Yelena Shukhov |
Now we just need some sweet 80's montage music.
Yelena spends her week recuperating from the troll javelins and studying with her familiar, Cornflower. Casual observation may see that the witch reads from her notebook and communes with arcane sigils written on the floorboards. More astute observers would notice how it seems that the tabby cat, Cornflower, directs Yelena in how to draw the sigils and what pages to turn to in her book. At the end of the week, she is fully healed and excited to share her new insights.
Fenna Thistleswade |
Back at Oleg's the pale skinned priestess resumes her ministration to the folk who gather there, while often taking advantage of the nighttime solitude upon the palisade to be alone with her thoughts. When the young sorceress is not too busy with her own chores, Fenna begins once more to practice with Vaysh the magical arts, and on those days the girl is unavailable, she makes a token effort to train with the men in their martial techniques.
On the evening of the second day at Oleg's, Fenna approaches Casimir after dinner. "Casimir," she begins slowly, still apparently a little uncomfortable addressing her companions informally when outside the heat of battle, "I wondered if you might answer a question for me."
Casimir |
During the time back at Oleg's, Casimir all but ignores his bardic studies in favor of martial training. He does, however, figure out how to channel some of his innate magic into his strike, adding extra damage to his swings.
Training with Kalev, Malthir and Kesten, he also picks up their technique of adding extra force to the blow, at the expense of accuracy. But thanks to his training in the special Aldori two-handed dueling style, he is able to deliver forceful, yet accurate strokes when gripping his blade in both hands.
Remembering the frightening magical effect of the Mites, he also practices courage-inspiring rallying cry's, infused with his bardic magic.
When Fenna approaches him, he turns and smiles at the pale gnome. Of course, Fenna. What is it?
Fenna Thistleswade |
"I have been thinking about the lycanthropes that the wolves have been confronting." She replies, "when we first learned of their presence here in the greenbelt, you mentioned the possibility of a cure for their condition."
"Do you have any idea where we might begin our search for such a thing? Perhaps while we spend some time here it would be useful for us to conduct some research, maybe we could pay a visit to Bokken to find out what he knows of this."
Malthir Al Dagon |
Malthir returns to Oleg's to train with the rest of the Guardians. He mopes around for the first several days, feeling a little dejected after having run from their last 2 foes. He focuses on a new shield he is working on as well as training with Kesten and his men to celebrate Armasse on the 16th of Arodus. He probably wouldn't want to leave until after this time. He also completes training to use his new ability to extend Iomedae's protection to Kesten, his men, and the guardians.
So what do you guys think, hunt the Shambler or continue our exploration and return for the shambler at a later date? Or maybe hunt some trolls with Red Eyes help?
Casimir |
Actually, I'm thinking that we leave the shambler well enough alone and get on with exploring. Same goes for the trolls After all, our Charter right now cover exploration and removing the Stag Lord. Making these lands safe from all the other native dangers comes later, in the colonization phase.
Malthir Al Dagon |
Actually, I'm thinking that we leave the shambler well enough alone and get on with exploring. Same goes for the trolls After all, our Charter right now cover exploration and removing the Stag Lord. Making these lands safe from all the other native dangers comes later, in the colonization phase.
I agree with both comments at this point. Head SW from Oleg's and continue to explore the forest to the west and hope that the trolls have moved on? It will have been about 1-2 weeks since we were in those woods? DM AK any events of note at Olegs in the week or so we are there? We would stick around until at least the 17th of Arodus. Casimir, what is the date when we get back to Oleg's?
Kalev Lehola |
During the next week at Oleg's, Kalev trains with the others, including drills with the longspear against several opponents at once, training in using it to keep them at bay.
Every morning and evening, Kalev can also be seen going for a long run, getting more and more into shape for each passing day. After most of these runs, Kalev comes home with some form of game, be it rabbits, pheasants or even a deer on one occasion. Oleg and Svetlana are happy to include this extra meat to the menu at the trading post.
Casimir |
Casimir wrote:Actually, I'm thinking that we leave the shambler well enough alone and get on with exploring. Same goes for the trolls After all, our Charter right now cover exploration and removing the Stag Lord. Making these lands safe from all the other native dangers comes later, in the colonization phase.I agree with both comments at this point. Head SW from Oleg's and continue to explore the forest to the west and hope that the trolls have moved on? It will have been about 1-2 weeks since we were in those woods? DM AK any events of note at Olegs in the week or so we are there? We would stick around until at least the 17th of Arodus. Casimir, what is the date when we get back to Oleg's?
Sounds good. I'll check up on the date and post it here.
Fenna Thistleswade |
"Very well," Fenna answers Casimir, "do you know of a reputable sage that we might send word to? In the meantime I shall pray for insight into this matter."
Exploration of the forest is good, though we might want to be careful as we approach the southern half... that seems to be where all the trolls are headed.
DM Alexander Kilcoyne |
I think the plan is to start at the hex west of the moon radishes, then head one hex west, then work our way south-west a few hexes.
Ok thanks, will get a post up asap. Casimir, assume you head out on the 17th as Malthir insisted on waiting for the festival :).
DM Alexander Kilcoyne |
Heading out on the 17th of Arodus, the Guardians begin exploring the hex to the west of the radish patches.
Group Survival Rolls (Level 2)
Kalev-1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16 (+1 when tracking)
Fenna- 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17 (+8 at night, +4 at day, +6 on daily exploration checks)
Malthir-1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15
Yelena-1d20 ⇒ 19
Casimir-1d20 - 1 ⇒ (12) - 1 = 11
Group Perception Rolls (Level 2)
Kalev-1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Fenna- 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10 (12 at night)
Malthir-1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9
Yelena-1d20 ⇒ 16
Casimir-1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Group initiative rolls-
Kalev-1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Fenna- 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10
Malthir-1d20 + 0 ⇒ (3) + 0 = 3
Yelena-1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Casimir-1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
1d100 ⇒ 75
1d100 ⇒ 19
The exploration goes well, with all of the Guardians able to contribute to the mapping effort. Nearing evening, the Guardians are surprised to see a semi-naked Elf woman clinging to a tree branch, looking frightened and confused. A large purse of gold is tied to her loincloth, her only item of clothing. She is dangling ten feet or so above the ground...
Malthir Al Dagon |
Heading out on the 17th of Arodus, the Guardians begin exploring the hex to the west of the radish patches.
** spoiler omitted **
The exploration goes well, with all of the Guardians able to contribute to the mapping effort. Nearing evening, the Guardians are surprised to see a semi-naked Elf woman clinging to a tree branch, looking frightened and confused. A large purse of gold is tied to her loincloth, her only item of clothing. She is dangling ten feet or so above the ground...
Wait Guardians, this could be some type of trap this seems all too obvious to me. In flowing Elven, the first time you have ever seen him use the language Malthir says to the women, forgive our hesitation to help you, but who are you and are you injured, we mean you no harm. I am a Paladin of Iomedae and we are the Guardians of the GreenBelt?
sense motive 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Casimir |
Oh, and since I picked up spellcraft when I leveled, I'd like to try and identify the elusive blue potion we have. Spellcraft 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Edit: Sigh. The mystery remains. Perhaps Fenna or Yelena want to give it another try.
Malthir Al Dagon |
Oh, and since I picked up spellcraft when I leveled, I'd like to try and identify the elusive blue potion we have. Spellcraft 1d20+5
Sincer Yelena levelled, she should be able to try again right or cast identify sometime over the last week to get what it is?
DM Alexander Kilcoyne |
DM Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:Heading out on the 17th of Arodus, the Guardians begin exploring the hex to the west of the radish patches.
** spoiler omitted **
The exploration goes well, with all of the Guardians able to contribute to the mapping effort. Nearing evening, the Guardians are surprised to see a semi-naked Elf woman clinging to a tree branch, looking frightened and confused. A large purse of gold is tied to her loincloth, her only item of clothing. She is dangling ten feet or so above the ground...
Wait Guardians, this could be some type of trap this seems all too obvious to me. In flowing Elven, the first time you have ever seen him use the language Malthir says to the women, forgive our hesitation to help you, but who are you and are you injured, we mean you no harm. I am a Paladin of Iomedae and we are the Guardians of the GreenBelt?
sense motive 1d20+3
The Elf seems to understand Malthir but her mouth opens and no sound comes out. She waves frantically at you, tears running down her face.
Malthir Al Dagon |
DM AK, does it seem like a total lack of sound coming from the women, like the purse of gold at her waist should be jingling while she is frantically waiving at us but it is not? Perception 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (19) - 1 = 18 Either way, Malthir whispers Iomedae guide us, Iomedae protect us. activate shared defense and try to disbelieve what he sees in front of him will save 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 5 + 1 = 20
DM Alexander Kilcoyne |
Now that you concentrate hard, you do notice a complete lack of sound coming from the woman... Focusing hard you realise the illusionary nature of the Elf and the sack of gold, but not the transparently greenish liquid you notice beneath the tree's branch.
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
The Elf woman immediately collapses in the tree branch, falling and hitting the ground hard. The fall must have hurt...
You didn't hear a sound from her or from the impact... how strange...
Malthir Al Dagon |
Guardians, it is an illusion, don't go any closer there might be some type of trap at the bottom of the tree. Whoever you are, show yourself we mean you no harm unless you mean to do us harm! We will not be fooled by your games! He speaks this in common and then Elven.
Kalev Lehola |
Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14 (since we are in the forest, I get +2 from Favored Terrain.)
Kalev seems very puzzled at the events unfolding. Cautiously, he steps a little closer, extending the butt of his longspear towards her and gently poking her with it.
DM Alexander Kilcoyne |
Kalev moves to investigate, but stops just short of the Elf as he notices the ground beneath her is coated in a similar substance to Casimir's grease spell... The Elf looks scared as you jab at her with your longspear, and she bursts into silent, hysterical tears once more...
You can all make out giggling from somewhere in the air above you, high pitched.
Anyone who can speak Sylvan feel free to make a perception roll.
Casimir |
Casimir does not understand the giggles, but tries instead to focus on seeing through the illusion that Maltir claims is in front of them, and to identify the green liquid.
Will save 1d20 + 1 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 + 4 + 1 = 13
Spellcraft 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Fenna Thistleswade |
1st Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28 - DC14
2nd Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24 - for the Sylvan
Fenna follows Kalev closer to the 'elf', looking at the ground, from where the sound of impact emanated, in an effort to find its origin.
When the giggling starts, the gnome turns her attention upwards.
DM Alexander Kilcoyne |
Between the giggles, two high-pitched voices converse in Sylvan up above you. You can't pinpoint their location but you think they must be invisible.
Spoilsports! Now how do we know what motivates these new ones? Do you still think they are bandits Perlivash? Will they need to be dealt with? *giggle*
I'm not sure Tyg. Oh look... The metal one's calling out to us. *giggle*- he thinks we must be Elves! Heehee! Lets see how this one enjoys a good old fashioned prank... Ri, Ka, Sha, Zedar!
Malthir, please make a will save.
Fenna Thistleswade |
Spellcraft 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
Knowledge(nature) 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19 - I'm guessing Pixies...
"We are not bandits," Fenna speaks authoritatively in sylvan, looking steadily in the general direction of the voices, "indeed, we are in these lands to fight against such evil spirited people. Who are you to test us? Please, reveal yourselves... It would seem we share a common enemy, and I promise you that we wish to bring you no harm, so long as you do not threaten the inhabitants of the Greenbelt."
DM Alexander Kilcoyne |
Spellcraft 1d20+7
Knowledge(nature) 1d20+3 - I'm guessing Pixies..."We are not bandits," Fenna speaks authoritatively in sylvan, looking steadily in the general direction of the voices, "indeed, we are in these lands to fight against such evil spirited people. Who are you to test us? Please, reveal yourselves... It would seem we share a common enemy, and I promise you that we wish to bring you no harm, so long as you do not threaten the inhabitants of the Greenbelt."
Fenna is definitely thinking Fey, pixies is a logical assumption. Can you throw in a diplomacy roll as well?
DM Alexander Kilcoyne |
Maladin Will Save-1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 Success, no effect.
Before your eyes two tiny creatures materialize, floating a little above Fenna. One appears to be a Faerie Dragon and the other a Grig- a tiny fairy. Both are red in the face, looking suitably chastised by Fenna's stern admonishment.
We are sorry... We just wanted to see if you would help the poor Elf or take her gold or worse... the small and colourful Dragon says, eyes down in embaressment.
You know from your knowledge check that Fey like these only usually reveal themselves once suitable 'tribute' has been given. Your words must have carried weight for them to reveal themselves so freely. (Ad-hoced from the very high diplomacy roll)
Malthir Al Dagon |
Well little ones, be assured that we are here to help those in need. I wanted to help your Elven illusion, but we have been fooled by illusions before and are cautious for traps.
We are allies of Red Eyes of these woods as well as enemies of the trolls that now hunt these woods. He introduces Fenna and the rest of the Guardians, Now what can we do to assure you that our intentions are good and just?
Fenna Thistleswade |
"It is alright," Fenna says, less sternly now, "nobody was hurt."
"As Malthir says, we would have endeavored to help the elf if she where real. Though you should be careful in future, not everyone will take your 'pranks' as well as we did. If we where bandits, it might have been dangerous to provoke us."
"But in any case, Malthir has introduced us, what should we call you?"
DM Alexander Kilcoyne |
The dragon continues to speak in response to your questions.
We believe you are good folk now. You are led by a fey-kin, and you made no move to harm the Elf, illusionary or not. I am Perlivash, and this is my friend Tyg-Tigger-Tut. We do not fear bandits, they can't see us so they can't shoot us... And we killed when we had to... Only bad people though!
Tyg nods vigorously along with her draconic friend, fluttering on small wings.
Malthir Al Dagon |
The dragon continues to speak in response to your questions.
We believe you are good folk now. You are led by a fey-kin, and you made no move to harm the Elf, illusionary or not. I am Perlivash, and this is my friend Tyg-Tigger-Tut. We do not fear bandits, they can't see us so they can't shoot us... And we killed when we had to... Only bad people though!
Tyg nods vigorously along with her draconic friend, fluttering on small wings.
Well met brave ones, are there any bad people in the forest right now? We are trying to rid the GreenBelt of this bandit scourge.
Malthir will also see if they want to join us for lunch?
DM Alexander Kilcoyne |
They decline lunch, but are happy to stay and chat a while anyway.
Perlivash looks a little awkward at the question.
Well... There was a bad man. He made bad traps that hurt everybody, and liked to watch them suffer. So... We made sure one of the man's traps fell on him... A bit to the west of here, by the river. The bandit's don't live in the forest. Well, one group of them did but that camp seems to be abandoned lately.
Fenna Thistleswade |
Fenna smiles faintly at the dragon's words, "If you mean who I think you do, some of my companions may be a little disappointed that they where unable to slay him themselves, but I doubt anyone will be too unhappy about your actions."
"Indeed, we were able to drive off the bandits occupying the riverside camp... though one of the bandits there has turned away from her wicked occupation, she now guards the temple to Old Deadeye to make amends for her past deeds."
Malthir Al Dagon |
Fenna smiles faintly at the dragon's words, "If you mean who I think you do, some of my companions may be a little disappointed that they where unable to slay him themselves, but I doubt anyone will be too unhappy about your actions."
"Indeed, we were able to drive off the bandits occupying the riverside camp... though one of the bandits there has turned away from her wicked occupation, she now guards the temple to Old Deadeye to make amends for her past deeds."
Very true Fenna, I know Casimir for one was looking forward to running the man through, if he is the trapper we were trying to meet. He still has the leg scar to remember him by!
He will chat amiably with the little Fey and dragon asking them a little about themselves as well as to tell them to let us know if they ever need our help they can come to the human outpost, just east of the forest and get us or leave word for us. He offers the little Dragon some Tuskgutter jerky left over from their great battle before moving onward west.Casimir |
Casimir studies the fey creatures with fascination, taking delight in their grace and innate magic.
He nods at the mention of Breeg. True, I would have liked to show that trapper the sharp side of my blade, but an end by his own traps is fitting indeed. I thank you, little ones, for ridding the woods of scum such as him. We should probably swing by the site and dispose of the garbage properly, so he doesn't give some poor forest creature indigestion.
DM Alexander Kilcoyne |
Yes, please bury him. The oaf was far too heavy for us, let alone the logs that landed upon him...
You make further small talk with the Fey. They too have noticed Troll's moving through the forest, but the numbers seem to be slowing recently. They believe the trolls are heading very far south- into the southern Greenbelt. The Dragon utterly devours the jerky with a wry grin, and then the pair leave, wishing you well and promising to visit you soon.
The group finish their exploration for the day.25XP each. and camp in the hex for the evening... 1d100 ⇒ 12
More to come. Lets find out who was on watch...
So a suggestion for a new watch schedule could be:
- Casimir
- Fenna
- Kalev
- Yelena
- Malthir
1d5 ⇒ 4
Yelena, please make me a perception roll...
DM Alexander Kilcoyne |
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
All is peaceful in the campsite... Or so it seems...
Without warning, a voice whispers into your ear.
I mean ye no harm lass, stay calm... a deep, Brevic voice whispers from directly behind you, waiting to see your reaction before continuing...