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I would love to apply; alas, I cannot and will not tolerate using any website that has anywhere from one to three simultaneous advertisement videos that can be neither muted, paused, or decreased in volume for their duration while they hog memory and prevent even simple scrolling. Yes, it was that bad.
Seriously, have you actually USED that link and seen it for yourself? the cacophony of cars, laundry detergent, and...I don't even know what else...it's migraine-inducing.

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Nah, I just don't like the idea of a male witch. At least not for the blood elves, I just used it as (warlock=male witch).
What are the creation guidelines. Want to start building him. :P
Please note, all the unique spells from More Magic and Mayhem and the RPG have not been balanced yet.

Arazni |

Oh that's cool. But I don't think I want to be an actual warlock (arcanist) warlock, but someone might. I just meant that instead of calling him a witch, I was calling him a warlock, but now that there's an actual warlock class, I guess I'll have to call him a witch.
EDIT: There aren't that many 1 HD outsiders, anyway. Most of the tiny ones (imp, quasit) are 3 HD.

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Oh, that's right.
The wiki is for general conversions. Well . . .
Generating Ability Scores
Purchase: Each character receives a number of points to spend on increasing his basic attributes. In this method, all attributes start at a base of 10. A character can increase an individual score by spending some of his points. Likewise, he can gain more points to spend on other scores by decreasing one or more of his ability scores. No score can be reduced below 7 or raised above 18 using this method. See Table: Ability Score Costs for the costs of each score. After all the points are spent, apply any racial modifiers the character might have.
Starting Level: 2 (it's assumed you left your starter areas.)
Gold: Standard.

The Dragon |

Here's Alessa
Sheet - http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=653173
Personality -
Most of the time, she's focused and driven, having little time for idle talk.
Victims of evil or unfortunate circumstances bring out her compassion, however.
Blatant injustice easily brings out her temper, but she tries to curb this response, for she's found that anger will bring her further from the Light.
She seeks to curb azeroth from the taint of the scourge that has razed her once beautiful homelands.
She realises that this is a vain goal, however, and she does not pursue it relentessly, lest she forgets herself: Her true purpose is to serve the Light, not some petty vengeance.
Looks -
In addition, her stiff, jerky movements indicate that at least a few of her muscles and tendons have been either severed or removed.
She wears a mesh of armor covering most of her body, leaving her head free.
Above it hangs the flayed and weathered remnants of a tabard. It's unclear what symbol it once displayed, for it has been dragged trough dirt, drenched in blood, and worse, to the point that it is not even possible to discern what color the backdrop once held.
Background - TL;DR: Alessa was killed and reanimated with free will in the third war, has spent the last ten and then some years in the plaguelands, succumbed to madness. She recently found the Light and her sanity again, and has ventured into Tirisfall Glades.
She was among the knights who were sent for reinforcements when it became clear that Arthas were attempting to reclaim the ashes of his farther. Had she and her companions not been caught by one of the newly raised Lich King's patrols, much of history might have looked differently. As it were, the Knights of the Silver Hand were decimated, the lich, Kel'Thuzad was reanimated, and the gestalt mind of Arthas and Ner'zul grew to become a power of his own, beyond a mere puppet of the Burning Legion.
And Alessa, a lowly squire whose demise merited not even a footnote in the great tomes of history, was killed. She took a number of slashes to her chest and arms, and as she closed her eyes to die, she felt the Light engulf her. She fully expected to be subsumed into this Light, relished it even. But it remained apart from her, or rather, she remained apart from it.
A vision of a wizened knight apeared before her minds eye. He shone with the same light that sorrounded them, and unlike Alessa, he was not apart from it. His hair flowed thick and black down to his shoulders, and his green eyes, reminiscant of her own, gazed upon her with what could only be love.
He spoke to her. "Grave times are upon Azeroth. The Light will need its champions soon, more than ever. It is not yet your time, child. You must go back from whence you came."
Alessa was brutally ripped from the Light, her mind being hauled back to her broken body. The first thing she became aware of were the rasping breaths of the ghouls. The next was the manic chant of their master, a robed human, who stood bowed over the broken shells of Alessa's former comrades. Alessa reached for her hammer, but found it was not in her belt. She must have dropped it when she died. One of the ghouls still had a sword in a scabbard strapped to its back. In a swift movement, she stood up, grabbed the sword by the hilt, drew it, and chopped off the neromancer's head. All of this before the ghouls managed to react. She nearly tripped, however; Certain parts of her body, her left leg, part of her chest, and her right arm didn't quite move as it should have.
The ghouls seemed disoriented with the loss of their temporary master. She took the oportunity to run, albeit slowly. She was still uncertain on her legs, but chalked it up to her having just woken from unconsciousness.
Alessa ran into the forest. After a time, she calmed down a little, and started to wonder why she did not tire. As she sat down by a lake, she simultaneously discovered two things; The first was the look of her reflection in the still water. She saw the eyes first. They were no longer the green eyes of the Highgarde line. Instead, the depthless green orbs of the corrupted stared back at her.
Then came the rest of her body. It was as broken as some of the dead soldiers she sometimes saw after particuarly fierce battle. Such things were not supposed to be moving, yet here she were.
The second thing was that she'd lost access to the Light. The combination was enough to break her.
She went mad, for a time. She roamed what eventually became the plaguelands, ostensibly free-willed, yet slave to her madness. For over a decade, she was less than an animal, existing simply to snuff out what life she could find in the blighted lands that had once been home to the alliance of Lordaeron.
The creature that had been Alessa had been stalking its prey for hours now. The tiny thing was terrified, it could practically feel the terror emitting from the small shack it had cornered its prey in. It sniffed. Yes, there was life here. Sweet, tender, tasty life. It crept towards the door, and poked it. The hinges creaked as it swung open. There was no screams, scarcely even a terrified hitch of breath as it crept further into the room. Where? Yes! There, as if it was not pitifully obvious, hurdled in the furthest corner of the room. As it closed its hands around the slender neck of its prey, she looked into its eyes.
Those eyes remain, to this day, the first Alessa remember of her life after her death. She remembers nothing else from that encounter, not the scene, not her intention, not how she ended there, or even who the eyes belonged to. They were green. They sparked something in her. A feeling of being connected with something greater beyond herself.
For the second time in her unlife, Alessa fled into the forest. At one point she stopped running, sat down, and began to explore this feeling. She sat for months, simpy feeling. Eventually, she found that she had once again reached the Light with her mind. Along with this connection came a disjunted bundle of memories of her former life, as well as acceptance of her new one.
She spent another month sitting, ordering her memories until she believed she could achieve no more. She stood up, and on impulse, started walking west.
Eventually, she came upon the Bulwark. She was glad, for she had feared that none but the Scourge and herself walked Azeroth.
She's spent the last few weeks attempting to get up to speed with the events of the last decade.

The Dragon |

So, will it just be you and me, or are there anyone else submitting stuff?
If someone else wants to play alliance, Alessa fits easily into an argent dawn campaign, or by a stretch, she can be pushed into an alliance party too.
Also, could I request a homebrew archetype? I'd like to do this:
Paladin racial archetype: Forsaken.
Dead Knight
Blessed by the Light - At third level, the paladin is healed by positive energy in addition to negative energy.
Aura of Courage
Divine Health
First Mercy
Not being able to heal myself chafes a lot. Especially since I can't regain hp by resting.

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I am interested but there is a lot of red does that mean I just play the straight classes. If so I would like to put in a Goblin gunslinger and if you allow the 3rd party mechanist archetype. It seems appropriate for the goblin race.

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That's because I'm writing up on 3 different campaigns at the same time. :) Atlantis, Phaeselis, and WoW. Sometimes I run out of ideas to fill out and I have to take some time to sit down and recharge.
There is an Engineer class in the main WoW book also, if you are interested in looking. When Paizo gets around to fill out Numeria, we might see an engineer class. The Artificer from Eberron can also work in a pinch, so can the Tech Genius from BESM d20. I'll have to look over the Mechanist archetype, though.

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So, will it just be you and me, or are there anyone else submitting stuff?
There are a few more. One woman was estatic!
If someone else wants to play alliance, Alessa fits easily into an argent dawn campaign, or by a stretch, she can be pushed into an alliance party too.
Also, could I request a homebrew archetype? I'd like to do this:
Paladin racial archetype: Forsaken.
Dead Knight
Blessed by the Light - At third level, the paladin is healed by positive energy in addition to negative energy.
Aura of Courage
Divine Health
First Mercy
If it works out you can write it into the wiki.
Not being able to heal myself chafes a lot. Especially since I can't regain hp by resting.
No, but you regain hp by eating dead intelligent being bodies.

The Dragon |

Okay, so as far as I can see we've got me playing a forsaken paladin, Walter playing a blood-elven engineer(artificer), and Arazni playing a blood-elven warlock(witch).
This seems like a reasonably balanced party. We've got front-lining, healing, a smidge of divine magic, arcane magic, and ranged combat, with utility.