A Matter of Time - DM aLittleTooQuiet

Game Master grahamd

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"T'zay. Good to see you again. Looking well."

Female Half-Elf Chameleon3/TWF3/Enchanter1

I thought the Academy was trashed...?

Glee, on hearing Mayve's words, stops. She arches a dubious eyebrow at the rubble-strewn streets and leaning towers, then shrugs. "If the Academy still can support guests, I'll not say no to staying in the city a bit longer, especially if it lets us collect ourselves and decide on the best course of action."

"If anyone can do quick repairs, it would be the wizards. In fact, it looks like someone already pulled out a lyre of building."

only part of it was damaged. Hope DM ALTQ doesn't mind a little poetic license...

Male Ii'ssalak'teul Barbarian 2 / Druid 5

Toeing through the rubble, T'zay bends down to retrieve his spear before joining the group. Upon Mayve's introduction he passes it to his left hand in a sign of non-aggression and bows his head to the group. "Yesss, I am well. As are you it sseems, Irina Moretz'kya." He casts his gaze to the north for a moment before turning back, leveling yellow eyes on Glee. "The tower you sspeak of, and the landss around it, are poison. The Mother hass not ssset before you an eassy path, Gleeresssa. Perhaps thiss is the reasson She has sssent me here, for I, too, have questions and it sseems that the answerss lie to the north. If you would enter the wildss, I sshall accompany you. If we hunt as a pack, ssome of uss may live to sssee the tower." He surveys the group placidly, "The wordss of Mayve Tearwrought are wise. By the grace of the Mother, a few dayss bassking will ready uss for the trail."

Between the two of us, Irina and I can have the group healed up and ready to rock in a day or two, I think.

Much of the Academy is still intact, though the great libraries and the passages to the lower levels where the most powerful and valuable artifacts are stored have been blocked by tons of rubble.

As you enter, you find Master Lamere directing the survivors to move the many wounded into a nearby dormitory for medical attention.

There are approximately two dozen apprentices and wizards carrying or assisting the wounded.

The dormitories, kitchens and other living quarters are to your left, and apart from a covering of dust and some fallen decorations they look to be accessible.

The pathway to the right is blocked.

Irina goes on a healing hex frenzy once inside and she sees the wounded. By the time she finishes, she is quite tired and needs a strong arm to support/half-carry her.

Male Ii'ssalak'teul Barbarian 2 / Druid 5

T'zay accompanies Irina, helping with natural healing where he can. After the work is done he assists her to a place to rest.

Female Half-Elf Chameleon3/TWF3/Enchanter1

Glee helps out where she can, but feels largely useless around so many skilled healers and powerful arcanists, and in the midst of a group where so many seem already to know each other from past encounters. She sneaks a peek here and there at what books she can, as she has on her past infrequent visits to the Academy. It's a sad reminder to her of the current state of things when there are no clerks to shush her away from this or that "sacred text" when she pulls one down from the shelf. Feeling bad, she polices herself and puts it back.

Female Human Wizard 7

Mayve works to organize a search and rescue party in the academy, her knowledge of structural buildings comes in handy by assessing the damaged areas safely.

@Mayve Master Lamere is grateful for your assistance, and you manage to recover a few more survivors trapped in the ruins over the course of the day.

@T'zay & Irina Your presence greatly accelerates the healing of the survivors. Some members of the academy are skilled herbalists and knowledgeable in the ways of healing, but they are all wizards, or training to be, and their healing skills are mundane in nature and no comparison to yours.

Everyone The level of tension is apparent throughout the day, as tremors, large and small, continue to shake the academy grounds, showing the true fragility of the facility with widening cracks and falling stones. The occasional crack of thunder, collapsing building, or sudden flying gout of flame visible through the windows isn't helping ease the mood.

All of the survivors are desperate for an explanation, which Master Lamere and the senior instructors struggle to provide, but their explanations are hollow and their conversations frequently devolve into shouting matches as they too seem to be losing composure.

Female Human Wizard 7

Mayve will call her friends, now and old alike, into an empty meeting room with some refreshments. She also asks Master Lamere to join them.

"It is apparent to everyone that what today has wrought is very unusual." Nodding to Irina and Gliressa, "your tales of this stranger in the inn, along with the bracelets," Mayve also nods to Master Lamere, "as well, your information that pertains to T'zay's arrival in this time... well it all points to the White Tower."

Mayve has been pacing before the windows looking out over a scarred cityscape. "We can spend days here rebuilding and working to restore the city. Or, we can travel to the White Tower and see if there is anything to this unusual congruence of events that has brought us together."

Having stopped at one end of the room, Mayve turns and looks at the others, "What say you?"

"I would say that the sooner we are on our way, the better. I'm sure we could spend days assisting with the rebuild, but I would suggest that our time, if it is indeed up to us to stop these incursions, would be better spent preventing more disasters than rebuilding from this one."

"Plus the sooner we're away from this...city...the better," she adds under her breath.

Female Half-Elf Chameleon3/TWF3/Enchanter1

Glee nods. "Much as I'm comfortable in cities, this is scarcely recognizable as such anymore, and is only going to get worse. We could help here, but that strikes me as being copper-wise and gold-foolish; both the crabby guy in the inn and the half-mad sot I encountered on the bench seemed quite sure we did...something...we, us here..." - she indicates the group with a circular motion of her hand - "...apparently caused this and/or are the only ones who can stop it. These bracelets Rhane and I have I guess are somehow key."

The half-elf takes a gulp of tea. "Anyway, yeah. I'm all for getting on the road as soon as possible. I can't imagine we'll get any more answers here."

Male Human Cavalier 7

Rhane, who up until this time has remained quiet while lending his assistance, speaks up.

"It would seem that we are meant to go to the tower, but I must caution all of you: the White Tower holds a great power, and we must be careful with our actions there - should we reach it at all. The legends of my Order say that he who gains access to the tower will destroy the world..."

Here, he trails off momentarily as a flicker of shocked realization passes of his face. After regaining control, he turns to Master Lamere and continues speaking: "Come to think of it, Master, this 'planar discohesion event' that the stranger in the inn spoke of - do you think that... perhaps the legends are true? Could it be that someone gained access to the tower and caused all of this to happen?"

Female Half-Elf Chameleon3/TWF3/Enchanter1

Glee taps her teeth. "I think...hmm. The guy at the inn, when I asked him about these bracelets, Rhane, he seemed to imply they were a way to find the tower. Then he said 'is this the first time we've met?', like we should have met...before...somehow..." The city-scourer goes quiet, then, thinking to herself. Her familiar slithers down from her neck and takes up residence around her wrist, extending himself along her index finger, tongue flicking in and out.

Male Human Cavalier 7

Nodding, he speaks again. "I follow you, Gliressa.. and I certainly hope that you are wrong, but that's where I was going with these questions. If it's possible that someone caused this to happen by going to the White Tower - and if it's possible that WE caused this to happen, as the man at the Inn suggested... then isn't it possible that the best course of action is for us to not go to the tower at all? And thereby eliminate the chance that we would do whatever we did?" He chuckles a little bit and stirs his tea before continuing. "Upon my word, it just sounds so mad when you say it, doesn't it.. but could it be true?"

Female Half-Elf Chameleon3/TWF3/Enchanter1

"Yeah, this is one of those times I hope I'm wrong." Glee says, grinning ruefully. "But if Chronomancy is involved -- that guy mentioned a Chronomancer, I remember it clear as day -- then who knows, it's as likely as not. It could also be that we've already gone to the tower, and whether we will it or no, we're going to end up there. We may as well get underway there and save the universe the effort of concocting some ridiculous scenario to get us there."

Female Human Wizard 7

"What IS the White Tower?" Mayve looks to Master Lamere, "Does the Academy have more information on this tower?"

Mayve looks around the group while Lamere considers her question, "I think we should plan to leave at first light on the 'morrow. I will ask the kitchens to prepare some travel packs."

Male Ii'ssalak'teul Barbarian 2 / Druid 5

T'zay stands quietly in the corner, listening to the others. Turning his yellow eyes on Rhane, he speaks. "It would sseem that beingss as yet unknown are the cause of thisss...trouble, and it isss posssible, Warrior, that we are are they. It iss alsso posssible that we have been gathered here to prevent thisss. That there are...Otherss, ressponssible for this desstruction. I refuse to believe that T'zo T'kji hass brought me to thiss place to undo Her own world." Stepping toward the group, the big lizard fixes his gaze on each in turn. "The Elderss of my people teach that the Tower is death itsself, to go there invites the darkesst darknesss. But now... I think that perhapss this wass merely a tale to frighten away those that would wander afar. To be sure, I tell you that I believe the tower to be puressst evil, to attempt thiss journey iss folly." He turns toward the north, his scaley lips turning up in a reptillian smile. His sibilant speech lowers, as though speaking to himself. "Mother knows that I was never Her most cautious child...." Turning back to the group he continues, his voice gaining strength as he speaks, "You all sspeak of what is wrong...I ssee what iss right, we, gathered here, for one purpose. I shall walk the path sset before me, it ssseems to be the only way. I believe that otherss among uss share my heart. If it be the will of the Mother, let uss depart as sssoon as all are able."

Master Lamere paces as talk, on the opposite side of the room from Mayve, and pauses long in thought before answering you.

"Little is known of the Tower. It was old when the Elves were still roaming the forests in furs, hunting with wood and stone. It can be seen from afar, indeed, we can see it here in Plaeton, though even mighty mountains before it are little more than specks on the horizon. All this while its true location is obscured by the most powerful magic."

He takes a long drag on his pipe, exhaling grey-blue smoke.

"These... chronomancers. There were rumors of a sect of wizards who had mastered knowledge of causality, the true nature of time itself, for whom the past and the future became no different than the present. They were said to have created the tower as a focus for their magic, to use to study the future and the past."

"If this is true, then perhaps the Tower has always existed, at least from our point of view. The chronomancers likely see things very differently."

He seems older than his years suddenly, as the stresses of the day seem to catch up to him all at one. Slowly sinking into a leather chair, he cups his face in his hands and rubs his temples. He sighs, and finally continues.

"This situation is dire. I didn't know how to tell the others, but... this world is coming apart. The vast gulfs that separate the planes are disappearing. I can see it. Its effects ripple through the very foundations of magic, and I know of no way to stop it. If those bracelets truly will allow you to find the tower and harness its power, then you must. You must discover what caused this and undo it at any cost!"

"We have no other hope."

Male Human Cavalier 7

Rhane nods in agreement with master Lamere's words.

"Then it is settled, we go to the tower without delay. I have but one last question for you, master; does your order have any information or artefacts that may help us in finding the tower? Or shall we just ride in it's direction and hope that the bracelets we have will work their magick?"

Lamere shakes his head, "I'm afraid not. I know of know no one who has ever successfully reached the tower, or anything that might reliably help you to do so, save that bracelet."

"I would gladly offer you anything I have, if I had anything to offer, but the enchanted artifacts maintained by the academy for study or safe keeping have been lost in the collapse, and I have nothing in my immediate possession that you would find useful on such a quest."

He rises from his chair and goes to rummage through an old chest in the corner of room, "Then again, there might be a stray spell scroll or two around here, let me check..."

Will give you some free spell scrolls in a bit. At the moment I have to get back to work.

"Oh, you may find these helpful indeed!" the old wizard says, pulling three scrolls from the chest and handing them over to you.

Invisibility Sphere (CL5, arcane)
Continual Flame (CL5, divine)
Stoneskin (CL7, arcane)

Female Half-Elf Chameleon3/TWF3/Enchanter1

"Oh this is excellent, Headmaster, thank you for your generosity!" Glee watches as the others distribute the scrolls to the appropriate spellcasters. "I can't help but hope this will be a painless journey, even though I know it's probably utterly foolish to do so." she sighs. "A tower, stuck in time. Amazing. I mean, if that's what it is."

The half-elf stands and stretches. "Okay, well, at dawn then, yes? I'll see you all in the morning. The journey begins..." She then heads off to lay down and try to sleep among all the bedlam happening all around in the city, as the world tears itself apart.

Irina thanks the headmaster as well, and let's T'zay lead her...somewhere in search of a bed to rest herself. Despite the ongoing cataclysm, she will have no trouble falling asleep after her healing marathon.

Female Human Wizard 7

Mayve nods in thanks to Master Lamere and, after ensuring her companions are settled for the evening, retires to her own rooms to prepare for the coming journey.

Sleep is hard coming for all of you, as the tremors continue through the night, occasionally interrupted by distant screams or cracks of lightning, but sleep eventually comes, and you manage to get a night's rest.

Dawn finds the city barren and empty. The gulls that normally circle overhead are nowhere to be seen, and bustle of activity associated with a city this size is completely absent.

With the mounts that Rhane collected from the stable, there are enough horses for each of you.

Female Half-Elf Chameleon3/TWF3/Enchanter1

Glee rises, stretches, does a bit of exercising to get her blood moving before having breakfast, and is happy when she walks outside to find that Rhane has already collected the mounts. "Ah, hey, thanks Rhane. Owe you one." As Seth glides up to his customary spot around her neck, she double-checks her supplies and waits for the others, noting with dismay the tremendous destruction all around her, the quiet of the streets, the hanging dust cloud and gloom. She shakes her head sadly.

"Thank you, Rhane," Irina says, climbing up onto the horse he offers. She looks around to see if anybody is still injured. "If anybody is still hurt from yesterday's incident, let me have a look before we set out. I am sufficiently rested to perform more healings."

Male Human Cavalier 7

Rhane laughs at Glee's remark, trying to bring humor to a bleak situation as he responds with a wink. "Don't say thinks like that, Glee - I might take you up on it someday." He nods to Irina as she takes the reins from him for her mount. "You're welcome. I think the healings you laid upon me yesterday were enough, but - as the resident healer - if you'd like to inspect me and be sure, I won't protest."

(OOC: I am assuming I am back to full, but will take this opportunity for healing if I am not)

After taking a few moments for the sage to check his wounds, Rhane climbs into Misha's saddle and walks her in a slow circle around the clearing, surveying the damages once again.

To think that just yesterday, this was a bustling town with a thriving community of people of all trades... and now, save for a few notable exceptions, it is just a field of rubble. We have to swear to it, Rhane - if there's any way to reverse this and put things right again - we won't stop until it's done... or until we're dead. But we'll hope for the first one, aye?

Keeping all traces of his inner emotions from his face, Rhane turns back to the group with a smile. "So, who's ready to go for a nice little ride? Better yet, does anybody have an idea where we should make our heading?"

Knowledge (Local) DC 10:
Given what you can see of the devastation and your knowledge of the city, the easiest way out of the city is likely to be through the east gate. From there you'd be able to make your way east on the Imperial road. There is a major fork leading north, toward the tower, less than a day's ride from east gate.

Female Human Wizard 7

Knowledge:local 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

Female Half-Elf Chameleon3/TWF3/Enchanter1

Glee can't fail that skill check.

Glee smiles back at Rhane. "Well, if I don't miss my mark, the East Gate is going to be the clearest route based on what I can see of the damage." She looks sadly around her, the smile fading quickly from her face. She sighs. "I suppose from there it's a turn north, towards the cold, and eventually the tower. Eventually..." The half-elf nudges her horse forward.

Male Ii'ssalak'teul Barbarian 2 / Druid 5

T'zay joins the group after his morning communion, walking quietly alongside the horses as the team moves toward the gate. He lifts his nose to sniff the air occasionally.

Female Human Wizard 7

Mayve finishes checking her gear and packs on Sadeek and hoists herself into his saddle. "The east gate then."

Mayve turns and looks back at her beloved academy, the collapsed and cracking walls drawing a sigh from her. "Master Lamere, I had hoped that my homecoming would have been longer, by your leave then."

With a light tap of her boot in the stirrup she directs Sadeek towards the street, with a glance at how the other members are readied for travel.

What time of year(season) is it?

Mayve Tearwrought wrote:
What time of year(season) is it?

Late summer/early autumn

The whole city is nearly as empty as the square you started in, though you occasionally see stragglers frantically loading belongings into carts or trying to pack just one more thing onto the back of an already burdened horse or mule. A few just wander. None seem capable of comprehending the gravity of their situation.

As you pass through the East Gate, you encounter groups of refugees on foot, some leading pack animals, which begin spaced widely on the road, but become large crowds and caravans the further you get from the city.

Most of the farm fields on the outskirts of the city have been looted, the vegetables uprooted, the fields trampled, and the animal pens smashed down. Even if only a small portion of the tens of thousands fleeing the city were looters, it appears to have been enough.

The strange flashes in the sky continue throughout the day, and you still feel the tremors, though they seem less severe as you get further from Plaeton.

There is a strange scent in the air, nothing you can place, and seems to be everywhere. It seems sweet at times, bitter at others, sometimes even vile and sulfurous, but yet still the same scent in a way that eludes your explanation.

The Imperial Road follows the river on the southern side, and as you progress you notice more and more refugees have set up makeshift camps along the banks. In a few places, you see scraps and wreckage where an unknown calamity has befallen a group.

The camps get larger along with the traveling crowds until you finally reach a stand still.

Thousands of people are gathered before the high, stone walls the of the village of Green's Crossing, built around an ancient, stone bridge, and the only river crossing for miles. From atop your mounts you can clearly see that the city gates are closed as frantic refugees beat against them trying to seek passage.

Knowledge (Nature, Geography or Local) DC20:
You know that the river here is too deep, wide, and fast for crossing. From here it heads south, and it will take at least several days of travel before you find an unwalled bridge or place safe to ford the river.

Perception DC25:
You see a man in armor standing near the gate house on this side, apparently trying to warn off the refugees beating at the gate.

Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23
She can't fail that knowledge check.

"I don't really know this area very well," Irina says, "but from the looks of that river, we aren't crossing anywhere nearby except by that bridge. Perhaps those of us that can fly should skip the crowd and find somebody inside to speak with. Perhaps once they now the urgency of our quest, they can send us a boat a safe distance upstream from the crowd."

Anyone who made the perception check in my previous post:
Point of clarification, as I think I was unclear: The armored man is standing on battlements near the gate, shouting down at the crowd. You cannot hear what he is sayings specifically at this distance over the noise of the crowd, but it's safe to assume it's something about not letting them in.

Male Human (Varisian) Wizard 2

by my count we have 6 players, of whom only 3 have mounts? Worst case, we wait until I can trade my 4th level slots for dimension door, I can take 2 mediums or 1 large on each trip.

I thought we all had mounts, procured that morning, but I might be wrong. Also, I get the impression that we're a lot further away from the city walls than a dimension door can handle. Also, I think was supposed to be Maeve.

Male Ii'ssalak'teul Barbarian 2 / Druid 5

Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (5) + 13 = 18
Knowledge Geography: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (6) + 14 = 20
Wow, sweet rolls.

T'zay seems distant, his attention focused on the chaos. Sniffing the air every so often he hisses to himself in Draconic.

I thought the horse issue had been resolved as well. Either way, T'zay does not require a mount. If Rhane saved enough from the stables for each of us, mine can be brought along as a spare.

Female Human Wizard 7

sigh i keep forgetting to change the poster, sorry. I was looking at player profiles, only 3 have horses listed as equipment. My DD range is 780' which might be enough to get across the river...

Mayve slips off her cloak and shakes off the dust of a long day on a crowded road. Rearranging the cloak on her shoulders, she sits up and works to display a more officious bearing. Make way, make way! In the name of the Academy, make way!

Mayve starts to push forward through the back of the crowd.

Male Ii'ssalak'teul Barbarian 2 / Druid 5
DM aLittleTooQuiet wrote:
With the mounts that Rhane collected from the stable, there are enough horses for each of you.

Mayve diplomacy 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

A few people recognize Mayve's authority and attempt to get out of the way, but the crowd quickly thickens to the point where it becomes a slow struggle to push forward. The crowd fills in behind you as you advance, and your horses are starting to become nervous from the throng of people pushing against them from all sides.

Mayve and anyone who is following her:
You are close enough to get a better look at the gate. You can read the perception spoiler above.

Anyone going into the crowd with Mayve who remains mounted, make a Ride or Handle Animal check (whichever is higher). If you're leading a horse, make a handle animal check.

Female Half-Elf Chameleon3/TWF3/Enchanter1

Knowledge: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

Glee arches an eyebrow as Mayve bulls her way into the crowd. She looks up at the guard and realizes he's trying to get folks to turn back, but apparently is failing miserably. She shakes her head, then turns to Irina.

"Irina, if you and Tzay can fly over and try to get that guard to open the gate, that might be a more direct route. Seems he could get that done, and he's the one currently trying to get the people to push back. I'm going to try to help Mayve."

The half-elf slips down off her horse and catches up with Mayve, also speaking loudly to everyone, trying to get them to move. "Please, everyone, we're here on Academy business, on city business, let us through so we can try to get these gates open for you. Please, I'm sorry, please, I know you're tired, I'm so sorry...let us try to help you out." The soft-hearted halfbreed is having a hard time keeping her cool surrounded by people in such dire straits.

Bluff: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (5) + 19 = 24
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18

Male Ii'ssalak'teul Barbarian 2 / Druid 5

T'zay shakes himself out of his reverie as the group move deeper into the throng. With Mayve and Glee attempting crowd control he turns to Irina, "Taking to the sskies may be an invitation to be used as target practice, adding more confusssion may not be prudent. Nor do I think we sshould be revealing the detailss of our journey to these already panicked creaturesss...."

Female Human Wizard 7

Handle Animal 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

Now that she is close enough to see what the commotion is, Mayve yells up to the man on the rampart, What goes here?!

"Very good points, T'zay. I wouldn't want to be shot down by some over-anxious boy with a crossbow. Hopefully, Maeve doesn't let her tongue flap too much, though. Now where is Sevram? Where has that young man gotten himself to?"

With a little coaxing, Mayve settles her horse, who seems to have shed any apprehension about the crowd and now follows calmly.

Glee handle animal 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Glee's horse remains somewhat skittish, occasionally snorting and making a jerking step, but the animal follows without too much protest. The crowd seems swayed by her, and several of the refugees begin aiding you in parting the crowd, making your way up to the gate much easier.

DM rolls:

Guard perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

The guard seems to hear Mayve clearly, even over the noise of the crowd. He cups his hands over his mouth and shouts down at you, pointing to the south. It's difficult to make him out over the din of the gathered masses.

Mayve & Glee - Perception DC15:

"Like I've been tellin' em, we can't keep ten thousand people here! Not enough food! Not enough guards! Follow the river south, there's a bridge only a few days' ride!"

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