DM aLittleTooQuiet |

A Matter of Time
Plaeton looms over the sea, its tall spires as awe-inspiring now as when they were pristine. It was once the jewel of the empire, larger and more prosperous than even the ancient city of Lantia itself. Many emperors had made their capitol in Plaeton, and many more did so unofficially.
The sprawling city is still a bustling trading port, though much of the city has devolved into slums where gangs rampantly prey on the weak and the unwary. The watch maintains order in the central city, the ports, and the noble quarter, and one can generally navigate the city in safety with a little caution.
On the outskirts lie villages and encampments, most of which have cropped up in the last half century as refugees from the lost Northern provinces fled south.
From outside the city walls you can make out the enigmatic White Tower to the north, only a tiny splinter in the distance, which has stood silently on the horizon for as long as anyone has gazed toward the frozen north.
The Inn of the Ancient Sage sits in the central city, across from the Academy of Wizardry, and is a favorite with worldly travelers and adventuring scholars.
Owing to its particular clientel, the Sage has maintained a degree of luxury seldom seen in the modern age. While far from the decadent splendor of the imperial age, the bustling common room seemed never be short of meat or wine.

DM aLittleTooQuiet |

@Glee, Sevram, and Rhane You ride in from the west, following the old imperial road along the river Elod toward the city gates.
Along the road you've traded fairy tales about the Tower, and a few jokes, and even dealt with a gang of ruthless highwaymen.
The gates are open, as always. You are forced into a tight crowd as you make your way past the outer walls, but the stone-paved streets are wide enough ride through if you keep an eye out for potholes.
As you arrive outside the Inn of the Ancient Sage, Glee promises to return for a round of Innkeeper Maron's ale before heading into the square and off to a side street.
@Rhane and Sevram Mrs. Maron, the plump matron of the inn, greets you by name as you walk in, quickly finding you a table. "Don't you worry none, noble gentlmen, Mr. Maron will be back up from the cellar with another barrel of ale soon as you know it! Shall I fetch you boys a bowl of the stew? It's venison today, and it's delightful!"
The common room is busy today, with a diverse crowd from all corners of the world sharing conversations in half a dozen languages.
Sure enough, Maron is tapping a new barrel within 2 minutes, and he brings the both of you a frosty mug on the house.
@Rhane Relaxation was hard coming. As you laugh and drink with your new traveling companion, you can't help but notice your hand unconsciously moving to Sir Greygor's pouch at your waist.
The key to the White Tower was rumored to be a black bracelet, smooth and featureless. You'd never totally believed the legends, that the one who found the Tower would end the world, but Sir Greygor did. He killed and died for the bracelet, and there it hung from your belt in a black leather pouch.
@Sevram Rhane seemed like an honorable knight and a skilled warrior, and he is an amiable drinking companion, but you notice that he seems distracted by a pouch hanging from his belt.

DM aLittleTooQuiet |

@Gliressa After pledging to return to the inn and join your new friends for a drink, you head into the alleys to help those less fortunate.
It's late afternoon, and the yellow light shining on the worn statues and terraces of the square outside the inn gives you a hint of the grandeur you'd have seen here a century ago.
The alleys are a sharp juxtaposition. Murky brown darkness closes in around you as you step away from the open square.
You tell stories to folks who are mostly strangers, and hear theirs. The city watch has been more aggressive pushing people out of squares and public spaces, but the alleys have been quiet, and they take their blessings where they can find them. You'd have liked to have seen more friends, but it was a big city.
Pressing deeper into the alley, you find a wrinkled, scrawny old man asleep on an old stone bench. An empty wine bottle lies on the ground next to his limp arm.
As you move closer, he lifts his head, blinking. "Y-y-you!" he says, jumping up from his sleep, "It's you! HA HA HA HA HA! I'm not too late!"

DM aLittleTooQuiet |

@Irina, Mayve, and T'zay Landing at a small port in northern Argona, Mayve and T'zay meet Irina on the coastal road.
You pass through Brewersridge on the border of Dwarven lands, where Mayve and Irina are greeted as heros and T'zay becomes the talk of the village, but otherwise the trip is largely uneventful, leaving you plenty of time to go over the details of T'zay's strange tale. You have determined that he is from the distant past, before the time of the empire, and how he came to be here and now is a mystery for which none of you, despite your combined magical knowledge, have an answer.

DM aLittleTooQuiet |

@Mayve Familiar magical flames illuminate the halls of the academy as you pass.
There have been fewer and fewer apprentices since the collapse of the empire. The carpets are still kept clean and free of loose threads, but you notice dust has accumulated in many corners, and your grandfather always described swarms of apprentices keeping every inch of the halls spotless.
You know the way through the academy, but a young apprentice still struggling with his cantrips insists he was told by master Lamere to escort you.
Darien Lamere is one of the oldest and most respected wizards in all the world. He was a colleague of your grandfather's, and one of your early teachers. Now you are glad to count him among your oldest friends.
He greets you and T'zay in his study, sending the apprentice to find tea and biscuits.
"Mayve, my star pupil, how have you been?" he gestures for the two of you to sit in the comfortable red leather chairs set near the fireplace.

DM aLittleTooQuiet |

@T'zay You follow Mayve and a nervous, stammering human through the academy, eventually ending up in a rectangular room lined with leather bound books.
A human elder dressed in fine robes greets you. Mayve has previously explained that he is her old friend and teacher, and if anyone could help you understand what happened to you, it's him.
He gestures for you to sit next to his fire in chairs made of animal hides treated so strangely that you cannot even recognize the animal they came from.

DM aLittleTooQuiet |

@Irina It was easy to remain anonymous in Plaeton, and there were always people who could use your healing arts.
The academy wizards would quickly recognize your magic, and you had little to learn from them anyhow, so you wait for your friend and the strange reptile in the common room at the Ancient Sage.
You'd found Mrs. Maron a few rare herbs in the wild, and you were always welcome. She comes back from serving bowls of stew to two warriors and greets you as an old friend.
"Irina!" she exclaims, "What a treat! I can already tell you've had a long journey! I'll get you a bowl of stew and a glass of wine and you'll have to tell me every detail!"
She quickly disappears into the crowd before you even have a chance to respond, but you know she'll be back. That woman never seems to forget.

DM aLittleTooQuiet |

Irina Moretskya |

Perception:1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28
Irina opens her mouth to thank the woman, but she's already gone. She shakes her head, allows herself a small smile on the inside, and finds her way to an empty table, if such a thing is to be had. She gratefully sets her pack down on the floor by her chair, loosens her cloak and coat, and begins to survey the room.
There is a certain amount of unease in the room, and she quickly ascertains its source. Feeling uncomfortable herself at such scrutiny, she waits for Mrs. Maron to return, and asks about the stranger.

Sevram Septimus |

Tell me good Rhane, what has you so nervous in such an excellent location? says Sevram with a smile I thought you were the kind to relax with some good ale and food. Is it some vow you make at your order? To be always vigilant or something like that. Heh, I know my share about vows but they were not meant for me, oh no. Sevram takes another sip of his tankard and smiles at Rhane while looking around.
Perception 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (20) + 13 = 33
A dark mysterious stranger in a tavern, well well, seems we are about to see something interesting Sevram calls the innkeeper My good lady I know you are a busy woman, no wonder since your ale is magnificent and your stew gives both body and soul a rest but, if I may be so bold, I have a question fo you. Sevram make a conspiratory grin and winks at the woman Would you happen to know who that man at the corner is? He reminds me of somebody but for the gods, I cannot put a name to the face! Ha

Rhane Far-Reach |

Rhane allows a tight smile to show on his face as he raises his tankard and shares a drink with his new companion. I am sorry, Sevram, truly I am. It's not some "vow" to my order that's got my stomach twisted in knots - just simple stress. Before we met on the road, I had some... misfortunes. His mind drifts back a few days to the final battle with Greygor in the ruins, surrounded by their slain entourages. Another duel between the two comes to mind, from much further in the past - when they were but two young pages, sparring with sticks in the stables of the Order.
Catching himself staring deeply into his mug, Rhane shakes his head and faintly smiles again. I'll tell you the tale sometime, my friend. Suffice it to say for now that I lost many good friends in a recent battle, and just need some time to clear my head. But, you know what's good for that? ALE! Barkeep, another round if you will!
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Distracted by the heavy thoughts in his head and his desire to drink away the past days events, Rhane doesn't notice anything out of place and, in fact, feels quite safe here - although he does keep one hand near the pouch on his belt.

Gliressa Arajdniel Narathir |

Gliressa arches a dubious eyebrow at the jugbiter on the bench. She feels Seth's smooth skin slide along around her neck as he repositions himself to get a better look at their interlocutor in the dim light while she, too, peers down at the fellow, thankful as always for the improved eyesight her elven blood grants her in the grim and drowning dusk.
Seems like the dark is getting so much...darker...these days. She gives a short chuckle at herself and shakes her head. There, and that's profundity for you. Proof I'm not a poet, anyway.
She stays where she is, but turns and smiles gently at the old man. "I'm sorry, we've met? If so, I gotta apologize as I can't recall your name at the moment..." she gives him a prodding look, hoping he'll fill in the blank for her.
She glances briefly at the wine bottle on the ground. Though really, if he even knows his own name at this point I'll be amazed. Poor old fella.

Mayve Tearwrought |

Mayve, grips Lamere's elbows in greeting "Master Lamere, it is a pleasure to be back! My quest to Mayim was a success beyond my expectations!"
Mayve steps back and pulls her pack around and digs through it for a moment, and pulls several tomes and scrolls from her haversack. "Look, these predate the Empire! I am sure this will keep you and the archivist busy for a while!"
"Oh! My apologies T'zay! Master Lamere, please meet my friend T'zay! T'zay, this is Master Lamere, headmaster of the Academy. Master Lamere, he predates the Empire as well, and that is something we wanted to discuss with you."

Sevram Septimus |

Ah, a tale of grief and sadness. I'd better let it go Sevram smiles back at Rhane as he speaks, and takes another sip of ale before saying Well, as they said at the monastery:
Time and ale
will cure what ails
He reaches towards Rhane and directs his attention to the robed man You see him there? I wager you he is here looking for someone

DM aLittleTooQuiet |

@Rhane You could have sworn that corner booth was empty, but Sevram was right, there was a man sitting in it alone, watching the room, occasionally jotting a quick note on a piece of parchment on the table in front of him. Looking around the room, everyone but the two of you and a woman at a table nearby, obviously a traveler by the pack sitting at her table, seems totally unaware of him.

DM aLittleTooQuiet |

@Irina The two warriors, one of whom appears to be a knight, seem focused on the strange man in the corner. After a quick exchange with them, Mrs. Maron approaches your table.
"Here you go sweetie," your hostess says, setting a bowl of hot stew and a glass of the house red down in front of you, "We bought a fine deer from a ranger passing through yesterday, and today's venison stew might be the best I've ever made! Now, if I'm not intruding, I'd love to hear what you've been up to lately! All those exciting travels! Makes an old innkeeper almost wish she'd picked a different line of work!"

Sevram Septimus |

Oh great, either I've gone mad or whoever that is is powerful enough to hide him in a full room, anyway, I'm royally screwed he turns back to Rhane and asks You see him don't you? Maybe it is US who he is waiting for he stands up with a determined look on his face and moves towards the man Well met, mysterious stranger or figment of my imagination! May I ask you why are you not enyoying the magnificent ale of this inn? he tries to sound friendly but he can't help some of his nerves showing.

DM aLittleTooQuiet |

@Gliressa "We've met? Yes. No! I mean not really," he stumbles through his words, fumbling awkwardly with his hands, "But that's not important! I couldn't stop it, but you can! It's not too late for you! I saw!"
He squeezes at a small, black band on his wrist, struggling to pull if off before he eyes light up in sudden recollection. He slides the bracelet from his wrist and holds it out to you, "Take this! Quickly! You have to go to the White Tower! Your friends too! Make haste! It's the only way!"
You know that no one knows the origin of the white tower, and in all your scholarship you've never heard of anyone ever reaching it successfully. Its true location is hidden by some sort of magic, even if one can survive the perilous trek through frigid lands teaming orcs, giants, and monsters.

DM aLittleTooQuiet |

@Mayve "These are excellent finds! You've always had a keen eye for these sorts of artifacts, and you outdo yourself once again!"
"When your grandfather brought you to the academy to continue your studies, it really gave us hope that the academy can still be a force for good in this world, and not simply fade into obscurity with the rest of the old ways."
He turns to regard T'zay, "Fascinating, it's a great pleasure to meet you. Surely the Swamp Mother must have big plans for her devoted child to send him so far from home! Let's just see if we can sort you out, shall we?"
As you sit down, the apprentice returns with a tray containing a teapot, 3 cups, and a plate of sweet biscuits and apple slices. Master Lamere laughs as your familiar scampers quickly to the table and grabs an apple slice, returning to your shoulder to nibble at it.
Lamere lifts the teapot and fills each cup, passing one each to you and T'zay.

Gliressa Arajdniel Narathir |

Glee's expression softens as the old man holds out the weird-looking bracelet. Poor old guy. Who's been filling his head with stories, I wonder? And this is probably a busted piece of costume jewelry his fancy amends to a magical totem. "Hey now. You don't have to give me -- or anyone -- anything." She gets down on one knee so she can look the old man in the eye, and gingerly takes the bracelet, being very careful so as not to let any of her fingers break the plane of the circle on the off-off-chance it actually is some cursed Item. She looks carefully at it, judging it with an expert's eye. She then casts that eye on him, watching body language and movement, looking for subtext and subtle signs...
Appraise on the bracelet: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
Sense Motive on the old man: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
Gross. That is not an auspicious start to Glee's relationship with the die roller. XD
I'll hold tight for the results of these checks before moving on...

DM aLittleTooQuiet |

@Glee The bracelet has a smooth, chalky feel. It has a matte finish, which a full-blooded human might not be able to discern in the dim light of the alley, but your Elven eyes can see clearly. It is perfectly round, about half an inch wide, and just large enough to slip over your hand. It's feel is slightly unusual, but it seems to made of some sort of clay-like material.
Funny, it had appeared tight against the old man's wrist. A trick of the light, perhaps.
It seems like a decorative piece a commoner might wear. It is a very hard clay, and appears to be built with care and quality, but it has little intrinsic value. A few coppers, perhaps a silver piece from a shrewd peddler.
You get no insight from a deeper inspection of the man. He seems like an old drunk who has become lost in his fantasies.
"But I *do* have to give it to you! It has to be you, it can't work any other way!" he exclaims, "It could... I don't know... it could change things! There isn't much time left! I thought I'd failed, wasted everything, but now I know the truth! I wasn't the one! Take it! Go to the tower! It's already happening! Can't you feel it in the air?! You have only minutes! It's not safe here! Take it and go!"

Irina Moretskya |

"Grand adventures? Not likely, and I would never dream of filling your head with traveler's tales so as to rob the world of one of its finest inns. I suppose, however..." She trails off as one of the men gets up to approach the stranger. She pretends to take a drink, but watches the two men over the rim of he goblet, Mrs. Maron rudely forgotten about.

T'zay Sshi'aah |

Attempting to settle himself in the oddly shaped chair, T'zay Sshi'aah regards the wizened human carefully for a moment before accepting a cup of tea. Peace to hearth and home, Eldest. Your fire is mosst welcome. Among the people I am T'zay Sshi'aah, Twice Born. That the Mother iss known here warmss my heart greatly. The wordss of Maayve Tearwrought are true. I have read the ssky and tasted her air, thiss time...it iss not my own. I quesstion not the Mother'ss judgement, it is for Her purpose alone that I am brought here. T'zo T'kji grant me the grace to accept Her fate. He sips his tea and glances at Mayve before continuing. I know little of how I came to your time, Eldest, but perhapss with your wisdom we may yet disscern the truth.... T'zay relates the tale of how he came to be in the company of Mayve starting from the last time he remembers being in his beloved swamp to when he awokened in the desert, up to his first encounter with Mayve.

DM aLittleTooQuiet |

@Irina Moretskya She laughs heartily, "Well thank you for the compliment, I'll do my best to live up to it."
Noticing your attention on the two warriors, she shakes her head, "Those two are playing some sort of game with that empty booth. I'm don't quite get it, but Sevram and Rhane are decent folk, and I'll let them have their mischief if it pleases them."
With that, she moves on to deal with her other guests.

Rhane Far-Reach |

When Sevram directed his attention to the corner booth, he raised one eyebrow in curiosity at the man that seemed to have suddenly appeared there... but when the matron of the inn seemed to think the booth was empty, he forced clarity back into his fatigued mind. Leaning forward as his companion rose to start towards the booth, he whispered a warning. Careful, friend. Whether this really is a shared hallucination or someone who has veiled themselves with Magick, approaching them could go badly. Whatever happens, though, I've got your back.
After delivering his message, Rhane took to his feet and started off through the crowded taproom at an angle from Sevram, moving to put himself between the corner booth and the door. Right then, lad, you have your fun! I'm off to get ush another drink! He attempts to project the image of one far more into his cups than he really is, slurring his speech and weaving drunkenly through the crowd in the direction of his travel as opposed to walking directly there.
Bluff:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

DM aLittleTooQuiet |

@Sevram He scoffs at your pleasantries. "Impossible," he says with a dismissive hand wave, writing another note on his parchment. "I'm here to observe. I can't be distracted. Please return to your table."
@Rhane Your bluff is either very successful or entirely unnecessary. The man in the booth seems to take no particular notice of you at all.

DM aLittleTooQuiet |

@Mayve & T'zay Master Lamere reclines in his chair, his tea held on a saucer in his left hand as he strokes the white hair of his chin with the right.
He regards T'zay for what feels like an eternity, a look of thoughtful serenity in the lines of his face.
"Well, I'm stumped," he says, rising form his chair.
He motions for you to stay seated as he approaches a wall of books to your left, next to the door where you came in.
After passing his gaze over a couple of the higher shelves, he points at a thin book bound in blue leather and it slides from the shelf and drops into his hand.
Towards the middle of the book he nods and places it open on the table in front of you. He points out a passage with a long, bony finger, "There, you see. This is a dream journal of Olyaar the Deliberate, a singularly powerful diviner who was rumored to be the founder, or at least and early patron, of the Knights of the Order of the Tome."
The Passage (Hastily scrawled in Draconic)
As I walked further my anonymous companion stopped and waved his arm before us in a broad arc. I gazed in wonder, and saw the whole of the multiverse arrayed before me.
Dread filled me then. Deep and terrible dread that crushed all hope. I suddenly understood that as simply as a wizard can look upon a familiar object in the next room, he could cast his gaze across all that was or ever would be, and that time itself could be bent to one's desire. That the past could be changed, the far future foreseen.
I knew where we were then -- the White Tower. I saw it as I saw everything else laid out in front of me. It wasn't just possible, it was accomplished.
The understanding left me when I woke, thank the Gods, but the horror of that terrible power will never leave me.
"The Order of the Tome burned every copy of that journal they ever found. Strange quirk for an organization dedicated to the preservation of knowledge, but I can't say I don't understand their motivation, even if I don't condone their actions."
"That's the original, you know," he says with a proud smirk, "It's the only description of the inside of the White Tower that the Academy has ever seen, and the only reference I know of suggesting the possibility of moving through time."
He snaps the book closed in front of you, returning it to the shelf with a wave of his hand.

Irina Moretskya |

"Empty booth? But there's a man...wait! Oh, never mind," she trails off as the innkeeper heads away.
She watches the exchange between the mysterious man and the warrior. She watches the stranger ignore the other warrior completely. She attempts to ascertain who in the inn the fellow is observing.
After all this watching and figuring, Irina figures it's time to poke the fire a bit to see what sparks come off. She begins waving her right hand gently throu the air, and crooning a soft lullaby, hexing the mysterious stranger to fall asleep.
Hex DC 18.

DM aLittleTooQuiet |

@Irina, Rhane & Sevram "This situation is absolutely intolerable!" he exclaims, pointing at Irina with the feathered end of his pen, "I don't have time for these pointless distractions! A planar discohesion event only happens once every... well... ever, I guess, and I have to record these observations."
He waves his pen in the direction of both Irina and Sevram, "I'll thank both of you to leave me to it."
He turns back to his parchment, waving Sevram away and taking down a series of figures.
None of the people crowded around the common room seem the least bit aware this interaction is taking place.

Rhane Far-Reach |

A... planar discohesion event? That doesn't sound good. Wait a minute, didn't I hear some of the Order scholars theorizing about something along those lines? Or was it a planar extinction event? Hmm...
(It's a longshot, but...) Knowledge - Arcana:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
Rhane continues to monitor the events unfolding at the corner booth as he scratches his brain for the meaning of what they're talking about.

Gliressa Arajdniel Narathir |

Glee shakes her head and laughs, putting the bracelet in a small belt pouch as she does so, then holding up her hands in a placating gesture. "Okay, okay! The White Tower it is, my friend." She takes his gnarled old hand in hers, and pats it. She smiles indulgently at the poor old sot. "The White Tower it is."
Bluff so he doesn't catch on that I'm totally humoring him: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (17) + 19 = 36
The half-elf looks down at the wine bottle again, and then hands the old man a gold piece and one of her waterskins. "Here. Be sure to drink all of this. It'll help with the hangover. The gold is to pay you for the bracelet. I better not catch you with another bottle of booze later." She says this last in mock admonishment, shaking her finger at him. I am totally going to catch him with a bottle later. Gliressa stands up, then, and says "I have to check up on the rest of the people down at the junction, there, then I'll fetch my friends and leave straightaway for the Tower, alright? You drink that water and try to get some rest. Bye now!"
She strides down the alley but doesn't go right to the end. Rather, she darts silently and, for all intents and purposes, invisibly into an unused doorway.
Using my Chameleon Favored Terrain of city, allows me to take 10 on Stealth here. Also adding 2 from my stealth pool (5 remaining for the day) for the equivalent of a Stealth roll of 30.
Once there, she sits down and pulls out the bracelet, setting it in her lap. She absently tugs one of her dreadlocks while considering the thing. 'My Friends', eh? And who would that be? As soon as she thinks it, Glee remembers Sev and Rhane back at the Inn. The thought troubles her. That's too big of a coincidence. They're nice enough fellows but I don't know I'd call them 'friends' just yet. Still…and what's this about the tower? Sighing, she releases her hair. Seth glides down from her neck and winds around her wrist, the better to aid her in the magic he senses she is about to perform.
Gliressa has a somewhat antagonistic relationship with magic. She is glad she can do it, glad for her the talents her mother's blood passed on, but she has a tremendous respect for its power; too much respect, her mother always said. Glee lived -- lives -- in denial of at least one part of her heritage to this day, knowing what trials of the will come with rising to great heights of arcane power, knowing how easily that power can corrupt, how quickly it can crush the minds of those who are not cautious, crush their families, their towns…
…their empires.
The spell is a simple one and comes to her with no difficulty. It is one she uses often. A simple divinatory spell to see if the thing is, in fact, possessed of magical properties. Glee finds herself honestly hoping it is not. I'll just finish this, throw this stupid thing away, then check on the other families and rejoin Sev and Rhane, then get some sleep before continuing south. Maybe I'll hit the academy or the libraries before leaving.
Her eyes glowing faintly, strange ringlets of power orbiting her wrist and her familiar swaying gently, she looks into the fiber of the bracelet, examines its aura.
Casting Detect Magic, holding for the requisite time to get as much info as possible out of the spell.

DM aLittleTooQuiet |

Reflex save1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Knowledge (Arcana)1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
You open your eyes and almost drop the bracelet as your senses are overwhelmed. You feel Seth recoil as you are momentarily blinded.
Slowly, your vision returns. The bracelet rests in your hands, but now it is white, shimmering with a light like the sun.
You've never seen an aura this powerful before- or heard of one.

Gliressa Arajdniel Narathir |

"Nnnggh!" Glee inhales sharply and grunts in pain. What in the name of…what was that? She waits calmly for her vision to return, then looks at the bracelet again. She pets Seth's head and hisses calmingly to him until he resumes his customary place around her neck. Well, one thing's for sure. I'm definitely not putting the damned thing on until I know more about it, at the very least. She stands and shakes herself a little bit then steps back out into the alley. The last of her rounds don't take but a few minutes, and then she circles back around towards the inn. Her steps are soft, and she moves like a shadow through the broken places of the city back towards her goal.
She stops outside the door to the Inn and looks north, in the direction of the White Tower. Somehow she feels convinced it would be useless to try to find the old man again, assuming he even actually was an old man.
Walking into the inn, the half-elf spies Sev and Rhane and waves. She sits down at the table they indicate is theirs and takes in the rest of the patrons. She smiles when Mrs. Maron -- her friend since childhood -- comes over. "How are you, luv? Things treating you well? You've met my two new acquaintances there, I trust? I hope they've been behaving themselves. They seem like nice enough fellows, traveled with me a fair ways back to the city here, but you just never know, some guys lose their heads to the ale." She winks at Mrs. Maron, then takes off her bandana and sets her crazy mass of dreadlocks free -- her mom always complained while tossing her own fetching blonde river of hair; "you look like a medusa! you should cut it all off and start over!" -- allowing herself a few brief moments of relaxation before heading back out to find a place to bunk down for the night.
Glee orders an ale, then her face gets earnest. "Are things well, Mrs. Maron? The city guard leaves you be, no trouble from the wizards, the templars, the thugs? Things are alright?" Asking after friends helps her stay focused. The puzzle of the bracelet is burning in her mind.

Sevram Septimus |

Sevram bows before the man and says Well, then I bid you farewell whatever you are. As he bows he tries to take a look at the notes the man is taking.
Perception 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21
Come Rhane, let us drink until we create a planar discohesion of our own and not invite this man he turns to Irina and with a nod of his head adds Lady, if you'd bless us with the pleasue of your company we would be most grateful, I have the feeling there is something different about all three of us

Rhane Far-Reach |

Rhane picks his way back through the crowd to their table, cool grey eyes sizing up the new woman who is relocating to join them. Looking to Sevram, he speaks. So, what happened over there? He then quickly turns back to the woman, extending a strong, rough hand to her in greeting.
The name's Rhane, ma'am. That one in the corner didn't seem too pleased with you, either - any idea what he's going on about?

DM aLittleTooQuiet |

DM aLittleTooQuiet |

@Mayve & T'zay:
"Indeed, not much use to you right now, I'm afraid. I wish I could be more helpful, but I'm glad there are always more mysteries for us to solve."
"Now, let's see this map," he says, leaning over to look at the parchment, "Yes... yes, indeed! This is very promising! The Academy scribes will want to copy this, if you don't mind. Of course you'll be able to lead any expedition to the library, if that is your wish. You'd be my first choice even if you hadn't found the map!"

Irina Moretskya |

"I'm Irina, and I have no clue. I wonder..."
She rummages in her pockets, depositing several packets of herbs on the table. Finding the one she wants, she unfolds it and eats its contents, muttering some strange words as she does so and waving her fingers over her eyes as she does so. She stares intently at the shadow man.
Bluff to disguise casting detect magic: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
She scans the man for magical auras/

T'zay Sshi'aah |

As the Eldest and his pupil begin to discuss the map, T'zay leans back in his chair contemplating the words of the book. Sensing his companion's mood, a large snake pokes his shiny brown head from under the flap of T'zay's backpack and tastes the air with a flick of the tongue before slithering out and coiling himself around the lizard's thick arm. Softly in Draconic: "Baem, my friend, be at ease. The Mother shall reveal her plan for us in Her own good time." Idly scratching the snake's jaw with an affectionate talon, he quietly sips his tea, waiting for a lull in the conversation to politely break in. "Thiss Tower, it is known to the People. Far to the north beyond the boarderss of all landsss it is sseen to rise above frozen wasstes. A dead land where no green thing growss, the hunting groundss of vile creaturess bereft of T'zo T'kji's warmth. A broken tooth festering in the Mother's flesh, thiss place is death. It iss known. Indeed, only in a Dream could thiss place be reached, for no child loved by the Mother may approach."

Gliressa Arajdniel Narathir |

After speaking with the innkeeper for a bit, Glee turns to her two new traveling companions and the third they seem just to have gained. "Hi Sev, Rhane, what's going on with that guy in the corner? You know him?" She turns to Irina. "Hi stranger, well met! I'm Gliressa. Usually called Glee. I like giving people an excuse to use that word in these times." She smiles faintly at her own tired joke, sets down her ale, and politely extends her hand to Irina.

DM aLittleTooQuiet |