Adventures in Norman England (Inactive)

Game Master EltonJ

Adventures in Merry Old England during 1192 A.D. The campaign is for D&D 5th Edition. map of England during 1192 A.D. -- Map of Nottinghamshire

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Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Average HP.

HP:[22/22] / AC: 15 / SPD 30 / INIT +2 / darkvision /PassPerc 14

Nazskab awakes the next morning feeling renewed and almost cheerful at the promos of battle. Today they would storm a castle albeit through a secret entrance, but storm nonetheless.

I'll edit my sheet when I get a chance later today. Let me know how much I'll owe the tavern master for a stay in the stables or loft area?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

He will take a heypenny.

HP:[22/22] / AC: 15 / SPD 30 / INIT +2 / darkvision /PassPerc 14

I'll also cut my description and paste it into the appropriate thread.... facepalm: 1d1 ⇒ 1

Male Human Black Blooded Metal Oracle 3 HP: 22 | AC:18 T: 13 FF: 15 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +4 | Will: +3 | Perception: +0 Initiative: +3



this game sort of moves in spurts, I can deal with that

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Forgive me.

I have been working very, very hard creating a Superhero team for Mutants and Masterminds 3rd Edition. ;)

I have not any time to play. :)

Human Wizard 2 / AC 16/ HP 12/ Perception +2 / +2 Proficiency Bonus this game dead??


I think we are going to fight a team of Super heroes?

Human Wizard 2 / AC 16/ HP 12/ Perception +2 / +2 Proficiency Bonus

ummm...ok?!?! lol

HP:[22/22] / AC: 15 / SPD 30 / INIT +2 / darkvision /PassPerc 14

I'm still interested and regularly checking for updates.. If the goblins are wearing spandex and capes then so be it

Male Human Black Blooded Metal Oracle 3 HP: 22 | AC:18 T: 13 FF: 15 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +4 | Will: +3 | Perception: +0 Initiative: +3

I am still interested, but I believe I am cursed. Every game I join dies after a couple weeks.


Well, if this one ends, for whatever reason, anyone here can always join one of my games, I keep them open to new players all the time. And I've even got one 5e game going

Of course my games move a bit slow at times.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Alright, I'm back. I have time to run. :)

The game is not dead, it's just that I was hit with 3 different jobs at once. One for Rite Publishing, one for my dad, and one for me. :)

Male Human War Cleric 2

Sorry I've been away for so long. Job search is taking up most of my time now.


Well, let's be clear. There is no way I am leading an expedition to the castle. I'm just a gardener.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Okay. Guys, I'm focused on my work for Rite Publishing at the moment.

-- It's going to take a while.

It's cool. Hey, do you have the DMG for 5e yet. What all is in it? I've been thinking of running a 5e campaign in Warhammer world, if I can figure out how the races are different.


I've ordered my DMG from amazon, right now they are saying shipping date is Dec 8

Human Wizard 2 / AC 16/ HP 12/ Perception +2 / +2 Proficiency Bonus

Same here...but I should be getting it the same day it is who knows....but like you I cannot wait to read it!

Does anyone knew if there are any fan creations for 5e yet, such as different sorcerery origins, or cleric domains?


Broken water pipe,
Be back as soon as I can

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Nope, I don't have either (the MM or the DMG) :)

I'm completing my work this month so I might get two copies. If not, I may have to wait a few months. :)

Male Human War Cleric 2

While I'm not one to usually question the GM, isn't an Investigation check used to search for things?

Male Human War Cleric 2

Assuming everyone is still out for Thanksgiving weekend.

Human Wizard 2 / AC 16/ HP 12/ Perception +2 / +2 Proficiency Bonus

just waiting to see what happens now we have conked out the guards....

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Yeah, and I just got back. I'll give you a report tomorrow. :)





Well, now what?

Male Human War Cleric 2

I think a lot of people are out for the holidays, but not sure.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Yes, a lot of people. Except me. I'm working. :)
Hard. :)

Male Human War Cleric 2

I know that feeling. Had to take a retail job for now. Anyone want a 6 PM to 2:30 AM shift?

Human Wizard 2 / AC 16/ HP 12/ Perception +2 / +2 Proficiency Bonus

no am actually on 2 weeks vacation at the moment....had to use it up before the new year or lose it..

Male Human War Cleric 2

I'll be out of town next week. My grandmother is likely on her death bed, we may be planning a funeral soon.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Alright, I guess we'd better quit until the new year.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

And we return!!! :)

Male Human Black Blooded Metal Oracle 3 HP: 22 | AC:18 T: 13 FF: 15 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +4 | Will: +3 | Perception: +0 Initiative: +3

Well I am here.

Male Human Barbarian 2


Male Human War Cleric 2

Had the funeral Thursday, but will be back on Sunday,. I can post later that day ( after work).

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Okay. :)

Human Wizard 2 / AC 16/ HP 12/ Perception +2 / +2 Proficiency Bonus

ready whenever everyone else is!

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Then lets do this. :)

Male Human War Cleric 2

Got back early... :P

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Proofing is taking a long, long time. But don't worry, I'm reprioritizing. :)

Male Human Black Blooded Metal Oracle 3 HP: 22 | AC:18 T: 13 FF: 15 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +4 | Will: +3 | Perception: +0 Initiative: +3

So is this dead?

Male Human War Cleric 2

I hope not, but I am beginning to fear so. I am accepting applications for characters in my Old World D&D 5e game (the Warhammer Setting). We have barely started and the High Elf, the Wood Elf, and the Dwarf are at each other's throats.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10


No, it's not. Although I was thinking of killing it.

I at the home stretch of my work with Rite Publishing.

Human Wizard 2 / AC 16/ HP 12/ Perception +2 / +2 Proficiency Bonus

Please remove me from this game

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

~ Hi Guys, I have to close this game. Due to all the work I've been doing for Rite Publishing. Have fun everyone. And I'm sorry. ~

Don't forget to deactivate it from the Campaign Page

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