Brevoy Southern Reclamation Project - BS RP (Kingmaker) (Inactive)

Game Master fnord72

High fantasy kingmaker campaign. Expect modified kingdom building and an emphasis on the social and political aspects of creating and running a kingdom.

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Half-Elf Rogue 1; hp 10/10; AC 17, t13, ff14; Init +3; Perc +7; F+2, R+5, W+1

Aedon bows low in his saddle, "Aedon Tellefleur of Silverhill, at your service, good people."

Aedon watches Gizmsith lead his pony into the post, looking at Oleg and Svetlana, "If you have room, I'll begin stabling the rest of our animals. After that, I'll pay a small ransom for some of that fresh bread I smell!"

Assuming Oleg and Svetlana are okay with it, Aedon cares for his animals first, then assists any others who need it.

Male Human Inquisitor 1 -- hp 10/10, Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +5, Init +3, Perception +7, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14

Lyster stores his weapon calmly and dismounts from Everswift. He strides over to the Oleg and Svetlana and salutes them smartly. "Lyster Valdis, at your service."

He takes a step back, then pivots back to Everswift where he then takes him into the post, following Aedon.

Lyster looks around to see if there are any other guests or people.

Male Human (Kellid/Varisian) Cavalier (Standard Bearer)/Skald 4/1 [ HP: 38/38 | AC: 15 T: 12 FF: 14 | F: +7 R: +2 W: +3/+4 | Init: +1 Perc: -1 | Effects: Raging Song (Inspired Rage)]

Once all the others have introduced themselves to Oleg & his wife, Rufus will swing down from Twinkle, furl the flag & make his courtesies.
"Rufus Aldori. While I too would consider a taste of that fresh bread a kindness, I would be more immediately interested in what you are able to tell me about the bandits?"
Handle Animal 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15, to signal Boon to his 'ease' as it were.

Loot List M gnome wizard (shadowcaster) 6 | HP 44 | AC 13 | T 13 | FF 11 | CMD 11 | Fort +5 | Ref +5| Will +6 | Init +2 | Perc +2

"Rufus, my friend, I'm beginning to get the distinct impression that you have a strong dislike for bandits."

Male Human (Kellid/Varisian) Cavalier (Standard Bearer)/Skald 4/1 [ HP: 38/38 | AC: 15 T: 12 FF: 14 | F: +7 R: +2 W: +3/+4 | Init: +1 Perc: -1 | Effects: Raging Song (Inspired Rage)]

"Gizsmith, my friend, I am beginning to get the distinct impression that you either say things without considering the possible consequences, or, say things with the intent of inciting a response."

Male Human Inquisitor 1 -- hp 10/10, Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +5, Init +3, Perception +7, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14

Lyster observes the discussion starting between Gizmith and Rufus.

Why do I feel like I'm taking care of infants.

He takes a second glance at the two.

Armed and potentially volatile and dangerous infants...

Male Human (Kellid/Varisian) Cavalier (Standard Bearer)/Skald 4/1 [ HP: 38/38 | AC: 15 T: 12 FF: 14 | F: +7 R: +2 W: +3/+4 | Init: +1 Perc: -1 | Effects: Raging Song (Inspired Rage)]
Lyster Valdis wrote:
Armed and potentially volatile and dangerous infants...

What do you mean potentially? >;P

Female Human Bard/1 (Init 4; Normal Vision Perc +4, Hp 11/11; AC 17 [t 14, ff 13]; fort 3 ref 5 will 2)

Kari gives a deep sigh, and removing her set of pipes from its place wrapped around her belt, she begins to play a tune. The melody is haunting, quite unlike anything one might expect to hear at a tavern, and if any could see the expression on her face it would be one of contentment for producing such delightful noise in the midst of conflict.

Kari Perform (Wind) 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

What is it about walls that turns men to beasts? she muses as her song continues.

Loot List M gnome wizard (shadowcaster) 6 | HP 44 | AC 13 | T 13 | FF 11 | CMD 11 | Fort +5 | Ref +5| Will +6 | Init +2 | Perc +2
Rufus Fitzroi wrote:
"Gizsmith, my friend, I am beginning to get the distinct impression that you either say things without considering the possible consequences, or, say things with the intent of inciting a response."

Gizsmith seems about to continue the verbal sparring, but Kari's tune is so lovely that he decides to let the matter go, mostly, and enjoy her playing.

"It is a deficiency in my nature, I'm sure. All levity aside, combatting banditry really is a secondary objective of our commission."

Looks like my post from last night got lost... I also rarely post on weekends.

"Secondary?! Yur here to be helpin' me an my wife with the bandits! aren'tcha?" Oleg is a bit perplexed by the round of conversation. And he turns and heads back to the portable forge, "Svetlana will getcha settled. Stable is there." he waves one hand in the general direction of the stable building and goes back to his forge, picking up the hammer and pulling a fire-red length of metal from the firepit to resume banginn it on the anvil.

"Forgive my husband, he likes his solitude. Please, I do hope that you will be able to stay with us for a few days at least. You may clean up in the barracks there and i will set out some stew and, of course, some of that fresh bread I baked this morning."

When Kari begins playing her pipes, Oleg grumbles under his breath and hammers harder, and louder on the anvil. Svetlana sighs and tilts her head to the side, and closes her eyes for a moment, listening to the melody, a small smile on her face from past memories. "Thank you, that was very nice."

At the request of information regarding the bandits, Svetlana looks quickly at Oleg while rubbing her left hand with her right, a pale strip of skin is barely visible on one finger of her tanned hand. "The bandits, um, yes, they used to stay further to the south, but in the last few months they have been coming north, a couple of ranchers and trappers were robbed. Oleg doesn't like to talk about it, but they have even robbed us a couple of times. enough of that, I'm sure you must be hungry after your journey, let me get you that food while you clean up!"

Sense Motive DC 15:
She is definitely upset about something regarding the bandits, you get the impression that she isn't sharing quite all she knows.

The stable is well stocked with hay and has plenty of space for your mounts. There is one older horse in the far stall, and he looks to be at home in his stall. One corner contains several barrels of water, currently full. You don't see any grain evident though.

The barracks is a single room with several beds lining the south wall. Each bed has a small chest at the foot of the bed. Outside the barracks, is a small table mounted to the side of the building, with a barrel set up on a sturdy stand and a tap allowing the water to pour into a small bowl on the table.

Two tables and benches are in the yard, and it is on one of these that you find a spread laid out be Svetlana.

Loot List M gnome wizard (shadowcaster) 6 | HP 44 | AC 13 | T 13 | FF 11 | CMD 11 | Fort +5 | Ref +5| Will +6 | Init +2 | Perc +2

Sense Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 4

Gizsmith sees to his mounts and uses a few castings of Prestidigitation to ensure that his outfit is spotless. He sits down to tuck into the fine food.

If Oleg or Svetlana are about he says, "I ment no offense. It is of course our duty to put vile outlaws to justice whenever they cross our path, and I would be more than glad to aid you against these foes. I simply meant that we are explorers first and dispensers of the Swordlord's justice second."

Diplomacy:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

Half-Elf Rogue 1; hp 10/10; AC 17, t13, ff14; Init +3; Perc +7; F+2, R+5, W+1

Aedon finishes tending to the mounts and returns in time to see Oleg returning to his anvil.

Sense Motive 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Listening to Svetlana, Aedon notices a slight tension in her voice, "Svetlana, before we eat, may I ask, what else is happening with the bandits? You said they've robbed you and Oleg - has anything else happened? Have they hurt you or Oleg, or maybe threatened to hurt you if you tried to find help?"

Aedon's normally flippant tone becomes more subdued, almost comforting, as he continues. "We might be able to help, but we need to learn as much as we can - is there nothing else you can tell us? Please Svetlana, time may be important, what else can you share?"

Diplomacy 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24

Male Human (Kellid/Varisian) Cavalier (Standard Bearer)/Skald 4/1 [ HP: 38/38 | AC: 15 T: 12 FF: 14 | F: +7 R: +2 W: +3/+4 | Init: +1 Perc: -1 | Effects: Raging Song (Inspired Rage)]

Sense Motive 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11,
"You say you were robbed by these bandits? Do you recall specifics about them? Numbers? Leaders? Have they done more then threaten violence?"
Diplomacy 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24, to convince either of them to tell us more.

Svetlana looks between you and her husband as you inquire about the bandits. Oleg, taking out a little aggression on a mangled piece of metal, glaring at each of you once more. Decision made, he nods to Svetlana and goes back to the ringing of his hammer blows on the anvil.

"Well, they first came a couple of months ago, and there were too many of them. They..." Svetlana stops and turns away as she brushes the tears from her eyes.

"They took her ring!" Oleg blares out this bit and resumes his hammering. It is easy to imagine what he is picturing as his anger fuels his arms.

Svetlana turns back, "the ring wasn't the bad part, it was Celeste, Jacques daughter. They took her too. He tried to fight back, but that woman, she struck him down. And she was telling the men what they could do to that poor girl." Svetlana stands and starts pacing before the fire, stopping at the side of Oleg to watch his hammering, before turning to walk the length of the table and return. "The first time there was eight or nine, I, I don't recall. The next month seven. Last month, only six showed up. They take most of our collected trade goods that we have bought from the trappers and ranchers."

Returning to stand before you, "we sent word back to Restov two months ago asking for help. Two days ago we received a notice that a crew had been chartered to clear the area of bandits. And here you are."

The pounding stops for a moment, "aye, and now ye be sayin' that bandit killin' ain' your reason for you 'ere bein'." Oleg wipes some sweat from his brow before tossing the piece of mangled iron to the side and pulling out another one.

Female Human Bard/1 (Init 4; Normal Vision Perc +4, Hp 11/11; AC 17 [t 14, ff 13]; fort 3 ref 5 will 2)

"Bandit killin', nae," Kari calls down from the battlements. "But rappers, sure. And quick. Else they squeal like the pig th'are."

Kari jerks her head so that her neck gives a crack and grips the hilt of her sickle hard. Her passionate hatred of rapists is exceeded only by her passionate hatred of the self styled villain Artyom.

Loot List M gnome wizard (shadowcaster) 6 | HP 44 | AC 13 | T 13 | FF 11 | CMD 11 | Fort +5 | Ref +5| Will +6 | Init +2 | Perc +2

Gizsmith pulls out his writ to make sure he isn't misremembering it,

DM Fnord wrote:

Be it known that the bearer of this charter has been charged bt the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and authority vested within them by the office of the Prince of the Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration should be limited to an area no further than the thirty-six miles east and west sixty miles south of Oleg's Trading Post. The carrier of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on this 24th day of Calistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by His Highness Noleski Surtova, current Prince of the Dragonscale Throne.

"Fear not gentlefolk, it says here that we are also to strive against banditry, and strive we shall! All unrepentant bandits shall be put to the sword. Though I am not sure what to do with those that do repent, the charter is a little vague on the matter. No matter," he goes over and takes a knee before Oleg and Svelana, "I swear, on my honor as a gentleman adventurer, that you shall suffer the depredations of these beasts no longer and, as long as I still draw breath, I will not rest until I see your ring returned to you and Celeste rescued."

Half-Elf Rogue 1; hp 10/10; AC 17, t13, ff14; Init +3; Perc +7; F+2, R+5, W+1

Upon hearing the details, Aedon's face loses all traces of it's usual mirth. He listens as Kari and Gizsmith respond (wincing as Kari loudly cracks her neck), then speaks, "Svetlana, we will need a description of this woman who orders the men about, and of Celeste. And you say that they have been coming back each month since the first... do you have any idea when they will return again? If we can time it right, I know I would certainly enjoy making their acquaintance, and I'd wager my friends might feel the same."

Turning to Gizsmith, Aedon gives him a smirk, "To be honest, after hearing their story, I'm sort of hoping none of them repent. But if we do find some who regret their criminal ways, I've always been a supporter of hard labor."

Male Human (Kellid/Varisian) Cavalier (Standard Bearer)/Skald 4/1 [ HP: 38/38 | AC: 15 T: 12 FF: 14 | F: +7 R: +2 W: +3/+4 | Init: +1 Perc: -1 | Effects: Raging Song (Inspired Rage)]

"Am I correct in concluding from his absence & your words that this Jacques is no longer among the living?" Rufus makes an effort to direct the question at both Oleg & Svetlana.
"Among our other tasks here is the imposition of Justice. We may hope such may be found by means other than the edge of a sword."
Aside to Gizsmith, "Now who has the strong dislike of bandits?"

Male Human Paladin 1; hp 11/11; AC 16, t12, ff14; Init +2; Perc -1; F+3, R+2, W+1(+2 vs fear)

Salvator displays once more his utter lack of skill at inserting himself into rapid conversations. He demonstrates how his propensity for thinking and leaving pauses before he speaks means that in any conversation with more than one person, by the time Salvator is ready to speak, the conversation has largely moved on from the point he was ready to speak upon.

So, after having attempted to insert himself several times, opened mouth yet overridden before he could speak, he decided to go with the "strong silent" approach and merely nods in approval.

When there is finally a lull as the asides begin, he manages to slip something in. "Uh.. Aye."

Smooth, Salvator, real smooth.

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Male Human Inquisitor 1 -- hp 10/10, Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +5, Init +3, Perception +7, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14

Whispered to Salvator:
"Don't mind my friend. Sometimes, just waiting and listening is the rightful choice. Means you can't make a fool of yourself."

Male Human (Kellid/Varisian) Cavalier (Standard Bearer)/Skald 4/1 [ HP: 38/38 | AC: 15 T: 12 FF: 14 | F: +7 R: +2 W: +3/+4 | Init: +1 Perc: -1 | Effects: Raging Song (Inspired Rage)]

Perception 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11, to listen in. Not sure if that makes it or not. Will hold off on reading. Curiosity is killing me!
Pausing a moment at the whispered exchange between Lyster & Salvator, Rufus leads Twinkle to the stables, looking each of the other 'Companions' pointedly in the eye & nodding towards the stables as he does so.

Male Human Paladin 1; hp 11/11; AC 16, t12, ff14; Init +2; Perc -1; F+3, R+2, W+1(+2 vs fear)

Whispered to Lyster:
"Thanks." Salvator nods appreciatively to Lyster.

Oleg pauses for a moment with the sweat of his recent blows running down his arms. "Near 'nough. Took him a couple weeks to get where he could stand w'out tryin' to fall over. He done left, ain' seen 'im since."

Oleg looks to his wife, and his love for her shows briefly before he turns and looks at you once again, "you should leave, the sooner, the better, we don't want visitors, we don't want helpers, and if you ain' wit' the guard, you don' belong."

Svetlana pats her husband's arm, "it's late in the day dear, they can stay a night, or two, for me? please?" seeing that he will agree, she turns and addresses you, "please forgive us, it has not been easy this far from the... city. Now unless there is anything else you may need, I must start preparations for dinner."

Half-Elf Rogue 1; hp 10/10; AC 17, t13, ff14; Init +3; Perc +7; F+2, R+5, W+1
DM Fnord wrote:

Oleg pauses for a moment with the sweat of his recent blows running down his arms. "Near 'nough. Took him a couple weeks to get where he could stand w'out tryin' to fall over. He done left, ain' seen 'im since."

Oleg looks to his wife, and his love for her shows briefly before he turns and looks at you once again, "you should leave, the sooner, the better, we don't want visitors, we don't want helpers, and if you ain' wit' the guard, you don' belong."

Svetlana pats her husband's arm, "it's late in the day dear, they can stay a night, or two, for me? please?" seeing that he will agree, she turns and addresses you, "please forgive us, it has not been easy this far from the... city. Now unless there is anything else you may need, I must start preparations for dinner."

It seems like they responded to Rufus' question about Jacques, but didn't reply to Aedon's requests... Were they ignoring him? Fine if so, just wanted to be sure before I posted again.

Male Human (Kellid/Varisian) Cavalier (Standard Bearer)/Skald 4/1 [ HP: 38/38 | AC: 15 T: 12 FF: 14 | F: +7 R: +2 W: +3/+4 | Init: +1 Perc: -1 | Effects: Raging Song (Inspired Rage)]

Pausing at Oleg & Svetlana's words, Rufus then continues to the Stables.

my apologies, I read them, then forgot to post it. You receive a generic description of a leather adorned woman in her late twenties that even the bandits she orders about are scared of her. She has a wicked scar running down the left side of her cheek and she always has a handaxe in hand. She isn't above shaving off a finger to make a point either, and several of her bandits are missing parts of fingers. she personally hasn't come to the fort since taking Celeste. The last visit was several weeks earlier and was the smallest yet at only six men, all riding mangy horses and one mule that they used to load up the goods stolen. Svetlana is not aware of when they might next return.

Half-Elf Rogue 1; hp 10/10; AC 17, t13, ff14; Init +3; Perc +7; F+2, R+5, W+1

No apology needed! Thanks for the response.

Aedon, noting Rufus' pointed glance, follows him to the stables.

Loot List M gnome wizard (shadowcaster) 6 | HP 44 | AC 13 | T 13 | FF 11 | CMD 11 | Fort +5 | Ref +5| Will +6 | Init +2 | Perc +2

Gizsmith rises to his feet a little disappointed by the poor reception his his oath received. With a shrug he scampers off to the stables.

Rufus Fitzroi wrote:

Aside to Gizsmith, "Now who has the strong dislike of bandits?"

Aside to Rufus, "Bandits can be alright fellows. Rapers and murderers need to be put down like dogs"

Male Human (Kellid/Varisian) Cavalier (Standard Bearer)/Skald 4/1 [ HP: 38/38 | AC: 15 T: 12 FF: 14 | F: +7 R: +2 W: +3/+4 | Init: +1 Perc: -1 | Effects: Raging Song (Inspired Rage)]

Upon seeing that the two individuals with whom he had most disputed in the stables as well, Rufus turned to them after seeing to Twinkle.
"I don't know if the two of you have ever been on campaign, but the first rule of a successful one is 'Don't muck up your supply line!' Right now, this is our supply line. So until we can address their 'problem', we will not be able to do anything but stay here & deal with their 'bandit problem' or return to Restov with our tails between our legs. I suspect that option pleases you no more than it does me."

Loot List M gnome wizard (shadowcaster) 6 | HP 44 | AC 13 | T 13 | FF 11 | CMD 11 | Fort +5 | Ref +5| Will +6 | Init +2 | Perc +2

"Oh, I was under the impression that you had something important to say. My mistake."

Gizsmith leaves the stable and returns to the table to enjoy the food before it gets cold.

Male Human (Kellid/Varisian) Cavalier (Standard Bearer)/Skald 4/1 [ HP: 38/38 | AC: 15 T: 12 FF: 14 | F: +7 R: +2 W: +3/+4 | Init: +1 Perc: -1 | Effects: Raging Song (Inspired Rage)]

"Is your survival important? I suspect it is difficult to continue being a self-absorbed popinjay when dead."

Half-Elf Rogue 1; hp 10/10; AC 17, t13, ff14; Init +3; Perc +7; F+2, R+5, W+1

Aedon watches impassively as Gizsmith leaves and Rufus takes the chance to get in the last word.

"Let him go, Rufus." Aedon states. "He's done listening for now."

"Back to your original point, I totally agree, we need to get this situation in order before worrying about anything else. Personally, I'm thinking our best option at this point is to wait here and lay an ambush for any bandits that return... How do you think we should proceed?"

Female Human Bard/1 (Init 4; Normal Vision Perc +4, Hp 11/11; AC 17 [t 14, ff 13]; fort 3 ref 5 will 2)

Kari inhales sharply as Rufus, Aedon and Gizsmith disappear into the stables. Did their mounts really require that three men attend them at once, or is there some conspiracy that she is not privy to?

Observe what? she derides herself. The horses asses? The stench of the stables? Maybe they are kissing? Kari smiles at the mental image. It had happened once or twice, okay maybe a dozen times when she learned about it and actively sought it out. It was lonely being a bandit. There was only a certain amount of honor among thieves, not enough to avoid a dagger in your back if you had a particularly valuable piece.

In truth, Kari feels very little about the prospect of slaughtering a band without even the loosest compunction of morals. Duma's survived for as long as it had because she cultivated relations with the Good folk behind the walls who sometimes appreciated having a pretty bauble for their wife in exchange for flour, grains and fruit. Without even basic respect for human life, man was just another animal, and having drawn the blood of another... When a beast savages a man, a party is organized to hunt and kill it 'fore the taste of our flesh sticks in its teeth...

Kari sets the plait inlaid with fang and talon trophies to swinging near her neck. She fancies herself an able hunter.

Male Human (Kellid/Varisian) Cavalier (Standard Bearer)/Skald 4/1 [ HP: 38/38 | AC: 15 T: 12 FF: 14 | F: +7 R: +2 W: +3/+4 | Init: +1 Perc: -1 | Effects: Raging Song (Inspired Rage)]

"I think before we consider anything else we need to see to it that our hosts don't evict us before we have the opportunity to do anything." Moving to see to it that Gizsmith's pony & mule were properly groomed & stabled Rufus continued. "If we can achieve that, we still need to learn more about these bandits. Our hostess said the leader hadn't returned after the bandits first appearance. Someone must have lead the later arrivals. We need to know who that is." Muttering to himself, Rufus proceeds to groom & stable Aedon's horse & look over the other animals. "Do none of them know how to properly care for an animal? Well, Lyster at least stabled his properly."
"The ambush idea has merit. Unfortunately, it hinges upon us knowing of them, before they know of us. As our hosts do not know when the bandits are likely next to arrive, that will require hidden sentries at least."

Half-Elf Rogue 1; hp 10/10; AC 17, t13, ff14; Init +3; Perc +7; F+2, R+5, W+1

Aedon already took care of his warhorses, so I'm going to bypass Rufus' actions in my character response

Aedon nods as Rufus speaks, "Fine, we've got a couple of days to find out more information. I'll get Kari and Lyster together to try and figure out some good places to hide, and I'll take third watch." Aedon says as he walks out the stable door. "I'm heading for the table, you going to be long?"

After the meal, Aedon will ask Kari and Lyster to help find suitable places inside the post for people to hide while watching approaches to the front gate.

Not sure if that's a roll or not, but I'll toss a Stealth 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22 just in case.

The afternoon slowly crawls along. Svetlana tries to be a good host, but you can see that her mixed feelings of hope that you will stay and help them out are conflicting with her fears that you will leave before the bandits return.

She happily talks about her past, growing up in a small village north of Restov, meeting Oleg, their choice to move out beyond any borders. Her desire to start a family soon. She shy's away from talk about the bandits as it upsets her and Oleg. She changes the subject to something more palatable. Throughout the afternoon she is constantly moving around, it is obvious that maintaining the buildings in their present state is the limit of what the Leveton's can handle. She welcomes any offers of assistance but refuses to ask for any help as she checks on the animals penned outside the fort, cleans the stable, tends to a small garden behind the fort, hauls water from a small well to refill a cistern, and begins preparations for dinner.

Oleg, dour as usual, provides only grunts of agreement, disagreement, or something not quite either, to any additional inquiries regarding the bandits. It is obvious that the situation pains him, but his stiff pride holds him back from really discussing the issue. If offered assistance, he only points at a task needing doing as he goes about his chores for the day. Mending a wheel for the wagon, pounding new shingles onto the roof of the barracks, forging new horse shoes, and chopping wood. Several tree trunks hang from a large logging wheel outside the outpost.

About an hour before sunset, a bearded human with several animal hides draped over and across his wide shoulders enters the fort leading an aging mule laden with bundles stacked high and heavy over the pack saddle. It's a wonder the load hasn't fallen off.

Oleg, smiles, not something you want to see often, and yells down from a roof, "Oi, Mikhail, just in time for dinner, as usual."

Mikhail nods, and waves as he leads his mount to the storage shed.

Half-Elf Rogue 1; hp 10/10; AC 17, t13, ff14; Init +3; Perc +7; F+2, R+5, W+1

Aedon helps carrying water and chopping wood as needed.

After Mikhail arrives with his furs, Aedon climbs into one of the towers and attempts to secretly watch the surrounding area to see if any bandits might be watching.

Stealth 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27 to get into the tower unseen from outside the post

Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26 to watch the area outside the post for people, movement, etc

Female Human Bard/1 (Init 4; Normal Vision Perc +4, Hp 11/11; AC 17 [t 14, ff 13]; fort 3 ref 5 will 2)

Kari, still stationed on the battlements glances at Aedon's queer behavior. Not wishing to alarm the man, she touches a thread of copper wire she worked into the throng for her pan pipes and casts the Message spell and points in his direction.

Aedon, Perception DC 25:

"I am curious what you believe that you will see," Kari's voice, bereft of cant whispers in your ear. "Should you, you have only to whisper in return to reach me."

Kari makes a point to climb down from the battlements after Aedon has assumed his position, and she makes a rolling stride toward the trapper, a broad smile on her face. Mikhail is the first male she has seen since she gained her freedom that is unattached and there is no particular reason to believe that flirtation will adversely affect relations among her band.

"Beggin' yer pardon, Goodman," she says, jutting out her narrow hip in such a way, and leaning forward to make a display of her modest bust to entice, "fra yer trophies there, ye seem ta be the authority on what lives in these parts. Woul' ye know what might inspire folk ta build with four cat'pults?"

Kari untrained Diplomacy (Gather Info) 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16 +1 from charming if Mikhail is disposed to be sexually attracted to Kari.

Loot List M gnome wizard (shadowcaster) 6 | HP 44 | AC 13 | T 13 | FF 11 | CMD 11 | Fort +5 | Ref +5| Will +6 | Init +2 | Perc +2

Gizsmith avoids doing any actual physical activity, but uses Prestidigitation liberally to help with the cleaning.

He tells entertaining stories all the while for anyone in earshot Perform(oration):1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11 to help the work pass quicker.

When Mikhail arrives, he watches Kari's flirtation with amusement, but otherwise does nothing.

Half-Elf Rogue 1; hp 10/10; AC 17, t13, ff14; Init +3; Perc +7; F+2, R+5, W+1

Believing he has been stealthy enough to avoid the view of anyone outside the trading post, Aedon settles down in his hiding spot and scans the treeline.

She seems to enjoy the outdoors...

Aedon responds in a whisper,

"Watching for any raccoons that might have noticed a new load of supplies being delivered."

Male Human Paladin 1; hp 11/11; AC 16, t12, ff14; Init +2; Perc -1; F+3, R+2, W+1(+2 vs fear)

Salvator takes to chopping wood. It's been some time since he's worked on the farm, and he's lost some of his touch, but with a careful slowness and a strong arm, he does himself fine.

As he take a break, wiping his brow, he ponders for a moment.

The unbalanced weight of an axe... It seems so strange after wielding a dueling sword for a year.

Oleg's Trading Outpost is an old border fort. It's location was based on political expediency rather than tactical justification.
The border road travels along Brevoy's south/western border. From the south east at Restov, traveling roughly north-westerly towards Numeria.

The trading post is in the middle of what would be classified as tall-grass plains. While the fort does sit on a small rise of land, it's in the valley between two gently rising hills to the north and south, with the road running along the bottom of the valley. Most humanoid creatures can not see over the top of the grass without breaking and clearing a wide area. This is one of the reasons Svetlana keeps their few herd animals grazing outside. They keep the grasses cleared back around the fort. This also protects the fort from the occasional plains fire. There is a small creek that enters the valley from another, at its closest approach, it is about 200 yards behind the fort. A well worn path is visible through the grass, along with a slight variation in the grasses to denote where the stream is.

The tops of the walls stand about two feet higher than the tall grass, if it grew up to the wall. Standing on the towers, such as they are, gives one a couple of feet height above the tops of the hills to either side, and a view for some distance up and down the road. About a half mile in either direction.

The road will be heavily traveled in about a month as the spring caravans head to Pitax and Numeria. During the summer the traffic dies off until fall when caravans make the return trip.

Watching for anyone would be to discern that a ripple in the grass tops is caused by something traveling through the grass instead of the breeze.

The towers and walls do have platforms around the inner edge that can easily be traversed while hunched over to reduce visibility from outside the fort. Here is a picture that may give you an idea of how tall this grass is. Tall Grass

Being on horseback means you can see for some ways around you if you are off-trail. It also means you can potentially miss something nearly under your feet. Note that without time and care, traveling through grass usually leaves sign of your passing from broken stalks of grass.


Aedon climbs into one of the towers (which one?)

Mikhail stops and gives Kari a once over, "Little lady, if this oaf Oleg hasn't shown you around yet, I will take those honors. I am sure we can find a working siege engine for you to play with."He is male, and a hole is a hole, the look he gives Kari while eyeing her up and down leaves no doubt that he's already undressed her. He will attempt to put an arm around Kari and look up at the catapults, "Probably some swordlord thinking it looked good, and not bothering to think about what it be needed for. That isn't nearly as interesting as what I can tell you about my mastery of the wild things in these lands, and you do look like you have a bit of the wild in you." he raises a finger to run it under a strand of hair. Oleg grunts "well at least he'll leave the sheep alone this time."

Gizsmith has managed to get a smile from even Oleg at some of his stories, though Oleg is quick to sour his expression and continue his chores.

Rufus has been busy settling down everyone's mounts and performing minor maintenance on the saddles and other gear.

Salvator sits at the table peeling potatoes.

Half-Elf Rogue 1; hp 10/10; AC 17, t13, ff14; Init +3; Perc +7; F+2, R+5, W+1
DM Fnord wrote:

Aedon climbs into one of the towers (which one?)

Assuming bandits won't use the roads, Aedon would head for a good place to keep an eye on the path, the stream, and the southern hill. Would the "southwest" tower afford that view?

Female Human Bard/1 (Init 4; Normal Vision Perc +4, Hp 11/11; AC 17 [t 14, ff 13]; fort 3 ref 5 will 2)

Kari smirks at how quickly Mikhail takes to the line. Ignorant woodsmen were easy to manipulate. Unfortunately, their ignorance was often difficult to bear.

When Oleg makes pig noises in their direction Kari smiles calmly. "Woul' that ye were nae wed, Goodman Leveton. Yer charm is bested only by yer hospitality," she returns in her cant.

To Mikhail she says, "Aye, ye can say I've the wild in mah blood," and sets the plait with trophies to swing near her neck. She takes the opportunity to raise herself up on her toes and whispers in Sylvan.

Message - Aedon, Mikhail, Perception DC 25::

Sylvan "I will discover if this one is affiliated with our bonny lads in some degree. Although I believe it highly unlikely."

Male Human (Kellid/Varisian) Cavalier (Standard Bearer)/Skald 4/1 [ HP: 38/38 | AC: 15 T: 12 FF: 14 | F: +7 R: +2 W: +3/+4 | Init: +1 Perc: -1 | Effects: Raging Song (Inspired Rage)]

Given that it is likely nearing dusk if not full-on darkness, Rufus will practice with Boon in waking him (Boon waking Rufus) silently instead of barking an alarm.
Handle Animal 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15, hopefully that will be enough for tonight. Rufus will practice this with Boon every night until it becomes Boon's standard for alarm.

Loot List M gnome wizard (shadowcaster) 6 | HP 44 | AC 13 | T 13 | FF 11 | CMD 11 | Fort +5 | Ref +5| Will +6 | Init +2 | Perc +2

If evening is approaching, then Gizsmith brings up the subject of whether or not to set a watch. He also tries to get some information for Oleg of Svetlana regarding when the bandits usually come and if they feel there is need to set a watch.

He tries to do this without them becoming upset.
Diplomacy:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

The entrance to the fort faces south by south-west, at about the same orientation as this image of Oleg's (south being straight down).

The road comes in from the south east, roughly parallels the front of the fort and then continues in a west by north-west direction.

The southern hill is beyond the road and roughly parallels it. North of the fort is another hill, this one runs roughly east to west. This means that the valley the fort lies in is narrower to the west, and opens up towards the east. This hill is bisected by another shallow valley behind the fort.

To the north flows the small stream that is one of the water sources for the fort. It flows south out of that small valley north of the fort, and turns east.

Counting clockwise from the gate, you can see from each tower:

1) Looking in a southerly direction out of the fort the dirt path from the fort gate to the road is on your left. Lying before you and about 100' from the fort is the road, paralleling the front of the fort. Turning to your right, you look westerly to see the road continue in the distance before curling north. Directly below you is a logging wheel, the tops of which stand some nine feet high. Beneath the logging wheel hang several tree trunks. About 40' from the fort a wooden post sticks out of the ground, it's about six inches in diameter and sticks four feet out of the ground. An iron ring is bolted to the top of the post. A similar post stands on the opposite side of the road from the fort.

2) The westerly view is similar to #1, without a logging wheel below the tower. Turning to your right, looking in a northerly direction one sees an expanse of green grass as far as the eye can see. A darker patch of green marks the location of the string that meanders along the valley floor. Leading out from the fort is a well worn path that leads off towards the stream. About 40' from the fort a wooden post sticks out of the ground, it's about six inches in diameter and sticks four feet out of the ground. An iron ring is bolted to the top of the post.

3) The northern view is similar to #2 with the addition of a small and well tended garden beneath the tower walls. The garden measures about 15' by 30' and has a low fence surrounding it to keep out the cow and goats.. Turning right the view to the east shows several goats and a cow penned in and eating the grass. About 40' from the fort a wooden post sticks out of the ground, it's about six inches in diameter and sticks four feet out of the ground. An iron ring is bolted to the top of the post. A stout rope leads from the ring to the cow. The goats are loose but do not seem inclined to wander.

4) There is nothing new to see from this tower that is not similar to the easterly view from #3 or the southerly view of #1.

The best view of the road would be #1 to see the road to the west as that portion that curves north is not visible from #4. unfortunately, this tower does not offer a view of the stream.

Just how far is Kari willing to go to learn what Mikhail knows? Mikhail is 'obviously, and prominently' interested in learning all the carnal knowledge he can of Kari, and the quicker the better.

Rufus spends the afternoon and evening training his dog.

Oleg states that he and Svetlana never set watches. They bring the animals in at night and bar the gate from dusk to dawn. The furriers and other denizens that are inclined to frequent the Trading Post know that they need to be there before dusk or they are camping outside the gate for the night. The bandits have never shown up before late morning, their arrival has varied between three and five weeks. It has been nearly four since their last visit.

Male Human (Kellid/Varisian) Cavalier (Standard Bearer)/Skald 4/1 [ HP: 38/38 | AC: 15 T: 12 FF: 14 | F: +7 R: +2 W: +3/+4 | Init: +1 Perc: -1 | Effects: Raging Song (Inspired Rage)]

Upon learning the frequency of the bandit depredations, Rufus quietly speaks with at least Lyster & Aedon.


"It sounds as if the bandits could arrive any day. We should be ready from tonight on. I realize this will sound paranoid, but we should keep track of Mikhail. It may be coincidence that he arrived just as we did. It may also be that the bandits use him to keep an eye on this post."
"Aedon, your idea of concealing ourselves from the bandits is a sound one, however it may no longer be possible. If they should arrive without us being able to conceal ourselves we should endeavor to keep them from leaving. To that end, we should have two of our number be ready to close the gates at a moments notice. Since Oleg closes the gates each night we should convince him to let us assist. That way we will have an idea how difficult it is. I think you & Gizsmith might be best for that."

Female Human Bard/1 (Init 4; Normal Vision Perc +4, Hp 11/11; AC 17 [t 14, ff 13]; fort 3 ref 5 will 2)

*ahem* Kari's carnal interests in Mikhail are slim, but quick and dirty is good so long as you do not require a bluff check to make him feel like an Adonis or that there's a white picket fence in the future, if you know what I mean, and I think you do.

Half-Elf Rogue 1; hp 10/10; AC 17, t13, ff14; Init +3; Perc +7; F+2, R+5, W+1

Whispering back to Rufus, "Sure, with a couple in the stable, and the rest in the barracks? Just have to make sure none of them make a run for it, but Gizsmith and I should be able to handle it."

Aedon finds Gizsmith later that evening and leads him away to speak with him privately. "So, I'm sure you figured out that the bandits may be back at any time. Some of us are thinking that we should plan to ambush them once they return. Assuming this goes as planned, I'm to take up position at the gate, mainly to make sure none of them escape. Would you be willing to help me at the gate?"

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