DM Alexander Kilcoyne's Kingmaker PBP- Chapter 1 (Inactive)

Game Master Alexander Kilcoyne

The adventures of the original Guardians of the Greenbelt and their struggle to tame the northern Stolen Lands...

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Casimir wrote:
Yelena Shukhov wrote:

I think the fuse grenade is set to go off before Yelena would have a chance to move away...

You should be out of range anyway, if it has a 10 feet radius.

Wow, I am missing things left and right. You are correct, good sir, Yelena is 15 feet away from the grenade. Let's see if she makes it. :)

hp 66/66, AC 26/17/20, CMD 23/24, F: +8, R: +11, W: +7, init: +5, per: +10 Human Bard 6/Fighter 2

Just remembered - I probably need to make another fort save, since i failed the previous two. 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16

Your Humble Narrator
Casimir wrote:
Just remembered - I probably need to make another fort save, since i failed the previous two. 1d20+3


Take 1d4 ⇒ 4 Dexterity damage. Your attack hits regardless.

The grenade went off on your initiative count Yelena, although I posted it a little out of order. Both mites were blown up by it and the centipede took heavy damage.

Centipede AOO for Casimir's charge-

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
2d6 + 9 ⇒ (6, 2) + 9 = 17

The centipede lunges for Casimir as he rushes in, and the duelist is relieved that his armour keeps the blow from wounding him this time.

I am leaving the dice rolls where they are in case Gary needs to look at my post. Players please ignore them and only focus on my descriptions, the dice rolls have changed since my preview AGAIN. Note for Gary- the dice rolls previewed and posted fine on the rolls I have edited in after this point.

Casimir the attack roll on you was an 11 total, and you took 1 point of Dexterity damage.

The massive centipede's teeth lunge for the unwounded Cavalier, while its tail slap is directed at Casimir.

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
2d6 + 9 ⇒ (6, 6) + 9 = 21

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
1d3 ⇒ 2
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21

Edric's heavier armour stands up to the teeth of the centipede, but Casimir is too slow to avoid the beasts tail, taking 2 points of non-lethal damage as it slams into him and trips him up.

Casimir is now prone.

The final smaller centipede continues to mindlessly attack Malthir, managing a successful bite.-

Your pre-rolled Fort saves cover the poison, but take 3 damage Malthir.

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
1d6 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3

Round 6 Initiative-

Yelena- 23
Mites- 19
Malthir- 18
Fenna- 12
Female Mite- 6
Centipedes- 5
Edric- 4
Dingetooth- 4
Casimir- 3
Massive Centipede- 2
Deafened Centipede- 1

Updated Round 6 Map- LINK

hp 66/66, AC 26/17/20, CMD 23/24, F: +8, R: +11, W: +7, init: +5, per: +10 Human Bard 6/Fighter 2

I'm feeling pretty fortunate that those rolls don't apply. Btw, my AC is 13 until my next turn

Your Humble Narrator

Note- the blue circles denote that your character is prone.

Yelena grits her teeth in pain, but continues to fight.

Move action to stand.
5-foot step to the east.
Free action to retrieve acid flask from masterwork belt.
Standard action to throw acid flask.

Attack 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 versus AC 5, space K5.
Damage 1d6 ⇒ 6 acid.

This has not been a lucky character for me :/

hp 66/66, AC 26/17/20, CMD 23/24, F: +8, R: +11, W: +7, init: +5, per: +10 Human Bard 6/Fighter 2
Yelena Shukhov wrote:

Yelena grits her teeth in pain, but continues to fight.

Move action to stand.
5-foot step to the east.
Free action to retrieve acid flask from masterwork belt.
Standard action to throw acid flask.

Attack 1d20+1 versus AC 5, space K5.
Damage 1d6 acid.

This has not been a lucky character for me :/

Don't forget, Inspire courage works on all attack rolls, also touch attacks. I can't see if you figured in the bonus from that?

Casimir wrote:
Yelena Shukhov wrote:

Yelena grits her teeth in pain, but continues to fight.

Move action to stand.
5-foot step to the east.
Free action to retrieve acid flask from masterwork belt.
Standard action to throw acid flask.

Attack 1d20+1 versus AC 5, space K5.
Damage 1d6 acid.

This has not been a lucky character for me :/

Don't forget, Inspire courage works on all attack rolls, also touch attacks. I can't see if you figured in the bonus from that?

Yelena took Dex damage from the poison ;)

hp 66/66, AC 26/17/20, CMD 23/24, F: +8, R: +11, W: +7, init: +5, per: +10 Human Bard 6/Fighter 2

Yeah, i just did the math - forgot the -2 from tight quarters. Sucks to miss a AC 5.

Your Humble Narrator

Yelena I need another fort save from you this round too to see if you continue to take the dex damage. Also, i'll roll to determine where the splash weapon ends up :D.

1d8 ⇒ 5

Yelena throws too far but the acid flask still damages the massive centipede.

When aiming at a grid intersection you can only deal splash damage anyway, so you would have dealt the same if you hit. The mites in here are all dead except the handler who acts on a different init count, so Malthir is up.

Fortitude save 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

Your Humble Narrator
Yelena Shukhov wrote:
Fortitude save 1d20+2


Take 1d4 ⇒ 3 points of dexterity damage and i'll need another save next round.

HP: 49/60 AC: 22, T:13, FF:21, CMD:16. Fort:+5, Ref:+5, Will:+8(+7). Per:+14, Init:+0, AoO:+8

I'm going to be away this weekend, so I'll post a couple of rounds of actions now.

this round:
Fenna watches the beast knock Casimir to the ground, then slowly backs away along the table, "When I draw it's attention, take the opportunity to stand." she tells him.

Once the duelist seems ready to move, the gnome drops her dagger and fumbles around at her belt for her crossbow and begins to clumsily load it.

Delay until just before Casimir, but after the massive centipede regains it's attack of opportunity, then 5' step out of its bite reach and draw and load the crossbow to provoke an attack of opportunity.

next round:
If Prone: Resting the crossbow on the ground, the small prophetess braces herself for another blow from the thing's powerful tail and aims towards the great beast's carapace.
If Standing:Backing further away from the huge centipede, Fenna launches a bolt towards it.

5' step away if possible.
Crossbow 1d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 - 4 = 10, 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Unless someone is badly hurt, in which case replace the attack with stabilise or cure light wounds if they are within a 5' step. Concentration if necessary 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

hp 66/66, AC 26/17/20, CMD 23/24, F: +8, R: +11, W: +7, init: +5, per: +10 Human Bard 6/Fighter 2

Fenna, don't move - I can strike it from the ground!

Your Humble Narrator
Fenna Thistleswade wrote:

I'm going to be away this weekend, so I'll post a couple of rounds of actions now.

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Thanks for letting me know. Will post Malthir's action for him today if I don't see a post, but as this could stillbe a TPK i'dlike to give him a bit more time to make his own decisions.

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16

Round 6 action:

In the hope that killing the handler might affect the combat....
5' step to M2 and attack the mite

1d20 + 7 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (16) + 7 + 1 - 2 = 22
damage 1d8 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 3 + 1 = 7

He turns to the great beast and yells at it with his other action Come great beast from the deep, come to your destruction!

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16

my next round action (Round 7)would be to try and help the rest of the group with the great beast, so next round I would probably swift action heal myslef and then double move to J3 and leave the small centipede for the moment.
Lay on hands 1d6 ⇒ 3

I think this would leave me with 13 hit points

Round 8 attack
1d20 + 7 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (3) + 7 + 1 - 2 = 9
damage 1d8 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 3 + 1 = 5

Additional fort saves if needed more than the 2 I left earlier:
1d20 + 8 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 8 + 5 = 21
1d20 + 8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 8 + 5 = 16

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16

Round 9 attack
1d20 + 7 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 7 + 1 - 2 = 26
damage 1d8 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 3 + 1 = 7
OK probably won't post again until Sunday, lets see if we are still alive...lets go Guardians!!!!!!!!!

Possible crit
1d20 + 7 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (7) + 7 + 1 - 2 = 13
damage 1d8 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 3 + 1 = 12

Male Human Cavalier (Order of the Dragon) 1

So desperate to avoid the monstrosity’s mouth Edric cannot accurately land a blow with his sword. Attack:1d20 + 5 - 2 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 5 - 2 - 2 + 1 = 5
Damage:1d8 + 3 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 3 + 1 + 2 = 13

Your Humble Narrator

Malthir suddenly cuts down the cackling mite handler, and without her influece the deafened, hungry, fed up and wounded centipede strolls over to the Mite and begins to feast upon her flesh, having trouble with the hardness of her skin.

Edric swings valiantly but is clearly more worried about avoiding the massive teeth than landing a successful blow.

Fenna steps back and lowers her guard somewhat, baiting the centipede into attacking her despite Casimir's protests. The huge centipede lunges with its tail, slamming into her ankle and flipping her up into the air and letting her crash to the ground. She manages to load her crossbow.

Clever move Fenna, kudos to you.

Due to the extent to which the centipede beat your CMD i'm ruling that it not only trips you, it launches you into the air to land prone, so i'm adding d3 points of lethal damage for that. I do occasionally ad hoc minor things like this when I DM, but more often than not its for the players so think of it as a net gain ;).

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
1d3 ⇒ 1 Lethal Damage.
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32
1d3 ⇒ 3 Non-Lethal Damage.

Casimir's up.

hp 66/66, AC 26/17/20, CMD 23/24, F: +8, R: +11, W: +7, init: +5, per: +10 Human Bard 6/Fighter 2

Not wanting the brave gnome's sacrifice to go to waste, Casimir climbs to his feet, an act made increasingly difficult by the poison coursing through his veins. Fort save 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

Hoping to bring the giant vermin down, Casimir slashes at it with his dueling blade.

Attack roll 1d20 + 4 + 1 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (19) + 4 + 1 + 1 - 2 = 23
Damage roll 1d8 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 + 1 = 7

Edit: Crit threat

Attack roll 1d20 + 4 + 1 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 4 + 1 + 1 - 2 = 24
Damage roll 1d8 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 + 1 = 6

Oh HELL yeah! Suck on that, creep!

Your Humble Narrator


No more fort saves required unless your hit again.

Casimir brutally slashes the monstrous beast across its face, the blade sinking deeply into the giant vermin. For a moment it falters and the group have a moments hope that it is finally defeated, but then it surges up again and renews its attack, its teeth sinking through the shaken Cavalier's armour and its tail narrowly missing Casimir. Edric stoically seems to resist the poisonour effects.

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
2d6 + 9 ⇒ (2, 4) + 9 = 15

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11 Miss vs Casimir
1d3 ⇒ 1Non-Lethal.
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (16) + 14 = 30

Edric's Fort Save-
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

Round 7 Initiative-

Yelena- 23
Malthir- 18
Fenna- 12
Female Mite- 6
Centipedes- 5
Edric- 4
Casimir- 3
Massive Centipede- 2

Its just the group and the BBUV (Big Bad Ugly Vermin) now- over to Yelena.

Yelena aims carefully with her crossbow and fires at the monstrous vermin.

Attack 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Damage 1d8 ⇒ 7

Critical confirmation 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Your Humble Narrator

The shot plunging right into one of the creature's red eyes, it hisses in pain, close to defeat. Malthir moves forward into melee, stumbling forward in his half-plate.

Fenna steps back and takes a shot that glances off the tough creature's hide.

Edric's up... If you can hit AC15 and deal five or more points of damage, theres a hefty chunk of XP in it for the group... Not to mention survival...

Male Human Cavalier (Order of the Dragon) 1
DM Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:
Edric's up... If you can hit AC15 and deal five or more points of damage, theres a hefty chunk of XP in it for the group... Not to mention survival...

But no presssure though right!

Seeing the Guardian's rally to defeat the beast Edric's courage returns and tossing his shieild to the side he grabs his sword wiht bolth hands and slashes at the centipede.
Attack:1d20 + 5 - 2 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 5 - 2 - 2 + 1 = 14
Damage:damage1d8 + 4 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 1 + 2 = 10
Well that is frustrating. By any chance did the death of the mite remove my shaken condition? Please...

Your Humble Narrator

Hmm... I can't find a clear ruling that the shaken condition ends upon the death of the creature but i'm feeling nice. On an even, the shaken effect ends and Edric hits. On an odd, hes still shaken...

1d20 ⇒ 4

Very well then.

Edric summons up a reserve of courage and plunges his sword with both hands into the beast's eye, ramming the blade in deeply. With a last hiss, the massive vermin dies, blocking the shaft and finishing the battle in this room. Exhausted, bloodied, but victorious, the Guardians are just beginning to catch their breath when they can hear distant noise heading their way from the other side of the tunnel.

580XP each earned through the difficult fight, and i'll throw in a bonus 20XP each for some excellent individual efforts there.

Fight or flight Guardians, you've got just about enough time to retreat if you wish to, but theres clearly more headed your way...

Yelena your still suffering from the poison's effects, i'll roll a fortitude save on your behalf and you'll need to make 6 saves total until you pass or the 6 saves are failed. I believe this is your third, and you'll have a round for someone to help you in any way they can before your next save-

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14 Fail
1d4 ⇒ 2 Dexterity Damage.

"Please... help?...."

If anyone can help, please add any relevant modifiers to these rolls.

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

I think we definitely need to regroup on the surface.

Your Humble Narrator

No amount of helps going to be enough on that first roll, but you'll shake it off on the second save. Thus-

1d4 ⇒ 2Dexterity damage.

Off for the night, will be interested in seeing what you do tomorrow.

hp 66/66, AC 26/17/20, CMD 23/24, F: +8, R: +11, W: +7, init: +5, per: +10 Human Bard 6/Fighter 2

As the giant centipede collapses under Edric's stroke, Casimir stumbles back and leans on the table, panting heavily. He winces as the breathing reminds him of his still cracked ribs.

He places a hand on his side and mutters Curative Touch. Healing energy streams into him, relieving at least some of the hurt. Cure light wounds 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

By all the gods, that was close. He looks around at his wounded and poisoned teammates. I say we retreat and regroup. We are in no condition for another fight of this magnitude, and who knows what else lurks in these holes.

He takes a couple of vials from his Adventurer's Sash. That was the last of my spells, but I have a healing potion and a vial of antitoxin, if anyone need them.

Your Humble Narrator

The group rush through the tunnels, hearing pursuit coming from the other direction. Just before they ascend the last shaft out of the trees roots, they spot a stronger-looking Mite in a fine chain shirt, with a buckler and longspear ready for combat. The mite that is clearly Grabbles is mounted upon a vicious looking insect of some sort, a little bigger than a man, and is leading a host of furious looking mites. The sound of pursuit follows the Guardians as they make good their escape, but they are not pursued out of the sycamore tree. Regrouping at their horses, the group pause to catch their breath and plan their next move.

Knowledge (Nature) DC14, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) DC16:

The creature Grabbles was riding is a Tick, albeit a giant one. Strong and vicious bloodsucking insects, they are favoured as honoured mounts by small creatures.

Mark off the anti-toxin Casimir, Yelena would have logically accepted it and drunk it before her second Fort save.

hp 66/66, AC 26/17/20, CMD 23/24, F: +8, R: +11, W: +7, init: +5, per: +10 Human Bard 6/Fighter 2

Knowledge - nature 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Phew, that was close. The creature Grabbles was riding is a Tick, albeit a giant one. Strong and vicious bloodsucking insects, they are favoured as honoured mounts by small creatures.

Now, I suggest we head to the temple of the Elk to rest and regain our strength. Jhod should be able to help us overcome the effects of our poisoning.

The antitoxin is gone - did anyone want the healing potion?

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16

Hey guys, great work! Back on-line, vacation is over. Sorry I wasn't as much help but the centipedes had my hands full. I have 13 hit points so my healing can wait on others who may be more hurt.

Yes, let's head back to the temple. We are all pretty badly hurt.
If we ride hard can we make it there today?

Your Humble Narrator
Malthir Al Dagon wrote:

Hey guys, great work! Back on-line, vacation is over. Sorry I wasn't as much help but the centipedes had my hands full. I have 13 hit points so my healing can wait on others who may be more hurt.

Yes, let's head back to the temple. We are all pretty badly hurt.
If we ride hard can we make it there today?

You can yes. As for your healing you've used all 4 Lay on Hands. Best way to handle this is probably to quickly summarise a couple of days spent resting and recovering at the temple? Once a couple of you agree to this i'll go ahead and get a post up.

I'm all for resting then coming back to flush them out. :)

Please let me know how long we will be resting so I can make some Craft checks.

hp 66/66, AC 26/17/20, CMD 23/24, F: +8, R: +11, W: +7, init: +5, per: +10 Human Bard 6/Fighter 2
Yelena Shukhov wrote:

I'm all for resting then coming back to flush them out. :)

Please let me know how long we will be resting so I can make some Craft checks.

Yeah, we should definitly stock up on potions and alchemical items - perhaps a few more grenades.

Could you put a spoiler in your profile with a price list of everything you can make? Makes it easier for the rest of us to "order" stuff from you.

Casimir wrote:
Yelena Shukhov wrote:

I'm all for resting then coming back to flush them out. :)

Please let me know how long we will be resting so I can make some Craft checks.

Yeah, we should definitly stock up on potions and alchemical items - perhaps a few more grenades.

Could you put a spoiler in your profile with a price list of everything you can make? Makes it easier for the rest of us to "order" stuff from you.

I can have that up by this evening.

Your Humble Narrator

Wounded, but having scored a victory against the mites for now, the group return to the Temple of the Elk to recuperate from the poison and wounds they accumulated. The temple is still in the early stages of restoration, but Jhod makes you all feel very welcome and prepares and casts as many lesser restorations as he is able to to combat the poison.

Kressle seems particularily concerned about Casimir, and takes him off on his own several times over the course of the two days for her own brand of 'medicine', while Karina seems intent on making Malthir uncomfortable with her eyes, but nothing else.

Two full days later, the group are ready to head out once more...

Two days of crafting for those who wish to. Jace whats the date now?

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16
DM Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:

Wounded, but having scored a victory against the mites for now, the group return to the Temple of the Elk to recuperate from the poison and wounds they accumulated. The temple is still in the early stages of restoration, but Jhod makes you all feel very welcome and prepares and casts as many lesser restorations as he is able to to combat the poison.

Kressle seems particularily concerned about Casimir, and takes him off on his own several times over the course of the two days for her own brand of 'medicine', while Karina seems intent on making Malthir uncomfortable with her eyes, but nothing else.

Two full days later, the group are ready to head out once more...

Two days of crafting for those who wish to. Jace whats the date now?

Antitoxin for everyone? At least 5 grenades to help spring any traps waiting for us? Anything else? Maybe some smoke?

Male Human Cavalier (Order of the Dragon) 1

Embarrassed by his behavior in the caves Edric seeks out Jhod and quietly ask if he has a potion to fight off fear.

hp 66/66, AC 26/17/20, CMD 23/24, F: +8, R: +11, W: +7, init: +5, per: +10 Human Bard 6/Fighter 2

DM AK, did my knowledge check reveal any additional information about Grabble's mount?

Your Humble Narrator
Sir Edric Orlavsky wrote:
Embarrassed by his behavior in the caves Edric seeks out Jhod and quietly ask if he has a potion to fight off fear.

Jhod has a potion of remove fear he will sell you for 50GP.

The tick's bite drains the blood of its victim, and its giant. In all other aspects, its a simple Tick, just bigger (medium sized).

hp 66/66, AC 26/17/20, CMD 23/24, F: +8, R: +11, W: +7, init: +5, per: +10 Human Bard 6/Fighter 2

All right, the Almanac is up to date. We arrive at the Temple on the 30th of Erastus, so with two full days of rest, we should be ready to head out on the morning of the 3rd of Arodus.

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16

We just need to find out from Yelena if she can make enough of the requested items. Any thoughts on our plan of attack since they will probably be waiting for us even more prepared this time? Maybe send in a summoned creature first into a couple of the rooms to flush any traps or ambushes out?

HP: 49/60 AC: 22, T:13, FF:21, CMD:16. Fort:+5, Ref:+5, Will:+8(+7). Per:+14, Init:+0, AoO:+8

Wow, that was close!

A vial of antitoxin each would probably be a good idea, and that grenade was pretty effective.

Male Human Cavalier (Order of the Dragon) 1

Edric nods as the guardian's discuss tactics.I believe our best approach is to stick to a tight formation and make extensive use of Yelena's alchemical items while Malthir and I hold the front line.

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16
Sir Edric Orlavsky wrote:
Edric nods as the guardian's discuss tactics.I believe our best approach is to stick to a tight formation and make extensive use of Yelena's alchemical items while Malthir and I hold the front line.

I was thinking that one of us would cover the opposite entrance to any caves to make sure we are not attacked from two sides again? One of us should be able to hold one passageway while the rest of the group deals with any frontal threats. But yes using the shield wall should be pretty effective as well.

Here is what Yelena can make and how much it costs.

Acid (1 flask) 2.5 gp
Alchemical Grease 1.25 gp
Alchemical Solvent 5 gp
Alchemist's fire (1 flask) 5 gp
Alkali Flask 3.75 gp
Alkali salt 7.5 gp
Antiplague 12.5 gp
Antitoxin (vial) 12.5 gp
Arrow, bleeding 90 gp
Arrow, durable 0.25 gp
Arrow, dye 0.25 gp
Arrow, grappling 0.25 gp
Arrow, lodestone 2.5 gp
Arrow, pheromone 3.75 gp
Arrow, raining 7.5 gp
Arrow, slow burn 37.5 gp
Arrow, splintercloud 6.25 gp
Arrow, tanglefoot 5 gp
Arrow, trip 6.25 gp
Beast lure 7.5 gp
Beast Scent 18.75 gp
Bladeguard 10 gp
Bloodblock 6.25 gp
Bodybalm 6.25 gp
Distilled Terrap Sap 7.5 gp
Everburning torch 110 gp
Firework, Desnan Candle 1.25 gp
Firework, Paper Candle 0.25 gp
Firework, Skyrocket 12.5 gp
Firework, Starfountain 125 gp
Flash Powder 12.5 gp
Fuse Grenade 25 gp
Healy myrrh 12.5 gp
Holy water (1 flask) 6.25 gp
Ink, ghost 6.25 gp
Ink, glowing (vial) 1.25 gp
Ink, invisible (simple) 0.5 gp
Ink, invisible (average) 2.5 gp
Ink, invisible (good) 6.25 gp
Ink, invisible (superior) 18.75 gp
Kaava Musk 10 gp
Keros Oil 1.25 gp
Liquid Ice 10 gp
Marker Die 3.75 gp
Ooze Grease 12.5 gp
Perfume/Cologne, common (1 dose) 0.25 gp
Perfume/Cologne, rare (1 dose) 2.5 gp
Perfume/Cologne, exotic (1 dose) 25 gp
Powder, Itching 15 gp
Scent Cloak 5 gp
Silversheen 187.5 gp
Smoke Pellet 6.25 gp
Smokestick 5 gp
Sneezing Powder (packet) 15 gp
Sunrod 0.5 gp
Tanglefoot bag 12.5 gp
Thunderstone 7.5 gp
Tindertwig 0.25 gp
Troll styptic 25 gp
Vermin Repellent 1.25 gp
Water Purification Sponge 6.25 gp

Your Humble Narrator
Malthir Al Dagon wrote:
Sir Edric Orlavsky wrote:
Edric nods as the guardian's discuss tactics.I believe our best approach is to stick to a tight formation and make extensive use of Yelena's alchemical items while Malthir and I hold the front line.
I was thinking that one of us would cover the opposite entrance to any caves to make sure we are not attacked from two sides again? One of us should be able to hold one passageway while the rest of the group deals with any frontal threats. But yes using the shield wall should be pretty effective as well.

Even to the casual observer it was obvious that the massive centipede is likely to be wedged into that shaft for quite some time. Only a highly trained team of dwarves could have shifted enough earth to excavate its bulk in this short time.

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16

Sounds good DM AK, I guess everyone get their items and lets go back there before they can prepare too many defenses. I will buy one of the antitoxins and a fuse grenade for yelena to use. Taking off the 37.5 gp

HP: 49/60 AC: 22, T:13, FF:21, CMD:16. Fort:+5, Ref:+5, Will:+8(+7). Per:+14, Init:+0, AoO:+8

Fair enough. I'll take a vial of antitoxin, two alchemist's fires and a vial of vermin repellent in case they have any smaller centipedes down there. The total comes to 23.75gp.

"It seems that the centipede was the mighty beast warned of in my prophesy, let us hope the 'Lord of Pests' and his tick are less formidable."

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