DM Barcas - Kingmaker: Rivers Run Red

Game Master Isaac Duplechain

As Newhaven rises, threats besiege it from all directions. To the north, the news of the last heir of House Rogarvia threatens the start of a new war. To the south, an empire of trolls and monsters grows.

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DMPC - Nikolai Rogarvia
Round 2, Initiative 20
hp 33/33; AC 15/10T/14FF; +3F/+5R/+3W

SwA: Arcane Strike
FRA: Charge - Greatsword vs. Lizardfolk (N23) 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
-> Damage 2d6 + 11 ⇒ (4, 2) + 11 = 17

Nikolai spurs forward and continues his deadly charge into the ranks of the marauders, splitting open one of the larger bandits with his greatsword. The blade streaks with a magical, fiery energy as he brings it in an upward arc that fells his enemy easily.

Round 2, Initiative 20

Lizardfolk (U24)
hp 1/11; AC17/10T/17FF; +4F/+0R/+0W
Handaxe vs. Jemini 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Bite vs. Jemini 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (6) + 0 = 6

Nearly pinned to the ground by Berrin's javelin, the raider desperately tries to ward Jemini off to no avail. The risen paladin easily steps out of the way, moved long before the lizard-man's handaxe or snapping jaw lash out at her.

Lizardfolk (L23)
hp 11/11; AC15/7T/15FF; +4F/+0R/+0W
Charge - Handaxe vs. Nikolai 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
-> Damage 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Another of the creatures rushes towards Berrin, its axe biting at his flesh with a shallow cut. The large man looks over at the raider with a flash of rage, but the raider prepares to attack again.

Lizardfolk (V30)
hp 11/11; AC17/10T/17FF; +4F/+0R/+0W
Handaxe vs. Gnome (U29) 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Bite vs. Gnome (U29) 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (19) + 0 = 19
-> Damage 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

The attack on the gnomes takes on a new feverish urgency as the interlopers arrive. One nearly takes another gnome down with a bite of his jaws, but the small merchant is able to avoid a second strike with the axe.

Lizardfolk (S32)
hp 11/11; AC17/10T/17FF; +4F/+0R/+0W
Move: S32 to X23

Lizardfolk (F21)
hp 11/11; AC17/10T/17FF; +4F/+0R/+0W
Move: F33 to F21

Two more of the lizardfolk raiders move around the caravan to better position themselves against their attackers, following the edge of the melee to seek out a good place to strike out.

Round 2, Initiative 20
Lizardfolk Leader: hp 37/50; AC 15/8T/15FF (+2 vs Berrin); +8F/+1R/+1W

SwA: Challenge vs Berrin
FRA: Charge - Trident vs. Berrin 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26
-> Damage 1d8 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16

The leader of the raiders bursts forward, his mount skittering with surprising speed. The only target he has a straight line to is Berrin, who looks up after throwing the javelin to see the lizardfolk rushing straight towards him. He shouts loudly in Draconic as he charges Berrin. "Shatktaa fesshtuishka-ang gronak gronakka!" He wields a vicious-looking trident, holding it with both hands and some skill. He collides with Berrin with great force, thrusting the spearlike weapon deep into his side. Blood spurts from the wound as the three-pronged shaft tears loose a chunk of flesh.

"Watch me throw down their strongest warrior!"

Lizardfolk Leader's Mount: hp 28/28; AC 15/10T/14FF; +10F/+4R/+2W

FRA: Charge - Bite vs. Valnyr 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
-> Confirm 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
--> Damage 4d6 + 20 ⇒ (4, 3, 6, 1) + 20 = 34

The great lizard that serves as the lizardfolk's mount leaps forward with a snapping jaw, closing directly on Valnyr's neck. There is a sickening crunch of bone and a tearing sound as the lizard wrenches its head side-to-side, tearing out sinew and muscle. Its maw drips with the valiant horse's blood as Valnyr falls to the ground. The horse squeals in horror and pain as he collapses, its breaths making a gurgling sound that any warrior recognizes as a creature's last remaining labored breaths.

Berrin Ride DC 15 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Location: 1d12 ⇒ 3 -> W14

Berrin is thrown from the saddle, going into a roll to avoid Valnyr falling on him. Flat on his back, he looks up to see the giant lizard's blood-slicked maw snapping open and shut on the other side of his fallen mount.

Looks like Valnyr is still alive, as the standard heavy horse has 21 Constitution. He's at -15 and dying, though, and Berrin is prone in W14.

Map (Top)
Map (Bottom)

24 Jemini
20 Nikolai
20 Lizardfolk
16 Zander
14 Verik
9 Kobolds
6 Berrin
5 Taisper

Male Human Fighter (Archer) 6

Round 2, Initiative 16
hp 36/36; AC 20/15T/15FF; +5F/+6R/+3W
FA Rapid shot at Big Lizard, 5' adjust east

Zander's grin fades as he watches the collision of beasts and Berrin thrown to the ground.

Damnation, Verik! Zander tries to take aim at the lizard mount, clearly a danger to the prone Berrin, but Verik's head keeps bobbing into view. He can't risk putting a little more power into the shot, not with Verik's melon bobbing like it is.

Rapid Shot #1 vs soft cover-> 1d20 + 9 - 4 ⇒ (15) + 9 - 4 = 20
Composite longbow damage -> 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Rapid Shot #2 at 1 range increment-> 1d20 + 9 - 4 ⇒ (13) + 9 - 4 = 18
Composite longbow damage -> 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Edit to Round 1. Looks like I had a copy and paste error and accidentally carried a -2 to attack for range into my damage calculation. Should by an extra 4 on the Lizard King if allowed.

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14

Round 2, Initiative 14
HP 28/28; AC22/12T/22F
Current Effects: Shield of Faith, Bull’s Strength

SA: Channel Energy from atop Horse (non-moving)
Swift: Expend Hero Point (for extra Std Action)
SA: Cast Bull’s Strength on Self from atop Horse (non-moving)
MA: Move 30’ with Virtue to R-S 14-15 and drawing heavy mace

Channel Energy 2d6 ⇒ (4, 3) = 7

Verik watches with horror as Valynr and Berrin go down under the sound of the terrible impact and a spray of blood. Oh no not like Stagfall not again, not here like this we…

Two of Zander’s arrows audibly streaking by his head towards the enemy breaks him out of his inaction. DO something blast you!

Gauging the distance he closes his eyes briefly and clangs his symbol to his breastplate, resulting in a burst of white light that reaches to Zander, Berrin and Valynr, but falls short from the leader of the lizardfolk, his mount and the slain kobold nearby.

”Lawgiver grant me STRENGTH to squash these VERMIN!” Shouting his prayer almost in a rapid harsh guttural battle cry, nevertheless a golden flash from his symbol seems to indicate he has been heard by the Master, and he spurs Virtue forward in a bold forward canter as he draws his heavy mace, coming up just a few feet short as he forces the warrior to make a clear choice between himself and Berrin. Verik’s face is contorted and scarlet as he forcefully bangs his mace against his shield. ”YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!”

Round 2, Initiative 9

Kobold (X14): hp 5/5; AC13/10T/12FF; +2F/+1R/-1W
FRA: Charge - Spear vs. Berrin 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Kobold (X13): hp 5/5; AC13/10T/12FF; +2F/+1R/-1W
FRA: Charge - Spear vs. Berrin 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Kobold (X15): hp 5/5; AC13/10T/12FF; +2F/+1R/-1W
FRA: Charge - Spear vs. Berrin 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

The nearest kobold runs towards the still-prone Berrin, screaming its shrill cry and holding its spear above its head. Berrin rolls out of the way as the kobold thrusts the head of the spear into the ground with a squeal. Others rush to swarm the fallen warrior, thrusting their spears at him. He dodges all of the spear attacks, letting his armor take a few and simply getting out of the way for the rest. Still, they will soon overwhelm him with sheer numbers.

Kobold (W17): hp 5/5; AC13/10T/12FF; +2F/+1R/-1W
FRA: Charge - Spear vs. Valnyr 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
-> Damage 1d6 - 1 ⇒ (5) - 1 = 4

Kobold (X17): hp 5/5; AC13/10T/12FF; +2F/+1R/-1W
FRA: Charge - Spear vs. Valnyr 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
-> Damage 1d6 - 1 ⇒ (5) - 1 = 4

As the kobolds swarm Berrin, several swarm his horse as well, jabbing Valnyr with their spears. The horse lays motionless, blessedly unconcious, as the sharp points of the spears puncture its flesh. They cackle maniacally as the horse awakes with a start and a scream of pain.

All other Kobolds: hp 5/5; AC15/12T/14FF; +2F/+1R/-1W
Double Move

The rest of the kobolds swarm around the caravan, taking care to avoid both Jemini and Nikolai. Most of them angle towards Berrin, looking to swarm him completely, but a few move towards Verik and Taisper cautiously.
Map (Top)
Map (Bottom)

Round 2, initiative 6
AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 18
hp; 33/44
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +0
Conditions; None.

Kobolt AoO 1; 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Kobolt AoO 2; 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Kobolt AoO 3; 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Rolling around in the grass to avoid the kobolts spears Berrin feels an anger welling inside him, the sight of Valnyr lying motionless and bleeding burnt into his minds eye. Hearing the horse scream out in pain makes somthing snap inside him. Rising up with a roar Berrin bats aside the flailing spears and pulls out his greatsword, ready to lay waste to the lizards.

MA Stand up from prone.
MA Draw greatsword

Male Human Heretic 5 Master of Many Styles 1

Round 2, Initiative 5
AC 22 (no shield yet), HP 26/26, Buffs: SoF (+2AC), J/P (+1AC)
DC16 Concentration Check to cast while galloping: 1d20 + 4 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 4 + 3 = 21
Swift: Judgment/Protection
SA: Cast Shield of Faith
MA: draw morningstar
Horse gallops to R13(ish) (double move)

"Dammit, dammit dammit!" Taisper's face sets in a determined expression and he whips the reins to send his horse galloping towards the thickest knot of enemies, and the enemy leader. En route he gathers what divine protection he can, causing his body to become halated in gold as he rockets across across the battlefield. His magicked morningstar finds its way into his hand as he prepares to join the fight.

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14

Just clarifying with respect to the top map that Verik is at R-S 14-15 if/when the Lizard Leader decides to move.

Also Berrin, unless I'm missing a calculation I think you're 35/44hp, so an extra 2hp never hurts.

Male Human Samurai-Ronin 4/ Oracle-Battle 3 | AC 24/ T12/ F23, HP73, F+8/ R +4/ W +7, Init +1(Roll twice), Percep +6, Sense Motive +10
DM Barcas wrote:

Corwin seems to accept Akiros's proposal. While he does not seem pleased about it, he saved some face in front of his men by not simply capitulating to Akiros's initial command. To do so would be to invite disrespect and marginalization, something that the Captain of the Guard cannot tolerate. A force of watchmen requires discipline and heirarchy, and to appear weak and trifling at this point would only further fuel the discord and discontent of the guards. He nods his assent to the guards and soldiers, who leave immediately to start spreading word throughout the city.

Akiros and Corwin return to the Founder's Hall, where Tandlara icily greets their return with her alien gaze. Systematically, the three of them question the guards, starting with those caught with the children. A disturbing narrative develops, similar in each retelling: several of the guards in question each recall going to a tavern at the end of their shift, where they were approached by a beautiful woman. They describe the women in such disparate terms that there must be more than one. The women, in each case, were intoxicating in their smile and laugh, with whispers of carnal promises. None recall leaving the taverns, however, or the nights that followed. Each of the bewitched guards recalls going about their normal business the following night, then suddenly nothing again. Only the ones who were caught recalls anything to do with children, and they describes it as if they had fallen asleep in the middle of theirshift and only awoke when their comrades asked what they was doing.

There are only a few small taverns in the city, mostly just what is available in the inns. Likewise, there are a finite supply of beautiful women. Either would be an excellent place to start an investigation.

I was rolling an Intimidate in response mostly to show a battle of wills and intimidation. Sort of like when two people are angry and getting in each other's face. It's a matter of who back down first.

Akiros relaxed slightly, although it was not visible to others, as Corwin accepted his olive branch of a suggestion. He well understood the man's reasons for acting as he did. Moreover, he liked and respected the tough and honest Captain of the Guard and would have greatly regretted having to harm him. When they next had a chance to be in private, he would apologize further to his friend.

When they reenter the Hall, Akiros returns Tandlara's look, his own gaze offering nothing whatsoever. As they question the guards and the disturbing and strange story unfolds, the samurai once again wishes that the others were here, as he was far more comfortable fighting enemies of flesh and bone than strange assailants who attack the mind and come in the form of beautiful women. Nevertheless though, he would accept this responsibility and protect this city! At all costs.

First making sure neither of the others have any more questions, Akiros dismisses the guards and once they are out of earshot, first turns to Corwin "The final choice is yours of course, but I would like those men suspended from active duty, with pay, and discreetly observed for the next few nights. If these women have already gained a hold over their minds they are not likely to simply let them go. No good craftsman throws away their tools before they are done with them. And whatever foul creation and purpose our enemy is crafting here, one thing seems clear, they have only just begun."

Then to the witch "Tandlara, I'd like to have your eyes and ears keep watch for any of these women and send word to me the moment that anyone matching their description is sighted. Will you do that?" Akiros speaks neutrally, neither begging nor demanding. He would keep the peace with this creature, for whatever their differences, now was not the time to settle them.

Finally he turns back to Corwin "My friend, if nothing else needs your attention, I would like your company in beginning to search all of the city's taverns for news of these women or anything else strange going on. Will you come?"

Ah, ok cool. That makes sense.

Round 3, Initiative 24
AC 24 (30 vs lizard leader, if evil); HP
Activate smite vs lizard leader
Move: dismount
Move: towards lizard leader (T19)

Forgive me, Iomedae, for not verifying the taint in this creature first, Jemini thinks, as she attempts to channels the power of her convictions into smiting the lizard leader.

Free dismount, DC 20 ride check 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

Whether the smite is effective or not, she tries to swing herself from her horse - something she's seen Berrin do previously, but the mechanics just don't come to her naturally. In the end she dismounts normally, shouting to a nearby gnome not to get in the horse's way.

Her sword and shield drawn she makes for the lizard in charge. "Surrender! Your fall, and that of your soldiers is imminent now!"

DMPC - Nikolai Rogarvia
Round 3, Initiative 20
hp 33/33; AC 17/12T/16FF; +3F/+5R/+3W

SwA: Arcane Strike
SA: Greatsword vs Lizardfolk (L23) 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
-> Damage 2d6 + 11 ⇒ (4, 5) + 11 = 20

Nikolai turns to the raider that speared him and hacks at him with his greatsword. It is not a subtle or refined attack, but rather a powerful blow unrestrained in its impact. The force of the stroke tears the marauder nearly in two, causing him to collapse in a heap of blood and meat. The sword glows with energy, radiating from his hands. For the first time, Nikolai seems to really notice it, and stares at it with a look of trepidation.

Round 3, Initiative 20

Lizardfolk (U20): hp 11/11; AC15/7T/15FF; +4F/+0R/+0W
Charge - Handaxe vs. Jemini 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

Lizardfolk (T20): hp 1/11; AC17/10T/17FF; +4F/+0R/+0W
Handaxe vs. Jemini 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Two of the lizardfolk rush towards Jemini, including the one who she nearly killed mere moments earlier. They try their best to get a stronger position, using the distraction of their leader and his mount, but have no success. Their axes swing through the air, missing her completely.

Lizardfolk (L21): hp 11/11; AC15/7T/15FF; +4F/+0R/+0W
Charge - Handaxe vs. Nikolai 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Another of the lizardfolks charges Nikolai, but slows as he sees the former Stag Lord strike down his comrade. He swings half-heartedly, his morale clearly suffering, and misses by more than mere inches.

Lizardfolk (V30): hp 11/11; AC17/10T/17FF; +4F/+0R/+0W
Handaxe vs. Gnome 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Bite vs. Gnome 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (17) + 0 = 17
-> Damage 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

On the other side of the caravan, the lizardfolk raider latches onto one of the gnomes with its sharp teeth and tears into the small trader. The gnome collapses on the ground, moaning in horrible pain.

Round 2, Initiative 20
Lizardfolk Leader: hp 10/50; AC 15/8T/15FF (+2 vs Berrin); +8F/+1R/+1W

MA: Move to U13/V14
-> Jemini's Attack of Opportunity 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31
--> Damage 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
-> Verik's Attack of Opportunity 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
--> Damage 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
-> Taisper's Attack of Opportunity 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
--> Damage 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
SA: Trident vs. Berrin 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14

The lizardfolk leader snaps his jaws open in shut in a command to his mount, drawing it towards Berrin. The raider has to take a gauntlet of attacks from Jemini, who draws blood from behind, Verik, whose magically enchanced strength drives a heavy mace into his stomach, and Taisper, whose morningstar tears away a chunk of flesh. He makes it through in order to attack Berrin, jabbing at him with the trident. Despite all that, or perhaps because of the injuries, not even his superior positioning and allied attackers is sufficient. Berrin dodges out of the way, the trident barely cutting his cloak.

Lizardfolk Leader's Mount: hp 15/28; AC 13/8T/12FF; +10F/+4R/+2W

Bite vs. Berrin 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
-> Damage 2d6 + 10 ⇒ (5, 6) + 10 = 21
--> Grab 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (4) + 16 = 20

The lizard bites into Berrin without hesitation, proving far more difficult to dodge. The blood of his mount has not sated the creature's thirst, though its maw is still slick with Valnyr's blood. It sinks its teeth into Berrin's leg, causing him to shout in pain as the giant lizard shakes its head and digs in deeper. Try as he might to wrench himself free, the giant lizard now has its teeth in and is not letting go.

The lizard and Berrin are now both grappled.

Map (Top)
Map (Bottom)

Male Human Fighter (Archer) 6

Round 3, Initiative 16
hp 36/36; AC 20/15T/15FF; +5F/+6R/+3W
FA Rapid shot at Big Lizard, 5' adjust south

Verik finally gallops clear and the sight is as Zander feared. Berrin in the maw of the big lizard. Free to aim, he puts a little more pull on his shot. "HANG ON BERRIN!

Rapid Shot #1 Deadly Aim vs Grappled Lizard (@ -4 Dex)-> 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Composite longbow damage -> 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

Rapid Shot #2 Deadly Aim vs Grappled Lizard (@ -4 Dex)-> 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Composite longbow damage -> 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Rapid Shot #2 Deadly Aim vs Grappled Lizard (@ -4 Dex)-> 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Composite longbow damage -> 2d8 + 16 ⇒ (7, 8) + 16 = 31

The first shot hits the beast's shoulder. Zander mentally makes the needed adjustment.....Fffffftttttpppp. The second arrow pierces the lizard's eye. It's death is immediate.

10 and then 47 damage on the crit. One short of max possible damage.

Ride 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
-> Damage 1d6 ⇒ 2
--> Location 1d8 ⇒ 5

Lizardfolk Leader: hp 8/50; AC 11/4T/11FF (+2 vs Berrin); +8F/+1R/+1W

The raider's mount collapses suddenly below him, throwing him to the ground. He lands next to Berrin, now freed from the lizard's maw. The kobolds under his command, busy attacking Berrin and Valnyr, freeze up when they see him fall.

He is prone in W13, adjacent to Berrin.

Spending Hero Point to Act out of Turn.
Round 3, initiative 15
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 18
hp; 14/44
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +0
Conditions; Cleave (-2 AC)

Time seems to slow down for Berrin as he screams out from the wrenching pain in his leg, hearing the thumbing sound of Zander working his bow he can feel the impact of his arrows on the giant lizard vibrate through it's teeth and then the lizardman leader landing in front of him.

Narrowing his eyes at the source and instigator of his pain and anguish Berrin tightens his hands on the hilt of his greatsword, feeling every fold and bump in the creaking leather on the handle his senses are more hyped than he can recollect them to be. His life flashing before his eyes he swings his sword at the prone lizardman with a wordless roar eminating from the bottom of his being.

Cleave vs. lizardfolk leader; 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23 for 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (3, 1) + 7 = 11 dmg.

Catching the lizardman leader solidly on the head, the blade angles a fraction of an inch and glances of his helmet, knocking the lizardman unconscious but sending the greatsword flying forward.

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25 for 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (6, 2) + 7 = 15 vs kobolt in X 13.

The sword sailing through the air with all the force meant for the lizardman leader all Berrin has to do is hold on as the enchanted blade cuts a deep gash straight across the nearest kobolts chest, throwing him backward in a spray of blood.

Edit; Lizarfolk Leader -1/50, Kobolt X 13 -10/5

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14

Round 3, Initiative 14
HP 28/28; AC22/12T/22F
Effects: Shield of Faith, Bull’s Strength

MA: Sheathe Mace
SA: Cast Sound Burst (10’R spread centered on NW corner of Z15)

Sound Burst Sonic Damage 1d8 ⇒ 2
X14 Kobold hp 3/5, Fort Save DC16 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9 Failed - Stunned 1 Round
X15 Kobold hp 3/5, Fort Save DC16 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15 Failed - Stunned 1 Round
Z16 Kobold hp 3/5, Fort Save DC16 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 Failed - Stunned 1 Round

"LET GO of him you scaled sack of..." Bringing his heavy mace around for an overhand swing against the foul lizard that had Berrin in his savage maw, his swear fades into the background as Zander's arrow sinks into the beast's eye cavity with a sickening crunch, sending the lizard warrior pitching forward unceremoniously to the ground in front of Berrin. Verik goggles as the dreadfully bloodied Berrin seems to lose himself in rage and swings his blade in a wide arc to cut down both the lizardman and a hapless kobold nearby.

Kobolds are everywhere it seems, stabbing at Berrin and Valnyr, closing towards he and Taisper, but Verik cannot reach any of them without abandoning his position near his cousin and Berrin. Frustrated and filled with anger at the wanton destruction these creatures are causing, he jams his heavy mace back into his belt and grabs for his holy symbol once again, channeling raw divine power into his voice as he marks a location near three kobolds within stabbing distance of Berrin. "COBBLEHOOF TAKE YOU!

An unearthly piercing shriek of what sounds like an impossibly large and powerful eagle erupts in the space between the kobolds, pulsing with sonic force that threatens to rupture their ears, sending them reeling and unable to react as they drop their spears and clutch their heads in pain.

Round 3, Initiative 8

And with that, the kobolds' morale breaks like an egg thrown against a wall. They begun to run, scattering in all directions with their leader fallen. They make no attempt to hide their craven ways, throwing their weapons down as they flee. The lizardfolk quickly follow, though they have the dignity to hold onto their meager weapons. The gnomes let out a whoop of joy and victory, as the appearance of the heroes of Newhaven turned them from a slow death encircled by the raiders to survival.

You can pursue or let them go. Don't worry about Initiative. You can kill any number of them, capture up to twice your number, or let them go in any number. It's up to you all.

Male Human Heretic 5 Master of Many Styles 1

As the enemy begins to run, Taisper puts his morningstar back on his belt and takes his bow off his back and starts shooting, firing only to kill. His eyes are narrowed but his face is blank as he nocks and fires, nocks and fires, like a construct more than a man, trying to drop as many as possible. He is intoning under his breath in celestial, almost a mantra.

He is, however, careful to leave one of the serpentfolk alive and hopefully conscious, as the stragglers get too far away for him to be accurate anymore; the inquisitor does not have near the talent nor skill possessed by Zander, and with his Hunts lately has not had the time to practice as much as he perhaps should.

He walks up to the wounded serpentfolk, whose legs are both pierced with arrows, putting his bow on his back by his near-empty quiver, as he does so. He plants his boot on the creature's shoulder, shoving it rudely back down onto the ground, and attempts to communicate with it. "Do you understand me?" he asks. "Are you aware of what is happening?" He repeats the questions in Celestial. He has no weapons drawn but his murderous intent is clear in his body language.

Intimidate if necessary; 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30 Holy mackerel!

Lost is a red haze Berrin howls at the kobolts scattering before him, taking a lazy swipe at one of them with his greatsword, sending it reeling to the ground, dead. Blinking tears from his eyes he stares after them not fully recognizing what is happening, taking a few steps in their direction before stopping so as not to stray to far from Valnyr.

Seeing that nothing is coming their way Berrin falls to his knees besides the great horse, gently placing a hand on Valnyr's neck, feeling the horse still breathing Berrin shudders in relief, burrying his face in the beasts mane he whispers to it sobbing softly.

"There, there you big oaf. You'll be alright, I just know it. Sush, there. Rest boy, you just rest now."

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14

Seeing the chaotic aftermath of the enemy breaking before them, Verik feels the urge to draw his mace again and ride down the cowardly violent transgressors, but pauses as he sees Taisper with that cold murderous stare calmly snuffing out several of them as casually as a candlewick. The cleric says nothing directly to his cousin as he watches him move to one of the wounded lizardmen near the wagons.

Raising his voice for all to hear, though directed at no one in particular, Verik shouts, "QUARTER SHOULD BE GIVEN TO ALL WHO VISIBLY SURRENDER...THERE IS VALUE IN A FEW ALIVE FOR TRACKING LATER OR QUESTIONING!" His face furrowed in a frown, he breathes a heavy sigh and then turns to Zander with a hand raised in question. "I mean if a couple do get away from here by our intent, you and Taisper can track them well enough on this ground do you think?"

It is then that he looks back to Berrin to visibly assess his wounds that he sees the Hero of Stagfall by the body of Valynr, so cruelly injured. "Blood and tears..." he whispers, and then sets his jaw firm, walking Virtue over to where he can dismount near the mortally wounded stallion.

Chaos has had long enough here, great Master. Now the work must begin to restore Order. Please grant me endurance to see to the long night ahead for those you deem worthy...

Stabilize Orison to Valnyr - probably stabilized from the Energy Channel but Verik wouldn't assume

Once the kobolds and lizardmen break, Jemini pays them little heed. She turns to the gnomes - despite their raggedy cheer, many of them are seriously wounded and traumatized by the attack. "All able-bodied gnomes, come help me tend to the wounded. There's so many of you, try to not move the wounded unnecessarily until we could administer some healing. It's easy to do more harm than good with overeager motions." She passes along, taking any help that is given, and administers her remaining lay-on-hands and cure light wounds as is needed.

Male Human Fighter (Archer) 6

Zander will add a few arrows into targets still around the gnome wagons, but once the general rout is on, he will hold his shots.

Hearing Verrik's cry for mercy, reminds him, that these creatures came from somewhere. And that 'somewhere' will need to be dealt with as well.

Male Human Heretic 5 Master of Many Styles 1

Pardon a brief metagame moment here, just for color and fluff.

Once Zander stops shooting, Taisper looks over at him and nods solemnly, as if having a similar thought; ...the more we let go now, the more we have to deal with later, out here, in the wild...

The inquisitor then looks back down at his prisoner. "I think you understand me. I'll give you a few more seconds to reply, then I truss you and take you someplace away from others' eyes. Away." he intones.

Male Human Heretic 5 Master of Many Styles 1

DC11 K(Nature): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

Taisper suddenly stands up and scowls. Keys and cogs and ledgers and levers what am I thinking? These things can't speak common! First the screw-up with distance and now this! Verik's gonna think I'm a damn fool. Remember your lessons, Stozs. Still, best not let good work go to waste...

"Alright, c'mon, we'll find someone who speaks your language." Taisper trusses up the terrified lizardfolk and drags it over by whatever other prisoners have been gathered. He then heads over by Berrin, and winces when he sees Valnyr's condition, even after his cousin's healing.

"I can...I can help here. I can heal either you or your mount, Berrin. Which shall it be? I don't...I don't feel comfortable making that...choice." Taisper suddenly seems awkward, as if he thinks even offering a choice is dumb.

DC10 Sense Motive:
Taisper could care less about the horse -- any horse -- but knows others care about animals, so is offering the choice for Berrin's benefit, out of respect and friendship.

Taisper only has one 1st level spell left for the day. He'll cast Cure Light Wounds on Valnyr or Berrin (whichever one Berrin chooses) for 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8 HP.

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14

Verik only has one CLW substitute as well, so he'd use that on Valnyr given Berrin's attachment for him. In looking back at the fight I realize the Channel Energy was before the kobolds stabbed Valynr, so I'm guessing he was at -18hp before the Stabilize.

Verik's CLW (sub Bless) on Valnyr 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10 Okay so Valnyr at -8hp and Taisper's CLW could bring him up at 0hp if Berrin decides to go that way. Also Verik has 10d6 worth of healing left in energy channeling, but that requires the baddies to be out of the way and everyone grouped up, so that's for later on depending on what is needed after Jemini runs her healing.

"I believe he'll live Berrin," Verik says in a calm voice that he learned from Jhod during the past year of learning the healing arts from him, "but Taisper's divine healing would bring him out of immediate danger, though I need to set right this cracked rib from the kobold spear before we go any further with it."

Sense Motive 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21

Verik looks up at his cousin standing before him, with a slight glance as to where he put his lizardman prisoner with the others, and then back to his eyes, searching them for a moment even as he feels gingerly near the spear wound and the bulge of a rib bone underneath. "Blessed are your ears cousin, for hearing what was going on here. Had you not said what you did when you did, I fear we would have come across a massacre of these folk in the morning, or worse would have had these scalies hit us in the middle of the night in ambush."

Male Human Heretic 5 Master of Many Styles 1

Taisper makes a strange face, then gives Verik a tight smile. "Thanks, Verik. I...thanks. We'll all pull out of this, it looks like, though I confess I'm still pretty confused as to just what exactly was going on here and look forward to getting some answers. I hope this was just a raid and not part of some larger plan or pattern."

Male Human Fighter (Archer) 6

Zander will ride up to the caravan circle and help with the wounded in any minimal way that he can. He will gently collect the wounded and place them together, deferring when needed to any gnomish insistence on treating their own.

Berrin says nothing when Verik and Taisper come with their offers of healing, just strokes Valnyr's thick neck in a soothing mothing acompanied by various sushes and murmurs of comfort. Feeling the beasts breath come easyer after the cousins are done though Berrin sighs and rises to a kneling postition, nodding in thanks to the two Adabarians. Remaining where he is he looks out dazedly at the field of battle and spotting the gnomes he feels a pang of guilt, he had been moping over a horse when there were people here who needed help. Rising he wipes the snpt from his face and sets his jaw before walking over to the group of gnomes. Setting to helping as he can, though he has no knowledge of healing whatsoever, he offers his advice as a professional soldier, ordering up the chaos that could be a healers tent in the field.

Tugging Veriks sleve he leans in to whisper to the cleric. "Hey, umm.. You're gona chanel to heal the worst of theyr hurts right? I'm wondering if uhh, if you'd mind if we brought Valnyr in on it." Looking into Verik's eyes as he finishes his statement he adopts a pleading visage, "Come on, please! I know he's just a horse but, but, see, umm.. Oh, hells Verik, plese just heal the beast!"

Male Human Heretic 5 Master of Many Styles 1

"Berrin! Berrin, get a grip, man; I just offered to heal your horse. If that's what you want then here you go." Taisper looks at the bigger warrior with concern, then bends down and sends a radiant blast of healing energy through the steward's steed, which nickers in relief.

8 HP for Valnyr, as already rolled above.

The inquisitor then turns to the group of gnomes, smiling winningly. "Who's in charge here?" he asks, not unkindly. He's never encountered gnomes before and is unsure of their temperament, so he avoids showing his teeth.

Diplomacy w/blessed infiltration: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15 vs. 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22 So, 22 Diplomacy, then.

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14

”My thanks Taisper. You see Berrin, Valnyr is coming around a bit now.” Verik turns to look up at Berrin with a reassuring nod, even as Valynr raises his own head and begins to right himself on the ground. ”The Master has graced me with healing for all of us later this night but we must get ourselves together and clear of these enemy bodies beforehand.”

Verik stands up heavily then, and takes on a slightly scolding tone with Berrin. ”Ox-headed oaf. As if I would let your stallion die because he was a lesser animal to ourselves – you’ve been listening to Kavken’s nonsense about his ill-informed shortcomings of Abadar again, haven’t you? Well unless you know something in the Order of Numbers that I do not, Abadar will not frown upon us this night. But there is a price. Let’s see… ”

He looks at Berrin with a slight twitch to his mouth, as if suppressing a smirk. ”Since it is unseemly for services to be offered without payment, to even the Scales I would say you promise to no longer launch into your colorful tale of me and the tatzylwyrms at every hall banquet, or at least when we have nobles and ambassadors visiting us. Agreed?”

Berrin stares at Verik for a minute in disbelief, frowning his gaze shifts as he processes Verik's words. Finally he seems to deflate even further and gives a slight nod and a small smile makes it's way to his lips. "Ok Verik. Whatever you say. I'm sorry." he manages weakly.

Still nodding slightly he makes his way back to Valnyr, laying down with a grunt he stretches, feeling his own woulds and waiting for Verik to do his thing.

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14

"Cogs and Keys Berrin, my triumph feels like I just bought up your ancestor's homes and kicked them out to the back alleyways. Listen, I cannot heal you two here for risk of restoring these raiders - see if you can coax Valnyr up with some apples from our packs and get him to slowly walk to the wagons. We'll clear out the dead kobolds there and heal who we can."

Verik's eyes flicker to the enormous lizard mount, the arrow shaft embedded in its eye nearly all the way to the fletching. He then frowns as he sees the fallen lizardman leader with the gash in his scalp from Berrin's greatsword, his trident nearby. "Berrin, I'm not sure but I might be able to save that one, the leader I mean." He shakes his head and points at the body. "But I think that would be unwise, as his ferocity and rage tells me he is unlikely to offer any useful information or deal with us...and we certainly cannot ask these gnomes to cart him to Sanctuary. I leave it to you though."

Sorry for my long absence. I spent most of the weekend either asleep or with my wife. It was restful, which was something I badly needed. I will try to be better this week!

@Akiros Three days of searching and questioning, combined with the after-dark ban on liquor, has turned many of the citizens somewhat sour, but Corwin assures Akiros that it would have been much worse with martial law and an outright ban on alcohol. One of the local women who came to Sanctuary seeking a new start but fell back upon her old habits told them that a beautiful, exotic woman approached her several months before with promises of wealth and power.

Mrianne, an attractive woman with haunted eyes and blond hair, sits with Corwin, Tandlara, and Akiros on the other side of a table. She brushes some hair aside distractedly as she tells her story. "I was tempted at first. Power? Wealth? Those are things I never had in Restov or New Stetven, where I was simply handed from man to man who had the coin for me. I was certainly tempted. She brought me to a building on the edge of town, a non-descript house that seemed like any other. She led me down the stairs into the cellar, where the other women waited. There were seven of us in all, including me. She was so charismatic, so beautiful, so strong... She seems almost lost in a daze for a moment, swept away in a reverie. "Malgorzata was her name. Malgorzata." The woman's name is little more than a whisper on Mrianne's tongue, sinister and promising all at once.

One of the gnomes, bloodied and bruised from the fight, approaches the group as they gather everyone for Verik's healing. Not even coming up waist-high (and knee-high in Nikolai's case), he shouts to be heard. "Ahoy! Your help is much appreciated! Not a moment too soon! I fear that they were merely toying with us!" He thrusts a hand out to Berrin. "Steward Berrin Myrdal, I presume! I am Jonah Narthropple, an explorer, trader, and mapper! These fine men and women you saved are the members of my expedition! After we heard you had put down the vicious and brutal Stag Lord, we hoped that these lands would be safe for exploration and mapping, as well as trade! This caravan was headed north to your city, where we hoped to meet you!" He stops for a second to look around at the dead and injured of his caravan. "It's such a pity that we were attacked! Never before have I seen kobolds and lizardfolk working in alliance! It's extremely unusual! Still, without your help, we would all be dead! I, we, all of us! We can't thank you enough!"

With the surviving kobolds and lizardfolk tied up and captured, they are no longer a threat. They speak amongst themselves in Draconic until one of them catches Taisper glaring at them. The silence is nearly instantaneous. One of the kobolds, a dark-scaled creature with dull-looking teeth, takes a step forward. He directs his plea to the Inquisitor, fearful of his threats, and to Zander, fearful of his bow. "We is Sootscales. You is beaten us. We is slaves now, we under-stand. What you want us do?" The Common is broken and terrible, but it is not difficult to figure out what he is saying.

While the kobolds seem meek and terrified, the kobolds smolder with rage and fury. They appear ready to lash out at their captors given the opportunity. Several of them snap their jaws open and shut like a nervous tic, reminding the party that the lizardfolk always have weapons in their teeth. Their leader, greivously wounded, bleeds slowly next to his dead mount. Blood and brain drip slowly from Zander's arrow, which protrudes from the back of giant lizard's skull.

Male Human Samurai-Ronin 4/ Oracle-Battle 3 | AC 24/ T12/ F23, HP73, F+8/ R +4/ W +7, Init +1(Roll twice), Percep +6, Sense Motive +10

No worries mate, sounds like you did Exactly what you needed to do! And no one can ever be faulted for that. Question though, you mentioned 3 days, so would that mean that Akiros' story is now caught up, or is it ahead?

Oh, and how long have the founders been gone now?

Akiros was already ahead. He is now 3 more days ahead, making it 25 Gozran 4709. The others left on 17 Gozran 4709, where they remain at the end of. So Akiros is more than a week ahead of the others.

Jemini goes round laying her hands on any gnomes that still look done harshly by the kobolds and lizards. She tries to soothe the worries and minds of those who don't seem entirely coherent or traumatized. Though she does look a little perplexed when one of the little people ask her if she's a Valkyrie.

Diplomacy 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14

Making his way to the wagons with Virtue, Verik dismounts and walks towards the enigmatic Jemini as she goes about her healing efforts, watching her closely for a moment. He hears the caravan's leader attempting to entreat with Berrin, and makes a mental note to speak with Jonah later about his cartography on the lands south of here towards Mivon, which could prove useful in the months ahead.

Verik stalls longer than he planned, noting with dissatisfaction the presence of Nikolai always nearby before finally taking a deep breath and setting his jaw. "Lady Lebeda, a quick word if you please?"

Stepping aside so as to not be within easy earshot of the others, Verik keeps his voice low, though his tone is not gentle. "That was quite the bold charge you gave this eve, Jemini. Oh wait, did I say bold? I meant reckless and foolish! I know you revere Iomedae, but seems to me you were doing a fine impression of Arazni in the Shining Crusade, with Berrin being the price paid for it!"

Diplomacy; Please God, please... 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17 woot!

Blinking at the gnome for a few moments with a sour look of surprise Berrin's expression changes to a small smile, the best he can manage in his emotional state, and shakes his hand firmly. "Master Narthropple, please, just call me Berrin. We heard the sounds of battle just a ways off. You can thank young Taisper's blessed ears for that as we had already made camp and were settling down before he picked them up. We came as soon as we could, I am sorry it was not sooner." he manages to the gnome.

"Your trade would be welcome in Newhaven but I must tell you though that this is our first endevour to the south of Sanctuary and we have heard some dire rumors oabout the area. We are traveling south in search of rumored troll activity, you wouldn't know aything about that would you?"

The gnomes, nearly half a dozen of whom were fawning over Jemini and followed behind her like ducks behind their mother, back away when Verik challenges her. They look surprised and appear to be talking amongst themselves, though it is clear that they are paying rapt attention to the quiet argument between two of their saviors.

Narthropple shakes Berrin's hand rather heartily. "Truly, it was our lucky day! Well," he shouts while looking around at his fallen comrades, "maybe not all of us! Apparently the rumors were right! I had heard that there were trolls camped to the southwest of the lake, but I did not expect lizardfolk or kobolds! I will give you all that I know in thanks for your help!"

He beckons Berrin back to the wagon, which is slightly smaller than a standard human wagon but comically large next to the gnome. Narthropple pulls himself up and dives into the covered wagon's contents with his entire body. A few moments later, he reappears with a rolled-up parchment. "This is the map that we have created so far! It's mostly what is in the plains to the south of the lake, but we have discovered a few landmarks inside the swamps to the southeast! Here, for instance, is an abandoned elven tower!" He points to a spot on the map about thirty miles into the swamp. He then excitedly points to a spot fifty miles southeast, across several small rivers. "Oh, here is the biggest owlbear cave you've ever seen! No owlbears, though! I've also charted out some of the safe trading routes, though this one will have to be crossed out! Honestly, we expected trolls rather than kobolds or lizardfolk, which is why we brought all this alchemist fire and acid! We did not want to be unprepared! Trolls are afraid of these things, you know!"

Jemini turns to Verik, a serious look on her face, "We are the first servants of this nation, Verik. It is our duty to protect those that cannot protect themselves - just a little longer and half of the gnomes that now stand with us would have fallen. I don't take pride in riding into battle first, when I see the need to act - I cannot wait." Her eyes fall to Berrin, who's slowly starting to gather his wits again. A tear is stealthily forming in her eye. "You, and I, none of us want one of ours to get hurt; but battle brings that risk - that is part of why warriors such as Berrin and I try to be the first bulwark against the enemy assaults. Sometimes we get lucky, sometimes..." her voice trails off as she silently acknowledges the dark blood-stains that mar Berrin.

Berrin lets Narthropple leed him to the caravan and watches him only half-registering what he's offering. When he sees the maps the gnome presents his interrest is piqued. "Theses are quite good Master Narthropple. Let me call over our Warden, he's our parties map maker and would be greatly interrested in copying these." he says as he looks over the maps. "Hey Zander! We've got maps!" he call over to the archer, waving him over.

Looking back to the gnome merchant Berrin eyes his cache of alchemical burners. "Would you be willing to part with some of your flasks good master gnome? We are heading to find those trolls and they would sure come in handy when we do. We'd pay you of course."

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14

Verik has his mouth open and a finger pointed in her direction as she speaks, ready to retort at her response with his own well-reasoned counter. As she finishes with her glance to Berrin however, Verik says nothing for a long moment, staring at her. Finally, he closes his mouth and grunts sourly, crossing his arms over his chest. "You know I forgot what it was like to argue with you and your passionate convictions. I'd accuse you of not arguing fairly, but I know you're not trying to do that either."

He breathes in deeply, looking over at Berrin and then around at the gnomes before looking back to her. His voice is more measured when he continues. "Fine, Jemini, I relent. Next time though a few quick words of tactics and intent would be in order so we're all clear? Yes? If you do that with a group of trolls and they surround you, I doubt I could put you back together again. Remember that you're back to being flesh and blood and bone..." and warm and the curve of your lips and your scent is just as I imagined and NO NO NO STOP IT! "...and, umm, well flesh and such. And maybe you should talk with Berrin later when events get settled here. I'll see to moving off some of these fallen kobolds and then use my channeling on the wounded, though it seems you've taken care of the worst hurts."

For later, Verik using four channeling attempts on gnomes, Berrin, Valnyr and wagon horses (1 of 7 channels left after this). 2d6 + 2d6 + 2d6 + 2d6 ⇒ (4, 4) + (1, 5) + (3, 4) + (4, 6) = 31

Male Human Heretic 5 Master of Many Styles 1

Taisper, having been ignored by the gnomes -- maybe it was something I said? maybe I should have shown teeth after all, smiled fully... -- in favor of Jemini -- well, really, I guess she waded in with healing magics, so, not too big a surprise, I suppose....I'll have to do some reading on proper Gnome greetings -- steps over to deal with the Kobolds and Lizardfolk. Since the Lizardfolk seem unresponsive at best and hostile at worst, he approaches the Kobold that addressed him a couple seconds ago.

"Sootscale. Why did you attack them?" he asks, gesturing over to where the gnomes and all the others are talking.

Male Human Samurai-Ronin 4/ Oracle-Battle 3 | AC 24/ T12/ F23, HP73, F+8/ R +4/ W +7, Init +1(Roll twice), Percep +6, Sense Motive +10

Didn't miss it, just been a bit busy as well, but here we go

DM Barcas wrote:

@Akiros Three days of searching and questioning, combined with the after-dark ban on liquor, has turned many of the citizens somewhat sour, but Corwin assures Akiros that it would have been much worse with martial law and an outright ban on alcohol. One of the local women who came to Sanctuary seeking a new start but fell back upon her old habits told them that a beautiful, exotic woman approached her several months before with promises of wealth and power.

Mrianne, an attractive woman with haunted eyes and blond hair, sits with Corwin, Tandlara, and Akiros on the other side of a table. She brushes some hair aside distractedly as she tells her story. "I was tempted at first. Power? Wealth? Those are things I never had in Restov or New Stetven, where I was simply handed from man to man who had the coin for me. I was certainly tempted. She brought me to a building on the edge of town, a non-descript house that seemed like any other. She led me down the stairs into the cellar, where the other women waited. There were seven of us in all, including me. She was so charismatic, so beautiful, so strong... She seems almost lost in a daze for a moment, swept away in a reverie. "Malgorzata was her name. Malgorzata." The woman's name is little more than a whisper on Mrianne's tongue, sinister and promising all at once.

Seeing for himself how the populace reacts and now understanding fully how his perhaps over strict initial suggestions would have been reacted too, Akiros sincerely thanks Corwin for his suggestions of moderation. 'I shall never understand the dependence on strong drink an spirits though so many clearly have. Why wold one purposefully dilute their will in such ways?' he thinks to himself at the time though. For despite his own share and personal knowledge of deep inner pain, the former Paladine's strength of character had simply never allowed such thoughts of liquid escape to ever be entertained.

Akiros' heart goes to the woman across the table from him as she relates her all too familiar story and with practiced ease he hides the twinge of pain that arises the mention of New Stevan causes, as it always did.

As he had most carefully but subtly assured that he and Tandlara were sitting at opposite ends of the row on their side of the table, when Mrianne finishes her tale, he first looks across at the other two to see if either of them has aught to say. Seeing that they seem to be leaving such right to him, she speaks gently but firmly "You have done the right thing coming to us with your story Mrianne and you shall be rewarded for it. I shall assure your protection as well, so have no fears." his double sided promise also intended to assure that the woman never returned to this Malgorzata.

Knowledge(local): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
He then considers for a brief moment if he recognizes the building described and glances at Corwin as he continues "Now this building you mention, I'm sure you could lead us to it, or point it out on a map? Good. What I most want to know though is more about Malgorzata. Tell us about her. Tell us all about her! Did she mention where she was from or how long she had been here? What exactly does she look like? Did she seem to work alone or were others assisting her? Did you know any of the other six women, and if so, could you direct us to them? Finally, most importantly, how did she describe to you all how you would attain this wealth and power, and why did you decide to refuse her offer?"

His questions come out rapidly but clearly, and he leans forward slightly in anticipation of their answer.

Male Human Fighter (Archer) 6

Maps? What? Zander had been sitting near those starting to grieve for their fallen comrades. Not wanting to intrude and not knowing what to say. He merely sat and offered his silent condolence with his presence.

At Berrin's words he sits few moments longer and then slowly gts to his feet and seeks out Berrin at the wagon.

Zander taking the maps from Berrin. He examines them in slow sucession. [b]"These are good. I am impressed Master Narthropple. My maps are crude in comparison, I guess that's the difference from mapping from horseback versus actually taking a wagon to properly carry supplies and work space. Are these trade routes? Planned or existing? ...quite nice, quite nice"

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