Atapax's Kingmaker Campaign

Game Master Aluvian

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I think, actually, that I will need to wait for a post from Yossian. It seems we're kind of waiting on him to move closer or take a shot at another target. As soon as I get something from him, I'll give some perception check results and let you all know if you're spotted first or visa versa.

Male Human Ranger 1

From Cal's last post, I got the impression that he was approaching the camp, and Yossian was covering him.

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor
Siarani Lodovoka wrote:
Cal, get back there and take the shot with Yossian.

Not that any of our plans have actually been followed to date, but...

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

Anticipation is almost electric, Gorax waits for a signal.

It's my impression that not everyone is on the same page as far as what was intended with this. Mainly I think that Yossian didn't catch what his and Cal's part was supposed to be. My understanding was that they were to move in until they could find the watchmen in the tree, or were too close to move any further without being spotted for sure, and then start shooting. That being the signal for the others to move in. This was why I gave Yossian a chance to post before I continued, since he didn't look to be moving in any further. Since this seems to have become confused in translation, and with my absence adding to the confusion, I'm going to adjust and just bring us to it.

As Cal moves closer, as silently as possible, he gradually brings the entire main camp into view. Three bandits are on the ground, a fierce looking woman with two axes slung on her belt, and two men. All three look to be taking a lunch break, the former eating by herself under the sentry tree, while the latter eat together by the fire, talking quietly.

He also eventually spots the watchman up on the platform. The shot will be difficult, with tree and platform providing cover due to the angle, but possible. And he knows that Sia is waiting for just that sort of signal to come charging in past him.

Now I assume Cal will open up a surprise round with a shot at the sentry, but I'll let him post it. After that I also assume that Yossian will take a shot at one of the grounded bandits, and the others will make a move action in towards the camp. I'll roll init for the first regular round after I get confirmation of those assumptions. That should get this fight going.

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor

Any way Cal can take a few rounds to line up his shot, ie activate his Judgment of Justice and let it run for 2 rounds to get a +3 to attack rolls before his attack? If so, just assume he does so before the following attack roll and add +3 to the result. If not, that's fine, he'll just start it up on the first real round of combat.

When he finally spots the watchman, Cal freezes in place. I hope the others are ready to back me up, or this is going to get unpleasant real fast he thinks to himself, then carefully aims his bow and lets fly at the difficult target. Unfortunately, the shot is extremely difficult and his arrow THWUNKs into the wood of the tree several feet away from the bandit.

Attack roll: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 Even with a +3, that ain't gonna hit anything.
Damage roll: 1d8 ⇒ 4

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

If I remember well, the battle plan also includes using the alchemists fire against the platforms. The way we have gone, I assume Cal would have one of these items.

Gorax, listening intently and hearing the sound of the arrow being loosed takes that as the signal to action. He runs forward towards the camp bursting through the cover holding his longsword high, shouting and screaming as though there were a few more attackers than there really are. He heads towards the nearest of the bandits setting himself up to charge straight into him/her. "Aaaaaarghhh!!!! For Iomedae, the weak and good. AAAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!"

Just put me on the map in the correct position, with a route to charge if possible, providing it doesn't get in Estruven's way.

It may take me a bit to get the map lined up. I don't have access to the same software right now so I'll have to figure something else out. I promise I'll get on it ASAP though.

Still waiting for everyone else to post before I start the first round.

Female Human Wizard (Enchantress) 1 / Oracle (Passion) 1

Sia blinks as Gorax goes charging off. "...didn't have quite thatnoisy an approach in mind, but it works." She follows very shortly behind though, counting on Gorax's shout to draw any fire away from her if this doesn't work.

Male Human Ranger 1

Yossian jumps as he hears Gorax's charge, expecting as he was a verbal challenge to the bandits to surrender. He hears the twang of a bowstring that he hopes is Cal, and decides he has to act. Hoping that the big man's sudden appearance has distracted the guards, he shifts into the open so that he can get a shot at whoever is in the guardtower.

Longbow shot 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
ooh that might hit. damage 1d8 ⇒ 1+ up to 2 depending on the strength bonus of his nifty new composite bow. +2 as well if the target is human.

F Human Cavalier 1

Sorry guys, very busy at work last few days. Will post tonight?

F Human Cavalier 1

Estruven runs through the trees after hearing Gorax charge through the forest. She tries to take a slightly different approach, deciding to move quietly as she can about 10'-15' away from Gorax's line of approach, hoping to catch someone in the camp by surprise or at least give them less time to prepare for attacking her.

Move Silently: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (8) - 2 = 6

hard to do with -2!

Sorry guys. Last couple days've been busy. Looking for a house and buying a car. I'll be glad when this is all over and I'm finished settling in.

So I have the surprise round as this.

Cal shoots and misses
Gorax makes a move action to try to get into position to charge, while screaming and yelling.
Sia also takes a move action to get into position behind Gorax.
Yossian takes a shot.
Estruven moved as quietly as an armored person can for about 10'.

As I said, the map might be a bit in coming, but I'll do my best without for now.

The bandits are brought to alert by Gorax's hollered challenge from the forest rather than Cal's arrow which goes virtually un-noticed. At once, all eyes are turning to the large man with sword and shield bounding through the undergrowth of the woods and the camp becomes a flurry of motion. In all of this motion, the cry of the grounded bandit that Yossian's arrow finds only adds to the confusion. 5 damage

Initiative: Bandits, Cal, Estruven, Gorax, Sia, Yossian, Kressel

The two bandits on the ground quickly recover their senses, rising to their feet and moving to provide flanking support to Kressel beneath the sentry tree. Meanwhile the sentry in the tree, using Gorax's battle cry as a guide, spots enough of him to fire off a shot through the cover that fares about as well as Cal's had. Which is to say it thunks into a tree well wide of the moving fighter. A second arrow comes from even further off, oddly enough striking closer but still well wide of the mark.

Cal's up. The way I have it down, Cal is in the cover to the north, with Yossian not far behind. Gorax and Sia are coming in from the northeast, and Estruven is a little further east of their position and behind. I have no problems with being more cinematic with this scene as far as the map goes. Just try to keep as close as you can to what the map says and where you think you are. If there is any confusion, I'll adjudicate as best a can to keep it fair and fun.

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor

Calath moves forward as best he can through the underbrush, attempting to mask his location from his previous spot. Once satisfied with his new position, he says a soft prayer -- "Erastil guide my arrows." -- and looses another arrow at the bandit on the sentry platform.

Activating Judgment of Justice. 0 Judgments left today. Current effect: +1 to hit.
Stealth roll: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Attack roll vs bandit on platform: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21 Against flat-footed AC if the Stealth check succeeded
Damage roll, if that hits: 1d8 ⇒ 2

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

Gorax, decides that bursting through the undergrowth and drawing the attention of the bandits to him, will hopefully allow the rest of the party to do their damage without being noticed until its too late. "You bullies and thieves are about to meet your end.", shouts the big man, as he hustles his way through, but stops shy of reaching the bandits. To give time for his compatriots to catch up, well especially Estruven. "You will not bully my friends any longer. Today will be your judgement day." You could imagine Gorax was in fact a large mountain gorilla, metaphorically beating his chest and issuing a challenge to adversaries.

Gorax, his throat beginning to burn with the exertion of shouting so loud, continues to make as much noise as possible, issuing taunts and provoking the bandits. Expecting a charge from the bandits by their leader, he braces himself defensively for what will happen next.

End up around (27,8), between tree stump and log around the fire. I would think he has some cover from the tree to the sentry on the tower.

Female Human Wizard (Enchantress) 1 / Oracle (Passion) 1

Siarani realizes, a few moments too late, what Gorax is really up to and attempts to duck into the woods and evade detection for a few key moments while she looks for a good spot to place a Sleeping spell.

Going to attempt to get as many of them as I can in one spell, hopefully enough. The DC to save is 15, and also let this serve as a notice that I'll be traveling this week, so my posts may get a little infrequent. If it comes to that I'll trust Ata to ghost Sia.

F Human Cavalier 1
Atapax wrote:
and Estruven is a little further east of their position and behind...

I meant to be 10'-15' parallel from Gorax, so as I was not running behind him in his exact path. I wanted to move as fast as possible (running) up to the front lines, just not yelling like Gorax. So, I think I may be within a move action of striking.

Estruven continues moving swiftly through the trees trying to be as quiet as possible in her armor.
lol, just realized I made a Move Silently check a few posts ago...
Stealth: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (9) - 2 = 7why not try, right? If she is able to get to someone she will attack.

Greatsword: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 damage: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (1, 3) + 4 = 8

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13
Estruven Elluri wrote:

Greatsword: 1d20+5 damage: 2d6+4

I don't think you're really trying with these rolls are you!! time you're due a crit..please.

Male Human Ranger 1

Yossian, unable to make out what is happening in the confusion,nocks another arrow, and takes a target of opportunity. If no better target presents itself, he will attempt to finish off the wounded man in the guardtower.

Longbow 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
damage 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Busy day today, but I promise I'll post up results tonight.

Cal’s arrow zips up, grazing the sentry’s left arm and cutting a nasty gash through the thin clothing.

As Gorax continues to keep the bandits distracted and focusing on him, Sia’s spell goes off relatively un-noticed. The two bandits that had so valiantly taken up position on either side of Kressel drop to the ground snoring.

As if that wasn’t alarming enough, Estruven coming out of the woods to the side, armor shining and greatsword swinging is more than enough to take Kressel’s attention away from the bloviating man. Unfortunately for our heroes, Estruven seems to fumble the blade at the last second, causing the point to come in too low and drag against the dirt, bringing the swing far short.

Fortunately, Yossian’s next shot finds Kressel still in shock, striking her squarely in the shoulder. Growling in frustration, The bandit leader lashes out at the closest person to her, drawing two handaxes and swinging at Estruven. The blade finds it’s way through defense and armor, biting deep into the woman’s side. 8 points damage

Seeing more enemies revealing themselves, the bandit atop the tower thinks for a moment about changing targets, but isn’t sure he wants to try shooting into his leader’s melee. Taking a moment to look about, he spots Sia and lines up on her. His aim towards her seems to be just as bad as it was towards Gorax.

Perception check DC 16:
You can hear someone approaching from the west.

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

Gorax, roars loudly as he sees the injury made to Estruven, "Your time has come", he cries as he enters combat with the large warrior woman. If he is able to flank her he will. Staying behind his shield, his sword arm surges forward, his longsword aiming to pierce the heart of this blaggard.

Perception 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
Longsword attack 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Longsword damage 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

To confirm crit, damage x2 so maybe 14 damage.
Longsword crit confirmation1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Not sure if you roll damage twice on crits or just multiply, I will roll damage again if that's how you like to play it.

F Human Cavalier 1

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

Round 2:

Estruven recoils in pain, but her determination shines through. She invokes her Challenge for the day to Kressel. Also takes a 5' step if that will let her flank

She swings her greatsword at the bandit leader.

Greatsword: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24 damage: 2d6 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (4, 2) + 4 + 1 = 11 this doesn't include a +2 to hit if flanking
confirm: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24 damage: 2d6 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (1, 4) + 4 + 1 = 10

It's actually two seperate damage rolls for a crit. I'll roll for you this time though for speeds sake. 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 For a total of 13 damage.

Kressel seems completely unprepared for the sheer ferocity of the attacks she faces. She puts up a valiant effort, twisting in a dodge and bringing her axes around in attempted parries but the blows are just too well aimed and too powerful.

First Gorax's blade slices across her neck, opening it up only an instant before Estruven's sword sweeps cleanly through the woman's midsection, toppling her in nearly three complete pieces. Quite thoroughly dead.

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor

Calath finally found the range and fired another arrow at the sentry bandit, skewering him through the neck and pinning him to the tree.

+2 to attack rolls from the second round of Judgment of Justice.
Attacking the same guy. 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Crit! Damage: 3d8 ⇒ (6, 3, 2) = 11

Male Human Ranger 1

Perception Check 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Yossian roars out "Yer leader's dead. Be throwin' down yer weapons right now and we be takin' yer surrender!"

He nocks another arrow and then delays, only firing if he sees any of the bandits taking hostile action

If it's needed - Longbow 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14 Probably won't hit.

Female Human Wizard (Enchantress) 1 / Oracle (Passion) 1

Seeing the battle going well (And finding she doesn't much like getting shot at) Sia takes the only move available to her, rushing underneath the platform the bandit shooting at her is on and looking around, ready to stop any hostile action with a spell.

Move, then Ready a standard action to cast Charm Person on anyone who shoots at her.

EDIT: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21 DC 16 Perception check

"Eyes west!" Sia calls out. "Someone's coming!

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13
Siarani Lodovoka wrote:

Seeing the battle going well (And finding she doesn't much like getting shot at) Sia takes the only move available to her, rushing underneath the platform the bandit shooting at her is on and looking around, ready to stop any hostile action with a spell.

Move, then Ready a standard action to cast Charm Person on anyone who shoots at her.

@Sia......Do you want to do a perception check as well, as you're looking around...Atapax has a spoiler with a DC 16, I'm itching to know what Gorax missed...

Gorax, in no mood to show mercy after the way these bandits treated those nice little foresty creatures. A stern look on his face, he takes his sword and brings it down on the sleeping bandit.
Round 3
Coup de grace longsword attack 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17 (includes +4 for prone character) Victim looses dex bonus to AC.
Damage 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

F Human Cavalier 1

Seeing Gorax take care of one of the sleeping bandits and hearing Sia call out her warning, Estruven moves to a nearby thick tree and tries to hide herself from any new enemies.

Stealth: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (8) - 2 = 6

She'll also look for the danger Sia speaks of.

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

She is definitely not a skill hawk...

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13
Estruven Elluri wrote:

She is definitely not a skill hawk...

That maybe true, but don't knock those killing strikes...very useful.

Calath Incenial wrote:

Calath finally found the range and fired another arrow at the sentry bandit, skewering him through the neck and pinning him to the tree.

+2 to attack rolls from the second round of Judgment of Justice.
Attacking the same guy. 1d20+4
Crit! Damage: 3d8

That's actually only a threat Cal, you need to roll again to confirm, unless I missed something. That confirmation roll would be... 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19 Which is still a hit and confirms the crit.

Cal's arrow pierces through the bandit's chest, lodging him to the tree as he falls into unconsciousness. It's likely he's not completely dead, however. With Kressel down, as well as two other bandits, whoever might have been coming from the west seems to think better of it as he now makes a hasty and very noisy retreat away from camp.

Female Human Wizard (Enchantress) 1 / Oracle (Passion) 1

Sia pauses as she hears, more than sees, the remaining bandits running off. She takes several deep breaths and looks again, as if waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor
Atapax wrote:
Calath Incenial wrote:

Calath finally found the range and fired another arrow at the sentry bandit, skewering him through the neck and pinning him to the tree.

+2 to attack rolls from the second round of Judgment of Justice.
Attacking the same guy. 1d20+4
Crit! Damage: 3d8

That's actually only a threat Cal, you need to roll again to confirm, unless I missed something. That confirmation roll would be... 1d20+4 Which is still a hit and confirms the crit.

Ouch, whoops. I've been playing too many other systems where there isn't a confirmation roll, and it's been too long since I've had a tabletop game (2 months since our last session ><). Sorry about that.

No worries. That's what I'm here for.

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

Hope I'm not to early with this round of actions.

With some bandits dispatched, some running away and one snoring loudly on the ground the other side of the big woman's corpse. Gorax takes the sleeping bandits weapon(s) and readies some rope after putting his weapon away. Gorax takes the opportunity to stand over the remaining bandit and roughly kick him in the stomach, to wake him up. "Oi you! wake up! I've got a nice little bracelet for you 'ere, or would you rather join your two friends there, on their way to see Pharesma." He points to the bodies next to him.

Can I do non-lethal damage to the bandit in an effort to wake him up and weaken him.

Non-lethal kick1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23 include +4 for defenseless.
Damage 1d3 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

F Human Cavalier 1

Estruven thinks about chasing the fleeing bandits, but thinks better of it. We'll have to move on from this location soon then. They'll be reporting this to their boss soon she thinks to herself.

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor

I don't think the main group of bandits is fleeing, just whoever was coming from the west. Atapax, please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm working off that assumption.

Calath picks another target and sends another arrow flying out of the undergrowth.

Judgment of Justice is now fully active; +3 to hit.
Attack roll: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Damage roll: 1d8 ⇒ 1

Male Human Ranger 1

Seeing that his comrades have events well in hand, Yossian drops his bow, and moves to cut off whoever is fleeing to the west, drawing his longsword as he goes. "You there. Yer'll be halting right there, or yer'll be feelin' my sword in yer back!"

Well I made it to a point were I'm a bit more settled and with constant, if slow, internet access. I should be able to crank out the posts at least one a day for quite a while now.

I think that I should clarify what is going on. There were only five bandits in the camp. Kressel, and two others on the ground, then two more in the trees. One of those in the trees is dead, Kressel is in pieces, another sliced open next to her and another asleep. That leaves only the watchman in the other tree. who is now running. No one has seen him yet, only heard him, so there is no shot to take at him. Nor would it likely be possible to catch up to him. He's taken off running with a head start in the opposite direction and knows the forest far better than any of you. The only likely alternative is to track him down if you really want him dead.

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

Did the sleeping one wake, with Gorax's gentle kick..or is he still 'asleep'?

Yes, sorry, he is certainly awake. And yes you can do non-lethal to him if that's your intent. I really wouldn't have even made you roll.

The bandits wakes up with a start, his hand moving for a weapon that is no longer there. He gets a confused and more than a little frightened look on his face as he takes in the scene. His mutilated leader, his dead companions, Gorax towering over him, all of these serve to give him good cause to comply, which he does quite immediately.

"What are you going to do with me?" he asks carefully.

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

Gorax looks down at him sternly, his eyes sharp to any move the bandit might make. "Well first you'd better behave yourself and let me tie you up with this 'ere rope, we don't want you hurting yerself by runnin away. Just remember, any funny stuff and the next time I hit ya, I'll mean to hurt ya. Get up slowly and walk over to that tree there, where my friend is. She can watch you whilst I tie hour hands and feet up."[b]

Gorax walks the bandit to the tree that Estruven was hiding behind, [b]"Esty, make sure this guy keeps nice and quiet like, whilst I tie the little chap up. I'm sure we got some difficult questions for 'im."

Not sure what the roll is to tie him up, but probably take a 10 to try and make sure its a good job. But we now have a bound prisoner. Gorax has already put his shield and sword away before he woke the guy, as he is confident in his ability to fight unarmed.

F Human Cavalier 1

Estruven starts to mull over the options of what will become of their new prisoner. As much as she hates killing unarmed low level criminals, it may have to come to that at some point. Certainly not the type of chivalry father had taught she thinks to herself.

The man does as he's told, slowly walking over to the tree and letting himself be tied up. He remains silent, his eyes looking about, scanning to see what kind of people have captured him and what his options with them might be.

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor

Calath emerges from the undergrowth and looks unhappily towards the west. "That 'un may come back t' haunt us. If this ain't the only camp in th' area, he'll run right to 'em an' they'll be alert when we come for 'em. Damnation." Then he turns his attention to the prisoner. "Though this 'un might just tip th' scales back th' other way, if he's smart."

Female Human Wizard (Enchantress) 1 / Oracle (Passion) 1

Siarani sighs in relief as the immediate fighting is over, though she realizes the danger isn't over quite yet. She rejoins the group and takes a deep breath. "If I have to, I can magic the answers out of this one too, probably. Of course, the last one we did that to had to go, but whatever we need to do. Our safety takes priority."

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

Gorax, smiles at himself pleased that the the rest of the party appear happy he didn't just dispense immediate justice. He talks loud enough so that the prisoner can hear. "Over to you Cal and Sia, see what you can get out of him and when he's done, there's some graves he might want to dig. Can't leave these bodies rotting out here for all the carrion eaters to find. See if he likes a bit of hard work...Ha ha ha. I'll take watch whilst you talk this man. I'm sure Estruven can handle him if he tries to move off, otherwise just call me and I'll renew my acquaintance with him."

Gorax appears relaxed, going over to the two dead bodies, searching them for anything useful, documents, maps etc, plus any items, weapons, armor. He pays particular attention to the warrior they called Kessel.
If Gorax can take a 20 on this he will otherwise
Perception1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13

As Yossain comes over, he says quietly to Yossain, "Best go collect our horses and bring them in here, then if you could make a good sweep through their camp, finding what you can. Especially maps and stuff."

Gorax then takes up a more active watch, patrolling around the immediate area of the camp, not up any trees.
You can either use the perception roll above, or make one for Mr. Atapax, sir.

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