#1-47: The Darkest Vengeance [Tier 1-2] - GM Rutseg (Inactive)

Game Master Balacertar

Roll20 Campaign
How to create your PFS character for PbP

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Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Hi, please check-in in 24h.
You can discuss here character choices here.
I will start also the Gameplay thread, but we will remain in the introduction act for a couple of days in case we can cover the remaining melee slot.

Please, note you will need a Roll20 free account to get access to the encounter maps. Once you launch the campaign (see link in the top), please select in the settings a name for your player wich identifies you as the character you are playing (at least place between brackets your character name).

12784-18 Norman Quixote Dragon Rider
Faction: Dark Archive

Norman Quixote.

Unfortunately no Spanish here....

A bit of background added to stats...

Will come up with some description tomorrow ... Monday nights is RL PFS.

Liberty's Edge

HP 91/70+21 | |Ac 24 T 17 FF 19 (+4 Shield)(incl mutagen)| Init +7 | Fort +13 Ref+17 Will +8 (+2 heroism)| Resist Cold/Elec/Fire 5| Perception +13 +2 | Darkness 1/1 | Bombs 18/18 | Fly 11/11 | Reroll 1/1
Active Spells:
Heightened Awareness, Heroism, False Life (greater), Tongues

Checking in, crunch is done on profile, will add a background later

Scarab Sages

HP 10/10 | AC 14 T 13 FF 12 | F +3 R +2 W +0 | Init +6 | Perc +5 | 1st—color spray (2, DC 17), silent image (DC 17) | Blinding Ray (7/day)

Checking in here...

Your Name: Sanford Geoffrey
Your Character's Name: Rufus Rufinus
Your Character's PFS Number: # 152514-5
Faction: Scarab Sages

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling | Rogue (Acrobat) 8 | AC 19 T 16 FF 14 | HP 25/38 | F +3 R +9 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc +7

Checking in.

Your Name: Beatrice Pscheidl
Your Character's Name: Bolger Greenbottle
Your Character's PFS Number: # 123480-7
Faction: Grand Lodge
No Day Job

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Faction missions no longer provide Prestige Points. Thus, I will not provide you with them unless you actively request them for fluff.

Liberty's Edge

HP 91/70+21 | |Ac 24 T 17 FF 19 (+4 Shield)(incl mutagen)| Init +7 | Fort +13 Ref+17 Will +8 (+2 heroism)| Resist Cold/Elec/Fire 5| Perception +13 +2 | Darkness 1/1 | Bombs 18/18 | Fly 11/11 | Reroll 1/1
Active Spells:
Heightened Awareness, Heroism, False Life (greater), Tongues

Just to be sure: gameplay is open.

Day Job, Crafters Fortune take 10: 10 + 13 + 5 = 28

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Summoner/1

Norman is a Professional Librarian so does have a day job ..

Day job roll Prof(Librarian) 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

I think we are all checked, thus, if no other interactions arise in next 12h, I will assume you are ok with the current action and proceed with the next act.

You are free to buy new material before leaving to the manor.

I think we are ok now. Thus, only if someone drops or the party so desires I will recruit one of the fighters in the thread.

Silver Crusade

Male Aasimar Cleric 3 | HP 22/27 | AC 18; TCH 10; FF 18 | F +5; R +1 W +6 | CMB+4; CMD 14 | Speed 20 | Init +0

Your Name: José M. Giménez-García
Your Character's Name: Seinto
Your Character's PFS Number: 116819-4
Faction: Silver Crusade (I'd like to know the faction mission id there is one, btw)
Day Job: Heal: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13 (thanks to Temple vanity)

Launched campaign in Roll20 and changed the name. Anything else I should do?

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Some of you have still not entered the game in Roll20. Until you don't enter and set your character name (on settings), you won't be able to see/move properly your character.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Let me know if you experience problems with the map lighting.

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Summoner/1

I don't see anything other than a black picture on Roll20.
Will try another machine later.

I have no problem with the party characters telling Norman to be quiet, or to stop being such an idiot. I won't get upset and in the most part neither will Norman. Obviously downright rudeness and obscenities are more difficult for him to handle. But he is supposed to be an annoying sort of character, with a heart of gold. If told to do something, he probably will given a reasonable explanation.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

I have assigned your character to your player, you shall see now. I cannot assign characters until you have loged in to the campaign at least once.

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Summoner/1

In your list of perception rolls, you might want to add Donneld the eidion +4.

Oh, and I can see the table now ...thx.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Ok. For sake of sanity and good pace we will make your eidolon act at same initiative of you. Is that ok?

GM Rutseg wrote:
Ok. For sake of sanity and good pace we will make your eidolon act at same initiative of you. Is that ok?

Yes, that's fine. Oh and Norman's perception is +1, not +3 as in the block.

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Summoner/1

Went moving around the manor, and lost my characters (both Norman and Donneld). They seem to have gone off the edge. Sorry, all new to Roll20.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Don't know how you did, but you moved out the edge of the map, I had to rescue you from the void xD
Don't try to move into hidden areas again.

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Summoner/1

I'll try not to, thanks GM, rescued from the abyss.

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling | Rogue (Acrobat) 8 | AC 19 T 16 FF 14 | HP 25/38 | F +3 R +9 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc +7

Hm, I opened the Roll20 Campaign, but the map is all black for me :(

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Character assigned. You should have sight now.

I have to fly out tomorrow for a business trip starting on monday. I might be missing in action for a few days. Please GMPC my character starting tomorrow. If my character dies while I'm away, I won't shed any tears. We're first level after all.

Silver Crusade

Male Aasimar Cleric 3 | HP 22/27 | AC 18; TCH 10; FF 18 | F +5; R +1 W +6 | CMB+4; CMD 14 | Speed 20 | Init +0

Sorry guys, I couldn't post for a few days. Family issues.

Can we have Tranquillo's character move in with us, I'm sure he would especially as he has darkvision, and Tranquillo has given permission to let the GM move and play him.

I'm not so sure that using the R20 map is helping the game move forward very quickly in pbp mode. I am happy for Norman to move with the party, if it makes sense, and I haven't posted to do it. Especially when we move together forward with the cleric with the light.

Doing the R20 stuff would be really brilliant if we were playing in real time, rather than pbp. I've never used it before, but can see its really good.

This is just my opinion and I am quite happy to continue with R20 for the adventure, perhaps we can use it during encounters rather than when we are walking around.

Just thought we ought to discuss it...

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

I can see where the problem comes from. But I think it should be like that. Not having a light source or special vision in this adventure is really hampering. Thus, if you are having that disgusting feeling while others don't, I will consider it as a plus.

Don't know how the guys with Darkvision/Light sources are feeling at this respect.

Liberty's Edge

HP 91/70+21 | |Ac 24 T 17 FF 19 (+4 Shield)(incl mutagen)| Init +7 | Fort +13 Ref+17 Will +8 (+2 heroism)| Resist Cold/Elec/Fire 5| Perception +13 +2 | Darkness 1/1 | Bombs 18/18 | Fly 11/11 | Reroll 1/1
Active Spells:
Heightened Awareness, Heroism, False Life (greater), Tongues

I am of two minds regarding Roll20:

- I guess / hope it is easy to use for the GM
- I like the ambient lighting, makes you more part of the action

- My character would know what areas he has already visited look like, I need to go back and forth with my PC to check everything again
- BIG ONE: it does not run on my work laptop, which I use while commuting to check the boards. And it also does not really work on my iPhone

All in all I prefer google docs as a map tool, because I can interact with the map more often.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Well that's deffinetely annoying if you can only work the map from home. It happens similar to me with google docs, I can view it like an image but not manipulate it. I usually connect through android and Roll20 works fine though.
In any case, I hope to handle most action in the messageboards, and until we find a better solution you can try to just describe at your best your actions when it comes to tactical movement and I will try to resolve upon that.
But this is not combat heavy scenario, and there has been no tactical situations so long. Thus, I hope once everybody flights back home we can resume the initial pace.

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf 5 Fighter HP 49/49; AC 22/11/21; F+7, R+4, W+2* | Init +2 | Percept +6* | SM +0 |

I must have a setting wrong on Roll20 as I can't see anything except a blackscreen when I log into the campaign. Any suggestions?

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

I still did not had your player in the campaign. I was able now to assign you to your character and you should be able to see now :)

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf 5 Fighter HP 49/49; AC 22/11/21; F+7, R+4, W+2* | Init +2 | Percept +6* | SM +0 |

Thanks will check it at next opportunity

Silver Crusade

Male Aasimar Cleric 3 | HP 22/27 | AC 18; TCH 10; FF 18 | F +5; R +1 W +6 | CMB+4; CMD 14 | Speed 20 | Init +0

Just realized I was given an incorrect amount of gold in the last chronicle sheet. I was given the higher tier instead of the out-of-subtier.

I have corrected both the chronicle sheet and the character sheet. I ended with negative gold, so I have 'unbuyed' the boots of the cat.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Note taken, no problem ;)

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

I am sorry for that Seinto, it was really unlucky. :/
Fortunately you have a good constitution score.

Silver Crusade

Male Aasimar Cleric 3 | HP 22/27 | AC 18; TCH 10; FF 18 | F +5; R +1 W +6 | CMB+4; CMD 14 | Speed 20 | Init +0

Well, at least is good it was against me. Probably I'm the only one who can survive that attack.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Summoner's and thieves have good UMD, and Orik is a solid fighter there, so let's see what happens.

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Summoner/1

Summoner's may have good UMD, but not Norman at the moment... no skill points in that.

P.S. ... if we make it to tomorrow ... Norman will learn Magic Fang instead of Unseen Servant.

Liberty's Edge

HP 91/70+21 | |Ac 24 T 17 FF 19 (+4 Shield)(incl mutagen)| Init +7 | Fort +13 Ref+17 Will +8 (+2 heroism)| Resist Cold/Elec/Fire 5| Perception +13 +2 | Darkness 1/1 | Bombs 18/18 | Fly 11/11 | Reroll 1/1
Active Spells:
Heightened Awareness, Heroism, False Life (greater), Tongues

Although Ketill does not do anything at the moment I want to let you know that I will be away for the weekend, I will be back on Tuesday.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Ok, thanks for letting us know!
I don't think combat will last for more than tomorrow. I am re-reading this suggestion thing, but I don't see any reason for this spell to end before 4 hours have passed. I have checked the rules, the forums and even posted a question to no result. So if you know of any faq or discussion post about the topic of on-going actions under the suggestion spell, please, let me know.
I don't think it will be any problem to wait for Ketill to end his performance any way while taking care of Seinto.

Liberty's Edge

HP 91/70+21 | |Ac 24 T 17 FF 19 (+4 Shield)(incl mutagen)| Init +7 | Fort +13 Ref+17 Will +8 (+2 heroism)| Resist Cold/Elec/Fire 5| Perception +13 +2 | Darkness 1/1 | Bombs 18/18 | Fly 11/11 | Reroll 1/1
Active Spells:
Heightened Awareness, Heroism, False Life (greater), Tongues

4 hours and one save? Wow...

Ketill wrote:
4 hours and one save? Wow...

But you play so well ...

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Well the spell just points it fails if asked to do something harmful. Not the case here.

I had my doubts on what would happen if the doll attacks you if she disliked your performance. My bet was that probably would break the spell. But the case did not arise.

The spell specifically says you continue to do the task for the whole duration of the spell. And it do not helps us with any clue on about what happens if your allies are having difficulties in front of you.

You can certainly take any action not preventing you to keep playing.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Well, we are almost done, Seinto's aasimar powers rendered the otherwise terrible encounter almost irrelevant :)

Thus we will start proceeding to collect your PFS numbers.
Please provide also faction (just to cross check) and Dayjob roll if available.

Liberty's Edge

HP 91/70+21 | |Ac 24 T 17 FF 19 (+4 Shield)(incl mutagen)| Init +7 | Fort +13 Ref+17 Will +8 (+2 heroism)| Resist Cold/Elec/Fire 5| Perception +13 +2 | Darkness 1/1 | Bombs 18/18 | Fly 11/11 | Reroll 1/1
Active Spells:
Heightened Awareness, Heroism, False Life (greater), Tongues

PFS 248617
Faction: Liberty's edge
Day Job, crafters fortune: 1d20 + 11 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 11 + 5 = 30

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling | Rogue (Acrobat) 8 | AC 19 T 16 FF 14 | HP 25/38 | F +3 R +9 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc +7

PFS # 123480-7
Faction: Grand Lodge

No Day Job

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf 5 Fighter HP 49/49; AC 22/11/21; F+7, R+4, W+2* | Init +2 | Percept +6* | SM +0 |

PFS #: 75247-2
Faction: Grand Lodge
No Day job.

Thanks for running this. It was fun!

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Summoner/1

PFS #: 12784-18
Faction: Grand Lodge
Day Job: Profession(Librarian) 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

And second Orik's words, thank you for a lot of fun.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Tnanks a lot for playing!

I would love to hear your feelings about the game session and the scenario in general. I know this one is the kind that can be confusing as lot of information is going on in the backscene and not provided in a direct way to the players. Although it usually results into a dark trap you had the perfect skills for the game, so I guess it played more than easy at that level. Please, ask if you want to know about specific mechanics of the scenario or what would have happened if conditions had been others.

If you have any advise to improve the gaming experience, you are more than welcome.

You can find your chronicles here. The session has been fully reported, so you should see it now in your Sessions folder. Please let me know if something is wrong.

I will close the campaign in a couple of days, though you can always come back to the threads and reread or ask questions in here.

Best regards,


Liberty's Edge

HP 91/70+21 | |Ac 24 T 17 FF 19 (+4 Shield)(incl mutagen)| Init +7 | Fort +13 Ref+17 Will +8 (+2 heroism)| Resist Cold/Elec/Fire 5| Perception +13 +2 | Darkness 1/1 | Bombs 18/18 | Fly 11/11 | Reroll 1/1
Active Spells:
Heightened Awareness, Heroism, False Life (greater), Tongues

My feelings about the scenario: indeed a log of information that turned out not to be needed thanks to Seinto's spell. A lot of times I also did not know exactly what was expected from us in the scenario.

In that respect I do not know if I like the lightning effect in Roll20, because it is hard to get a real feel for the environment when you can only see a small bit of it.

There are no things I think you could have done differently to improve my experience of the scenario, thanks for running it!

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