Call of the Forgotten Realms

Game Master Charles Evans 25

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last place


Bronx will do a quick glance into the inn to see if he recognizes anyone. If not, then he'll head back towards the boarding house they were all staying at and hope the rest have regrouped there.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1


“And I am Davkul Gladdenstone, an ex-innkeeper from Waterdeep.”, Ashan’s companion introduces himself.
“Wait here, and I’ll ask about you.”, the sandy haired human instructs, before he disappears back into the house, locking the door behind him.
“Prejudice from some troublesome neighbours.”, Davkul answers a questioning look that Ashan shoots at him. “The City of Splendours, alas, these days is not so cosmopolitan as it once was; my inn…” he trails off and shakes his head, tutting sorrowfully.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1


Please deduct the appropriate amount of cash for the room for the girl (1 GP & 6 SP) from your profile.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1


Bronx hitches his pony as best he can to a post next to a stone mounting block around the front of the inn, rather than go looking for any stables that the inn may have.
Then Bronx heads into the inn, relieved to be out of the snow for a bit.
Bronx glances around the common room, with its roaring log fire, but does not see Nim or anyone else whom he recognises, and so heads into the bar. Once again, he draws a complete blank in terms of familiar faces.
The buzz of chatter around the bar seems to be focused on a disturbance earlier today up at the former offices of the Red Star mining company, some way out from town on the east side of the valley; a number of folk had apparently gathered there for interviews.
Just to confirm if Bronx intends to head back outside to his pony and head on to the boarding house since he hasn’t spotted anyone whom he recognises in here?

Male (Rock) Gnome Ranger 1


Yeah, Bronx doesn't want to stick around too long with his 'ill-gotten booty'. He wants to get somewhere "safe" and take a look at it.

Male Halfling Rogue 2

G.M. Charles:


Ashan will say as an asside to Davkul, "Friendly one that one."
He will then give the human time to search for Aumbril, and engage Davkul in general conversation about what else he may be able to remember about the situation at the mine offices.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1


“Seebo was speaking to a man in coarse brown robes one moment, with one of those two halflings trying to drag Seebo away, and then the next everything went mad as something which seemed to me to be a dimensional rift tore open. Fortunately the local magical environment was apparently unable to support the rift or the… thing… which reached out through it for long, and the rift collapsed shut after a very short period of time. I sincerely hope that it is permanently gone. That:” he waves a hand at Seebo, “happened to Seebo, and nearly everyone else in proximity was driven insane. The halflings Ranulph and Markov seemed to retain their senses but could not escape the bloodshed which broke out. I would prefer not to speak or speculate further upon such matters, unless you are a man of arcane learning, and my revisiting such horrors might serve a more useful purpose than satisfying seemingly idle curiousity.”
Davkul’s voice does sound strained here as if deliberate recollection is something which he would definitely prefer to avoid.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1


Even with Bronx’s relative unfamiliarity with the town, his wilderness skills allow him to orientate himself relatively easily, and make what he considers the shortest route back to Mrs. Prestwick’s boarding house.
There he heads speedily heads around the back to stable his pony.

I am hoping to make it to Gen Con UK on one of the next few days, so apologies for the brevity of posts, as I try to rearrange my regular sleeping patterns.

G.M. Charles:

"I ask so that I know the background as to what happened." Ashan will respond.
"I have been studying to become a Sorcerer, I have been told I appear to have some potential in this field."
"I'm sorry that this seems to distress you, but you will be asked about it again, especially if we are to be able to try to help Seebo."
"I find that if you are able to put some of the emotions of an incident aside, sometimes little things that appeared to be of little or of no consequence sometimes then become clues as to what other by-plays may have been going on at the time."
"I will not bother you further for now, but if you do think of anything please feel free to come and let me know."
Ashan will lapse into further completative silence, for the moment.

Male (Rock) Gnome Ranger 1


Bronx will quickly unsaddle the pony and gather up the box and Nims glaive (I believe it was on the pony right?) and he towards a common room for a quick look to see if anyone from the group is there that he can speak to. If not, he will move on to his room.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1


Davkul’s response (if he was intending to make one) is cut off by the rattle of a key in the lock and the front door opening again.
This time it is Jerek who stands there.
He looks concerned.
“Something go wrong at the interview?” he asks Ashan. “His Nibs wasn’t expecting you to be back here so soon.”

Male Halfling Rogue 2

G.M. Charles:


"Hi Jerek. Yes, something did go wrong."
Ashan will introduce Davkul to Jerek at this point.
"This is Davkul, Davkul Gladdenstone, who was also going to the interviews, he met me as he was returning from there.
There appears to have been a dimentional disturbance up there, that Aumbril may be interested to hear about, and an old friend of my from earlier days seems to have been injured, which Aumbril may be able to tell me what needs to be done for him."
Ashan will pause to let Davkul add anything he may wish to add.
"It is most urgent that we get some help for our friend, so if you could please let Aumbril know please."

Male (Rock) Gnome Ranger 1


I will be out of town for the next few days, so if you need to run Bronx during that time it's fine. Bronx will if possible try to inform any party members about the writing on the wood (translating it if necessary), the vision he saw, the conversation with the fey and the halfling about being part of their organization, and the box that Nim and him found.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1


"There's a room a couple of doors down the corridor from yours which the girl can have.", the clerk decides, taking Nim's coins and handing over his change and a key. "I hope that sir has a lot of gold, if sir is not a worshipper of Silvanus but requires the services of a cleric. Thirty golds minimum is the lowest that I heard that one of them ever went when called out to this establishment for a non-worshipper. Not that the sun lot were any better when they were around."

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1


“Davkul Gladdenstone, recently of Waterdeep, as I told the other fellow, although my pony,” Davkul pats the beast, “has not walked quite that far with me. There seem to be some nasty things in the woods hereabouts, and not all of them creatures of this world I would wager. It’s a nuisance to ask a favour of any man, but any assistance that the sage Aumbril can provide would likely be most helpful.”
“Wait here.”, Jerek says, and disappears back inside, locking the door behind him.
Whatever consultation (if any) which he has had must have been brief, since scarcely a minute has gone past when the lock clicks and the door is opened again, both Jerek and the sandy haired younger man emerging.
“You can bring your friend in.”, Jerek says to Ashan. “And as for you, Mr. Gladdenstone, Gorwhal here,” he jerks a thumb to indicate the younger man, “will take you and your pony around the side of the house, off of the street and away from the worst of this snow.”

Male Halfling Rogue 2

G.M. Charles:


As Ashan goes to get Seebo from the pony he will speak to Davkul,
"If this takes longer than you expect, where did you stay last night?"
"We may have to arrange somewhere to stay tonight."
"I have a room available for me at the inn I stayed at last night, or I hope its still available."
"We should have time to sort things out shortly, when we are out of this weather."
If Ashan is unable to carry/drag Seebo in on his own, he will ask for assistance, preferably from Jerek as he knows the man.
Ashan will follow Jerek's directions to get Seebo inside and out of the weather.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1


“Mrs. Prestwick’s boarding house was where Seebo stayed last night- the place which had the bug invasion.”, Davkul says. “He cleared his room of his things before heading off to the interview, but his friend Nim, a big fellow, whom he was sharing the room with may call back at some point to clear his things out if he hasn’t already.”
Jerek has by this time come forward to assist Ashan in lifting the unconscious gnome from the pony, and Davkul points: “That’s his pack.”, so Jerek removes that from the pony and slings it over one arm.
Jerek and Ashan carry Seebo indoors, Jerek putting Seebo down to close and lock the door behind them.
“Gorwhal will have a test or two to carry out on your friend, once he has him round the side of the house.”, Jerek says. “Can’t be too careful about unexpected guests, or at least not ones who are up and about.” He resumes his grip on Seebo. “His Nibs wants to take a look at him upstairs in the study first, where he has his book collection handy. Has any kind of treatment been already attempted on this poor fellow?”

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Bronx: Apologies for the delay in responding to you, but I am waiting for Nim to clarify some things as he may have been here ahead of Bronx and made an impact with things which he did.

Male Halfling Rogue 2

G.M. Charles:


"One of the sable bow company, tried a light heal wand on Seebo. I saw some of the bruising clear up, other than that Seebo did not respond."
"He appears to be caught in some sort of dream from his facial responses, and that is all I have been able to observe."
Ashan will then tell Jerek everything Davkul has related to him, including Davkul's reluctance to talk too much as it appeared to him.
Ashan will also thank Jerek for being able to help, and will mention that he will have arrange some sort of compensation with Aumbril for his help.

M half orc Paladin 1


i will stay wid der girl for a while, i have not der money for der cleric of silvanus,if any of my freinds come can you tell them where i am, nim takes the girl to her rooom, he carefully places her down, wraps her up and then sits there keeping an eye on her, he will wait for about an hour before he tries to find his brother

Male (Rock) Gnome Ranger 1

I'm back now.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1


Jerek assists Ashan up the stairs and to the study with Seebo, tapping the door with an elbow (as his hands are occupied) and uttering a loud 'Ahem', by way of introduction, before going in.
The sage is behind his desk again, with several books and scrolls spread out, including one scroll where the capital that opens each paragraph is illuminated and highlighted with gold-leaf.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1


Having attended to his pony, Bronx heads back outside, around the boarding house, and in the front door, handling the box and glaive as best he can.
Inside the front hall, he discovers that the common room is still closed up ‘for cleaning’, following the previous night’s excitement.
The rather harassed looking halfling clerk in the hall, noticing Bronx when he rattles the common-room door handle, looks up and calls out to him:
“You’re one of the friends of that big half-orc?”


Okay, Nim collects the key for the room he has paid for, and takes the girl down there, where he does his best to look after her whilst waiting to see if anyone else turns up.

Male (Rock) Gnome Ranger 1


"Yeah. I lost sight of him. Thought he might have came back here. Have you seen him?"

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1


Apparently catching something beyond Seebo’s hearing, Walks Alone’s face is suddenly crossed by a look of cautious alarm.
“If you will excuse me, but I believe you have visitors coming that I would rather not linger to meet. Perhaps we may meet again.”
He hurries off, ducking around a corner of the ruins.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1


“He came back here over an hour ago. He had a human girl with him, bundled up in scraps, and wanted to speak to Mr. Murnig. I had to explain to him that Mr. Murnig went out this morning, with Mr. Gladdenstone- something about attending interviews at the former Red Star offices- and that they hadn’t returned. Then he was wanting a cleric, so I had to caution him that it might be pricy to call one out unless he was a worshipper of Silvanus. In the end he just paid for a room and board for the girl, and disappeared downstairs with her.”

As a reminder, the main topic of conversation at The Black Bear, where Bronx briefly called in on his way back across town, seemed to be regarding a disturbance up at the Red Star offices…

Male (Rock) Gnome Ranger 1


Bronx will ask about what room the girl and Nim were suppose to be in and then will thank the halfling and head up in that direction. Knocking on the door when he gets there.

Male Rock Gnome Cleric 1

GM Charles


Noticing the look of alarm on his companions face (sense motive 1d20 3=14) and taking his que from the hurried nature of the way Walks Alones' left, Seebo decides to find a place to hide (hide1d20=18), where he can still see what/who it was that spooked Walk's Alone.

Male Halfling Rogue 2

G.M. Charles:


Ashan will again relate everything that he knows about what happened.
He will also tell Aumbril about Seebo being a very good aquaintence / friend form his time back in Sundabar.
"Only being new to the knowledgeable field of magic, I thought it best to come to you for aid, with your experience you may know which way to point me, and or my friend."
Ashan is ready to assist Aumbril and or Jerek in any way he can.
"When we have determined what can be done for him I would like to head over to where Seebo stayed last night, as he has an adopted brother who may have been travelling with him. He is a half-orc and may start to worry about where his brother is."
"I believe where the disturbance started last night is the boarding house he was in, if that is of any help."

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1


Nim waits and waits and waits, and not a lot seems to happen. Eventually, Nim begins to get hungry. It’s difficult to mistake the lunchtime smells filtering down into the lower levels from the dining and kitchen areas. Nim pops his head out into the corridor, to see if anything is going to happen, and to maybe try and get someone’s attention about lunch…


The clerk gives Bronx directions, and Bronx makes his way downstairs, away from the tantalising smells, the clink of dishes and the rattle of trolleys emerging into the hall from the dining area, where lunch is under way.
Bronx is within a couple of doors of the indicated room, when the door opens and a familiar half-orc looks out.


You see a gnome resembling Bronx approaching, carrying what looks like your glaive and that wooden box from the forest.

M half orc Paladin 1

charles bronx

you is alive friend bronx!! what happen to you? where is der lady?

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1


After a few moments you hear a crashing sound followed by the patter of dirt as if something big has erupted from the ground somewhere near by, close to where you were recently standing. There is a rhythmic whooshing sound, as if of some huge creature inhaling and exhaling large quantities of air, accompanied by an occasional ominous squelch.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1


The sage produces a wand from his desk, and goes to gently poke Seebo (laid on the floor) with it, whilst murmuring a command word. There is a brief spark around the tip of the wand, and Seebo moans, but not a lot else happens.
“Curious.”, the sage says. He returns to his desk and begins to leaf through one of the books, which Ashan recognises from earlier as The Waterdeep Necronomicon. “You wouldn’t happen to know if your friend had crossed paths with a follower of the goddess of the moon, Selûne, or the defunct goddess of the night, Shar?”

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Nim & Bronx:

Sorry if I wasn't clear; yes you are within sight of one another again.

Male Rock Gnome Cleric 1

GM Charles


Seebo will remain where he is, hoping that he can stay hidden from what ever is coming, while still seeing what's going on.

Male (Rock) Gnome Ranger 1

Charles and Nim

Bronx will motion for Nim to go back into the room and then will go in and close the door before answering.

"I don't know what happened to her. I've lost track of some time, some fairy magic no doubt. Then as I was coming into town a halfling that was in league with the evil creatures ran into me thinking I was one of them. I was lucky he didn't figure out he was wrong. Now we need to find the others and see if we can figure out what is going on. I want to see what is in this box as well."

And then almost forgetting, "Oh yeah, here's your glaive."

Male Halfling Rogue 2



"I only managed to meet up with Davkul bringing my friend back as he was returning from the meeting I was going to attend. I am not aware of who worshipped any god that had been at the meeting, Davkul has been a bit apprehensive and emotional (for want of a better word) about what happened when the commotion started."
Ashan will go over all the conversations he has had with Davkul in his mind briefly.
"He was with me downstairs at the front door, if you require further information, I or Jerek could question him further. The only solid things Davkul has said is that Seebo was talking to a person in brown robes, and was near the centre of whatever magical effect/blast/disturbance that happened."

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1


"Come out, come out, little gnome, wherever you are.", Seebo hears a voice of indeterminate sex rasping somewhere nearby. "You know that you're guilty and deserve to be punished; that this is just a glimpse of the horror which you have unleashed upon your homelands, and will be arriving there very soon thanks to you. Come out and receive the torment that you know that you deserve for bringing about such madness."
It ends with a nasty chuckle.
Is Seebo sure that he wants to try to get a look at what's out there?

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Nim & Bronx:

Nim goes back into the room, and Bronx follows him in; inside, Bronx can see that this is one of Mrs’ Prestwick’s guest-rooms sized for ‘bigger folk’ and that the girl, still apparently unconscious, has been laid out on the bed. Bronx pushes the door shut, and gives his brief explanation of what happened to him.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1


“It appears that it might be worth my waking him up just to be able to interview him about the odd circumstances that put your friend in this state.”, the sage considers. “This,” he taps The Waterdeep Necronomicon, “refers to ‘visions of the outer spheres’, that ‘can be called up to blast an enemy’s mind, casting him or her into a nightmare without end’. It also gives a ‘means of restoration’, but I am dubious of taking the Church of Selûne completely at their written word, on the count of either the visions or the cure. It may be possible to mix some things together in my laboratory, however…” Davkul remaining on the scene % roll (1d100=38)
And at this point, there is a knock on the door, and a moment later, a scowling Gorwhal shows Davkul in. Davkul doesn’t look entirely happy with whatever has passed between them either.
“A most impertinent fellow.”, he mouths to Ashan, presumably meaning Gorwhal, before glancing keenly around the room.

Male Rock Gnome Cleric 1

GM Charles


After the events that have already happened and with someone like Walks Alone, who is used to travelling in this area, making a hasty departure. Seebo isn't completely sure he wants to find out what's looking for him(will 1d20+5=12).

Male Halfling Rogue 2

G.M. Charles:


Ashan will introduce Davkul and what he knows of Davkul in their short walk back here to both Jerek and Aumbril.
He will then urge Davkul to tell Aumbril everything he knows about what happened up at the mine offices.
Ashan will also tell Davkul that if Aumbril askes a question for clarification it could mean the difference between life and death for Seebo. (this is just to make Davkul aware of how important it is)

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1


Seebo is feeling horribly confused. So little of this seems to make sense right now; he presses against a wall, struggling against a temptation to find a crack to try to get a glimpse of what is out there around ‘the front’ of his current location.

If Seebo makes a DC 17 Listen check:
From somewhere around the ‘back’ of his current location, making its way towards the breeched wall that forms the ‘other’ entrance to this ruined hovel, roofless and open to the disturbing ‘skies’, he detects the light and stealthy step of someone advancing upon foot.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1


Davkul doesn’t say much more in terms of details to the sage than what Ashan has already heard him say, although Davkul does speak of ‘seven hammer blows that shook the thread of magic, and the last of which tore the fabric open between our world and somewhere else’ when describing his sensations immediately between the halfling trying to grab Seebo and the catastrophe breaking out at the offices.
He also mentions ‘horrible green tentacles, one of which grabbed one of the halflings, and snatched him away, just before the tear closed’.
It is an awful story, not least because of the haunted look in Davkul’s eyes, as he narrates it.
The sage seems to find it an interesting account.
Several times during his narration, Davkul throws sideways glances at the books and papers on the sage’s desk, but doesn’t follow through with a comment.

M half orc Paladin 1

charles bronx

friend bronx, I stay here, can you find my brudder and bring him here, you clever and good at talking to people, i sure you will find him

Male (Rock) Gnome Ranger 1

Nim and Charles

Bronx will look at the box longingly for a moment and then set it down. After taking a deep breath, "Sure, no problem. I'll take a look around and see if I can find him. You stay here and keep an eye on this box and the girl. Have you eaten yet? If not I'll tell them to send something up, I think I'll grab a bite on my way out."

Male Halfling Rogue 2

G.M. Charles.


"Relax Davkul, you are with good people here." Ashan will tell Davkul.
"Will you need some time for further research to be able to help my friend here?" Ashan will enquire of Aumbril.
"If you do I can come back after confirming my room is still available for me tonight. It may also be prudent for Davkul to see if his room is available. I don't think too much travelling will be happening before morning, and I may be able to gather some more information on who the trouble makers were at the mine offices."
Ashan will wait for advice from Aumbril before deciding on what he is going to do next.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1


It would be a matter of common sense for Nim to tell Bronx what he himself knows/suspects about where Seebo is supposed to have gone/done, given this is what Nim wants done. Nim has probably just spent the past hour or so worrying where everyone else is and what he knows/guesses about that (as well as worrying about the girl).

Male Rock Gnome Cleric 1

GM Charles


seebo's main concerne is to stay hidden ( listen 12), about the only thing seebo can hear at the moment is his heart, trying to pump it's way out of his chest.

sorry for the way the listen check is but an internet crash happened in the middle of posting and all I could remember was the value

M half orc Paladin 1


it not a matter of common sense it is a matter of memory!nim is not very bright and has a bad memory, he cant remeber! do you really want me to try to make an int check to rember what the clerk at the entrance said!!

charles bronx

dat would be good can you get me food, maybe der door person know where seebo gone?

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