Black Tom |

Sorry about the delay. Been a really rough week, switching jobs and not quite recovered from the flu. Note that incorporeals don't have a miss chance in Pathfinder; you just halve the damage.
The spirit strikes again, this time clawing Roylenna for 19 points and Lyria for 20, opening new wounds as Lyria staunches hers and Lasair's.
You are up again.

Ka'kara Furyheart |

Energy drain and inspire courage added in.
Raging+PowerAttack: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (15) + 15 = 30
Damage: 2d6 + 21 ⇒ (3, 1) + 21 = 25
Raging+PowerAttack attack #2: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
Damage: 2d6 + 21 ⇒ (4, 5) + 21 = 30
Sweeping her greatsword through the angry spirit's form a couple more times, "I think you all might want to change your burial ceremonies. I have yet to come across one of your ancestors spirits that is at peace."

Roylenna Brenoien |

Does the spirit have reach? Both Lyria and Roylenna moved back, so I'm wondering if it moved (possibly provoking) or if it just reached past Ka'kara to strike us.
Roylenna uses her Heavenly Fire to staunch Lyria's bleeding. "Call on your god to put the spirit to rest, Lyria!"
Heavenly Fire: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
She then retreats as far as possible (up to 20') while maintaining line of sight on the spirit.

Artival Brisboir |

Artival fires a ray of lightning at the undead, hoping to put it to a more permanent rest.
Cast Scorching Ray, changing energy to lightning.
Ranged Touch attack 1d20 + 5 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (9) + 5 + 2 - 4 = 12
Damage 4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 6, 2) = 13

Lasair |

Lasair draws the sword at her hip a flicker of silver flame passing over the length of the blade as it clears the scabbard.
Lunging forward she strikes as the spectre.
Activating scabbard to grant +3 magic bonus to sword for 3 rounds, weapon now Magic +3 Keen
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
1d8 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Lyria Ghoulbane |

I think Lyria is better healing - if she continues channeling energy, she could buy you all a few rounds, whereas her damage would be more dangerous since there won't be enough healing going on - Roylenna can be down next turn if the spirit keeping hitting for around 20.
Lyria's face shows relief as she is healed by her friends, and she tightens her grip on her holy symbol, causing more energy to flow through it and heal the party's wounds.
Channel Energy for a 3d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 4) = 7 point heal.

Black Tom |

Guys, I've been thinking. A lot. This game is the longest running of all my games, and I've learned a lot about PBP through it, and also some things about Pathfinder. And I dare say I even made some friends. The game has exceeded my wildest hopes. I never thought you would finish Barakus and grow out of Endhome.
And therein lies the problem. Even if the Gray Citadel had its troubles it was a dungeon, a home base and a plot all rolled into one. But after we finished that things have started to slide. Especially since Rappan Athuk didn't really work out (partly because you got stuck on level 2 for so long and it's kind of the lamest level).
I also realized that the hack'n'slashy style is harder to manage at higher levels. Battles tend to be more and more drawn out, which is never a good thing in a PBP. Also managing a 7-person party means ramping up the CR of the monsters, and that tends to make things swingy.
So I'm sad to announce that I'll have to end this game once and for all. By no fault of you, of course. You have all been awesome and patient with me through thick and thin. The thing is that I don't see a way to continue the campaign that will still be fun. It started as an experiment and I fear that the experiment is over. Thank you so much for playing. You have no idea what you and the other awesome guys that have played have meant to me.
As a small consolation, if any of you still should have the dungeon-crawling itch, you can post in the Whiterock recruitment thread. I have been toying with the idea of an alternate party entering the dungeon by a back door, so to speak. Post there if you'd like to create a new character (at level 1). You get to keep your hero points.
Thanks again for everything.
Eventually you manage to bring the abomination that once was Motembe down and recover his +2 holy ghost touch hammer. Elijan has recovered enough to be able to raise Gregori and things turn bright once again for our heroes, who will finally get some well-deserved rest.

AinvarG |

Thanks, BT. I could tell this day's been coming for a while. Thanks for providing me with my first PBP experience and putting up with my widdle girl through three (?) different threads.
I've been thinking that I needed to trim my list of PBP games so I will pass on the invite to Whiterock.
Thanks again and may life bring you the gifts you deserve. Peace.

Ka'kara Furyheart |

Don't worry. BT has done this before. He see's that all those other groups are not as good as we are and comes running back. J/K BT! :)
I had a lot of fun watching Ka'kara raise, guide, and protect all these poor broken souls she calls her companions...especially Roylenna ;) (she needed a guardian "angel"). Ok, ok, maybe I have it a little backwards about who looked after who. This has been one of my longest running characters and I every once in awhile go back and relive some of the highlights that make me smile. The cast of characters has been many, varied, and quite colorful. Maybe one day I'll meet some of you in person at a convention or someplace else (Whoohoo! National Parks!). Please feel free to send me private mail on these boards if you wish. I am letting my PBP's wind down one-by-one and now will be in only one (I used to have half a dozen going at once). I feel blessed that I have been part of so many PBP's that have lasted so long. Regardless of whether I am in PBP's or not I'll probably be on these boards for a looooong time still. Gotta keep my charter status up, don't ya know! :)
If you want to check out the one PBP I still am in, look up my alias Bahir. It's a long running Legacy of Fire Campaign that may have an opening or two by the end of the year. Here's the link.
P.S. Sorry Roylenna, looks like all our mutual campaigns have retired :(
One last look at the greatsword wielding barbarianess herself! Art done by Hugo (A.K.A. Butterfrog)

Roylenna Brenoien |

P.S. Sorry Roylenna, looks like all our mutual campaigns have retired :(
*gasp* You are right! I had not realized that yet! Um... OK... if you need someone to jump in to the LoF campaign, I'm there, just because you are in it. (I have a slot open on my dance card!)
You are always welcome to PM me. Perhaps I will have to find out your physical location someday - I've been through your general region twice in the last two years because we love the parks out that-a-way...

Lyria Ghoulbane |

Thanks BT - this was also my longest running PBP by far, and I had fun trying to make Lyria grow up into her role and cope with the various experiences we all had - I hope her heals were enough and that she didn't make too many mistakes (sorry Gregori!). On one hand I wish we could somehow continue this, but on the other hand, as Ainvar \ Roylenna said, it seemed going this way. I would also like to thank you all, hanging in on this PBP which lasted for years in which my life was changed completely. I must admit that I would have been glad to continue to play together as a group even in another PBP (maybe with BT as a player? ;)), but it appears that everyone is heading his\her own way, and of course that's also fine (as with the others, feel free to PM me for anything).
That being said, I will probably keep playing on one PBP, and will post on Castle Whiterock's recruitment page.
P.S - I'm not sure about you guys, but I don't think I know anything about anyone ooc, which is pretty strange when considering we have been playing together for so long (just wanted to say this).
Thanks again everyone!

Roylenna Brenoien |

I know the feeling about spending so much time with people on the boards but knowing next to nothing about them. It's an odd situation.
I guess I should amend my earlier remarks about dropping a game from my dance card. If someone wants to start a new game for the gang, I'd be open to that. As you have probably noticed, I'm generally a pretty prolific poster, but my organizational skills lack some, well, organization, so I hesitate to try to DM for a crowd. (I am running one PBP for guys that I sit at the table, but that's only reinforced for me that I really don't have the chops to do a great job at it.)
So if someone else wanted to give being a DM a try, I would be a friendly tester. I am not as interested in Whiterock purely because I have been in the 'second group' in a number of games already and the 'second group' experiment always seems to be short-lived. That said, if the gang wants to take this on as a group, I'd be willing to join in, too. Just because we have good chemistry.

Black Tom |

Ah, I think you're right about the "second group". I could always run Legacy of Fire. It's hack-n-slashy enough for me. ;) Or I'd be happy playing in someone else's game if anyone's up for it.
And I agree that it's a funny feeling that we hardly know anything about each other after all this time. I've had some fun trying to figure out which of you are guys and which gals.

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Just dropping in to say that I am sorry to see this game end too, even though I stepped out more than a thread ago... Sandros was my first long-term PbP character, and I'm sorry to see the end of the trail that begin with that wretched alchemist woman (what was her name) all those years ago finally come to a conclusion...

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Hey guys. I just sent a PM to Black Tom, and he responded positively, so I'll go ahead and post the idea to the thread. I recently started a Shattered Star PbP, but it failed pretty quickly due to some specific issues with some of the players. Tom was one of the players - not, I should point out, one of the ones there was an issue with - and I still want to run the AP, so if you guys would be interested in playing an AP that you haven't all played through some of already, I'd be willing to invite the group en masse to join me for it. 8 players is a lot, but I think it's doable if everyone wants in. If not everyone does, that's cool too.
Whatcha all think?

Roylenna Brenoien |

Looking at the Player's Guide, it doesn't have as much guidance for different classes as I'm used to seeing. Does anyone have any insight into what classes work particularly well? Or more importantly, work particularly poorly?
So far, we have four definite yes's, one an arcanist. Might as well start keeping track now.

Roylenna Brenoien |

Oh, and
AinvarG - Yes, undecided
Dark Arioch - Yes, rogue?
Black Tom - Yes, dwarven cleric
Scranford - Yes, marvelous fighter of some sort
Gerald - Yes, Thassilonian Evocation Specialist
Badslacker - ?
Kevin Mack - ?
Mark Thomas 66 - Yes
And I just PM'd Mark Thomas 66 since I realized I had overlooked his avatar. I think that's everyone.
I'm open to about anything, but I am inclined to go with a class I have not tried yet. Maybe Inquisitor - I will have to look at the class closer, but my tabletop game has one and they seem to enjoy it.
EDIT: I'm slow - Mark Thomas 66 replied before I posted. LOL.

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The only thing I want to make clear (and this really was the issue with the other group) is that the AP is definitely slanted toward the "heroic" end of things - not much of a stretch with this group, I know, but trust me, it will help if you've got a team willing to make friends with at least some of the folks you'll be running into.
Also, it's a dungeon crawl. Several dungeon crawls, really, but we're going old-school on this one. So put yourself into that mindset too.

Roylenna Brenoien |

AinvarG - Yes, inquisitor? rogue?
Dark Arioch - Yes, rogue?
Black Tom - Yes, dwarven cleric
Scranford - Yes, marvelous fighter of some sort
Gerald - Yes, Thassilonian Evocation Specialist
Badslacker - ?
Kevin Mack - ?
Mark Thomas 66 - Yes, deep walker ranger or some sort of tomb-raiding bard

Ka'kara Furyheart |

With it being old school dungeon crawl-y, we definitely need at least one person with Perception and Disable Device maxed, IMHO..
Consider both those concerns done and done! I'll commit to the rogue for sure. Yesh, 8 players is a lot. We'll probably need some ways of steamlining things like Shisumo rolling certain things for us (initiative, some checks like perception, etc...)