Aedon Tellefleur |

Aedon takes the 5' step toward the nearest one and attacks with both swords:
Attack, shortsword: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (1) + 0 = 1
Attack, shortsword: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (2) + 0 = 2
As Aedon moves forward to press his attack, his opponent remembers the teachings of his old master... he begins flowing like the water, bending like the grass, and swaying like the reed - all at the same time - deftly avoiding the wild swings of the half-elf.
Wow. That may be my worst combination of rolls, in any game, ever. And insult to injury having them in sequence like that...

Rufus Fitzroi |

@DmFnord: I know. I & Rufus were fighting between 'Find out who they are first! Find out who they are first!' & 'We are on patrol, if you encounter possible hostiles while on patrol, you 'subdue' them first, then identify...'
So much for identifying them before attacking. Why is it whenever I act suspicious of someone I'm 'paranoid', but when one of the others goes & outright attacks them no one say a damn thing?
"Try to take them alive Corn-top!" Rufus calls out to Aedon, as he looses another arrow at the further figure.
Longbow attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Piercing damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

DM Fnord |
Posting with who we have for the next round
Gizsmith maintains his bardic performance by recounting a baudy tale of two hags and a troll. Pulling another arrow from his quiver, he let's loose at the nearest bandit again. This time, he strikes true.
shortbow 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
damage 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Aedon moves forward, and swings at some leaves falling off the trees.
The bandit, looking somewhat worse for wear, swears at Aedon, "Cursed dog, I'll run you through!" But Aedon manages to twist to the side, allowing the sword strike to glance off his armor.
longsword 1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (14) + 4 - 2 = 16
Rufus fires a hasty shot at the man running away, planting a second arrow into him, felling the man.
Lyster suggests that Rufus actions and desires are at cross purposes while Salvator keeps the horses controlled.
Kalli grabs her crotch and screams at the nearest opponent "You want some of this, worm meat? Start crawling and I might let you beg to like my toe!"

Gizsmith Glitterbyte |

Sorry, somehow I missed that we were on round 2.
Round 3: Init 21
Gizsmith maintains his performance and fires at the bandit fighting Aedon
Attack: 1d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 - 4 = 15
Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Bardic Performance 6/9 remain

Lyster Valdis |

"It seems I may not have been forceful enough in words and alas it seems we are back to firing upon the enemy."
Crossbow Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Crossbow Damage: 1d10 ⇒ 5
Firing on again the same bandit.

Rufus Fitzroi |

Quickly tossing his bow to Salvator, Rufus runs to close the distance to the remaining outdoors-man.
I'm pretty sure the distance is too great to reach in one round, so Rufus is setting up for a charge next round. Or just a full move followed by an attack.

Salvator |

Salvator quickly drops the reins to one of the horses to grab the bow.
Why would he throw me the bow? Does he want me to use it? I don't have arrows...
Salvator eyes the bow, then the distance between him and the enemy. Back to the bow. He raised the bow into an overhand throwing position, hefting it experimentally, considering the distance.
Nah.. He'd be mad if I messed up his bow.
Salvator continued keeping watch and control of the horses.

Kari of the Wylds |

Oh god, we're running now... denied DEX to AC aaaaah!
Kari withholds a shriek as one of the two persons neither had time to identify falls to the ground, lethal arrows and bolts sprouting from his body. Am I the only who will not kill a sentient creature on sight? she ponders and frowns. Rufus makes a mad dash past her, in a blur. Kari shakes her head and moves forward to flank, but instead of pulling her weapon, raises her hand.
"Easy now, lad," she soothes. "Consider yer mate there, all stuck with arrows as he is," she says, pain in her eyes. "If ye take swing, if ye hit, ye will be done. Surrender, lad, and I will see that this one," she shrugs over her shoulder at Rufus, "dinnae crack each one of yer teeth."
Kari Diplomacy 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12 +1 if he's a Bandit, +1 if he's inclined to be sexually attracted to Kari.
this dice roller hates me.

DM Fnord |
Rufus has no problem running down the far guy, who's down with an arrow and a bolt in his back.
The near guy sees the other go down and the sword falls from his hand as drops to his knees crying. He is also sporting an arrow thanks to Gixsmith, and no thanks to Aedon :-).
Kari's diplomacy falls on ears deafened by the man's crying.

Rufus Fitzroi |

No, I'm running now. Or I was, now I'm hustling...
Seeing the still conscious outdoors-man now being ably dealt with by Kari's 'diplomacy', Rufus continues on to the one his arrow felled, his only comment to Kari & Aedon in passing being "Gag him if he won't stop whimpering."
At the felled outdoors-man, Rufus quickly assesses his state, untrained Heal: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5, to determine if alive or dead, & attempts to stabilize him if possible. untrained Heal: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18, to stabilize.

Aedon Tellefleur |

Aedon looks back down to the bandit and grins madly while pointing at him with one sword, "Here's how this works, we're going tell you what to do, and you're going to obey. Give us any trouble, and I'll torture you to death, then let her have your corpse. Play nice and you'll live. Now, stop blubbering, then tell us your name."
Bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Intimidate: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Yeah, yeah, Aedon was in the front line by himself, not used to being all out in the open like that, totally threw him off his game. ;) Not sure if Bluff or Intimidate is the right choice, so I added both of them.
I'm going to retcon all of Aedon's comments and actions. The description provided in the second post is quite different than the first one. I mean, Aedon wouldn't bother saying anything to a guy who is bawling incoherently and mumbling to himself. That's a bit more than "crying" IMO.
Aedon picks up the sword and crossbow to get them out of the way.

DM Fnord |
Rufus runs up to the figure on the ground. A large pool of blood drenches the ground under the person, slowly soaking into the ground. He has a bolt sticking into his right side, below the lungs, an arrow in his back, with frothy blood bubbling slowly out from around the shaft.
If Rufus was still in a unit, he would have left the man for dead, but this isn't the case, and he has time. Dropping to his knees, Rufus tries to dredge up anything he remembered from watching the bone cutters plying their trade.
He wasn't sure, but he decided that at this point he likely couldn't do worse to the man. Carefully rolling him on his side, Rufus braced the man against his thighs and pushed the arrowhead through where he could snap off the front and back of the arrow.
Rolling the bandit onto his back, Rufus was surprised to see that by his features, this bandit was a lad of maybe 14 years.
Ripping the sleeves of the boy's shirt, Rufus quickly bound the lung wounds, stopping the primary source of bleeding. The boy was far from being on his feet, but at least he wouldn't die at Rufus' feet.
In the mean time, the rest of the party stands over another, older bandit bawling into his eyes, his sword and crossbow forgotten on the ground beside him.
definitely an intimidate check, provided the bandit were listening...
Taking any action to hear the mumbling from the guy reveals "my son, oh my poor son, how could I have gotten him into this mess? We were so close."

Kari of the Wylds |

Kari clenches her teeth and smacks the father over the head with all the might her small body and balanced center of gravity can muster.
"BASTARD!" she cries shrilly. "YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED!"
Fuming, Kari stomps over to the boy, pausing to touch Rufus's hip gently before kneeling down beside the prone child. Her face is stony as she looks at the blood leaking from him, wetting the ground.

Rufus Fitzroi |

At Kari's bellow Rufus hisses back, "NOT, with the shouting please!" As he hears her approach, "If you have it, use it. I think I've stabilized him for the moment. If you don't have it, get the Gnome over here."

Salvator |

Is it just me or does Kari act like a paranoid schizophrenic?
Leaning down to the mumbling man, Salvator attempts to get him in a more communicative state, "Easy there, nobody's dead, and with luck, nobody will be. What's your name and who are you? My partners were a bit quick with violence because of previous experiences on the road in this country."
Diplomacy 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

DM Fnord |
With the boy receiving care, the father is quick to retell their story...
"We were farmer's down south, not far from Galt. Me, my, father, his father, we all farmed the same land. It was a pretty enough place, small river flowing on two sides. A forest on one side, and our fields in the middle. But then some militia came through looking for conscripts. Don't recall who they were or who they were fighting. Raped and killed my wife, my mother, and my two daughters. Killed da', and took me and Haf into their service. We was in their 'army' for 'bout a year before Haf and I could fade out. We came north, hoping to get to Pitax where my wife has a cousin. 'course with m' luck we run into the Stag's men. Since we didn't have nothing to steal, they just told us we be part of them. Wasn't until last month that we were sent to the camp back there. Today we finally had a chance to get away. Then we run into you bandits. So have at us, we got nothing to take."
The gear they have is rusted, ill kept, and the crossbow looks like it's on the verge of doing more harm to the wielder than the target.

Gizsmith Glitterbyte |

I've been keeping an eye on the thread, just not particularly interested in the outcome of this RP
Gizsmith wanders over and casts CLW on the lad.
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
"Hopefully no one else will need that today."

Rufus Fitzroi |

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20, mostly as he is claiming to be from Galt, Rufus should recognize the accent.
@Salvator: Not really, she is acting like someone who doesn't normally have desperate life-or-death battles & was suddenly in one, and doesn't like it much. On the other hand that could just be my interpretation. Rufus' interpretation likewise, but we have already had that discussion...
"Why didn't you head South for Liberthane? Lord Parsall has always allowed Galt's refugees entrance, so long as they make no strife."

Gizsmith Glitterbyte |

Darn it, you healed the boy already. We should have interrogated them separately. :/
I could shoot him again.

Kari of the Wylds |

Paranoid? Definitely. Schizophrenic? Nope.
Kari remains beside the boy, fixing Rufus with a frosty glare when he speaks to her. The child had been carrying a stick and a crossbow. She did not understand why the pair had not run when her spell was meant to frighten them away. As Gizsmith restores the boy's health, she caresses his cheeks, hoping to see color blossom on them again.
Kari untrained Sing 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
As the others move to interrogate the blubbering bastard, Kari leans in to the boy's ear and begins singing an festival song in Hallit. The content is as tame as she recalled the couples blushing as they touched hands during the dances being, so long ago when she was only a child of sin. As she sings, she weaves Prestidigitation and removes the blood from his hair, skin, and clothing.

DM Fnord |
Kari, surprise round they were just that, and they got attacked for it. The boy never made an attack and started running on round 1.
The man looks at Rufus rather confused, "Like I said, we was headed for family in Pitax, no reason to go south, don't know nobody there. M' boy, he be ok?" He gives Haf a concerned look to check for himself. As yet, he hasn't moved from where he was kneeling. "why'd you shoot us?" he gestures at the arrow in the ground next to him.
Haf looks looks up at Kari, feeling the now healed wound in his side. "thanks, but you're just going to kill us anyway."

Rufus Fitzroi |

@DM Fnord: Am I correct in concluding Rufus does not believe the old man is lying? I will be acting on that conclusion until you indicate otherwise.
"That depends on you & your father lad. Although I will say yon Gnome hates wasting spells on people who won't answer a simple question without letting their feet haul them off like frightened rabbits." Turning back to the others, "We've seen their equipment, I have my doubts regarding their interest in a life of Banditry. Particularly in continuing such a life if given other options." Looking directly at Aedon, "We have already set a precedent. Think you this lad any more guilty than Rejin?" pointing back at the boy.
"Besides, they can watch the horses, freeing up another swordhand." as he nods toward Salvator.

Aedon Tellefleur |

Aedon responds to the man, "We were attacked by several bandits a few days ago. We slew them, and now we're heading for their camp to deal with the rest of them. That's why we attacked - we thought you were bandits."
Aedon pauses for a moment to let that sink in, "Your boy is fine, go see to him. But don't anything stupid, just sit down by him and give us a minute. Be patient and you'll live."
Stepping away to speak with the rest of the party, Aedon listens as Rufus speaks. "Don't look at me, you're the one who shot him. But taking them with us? You're thinking we should put an old man and his boy into danger so they can hold our horses? I'd rather have my horse wander off, any bandits who see them with us will likely think them traitors, and may try to target them for it. Better to let them wait here, or send them to the hollow where we camped last night. We can pick them up on the way back to Oleg's."

Rufus Fitzroi |

"Actually, I was thinking they could stay here with the horses, or have you forgotten we are already within ready walking distance. I didn't want to take the horses much closer anyway, which is the point I have been harping on."

Aedon Tellefleur |

Aedon stares at Rufus for a long minute before shaking his head, "I'm truly sorry, my Lord, I thought you were soliciting opinions from the rest of us. I prostrate myself at your feet for daring to disagree with you. Please, continue to pile the derision upon my slender shoulders, for I am a womanly sort, and enjoy being put in my place by strong men such as yourself."
Aedon completes a low bow, then heads toward his horse, pulling equipment out, preparing it for the upcoming battle.

Rufus Fitzroi |

This, This! This is why Master Achille would only take thoroughly trained men for actions like these. At least Goodman Valdis speaks sense, though it would have been nice if he hadn't named names. Well, name. Not as if there aren't a score of 'Fitzroi's running about the River Kingdoms.
Nodding in acknowledgement of Lyster's words, Rufus turns back to the boy & his father, "Right then! 'twoul'd seem it's settled. We'll not be killing you today. My recommendation however, is that you either follow our back trail," as he points back in the direction of the company's approach, "if you merely wish to see the last of us. Or, you accept my offer to help you out of this place & on your way. If you choose that course, it will entail a greater known risk. As the 'highly proper' swordsman stated earlier," indicating Aedon, "we are on our way to kill some bandits. Not you, bandits. That said, the risk is primarily in that we may be unsuccessful, the bandits may backtrack our trail, find you here with the horses & assume you aided us and murder you in an act of revenge."
"How long have you walked since you left their camp today?"

Kari of the Wylds |

Kari frowns at Haf's statement. "I dinnae harm children," she says, and rises to her feet. "If ye've the breath ta question mine honor, ye can attend yerself."
She plays with the bone like pin in her hair while Rufus lords over the altercation, and bites her lower lip. How like Artyom he seemed, and Kari passive as she was then. Flirtation and satire were clearly the wrong tools to employ with one unfamiliar with radical freedom. A loose thought skitters across her mind of carrying on ahead while he shrieks at Aedon and slipping into the camp alone. She entertains it a moment more, considering what manner of valuable information she might learn if she were allowed to continue alone, but considers the fate of Celeste. Without healing magics, it was far more likely she'd simply suffer.
Observe and report.
"Milord, beggin' yer pardon," Kari interjects rolling her shoulders and gripping the hilt of her sickle. "Ye are speakin' from yer arse, and it be an awful stench. The boy and his stick left track a horse could follow. Best askin' 'em what it were tha' so distracted their van tha they coul' be away."
Kari pulls her sickle and stands with her legs shoulder width apart, glancing up at the trees. "Also, ours weren't the first arrow, and that dinnae strike this man and his child.
"But if it please ye, speak longer on the horses and what ye will do whilst us little folk ponder what is already amongst us."

Rufus Fitzroi |

At no point was Rufus shrieking. He kept his tone low the entire time. :P
Other arrow? Crap, that's right! What started this afternoon's travesty.
As Kari interjected with an immediately pertinent point an expression of frustrated bewilderment suffused Rufus' features, followed closely by one of acknowledgment, with action scarcely behind, as he sprinted back to the tree the mystery arrow seemed to come from & began climbing. unskilled Climb: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

Aedon Tellefleur |

Aedon finishes preparing his equipment then leads his mount to a tree and loosely ties its reins to a low branch, ensuring there is enough grass around for it to graze for a few hours.
Moving toward Lyster, Aedon slows and looks at him, "Dissent among the ranks? That would imply our little band is a group of common purpose and mutual respect. And we don't have that, do we?"
He turns sharply and walks past Kari saying,
Aedon makes his way back toward he spot where he first saw the man and his son. Finding it, he sits down, staring into the distance, waiting on the others to finish their preparations.

DM Fnord |
Love the interaction!
"Weren't bein' rude, 'siderin' the situuation. An I ain' a child, not since last week!" at this last the bt quickly looks over to see if his father heard him, a blush rising on his cheeks.
Meanwhile, Rufus, Aedon, and Lyster discuss what they will do with the two men. Before Kari interjects, the father responds to Rufus, begin yer pardin, we'll just be on our way, my wife's cousin still be there, I hope. We only been walking about a half hour."
Rufus quickly climbs the tree, and without much effort is able to find a stout branch that gives a clear view of the arrow sticking out of the ground next to Aedon. Who is quietly sitting with his weapons, staring off into the distance. Unfortunately, there is no sign that Rufus can see of anyone having been there.

Rufus Fitzroi |

Pondering the man's words while in the tree blind, Rufus calls down just loudly enough to be heard below, "the fearsome one made another valid point. How were you & your son able to simply 'walk off'?" before climbing back down. unskilled Climb: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

Kari of the Wylds |

Kari's eyes narrow at the Haf's statement that he is no longer a child, and his curious glance at his father and the color in his cheeks suggests... Could there have been a woman willing to harm a child in the camp?
"Duma," Kari whispers.
"There are more to a man than 'is prick, child," she informs Haf, her amber eyes hard. She glances at his father, the blubbering woman. "Ye cannae help yer example of one be poor."
Shaking her head with disgust, Kari joins Aedon.
"We will follow their trail ten minutes, then walk a perimeter. If it be the giant folk them lads met with, soon as not meet them without our companions. For good or ill."

Rufus Fitzroi |

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16, to get a sense of whether the man is lying about how they got away. Or, how he feels about the question if he doesn't answer.
Perhaps we weren't hasty in our treatment of you & your son after all. Gizsmith will never let me hear the end of it if it turns out he wasted that spell...

DM Fnord |
"Weren't easy. They done a right good job of keeping us apart. But they be lazy. With Happs headed up to the traders, they wanted me hauling water, and they sent my son to diggin' a new midden. Was the first time we both be out of eyesight."
It's pretty obvious this isn't a hard core bandit. You recall that when he pulled his sword, his grip was amateurish and he probably would have dropped it if he managed to hit anything with it in the first place.
Perception rolls please.

Rufus Fitzroi |

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
"One last question. There was a girl abducted by these bandits perhaps a month ago. Do you know of her?"

Gizsmith Glitterbyte |

Gizsmith gives him the old squint eye.
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16

DM Fnord |
Only in passing, we were not in camp before she was sent south, don't know where, but what they was sayin', if e'en half of it be true, she can't be long for this world, way they took her, especially that Kressle #$%^%. She be the worst, telling them to do tings, I, I, well, I no going to say.
Rufus and Gizsmith notice that the vanes on the arrow sticking out of the ground are shimmering.

Rufus Fitzroi |

Now what?
"Well, Songsmith. Any thoughts on that?" As Rufus points toward the uncanny arrow. "The blind seemed empty when I climbed up to it. That & this would, to my mind, hint at our nocturnal friends; or at least magic."

Gizsmith Glitterbyte |

Knowledge(Nature: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
Might as well detect magic while we're at it
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
"The arrow is made at least in part from a sprite, which would be consistant with the nature of the harassment we've been receiving."