A storm over Tethyr (Inactive)

Game Master JohnLocke

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@ Hezar: Belina seems to appreciate the company during her watch. She is engaging and funny, and for a woman of so few years she has seen a lot and has many stories to tell. Her easy, lovely smile and delicate laugh make her a pleasant companion as well. She touches you on the arm and says Thank you, Hezar. at the end of your watch together.

Pontus scratches his chin for a moment. The bandits slept where they pleased, mainly taking over the workers barracks. The foreman had an office in the northernmost bunkhouse; locked, when we checked, and we didn't bother to break in as we hadn't the time. I doubt he'd have had much of value, but wouldn't hurt to check, if ye could do so without undue danger.

The survivors are thrilled at the prospect of fresh food, even if they are just trail rations. They've a good supply of water, but have subsisted on mainly jerked beef and stale bread over the past few days. Helm's blessing would certainly improve the freshness of the food in the Chapel.

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

After the watch, Hezar will graciously take his leave. Stay with me if they come tonight, two bows are better than just the one.

Hezar will send some arrows at some zombies from the roof of the Chapel in a different direction than Janiries is going, to pull focus from a zombie coming out of the chapel.

some attack rolls:

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 for 1d8 ⇒ 6
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 for 1d8 ⇒ 8
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 for 1d8 ⇒ 1
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

M Human Cleric/2 Initiative +1; AC 22; HP 17

Duvall will indeed bless the food in Helm's name and create fresh water for wounds and to drink (Orison spell). When she is ready, he will accompany Janiries to the front door of the keep and then he will cast his spell - Hide From Undead.
Remember - don't touch any of them and you only have 10 minutes before the spell wears off.
Then he puts his hands on her shoulders and reverently prays, Helm - the Watcher, the One Who Never Sleeps - I beseech you to blind the eyes of the unliving, protect Janiries on her mission, and return her to us safely.

Does she have a way of contacting us if she gets in trouble?

Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4

Belgrin strokes his beard thoughtfully as the intelligence and scenario is laid out. "Hmmmm. Sounds like this won't be a simple grab and go job, then. We got ourselves a little war here, eh? This wrapped figure sounds like he's trouble and a half, but I'm definitely for thinnin' the ranks of the unlivin' in the daylight. I wouldn't be afraid to stand outside the door and draw in a few stragglers for killin'; crossbows work but me specialty's up close and personal. sides, only got so many arrows, eh?"

Belgrin moves towards the door with weapons in hand. "What say ye, cousins? Up for a little 'aggressive guard duty?'"

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

Duvall, unless someone can cast message...maybe Bellina?

Before Jan heads out and Hezar fires arrows.

Bellina, one of my companions is heading out disguised. You wouldn't happen to have a little spark of magic, that can allow her to communicate would you?

I do have a mesage cantrip, Hezar responds Belina with a shy smile. Perhaps she is happy to be considered useful? It's only got a range of a bit more than 100 feet though, so your friend won't be able to go very far without us losing communication.

The younger dwarf, introduced as Tor Stoneshield, interjects. You bloody strangers are going to be the death of us! You have NO IDEA how many dead are out there. You think the paltry number you cut through are all this little midden of a village has in store? And it's day now - what happens when night falls? The ghouls are sure to be out in force, again, and Gods knows what else. They will descend upon us and kill us all, all because you've drawn their attention! The game will be over, fools! The game will be over!

Tol is silenced by a cuff on the head by Pontus. Silence, ye flux-mouthed young fool! You're scarin' the villagers!

As Tol stalks off, Pontus turns and speaks quietly. I apologize for his lack of nerve, but he doesn't speak without some degree of truth. There are many undead out there, and to attack from here will draw them closer. The smarter corpses, once they come out of hiding from the sun, will definitely come and see what the fuss is all about.

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

Thank you Bellina, any help is welcome! Perhaps you care to join me up top to rain some gifts on our friends out there?

Hezar smiles and heads up to the roof. Attack rolls above, whenever Janiries and Belgrin start their move.

Male Human Inquisitor 2 / Paladin 1 | Init +3 | Per+7 | AC 23/21/12 | HP 33/33 | For +7 | Ref +1 | Will +7

"There is the option of using one of the buildings as a springboard. Some of us move across and draw their ire to another building, set up a killing field between two nearby buildings or even trap one building and draw them in. All of these options will work to draw attention away from the church and may give pause to intelligent undead. They may not know how many there are but they already know that you're all holed up in here. Sitting here does nothing to improve our odds. Make no mistake, you're under siege and no matter how long you stay here you can't out wait the undead. But before giving up, know this, we're here to get you out and we're not leaving until you're all safe. I swear this upon Helm's name."
diplomacy to inspire the surivors?: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Landon's words seem to have an impact on the commoners, many start to nod in agreement. One man, however, stands forward to speak. And what of our wounded and sick? And our non-combatants? What are we to do with them? Isn't rescuing our people your top priority? You remember his name - Ondus - his brother Thesus lies sick with an unidentified malady.

Female Sun Elf Rogue 4

After Duvall casts his spell, Janiries grins and looks back towards him.

"Helm better protect me, or else I'm coming back to get you."

Ready to move out. I'm thinking of running to the workers barracks then the foremans office, looking quickly in both for anything useful. How do you want to do this DM?

We'll handle your foray out into the camp via PM - I really want to emphasize that you're cut-off from your fellows, alone in a village overrun with the undead.....

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

Are there more arrows available for Hezar to refresh his stock?

Yes, the survivors have dozens of arrows and crossbow bolts available for use.

I just noticed that you guys have a masterwork heavy mace that no-one has claimed. That would be something I'd assume would be of interest to the resident cleric?

Male Elf Ranger(Demon Slayer)3/Inquisitor(Cold Iron Warden)3

Sorry for not posting till now, you guys were quite active while I was at work

"Landon speaks wisely. If we can some how draw a bit of attention away from here, that would be a very good idea. What about setting another empty building ablaze, perhaps to lure the undead to it?"

Female Sun Elf Rogue 4

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Female Sun Elf Rogue 4

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

Male Human Inquisitor 2 / Paladin 1 | Init +3 | Per+7 | AC 23/21/12 | HP 33/33 | For +7 | Ref +1 | Will +7

"Ondus i believe? I understand your worry regarding your family. We plan these attacks to limit and remove threats to you and your kin. If you wish no part in the attack that is your decision but i would hope that you are at least willing if not able to defend others, including your brother, should those undead attack here. Everything we discuss and plan, including allowing one of our own out there alone i might add, is to better insure that we can rescue you. Come, let us work together while Brother Duvall tends to the wounded, i'm sure he can find a way that you can directly help the wounded."

Very well - many of us cannot go out and fight with you - we are not trained warriors - but we will do what we can to help. We stand with you, sir. The other commoners nod their heads in agreement and give voice to their approval.

Well done, Landon! Your great roleplaying, and your great use of a diplomacy roll, have brought the previously fearful commoners on your side!

So whats the plan then? Are some of you going to exit the chapel for an attack, whilst others go up top for missile support?

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

Hezar, and he hopes Bellina head up for missle support, I know Belgrin is heading to the main door.

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 vs CMD 15

Male Human Inquisitor 2 / Paladin 1 | Init +3 | Per+7 | AC 23/21/12 | HP 33/33 | For +7 | Ref +1 | Will +7

"Hezar, do you see Janiries from up there? how does she fare?"
I am up for a quick sortie or two to lessen the numbers of the undead out there.

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

Perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

Hezar looks to see where Janiries went.

Okay, if you're going to sally forth we'll use the same map as before:

Link here and on the campaign tab.

Hezar has indicated that he's going up to the roof; the young human Tanner and the taciturn dwarf Beldas have headed up there already, the human armed with a longbow and the dwarf with his heavy crossbow.

Belina hesitates. Hezar, while I would love to watch you take target practice on these fiends, I might be of more use on the ground .... down here, I can inspire courage in our forces, and help them to fight better. What do you think is the best plan?

Pontus shoulders his heavy crossbow. I'll hold the door to the chapel for ya, and ensure nothin' gets past. This little beauty packs a whallop, as well as a shockin' the corpses right outta their boots.

Marius smiles. Tethys and I are with you, of course. I've been waiting to try out my undead killers. He pulls out several slingstones and grins as Tethys circles, ready for action.

Tol Stoneshield limbers up his arm, a hammer and a dwarven waraxe both at his belt. Let's get this over with, then.

The other young human warrior, Arthar, stands ready to assist with spear and shortsword. His pale skin glistens with sweat.

The commoners have armed themselves with clubs and axes. If anything tries to enter the chapel, they'll engage it and let you know.

@ Hezar: You cannot see Janiries from this vantage point.

Male Elf Ranger(Demon Slayer)3/Inquisitor(Cold Iron Warden)3

"I too shall head to the roof" Ariael says, grabbing up an extra quiver of arrows before climbing up top.

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

Hezar smiles Where ever you are safe and comfortable. However, inspriing those in melee is perhaps a better choice than those of us on the roof! Inspire loudly and perhaps Lafali, Tanner Beldas and I will take heart as well.

Then quietly. Be careful

If we can hear her we should be able to benefit as well. But either way is cool. Logic might dictate no bonus

Belina smiles wryly. I'm not sure anywhere around here is safe. But knowing you're up there watching over me gives me courage. She smiles and winks. Watch my back, marksman! And with that she's off for the door, with a quick look over her shoulder to make sure you're watching as directed.

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

Check in on Janiries for us, let Duvall or Landon know the situation. Hezar tries to be all business, but is as transparent as can be.

What am I doing...

Hezar smiles to himself as he watches Belina walk off, then following Lafali's lead, he turns, grabbing an extra quiver and races to the roof.

Female Sun Elf Rogue 4

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12


Damage roll:1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Female Sun Elf Rogue 4

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

Come on..

Female Sun Elf Rogue 4

Seemingly sprinting towards the church, Janiries would be plainly visible to any on the top looking out.. at least until she bounds over the pitch and runs through the main door of the church, before bending over and coughing and hacking, clearly out of breath.

"That.. that was not pleasant."

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

Covering Fire!! Can we still do our sortie to thin the heard?

Hear fires at the close Zombie (Zombie C)
Longbow-maybe it is FF?1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 5 + 1 = 11 for 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

I see no reason why not, if that's what you guys want! There's plenty of targets.....

Bloody hells, Janiries, what happened to your throat? exclaims Marius, wide eyed and staring.

Female Sun Elf Rogue 4

"Zombie..damn zombie grabbed me, almost had me"

The sun elf continues to cough nastily, her voice strained as she speaks. As she speaks, Janiries lowers a bag full of looted items to the ground, clearly 'liberated' during her trip into the settlement.

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

did the arrow hit? only would if it was FF, also are any of the zombies or skeletons following?

Duvall! We need help here! calls Marius, looking for the cleric. One of the commoners - a woman named Loreena, young, pretty, brown haired - hurries forward with water for you.

Janiries was still under the effect of Duvall's spell when she returned (just under a minute to spare) and there are, at present, no signs of pursuit.

Hezar's shot catches Zombie E in the chest. The fight is on!

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

got it.

Male Elf Ranger(Demon Slayer)3/Inquisitor(Cold Iron Warden)3

Drawing on his innate mystickal energies, Ariael temporarily enchants his bow Spending 1 point from my Arcana Pool to make my bow a +1 weapon. He then lets fire at one of the zombies below. 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16 Zombie E, if that hits 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Ariael's shot targets the same Zombie as Hezar - his shot is true, passing through one of the Zombie's eyes and into the soft ground behind. The monster twitches momentarily before dropping to the ground.

Initiative time!

Ariael: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Hezar: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Janiries: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Landon: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
Belgrin: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
Duvall: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

Survivors: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Zombies: 1d20 ⇒ 10

Skeletons: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Not everyone is placed yet. I'll give you a free round to place yourselves within a 20' radius of S34 and S35, the squares just outside the entrance. I'm handwaving your exit from the Chapel and giving you a surprise round to simulate the undead slowly noticing your presence. Good luck!

If you've any actions to take inside the Chapel first, that's okay too. Then it's fighting time!

Female Sun Elf Rogue 4

Janiries would drink the offered water, then look a little shocked as the group makes to head outside and just kill undead. Still, she eventually makes her way out after picking up her weapons and re-equipping them.

Drawing an arrow, she fires at the nearest (and still unaware) zombie.

Attack Roll with Composite Longbow at Zombie C: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Damage Roll: 1d8 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 1 + (3) = 9

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

From the roof Hezar draws a bead on skeleton I and fires a blunt arrow at it during the surprise round

Surprise Round
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 for 1d8 ⇒ 5

Hezar swears, rarely does he miss twice in a row. He tosses a blunt arrow to Arael Take down that skeleton!

Male Human Inquisitor 2 / Paladin 1 | Init +3 | Per+7 | AC 23/21/12 | HP 33/33 | For +7 | Ref +1 | Will +7

Working late and my phone doesn't load the map properly so just position Landon up front where the fighting will be thick
Preparing for the upcoming rush of undead monstrosities Landon will cast Shield of Faith on himself during the surprise/first round.

Male Elf Ranger(Demon Slayer)3/Inquisitor(Cold Iron Warden)3

Taking and nocking the arrow Hezar gave him, the elf shoots the same skeleton the ranger missed 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24 Skeleton I, possible crit

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20 guessing that confirms for 3d8 + 6 ⇒ (5, 6, 6) + 6 = 23

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

Hezar gives an impressed nod of the head to Lafali

Stay next to me, if you aim for a skeleton take one of the blue fletched arrows.

Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4

sorry bout the badly timed silence, was out of town on an unplanned trip for the night and most of today.

"We'll try to clear some paths around the town so others can run for the buildings and scrounge for supplies and tools. If ye archers can keep a shot or two ahead of our path and soften our targets, we'll do the cleanup. Soon as I give the signal, someone should be makin a break for the south barracks to loot it and return, quickly. Cousins, let's wall up just inside our little moat and draw a few in for killin' first."

Belgrin then opens the door, steps into S-34 (hopefully one or more of his cousins will stand beside him,) and quickdraws his crossbow to load and fire at the zombie in P-29.

ranged attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

damage, if hit: 1d8 ⇒ 5

M Human Cleric/2 Initiative +1; AC 22; HP 17

Apologies for my absence - work is kicking my @$$ and yesterday was my anniversary.

Duvall places one hand on Janiries neck and holds his holy symbol with the other, intoning Helm's favor for healing. 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

He then walks out to stand between her and Belgrin, watching the undead approach. He invokes another spell from Helm (Shield of Faith) and takes a shot at a zombie with his crossbow. 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 61d8 ⇒ 4

He will then prepare his warhammer and get ready to smash some skulls!

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