder of the encounter. Standard action: Shoot closest rebel with blaster pistol 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12, 3d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 6) = 9. Move action: Move 6sq down the corridor, if he can end his move in cover he will do so.

As the corsair swoops and dives Raal closes his eyes and falls back on breathing exercises tought in flight school, and enhanced by his master. His mind calming and his emotions under control he waits patiently for the order to engage.

When the order comes Raal is feeling calm and in control, he must control his passion not the other way around DeWry always preached. Fingering his lightsaber Raal sneers as he draws his blaster, 'I will master it!' he thinks to himself. Remembering all the tests and tials he had faced both in the Naval Academy and by his Kensae master Raal knew that the true test fast approching. His training as an officer would mean nothing if his performance did not set an example and inspire. He knew he was behind the others in his kensae training. He would make up for it in other ways.

When the breach is made Raal wades unfazed through the blaster fire, taking a shot at the rebels and shouting. "Surrender Rebel Scum! Surrender or Die!"

A few seconds into the fight and already three Rebels lay dead. A giant Wookiee and a silver-bladed Kensae stood in melee range, with more coming out of the boarding corsair. They knew that this fight was hopeless. But they were fighting for a reason. When a Chiss came in shooting and demanding surrender, the Rebel he missed looked him in the eye from across the corridor. "Never surrender! For freedom!"

The efforts of an entire life can culminate into a single, auspicious moment. Sho imagined his life back on Dorin with his warrior father. Of showing promise enough to join the Kensae Corps, elite guardians of the Empire. Of committing to ideals and principles and endeavoring to excel in his craft. Of standing here, at the onset of battle with the Crown Prince - Luke Skywalker himself! - ready to usher in a new chapter in his life.

But first, he had to get through this battle. He had to prove that he belonged. First impressions were everything and he aimed to make a lasting one.

And that meant removing all obstacles.

Sho moves up and into the breach, as he had seen his comrade Loreck do. He dodges to the left and takes a small measure of solace behind the first outcropping; counting on it as protective cover.

His adrenaline is pumping, his breathing loud and raspy through his respiratory unit, his hands, trembling slightly. It was one thing to train in the academy. It was another completely in a life-and-death scenario such as this. This cannot be trained for!

Sho settles his mind and reaches deep within himself, feeling the flow of the Force. He summons it forth in a blast of telekinetic energy that swarms over the rebels to the left of the wookiee stormtrooper who just burst forth.

Use of Force on Rebels!:

Perception to ensure I see and don't hit Uriwawa or anyone else who acted ahead of me on initiative: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

Use the Force skill check for Force Slam: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

Damage from Force Slam: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 6, 3) = 15

NOTE: If Force Slam cannot be used safely, I will Move Object on one of the remaining Rebels and throw him into another remaining one.

I will use a Force Point (1/6) and keep the 4d6 damage to them.

As the Rebels are strewn about with the Force, Sho risks a glance back to his friend, Loreck, to ensure he is okay after having been shot.

Sho Larn moves forward next to Urirawa and thrusts out with the Force. Half a moment after their last defiant shout, the Kensae's Force slam shatters the Rebels' bones and drives them into the bulkheads, never to move again. Only the Rebel in the farthest left corner, now standing 3 meters from the Wookiee and the Kel Dor who so swiftly dispatched his comrades. Fear and sadness overcome his visage, which then twists into hate as he aims his pistol straight at the head of Sho Larn.

Male Human Scout/Soldier 1/1 (2)

Dak brings his pistol to bear as quickly as he can, hoping to put a blaster bolt into the rebel's chest before he can fire on the Kensae.

Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Damage: 3d8 ⇒ (3, 2, 1) = 6

Well, Dak is the next PC to go, but not until 25. Luke and DeWry haven't gone yet. The remaining trooper goes on 19. Dak will take the shot if the trooper is still up after Luke and DeWry.

Luke Skywalker, Crown Prince of the Empire, comes flying out of the corsair and headed towards the remaining Rebel. He surges forward and swings his blue lightsaber, aiming for the outstretched hand aiming a blaster pistol at his fellow Kensae. 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30 He slices cleanly though with a downward sweep, not missing a moment and fluidly bringing the lightsaber back up to catch him in the chest, cutting into his heart. 2d8 + 10 ⇒ (1, 8) + 10 = 19 The Rebel trooper dies too quickly to pull the trigger.

He turns to Sho Larn. "That was very impressive. Your Master trained you well." He moves towards the main corridor and stops. "Good work everyone, but I can feel more of them coming. They've taken positions before the next security door. Remember, we need to move straight ahead to the front of the ship. The security doors on the sides of the next corridor head to the escape pods, so ignore them for now. Let's keep moving." He takes up a position so that he can move around the corner and engage the Rebels.

DeWry, who has yet to turn on his lightsaber, comes up to Raal. "Well done. I felt your anger, but not hate. You are controlling the passion, not letting it control you."

Sergeant Garo looks down at Ginger Kid, who is breathing raggedly and still has smoke from his burned eye socket. "That's gonna leave a scar, but he'll be all right. Let me get him comfortable. I'll be right behind you." Braids and Horny Devil move to Luke's position, lining up behind him.

Once everyone is in position, Luke will count down and the next combat will begin. It will count as the same encounter but we will roll Initiative again. Dak, if possible, can you delete the post just prior to this one since the attack turned out to be unnecessary?

Male Human Scout/Soldier 1/1 (2)

Can't delete or edit it any more, so I'll add the following instead.

Just as Dak is about to pull the trigger, however, Luke has already cut down the last remaining rebel. He lowers his pistol and heads to a rearguard position so as to ensure that the squad isn't flanked later.

Nodding his head with a grimace at master DeWry, "Thank you master." he mutters. Looking at the Crown Prince, he would never be comfortable calling him Luke, he says "The next lesson awaits eh?" Laughing at the exileration of battle coupled with his masters praise he follows after the Crown Prince and nods his ready when in postition.

Sho beams with pride as the Crown Prince - THE Crown Prince - gives him a compliment. That is how reputations are built. That is how names are remembered.

He bows to Luke at the kind words. "Thank you Master Luke. The Force is with us this day."

Despite the combat completed and that which is about to begin, Sho has yet to draw his lightsaber - still uncomfortable with using it.

Check the OOC thread for a valuable tool we can collectively use for positioning. I need your emails to add you to the list.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Thanks, you got the email right. Moved Urirawa on the map to corner up by Luke.

Urirawa gives the vibro-ax a good sweep downward to shake the worst of the blood from the blade.

Urirawa knew he should feel sorry for ending of the lives. They weren't meat to be sucked from the bone and they weren't Katarn respected for their strength. They were Ikov. Rodents that fed on the dead that fell from the high places.

Urirawa preferred to fight the clankers. They were souless creatures that deserved no love. The tree held no branches for the clankers.

The value of the clankers was what could made from the broken remains.

Urirawa moved to keep up with the Crown prince.

It was a good start.

It was a pity that the rebels weren't wise enough to use the escape pods before his vibro-ax again chewed bone on the blades vibrating edge.

Waiting on the Prince:

Urirawa will change his stance to fighting defensive until he again moves to and makes an attack. No sense making it easy if a rebel tosses a grenade around the corner or rushes Urirawa's position.

Male Human Jedi 1

As the last of the rebels fall Loreck nods to Sho in appreciation of his handiwork, he always had been more of a blade master than Sho, but the Kel Dor's true strength lay in his manipulation of the Force. In that respect Sho Larn was significantly ahead of Loreck.

Standing to attention with a salute as the Crown Prince joins them, the Kensae follows after their leader to his right, inside a little jealous at Luke's praise for his comrade. As they approach the next door Loreck takes up a similar breaching position to before.

Sho looks to the wookiee and remembers his master Tyvokk.

"Strike first. Strike fast. Strike hard. With the speed and strength of the noble Vornskr." recites Sho to the wookiee."You remind me of another wookiee I know." offers Sho as they wait to advance again.

DC 5 Use the Force (Trained Only):
You feel Luke reaching out and scouting the next corridor. You can follow him using the Force, feeling as he counts the Rebels ahead.

Luke whispers in a voice that is both quiet and forceful. "There are 9 up ahead, taking position. Four are about 6 meters ahead, to the left and right of the corridor. Five are farther back, clumped together. They're ready for us, so be ready for them." He looks back waiting for Krassus, Raal, and Sho Larn to move into position before counting down.

[ooc]Please move your characters on the map. Everyone but Krassus has editing privileges. Once I have Krassus's email, I can put everyone on.[/url]

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1
Sho Larn wrote:

Sho looks to the wookiee and remembers his master Tyvokk.

"Strike first. Strike fast. Strike hard. With the speed and strength of the noble Vornskr." recites Sho to the wookiee."You remind me of another wookiee I know." offers Sho as they wait to advance again.

Hearing the Crown Prince's words, Urirawa measures distances and decides to shift his grip on the Vibro-ax while he pulls a frag grenade from his harness and prepares it for activation.

Urirawa could see the distances. He was quick but not quick enough to cover the full distance in one charge. It was going to be a grenade breaching assault. Move, toss the grenade, then use the axe to mop up what was left. It looked like the Prince would hit the left side of the corridor which meant Urirawa would hit the right.

'ui tyyykrr gryykyy rawara ir orryk vyvyykry'

'urru ui'

Basic translation Shyriiwook:

'The people of the trees have a saying. The tree only feeds those that choose to climb it.'

'I've got the right.'

DM :

I sent you an email to your account this afternoon, but my address is anthro 78 at g mail dot com.

Krassus finishes repairing his weapon and jogs to catch up. Seeing the Kensae in action, he thumbs his weapon to single shot and takes his place in the firing line. Please move me to J7.

use the force 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Folowing the prince through the force Raal lets Luke's conciousness guide him as he counts the enemies. 'Coutious and aware. A good leader.' Raal concludes, taking every opurtunity to learn.

Moved to I6

Okay everyone is in position on the map. I took the liberty of moving Sho Larn next to Urirawa, since that's what the text suggests.

Luke looks back at the group and says, "Urirawa will throw a grenade, so try to watch out for shrapnel. Don't engage the enemy close-up until it's gone off, then charge in. The ones farther down need to be dealt with as soon as possible or the corridor will become a death funnel. Okay, ready? Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Go!"

Urirawa 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
Sho Larn 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Raal 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Dak Calgar 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
Loreck Durgen 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Call Krassus 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

Luke Skywalker 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26
NPC Stormtroopers 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
Pukol DeWry 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10


Rebels 1 & 2 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Rebels 3 & 4 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Rebels 5 & 6 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Rebels 7, 8, & 9 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

Luke appears poised to move but is waiting for Urirawa. The stormtroopers are likewise waiting for the Wookiee to be point man.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Urirawa breathes in deeply three times pumping oxygen to his lungs as his muscles bunched preparing for the 'Hell Dash'.

Time slowed for his senses as he heard the Crown Prince call one.

He leaped forward.

Urirawa felt the eyes of the emperor upon him. He felt his ancestors watching this moment. He could hear the wind whispering word of this moment back to the trees. This was his moment.

The grenade sailed through the air to the right doorway. It's active light blinking a red dot as it slowly tumbled through the air.

Then the grenade landed and exploded with an ear shattering crash.

There was too much open space and while the grenade knocked much of the wind from the Rebels and blood poured from their noses and ears, they still managed to hang on to their feet.

Urirawa looked into the waiting barrels and was happy. Even if he were to die the wind knew. If the wind knew then it would carry word to the trees and the trees would sing of this moment for a thousand years.

Grenade Run:

Move action to move from I9 to K11. Swift Action to trigger firing mechanism on grenade and render it 'hot'. Standard Action to throw the grenade to P13 <Rebel 1>. AoE squares O12, P12, O13, P13. Spend a Force Point to increase aim.

Throw Grenade 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Damage Grenade 4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 1, 2) = 7
Force Point 1/5 1d6 ⇒ 2

Doh!! 7 pts of damage on 4d6! Curse the Imperial Armourer that purchased from the lowest bidder. There will be Wookiee Vengance!

Urirawa, since you can spend a Force Point afterwards (by my reading of it, anyway), you get a refund. If a FAQ or errata has said that they must be declared beforehand, then I stand corrected and you do not get a point refunded. If anyone knows, put it in the OOC thread.

The Rebels, waiting for the advance, open fire on the first thing they see: a grenade-hurling Wookiee who nearly touches the ceiling of the corridor. As the blasts fly towards him, time seems to slow down as Luke leaps out, lightsaber ignited and moving to block them from hitting Urirawa. Three blaster shots from the Rebels far down the corridor, firing away with heavy blaster rifles, fly down. 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 The first one is too wide and no threat to anyone. 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10 Luke eyes the second one, considering if he should bat it away, but chooses not to. 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 The third one goes far wide, nearly hitting one of the other Rebels. All the other Rebels except the ones hit by the grenade, who are barely able to stand, come out to fire. In rapid succession, they fire with blaster pistols and begin to move back to cover. 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 Still stunned by the grenade blast's noise, the closest Rebel shoots wildly without aiming. 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 His partner likewise cannot hit anything. The two Rebels in doorways at the end of the corridor fire towards Urirawa, still barely registering that Luke is there. 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (19) - 1 = 18 Luke can see that this shot will hit the brave Wookiee and attempts to block it. 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (17) + 17 = 34 He effortlessly swats it away, sending it flying harmlessly into the wall. 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2 The latter Rebel notices Luke and panics, blasting the floor in front of him.

Braids and Horny Devil rush out to support their teammate and the Prince. Braids takes position to the right of Urirawa and fires at the closest Rebel soldier. 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 It catches him in the right thigh, simultaneously burning and tearing his leg off. 3d8 ⇒ (3, 3, 5) = 11 Horny Devil kneels next to Urirawa and shoots at the next Rebel. 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7 The shot is too rushed and scorches the bulkhead next to his target.

The Rebels hit by the grenade recover and move deeper into the room they are in.

Perception DC 15:
Over the din of battle, you hear the hiss of a hydraulic chest opening.

If you follow them:
You see the two Rebel soldiers pulling out grenades from an armory, one in each hand. They've dropped their pistols.

Okay, Initative: Dak then Sho Larn then Raal then Pukol DeWry (who is mostly spending his time observing Raal, so he will delay) then Krassus then Loreck. Go nuts. I hope none of them are alive when the round ends.

Male Human Scout/Soldier 1/1 (2)

Dak moves into cover, pops his head around to see if there are any rebels still standing within range of his blaster, then opens fire at the closest one.

Move to K9; firing at Rebel 4 on P10.
Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Damage: 3d8 ⇒ (5, 1, 7) = 13

Critical hit! 3d8 ⇒ (3, 8, 3) = 14 extra damage. There's no kill like overkill.

Dak's blaster shot catches the Rebel soldier right between the eyes, creating a smoking hole where his face once was. He drops to the ground, twitches once, and is still.

Sho will charge out with the others, emboldened by the skill and bravery of the Crown Prince. "Such grace! thinks Sho, in awe of Luke.

He moves up to Luke's side and calls upon the Force again but in a slightly different manner. Skilled in telekinesis, Sho begins to pick up one of the rebels at the end of the hall to throw against the other. He struggles mightily. "I can't fail in front of the Crown Prince" worries Sho and puts forth an extra effort, calling upon all of the determination and resources he can avail himself of.

He manages to pick one up and tosses him bodily into the one right beside him.

Use the Force to Move Object on Rebels:

Use the Force Skill Check:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Force Point 1/6 used to boost skill check:1d6 ⇒ 6

I presume you meant Rebels 5 & 6 since you referenced "one" and "the other". I moved them for you and rolled damage. I also moved you next to Luke.

One of the rebels, a Duros male, lets out a pained, fearful shriek as Sho Larn picks him up with the force and throws him at his partner. 2d6 ⇒ (6, 3) = 9 The Duros hits the other Rebel with enough force to break bones. They both collapse in a heap.

'Now!' Raal thinks as he follows the partys rush. Wading down the corridor through blaster whine, explosions and screams Raal centers himself and taps into the force, sending his awareness out to feel the tremors in the force. Sencing two pained precences close to his right he swings his blaster to bear in their direction. Seeing one of the wounded rebels he steels himself, 'Subjugation or death.' he thinks as he squeeses the trigger.

Move: 6sq to M10.
Swift: Use the Force: Sence Surroundings 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Standard: Blaster- to hit rebel 1 in R14 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6, dmg 3d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 1) = 8

The shot grazes the doorframe and goes richocheing harmlessly off.

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