Cayden Cailean

Calath Incenial's page

131 posts. Alias of William Senn.

Full Name

Calath Incenial














Common, Elven, Sylvan

Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 13
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 18
Charisma 10

About Calath Incenial

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor of Erastil 1
Alignment: NG
Deity: Erastil
Region: Rostland
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 170 lbs.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Grey
Skin: Tanned
Age: 562/2000

Str: 10 (+0) [0 points]
Dex: 14 (+2) [5 points]
Con: 13 (+1) [3 points]
Int: 12 (+1) [2 points]
Wis: 18 (+4) [10 points, +2 race]
Cha: 10 (+0) [0 points]

Class and Racial abilities:
Low-light vision
Elf blood (counts as both elf and human)
Elven immunities (immune to magical sleep, +2 saves vs enchantment)
Keen Senses (+2 racial bonus on Perception checks)
Community Domain (calming touch 7/day heal 1d6+1 nonlethal damage and cure fatigued, shaken, and sickened conditions)
Judgement 1/day
Monster Lore (+Wis to Knowledge checks to identify creatures)
Stern Gaze (+1/2 Inquisitor level to Intimidate and Sense Motive checks)

Hit Dice: 1d8+2
Hit Points: 10
AC: 16 (+4 Armor, +2 Dex) [Touch 12, Flat-footed 14]
Init: +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 20ft

Fortitude +4 [+2 base, +1 Con, +1 Trait]
Reflex +2 [+0 base, +2 Dex]
Will +6 [+2 base, +4 Wis]

BAB: +0
Melee Atk: longspear +0 (1d8 / x3)
Ranged Atk: longbow +2 (1d8 / x3)

CMB: +0
CMD: 12

Diplomacy +4 (1 rank, +0 Cha, +3 Class Skill)
Knowledge: Engineering +6 (1 rank, +1 Int, +3 Class Skill, +1 Trait)
Knowledge: Nature +5 (1 rank, +1 Int, +3 Class Skill)
Knowledge: Religion +5 (1 rank, +1 Int, +3 Class Skill)
Perception +10 (1 rank, +4 Wis, +3 Class Skill, +2 Racial)
Sense Motive +9 (1 rank, +4 Wis, +3 Class Skill, +1 Stern Gaze)
Survival +12 (1 rank, +4 Wis, +3 Class Skill, +3 Skill Focus, +1 Trait)

Mathematical Prodigy

Skill Focus: Survival (Half-Elf bonus)
Point Blank Shot (1 HD)

Common, Elven, Sylvan

Spells Known:
1st (2/day)--cure light wounds, divine favor
0 (at will)--create water, detect magic, detect poison, light

59 arrows
hide armor
map case
10 pieces of charcoal (chalk)
5 fishhooks
flint and steel
5 pieces of parchment
iron pot
belt pouch
5 days trail rations
signal whistle
1 pound of soap
wooden holy symbol
spell component pouch
pack saddle
5 days feed
1 rabbit hide

1.43 gp
124.5 gp credit

Carrying Capacity:
Light: 33 lbs
Medium: 66 lbs
Heavy: 100 lbs

Cal is tall and broad-shouldered, with tanned and weathered skin; he obviously spends a lot of time outdoors. His unruly brown hair sticks out of his cap at odd angles, no matter how often he tries to pat it back into place. Cal's face shows his elven heritage, being somewhat slender, with a graceful nose and wide eyes.

Cal is open and honest with anyone who seems the least bit likely to be friendly in return. He believes firmly that people are inherently good and that, if only any outside evils could be corrected, any person would be willing to help another. Despite this, he is not blindly optimistic; he knows that there are a great many outside evils that affect nearly every person in a civilized society, and he's aware that some people are just too consumed by those evils to ever be redeemed. Still, his natural disposition tends to shine through in even the toughest of times.

Calath grew up a poor orphan in the Rostland, taken in and cared for by the Priest of a small temple of Erastil and raised in their ways. Father Tomias was always kind and cheerful, and Cal's personality is due in large part to Tomias's influence through his formative years. At Erastil's temple, Calath learned of the nature of man, the power of the wilderness, and the ability to meld the two into a harmonious whole that is stronger even than the two apart. He drank in Erastil's teachings like a sponge and proved adept at handling people and helping them tame the wild. He also proved to have a head for math and engineering, which was invaluable when he helped settlers build houses, barns, and mills.

Cal is an ardent follower of Erastil as a result of the kindness shown him in his youth, and he has taken Erastil's teachings to heart. He seeks to spread Erastil's teachings of community and family ever further into the wilderness, and Brevoy's call for heroes to expand civilization south into the Stolen Lands appealed doubly to him: he is both a patriotic son of Brevoy and a willing missionary of Erastil's faith aiming to spread civilization.