[D&D 5e] Princes of the Apocalypse DM Asmodeus (Inactive)

Game Master bwatford

Current Location: Bargewright Inn in the Dessarin Valley

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Vaneros Anteri wrote:

I thinks the rest is keeping up with your posting rate pretty good, only I am having trouble. Also my first/last post kind of got ignored, but that happens.

Since technically I have not yet spoken to the others in the tavern, nor heard their conversation, I have difficulty coming up with my next move... I'll figure something out.

I am sorry about the post rate, I had the day off and was a little geeked up. I made a post to draw your character in.

Don't be! Better to get things going than to wait around for too long. And thanks for getting me back into the group.

Are we sure it's a good idea to already split the party during the first scene?^^

Vaneros Anteri wrote:

Don't be! Better to get things going than to wait around for too long. And thanks for getting me back into the group.

Are we sure it's a good idea to already split the party during the first scene?^^

We'll find out ;) It should be fine as long as we are just talking to people.

Goliath | Fighter 7 | HP 67/67| AC 17 | Init +1 | Saves S8, D2, C6, I-1, W2, Ch-0 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Normal | Insp: N

Sorry was a busy day yesterday as well...will get something up soon!

I will begin to process the mornings post shortly, I will make multiple post each by location as to what is going on.

Since there will be a lot of NPC's to get in order it might take me a little while to get them up.

Also just a reminder. Drinks and Meals are priced as per the PHB.

Rooms are:

Standard: (Modest Accommodations)
1 gold per night and INCLUDE 2 meals and 4 ales.

Shared Bunk: (Up to 6 people.)
1 electrum per night per person and INCLUDE 2 meals, NO ale.

Stabling for animals:
1 electrum per animal per night INCLUDES feed and all needed care.

I will be out and about for the rest of the day. I will update again as soon as I return if needed.

Have Fun!

Keaton wrote:

How would you like us to search?

Explain actions or dice rolls?

Explaining actions are always best, if you do this then I will use a passive perception or passive investigation whichever applies. If you supply a roll with your explanation then I will use it instead of the passive score.

If you are searching in general then perception is used to try and notice anything out of the ordinary, if you are searching specific like the table then investigation is used to examine it.

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

Not sure if searching for the origin of the fire is general or specific? I just used the Intelligence roll because I thought that was specific enough for such a confined area.

I don't know how late it is when Vaneros gets back from the merchant. Please let me know if you think I could investigate another scene before returning to the group. Maybe this time I can pair up with someone?

Time is not really an issue. While in town I usually just tick off 5 minutes of game time per real life day unless the party is together and doing something that would take longer.

It is not the most real interpretation of time but close enough when everyone is doing different things in different places.

If everyone is ready to head for the last known location the bandits was tracked to before the Constable's man lost their trail then let me know. It is about a hour and forty-five minute walk to get out to the spot.

No rush, I just want to confirm that everyone is done in town up to this point before I change scenes.

Keaton, I need specifics on that order, the last known tracks of the bandits are five miles away from town. How far are you sending him? Or is he just going to fly up high enough to look in that direction?

I also need his fly speed, if your sending him out to the five mile area it is going to take a little time before he returns as well.

The Cairn road intersection is in town where it crosses Larch Path.

Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2

I was planning to send him to the last known area and have him do aerial observations, he is my drone. Basically go to that point and make larger circles until he finds something.

I had planned to unsummon him when we get about 2 miles away from the last know spot of the bandits. Then I can resummon him to me and we can chat.

I know I am not going to get major tactile information from him, figured he could just point out where they are so we do not need to wander around the wilderness.

I am ready to go.

Here are Lemmy's stats.


AC 13 
HP 1 (1d4-1) 
Speed 10 feet, fly 60 feet 
Str 5 (-3) Dex 16 (+3) Con 8 (-1) Int 2 (-4) Wis 14 (+2) Cha 6 (-2) 
Skills Perception +4 
Senses Passive Perception +14 
Languages – 
Keen Sight The hawk has advantage on wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. 
Actions Talons, Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 1 slashing damage.

Keaton Larroquette wrote:

I was planning to send him to the last known area and have him do aerial observations, he is my drone. Basically go to that point and make larger circles until he finds something.

I had planned to unsummon him when we get about 2 miles away from the last know spot of the bandits. Then I can resummon him to me and we can chat.

I know I am not going to get major tactile information from him, figured he could just point out where they are so we do not need to wander around the wilderness.

I am ready to go.

Here are Lemmy's stats.

** spoiler omitted **

Very good strategy and use of the familiar. Thanks for the clarification.

Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2


In response to you asking about the Ship Serenity.
I do know a tale, and I call it a tale because it ends with the line, "No one lived to tell the tale."

Serenity left Neverwinter port, all holds full to the tops with dwarven mithral, a fortune in smelted bars and ingots. It twas to make a long voyage south down to Shaar, following the Sword Coast then east toward the Sea of Steam.

The voyage was doomed even before the ship broke port. Unknown to the crew of the Sernity the Mithral was stolen. It was taken from a land caravan by force and much blood was spilt in the raid. These were no common bandits, but hired swords pledged to Luskan, they showed no mercy as the destroyed everyone, and setting fire to what they did not take. The Mithral belonged to an extended family of humans that was in the process of moving to Neverwinter to lay down roots. There was an older lady, crone by most standards, she watched her family fall before these murderers; her sons, their wives, her grandchildren, and some of her great grandchildren. With a hatred so foul and cold that even the blackest pits of the Abyss would hide from, she cursed them, she cursed the Mithral, and she cursed the land. To this day on that stretch of the road nothing grows, as if the land was salted for a long mile round.

The mithral finished it's journey to Neverwinter, and was hustled onto the ship you speak of, Serenity. It was gone the night it entered the city, clear papers and all. What the crew of the serenity did not know was the discoveries the bandits made after they left port. The wood of the wagon had rotted everyplace the Mithral had touched, a blackness foul wood rot had destroyed the wagon. Those men that touched the Mithral to load the ship had gangrenous open sores on their hands that quickly took their arms. The bandits were found dead, rotted to skeletons in the beds they rented.

As for the ship, no one knows what happened to it when it left port. Many assume the mithral ate though the ship and it sank out on the open waters, some say that the crew recieved the rotting curse and died a horrible death. Either way the ship was never heard of again.

If your father was aboard that ship, I will be honored to drink and sing songs to his memory.

@Cade, funny thought:

I had a funny thought about continuing to use minor illusion to assist with playing music. You could show me bits of songs and I could use minor illusion to reproduce them. Like a DJ using samples. Since I have no music talent you would need to go over sample by sample. I bet that if I played the "sample" and you played your riff over it I could learn to use both instruments (add a new layer to my "sample"), which means you could add a third instrument to the mix. I find this pretty funny and I am game if you want to pursue it.

"thanks for the tale, it's nice to have something to go on, and we definitely will tip back a jug in memory of the Serenity."[/b]

@keaton love the light show idea lets do it!

DM Asmodeus wrote:

If everyone is ready to head for the last known location the bandits was tracked to before the Constable's man lost their trail then let me know. It is about a hour and forty-five minute walk to get out to the spot.

No rush, I just want to confirm that everyone is done in town up to this point before I change scenes.

I'm ready.

Ready to go.

I think if Vaneros sees what Cade and Keaton are doing, he'll want to join in! I have Prestidigitation and Minor Illusion in my repertoire.

Vaneros Anteri wrote:

Ready to go.

I think if Vaneros sees what Cade and Keaton are doing, he'll want to join in! I have Prestidigitation and Minor Illusion in my repertoire.

The more the merrier!

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

I too am ready, as I posted in-game.

Goliath | Fighter 7 | HP 67/67| AC 17 | Init +1 | Saves S8, D2, C6, I-1, W2, Ch-0 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Normal | Insp: N


Female Half-Elf Druid 3
Quick Stats:
Init +2 | AC 14 | HP 24/24, Speed 30 ft | PassPerc 15, Senses Darkvision
Quick Stats:
Spell DC: 13 | Spells (0/4 2/2 used) | STR 10 (+0) DEX 14 (+2) CON 14 (+2) INT 12 (+1) WIS 16 (+3) CHA 10 (+0)

Ah damn, sorry, ususally I notice when i forgot to switch to my alias in time to edit the post. No luck this time.

Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2
Kenna wrote:

Ah damn, sorry, ususally I notice when i forgot to switch to my alias in time to edit the post. No luck this time.

Awesome oops I forgot to change my alias message, lol

Slow posting Friday I see. I'll update once everyone has a chance to post up.

Weekly Posting Summary
Monday, August 10th, 2015 through Friday, August 14th, 2015
Overall Game Health:

Probably none of you care about the stats except for me, but I am posting these here anyway.

Number of Active Players: 7
Total Post From Players: 71
Average Post Per Day: 14.2
Average Post/Per Player Per Day: 2.03

Weekly Post Totals:

Narnel: 8
Cade: 21
Laial: 7
Molok: 10
Keaton: 10
Kenna: 8
Vaneros: 7

For next time, wouldn't it be easier if we'd use some kind of group stealth mechanic? I don't know how often it'll come up, but I think it could potentially speed up the whole process.

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

So long as my attempt at building a character with stealthy abilities does not get nerfed to benefit some type of group average.

Vaneros Anteri wrote:
For next time, wouldn't it be easier if we'd use some kind of group stealth mechanic? I don't know how often it'll come up, but I think it could potentially speed up the whole process.

Actually everyone can just use their passive stealth scores. But I wanted to give everyone a chance to roll if they wanted to.

At this point I am just waiting on a post by Laial to post up before updating. If she doesn't post by tonight I'll move everything forward using her passive stealth which is (10).

Ah ok, that makes sense. So you assume the passive score, unless we roll. Works for me!

You've got that all prepped very well! Just out of curiosity: is this group of bandits and the bear and the whole scenery described that colourful in the adventure or did you come up with parts/all of it on your own? Just curious, because I'd assume from some of the last publications, that in the adventure it reads more like this: "There are bandits the PCs might want to pursue. Those are 4 lvl1 rogues and a lvl2 fighter as their leader. The PCs might find X amount of loot."

Really, just curious. It is just a bandit camp, yet you really made something imaginative out of it.

All added for color and flavor and tie in to later events. Here is the description from the book for the entire encounter:

"In a brush-choked dell a short distance from the Cairn Road is a makeshift camp in front of a cave entrance. Four surly humans sharpen their blades around the fire. Nearby is a wagon with a wooden cage atop it. Inside the cage, a black bear paws at the bars."

That is all the official books descriptive text says about the encounter other than whats in the cave and why the bear is there.

So from a DM perspective and knowing the entire story of what happens later you simply have to reason during DM prep as why the bandits are there. What is there tie in to other bandits in the area, etc.

If you go by the book then they are just simply there so a first level party has a easy foe to start. I just made them part of what is going on in the surrounding area and have a reason for being here.

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

Well Done, DM! What is your preference for "encounter posting"? Should we just post as normal, and you will order the actions per initiative, or would you prefer we post in actual initiative order?

Narnel Falerathon wrote:
Well Done, DM! What is your preference for "encounter posting"? Should we just post as normal, and you will order the actions per initiative, or would you prefer we post in actual initiative order?

Do not wait for others to post, post up your round actions and then once everyone post up I will resolve the actions into the initiative order. If you attack a target that is no longer available because of another players actions that went before you I will move you to the next closest target if available if you can get to them and attack.

Cade has used his Bardic Inspiration (PHB pg53-54), anytime with in the next 10 minutes Molok will get 1d6 inspiration dice which he can add to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. This can be added before or after he rolls a d20 but it must be before the DM reveals weather the d20 fails or succeeds.

Goliath | Fighter 7 | HP 67/67| AC 17 | Init +1 | Saves S8, D2, C6, I-1, W2, Ch-0 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Normal | Insp: N


I saw that he had done so, but rolled really well and did not want to waste the extra dice..unless I can use them for my damage dice? I will keep it for later, as I am sure I will need it to boost a roll soon!1 lol

Molok Granite Fist wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Just wanted to make sure that you knew that you have 10 minutes to use the bonus. Sorry, can't use it on damage dice.

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

@Cade: How long does the Advantage on attacks last for in the event of a failed save?

@Molok: You may want to roll the advantage attack in case your Bandit fails the save.

Narnel Falerathon wrote:

@Cade: How long does the Advantage on attacks last for in the event of a failed save?

@Molok: You may want to roll the advantage attack in case your Bandit fails the save.

Don't have the book with me but I believe it is 1 minute and requires concentration.

Cade Ravenhill wrote:
Narnel Falerathon wrote:

@Cade: How long does the Advantage on attacks last for in the event of a failed save?

@Molok: You may want to roll the advantage attack in case your Bandit fails the save.

Don't have the book with me but I believe it is 1 minute and requires concentration.

You are correct, Faerie Fire requires concentration and last up to one minute.

Just waiting on Laial to post her actions for the round before resolving the results.

If for some reason she doesn't post up by midnight (CST) then I will DMPC her for the round.

Putting some dice rolls here..... as I process the round.

Bear Strength Check Against Cage.
Bear Strength Check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Bandits DEX Saving Throws against Cade's Fairie Fire.

Bandit#1: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Bandit#2: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Bandit#3: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

Bandit #1 Light Crossbow attack at Cade. AC 14 +2 from cover. (16)

Light Crossbow: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Bandit #2 Light Crossbow attack at Kenna. AC 14

Light Crossbow: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Critical Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 7
Critical Effect: 1d100 ⇒ 48

Bandit #3 Light Crossbow attack at Cade. AC 14 +2 from cover (16)

Light Crossbow: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Bandit #4 Scimitar attack at Laial. AC 18 + dodge action

Scimitar: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
disadvantage: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Double post above, only taking the first results.

Have any of you heard from Laial?

She missed posting last Wednesday and Friday and didn't post all weekend or today (Monday).

That's 3 out of the last six weekdays. Just wondering if she is sick or something?

Female Half-Elf Druid 3
Quick Stats:
Init +2 | AC 14 | HP 24/24, Speed 30 ft | PassPerc 15, Senses Darkvision
Quick Stats:
Spell DC: 13 | Spells (0/4 2/2 used) | STR 10 (+0) DEX 14 (+2) CON 14 (+2) INT 12 (+1) WIS 16 (+3) CHA 10 (+0)

Urgh, almost maximum damage. Wow, I got really unlucky this round.

Nut sure what's up with Laial. Her accound also hasn't had any other activity in a while. She might just be inconvenienced somehow.

Are the logs and stones around the campfire difficult terrain?

I don't know about Laial either.

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

I know nothing of Laial either.

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