A Quest for Heroes

Game Master Billybrainpan


level 15
7 mythic tiers
25 point buy
base races
any class
No chosen alignment, but if you have an alignment restriction, role play it.
things to explain in your backstory
1. why are you the way you are?
2. what are you known for? you’re a fifteenth level adventurer, people have heard of you.
3. what is your motivation to be a hero?
4. what are a few tropes that your character embodies?

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The learned, Archmagi, Diviner and master of arcane energies, Unleasher of Aaxuesohr, Banisher of Aaxuesohr, Slayer of Aaxuesohr, Master of the infinite Library, Sage of Nighawn, Lord of the Staff, Speaker with demons & dragons.
( Or my humble attempt at the most wizardry wizard who ever wizard also a bit wizened. )

Azriel stands tall for an elf at 6ft 2in, but thin at a mere 155 pounds. Often leaning or clinging to the staff he wields, his long robe and wizard a near constant adornment.
Eyes of bright purple with black hexagonal pupils gleam from under the brim of his hat, a broad brimmed grey hat with a long crooked top, on those most rare of times when the hat is removed one can catch a sight of his bald head and long pointed elven ears. Rounding out his face is a long, mid torso, grey beard is thick and well maintained.
Among the other notable things about this grand Archmagi is the small swarm of Ioun storms that float about his head crackling with arcane energies, sometimes visibly so with a small bolt of purple lightning arcing between two or more.

BACKSTORY (while my damn code runs ... why is this taking so long?):
Born into a family of talented Wizards, my natural gift and understanding of the Arcane was quickly identified and spent much of my formative decades in libraries and universities the world over studying magic. From time to time questing with brave adventures for magic tomes, books of knowledge or other items, it was on one of these adventures that I contracted my 'Incurable Cough of Death' which has wreaked havoc upon my voice, and often has me coughing up blackened blood and ichor, the only thing that seems to keep it at bay is a foul smelling tea i regularly make.

On another such adventure I advised a group of brave adventures on the best way to summon and bind the demon Aaxuesohr, a demon of grate arcane prowess... oops? maybe shouldn't have been so trusting of the adventures who came through the halls of the libraries I visited and studied at. Turns out they were trying to unleash Aaxuesohr upon the lands, and I in my ignorance aided them in this quest. For years after I wandered the realm seeking Aaxuesohr and prevention Aaxuesohr's harm where I could, finally banishing Aaxuesohr. Unsatisfied with this meager work I traveled to the nine hells and did battle with the demon lord in his own realm finally slaying him and acquiring a few notable arcane treasures I keep with me to this day.

After years of such adventures i settled down in the grand city of Nighawn and became a respected and powerful Archmage running a library and university of great renown, rulers and sages come to me for advice and knowledge and my Unfathomable intellect is known wide and far.

But secretly part of my longs for a new adventure... it has been far too long since I cast spells upon a foe or summoned forth powerful entities to do battle on my behalf.


  • Traditional Wizardly Attire: Wizard Hat, Robe
  • Mystical High Collar: Robe
  • Carry a Magic Staff: Staff
  • Wizard Beard: Long and Grey thank you very much
  • Incurable Cough of Death
  • Squishy Wizard && Paper Caster
  • Glasses: Over analyze problems, often push glasses up during such explanations.
  • Often prone to casting fireball or lightning bolt either pre or mid-justification.
  • Just one name
  • Overly long titles

Clichea Map
Dangerlands Map

Gameplay will begin in the city of Lionguard, on the continent of Clichea. Far across the sea to the west lie The Dangerlands.

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Zystra is a slender girl of about 18, standing at about 5’8.” She has silver, almost metallic hair and eyes of the same silver color. She has a pale complexion and sharp, elegant features. But she has something distant, almost ghost-like about her. Her body is covered from neck to too in a patchwork of thin, golden scroll-work tattoos. Enchantments in elven, draconic, sylvan, celestial, and abyssal verse intertwine with older and more esoteric symbols and shapes. Close inspection reveals a network of faded scars running throughout the pattern.
She is generally wears a simple robe and travelers clothing. She wears a number of powerful magical item, but closer inspection reveals that of these, a slim band of woven gold cloth below her hairline, a small amulet, and a small rose colored stone on the back of her right hand have been grafted directly into her flesh.
She is generally reserved and often speaks in esoteric and unrelated statements. She sometimes has visions, although she is not fully in control of these and it’s not clear how many of them are real.

For many powerful mages, who spend their days reshaping the world to suit their needs, the ability to reshape bodies to their will and imbue them with great powers has long been great fascination. For the past ten odd years, one wizard has been has been making far greater discoveries than his peers. Azerkai the life-shaper had long been among the most accomplished enchanters in Clicheá, often sharing new and remarkable discoveries with his peers. When he began to research enchantments of the body in earnest, he quickly made a number of important discoveries. For years he pushed the boundaries of the art, travelling annually from his remote laboratory on a hidden cove in the Shadow Mountains. It did not take too long before mutterings began, no one can make so many discoveries so quickly without bending, and breaking, rules that are better obeyed.
But no one truly guessed the depths to which Azerkai had fallen. His quest had become an obsession. He would search far and wide for orphans and other children with specific markers, lineages, and parentages and soon after they would disappear. His laboratory became a tower full of broken subjects, broken minds and broken bodies. He searched the world, the heavens, and even the abyss for enchantments, power bindings, alchemical agents, and any manner of arcane trickery that would further his quest. He stole memories and skills from adventurers the world over, but trickery, by coin, and by force. Every talent, every enchantment, and every skill he imbued he interwove with layers and layers of compulsion. Build up over year to ensure his total control over his subjects. Zystra was the rare subject who mind didn’t shatter, who’ body somehow weathered the punishment. Over the years, her power grew until she was far and away Azerkai’s most valuable test subject.
But a wizard who seeks power as rapidly and as greedily as Azerkai did, eventually makes waves. Rumors spread, enemies are made. The defenses of his tower were strong, and many an interloper was dispatched. But Azerkai wasn’t the only big fish in his pond, and one day two intruders arrived who could not be so summarily dispatched. A great warrior who fought and defeated his assorted minions and defenses, along with a powerful wizard who pierced his wards and engaged him directly. A terrible duel of wizards began, the air full of immense power, spells and counter spells of flung back and forth. But such a duel takes an immense toll, and as Azerkai had to commit more and more fully to his fight, his hold over Zystra waned and waned. Until eventually it could hold her no longer. In a moment the compulsions were broken and in the space of a blink, she had crushed Azerkai’s throat. She now travels with the adventurers whose attack allowed her to break free.

Eloron Bale, the legend of Harrow's Town, Titan of the Sundered Shore and The Inked Eidolon. Stands towering above his fellow elves in both stature and physique. Eloron is 6 feet and 8 inches, few elves were ever born so tall. His body resembles a perfectly carved statue hard lines of muscle he stands apart from others of his race in both his great strength and fortitude. While nimble his strength overpowers what might otherwise be characterized as "elven grace". Elorons eyes blaze a deep hazelnut, warm and dark, rich like fertile soil, his hair is cut short and shaved in stripes on the side of his head, the top and back are pulled back into a tight ponytail short enough that it doesn't make it much past the leather strip used to tie it in place. the lines of strange patterns and arcane symbols cover his forearms and tracing intricate patterns up his arms to his shoulders. balanced across his shoulders a massive long axe.

Eloron was born to elven parents but was soon lost to them, his adventurous spirit took him far from home as a child and he would play in the forest pretending to hunt monsters. one such day he found the real monsters, he was taken into the forest by a gang of bugbears a day of being shoved pulled and dragged through the forest away from home. The bugbears. However were hunted down by a band of Humans who slaughtered them at their camp, Eloron was 12 when this happened a baby by Elf standards, but by human standards old enough to learn to fight. So he began to train with the Humans who adopted him, basic self-defense how to use a wood cutter's axe for defense. when not training he helped at the forge or with the foresters. and so he grew. years later Eloron had grown older and seen his adopted family die old and weak as he continued to grow strong and taller. He was bored with his mundane life and soon began looking for adventure, first as a conscripted soldier, then mercenary and finally as an adventurer. Never forgetting his first weapon Eloron chose an axe for every battle. after years of adventure, Eloron arrived in Harrow's town a wealthy merchant town plagued by a coven of witches, Eloron dispatched them all alone and so his legend began. Eloron's simple nature left him one desire to reunite with his family and soon he began to hunt for his true home and family. On this path he met the storm giant Beloran, who he wrestled to the ground with only one hand and blindfolded where he won Beloran's axe and shattered the stone foothills outside the city of Sore's Stone, now known as the Sundered Shore. after years he finally uncovered the truth, he had a brother, a powerful wizard, his path was clear, find his brother, Azriel.

Now Eloron travels with his older brother, tearing down enemies with the axe he won from a giant so long ago. The meeting of his brother taught him a great deal of magic and though his loyalty to his brother is stronger than the pull of the moon on the ocean or the bonds of the Iron Chain he can not help but have some brotherly competition. While his older brother chose the powers of arcane mysteries such things were never for Eloron the humans who raised him taught him the power of his own body, the strength of his will. Eloron shatters magic, tearing wards from wizards, shattering enchantments meant to bind him and protecting his brother. Then as the brothers traveled together in pursuit of Azriel's goals they found a great tower. Azriel said there was great power here, and so much knowledge to be gained, Eleron only heard the words great power, and was eager to see, was the power in this tower greater than his own?
That was the day the brothers met Zystra, a young girl with strange tattoos, some like the ones Eloron had acquired over the years... others even stranger. Now the three travel together, while his brother and Zystra may have other motives for adventure, Eloron has only one..... to find what power can stop him. Can anything stop him?

1. Absurdly sharp blade.
2. Big damn Heros.
3. Bold explorer.
4. Can't breathe without a weapon.
5. The cavalry.
6. Dare to be badass
7. Exotic weapon supremacy.
8. My name is Inigo Montoya.
9. Now it's my turn.
10. Rated M for manly.
11. Sole survivor.
12. Strength equals worthiness.
13. There was a door.
!4. Violence is the only solution.


The learned, Archmagi, Diviner and master of arcane energies, Unleasher of Aaxuesohr, Banisher of Aaxuesohr, Slayer of Aaxuesohr, Master of the infinite Library, Sage of Nighawn, Lord of the Staff, Speaker with demons & dragons, Slayer of Cormorax.

Azriel stands tall for an elf at 6ft 2in, but thin at a mere 155 pounds. Often leaning or clinging to the staff he wields, his long robe and wizard a near constant adornment.
Eyes of bright purple with black hexagonal pupils gleam from under the brim of his hat, a broad brimmed grey hat with a long crooked top, on those most rare of times when the hat is removed one can catch a sight of his long pointed elven ears. Rounding out his face is a long, mid torso, grey beard is thick and well maintained.
Among the other notable things about this grand Archmagi is the small swarm of Ioun storms that float about his head crackling with arcane energies, sometimes visibly so with a small bolt of purple lightning arcing between two or more.

Born into a family of talented Wizards, separated for reasons unknown to me from my brother in the short decades after birth. His memory faded away as my natural gift and understanding of the Arcane was quickly identified and spent much of my formative decades in libraries and universities the world over studying magic. From time to time questing with brave adventures for magic tomes, books of knowledge or other items, it was on one of these adventures that I contracted my 'Incurable Cough of Death' which has wreaked havoc upon my voice, and often has me coughing up blackened blood and ichor, the only thing that seems to keep it at bay is a foul smelling tea I regularly make.

On another such adventure I advised a group of brave adventures on the best way to summon and bind the demon Aaxuesohr, a demon of grate arcane prowess... oops? maybe shouldn't have been so trusting of the adventures who came through the halls of the libraries I visited and studied at. Turns out they were trying to unleash Aaxuesohr upon the lands, and I in my ignorance aided them in this quest. For years after I wandered the realm seeking Aaxuesohr and prevention Aaxuesohr's harm where I could, finally banishing Aaxuesohr.

I was left unsatisfied with merely banishing such a powerful foe to his abyssal realm, and so after years of study, i finally journeyed to that accursed place and did battle with the foul demon, slaying him once and for all claiming a few notable arcane treasures I found as my own, so I keep with me to this day.

Satisfied with this grand accomplishment I settled back into the life of a researcher and advisor on the arcane. But fate had other ideas, for in time an elf came to visit me unlike any I had ever seen a towering Elf of raw strength who called himself my brother, and once more i was swept up in the adventures life, this time with my long lost brother at my side.

Together we slew the mighty dragon Cormorax, in an epic battle that raged for days as we slogged up it's volcanic mountain slaying countless of the dragon's offspring. Until we reached the lair of the beast itself and slaying it, I took much of its arcane Library, i'm honestly unsure why my brother did with the gold and gems ... really should ask him i guess.

Most recently we journeyed to seek Azerkai the life-shaper, for he had some tomes i wished to study... however there was some kind of confusion? or a mix up and insults were hurled we were accused of freeing his experiments, which i'm pretty sure we didn't and all of a sudden it was a pitched battle in a library of all places! terribly undignified. Out of the wreckage we did manage to come out with a new traveling companion, Zystra apparently the aforementioned experiment.


  • Traditional Wizardly Attire: Wizard Hat, Robe
  • Mystical High Collar: Robe
  • Carry a Magic Staff: Staff
  • Wizard Beard: Long and Grey thank you very much
  • Incurable Cough of Death
  • Squishy Wizard && Paper Caster
  • Glasses: Over analyze problems, often push glasses up during such explanations.
  • Often prone to casting fireball or lightning bolt either pre or mid-justification.
  • Just one name
  • Overly long titles
  • Smart but forgetful

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