AAARH! Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life for Me! IC Thread

Game Master michaelane

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Male ***INACTIVE*** Human Ranger 1| AC 19 T 15 FF 14 | HP 11/11 | F +3 R +5 W +1 | Init +3| Perc +5| SM +1

Perception check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Untrained Heal check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

There's more than a few here bear closer watch. And I'd best remember not to do anything that looks like stealing. Ursion continues to surreptitiously watch the rest of the crew for their reactions.


Down in the galley, Fishguts replies, "Bescht keep your mouth shut about that shon. Mister Plugg ish a firm believer in what he calls dishipline. Bloody Hour ish every day. Some worsh than others." He shuts up as a young girl scurries through the door into the galley. Image "This ish Caulky. The captain's cabin girl. Here to collect the food for the officers. You and I will bring the food for the rest of the men up to the main deck." Fishguts hands her a pot of fish stew which she carries out the cabin. "I'm a good cook or the captain wouldn't keep me around. Don't worry, just do what I tell you and you'll be fine."


Sorry, meant to write that you were set free before the keelhauling. You're free now. I also forgot to mention that you are considered fatigued from the rigor of the day in the bilges.


Sandara Bluff 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Sense Motive 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
You see she is trying to keep a steeled face, but her eyes and a twist of the mouth reveal she is as repulsed by this as you are.


Sense Motive 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
The crew is a really mixed bag. The six crew members who originally brought you up on deck all seem in favor or even enthusiastic about the punishment. Others seem to regard it as old hat and just the way of the ship. Some of the new members, especially a pretty red head and the man who just had lashes for shirking his work seem repulsed by the behavior.

A few minutes later, Fishguts and Atajay return to the deck with a couple large pots of fish stew that they ladle out to all who have kept their appetite.

Sorry for the huge blocks of text here at this point. After dinner, you'll be provided with daily rum rations and then you can elect to conduct a nighttime ship action...or not. I'll post that info now, but feel free to roleplay.

Nighttime Ship Actions:

Normally, you will take one nighttime ship action. But, you may attempt up to two more at night (total of 3). If you attempt a second one it will be during the middle watch in the dead of night. Only actions marked with an asterisk below may be attempted as the second action. If you do, you will have to make a Con check or be fatigued for the next day.
Sleep Go to bed early and sleep through the night (automatically recover from fatigue.

Gamble Play or gamble on a game of chance or pirate entertainment.

Entertain Make one perform check to entertain the crew.

Influence* Attempt to influence a single NPC.

Sneak* Take time exploring one area of the ship. You can take 20 on a single Perception check or other skill check, but must also make a check to avoid being discovered (Sleight of Hand or Stealth).

Steal* Attempt to open a locked door or locker. You must also make a check to avoid being discovered (Sleight of Hand or Stealth).

Human Druid (Aquatic) 1

Uriah takes his bowl of stew without comment, chewing mechanically.

"Where can a man clean up around here before bed?"

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

Atajay listens to the head chef's message. He nods toward Calky, not wanting to make another enemy with the crew.

He carries buckets of the fish stew up with Fishguts, and doles out a portion of the same to all the crewmen. Much better than climbing and falling and breaking my fool neck. Maybe this'll work out fine. Fishguts seems to be okay.

Atajay sits down and consumes his bowl of the stew, knowing he would need whatever strength he could keep from the day.

Male Elven Magus (Spell Dancer) 11

Raveneau takes his food, forcing himself to eat slowly despite his gnawing hunger pangs. He remains apart from the others for now, though keeps an eye upon the red-haired one.

I'll have more post rum-ration

A flamboyantly dressed gnome seated near Uriah suggests, "It'll be unpleasant, but you'll find a couple buckets over there." He motions to a couple buckets near the rail. "You can haul up some seawater and wash yourself off. These lads aren't much for hygiene...even when you're injured."

After dinner, Atajay and Fishguts clear out the bowls, returning a few minutes later with the rum ration. Scourge shows back up as they return. "For our new crew members, enjoy the fruits of your labor today. You'll each have a half pint of rum at the end of the day to celebrate your good fortune in livin' through another day. So, drink up, enjoy it, and know that the penalty for sellin' or spillin' it is six lashes. Good night." With that, he stalks back off. You see the rest of the crew take their rations. Some start drinking immediately, others mix it with grog, but everyone seems to be partaking. Most now head belowdecks toward the berths on the Lower Deck.

Male Elven Magus (Spell Dancer) 11

Raveneau sniffs at the drink before taking a small sip to get a taste for it...

He then looks to those who were press-ganged at the same time, expression stony - but beckoning them over to him all the same.

Human Druid (Aquatic) 1

Uriah nods.

"Thank ye friend. What do I call you?"

After his conversation with the gnome is done, Uriah will use the buckets to haul up water and clean off. When none are watching he will cast a curative spell on himself and then head below decks to sleep.

Despite the carnage earlier, Cha'Zirrak finishes his dinner promptly. Getting his share of rum, he drinks it quickly making a weird sound while choking. His eyes are a little crossed when he sees Raveneau beckon him over with the others.

"Hello good sir, I hope you are feeling better. By the way I am Chak'Zirrak, traveler extraordinaire!" Chak sticks out his hand to greet while turning his head in a slightly unsettling way.

Male Elven Magus (Spell Dancer) 11

Raveneau ignores the proffered hand, remaining at rest leaning against the railing with his rum cup in hand. "I am fine, and you may call me Raven" waiting for the others to gather and introduce themselves before continuing.

Seeming not to notice the slight, Chak makes an unusual sound which you take as laughing and says, "If I was the most common of Tengus, we'd both be Ravens of a sort. But I am not of course, my lineage is much exalted over their kind."

Male Halfling Rogue (Pirate, Scout) 1

Gimlet savors his fishstew having worked up quite the appetite in the ropes. His rum in hand, he sips at it, while making his way over to his fellow newcomers. "One day down, aye lads? I'm Gimlet. I've spent years on Chelliax ships and never been treated worse than I have today."

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

After handing out the rum, Atajay moves toward Parrot, wanting to find out more about him and the others. "Hello all. I'm Atajay, and apparently I'm going to be passing out your food for the foreseeable future. Hey Parrot, how are things?"

Human Druid (Aquatic) 1

"Uriah, as you've no doubt heard."

The man stares into his rum before tossing it down.

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

Atajay drinks his rum while continuing the conversation. "Uriah. I've got to admit, you took your beating much better than I did. I still might have been unconscious if they didn't wake me. Carrying those stew pots didn't do my already hurtin' back much good either, believe you me."

Male ***INACTIVE*** Human Ranger 1| AC 19 T 15 FF 14 | HP 11/11 | F +3 R +5 W +1 | Init +3| Perc +5| SM +1

The slight Sargavan fetches grog to mix with his rum ration, then rejoins the other newcomers. He indicates himself. "Ursion. I hear you there, Gimlet. At least the food's edible--thanks, Atajay. Hey, you ever want some climbing pointers, just ask."

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

"Thank you, Ursion. You climbed like a freaking monkey! But I think I'll keep my one good leg right here on the ground, my friend. Much less likely to break my neck in the kitchen, I suppose. And actually, the cook seems like an okay guy. Seems to be a fan of the rum, but who can blame him around this place."

Male Halfling Rogue (Pirate, Scout) 1

"How either of you survived that fall is astounding. Here I doubt I can get all this down, and you look like you need it more than I." He holds it out to Uriah, but then stops and pulls it back. He looks around, "This don't count as 'selling or spilling', does it?"

Seeing no one paying too much attention, he finishes handing it to Uriah, but takes is empty in exchange.

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

"All it took was one fall, and it made me realize I don't intend on climbing again, unless there is a cutlass at my throat. Which could happen I guess..." Atajay grumbles, salving his pain by drinking his rum.

Male Elven Magus (Spell Dancer) 11

Raveneau listens to the words as they flow, but does not engage in the small talk. Nursing his cup of rum he sermonises "It is clear that we are cheap cargo... to be endured as we are needed, but not so much that we could not be rendered to flotsam if it so suited the captain and his cronies. It would fall to us then to decide if we wish to endure that fate... or strive for another." sipping his rum.

Those that drink the rum straight find it to be staggeringly strong. It is quickly clear why some choose to water theirs down into grog.

I'll need a Fort save from everyone except Gimlet who needs to give me a Stealth check. Consider those standard rolls for the rum ration moving forward.

Male Elven Magus (Spell Dancer) 11

Fort Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

Unused to the strength of alcohol at all, Raveneau struggles with the heady brew...

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

Fort save 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

After a few pulls of rum, Atajay begins to sway. "Thish is a lil stronger than I sought, I mean I thought..."

Lol, I wonder how bad that failed save is gonna be...

fort save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Chak's system had no way to process the rum.

Male ***INACTIVE*** Human Ranger 1| AC 19 T 15 FF 14 | HP 11/11 | F +3 R +5 W +1 | Init +3| Perc +5| SM +1

Fort save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

Remember Ursion mixed his with grog.

Ursion nods in agreement with the elf. "Well, they're shir-shorthanded for a ship this size, if they want to have enough hands on board to mount an attack." The young ranger hiccups. "Your pardon. So we're only useful alive so long as we work, and then we're only useful to keelhaul, to encourage the rest." He gets unsteadily to his feet prior to heading below. "I don't aim to ride that rope, gentlemen. Good evening."

Male Halfling Rogue (Pirate, Scout) 1

Stealth -> 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26

Gimlet takes a few sips at his empty mug. "Got myself off a boat once, I figure given the right situation it could happen again...but I definitely aint, aint, aint looking to scrape barnacles of the bottom of this tub."

Human Druid (Aquatic) 1

Fort: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

Uriah glances down at his rum and then at his new found companions.

I suppose they keep it strong to prevent rebellion. I'll have to watch that.

Male Elven Magus (Spell Dancer) 11

Watching the back of Ursion as he leaves Raveneau does not doubt his words... though a question unanswered forms. To those that remained "We are each alone... but until you give me reason not to, I will stand at your side. Ursion spake true we should keep to our tasks and see what we may do to prevent the lash... and until the time comes, should also seek to improve our lot."

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

"Im on your side, brother," Atajay slurs, as he throws his arm around the elf, clearly feeling the effects of the stron rum.

"I am good at distraction and tales. I also know a couple songs beyond the one I used on you earlier Raven, one that is soothing and sometimes puts people to sleep, and another song that is soft as a whisper yet I can speak with another someone else. If any of these things can be of use in improving our situation, then count me in."

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

"Parrrrot, we can do some of the same things, it sheems. Don't tell nobody, though. I don't want anyone to beat us up to make us show off," the sorcerer whispers to the tengu.

He whispers back, "I learned a trick where I can disguise my spell-songs as normal songs. It may come in handy some point down the road."

Male Elven Magus (Spell Dancer) 11

Shrugging off the camaraderie of the sorcerer and turning to face him"You work in the kitchen, yes?" and after a positive response "We need knives. I would not want to be unarmed if one comes for us... apart from that, we should watch and learn."

Pirate King - did the rum have any ill effect for Raveneau?

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

Im kind of waiting on the DM to update with the effects of the rum before I engage in serious talks, like kitchen knives and things. I'm betting as low as my save, that might have to wait for the next night...

Sorry all, I have a visitor in tonight. Thought I'd be able to slip off. Instead I'll have a further post up in the am.

GM rolls:

Raveneau 1d4 ⇒ 1 1d8 ⇒ 1 1d3 ⇒ 1
Atajay 1d4 ⇒ 2 1d8 ⇒ 7 1d3 ⇒ 1
Chak'Zirrak 1d4 ⇒ 3 1d8 ⇒ 8 1d3 ⇒ 1
Ursion 1d4 ⇒ 2 1d8 ⇒ 7 1d3 ⇒ 1
Uriah 1d4 ⇒ 4 1d8 ⇒ 8 1d3 ⇒ 3

The strong rum leaves you feeling both giddy and exhausted. Even Ursion is feeling pretty darn happy by the time he finishes his watered down pint.
You are all fatigued, but also feeling giddy (like perhaps you have a Cha bonus) :)

Ursion heads below decks to get some sleep, finding that Scourge's toadies have staked off an area near the fore of the deck where they are playing cards, but that there is plentiful space for him to string up a hammock toward the aft.

Just need to know which ship actions you guys plan to take tonight (besides Ursion who is clearly going for the good night's rest). Sorry if I'm leaving you a little in the dark on the effects, but I think it will play out a little better that way.

Male Elven Magus (Spell Dancer) 11

Feeling the effects of the rum weighing on his mind, Raveneau decides not to risk anything tonight. Retreating to the hold, he strings a hammock and gets some rest.

Sleep action

Human Druid (Aquatic) 1

Wash off, CLW for 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3, then Sleep for me.

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

Seeing the majority of the newcomers stringing up hammocks for the evening, the sorcerer decides to follow suit. It took much longer than it should due to the stong drink, but after his fall, his beating, and after the long day of work, Atajay passed cleanly out, snoring loudly as he slept.

Sleepy first night :) Just need Gimlet and Chak'Zirrak

Male Halfling Rogue (Pirate, Scout) 1

At talk of stealing knives, Gimlet swallows hard. "I found it best to not be seen and not make problems. That got me pretty far. Don't look for trouble, but always, always, always be ready to take an advantage." As the others make for their hammocks, it seems safest to comply for tonight. As he lays in his high hung hammock he thinks, Never go making trouble..., as he drifts off.

Chak will just find a place to sleep. need to be alert for tomorrow

Day 2


Atajay 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14 succeeds
Uriah 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 fails
Poor Uriah is off to a rough start in this campaign.


You wake to the chime feeling terrible. The combination of being locked in the bilges all day and strong rum led you too a fitful sleep and it felt like all night the ship was rolling horribly making you sick to your stomach. Perhaps it is the misfortune of sleeping below deck instead of our under the stars.
Game effect: You are nauseated (unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate on spells, or anything else requiring attention, single move action per turn).

The chime of the ship's bell signals the start of the work day. For most of you, despite the strong rum and hard days work yesterday, you feel surprisingly good. Around you, your fellow crew members scramble to head up to the main deck for today's work assignments. As you join them to head up the stairs, you find your way blocked by six of Scourge's toadies. Aretta Bansion, Fipps Chumlett, Jaundiced Jape, Maheem, Tam 'Narwhal' Tate, and Slippery Syl Lonegan stand in front of the steps.

More GM Rolls:

1=Atajay, 2=Chak'Zirrak, 3=Gimlet, 4=Raveneau, 5=Uriah, 6=Ursion
1d6 ⇒ 1

"In a hurry Cookie?" says Chum, letting out a mocking laugh and shoving Atajay in the chest.


Atajay 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
Chak'Zirrak 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Gimlet 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Raveneau 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Uriah 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Ursion 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Toadies 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Round 1: Gimlet, Chak'Zirrak, Raveneau, Atajay, Ursion, Uriah, Toadies

Pirate King:

Not sure if the seas sickness spoiler was for everyone but I clicked on it. If Chak is able to notice he will remove the seasickness (uses my perform check for a resave vs seasickness and the like

perform: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22

If Chak doesn't know or notice then he won't, and if the seasickness tab is supposed to stay hidden and not viewed I will refrain in the future

Male Halfling Rogue (Pirate, Scout) 1

"Whoa there, Chum, is it? We ain't looking for no, no, no trouble trouble." Holding up his empty hands, Gimlet's eyes roam looking for a place to duck into, or short of that, something to defend himself with.

Full defensive +4 AC = 18 AC

Perception -> 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11


Give me a Perception or Heal check to notice. Otherwise, if Uriah complains of it, that will be suitable too. I'm fine with you directly asking people too.

Chum growls, "Yeah, well trouble found you, midget."
Round 1: Gimlet, Chak'Zirrak, Raveneau, Atajay, Ursion, Uriah, Toadies

Male Elven Magus (Spell Dancer) 11

Round 1: 9/11 HP, AC 12

Muscles limber though his eyes are hard and narrowed, Raveneau quickly takes in the situation. Any thought of a peaceful solution disappear at the fat one's response to Gimlet. I will not be cowed... Staring balefully at Chum, the elf spits in his face before leading with a gut punch...

Unarmed Attack (non-lethal): 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 3 + 2 = 13 for 1d3 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 + 2 = 6

Ya know, a map might help...

Current Map

Round 1: Gimlet, Chak'Zirrak, Raveneau, Atajay, Ursion, Uriah, Toadies

Ignore the hammocks and assume they're put away.

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

"Hold them off, Parrot," Atajay mutters as he moves back to H 7, and begins casting his Sleep spell at the largest group of thugs he can target, at the junction of D 6 and E 6.

Human Druid (Aquatic) 1

Round 1


HP = 12/12
AC = 16/12/14
Weapon Equipped = None
Speed = 30'
Rage/day = 5/5
Druid Spells Memorized (CL 1, 3 melee touch, 2 ranged touch):
1 Obscuring Mist, Cure Light Wounds*, Air Bubble
0 Know Direction*, Detect Magic, Light
* = allows save, DC = 13 + level of spell
Status Effects = Nauseated

Uriah, sick from the rum and the bilge, stands back.

Nauseated by Seasickness and Grog (save must have been higher than 21) I am unable to do...anything at all. Very frustrated right now.

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