Berrin Myrdal |

sorry, missed that amongst the flurry of posts.
SA; Stand up from prone.
MA: Move 30' toward the flock.
Will save with the +2 1d20 ⇒ 5 vs. DC 17, that's a no-go.
Berrin doesn't seem to register Verik's touch as he continues toward the harpies with that euphoric look on his face without so much as a glance at the cleric.

DM Barcas |

Round 3, Initiative 7
Taisper: 24/24 hp; AC 18/12T/17FF; +6F/+3R/+10W
MA: 60' move
SwA: Judgment of Justice (+1 hit)
SA: Crossbow vs Harpy (190') 1d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 - 4 = 5
Taisper rushes towards the evil harpies, his eyes glowing gold with Abadar's fury. His magical speed allows him to run far ahead of the others while still having the time to stop and plant his feet before aiming the light crossbow he carries with him. The bolt flies very wide because of the vast distance still between him and the harpies. He throws back a sheepish smile and a shrug, seemingly embarrassed by his low skill with the weapon. He reaches for his morningstar and shield, ready to take the fight to them. He fixes his eyes on the enthralled men shambling towards him, unsure of what to do about them.

Akiros Ismort |

@Akiros The veteran (though where he became a veteran, Akiros is not sure) listens to the general's conditions and bears down upon him with a steely gaze borne from years of making difficult and necessary decisions. This is another of those decisions as the man weighs the potential for danger, the potential for being wrong, and the costs of being too wrong. He grits his teeth as he makes a decision one way or another. "I don't know the extent of the magic, or really much about magic at all. Who's the say that the blade is real, or that you don't have more weapons that I cannot see? What I do know is that I won't let any potential enemy remain unshackled until I have proof." He nods to the others, who step forward with their spears slightly and wait for him.
Round 1, Initiative 11
Veteran Guardsman: 28/28 hp; AC 16/10T/16FF; +4F/+1R/+2WSA: Disarm vs Akiros
The veteran leaders move first, lunging at Akiros with his shortspear. It is not an attack at his vitals or intended to harm him, but rather aims at separating his grip on his weapon. Akiros, swift and ready for the attack, must decide in a moment how to respond.
You have the option of (a)interrupting his action with your above readied action and moving your Initiative to 11, (b)using an attack of opportunity and staying at Initiative 9, or (c)both, moving to Initiative 11. Remember, your weapon is sheathed, though I suppose it doesn't really matter since a samurai of your level has the Weapon Expertise ability that acts as Quick Draw.
I think we'll go with option (c)
As the guardsman moves to disarm him, Akiros acts with lightning speed, drawing his weapon and striking to disarm the guardsmen instead in a manoeuvre few, if any, in Sancturary would be capable of duplicating.
CMB Disarm: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
As the guardsman's weapon goes clattering to the ground, while it is clear that the General could have easily taken advantage of his weaponless foe, he instead takes a step back and moves into a completely defensive posture. The anger evident in his voice, he yells "You fools! I've no wish to harm you so I shall make my offer one more time. If I have your word that you shall conduct me safely, I shall surrender my weapon to you and allow you to take me either to Jhod or the shapeshifter who wears my form. I will never, though, allow you to put me in shakles. That is my offer, I advise you take it. Or not, at your peril."
Intimidate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Despite his angry words though the General is not in truth very angry at the Guardsmen who are, after all, merely doing their best to carry out their duty in a very difficult situation. No, his fury is entirely focused on the originator of this mess, the doppelgänger Malgorzata. So, regardless of their decision, Akiros knows that he can and will do nothing to harm these innocent men.
Round 1, Initiative 11a
hp 42/47; AC 22/15T/20FF (no shield, + Total Defence)
20CMD; +6F/+2R/+4W (+2 vs Fear)
Buffs: none
Effects: none
AoO: Disarm
FRA: 5' Step, Total Defence

DM Barcas |

@Akiros The veteran squad leader bends down and picks his spear up from where Akiros knocked it down. He wards the others off with a hand gesture as they step forward towards him with their spears. "Men, keep your spears trained on him. He makes any move, spear him." The others surround him, spears just a foot or so from him. The grizzled guardsman reaches out and takes Akiros's sword and scabbard as soon as the general sheathes it.
The group of guards and their prisoner slowly walk through the semi-deserted city. If Akiros is uncomfortable with four spears pointed at him and no sword, he doesn't show it. A few citizens watch from their houses and businesses, but they stay inside. The group heads to the edge of town where Jhod awaits.
The cleric of Erastil stands amidst a group of other guardsmen and citizens, laying hands upon them to heal their injuries. He looks utterly exhausted from the magical healing. Channeling the blessings of his god truly drains him, but he perseveres. He notices the guardsmen and Akiros coming up to him. "What's going on?"
Before Akiros can respond, his captor speaks up. "Giergios Dumanov, priest. Not an hour ago, General Ismort approached us, gave the proper password, and sent us onward with a new password. This imposter approached us and gave us the prior password. He demanded to be brought to you." He hands the sword to Jhod, who examines it and looks over to Akiros.
"How would I know you're who you say you are?"

DM Barcas |

Round 4, Initiative 24
Zander: Move 80'
Zander slowly makes his way to the source of the music, feet scraping over rocky ground. The others follow behind the rapturous archer whose face is the scarred mess that he tried so hard to hide. His bow remains securely on his back, and his arrows remain undrawn.
Round 4, Initiative 22
Young Harpy: 24/24 hp, AC 16/13T/13FF, +5F/+11R/+10W
MA: Fly 50'
SA: Captivating Song
One of the younger harpies takes over singing the song, its enchanting melodies dancing and echoing through the rocky island. She flaps her dirty feathered wings to stay aloft, each beat matching the tune of her song.
Young Harpy: 24/24 hp, AC 14/11T/11FF, +2F/+9R/+4W
FRA: Flyby Attack (morningstar) vs. Nikolai 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
-> Damage 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
The other harpy swoops towards Nikolai, who is charging them at full speed. Bolstered by the music of her fellow harpies, she smashes her morningstar into Nikolai's shoulder. The heir of House Rogarvia is running too fast to dodge out of the way, but he merely shrugs off the crushing blow even as his shoulder rings in agony. The harpy flies past Nikolai, her talons mere inches off the ground.
The harpy is now 30' behind NikolaiLizardfolk (140'+ from starting point) and is reachable from the ground.[ooc]
[Ooc]Round 4, Initiative 21
Harpy: 58/58 hp, AC 16/13T/13FF, +5F/+11R/+10W
MA: Fly 50'
SA: Bow vs. Jemini 1d20 + 12 - 2 ⇒ (10) + 12 - 2 = 20
The harpy's leader soars forward, taking aim with her bow at Jemini as she flies. She snarls when she looks at Jemini. The beautiful woman is everything hated by the harpy, who let's loose an arrow. It streaks towards her with a blue light. She dodges out of the way with a sidestep, almost as if she foresaw the arrow's path. It hits the ground behind her, tendrils of ice freezing the rocks on the ground.

Akiros Ismort |

Akiros remains silent while Giergios speaks, allowing the guardsman to present his case. He then remains silent a few moments more, trying to, through the mere force of his will alone, cause the weary priest to know him for who he truly is.
Finally though, the General speaks, his voice nearly as tired as that of the Magistar's, yet the current of iron at its heart still as strong as ever. "I do not deny any of Guardsman Dunmanov's words, Jhod, my friend, should you still consider me so, after my harsh words to you not long ago. Giergios speaks his version of the truth as he understands it, as he was led to believe. I have just now come from my quarters, where I had my rest interrupted by Lady Tandlara. She came to share with me the news that apparently these dopplangangers can, in addition to shaping themselves in the likeliness of anyone, also read minds as easily as you or I hear words. How this can be so seems to stagger the imagination, ye tit would certainly explain how she, how it, has escaped our security measures so easily thus far. It would also explain of course how she duped these dutiful guardsmen." And here the general spares a not entirely friendly glance at those he mentions.
"I came to seek you specifically, Jhod, as these men can verify by by initial question of them, because, after seeming to cast some spell which she vouched would uncover the shapeshifer, the Lady Tandlara fell into an unconscious stupor. Even now as we speak, she lies so stricken in my chambers. As none here understand the ways of the mystic or divine better than yourself, I came to seek your aid and advice. Advice on that and...another matter as well, one for Founders ears only."
Sighing and seeming to deflate a little bit, Akiros finishes his long speech "As for how to prove I truly am who I say, and not some shapeshifting demon? Several possibilities come to mind, such as the fact that you hold my blade in your hands. Or perhaps the scars upon my body, which you, Jhod, would recognize. But would a shapeshifter be able to duplicate them if it had never seen them? Ah, but, damn it, some of my soldiers have seen me shirtless, and for all I know she could have been any one of them. So, I know not how to prove my identity, and perhaps that is best. For I am sure you, and all those here, would feel more secure if you yourself, dear Magister, devised the means by which you might divine, or I might show, I truly am Akiros Ismort. Whatever your decision though, I ask only that you make it quickly for, despite our enmity, I would not wish Tandlara to die on my watch."
And, standing proud and strong, regardless of the weary droop to his shoulders, Akiros waits to hear the worthy priest's decision.

DM Barcas |

Jhod simply looks at Akiros for a while, allowing a silence to settle between them. The guards seem tense looking back and forward between the two Founders. The cleric unsheathes the sword, examining it closely. He fumbles with it, his unfamiliarity with holding the blade evident. His eyes glow softly as he opens his sight to magical auras. "This is definitely the sword of Akiros Ismort." Jhod looks up at the General, allowing the magical sight to examine him. "There is no sign of illusion on him, but I have no idea if the doppelganger would. But I am not going to let mistrust poison the community." He hands the sword and scabbard to Akiros. "I trust my gut, and my gut's telling me that this is Akiros."

Akiros Ismort |

Akiros takes the sword without a word, simply giving a nod of thanks to the Magister and allowing his eyes to express the full depth of his gratitude.
Buckling on the sword, and batting away with a small grunt of annoyance any spear points still pointing his way, the General is all business, his tone one of confidant command and strict no-nonsense. "Jhod, I'd like you come with me right away, if you can leave your work here. You four" he points to Giergios and the three others "are with us. We return to my quarters post haste to check on the Lady Tandlara."
He then turns to face Giergios, looking at the man intently for several moments before speaking "Guardsman Giergios, it took much bravery and dedication to duty to make the difficult decision that you did, and, despite your being duped by the doppleganger, I believe you made all the right decisions and accorded yourself admirably. Therefore, with the Magister here as witness, I do hereby appoint you temporary acting Captain of The Guard. I am quite sure Founder Berrin shall take up position as Captain upon his return, but I shall ensure that you retain a high standing in the Guard, if that should be where you choose to remain. Otherwise, we can always use could men in the army. Congratulations Captain. I expect you shall not disappoint me."
Assuming Jhod agrees to leave, Akiros then immediately sets off at a brisk pace back to his quarters. He does though allow his stride to slow if necessary to accommodate the older priest. He indicates the guardsmen to remain back several paces, out of easy earshot, and bends his head closer to Jhod as they walk, and says in a very quiet but urgent voice "The other matter I mentioned my friend is one of dire concern to me, perhaps even more so that the threat of this cursed shapeshifter that haunts our town. I have told no other soul of this as yet and now with my telling you, only three on the planet shall now know of it." and he proceeds to relate the tale of the fight with the coven of witches and Tandlara's seeming acceptance of a dark pact with her dark gods, or whatever source she draws her power from. He finishes his story with "As you well know, I have no lost love, and even less trust, for that Elven witch, but regardless of my feelings, she is still a Founder and is trusted by Jemeni and the others. But I fear greatly that every day, with every practice of her dark arts, she looses more and more of whatever small amounts of humanity she had to begin with. If we cannot find a way to curtail or break whatever dark pact she's made, it is my true belief that she could become an even greater threat to Sanctuary than this doppleganger, Malgorzata, could ever be."

Nikolai, of House Rogarvia |

The cloud of violent anger closes around Nikolai's mind. If Verik's lack of respect had provoked the Stag before, the harpy's diving attack proved the final turn of the lock. Blood shoots through his eyes and his face tightens into a fearsome mask.
Charge, Power Attack, Acrobatics check 1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (8) + 4 - 2 = 10
Murder, Death, Kill 1d20 + 10 - 2 ⇒ (19) + 10 - 2 = 27
Confirm threat 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Damage 4d6 + 34 ⇒ (2, 5, 3, 1) + 34 = 45

DM Barcas |

Nikolai spins from his full sprint and rushes the harpy that smashed him with a mace. He raises his greatsword and drives it downward with a crushing force, splitting the harpy into two pieces. Even her blood seems filled with refuse as the sticky, dark fluid clings to his blade. The beautiful song loses one of its voices, with the others changing tune to a chaotic medley of rage and mournfulness.

DM Barcas |

Jhod takes the news about Tandlara in stride. It darkens his countenance as they make their way to her. He speaks to Akiros in a hushed tone. "Tandlara has always been tortured, but her heart is in the right place. She wants so badly to protect what she's built here that she'd be willing to do just about anything for it. I hope it won't come to anything drastic. She just needs a little perspective. Elves don't think the way we do. She's lived more lives than any of us have, seen entire generations come and go. That's got wear on her for a while. It's different for the elves who live with their own kind, but she lives out here with us in the real world."
Akiros gives the password to the guard as they enter her sanctum. Thankfully, he isn't met with the news that "Akiros" is already in there. The guards mill about outside as the two enter the room of the general, chattering amongst themselves when they see the unconscious Founder. Akiros picks her up carefully and brings her into the room, closing the door behind them so that Jhod can examine her in peace. The priest holds his fingers under her throat, holds his face next to her mouth, and opens her eyelids. He follows it up with some casting, obviously further exhausting him.
"The good news is that she seems safe and unharmed. I think she'll be all right as long as we make sure she gets some water and sustenance, but I can't tell if or when she'll wake up. I've heard of such things happening before, but I'm just a country priest. This is the kind of thing that you need an expert for. It's too bad Verik isn't here. He'd love this sort of thing to find the right ritual in a huge library. I'm not sure if it's because she's an elf or if it's because of what you told me, but it could be both. I think we should send a courier to Kyonin."

Jemini of Lebeda |

Initiative 16
AC 24; HP 35/35
Standard action: maintain detect evil
Move actions: move closer to harpies
If evil main harpy: smite evil
Jemini is moving half in trance, her eyes see the spirits awash around her, now colored more against the shades of the rainbow due to her calling upon the gods of righteousness to reveal to her the nature of what she surveys. Her eyes dim slightly with pity for the emaciated enthralled. With a quiet voice, firm and steady, she implores of her friends: "Take care to not harm their captives - these poor people have already suffered enough by the hands of Lamashtu's favored."

Akiros Ismort |

Akiros looks thoughtful as Jhod makes his statements about Tandlara and her Elvish perspective, something he had never really considered in depth before "What you say has merit priest. Perhaps I have been too harsh in my judgement of her. I myself know what it is to...lose loved ones and I...I cannot imagine having to go though that not just once, but many times. And more, know that it will happen again many times more. You have given me much to think on."
When they arrive at his quarters and enter his room, despite his full confidence that Jhod is really himself, Akiros can't help but give a quick look at the symbol in the ground as the Magister walks over it. Feeling a slight release of a tension he hadn't realized was there before it left, he says "I hope you are right, for now, perhaps more than ever before, Sanctuary needs all of her protectors that she has. We shall do as you say, and send the courier. But there is something else as well. See you that mark there? That is what caused Tandlara to collapse, she intoned some dark spell, using her blood and my name, and when done claimed that if the shapeshifter walked over that mark it would be revealed. She collapsed soon after. I have me the beginnings of a plan on how it may be used. But, it involves some risk, and I am quite sure you will not like it."

DM Barcas |

The harpy that struck Nikolai glows with the familiar aura of evil just before Nikolai viciously cuts it down in retaliation. The oldest one hovers on dirty wings, out of range of her magical sight, but she is clearly incorrigibly evil and vile. Jemini takes a moment to summon the righteous will of her gods and focus it upon the creature.
Jemini, you're smiting evil against the main harpy. You'll have to get her to come down or use ranged attacks, because she is about 40 feet in the air and still a good 60 feet away.
Round 4, Initiative 14
Enthralled Humans (x4): hp 5/10; AC8/8T/8FF; -2R/+1F/-2W
The four men shamble towards the oncoming group that they see as enemies. They raise their hands and rusted weapons to attack, unfocused eyes on those that threaten the harpies that have entranced them. They look slightly less confused with only two voices instead of three, but still intent on doing their bidding.
The enthralled men are now within charging range for pretty much everyone.
24 Zander
22 Young Harpy
21 Older Harpy
19 Nikolai
16 Jemini
14 Enthralled Humans
11 Berrin
10 Verik
7 Taisper

Berrin Myrdal |

Round 4, Initiative 11
AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 18, CMD 18, FF-CMD 17
hp; 44/44
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will -2
Conditions; Fatigued, Shaken, Captivated
Berrin continues his walk toward the harpies, looking from one to the next he turns and twists, torn between who to head to, but in the end he heads toward the younger monster whose song calls him to it.
FRA; Double move toward the younger harpy.

Verik of Abadar |

Round 4, Initiative 10
HP 28/28; AC20/10T/20F
Current Conditions: Shaken
Spell Durations: Pro. From Evil 39 rds (Berrin) (2nd save vs charm failed but other affects still apply)
Free: Speak
MA: Move 30' (to keep up w/ Jemini)
SA: Cast Shield of Faith on Jemini
"I cannot free him..." Verik helplessly watches Berrin walk away towards the harpies despite his warding, with Zander now too far for him to try another attempt. I am not strong enough to break it...the fear I feel...is my resolve too weak or my dedication?
Time seems to move slowly once again for Verik, as he takes in the carnage of a wounded Nikolai's retaliation upon the younger harpy, the subsequent lessening of their song and Jemini's words as she resolutely moves towards the eldest and strongest foe. Looking down at the frozen ground where the beast's enchanted arrow struck near her, Verik's sense of time snaps back into place and he makes a decision.
"Right." Abruptly moving forward even as he readies his shield against a harpy attack, he shouts towards Nikolai and Taisper, "Listen to Jemini - DO NOT HARM THESE MEN! END THE SONG!"
As Verik closes with Jemini he reaches out to touch her shoulder, a brief sense of strangeness and wonder flickering in his mind as he's reminded she is real. Uttering a prayer of protection to Abadar, he infuses her with a brief golden aura that only adds to her beautiful and holy challenge against the harpy elder.
Shield of Faith, +2 Deflection AC to Jemini for 40 Rounds - AC 26 total
"I will stand with you Jemini, and bolster your might to take down these wretched beasts! They cannot hold against the chosen agents of Abadar and Iomedae!"

DM Barcas |

Round 4, Initiative 7
Taisper: 24/24 hp; AC 18/12T/17FF; +6F/+3R/+10W
FA: Drop light crossbow
MA: Move 60', draw morningstar
SA: castigate (DC 16) vs. Young Harpy
-> Will save 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
--> Falling damage 3d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 3) = 10
Taisper darts directly below the younger of the two harpies, who hovers a good thirty feet above the ground. From his vantage point, the song is a powerful pull. The young inquisitor can understand how one of a weak mind could fall prey to its lure, but the foul creature has bewitched his friends. He points at it accusingly and shouts loudly above the music. "False prophet! The eternal eye of Abadar is upon you!" The harpy looks down at him with a smirk and a trilling laugh while continuing her song. Suddenly, the gold glow from his eyes explodes and covers his whole body. He speaks with a thousand voices as he finishes his spell. "YOUR FALSE SONG ENDS NOW!" The harpy screeches and covers her face with her hands, falling out of the sky with a howl of terror. She slams to the ground, narrowly missing young Taisper, who steps out of the way of the falling harpy. He twirls his morningstar a bit as the glow returns to his eyes.
Young Harpy: 14/24 hp, AC 11/11T/11FF, +2F/+9R/+4W
The effect of the song will fade off and end after Taisper's turn next round.
24 Zander
22 Young Harpy
21 Older Harpy
19 Nikolai
16 Jemini
14 Enthralled Humans
11 Berrin
10 Verik
7 Taisper

Akiros Ismort |

Akiros nods and says "Just a moment."
Not knowing the extent of the mind reading abilities of the shapeshifter, but hoping to give it as little chance of disturbing his plan as possible, Juma opens the door to the room and gives a quick but stern order to the soldiers and guards standing about "Everyone out of this building! Now! Set up a perimeter of 20' around the building and see that no one comes any closer until I say otherwise! Move!"
Waiting a few moments to see that his orders are carried out to his satisfaction, Akiros then goes back into his room, again securely closing the door. Sitting down and leaning in towards Jhod, in a quiet voice he lays out his plan. "We need to somehow make the shapeshifter enter this room and this is the only way I can think of to make it do so. From this moment on, I shall remain in this room alongside Tandlara. When you leave here, or soon thereafter, you tell the story that the founder has fallen under some terrible, contagious disease, and that any who have come in close physical contact with her, namely myself, are at grave risk of contracting the disease and must remain in quarenteene. Perhaps it would be wisest to see that the soldier who had been guarding these quarters, and the four guardsmen who accompanied us here remain in quarantine as well. Make it clear that the disease needs physical contact to spread, but they are being quarantined merely as a precaution. Next you indicate that none may enter my quarters except for yourself, as your divine boons protect you from risk of catching the disease. In a day or so you spread word that both Tandlara and I were in serious condition, but that you are confidant that, given a little time, we shall make a full recovery. This, I hope, will give the shapeshifter enough motivation to try coming in here, impersonating you, and try to finish us both off while we are 'weakened'. Once it steps over Tandlara's magic symbol and reveals itself, I shall slay it."
Here the general pauses for a few beats, assessing how the magister seems to be taking in his plan thus far. His gaze then becoming even more intense, he takes a breath and continues "And here is the part I believe you shall like the least. If it is true that this shapeshifter reads minds, then your story shall have to be a true one. Thus you shall have to inflict me, or perhaps us both, with a serious disease. Of course make sure it is one that you believe you can cure or that we can recover from! But there must be visible signs of it, and, for our plan to work, I believe we must truly be afflicted with it."
Leaning back slightly, but still speaking in a quiet voice, he finishes "So? What think you of my mad plan, priest? Feel free to add to, or change it as you see fit"

DM Barcas |

Round 5, Initiative 24
Zander's pace slows as he seems to recover from the beastly creature's mind-addling song, which stopped when she struck the ground. While the older harpy continues to sing, it does not seem to have the same power that it did at the beginning when she was singing the same song as her younger counterparts.
Round 5, Initiative 22
Young Harpy: 14/24 hp, AC 7/7T/7FF, +2F/+9R/+4W
Will save (DC 15): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
The young harpy, prone and cowering, seems to gather her wits. She coughs a few times in a rasp, trying to start her song again. She looks up at Taisper, still swinging his morningstar. The fear of his god is not present in her eyes as it was when affected by his spell, but her fear of Taisper certainly has not abated.
Round 5, Initiative 21
Harpy: 58/58 hp, AC 16/13T/13FF, +5F/+11R/+10W
FA: Maintain performance
FRA: Longbow vs. Nikolai 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16
-> Damage 1d8 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (8) + 2 + (6) = 16
Longbow vs. Nikolai 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
-> Damage 1d8 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (7) + 2 + (5) = 14
The older harpy's song builds to a crescendo of pain and loss, clearly horrified by the death of the younger at Nikolai's hands. She sends two arrows at him, though her hands and voice both tremble with rage. In his anger-fueled reckless charge, the former Stag Lord has left himself open. The first arrow strikes him squarely in the back, its frosty enchantment spreading across his massive back. He turns, only to have the second one strike him in the side. The huge warrior falls to a knee briefly before standing. The arrows would have easily killed a man of lesser strength and ferocity, but still he stands. The ice from the arrows frosts his armor and skin, which is turning blue and black near the wound. Even the blood spilling from the arrow's point of entry has frozen.
24 Zander
22 Young Harpy
21 Older Harpy
19 Nikolai
16 Jemini
14 Enthralled Humans
11 Berrin
10 Verik
7 Taisper

Jemini of Lebeda |

Round 5, Initiative 16
AC 26 (32vsSmittenHarpy); HP 35/35
Smite, shield of faith
Move, and taunt as standard action
Jemini keeps moving forward, towards the head harpy. She brandishes her sword toward it - her hair carried in the wind and her eyes piercing and sharp. "You and your demon goddess pale before the blinding virtues of Iomedae, the compassion of Sarenrae, and the wisdom of Irori! Surrender your captives and flee - or come to me and receive judgment!"
Intimidate to taunt (or whatever suitable effect) 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33

DM Barcas |

Jhod looks at Akiros with an incredulous look on his face. "You're right, that plan is mad. Where would I even find a disease that would fit your needs? Do I look like a worshiper of Lamashtu? Even if we were to find one, what if she reads my mind? She'll know that it's a trap. Why don't I just spread the word that your injuries are taking longer to heal than I expected. It's true that you were badly injured by that hag."He Jhod stands and paces for a minute, rubbing his beard. "It's a good idea, but I will have to leave town myself to avoid accidentally letting her know. I can tell them that I have to go to Oleg's for reagents. That way, if you see me before two weeks, it is most likely the doppelganger. She would likely take my form, given that opportunity."
Remember that the symbol must be activated with Akiros's blood. Merely walking over it will not set it off.

Nikolai, of House Rogarvia |

Round 5, Initiative 14
AC 19; HP 17/47 (uh oh)
Power Attack, rage (5 rounds left)
charge fallen harpy
In the deep recesses of his clouded mind, a Nikolai's pride hurts more than the arrows that pierce him. In waking moments, he would narrow his eyes and curse the older harpy while drawing his bow, all to hurt the one who hurt him first. But fogged with rage, the Stag sees only the wounded harpy on the ground, vulnerable and accessible. The monster begs for death, and Nikolai thoughtlessly ignores the greater threat to oblige the lesser.
charge fallen harpy 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21
damage 2d6 + 16 ⇒ (3, 4) + 16 = 23

DM Barcas |

Round 5, Initiative 14
As Nikolai's blade ends the resurgent song of the fallen harpy, the enthralled men shambling towards them stop and drop their weapons. They simply stand, blank-eyed, and look at the scene unfolding in front of them. Gregary seems to have a flicker of recognition, but stands quietly as the magical enslavement fades.
24 Zander
22 Young Harpy
21 Older Harpy
19 Nikolai
16 Jemini
14 Enthralled Humans
11 Berrin
10 Verik
7 Taisper

Berrin Myrdal |

Round 5, initiative 11
AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 18, CMD 18, FF-CMD 17
hp; 44/44
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will -2
Conditions; Fatigued, Shaken, Captivated
Berrin stops in his tracks, a look of confusion on his face as he stares at the dead harpy by Nikoli's feet. Glancing around a flicker of recognition crosses his eyes as an insistent feeling rises in his gut. 'Danger! Beware!'
"..Whaa..?" Taking in the scene Berrin slowly reaches behind his shoulders for the hilt of his greatsword, a look of slow realization taking shape on his face.
FRA; Do nothing.

Verik of Abadar |

Round 5, Initiative 10
HP 28/28; AC20/10T/20F
Current Conditions: Shaken
Spell Durations: Spiritual Weapon 4 rds, Shield of Faith 39 rds (Jemini), Pro. From Evil 38 rds (Berrin)
Free: Speak
MA: Move 30' (to keep up w/ Jemini)
SA: Cast Spiritual Weapon vs. Harpy (med. rg spell)
Verik moves forward once again to keep pace with Jemini's brilliantly bold presence, noting her actions to try and bring the harpy's attentions onto her and away from Nikolai. Verik can feel the spell breaking with the brutal but effective actions of Nikolai, knowing he must do what he can to harry and misdirect the enemy.
"Master, I once more beseech your aid for a weapon of your divine inspiration to slay this spawn!" The air shimmers in front of the cleric as golden motes of light form the shape of a finely crafted golden light crossbow, elaborately engraved on the stock and crossbar. It streaks forward to the harpy at almost a ridiculously short distance and loads itself a bolt with a series of mechanical clicks and whirls, then releases the golden bolt directly at the harpy's head.
Spiritual Weapon vs. Harpy w/ Shaken 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 7 - 2 = 23
Hit! Force Damage 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
The harpy suddenly twists in the air to try and escape the bolt, not quite believing what she sees before her until it is too late. The bolt's impact hits her solidly in her crusty feathered shoulder near her wing.
Verik almost jumps a jig as he watches the bolt fly, though he stands shoulder-to-shoulder with Jemini and has his shield raised before him. "HA! TAKE THAT YOU FILTHY FESTERING BUZZARD! If only you could COMPREHEND the proper tongue of your BETTERS, I'd say your offspring are only good for the flames of a roasting spit!"

DM Barcas |

Round 5, Initiative 7
Taisper: 24/24 hp; AC 18/12T/17FF; +6F/+3R/+10W
MA: Stow mace
SA: Cure Light Wounds, Nikolai 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Taisper sort of shrugs as Nikolai kills the harpy in front of him, as if mildly disappointed. He puts the mace away and looks up at the harpy still in the sky, quickly running through his options. He reaches over absent-mindedly and calls upon Abadar to heal Nikolai, the arrow wounds knitting shut as he does. The heat from the healing cracks the ice still clinging to Nikolai, his skin turning from blue to its normal hue.
Harpy: 52/58 hp, AC 16/13T/13FF, +3F/+9R/+8W (shaken)
24 Zander
21 Older Harpy
19 Nikolai
16 Jemini
11 Berrin
10 Verik
7 Taisper

Warden Zander Orlovsky |

Round 6, initiative 24
AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 15, CMD 22
hp 36/36
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +4
Zander seemingly comes to his senses. The sun on his face seems a shock to him. A hand goes to his face and the realization that the helm was gone strikes him like a weapon blow. Confused, he starts to look around until he spots the ragged looking Gregary. "Gregary? How did you...?" Forgetting his current condition, Zander rushes to his follower's side.
Zander moves to Gregary. Will only take action (shoot if possible) if approached by the Harpy.

DM Barcas |

Round 6, Initiative 21
Harpy: 52/58 hp, AC 16/13T/13FF, +3F/+9R/+8W (shaken)
FRA: Longbow vs. Jemini 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28
Longbow vs. Nikolai 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
-> Damage 1d8 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (8) + 2 + (2) = 12
The harpy continues her song, its melody filled with rage and hate, will strumming her longbow with arrows. She sends one rushing towards Jemini, whose words clearly rattle her. The arrow flies perfectly towards her heart, a clear kill shot, but Jemini takes a deft series of small steps and spins around the arrow, which harmlessly hits the ground behind her. Clearly, her blessing of seeing a moment ahead in times of danger has saved her again. The harpy snarls, an abrupt and brutal stop to the song, and launches a second arrow at Nikolai instead as he kills the second of the downed harpies. It pierces his skin, driving deep into his flesh with biting cold.
24 Zander
21 Harpy
19 Nikolai
16 Jemini
11 Berrin
10 Verik
7 Taisper

Taisper Stozs |

Taisper watches out of the corner of his eye as Zander moves towards Gragary, waiting to see what comes of it, but most of his attention is focused on the remaining harpy and the...shambling men approaching. "Zander! Man, watch out! You don't know if his mind is his own!"

Verik of Abadar |

Round 6, Initiative 10
HP 28/28; AC20/10T/20F
Current Conditions: Shaken
Spell Durations: Shield of Faith 38 rds (Jemini), Pro. From Evil 37 rds (Berrin), Spiritual Weapon 3 rds
Free: Speak, Attack w/ Spiritual Weapon
MA: Move 30' (to close range w/ Harpy)
SA: Use Command (Su) vs. Harpy (close. rg)
Verik moves forward even as the deadly arrow streaks past Jemini, watching the harpy closely as she attacks them, a possibility springing to his mind. Even as he moves his sacred golden crossbow continues to sway in front of the harpy, audibly clicking another shimmering bolt into place with steady, emotionless precision. It fires a second time to hammer at the creature, this time solidly in her thigh as she attempts to dodge up and out of the way.
Spiritual Weapon vs. Harpy w/ Shaken 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (19) + 7 - 2 = 24
Hit! Crit Confirm 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (16) + 7 - 2 = 21
Force Damage 2d8 + 2 ⇒ (6, 4) + 2 = 12
Harpy 40/58 hp
Verik finds himself far too close to his liking, his shield raised before him yet seeming too small to cover himself versus the beast's deadly attacks. He nearly gulps as he tries to clear his throat, and then finding his courage he points at her and shouts out boldly. "How dare you wield the sacred weapon of Erastil against superior men before you! By the will of the Lawgiver, DROP that longbow from your foul claws!"
Command - Harpy Will Save vs. DC 15 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
Aww well can't win em all :)

Nikolai, of House Rogarvia |

Round 6, Initiative 19
HP 5/47; AC20/10T/20F
Current Conditions: Rage
His upper lip curls in a disapproving sneer as Verik attempts to talk the harpy down. The big barbarian drops his greatsord to the ground and un shoulders his bow in one move...taking several steps to stand directly under the harpy. His muscles still quiver with hate as he draws a single arrow and takes brief aim, releasing it upwards toward his adversary.
Shoot the harpy 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
damage 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Jemini of Lebeda |

Round 6, Initiative 16
AC 26 (32vsSmittenHarpy); HP 35/35
Move action: to Nikolai
Standard action: lay on hands (includes mercy: fatigue)
Jemini's feet carry her swiftly to Nikolai, her hand reaches out well before she is next to him and words of prayer soundlessly escape her lips. When her hands touch him a soothing glow wraps about the huge man, then rapidly sinks into him.
Lay on hands (mercy: fatigue) 1d6 ⇒ 3

Taisper Stozs |

As the chaos of the fight twists around him, Taisper takes time to raise his defenses. He turns to look where Zander is standing so close to Gregary -- or what remains of him, anyway -- and nods as if in agreement with an unheard voice. Speaking clearly in celestial, he calls down the golden light of protection, wrapping Abadar's power around himself. Then, as he uses his augmented speed to get close to the White Stag, he shrugs one shoulder and sticks his left arm out straight for his shield, released by a clever sling he had custom-made, to slide down and into position. Walking over to Zander and the ex-Gregary, Taisper stands with his hand hovering by the handle of his morningstar, ready to jump in and pull the ranger back, or strike down the youngster if he has become...unliving.
"Zander, be careful!" he calls out, still unsure whether or not his friend has completely returned to his senses.
Round 6 - Initiative 7
Buffs: Shield of Faith (+2AC, etc.), Expeditious Retreat (+30ft. move)
HP: 24/24 AC: 23/14/22; Saves: +6F/+3R/+10W
SA: Cast Shield of Faith
MA: To Zander
Swift: Quickdraw shield (as part of move)

Warden Zander Orlovsky |

Round 7, initiative 24
AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 15, CMD 22
hp 36/36
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +4
FA:Rapid Shot at Harpy: 1 hit; Leav34/58 hp.
Hearing Verick's and Taisper's yells, Zander looks back over his shoulder and sees the wounded Nikolai, and the flying woman? above.....The last of the fog from his mind lifts...these men, Gregary, are ragged and this creature...she had called to him...to reduce him to a slave....until...and I went WILLINGLY! Or so I thought! "You MONSTER! I am my own man!"
Two arrows fly without the merest thought. The first wild in his rage, but the second strikes home.
Rapid Shot Masterwork Longbow, Composite (Str +2) -> 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
Rapid Shot Masterwork Longbow, Composite (Str +2) -> 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
Masterwork Longbow, Composite (Str +2) Damage -> 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Berrin Myrdal |

Round 6, initiative 11
AC 19 (21 vs. evil), touch 12(14 vs. evil), flat-footed 18(20 vs evil), CMD 18, FF-CMD 17
hp; 44/44
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will -2 (+0)
Conditions; Fatigued, Shaken, Protection from Evil
MA: Draw Longbow.
SA: Attack Harpy--> 1d20 + 6 - 3 ⇒ (19) + 6 - 3 = 22 HIT! for 1d8 ⇒ 3 dmg.
Fingers still shaking Berrin adopts a look of firm resolution, focusing his attention on the flying harpy, as he instead grabs his longbow and nocks and arrow to it. Drawing the bow takes all his strength, his fingers shake and sweat creases his brow as he takes aim at the monster. Falling back to days past he tries to remember what his old sergeant screamed into his ear as he aimed at the straw targets. Setting his feet and focusing his breathing he looks down the arrow shaft with the harpy in sight and lets loose.
Berrin sags at the effort of shooting the bow but smiles grimly as the arrow clips the harpy on the brow, drawing a thin line of red on her forehead.
Harpy: 43/58 hp, AC 16/13T/13FF, +3F/+9R/+8W (shaken)

DM Barcas |

Round 7, Initiative 21
Harpy: 31/58 hp, AC 16/13T/13FF, +3F/+9R/+8W (shaken)
MA: Fly 50'
SA: Longbow vs. Nikolai 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24
-> Damage 1d8 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (7) + 2 + (3) = 12
The harpy continues her song as she turns to soar away from the group that has killed her two fellow harpies. The group's arrows stick out of her as her blood spills through the air and are pulled down by gravity. She flies towards the tower, spinning before she reaches it to launch another arrow. It flies true and strikes Nikolai in the chest. The hulking man collapses as his rage and consciousness leave him. Her song becomes triumphant as she enacts revenge on the man who killed both the harpies. Nikolai starts spitting up blood, clearly not long for the world.
Nikolai is at -12 (8 to -4, rage ends dropping another 8 hit points to -12), unconscious, and dying.
24 Zander
21 Harpy
19 Nikolai
16 Jemini
11 Berrin
10 Verik
7 Taisper

Akiros Ismort |

Jhod looks at Akiros with an incredulous look on his face. "You're right, that plan is mad. Where would I even find a disease that would fit your needs? Do I look like a worshiper of Lamashtu? Even if we were to find one, what if she reads my mind? She'll know that it's a trap. Why don't I just spread the word that your injuries are taking longer to heal than I expected. It's true that you were badly injured by that hag."He Jhod stands and paces for a minute, rubbing his beard. "It's a good idea, but I will have to leave town myself to avoid accidentally letting her know. I can tell them that I have to go to Oleg's for reagents. That way, if you see me before two weeks, it is most likely the doppelganger. She would likely take my form, given that opportunity."
Remember that the symbol must be activated with Akiros's blood. Merely walking over it will not set it off.
Yes, that needing to activate with blood and then only lasting an hour makes it very tricky indeed...
His head beginning to hurt with the combination of lack of sleep and the convolutions needed to try and outwit a shapeshifting mindreader, Akiros puts his hands to his temples and leans back, rubbing them as he speaks. "Damn it, yes, you are of course right priest. And you idea is a solid one, but I cannot have you truly gone for two weeks at a time like this. Perhaps you can ride out say, for a day, and then return and hide somewhere in the city but nearby, where you could hear any commotion that went on here. Only I would know you were truly here. Perhaps even a double dressed like you could continue on to Oleg's and stays for the two weeks, impersonating you, in case the witch has spies who report to her. Ha!" the general barks, [b]"Would be a treat to catch that damned doppleganger using one of it's own tricks!"
His expression and tone rapidly growing weary and grim again he continues "And even this plan carries much risk, but unless you can think of a better, I can think of no other way. What worries me most though is activating the damn spell in time. Do you by chance know of any way to extend or, I don't know the activation easier? If not, I shall simply somehow have to make do."
Finally, mustering his strength, Akiros stands and, given the circumstances, gives his best attempt at a grin, attempting to lighten the situation at least a little "At the very worst, I'll certainly enjoy the couple days of bedrest!"

Akiros Ismort |

Was thinking perhaps I should detail more of Akiros' plan...
Unless Jhod has anything more to add to the mad plan, Akiros will proceed with what he has in mind. Stripping off his armor and most of his clothes, he gently reopens some of the wounds he recently received, so as to have them bleed, and then has Jhod rebind them, so the blood soaks through a bit (if it's necessary to lose some hp over this, let me know).
His sword in it's sheath will be propped up and away from him to look as if it is beyond his reach, but it will be just within it if he moves a certain way. An unsheathed dagger will be hidden underneath his right thigh, easily accessible by him.
He will also consult with Jhod as to if it is possible to leave a small dish with some of his blood hidden unobtrusively near the symbol and if something can be done to prevent the blood from clotting and drying. Perhaps some herbs or alcohol or such. His plan being able to kick it over onto the symbol should the (disguised) doppleganger show itself.
He will also ask Jhod for something that will make him sweat profusely and thus appear feverish. Only one or two servants will be able to attend him and he will be fully aware that the shapeshifter could come disguised as one of those as well.
There will be a standing order to all guards, soldiers and servants that no one, other than Jhod, shall be allowed to enter unless the General is awake and gives them permission to do so. He will call on his soldier's training to only sleep very lightly, and even then only in 20 minute shifts.
For the moment, this is all he can think of to ready himself for the inevitable showdown with the Malgorzata.