Allence's Last Hope

Game Master sarpadian

Can the heroes retrieve the magic artifact that will break the half-century stalemate between the Kingdom of Kassht and the Taloth orcs?



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- INACTIVE (GM abandoned game) -

I have positioned Chantif on the map 420 feet away from the Gnolls. He took some extra arrows with him from the Mules (not sure on the exact number this second).

So, recap: Rhona waits around 900 feet away from the hovel, while Umash and Det should go to about 600 feet (or so?). Once everyone is in position, Drexel will go forward and try to talk to the Gnolls and see what he can find out about the situation. Ideally, if Drexel concluded the Gnolls are indeed hostile and should be slain, Chantif will fire at them and lure them away. In that case Umash and Det should wait to attack the Gnolls until they have got to probably 750 feet? Or so?


I'm positioning my pawn on the map now. Fairly sure I'm where I need to be.

female Half-Orc Investigator 1 HP (10/10) | AC/Touch/Flat 15/11/14 | Fort/Ref/Will +4/+3/+0 | Init +1 | Percep +7

Okay, i'm going to set my pawn then.

I'm waiting for Det to move his token into position and Drexel to describe how he wants to approach the gnolls. Also, are you guys going to leave Sal and the mules in the middle of the road or what?


Somebody should probably find a place to tie 'em off. Any trees around?

The Exchange

Male Half-Orc Ranger-1 | HP: 9/11| AC:18 (TCH:13/FF:15) | Fort:2/Ref:5/Will:2| Int +3| Perception +5

Sorry about that, my token is moved into position. Also, could we just use our rope and tent stakes to tie of the animals?

No worries. I just wanted to avoid a situation where y'all were waiting for me, and I was waiting for y'all. Yes, you can use the rope and tent stakes. No trees, though.

Male Human HP (5/6) | AC/Touch/Flat 13/13/10 | Fort/Ref/Will +0/+3/+3 | Init +3 | Percep +2

I didn't realize we were doing the action on the other page I was waiting for posts to show up here. I will move my token asap. Can't see the map from my phone.

female Half-Orc Investigator 1 HP (10/10) | AC/Touch/Flat 15/11/14 | Fort/Ref/Will +4/+3/+0 | Init +1 | Percep +7

Replaced Power Attack with Prodigy (Craft (Weapons, Armor))



Sorry. I was waiting on actions from the gnolls, but I guess that wasn't necessary. A lot of things seem to be confusing me about this encounter for some reason; I'm gonna blame it on mental fatigue from all the junk going on throughout November.

Don't worry about the campaign, though. I think it's going great. Only reason I hadn't posted was because of said confusion about the turn order.

"The gnolls continue to bleed out." :)


Yeah, I totally missed the part where the gnolls already got handled. My brain hurts.

Male Human HP (5/6) | AC/Touch/Flat 13/13/10 | Fort/Ref/Will +0/+3/+3 | Init +3 | Percep +2

Is that the first exp we've gotten? I don't seem to have an,experience tracker on my character sheet like I usually do. If it's not could someone give me our current total?

- INACTIVE (GM abandoned game) -

I believe we are at 607 XP now. I know Chantif was at 307 when this happened--I assume for simplicity he didn't get any XP for his earlier solo encounter with the Kobolds.

Actually, everybody got XP for the kobolds on the road. Basically, the principle on which I've decided is that everybody gets full XP for the encounter, provided you're trying to participate. Being a quarter-mile away but running towards the action at your best speed counts as participating. I'm sure that Drexel would have been happy to participate if he hadn't been felled by a natural 20, so he gets full XP. It's just simpler that way. I'm in a couple of campaigns on here where the DM hands out XP on an individual basis, and I find it confusing when everybody doesn't level up at the same time.

My notes match Chantif's total. Here's a breakdown:
+100 XP-Kobolds on road
+207 XP-Night attack on camp (Kobolds, Dire Rat)
+300 XP-Farmstead encounter (Gnolls, Gremlin)
=607 XP

I'm not sure what I said originally, if I said anything at all, but I think we'll go with fast XP progression. You're almost halfway to level 2!


Hope everybody's enjoying the holiday season! ...if you're into that sort of thing, I mean.

I am enjoying it. I only come home twice a year, so I have to make the most of the time while I'm here. I fly back to school on Jan. 2nd. I might get a post in before then, but I'm not making any promises :).

- INACTIVE (GM abandoned game) -

I still have a few holidays to go, and some major life changes about to go down, but I shouldn't disappear so completely as I did over the last few days.

- INACTIVE (GM abandoned game) -

Yes, all of the stuff happening in gameplay right now is fine with me.

I'm in the middle of a move right now and it is hard to find time to get into an RP frame of mind, sorry.

Understandable, Chantif. How about the rest of y'all? Everything OK?

Male Human HP (5/6) | AC/Touch/Flat 13/13/10 | Fort/Ref/Will +0/+3/+3 | Init +3 | Percep +2

I am good, half dead in game so I am not contributing much.


I'm good, I'll be in this until the end. I'm only in one other game now (three of the others died out around the same time!) and running a campaign of my own. I know the holidays hit everybody hard, but I definitely don't want to see this one die out. Let's rally and get crackin' again! There are gnolls to kill! ...and, eventually, lands to reclaim!

Just imagine how much Rhona would whine and complain if the adventure came to an abrupt end. Nobody wants that, right?

Certainly not! Drexel, Umash already announced that she wanted you to try to identify the scroll she failed to identify; feel free to go ahead and try that, if you want.

Edit: Also, there's the potion of cure light wounds pulled off the gremlin as well as the scroll from the kobold encounter earlier, if you want to divvy up some healing before you hit the road.

- INACTIVE (GM abandoned game) -

Not trying to spam the thread, just trying to make a habit of posting at least once each day, in hopes of encouraging others to do the same.

female Half-Orc Investigator 1 HP (10/10) | AC/Touch/Flat 15/11/14 | Fort/Ref/Will +4/+3/+0 | Init +1 | Percep +7

So I found that Investigator would have been much more suitable a class for what I envisioned for Umash when I built her.

My idea was a character who isn't an impressive combatant by her sheer fighting skill but rather through augmenting herself with home made equipment and her own alchemy and using brain over brawn in battle.

The whole bomb-chucking was never a part i planned for but studied combat/strike would have fit much better.

hmmm, on the other hand investigators dont have mutagen

- INACTIVE (GM abandoned game) -
sarpadian wrote:

Gremlin loot:

2x vials
2x rolled up parchments
Tiny Shortbow,
Tiny 20xArrows,

Tiny Cotton Belt, w/large buckle showing arcane runes,
Tiny Druid’s Kit, sized for Tiny creature

Gnoll Loot:
Medium 2xBattleaxe,
Medium 2xHeavy Wooden Shield,
Medium 2xLeather armor,

Medium 2xLongbow

None of the stuff on the gnolls is particularly well-made, but I went ahead and listed it in case somebody else wants to collect it.

This would be the rest of the gear going to the Dwarf.

The cotton belt was magical. Wasn't the Quarterstaff magical as well? I thought you said something about it vibrating.

Chantif will swap his shortbow for a Longbow.

Does anyone else want to acquire either a Longbow or Chantif's old shortbow? I personally tend to think it is useful for everyone to have at least one ranged option.


I'm not sure if there is something else we need to do at the barter scene or not.

-Posted with Wayfinder


Pretty sure I switched out my shortbow for a longbow earlier, so we should both have one now.

We should see if there's any spellcaster in town who can identify the properties of that belt for us.

Technically speaking, your characters don't know that the belt is magical. Drexel was out cold when y'all recovered it, and (unless I missed it) nobody showed it to him after he woke up. I would make a roll now, but I think it makes more sense for your characters to try getting Drexel to snap out of his near-death experience :). The quarterstaff was magical during the fight, but it isn't now; it was a spell effect whose duration had expired by the time you left the farmstead. More information on the town is forthcoming. Hopefully, I'll have it up later today. Also, note that Det specifically stated that he "forgot" to reply to the blacksmith in Dwarven; I think that was supposed to be your clue to ask him about it :).

- INACTIVE (GM abandoned game) -

Yes. Chantif will have questions for Rhona and Det once the trading with the Dwarf is done.

-Posted with Wayfinder

- INACTIVE (GM abandoned game) -

Once the Dwarf answers the questions and Chantif goes to retrieve the stuff from the wagons he'll notice the runes on the belt and give it to Drexel.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Human HP (5/6) | AC/Touch/Flat 13/13/10 | Fort/Ref/Will +0/+3/+3 | Init +3 | Percep +2

Sorry about not posting much, I am reading every day, I am just trying to play the inexperienced adventurer and don't want to fill up the posts with 'drexel acts morose' 'drexel shifts uncomfortably and moans in pain' since no one is talking to me and I have no input about selling.

- INACTIVE (GM abandoned game) -

No worries. I know how it goes.

But you don't have those excuses right now. ;)

- INACTIVE (GM abandoned game) -

Do you want the belt, Umash? Chantif can't actually use it without wearing Chain Mail or Studded Leather. I think we have Studded leather for him to wear, but his original "default" was Scale Mail.

female Half-Orc Investigator 1 HP (10/10) | AC/Touch/Flat 15/11/14 | Fort/Ref/Will +4/+3/+0 | Init +1 | Percep +7

I'll take it. Might be useful as long as we're still around low levels.

- INACTIVE (GM abandoned game) -

Cool. Mention it I and Chantif will pass it along

-Posted with Wayfinder

I'm kind of stuck on ideas for fleshing out Alenk Town. I would suggest that one of you answer the halfling's quesion in the affirmative (so that you're directed to the correct place to park your wagon) and proceed inside. While you're at the bar, you can ask the people there about whatever you'd like to find, and I'll create things on the fly. That way, I'm only creating things y'all actually want to visit right now, and I can create the rest later when inspiration strikes.

- INACTIVE (GM abandoned game) -

That sounds good to me. I don't think we plan on staying too long.


No objections here. All Rhona cares about right now is a drink and some self-esteem in the wake of getting a firebolt in the face from that bloody gremlin earlier. ;)


Did I party so hard that the entire group caught a week's worth of hangover? ;)

Rhona and Chantif, were y'all wanting to sell your shortbows now that you have longbows, or keep them as backups?

- INACTIVE (GM abandoned game) -

I figured that Det or someone could take Chantif's. Otherwise we'll sell them.

female Half-Orc Investigator 1 HP (10/10) | AC/Touch/Flat 15/11/14 | Fort/Ref/Will +4/+3/+0 | Init +1 | Percep +7

Potions, anyone?

I forgot to mention this earlier, but y'all earned 200 XP for making it from New Allence to Alenk Town. Your current XP should be 807.

- INACTIVE (GM abandoned game) -


Do y'all want to keep waiting for Det to cast the tiebreaking vote? I will say that Rhona's concern about stopping because of water monsters is unfounded. Not because I'm not the sort of dastardly GM who would do something like that, but because this whole area is full of rivers, ponds, and such. Any putative water monsters I might have planned will show up eventually. Mwwwahha. :)


Fear of water monsters is never unfounded! ;)

I'll change my vote so there's no tie and we can keep movin'.

I forgot the most important part--XP. The creature is worth 135 XP apiece. Your current total should be 942.

Enormous Radioactive Monster - - hp tons/tons - - AC nuh-uh I got forcefield

Fantastic! Now, as soon as I'm conscious again and have my guts stuffed safely back into my body, we can get some sleep. :D

female Half-Orc Investigator 1 HP (10/10) | AC/Touch/Flat 15/11/14 | Fort/Ref/Will +4/+3/+0 | Init +1 | Percep +7

Are we doing fast or medium level progression?

We're consuming a lot of resources that we could use for gear one day. Being level 2 would allow me to get the Infusion Discovery allowing me to heal 3 times a day. Imagine the potions that would save.

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