Atapax's Kingmaker Campaign

Game Master Aluvian

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"I'll ask Svetlana to take care of it tonight," Oleg tells Sia before giving everyone a nod in parting and heading into the house, presumably to bed.

Svetlana will come in probably as Sia is getting into bed, and lay out what is probably the nicest dress she has, which still is far from fancy. It looks like it'll suffice. Definitely not sized perfectly but it'll get the job done.

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor

"I'm fine wit' bein' up on yon wall in th' mornin'. Better angle o' fire, an' less chance o' me hittin' someone I ain't aimin' t' hit. An' keeps th' bastards from gettin' in m' face, too. I like th' way ya think, Gorax." Cal salutes Gorax with a mug of water, then downs it and stands up. "I think I'll be off t' bed, then. Need t' catch a good night's sleep; It'll be a red mornin', tha's fer sure."

He bows to the ladies present, then slips off into the guest cabin.

Female Human Wizard (Enchantress) 1 / Oracle (Passion) 1

"Thank you, Oleg," Sia takes a very long stretch and starts unstrapping her vest. "Well, I'm going to turn in as well. Good night, everybody." And with that, she heads into the guest house and claims a room for herself, setting up a lantern so she'll be able to study her spells in the dark.

Hmmm, getting to be time to move on to morning, once everybody gets one last chance to post?

All good for the next scene?

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

Once more the sound of snores comes from Gorax.

Yep I'm ready for the next scene

The night passes uneventfully and all to soon it is morning, nearing sunrise. Svetlana and Oleg are up early, the former making breakfast, while the latter goes around to knock on the door of the guest house, making sure everyone is awake before heading off to accomplish his morning chores. It isn't long before the smell of a hearty breakfast is yet another lure for anyone still thinking of sleeping in.

The sun has yet to rise when Svetlana sets out the meal, but the lightening sky shows that it isn't far off. And with it, the bandits.

Gorax, wakes is a start as there is a knock on the door. In the darkness he looks around, getting his bearings after a sound sleep. "What the .... ". Slowly his mind clears and he remembers where he is and what the day will entail. He slips out of his bed, bending down stiffly to feel for his armor and sword, which he left in reach under the bed. As his hand passes over his possessions, he let's out a relived "umph".
He kneels down, hands clasped in prayer, and quietly mutters "Oh great Iomadae today we do your bidding, look down favorably on us as we protect the lives of Oleg and Swetlana. May the goodness of your will gives us strength and courage in the battles ahead....." He continues in prayer for some minutes before rising.
The smell of breakfast greets his nostrils and reminds him of the strength that will come from eating this good food. He dresses quickly, washing is not high on his priorities, before starting to make his way towards breakfast.

If he passes Yossain or Cal still asleep, he will give them a gentle shake. If either Estruven or Sai are asleep he will softly call their name. He does not wear armor for breakfast.

Female Human Wizard (Enchantress) 1 / Oracle (Passion) 1

Because of her early turn-in time, Sia is up a bit before breakfast is ready. Quietly, she lights and unhoods her lantern and flips open her spellbook. Before long, strange, eldritch muttering can be heard coming from within her quarters as arcane energy builds around her, eventually centering near her amulet.

Once that first of her daily tasks is complete, she sets herself to the next. Eyeing the outfit set out, she quickly looks it over to see if anything can be done to improve the impression she intends to give. She ties a cord at her waist to tighten it a little, and tries to make sure it seats right so as not to leave her looking like she's in totally ill-fitting clothes, but there's not a great deal to be done about it. Finally, she takes a few minutes to loosen and untie her hair, leaving it to flow freely. She is also very careful to make sure her amulet is concealed beneath the simple garment, as that would be a bit of a giveaway.

When she walks out of her room, while still obviously the same person, she looks quite different from the obvious-adventuress look she had been affecting before. Instead, she could be working in any of hundreds of taverns across the Inner Sea region during the night, or possibly tilling the fields. "So, what do you think?" Without waiting for an answer, she moves to eat her breakfast as quickly as possible - an art mastered by anyone who wanders the halls of arcane learning at nearly any college, since classes leave little enough time for it. Once she's done, she looks to Svetlana. "Where are the furs? If I'm supposed to be helping to get them out, I'd better get to it."

Changing prepared spells: Sleep, Color Spray, Charm Person. Updating profile to match.

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor

Calath starts awake at the first sign of movement from the others, an instinct born of long years spent alone in the wilderness. Seeing that the sky is just starting to lighten in the pre-dawn hours, he quietly rolls out of bed and dons his gear, then finds a quiet corner of the fortress to briefly meditate and commune with his deity. After perhaps fifteen minutes, he walks up to the tables and settles himself in for breakfast.

"Y' don' look like Sia, tha's fer sure. Should fool a bandit fer long 'nough, I'd think."

Once breakfast is eaten, quickly and efficiently and with no further table talk from Cal, he makes his way up to the southwest tower and strings his bow, then crouches down against the battlement, letting only his bare head peek up between two of the sharpened log ends as he prepares to keep lookout.

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

After eating a fine breakfast, a nod to Sia, Gorax returns to the guest house and dons his armor and readies himself for battle.

Cal, do you really mean the south-west tower, I think that tower is opposite the main gate, behind area A5 on the map. Or do you mean the south-east tower, the one behind area A3. The gate is in the east wall, if I read the map correctly? Atapax can you confirm the gate is in the east wall?

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor

According to my map, the gate is dead center in the south wall. So, to be relative instead of absolute about things, Cal's in the tower near A3 on the same side of the outpost as the gate. It offers the least-obstructed firing arc.

F Human Cavalier 1

Looking up from her breakfast, Estruven compliments Sia "Aw, you do look beautiful. That should definitely do the trick."

After breakfast, Estruven gets her mount ready for the morning visit.

She will position her horse in between building A2 and the wall of the fort. She will get on her mount once the alarm is placed when the bandits are spotted and hide there until Sia gives the word.

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

If Oleg and Svetlana plan to be about their business in the open area of A1 and A4, Gorax will hide behind the stable door waiting for the signal to attack. Otherwise Gorax will hide behind the door of their residence, opening out into the area with the tables.

Male Human Ranger 1

Yossian breakfasts in silence, obviously still nervous about the day's course of actions. Afterwards, he checks the gate: one wing closed, with the other half open - wide enough to admit visitors, but still able to be closed quickly, and the bar dropped, trapping those inside.

Preparations complete, he stations himself behind the half-closed gate, invisible to anyone coming through until they are well into the courtyard.

Breakfast is a pretty quite affair. No one really seems to be in much of a mood for talking. Svetlana still gives smiles all around and soft 'Good morning's' but it is obvious that she seems worried about the coming fight. Oleg is grim and determined as he directs Sia in helping him start to get the trade items out of the shed and onto the table.

As the hour draws near, a bit of tension falls over the fort as everyone strains to hear the approach of hooves on grass.

Cal is, of course, the first to spot them. Four men on horseback leading two more horses, presumably to carry the goods away on. They seem in no hurry, allowing the fort defenders plenty of time to adjust and ready themselves.

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

I'm OK where I am

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor

Cal's position is fine.

Cal signals down to the others as soon as he spots the bandits, indicating that there are four of them, then crouches down behind the battlements so that he cannot be seen at all from outside the fort.

Female Human Wizard (Enchantress) 1 / Oracle (Passion) 1

Sia's fine where she is, though I'm curious why some people chose the positions they did. Only one that I think is a problem is Estruven, since it means giving up at least the surprise round and probably the whole combat since her horse can't maneuver in that space during combat. She definitely can't mount effectively in there. For reference, there is no longer such a thing as a 'long' creature in Pathfinder, so the horse needs a full four spaces square. I don't have the map right now, so if I'm misremembering...uhm...bad Enchantress, no cookie!

Sia gets into character even before the bandits have been spotted coming ever closer, helping lift the furs as best she can. She's a lot less efficient than Oleg about it, but she's certainly more pleasant to watch at it, with a gentle sway to the hips that isn't quite present normally. With a bit of work, the job is completely finished by the time the bandits arrive. She smiles, affecting a lack of awareness that belies the butterflies in her stomach. If this doesn't work, she's in a lot of trouble after all.

Once the bandits come in through the partially open door, she looks at Oleg. "Oh, are these the merchants on the northern route father mentioned?" she asks.

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21 Bluff check to fool El Bandito

I'm giving a bit more wait for Estruven and Yossian before continuing. To answer Sia's concern, I am perfectly willing to let Estruven stand in the same space as her mount while waiting, and then mount in that space. However you are correct that there is not much room to maneuver out. She will have to squeeze (-4 to hit, -4 to AC) between the tables and the guest house. Which means she can fight, just not charge and every space counts double for movement. Or I can just count the tables as difficult terrain for the horse and let her just ride over them. That keeps the double move cost but eliminates the squeezing penalty. Since the horse uses it's own action to move, this means that if the targets are around the fire pit, she could actually attack in the surprise round.

My assumption is she wanted to be mounted in case one of them slipped out.

Male Human Ranger 1

Yossian responds to the signal by propping his sword up by the wall where he can reach it easily. He presses back against the wall, attempting to avoid being seen until the bandits have entered the compound, ready to close and bar the gate behind them.

Happy with my position on the map

F Human Cavalier 1

For one thing, this is about the smallest fort I've ever seen! I did want to be mounted to make sure I could catch any bandit that made a run for it. I think I'll stick to where I'm at and have my horse have to squeeze in between the tables.

Or, better yet, let's say we saw this problem before the bandits arrived and we rotated each table 90 degrees so that there is 10' between the tables and the guest quarters.

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

Gorax waits, hidden behind the door, if possible looking through any cracks to the outside. His sword ready to strike should anyone come into the stable, before the signal to charge out.

Estruven Elluri wrote:

Or, better yet, let's say we saw this problem before the bandits arrived and we rotated each table 90 degrees so that there is 10' between the tables and the guest quarters.

I'm fine with this solution. It makes perfect sense.

The four bandits make their slow way up to the gate, pushing through and heading into the central yard with a chorus of hoots, hollers, threats of violence against Oleg and worse towards Svetlana (who is hiding in the house). They are led by a particularly crude and foul-mouthed man with who holds a strung bow in one hand as he begins to direct the men to start loading up the horses with the goods laid out on the table.

The leader all but ignores Oleg, but he immediately focuses on Sia, raising an eyebrow and walking up uncomfortably close to her (which would be any distance close enough to smell him). ”What have we here?” he asks, flashing a wicked smile.

I am assuming everyone is trying to hide. Yossian, I am assuming that you are waiting for the signal to close the door, as doing so before then would be pretty noticeable. As such, the only one noticed by the bandits is Sia, who holds their attention rather well.

Female Human Wizard (Enchantress) 1 / Oracle (Passion) 1

Sorry! Sorry! Work has been a pain in the you-know and a half tonight, I literally couldn't get a minute to post before now.

Sia wrinkles her nose slightly, but tries to be polite and unaware of the situation. "Ah, my name's Donnica, just coming up the northern trade route with my father. We stayed here the night, and I was just helping Oleg here with your furs, is all." She frowns a bit. "Actually said he was going to lay in a surprise around now. I wonder what it could be..." With that, she starts sashaying towards the wall, and presumably around a corner, looking over her shoulder out of the corner of her eye to see if any of the men are following.

Male Human Ranger 1

Yossian crouches, waiting for the bandits to dismount and move away from their horses before springing the trap.

The lead bandits gives the others a glare that tells them to keep working, and stalks off after Sia with only one very obvious thing on his mind. "I'm gonna go show that young lady some hospitality," he growls at Oleg, "You better not get any ideas while I'm gone. We can still burn this whole place to the ground. If you're lucky I'll just take the girl and not your little wife."

The three bandits start to dismount and start to load up the pack horses, looking after Sia as they do and grinning like idiots. Each of them look to be armed with longbows and shortswords but none of them are on the lookout for resistance.

Male Human Ranger 1

Yossian heaves with his back, slamming the gate shut and dropping the heavy bar across it. He then grabs his bow, nocks an arrow and levels it at the group loading the horses.

"You'll be unbuckling yer swords and dropping your bows, my friends, and you'll be doing it slowly, or I'll be giving the word to the archers in the towers to drop you where you stand."

Keeping the bow trained, he begins to sidestep closer to where he left his sword leaning against the wall.

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

When Yossain closes the gate and speaks, Gorax will move into a position inside the stable, giving him the chance to charge straight out of the stable at a bandit, should the bandits decide they want a fight. He waits poised for action, sword at the ready.
Do we have an updated map with the bandits position?

Just posted. The bandits horses are crowding by the stable. They don't look trained for combat however and are likely to spook if anything starts.

F Human Cavalier 1

Uh-oh, I thought Sia was going to give us word when to attack as soon as she got the leader inside the cabin.

Male Human Ranger 1

I thought they'd alread gone off - she's left and he's following her.

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor

Calath stands up from his crouching position on the tower, bow drawn and aimed at the most threatening looking bandit, a prayer on his lips. "Ye'll be standin' righ' where y' are an' not touchin' any weapons but t' put 'em down, iff'n y' know what's good fer ya."

Casting divine favor for +1 to hit and damage for 1 minute. One 1st level spell remaining today. Also activating his judgment -- currently set to judgment of justice, for a +1 to hit. No further judgments left for the day.

F Human Cavalier 1

Etruven will ride her horse from around the corner of the building. If Sia and the leader are inside the cabin she will ride her horse all the way to the square to the east of the southern most bandit.

If Sia and the leader are where they are shown on the latest map she will dismount and move adjacent to the leader.

Estruven places her sword and near the head of the bandit "I recommend that you drop your weapon."

Intimidate: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

Gorax continues to wait in the stables to see if the bandits give up quietly. I assume they do not. Gorax runs shouting and screaming out of the stables waving his sword, trying to stampede the horses over the bandits. You don't know how much I have wanted to do something like that in a game...

Female Human Wizard (Enchantress) 1 / Oracle (Passion) 1

Okay, at this point I'm completely lost and for some reason I'm not seeing these updated maps at all. Can someone please give me a link or something, because you're all way out of position and I have no idea what Sia can do that won't hit everybody.

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor


You should still be able to hit all four bandits with a sleep without hitting friendlies by targeting the intersection at the upper left corner of the bandit leader's square. And they don't have their weapons out, so you wouldn't get AoO'd even if you were adjacent to them.

Female Human Wizard (Enchantress) 1 / Oracle (Passion) 1

That link's no good. Too many redirects.

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor

Try this one?

F Human Cavalier 1
Siarani Lodovoka wrote:
Okay, at this point I'm completely lost and for some reason I'm not seeing these updated maps at all. Can someone please give me a link or something, because you're all way out of position and I have no idea what Sia can do that won't hit everybody.

Thats what I thought too. But once one of us acted we all had to do our surprise action because then the bandits may get to act if they had higher initiative.

Female Human Wizard (Enchantress) 1 / Oracle (Passion) 1

...nope, there's no good position for a sleep spell in this configuration that's going to get the leader (now priority one because I don't have someone to hide behind like I thought I did) without probably hitting Oleg instead first. Lowest HD first, followed by distance. I really wish I'd been able to actually see this before so I could pull someone back to where I actually wanted you guys. So instead...

Upon seeing people stepping out from where she didn't expect them, Sia turns about and instantly takes in the situation. Seeing Gorax trying to stamepede the horses over her she panics, immediately trying to charm the leader.

The save DC is 15.

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor

Ah yes, the traditional military state of affairs: "Situation normal, all fracked up."

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

I think we need to understand how the rounds are going to pan out, what is initiative order, etc etc. I think Atapax may have someting to say about what really is happening. As Gorax isn't reacting unless the bandits start a fight, if you had already put sleep on the 3 outside, its unlikely Gorax will appear, given they fall down asleep, so no attacking option for them.
I would also assume, putting sleep on the 3 by the stables, centered on the one in the middle would catch all 3, as they are within a 10ft radius, but not Oleg he is more than 10ft away.
But as the man (Cal) says..."Situation normal, all fracked up."

So here is how I have the Surprise round going. If I'm wrong, let me know.

Yossian - Close the door and threaten.

Calath - Stand up and threaten, cast Divine Favor.

Estruven - Riding to the leader and Sia, then Fast Dismount. If successful, Intimidate.

Sia - Sleep centered behind the leader. This hits all four, as well as the horses, but as horses are 2HD, they're unlikely to be effected.

Gorax - Waiting to see what happens, charging out to spook the horses if the sleep doesn't take?.

Female Human Wizard (Enchantress) 1 / Oracle (Passion) 1

We can go with that.

Male Human Ranger 1

That's fine. Let's hope at least some of them are less than 4HD!

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

Sounds very nice

F Human Cavalier 1

Sounds good to me. We just needed some GM-guidance!

Fast Dismount: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor

Fine with me.

Good to hear. I'll post up the results later today. I just got off my first night shift after switching from days on Monday, and I'm dead.

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