Crusty's Psionic Rise of the Runelords Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Crustypeanut

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Grand Lodge

Crustypeanut wrote:
Crunch looks good.

Cool. If you have any suggestions, I"m open to them. But I like how he should play within the group that's submitted. :)

Crustpeanut wrote:
Storywise.. I like how he's old enough to remember Sandpoint's founding. However, that would raise numerous odd questions from the townspeople - if he looks so young, why hasn't he aged a day? He doesn't look Elven or to have Elven blood, so his 'perpetual youth' would be an issue he would have to hide. Unless, of course, he moved on for a while, and so no one alive in Sandpoint now would recognize him. You could claim to be your own child, as long as the burns you suffered were 'after' you returned, not before. Otherwise the rare long-lived person in town might notice.

I'd love to retain him being a part of the founding of Sandpoint, but I may need your help to do so. How long has it been since the founding at the beginning of the adventure?

And (though I neglected to actually note it in his backstory… sorry) I like the idea that he recognizes that people find it odd that he didn't seem to age, and that's what drove him to continue drifting through Varisia. So he likely stuck around for 7 to 10 years, then – when he realized it was going to get uncomfortable because he didn't age – he'd have packed up his few things and hit the road. And I figure he stays away for a long time at a stretch… like 5 to 7 years at a time. So while it's likely that people would remember him, it's just as likely that he could get by with some excuse of them just not remember him accurately... though I do like your idea of claiming to be his own son... I just might use that if it comes up. Additionally, he doesn't exactly seek attention. So even when he's in town, he's just as likely only to hit up a few old acquaintances and avoid notice as to engage the issue of his age.

As to your last point about the rare long-lived person noticing; I was actually counting on it. I figure that the few friends that he has in town are all really old. They know something's obviously different about him, but they also know him well enough to know he's a friend… so hopefully they don't make much of an issue of it. I mean, at the end of the day, he has the experiences and perspective of someone their age… he just looks like he hasn't aged a day.

Let me know if this works for you, and I"ll put a few lines into his backstory to mention it all. Also, if you do like this angle, let me know a few old or older npc's in town that could be his few friends.

Crustypeanut wrote:
Another issue is his Varisian Tattoos. Such Varisian-styled tattoos on an outsider, as you thoroughly look Taldan, are quite odd, and might also raise questions. Still, its not unheard of, so you can get by with that. You could always claim to have Varisian blood in you, despite outwardly looking Taldan.

Hmmm… I had originally liked the idea that he spoke nearly fluent Varisian and blended in more, so the tattoos seemed to fit. AS I look at the character now, I tend to agree with you. I'll remove the tattoos from the description. As a person who generally seeks to avoid attention, not having distinctive tattoos is probably wise, anyway.

Let me know about any and all of this, and I"ll update Kidd's page. And thanks for the feedback.

I just wanted to say that I am still here, I just have had a few busy last few days. I will be submitting The Wanderer. He is a Elan Psion created at an earlier time and has been wandering ever since, always on the move, always looking for the next adventure. He dresses impeccably and always has his dijore with him, its his psionic screwdriver ;) I'm still working on the background as I don't want it to be a Dr. Who clone, rather my own personification of it.

Man, I don't know about all this talk of tattoos and screwing drivers (which isn't a good plan, wrecks are likely, though YMMV). I just hit things with a big hammer in my magic suit.

I am still working on my background. I am starting to like my ideas, now I just need to write them down in coherent sentences. :)

Concerning crunch and role for Jorn; I aim to make him a melee supporter with vast amounts of telepathy and/or psychokinesis blasting when needed. :D

He is, of course, also quite capable to act as the party face, being charismatic and all.

Crustypeanut wrote:

Alrighty, feedback time!

@Jorn Charn Why exactly did you take Wild Talent? If you picked that feat so you can be counted as a 'Psionic Character', this is not needed thanks to your class. By being a Wilder, you're considered a Psionic Character already. This'll give you a feat to put elsewhere. Also, your math is wrong with your melee attacks - Using a Punching Dagger and a Shield Bash confers a -4 attack penalty to your main hand (The shield) and a -8 to your offhand (The dagger). Your math indicates that you recieve no penalty to your mainhand, but a -4 non-proficiency penalty to your offhand. Being proficient with shields, you are also proficient with shield bashes, but two-weapon fighting with them confers massive penalties without the proper feat. Everything else looks good.
I look forward to seeing your full background!

You´re right, hadn´t caught that small mistake there, thank you.

I originally took Wild Talent for the extra PP, but in retro-respect, those 2 PP don´t mean much in the long run, especially when I can manifest any of my powers for free(Well, nearly free, costs my focus), with only 30% chance of failure, thanks to Wild Surge.
I am thinking on taking Psicrystal Affinity instead.

I'll be submitting my backstory very soon!

He's not done(far from it), but here is Xanthus, my Vitalist(and soon Alchemist).

Grand Lodge

i went ahead and updated Kidd's background and description given the feedback. Let me know if you have any further thoughts, comments, critiques or questions, Crustypeanut.

I"m looking forward to hearing how this group will shape up. :)


I am afraid I just can't come up with a compelling story for what I want to play. And I don't want to turn in a half filled character. Perhaps I'll find inspiration in time for my Half-Giant ridiculous weapon wielding Barbarian/Psychic Warrior.

I will be making more progress this week not only because I have to but it looks like my busy schedule may ease up a little.


I'm honestly having trouble coming up with a story that doesn't feel cliché. I'm still working on it though. I might have to change my race to something a bit more...relate-able. Ophiduans have badass racials, but not much has been written about them, and I'm having trouble coming up with a motivation for adventuring beyond "it's a way to make myself better". :\

Grand Lodge

Yah, it's why I went with Elan. Much easier to work with their motivations and fitting them into the story.

You could always pick a more traditional race. Humans or half-elves could fit really nicely, I would think.

Even I couldn't think of much for the Ophiduans.. thats why I tossed them so far south. XD

Grand Lodge

*spends a pp to activate repletion*

Just keeping things moving in here. Can't wait for the 14th. :)

Sorry I've been kinda quiet guys! Stuff's been stuff. I'm going to look through and comment on those I haven't commented on yet tomorrow, in addition to commenting on those who have fixed things.

I am finally done with my crunch, now working on my fluff. It's more I finally had some time to crunch it.

Andromeda Rexstar

Hey! So I was so excited when you had the interest check for this. Glad to see you are running it and I am really pumped about the idea of actually playing in it. I realize that this is coming a little bit later than others, but I really hope Dov interests you. I thought a Cryptic would be a good addition, and with Grammaton for a little flare, I think he should be an all around good addition to whatever team you compile.

Apologies, I didn't realize you wanted the aliases in a particular format. I will be reformatting this character right away.

Is it okay to use the DnDSheets character sheet(see my link to Xanthus, above) instead of Bestiary stat block? I've only got internet access through my tablet at this point, so making the Bestiary one right now is crazy difficult.

Resubmitting Xiao Chen as a half-elf. He's still from Tian Xia, on the run from debt collectors. He sought to escape their grasp in the metropolitan cradle of Sandpoint and get involved with an adventuring group for protection. I'm writing up his description/backstory now.

Andromeda is completed, however I will tweaking the fluff until we or if I start.

Andromeda Rexstar Cyrusian

Note: I tried to change her from Andromeda Rexstar to Andromeda Cyrusian and since I already had ten posts with this name, I was unsuccessful.

Xanthus Sana, at your service.

Here is Jorn Charn, background and all.
If there is anything that i need to clarify, you just need to ask :)

Hey guys,

I'm really sorry to have to say this, but after a ton of thought (and despite trying to work it out), I'm going to have to cancel this campaign.

I know some of you have been really looking forward for this to start, and I'm really sorry about this. :(

Well... That sucks.
If you ever have another Psionic campaign in the works, send me a PM.
No hard feelings though, I had forseen some problems with the shift from magic to psionics, especially the Rune-Lords and sin-magic, that would sorta be hard to implement, as Psionics have 6 "schools" and magic have 9 (General and Divination schools are not influenced by Sin-Magic)
It is kind of daunting to remake so much.

No problem Crusty and take care. Thank you for letting us know instead of just flaking out from view..

Well poop. Don't worry about it, I totally understand. I second Jorn's sentiment: If anyone does a psionic AP, send me a PM and I will come running.

It's okay, Crusty.

Yeah what Jorn said was one big portion of the problem. Not only is there the fact that I'm no where near as knowledgable about Psionics as I thought I was, but remaking a campaign literally revolving around the 7 schools of magic into a system that has only 6 was bugging the ever-living crap out of me. Doesn't help I'm sort of OCD about detail, either. XD

Thanks for being understanding guys! Maybe in time I'll try out a series of Psionic one shots to get familiar with the Psionic rules better.

Aww, no smashing... It's fine, man! I understand.

Grand Lodge

Hmmm... well, this is unfortunate. I guess I'd rather know now than get into a campaign and have it fall apart.

If you do decide to run this (or some other psionic mini-adventures to feel it out), Crustypeanut, please let us know.

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