Cap'n Voodoo |

Jim fort: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Jim takes the worse of the stink bomb, catching it with an open mouth about to respond to Kaul. He gags spastically as Dibbets blows the nauseating cloud clear. Kaul charges forward to draw short of a horrifying visage- a squat bulbous-bodied thing with thin spindly arms and legs. It takes Kaul a moment to recognize one of those piggish summonings from the Pit that the Groom once called a blubber demon. He doesn't think twice before driving Lopper into the demon flesh. It gives an unearthly squeal and launches itself at the mortal. Misshapen jaws lined with jagged teeth latch onto the orc-blooded thug and a claw digs through his armor. Kaul-5 bite, 3 slash The Aspis mercenaries take the opportunity to pincushion the combatants with crossbow bolts. More hit the demon thing though its blubber and unnatural hide seem to shield it, but Kaul is also hit in the barrage. Kaul-4 pierce
Round 2

James "Madman Jim" Patterson |

Jim staggers back, emptying his stomach all over the floor and continuing to dry-heave once he hits bottom. What's that Dibbets said? If I feel a wee furry ring coming up, swallow hard?

"Keelhaul" Kaul |

As the porcine demon launches itself at Kaul, the thug responds in kind with his own bellowing laugh, bringing his axe to bear:
"Hur-Hur-Hur! Once I's done with the porker 'ere - you lot are next for the guttin'!"
Melee: Lopper (+1 Keen Waraxe): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
Damage: +1 Waraxe: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Cap'n Voodoo |

and I'm back in the webosphere...
Kaul takes another swing at the thing, but supernaturally hard hide and thick blubber shield it from the worst effects of Lopper's deadly edge. At least the thug manages to keep the demon's claws and fangs at bay because it doesn't look like Jim is going to be providing any back-up for a while. Dibbets tries to help by quickly reloading his firearm and firing at the mercs...
Musket (deadly aimed): 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (1) + 7 - 2 = 6 for: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
...and it misfires as usual singeing his beard! Another volley of crossbow bolts flies wide of Kaul or land in the fiend which takes no notice. A familiar face appears from around the corner behind the barricade, it's that Aspis woman with the big blue friend. She bares her teeth at the sight of Kaul and Dibbets. "YOU! You got me sent to this shit hole. I'm gonna make sure you go down this time."
Round 3

Corliss Blackboots |

Corliss perks up a bit at the sounds coming from the barracks.
"Hey Buddy!" he calls to the other captive in a nearby cage. "Sounds like somethin's afoot! I was figurin' maybe them sea devils was turnin' on the Aspis Consort folks, but sahuagin don't use no 'splosives, now do they? You got any way outta yer cage? I got Bessie's blessin', fer what that's worth."
Strength check (burst bars; guidance): 1d20 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 + 1 = 20
I'm assuming all armor, weapons, and gear have been consifcated.

Cap'n Voodoo |

yes, your gear has been taken, incl. holy symbols, but I'll allow that you can cast orisons and use makeshift weapons.

James "Madman Jim" Patterson |

Jim gives a rictus grin between alimentary spasms. "You sure you...hrargh...want to be in a lighthouse...with us? You know...how the last one ended up."
Two more rounds after this.

"Keelhaul" Kaul |

The appearance of the Aspistress gives the thug momentary pause, then an ominous chuckle;
"Hur-hur! Nice to see ye again! Ol' Kauly will be with ye momentarily... an' relieve that noggin o' yours from the rest o' ye!"
Kaul turns his attention back to the abyssal porker with a leering grin;
"Right Porky... Me an' you's done dancin'... Got other folks champin' to meet Lopps!"
and follows up his reperatee with a vicious arcing chop:
Melee (Power Attack): Lopper (+1 Keen Waraxe): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Crit Confirm? (Power Attack): Lopper (+1 Keen Waraxe): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Power Attack Damage: +1 Waraxe: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
Crit Damage? +1 Waraxe: 2d10 + 18 ⇒ (10, 7) + 18 = 35

Dibbets |

Dibbs gives the fresh arrivals a wave and an air kiss as he spends a while trying to salvage his infernal musket. After a few moments he tosses it aside and draws out his pistola calling "C'mon an join tha party lassie..." jerking back to dodge the arterial spray from Kaul's foe.

Cap'n Voodoo |

There'd be pork chops for supper had not the demon dissolved before Lopper's vicous edge returning to the Pit and leaving only a splatter of blood and bile that evaporates to black wisps that stink of blood and shit. That's probably for the best. Dibbets preps his side arm and Jim manages a taunt between heaves. The Aspis flunkies beyond the barricaded table seem unnerved by the obliteration of the horrible demon since only one bolt manages to clip Kaul. Kaul-3 pierce
The pudgy Aspsi leader frowns at the mercs poor aim, but gives a slight sneer to the invaders as the blue hulk of an eidelon appears at her side. "You won't be burning anything. Bellu will make sure your butts get stomped out dead."
Round 3

Dibbets |

The filthy halfling snorts "Aye, worked out feckin well fer ye last time didnae it?" before taking a bead and deep breath t'wards his raised pistola seeking to place first hole in the big blue Bellu...
Pistol (Deadly Aim): 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (13) + 7 - 2 = 18 for 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Corliss Blackboots |

Corliss seems utterly flabbergasted that he actually succeeded in escaping the cage...through a feat of strength! "I be thinkin' we got Bessie 'erself to thank fer that minor miracle," he informs his fellow captive. "Doubt I can do that again afore our jailors return, so...lemme see iff'n thar be a set o' keys lyin' about. Sweet Bess forgive me fer always tryin' to take the easy way out...."
Although he'd used several surreptitious castings of create water orisons to keep himself and Virgil hydrated during their captivity, food had been horrid in quality and scarce in quantity, and his stomach gave a loud grumble. Casting a quick light spell, the priest moved into the center of the room and began to scan the room for keys, weapons, or anything that might help in an escape attempt.
Perception check will be next round's main action.

"Keelhaul" Kaul |

Round 3
At the portly mages empty threat, Kaul merely emits a hacking chuckle;
"Hur... Good 'un..."
The manic grin slips like a dropped anchor and the thug growls at the hiding thugs;
"You lot want to live best get runnin' now... Stay an' ye'll wash the floor red... One time deal..."
Inimidate (All thugs if poss): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29
Kaul hefts Lopper and moves menacingly toward table and foes...

Cap'n Voodoo |

Jim stops gagging, but needs a moment to gather himself as he takes a few deep breathes. 1 more round Dibbets' shot impacts the big blue bruiser hard, punching through the magical force shield that seems to offer more protection that her skimpy chainmail bikini. Her master shrieks at the halfling and throws a tiny token at Dibbets. It grows into a flying giant whip that lashes around halfling, binding and squeezing. Dibbets-2 nonlethal, grappled
Kaul glowers as the demon ichor evaporates off his lethal axe and delivers his threat. Kaul-you can use ya'll's infamy score to intimidate that # of opponents 1/day and your frightening class ability to induce fear 1 rnd with that roll The ultimatum paired with the obliteration of the demon works; morale crumbles and the mercs hurriedly retreat to the rear of the room and through a hidden door leaving their leader to die without them.
Bellu gives a guttural growl in return and charges Kaul trailing quicksilver blood from the bullet hole in her side. Over a head taller than the orcish sailor and incredibly muscular, the eidolon lays a crushing haymaker on the thug that rings his bell good. Kaul-18 bludge
Round 4

Dibbets |

Stoically accepting his incarceration, Dibbs keeps his eyes and attention on the real threat of the day. Narrowing gaze at the blue one he looks to lace some indifference into his voice "Oi, none o' that now... stoppit"
Concentration: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23 to cast forbid action - Will DC 15 of Bellu can't attack

"Keelhaul" Kaul |

Round 4
Kaul reels at big blue Bellu nails him with a peachy sunday punch...
He staggers and spits a tooth with a bloody smile;
"Hurrrr.... That tickled a mite too much! Be remiss o' me not to return the favour!"
The thug hacks at the hulking eidolon with his trusty hatchet;
"Lopps! 'Ave at 'er!!!"
Melee (Power Attack): Lopper (+1 Keen Waraxe): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Power Attack Damage: +1 Waraxe: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

Cap'n Voodoo |

Wiping the vomit from his chin, Jim moves forward with determination past Dibbets who continues to be hogtied and squeezed by the big magical bullwhip. Dibbets-6 nonlethal Kaul swings his murderous axe down, but the keen edge is slowed enough by the magical force surrounding Bellu that the adamantine blade is stopped by the skimpy chain armor. The big magical warrior ignores Dibbets' command and swings back at Kaul, but the wary thug ducks the whistling chop. In the rear, the Aspis boss drinks a potion and disappears from view.
Round 5

James "Madman Jim" Patterson |

"Hope you left a bit for me, mate." Jim advances into the fray, blade sparking, but the slender tip is deflected by empty air. The Taldan prepares to parry the eidolon's fist.
Standard attack: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (5) + 13 = 18
Opportune parry: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32
As I read the rules, if she attacks me she needs to beat a 32; if she doesn't, I get a riposte, which I will roll.
Riposte: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21
Riposte damage, if applicable: 1d6 + 7 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + 7 + (2) = 12

"Keelhaul" Kaul |

Round 5
Kaul's beady eyes blink in surprise at the chainkini thwarts his keen edged axe. The thug has a quick word with his hatchet...
"Bloody Hull! That just won't do will it Lopps? Won't feckin' do at all! 'Ave another nibble matey!"
... then resumes hostilities with gusto;
Melee (Power Attack): Lopper (+1 Keen Waraxe): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Power Attack Damage: +1 Waraxe: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

Cap'n Voodoo |

Jim stands ready to riposte after the big blue woman dodges his thrust, but never gets a chance as Kaul's pep talk seems to do his axe good and Lopper cleaves into the eidolon. Silvery blood sprays from what surely is a mortal wound, but she immediately recovers and then fades away leaving the crew in a seemingly empty and silent barracks aside from Dibbets' grunts as the great flying bullwhip continues to squeeze him. Dibbets up

"Keelhaul" Kaul |

Round 6
Bleeding, battered and bruised Kaul scowls as Bellu blinks out, then turns his attention to his wee mate feeling the big squeeze.
The thug brings his mechniklaw to bear, attempting to break the grapple with its power;
STR check?: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Corliss Blackboots |

"Garn, Bessie--I git that ye already got me outta one jam, an' that this fella likely ain't one o' yer faithful, but...I just don't have it in me to slip away an' leave him at the mercy o' them damned Asspissers. They ain't got no mercy. So...whaddaya say, Bessie me sweet? One more miracle fer yer favorite sea-priest?"
Corliss again whispers a quick prayer to Besmara and tries desperately to pry the bars of the other captive's cage apart.
Strength Check (guidance; leverage bonus?): 1d20 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 1 + 2 = 9

Cap'n Voodoo |

Jim grabs the narrow end of the flying whip and Kaul wrangles the whipstock. The pair get the wild thing under control and peel it off their smaller companion. It continues writhing in their grasp a moment before it disappears.

Virgil Longstreet |

"Keelhaul" Kaul |

Kaul eyes his shipmates before proceeding.
The motley thug looks in worse wear than usual and is now missing a tusk from Bellu's haymaker. 3/57 HP
"Hur. Any indifference afore we proceed mates? Ol' Kauly's felt better like..."
Kaul hefts Lopper and regardless of if healing is available begins to approach the first door...
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

Corliss Blackboots |

Corliss isn't familiar with some of the other captive's vocabulary, so he opts to answer the man with a burst of quick, to-the-point phrases.
"Name's Corliss. My ship got overrun by sahuagin. Mayhaps they got yers, too. We're currently 'guests' o' some agents o' the Aspis Consortium. I don't think this whole locked in cages thing is part o' some secret initiation into their order."
Corliss takes a closer look at the stirring man. "You got some muscles in that bulk o' yers? I managed to bend a loose bar on me own cage but ain't had much luck with yers. Wanna give it a go?"
Not waiting for an answer, he casts guidance on the other man and hands him the pry-bar.

Virgil Longstreet |

The man takes the prybar hesitantly. "Virgil. My name is Virgil Longstreet. I suppose..." He looks at the bars and squints his eyes in focus. "I suppose I could try. I'm still a bit carfuddled from all of these happenings." He rubs his hands together, wedges the prybar, and gives a heave.
Str: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22 Assuming +1 from guidance and +2 for the prybar.

James "Madman Jim" Patterson |

"Let me go first, mate. You've had your fun with the blue woman whilst I was spilling my guts, hey?" Blade out, Jim presses past the wounded half-orc towards the first door, listening intently.
Perception check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Cap'n Voodoo |

Jim moves in and finds a strange tableau; a pair of cells, one open and an unarmed sailor holding aloft a glowing hand watching a rather fat figure within the closed cell battering rather ineffectively at the bars.

James "Madman Jim" Patterson |

The sailor in the lead is a compact Taldan man holding an ornate rapier in a manner that suggests some familiarity with its use. He's clean-shaven, indicating a less than noble origin. His appearance is marred somewhat by streaks of vomit down the front of his shirt, covering traces of drying mud. At the sight of the pair he lowers his rapier slightly. "Afternoon, gents. Have you seen a rather angry woman pass through here recently? Or perhaps a few terrified crossbowmen?"

"Keelhaul" Kaul |

Kaul lumber to peer o'er Jim's shoulder at the cell's incumbents.
The stocky half orc is a frightening vision of blood, bruises and scars old and new. His left arm is a mechanical monstrosity, whilst his right clutches a fell looking war-axe.
"Hur... Evenin' Lads..."
The thug pauses and leans a cauliflower ear towards the hatchet;
"Gaol birds ready to fly free an' peck the eyes o' those that stuck 'em 'ere ye say Lopps? Good 'nough fer Kauly!"
Kaul nods at the axe's sage advice and flashes a bloody grin.

Corliss Blackboots |

Corliss finds his plea cut off as the strangers begin talking. He's at a loss for words at the Taldan's cavalier, polite inquiries and likely scared speechless by the half-orc's dangerous appearance. When 'Kauly' suggests joining the fight against their captors, he swallows the "-ley!" he'd been about to utter and instead nods enthusiastically.
"Name's Corliss, an' I'm a bit o' a ship's healer. Not the greatest swordsman, but if you can help recover me gear, I'll heal you lads up an' help take down these damned Asspissers!"
After a pause he points at the caged man and says, "He's Virgil. All I know 'bout him is he talks kinda funny."

James "Madman Jim" Patterson |

"Jim Patterson. You'll forgive me for being a mite suspicious, as the last group we seemed to be on good terms with turned out to be a couple of werecrocs and a witch. It was only by great good luck none of the witch's magic bit on me, or we'd likely not be here." He nudges the half-orc. "We get back to Freeport, remind me to tip Brother Peg-Leg a little extra."

Corliss Blackboots |

"You boys know Peg-Leg Peligro?" Corliss asks, seeming a bit surprised. "Ol' Peg-Leg helped heal me up after me accident an' even helped get me a job on the Barnacled Bunyip, 'til late captained by one Marklan Vagland--try sayin' that name five times fast after a night o' drinkin! Cap'n V was a good man, fer the most part, though. I'm sorry he be dead but I'm more'n ready to jump crews iff'n it'll git me off this rock."

Virgil Longstreet |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

"Talk funny? Talk funny!? Good sir, you are lucky I am not in the habit of insulting strangers, or else I would make disparaging speculations regarding the legitimacy of your birth." You see a rotund man in clothes that were once fine, but have been sullied with dirt and blood. His eyes are a deep blue, with small flecks of silver near the iris. His skin is fair and pale, indicating northern ancestry. He has a hawkish nose and heavy brow. His jaw would be prominent, if it were not for the jowls. He wears a mustache that covers his entire upper lip, and crosses his cheeks to join with his sideburns. He wears a cracked monocle over one eye.
"My name is Virgil Longstreet. Esquire. I am currently unable to greet you properly, due to these confining bars. His voice is thick with the accent of rural gentry. "May I trouble you for some assistance?"

James "Madman Jim" Patterson |

The Taldan relaxes at Corliss' words and sheathes his rapier with minimal flash. "Your taste in friends is excellent, as is your taste in enemies, hey? And you, Virgil Longstreet, Esquire--" Jim manages to stifle a chuckle. "--what's your story? While you're doing the telling, Kaul will cut you loose."

"Keelhaul" Kaul |

Kaul shrugs his bullish shoulders and grabs at the cell door with his mechanical arm. Once he gets purchase, the thug attempts to yank it free of its hinges;
STR check?: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

Dibbets |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Healing for Kaul: CSW + CMW = 3d8 + 6 + 2d8 + 6 ⇒ (8, 6, 6) + 6 + (5, 7) + 6 = 44
Spells Cast today: 1 x 1st, 3 x 2nd, 2 x 3rd
Seeing Kaul right with a slap tickle and half a reach around, Dibbs admires his work with half arsed shrug of the shoulders and a phlegmy snort. Muttering "One o these days ye'll learn tae dodge a mite better matey..."
Late to the party he stumps along a crutchily and squints middensly suspicious at the be-goaled... before two things puts him a peaceable... One that any bastard locked up by the Aspis is likely his sort of bastard... and two... well Dingus were a mite strange tae the eye and that bugger worked out okay.
Refraining from offering hand or greeting Dibbs instead cracks his neck as the cell offers screaming distress at the attention being given o'er by Kaul's tender ministrations. If left standing the halfer suggests "Might need tae use tha lockpick matey" gesturing with hairy chin t'wards Lopper.
To the ones a prisoned he ventures "Looks like one's salty an the other's a bit light on tha 'ardtack eh? Comes across a bit like tha farmer's daughter after tha ship's just leavin port... once were bright an shiny but dragged thru tha sh1te a tad." sniffing and wiping his nose off on weather beaten arm "Still... 'spose we all dinnae mind a bit 'o silk over tha arse end every now an agin... but I gots tae questionin... ken ye get doon inna dirty or ye jus a faded rose?" eyeing Virgil expectantly as though his wee monologue made perfect sense as it left his brain and went to be birthed by his lips...