Areelu Vorlesh's CON Score

Wrath of the Righteous

Scarab Sages

Can anyone tell me how Areelu Vorlesh's Constitution Score was arrived at?

48 is awfully high considering she's a Witch who needs a high INT score.

Here's what I figure, for sure, have been added:

- Belt of Physical Perfection (+6 Enhancement Bonus to CON, STR, and DEX)
- Energuman (+6 Profane Bonus to CON)
- Half-Succubus template (+4 to CON)

Now you could add all the leveling up points (+5), the +8 points from being 8th tier, a +5 Manual of Bodily Health, etc.

The problem with adding all that to CON, though, is you can't also add them to INT (except for another book, of course).

There's about +20 to CON missing.

The only thing I can figure is she has gotten some sort of special, undisclosed bonus to CON from Deskari or some other source. I have noticed all the Demon Lords, Archdevils, and Empyreal Lords have also gotten some sort of special CON bonus.

Could I just get a confirmation that such unique, demigod-like creatures all get a uniform CON bonus as soon as the ascend to "demigodhood"?


Plot armor made manifest. ;)

It hardly matters as she gets blown away if the PCs are doing anything that resembles character optimization with the Mythic rules.

A properly constructed spellcaster can one-shot Deskari unless he/it rolls a 20 on the saving throw.

Scarab Sages

RainOfSteel wrote:

It hardly matters as she gets blown away if the PCs are doing anything that resembles character optimization with the Mythic rules.

A properly constructed spellcaster can one-shot Deskari unless he/it rolls a 20 on the saving throw.

Thanks for not answering the question.

Anyone else?

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One time JJ said that various NPCs are built as monsters first and foremost. So her familiar has class levels and its own mythic tiers. She needs to have the HP expected for her CR, thus her Con gets increased. Are there specific rules for how she got there? Not to my knowledge. She's built as an encounter, not a PC.

She put 17 points into con to give her an 18 starting score? Which leave you 2 short.

Scarab Sages

Lemartes wrote:
She put 17 points into con to give her an 18 starting score? Which leave you 2 short.

No, I'm talking +20 to CON beyond her starting CON (16 or 18) + Books, + Belt, + levels, etc.

It's like it's a +20 Nascent Demon Lord Bonus to CON.

Scarab Sages

Benjamin Medrano wrote:
One time JJ said that various NPCs are built as monsters first and foremost. So her familiar has class levels and its own mythic tiers. She needs to have the HP expected for her CR, thus her Con gets increased. Are there specific rules for how she got there? Not to my knowledge. She's built as an encounter, not a PC.

Maybe. I can tell you that I can calculate her HPs like she was a PC and they come out EXACTLY to the 551 she has in Book 6.

I just added up everything you had there and got more than 48.

I guess I misread what you posted. So you mean without books and belts etc?

Arkat wrote:
Benjamin Medrano wrote:
One time JJ said that various NPCs are built as monsters first and foremost. So her familiar has class levels and its own mythic tiers. She needs to have the HP expected for her CR, thus her Con gets increased. Are there specific rules for how she got there? Not to my knowledge. She's built as an encounter, not a PC.
Maybe. I can tell you that I can calculate her HPs like she was a PC and they come out EXACTLY to the 551 she has in Book 6.

Yes... I was saying that as she was built as an encounter, her attributes won't necessarily match up to what attributes you could reasonably achieve as a PC. Some NPCs do, others don't. But they usually just seem to decide about how many HP they need for a CR, and adjust Constitution/Feats until they are close to that number, regardless of how the creature could get that Con score.

Scarab Sages

Lemartes wrote:

I just added up everything you had there and got more than 48.

I guess I misread what you posted. So you mean without books and belts etc?

I didn't mean to include leveling points because she would likely have used those for her INT score. Her +8 stat points for being 8th tier would also likely have been added to her INT as well for the same reason...she's a Witch.

Scarab Sages

Benjamin Medrano wrote:
Arkat wrote:
Benjamin Medrano wrote:
One time JJ said that various NPCs are built as monsters first and foremost. So her familiar has class levels and its own mythic tiers. She needs to have the HP expected for her CR, thus her Con gets increased. Are there specific rules for how she got there? Not to my knowledge. She's built as an encounter, not a PC.
Maybe. I can tell you that I can calculate her HPs like she was a PC and they come out EXACTLY to the 551 she has in Book 6.
Yes... I was saying that as she was built as an encounter, her attributes won't necessarily match up to what attributes you could reasonably achieve as a PC. Some NPCs do, others don't. But they usually just seem to decide about how many HP they need for a CR, and adjust Constitution/Feats until they are close to that number, regardless of how the creature could get that Con score.

Unfortunately, that makes a certain amount of sense.

I was trying to glean some "hidden" information like maybe the existence of a Demon Lord, Empyreal Lord, or Infernal Duke template that I could use to "advance" a retired PC with.


Arkat wrote:
Lemartes wrote:

I just added up everything you had there and got more than 48.

I guess I misread what you posted. So you mean without books and belts etc?

I didn't mean to include leveling points because she would likely have used those for her INT score. Her +8 stat points for being 8th tier would also likely have been added to her INT as well for the same reason...she's a Witch.

Probably a moot point now, but did you try and add up her int etc. for comparison?

Scarab Sages

No, I didn't.

It's moot now as I've lost interest.

Did you take into account that she is a Half-Succubus, racial bonus of +10 to Con. Maybe some other Deskari granted boon for the last 10pts.

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