Azure_Zero |

That's interesting. :) Usually I go for a different race, something I haven't played before, and just think about that race for a second, then it just comes to me.
I randomise more than just race and class,
I include archetype, and gender.Gender: 2d4 ⇒ (4, 2) = 6
and then I go on to randomise the height, mathematically calculate the weight, and randomise a few minor details, like hair, eye and skin colour.

![]() |

Tan Jianguo has spent his life along the Shuidao River, assisting his family in rural Bachuan. The Tan clan has always remained small, and has done little more than provide fish for the Republic. They had performed ferry services in the past, but with increasing problems between Bachuan and Hwanggot, the ferry service has come to a standstill. Unfortunately, ferrying was Jianguo's job. He has spent much of the time since unemployed, doing odd jobs, offering to perform in plays, and getting as drunk as he is allowed. He seems to have an idea of what to do next, however.
Working on the character.

Ayrphish |

Life in Bachuan is what it is. Some days the rule of Grandmother Pei is hardly noticeable, and others it is down right smothering. In the village of Yaksha, a small town near the border with Hwanggot, life has gotten more complicated. It wasn't that long ago when control of the small village, and it's residents was presumably given to one of Grandmother's Tiger Brigadiers. A mysterious Nagaji known only as Pytho. Since then, there is a strict curfew, rumors of troops moving through the village in the darkest hours of the night are rampant, and villagers feel the breath of Grandmother Pei on the back's of their neck.
You, have received a summons, you are to attend the town pub, The Hidden Tiger, immediately after curfew. Your summons provides a 'pass,' to grant you movement to the pub minus harassment from the town guards. You have 8 hours to dwell on the summons, "What is this about? And why am I called?" runs through your mind. Regardless, no one will ignore a summons from Pytho. And if they do, they certainly won't see the next sunrise...
Updated Applicants:
Meilin - Witch
Asura of the Iron Fist - Monk
Bao-yin Dao - One Hand Figher
Hurley?- Reincarnated Druid
Chan Gho -Bard
Chkaia Linthel - Cleric
Katomo Nobuda - Samurai
Azure - Bard/Archaeologist
Tan Jianguo - Town Drunk :)
Please let me know if there are errors or omissions
At this point will likely keep applications open until Wednesday. Feel free to keep applying, hopefully the intro will give your characters something to think/talk bout in the mean time.

Asura of the Iron Fist |

I was thinking Asura would appear more as a traditional yamabushi though I'm not sure if there is a Tian Xia equivalent that would give credence to his appearance. In that way, his appearance is hidden if he wears a wrap around his head. In Bachuan religion is outlawed so he would be promoting Irori in secret, avoiding the watchful eye of Pytho while in the village of Yaksha. Perhaps masquerading as a healer would be appropriate?
So, should I assume that Bachuan is essentially Communist China in the Tian Xia setting?

Mark Sweetman |

From the Dragon Empires Primer:
Alignment: LN
Captial: Peijia (50,800)
Major Races: Tian-Shus
Major Religions: None (religion is suppressed)
Languages: Tien
Pen Wa Province thought they could keep their petty and vindictive rule alive. But they had not counted on the arrival of Grandfather Pei, who taught harmony and unity, and rallied the oppressed peasants under a banner that would free them of the corrupt rule of tyrannical governors. Grandfather Pei preached to the downtrodden farmers and miners that all people were equal, and all should share in labor as well as in the fruits of their labors. His revolution overthrew the existing order, and heralded the establishment of a government that oversaw labor, production and distribution of wealth, guaranteeing prosperity to all who deserved it. Unfortunately, the revolt's good intentions became tainted by the strict and sbutle machinations of the leader who followed Grandfather Pei - his sixth wife, Pu Yae Men, known now only as Grandmother Pei.
Upon her husband's death, Grandmother Pei seized control of the Sun Chamber and immediately began to purge any who opposed her, cementing her status as the most powerful person in Bachuan. Now, with the aid of her organization of disciplined youths known as the Tiger Brigade, she spreads her harsh version of the philosophy her late husband promoted. Her citizens have become suspicious of strangers and paranoid of those in authority. Grandmother Pei is ruthless and expects her advisors to be so as well. Rumors of war between Bachuan and neighboring Hwanggot permeate the streets of the nation's cities, but the Grandmother's agents are swift in silencing dissenters, especially those who speak of the supposed atrocities Bachuan soldiers secretly commit against captured Hwans.

Chkaia Linthel |

I had to change the original concept a little for playing in Bachuan, since religion is suppressed.
Although Chkaia has been raised with the Vudrani religious philosophy, he believes that all divine magic comes from the same source, and it chooses to be understood through agents of divinity. He teaches this philosophy to others, including the belief that the Gods are irrelevant in the greater scheme of the Cosmos.
Chkaia is a philosopher cleric more than any religious devotee, though he does carry trappings of a mystical bent (two temple swords); I changed his domains to Glory and Magic. Skills: Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (nobility).

Ayrphish |

I had to change the original concept a little for playing in Bachuan, since religion is suppressed.
Although Chkaia has been raised with the Vudrani religious philosophy, he believes that all divine magic comes from the same source, and it chooses to be understood through agents of divinity. He teaches this philosophy to others, including the belief that the Gods are irrelevant in the greater scheme of the Cosmos.
Chkaia is a philosopher cleric more than any religious devotee, though he does carry trappings of a mystical bent (two temple swords); I changed his domains to Glory and Magic. Skills: Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (nobility).
There are certainly rebels... don't change to fit.bachaun, change bachuan to fit you :)

Tan Jianguo |

Here's the town drunk. He's not particularly optimized, built more for fun than effectiveness, so let me know if anything needs changing. He should be a blast to play, though!
"What? Curfew? No, I'm staying right here! See this? It means I gotta stay here! Come on, how about an extra round? What? No, don't tell me you're just going to wash the mash out!"

Chkaia Linthel |

Chkaia Lintel wrote:There are certainly rebels... don't change to fit.bachaun, change bachuan to fit you :)I had to change the original concept a little for playing in Bachuan, since religion is suppressed.
Although Chkaia has been raised with the Vudrani religious philosophy, he believes that all divine magic comes from the same source, and it chooses to be understood through agents of divinity. He teaches this philosophy to others, including the belief that the Gods are irrelevant in the greater scheme of the Cosmos.
Chkaia is a philosopher cleric more than any religious devotee, though he does carry trappings of a mystical bent (two temple swords); I changed his domains to Glory and Magic. Skills: Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (nobility).
Actually I rather like the ideas I'm coming up with so far. I see him as a potential philosopher mentor to any "royalty" in Bachuan. And definitely someone who could help sway any people resistant to the ideas of their benevolent dictators. It will be very interesting to play a philosophical cleric instead of a devotee.

Mark Sweetman |

Ok, here's the pitch: Kenta Gushiken, a Nagaji Paladin first of Nagajor but lately of Hwanggot.
I'll do up a formal profile if selected, but information is below.
Discovered the next morning, he was told to go home - but refused. Following the aasimar across country the nagaji was not given succor, but also felt a primal and spiritual need that this was his journey to take. Managing to follow the aasimar all the way back to his home - a small monastery in Southern Hwanggot that served in worship of two masters - the sun goddess Shizuru and the moon God Tsukiyo. At that point the aasimar welcomed him to the monastery and nursed the malnourished nagaji back to health.
While convalescing the aasimar taught him their ways. Their worship was embodied in the passage from day to night and then from night to day - both dusk and dawn revered in their own ways. Dusk symbolizes the potential for man to descend into darkness, while Dawn shows that it is also possible for men to be saved from the pit.
When he was strong enough, he was also taught the ways of their weaponry. Both restraint and brutal assault taught in equal measure. Training hard he began to master the ways of tinbe-rochin (the spear and shield), sansetkuton (the staff of three) and the surujin (meteor hammer).
The monastery was also looked to as a bastion of reason within the area, and villagers often brought their grievances to the monks within. The nagaji watched the exchanges and read the subtlety of the words and fairness of the decisions offered. While not active in the debate at that time, he nevertheless learned much.
After two hands of years, he was deemed ready to venture forth from the monastery. He was sent forth to live and feel both the good and evil of the world so that he might come back to the monastery enlightened. As he left the masters also gifted him with his name, Kenta Gushiken. Kenta for strength, and Gushiken after the aasimar that led his calling.
Troubles brewing in the North between Hwanggot and Bachuan, Kenta crossed the border and came upon the village of Yaksha. Befriending a farmer, he bartered labor for the price of a bed and meals before slowly exploring the town. Soon after his arrival he receives a summons... he is to attend the Hidden Tiger and is led to believe that to refuse the summons would be unwise. Gathering himself he ventures to the inn... unsure if he if the experience will bathe him in yin or yang...
Traits: Altruistic Diplomat (Hwanggot); Weapon Proficiency (Meteor Hammer)
Skills: Diplomacy
Feats: Power Attack
Languages: Tien and Nagaji
Gear: (175gp)
Horn Lamellar Armor (100), Sansetkuton (8gp), Meteor Hammer (10 gp), Shortspear (1gp), Heavy Bone Shield (Turtle Shell) (7gp)
Hopefully that's fairly straightforward :) - any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Ayrphish |

Well, if you do not mind myself putting in an application. I'de like to submit one to you. Ruyi Jingu Bang, a True neutral, Vanaran rouge that will delve into druid later on. A very mischievous little monkey.
No problem, can you give me some more info on him? See the initial post for some questions to start thinking of what I'm looking for.

Shanosuke |

Okay after days of thinking and tossing ideas around I have finally come up with Kenji Masada. Samurai of the Sword Saint Archetype. The archetype was chosen simply because it was mountless and that works for me. I've always wanted to run a samurai but the mount thing was all that was holding me back. Now this character will be well rounded but good in combat taking levels in samurai the whole way.
I may end up mixing the character up a bit but that depends on how far we go. I have only one campaign that hasn't ended yet and have been in over 9 that have ended shortly after level two :(
I am optemistic and will be hoping that not only I get picked but that this campaign will be running for a good length of time.
I have asked in the past that GMs offer constructive critism on my characters. If there is anything wrong, out of place, or simply does not work with the campaign, please let me know. Thank you.
Kenji Masada was born in a small village in Minkai. At the age of three he had been rescued by a passing Samurai from a wolf. The young and impressionable Kenji was forever transfixed with the mighty warrior class and has since desired to become one of these great heroes.
Kenji was the son of a farmer and far away from a life where he could achieve his new found goal. Kenji would often pretend he was samurai but this only angered his already unhappy father. Kenji’s parents believed his dreams foolish and unattainable as the boy was only a peasant and only nobles were allowed to be samurai. However, this never dampened the boys dreams.
At age six Kenji’s home was attack by raiders and his family killed. He himself was taken and sold to slavers Wanshou. There he was trained to be a rice runner for the kraken. Kenji was now in a harder predicament than he ever imagined he would be.
For years Kenji worked as a runner for their gluttonous overlord and his dreams seemed evermore unattainable but Kenji was not the kind of boy to give up. Every delivery for the next ten long years, Kenji stored away one cup of rice from his deliveries and hoarded any and every piece of currency he could find. Finally the time had come.
Kenji worked with a few other slaves planning their escape. He and about ten others had set up an elaborate plan to bust out of their captivity. Unbeknownst to Kenji’s new comrades, he had quite a bit of money stored up in his collection. They were surprised to see it when Kenji brought his small fortune to light.
Regardless they worked together to escape. Their plan had succeeded and the boys were home free but with only one small problem. Kenji was the only one who had ANY money. The other boys did not like this and tried to coerce Kenji to give up his stash. Kenji refused. As a result the boys Kenji had thought were his friends quickly turned against him and mugged him for all he had. Kenji fought but the numbers were against him and he was left for dead in a place far from civilized eyes.
As if the hand of fate was still guiding Kenji’s destiny, he was once again saved from death by a samurai. It wasn’t just any samurai. It was the exact same person who had saved him from the wolf thirteen years prior. Though the samurai did not recognize Kenji, the boy sure recognized the samurai. The samurai was a ronin named Ueki Makabe. Ueki was wandering the woods more or less looking for a fight to the death. Ueki had disgraced his lord and rather than commit seppuku, he choose to hunt the wilds for a more “honorable” death. That was how he came to find Kenji.
Kenji was surprised to hear that his hero was nothing more than a shell of the man he once was. Ashamed of his choice not to die with the honor his culture deemed and every day he would regret his choice. Instead he wanders fighting and killing any challenge that comes his way. Kenji was not deterred at all and insisted the man teach him to be samurai. Ueki refused.
Ueki and Kenji travelled as far as Bachuan where they settled. Kenji worked as an errand boy and Ueki, who gave up on his mad quest for death, began to work as a town guard. After a year Kenji started to harass Ueki again for the training of the samurai and finally Ueki caved. However, Ueki made Kenji promise to fulfill Ueki’s wish when the training was complete. Without even hearing the terms, Kenji agreed.
Another year of rigorous training went by and finally Kenji was samurai. However, Kenji was now honor bound to fulfill Ueki’s wish, a duel to the death. Kenji was mortified that the man he had come to admire was still seeking death after all this time. Now it came down to a choice. Kenji would have to kill his mentor or die himself. The choice was hard to make but Kenji began to understand why. It was by far the hardest thing he had to do in his life but the fight was good. Kenji had purged his mind of all doubt, he had what he wanted and now he would pick up the legacy that he had been given and carry on.
Kenji won the fight and even though Ueki did not die in the battle, Kenji followed the samurai code as was meant and beheaded his mentor. It took a while for Kenji to recover, he spent some time working as a guard but he wasn’t happy.
He was samurai in training but he had no one to truly serve. No cause to call his own. He began to struggle with the reasons. Everything suddenly seemed so mundane. That is until the oppressive rule of the Grandmother began to weigh on his shoulders. Kenji truly hadn’t paid too much attention to politics but now that he was completely alone, he saw it everywhere. He found displeasure with his own status. He also began to notice injustices around him. He was also made aware of the rebellion.
All these things began to weigh on Kenji and his newfound abilities. It was coming to a choice. There was a conflict. He wanted to be a part of this movement. The question was, what side? After days of research and meditation, Kenji decided to seek out and enlist with the rebels. He thought that if there was to be change, he wanted part of it. The government was oppressive but the real reason behind his motivation was a greater calling, to make a difference, and to find a purpose.
Kenji is a young newly trained warrior with talents he wants to use but no outlet in which to use them. He at times can be brash and a bit reckless always seeking a challenge or a test of his new skills. He is very light hearted and friendly considering his past. He blames no one for what has happened and is generally a cheerful individual.
This is not without faults. Kenji believes heavily in do it yourself. In his life nothing was handed to him on a silver platter and he had to struggle for everything. Despite his positive demeanor, he is not without emotional scares. He is horribly desensitized to death and cruelty and this has made matters awkward when it comes to dealing with people’s emotions. It is a field Kenji is trying to overcome but sometimes it is just hard to understand the way people think. He also had the honor system of the samurai incorporated to some degree into his life. Kenji also struggles from time to time with a lot of self-doubt and to a good degree, identity crisis. He struggles heavily with finding a purpose, a reason for being. Survival can’t simply be all there is too it.
Regardless of these flaws, Kenji is still a nice outgoing person with a lot to prove, not just other but most importantly to himself.
He has not personal reason for siding with the rebellion other than wanting to make a name for himself and do something impactful. He has a lot of growing to do as a person and I hope to make it happen in this campaign.
Thats everything, this character was fun to put together and I hope he makes it. Heres crossing the fingers.

Fangrir |

Ruyi Jingu Bang, Jin as he prefered to be called. Was a curious one. He liked being around the townsfolk. Stealing apples loafs of bread, small mundane things that he needed to survive or to entertain his curiosity. Every now and then something shiny would catch his attention. Coins were his biggest targets. He knew the world revolved around them, as such he would revolve around the coin. He liked playing small pranks on the local villagers. Nothing to Serious, moving unattended clothing from one clothes line to the other. a mud pie in hand to a sleeping traveler. He lived mostly in abandoned houses, placed people thought that were haunted, when it was just Jin making eerie noises to keep them away. His only real possession was Fish stick. A bamboo rod, he used for fishing, fighting, and although too long, breathing under water.
One day while fishing for a meal, a piece of paper came rushing at his face, The attack startled him and his initial thought was that somebody was trying to steal his fish stick. After seeing that it was just a piece of paper that had woken him up he began to read it. "This Paytho guy is not very nice. Slapping me with this paper. And how does he expect me to find him, when he is hiding with a tiger? Well its a pub, and where there is a pub there is free food. I think. Never been to one now that I think about it. Well, there better be free food. Otherwise they are going to rename the pub to the starving cat." With that said, he picked up his things and began to make way back into town. "What do you think tail, think there will be plenty of food?" Jin looked at his tail as it swayed back and forth behind him. "Well your no fun."
Will this do? :)

Bai-yin Dao |

Well I've finished work on Bao-Yin Dao's personality and back story a bit. Also, I agree with you, Ayrphish, on the Free Hand Fighter archetype and changed him to that, although with your permission I intend to keep the Aldori Dueling Sword and eventually obtain the feat "Aldori Dueling Mastery." In any case, here ya go:
Or at least he could have been. Bao-Yin Dao has few memories of that terrible night, only blood and the flash of steel. Sounds of a terrific roar made by some inhuman creature and horrible laughter expressed in the joy of the slaughter. Bao-Yin wakes up in cold sweats at night some times, dreaming of that laughter and wondering if their was someone else in his nightmares, or if it was just him reveling in the gore of that day. He does remember running away, covered in blood and clutching his sword, cradling a tooth the length of his forearm that, at the time, crackled with lightning. Bao-Yin only has three clear thoughts of that night and they have driven his life ever since. He must escape east as far he can go, there he will find help. He must search for a powerful cleric to whom he will give the tooth, the cleric will understand. He must continue the search for the "Shen-Dao." That last one confuses him somewhat as Bao-Yin often wonders when he ever started searching for it in the first place...whatever "it" is.
Still, Hwanggot seemed like a perfectly nice place to lay low at the time. It was beautiful and peaceful, just what he was looking for. Although the strange assasins that come after him sometimes always make things difficult. Bao-Yin knows they're after the tooth, just as he knows he cannot let them take it. When he heard of the troubles to the north, he jumped at the chance to help, feeling both fondness for his new home and the driving belief that the answers to some of his questions lie hidden in nearby Bachuan. Bao-Yin doesn't know what he'll find there, but he will face it head on. He will never run again.

Ayrphish |

Well I've finished work on Bao-Yin Dao's personality and back story a bit. Also, I agree with you, Ayrphish, on the Free Hand Fighter archetype and changed him to that, although with your permission I intend to keep the Aldori Dueling Sword and eventually obtain the feat "Aldori Dueling Mastery." In any case, here ya go:
** spoiler omitted **...
That's fine

Ayrphish |

OOC: I believe I can make a party of four that will be much fun to watch grow in the Dragon Empires. However, I do wish to provide everyone who was interested chance to apply, and will still read all new applicants with an open mind.
That said, I am going to close applications 1 day early. Tuesday at noon, cst I will let you all know who is in the party.
The Hidden Tiger is crowded, you quickly realize that you were not the only one to receive Pytho's summons. It appears at a cursory glance that every able body person was summoned to the Inn. Some look nervous, other's perturbed, and a few more seem right at home. From the shadows steps a large Nagaji wearing ceremonial armor, and armed with more than a few sharp weapons. He takes his time surveying the crowd, making eye contact with everyone in a meticulous appraisal. Finally he addresses those gathered:
The enemy is near. Your homes and families are not safe here. The Grandmother offers your only hope of survival through the Tiger Brigade's protection. You will return the favor. Service is demanded.
With that short introduction, he turns and talks quietly to a man in similar armor. This man is holding a bucket and nodding at whatever Pytho is telling him.

Asura of the Iron Fist |

The tiefling monk spoke up, stepping forward with his bright eyes on those who answered Pytho's summons. A hand wrapped in a set of polished wooden prayer beads swept before him, gesturing to everyone in an expressive manner. "The service of the entire village's means of life? Farmers, fishers, hunters... An ultimatum of life itself... Or death? What enemy is a threat to the peace of this village? And what service does Grandmother request?" He watched the snake-man with intense eyes hidden beneath a hood. His features were masked; his face fell under the shadows of his hood, his form was wrapped in the traditional robes of a monk, his hands and arms were wrapped in tight linen bandages, and his feet were adorned with bandages and weathered sandals. He threw a sash over his shoulder and brought his hands before him in a meditative stance.
He was sure this summons was just propaganda. The oni-spawn was silent, watching the reactions of the others present. To the many people of the small village Asura was a healer who had come to them in a time of need, tending to the sick. He veiled himself like the yamabushi mountain priests who secluded themselves in search of spiritual enlightenment. In secret when he knew the eyes and ears of the Grandmother was not close, he shared the wisdom of Irori. He had to be discreet, however, less he incur the wrath of Grandmother Pei's minions.

Chkaia Linthel |

"To serve Grandmother is to serve the Cosmos itself." The tengu steps forward, two temple swords crossed across his back, over ceremonial robes.
"Just as the stars overhead follow a certain order, so must all creatures upon the land. The people also have their Cosmic role to play. If this be to serve life or death in a state of warfare, it is better to embrace conflict than struggle to shun it."

Ayrphish |

Pytho steps back into the shadows, and through the large crowd packed into the Hidden Tiger, he disappears from view. The man with the bucket steps forward with a malicious grin upon his face. His armor is very similar to what Pytho was wearing earlier. Heavy armor that looks more ceremonial than practical. Elaborated curves, large shoulder pads, and a long sash with orangish yellow and black stripes. He looks in the general direction of those who ask questions, but otherwise provides no reply. He surveys the crowd and then effortlessly speaks over them.
I am Guava Lei Yins, First Guard of the Mighty Pytho, I have been given ownership of this... town. a look of disgust and angst crosses his face as he spits the word 'town' from his lips If you are still here, you have been deemed 'capable' to fulfill the needs of the Grandmother through the generosity of Pytho himself. From here on, you will answer to me. I have been given ownership of your life.
A quick glance around the inn, you notice that there are fewer town citizens and more military troops, apparently that talk of soldiers moving through the town wasn't just a rumor after all.
You will each draw a tile He instructs as he lifts the bucket in the air Your tile will determine your future. Everyone must draw. Do not trade. Once drawn, your fate is sealed. The Grandmother and her Majestic Empire have many needs.
The bucket is passed around, it is filled with small ceramic tiles, one side bone white, the other marked with a brush stroke of color. Some are green, red, black, yellow, and purple. Those are the only colors you are able to distinguish as the bucket is solemnly passed through the crowd before making it's way back to Guava.
Anyone 'forget' to choose their destiny this day?
Looking down in the palm of your hand, you can see your 'destiny...'

Mark Sweetman |

A nagaji with dull scales tinged with green and bedecked in lamellar made of shell and horn moves forward to take his chit. Around his neck a rope is looped and weighed down on each end with a stone. At his belt tucked around the band is a three-sectioned staff and upon his back lie a shield of turtle shell and a short spear. He is young, though carries himself with confidence.
Taking his chit he steps back to look at the colour 緑 - the colour of jade... this is auspicious

Tan Jianguo |

A scruffy, unshaven person, bow slung across his back and carrying a large oar, weaves slightly as he picks up his chit. Looking it over, he hears the instruction. "Aw, so no trading it for extra baijiu, then? Well... for the Grandmother and the Republic, then!"
The man looks around. "Anyone want to toast the Republic?"

Asura of the Iron Fist |

When the bucket was passed around, Asura took the bucket and reached in to blindly remove a tile. He then passed the bucket on, wrapping his hand tightly around his 'destiny' without giving it a look. What color it was did not concern him and he looked across the room to the faces of the others present. He watched them study their tiles and he murmured, licking his lips and turning his eyes to his closed hand with a contemplative look darkened by the shadows of his hood. "I find it interesting that my destiny can be controlled by another -- all men and women are in charge of their own destiny," he quietly explained.

Ayrphish |

Guava looks around the room, noticing one who leaves, he nods and more than a few soldiers follow Asura out of the Hidden Tiger.
He will soon find out, as well the rest of you, that you can not run from your fate.
He reaches into the bucket himself and pulls out one of the ceramic tiles, he grins as he takes note of the color on one side before holding it up for all to a see. A bright and radiant stroke of green on the bone white tile.
Ahhh, One of my favorite colors. Green it is.
He reaches into the bucket again, and pulls out another tile, repeating the process as he shows a luminous blue tile.
Fate has spoken it appears. If you are not Blue or Green, you may return your tile and go home. Your pass to be out past curfew has suddenly expired. I would encourage you make haste.
As for those of you who are left.
It appears that Green is slightly smaller than I had hoped... You there!
He raises a finger and points menacingly at Bao-yin.
Consider yourself Green peasant.
For all of those with Green tiles. You should considered yourself honored. Destiny has chosen you to serve the Grandmother. You may now call your little band "Guava's Junk Crew."
If you are Blue, you are to stay alert. If there are more deserters, or if the Junk Crew fails in their assignments, you shall be their replacements. For now, you are dismissed.
As Junk Crew is the only remaining citizens in an inn filled with soldiers, Guava addresses them one last time.
You have til sunrise to gather your belongings of import and say your goodbyes. Your first assignment will require some travel. Return here no later than sunrise.
Translation: Those who drew Green, plus Bao will be the party that I start with. However, I truly enjoyed all of the characters who were assigned Blue. For now, you are on immediate standby, and if players drop or don't check in, you will take their place. After I get them started, and see what remains, I may try to put together a second gameplay/discussion thread for team Blue. It really depends how time consuming this becomes, and if I have ideas left in my head.
I wish I could tell all of you why you didn't get Green. To be honest, all of the applicants were impressive. There isn't anything you did 'wrong' or that I didn't like. I went with some gut intuition and made some hard decisions. Please check back in and stay alert, I will try to put something together for you as well.
"Junk Crew:" Please check in via the discussion thread. Congratulations.